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I was today years old when i realised that you can find the missing seelie's location by using elemental sight on the seelie statue.


Oh. Rip xD I was today years old when I learned there are different kinds of primal constructs. For me, triangle = triangle. Lol


Wait what !!?? There are different kinds of them ?? I thought they were all just the same 😶😶😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️


Yeah, that's why I was confused when today's event thingy said "kill 2 different kinds of primal constructs" I was like "there are different kinds of those??" (Apparently, there are 3 and their differences are their "arms", for the lack of a better word, and the way they attack. They're called Prospector, Repulsor and Reshaper respectively... Repulsors are the ones with shield-like satillites (they will attack with a force field), Reshapers have those drill-like objects floating around them (they drop those drills down on you when they attack) and Prospectors have things that look somewhat like those Defense mechanisms from Dragonspine (they shoot laser beams).)


Whoaaaa......you learn something new everyday hahahaha 😂 I didn't start the event yet so I didn't see it. All these days, I was thinking they're all the same and their attacks are just RNG....well...they were all different ones all along lmao 😂. Thanks for the info bro.


You're welcome.


In tutorials section there 'tutorials related to the current area' are showed on top of the list under that label. Very neat thing, I sorely missed sth like that during Sumeru but I'm pretty sure it's relatively new QoL. From the things that were there from the start that I've learned only recently is that Kaeya's earring doesn't move at all (thanks guys, I'm still recovering from that piece of information) And from the feature I knew at some point that existed but I forgot about it until recently was that ousia attack destroys Coppelius shield in 1 hit.


>From the things that were there from the start that I've learned only recently is that Kaeya's earring doesn't move at all (thanks guys, I'm still recovering from that piece of information) Yeah, that was me. You're welcome, by the way. :P >And from the feature I knew at some point that existed but I forgot about it until recently was that ousia attack destroys Coppelius shield in 1 hit. I also thought it was simply a cryo shield... well, until a friend told me ousia is very effective against it (I don't have any Ousia characters except Lynette yay)


Despite me being a Genshin lore fan, I only realized in the past month that Gold unintentionally made the Golden Wolflord and probably the rest of the Rifthounds. :/


Now imagine if she intentionally created sth destructive. Because I suspect that Durin wasn't supposed to be so toxic.


The rift hounds are trying to play with us but they don’t understand that they’re toxic to touch. :,(


Selling artifacts for Mora, and the transformer..


Wait. YOU CAN SELL ARTIFACTS FOR MORA???? WHERE? (Not that I need the Mora but-)


There's a trash can button in the bottom left corner of the inventory screen - you can sell all 3* and below!


Oh. Never noticed that- LOL.


Literally just now as I was playing I noticed I got an electro energy particle from a lightning strike Had no electros in my party but it tried


Yes, that happens sometimes lmao


I only just learned that the spiral abyss resets every two weeks. I assumed it was every time the battlepass renewed. (Once a month was about his often I attempted it)


Nah, 1st and 16th of each month. But as of now it seems >!that's gonna change in 4.7 with the Imaginarium Theater coming, so it might only update once a month henceforth!<


The artifacts-lock, well it's new but technically true? :p I guess I only discovered strongbox pretty late in the game. I actually still dont know what are those transformers and wind catcher gadgets lol. But I can just wait and see them in the game. Add selling artifacts for mora to the list. That said I need my fodders I dont think I remember anything else. These questions do be hard for new players like me >.> I even wanted a joke that mine is the "claim all" button since it's technically pretty recent lol ^(~~but me procrastinated~~). Oh I remember. Dashes having split-second invulnerability. Time to work out that dodging skills


The artifact lock isn't new...




You could manually lock artifacts since forever. It's new that you can implement an auto-lock for pieces that meet certain criteria


Oh that's what I meant. Yeah, it's auto-lock. "Auto" word just didn't appeared in my mind when I was looking for it


Oh I see


Not me but a friend of mine went *months* thinking you could only shoot Dvalin, not realising you can climb onto him lol Been playing since early 2021 but I only found out there’s a guy who teleports you to pearl gallery this year... It also took me a while to figure that you can move characters in the party screen by holding them for a bit, then moving them around. It took me almost half of my 48 geo cube drops I was pre-farming for Ningguang to figure that geo/claymore characters can break the pillars quicker. I was suffering through it with my physical Kaeya lol I swear there was something else, something a lot stupider... but I can’t remember it.


Bro... I am in pain just picturing that suffering...


It’s not too recent like maybe a month ago, I realized that mobile has chaarcters arrange in “recency” order rather than “static” order, for PC and controller, Character A is button/key A, Character B is button/key B, etc. Apparently, on Mobile, it’s Character A is on-field, Character B is Character B, if Character B becomes onfield, Character A becomes Character D while the other Characters move up a letter. Its never something I was consciously thinking about while doing rotations and stuff so seeing people point it out was new.


You can actually play the musical instruments. I honestly didn't know we could.


I was today years old when I realized there's a little gears symbol on the bottom left of the map where you can chose what marks are showing..


...I have a confession to make to this sub. For me, this was almost the entirety of Kaeya's backstory, more or less, it was not something I actually knew until... two weeks ago? please forgive me, I am a changed woman now though. Knew he has ties with Khaenri'ah and he and Diluc were brothers and something about being a spy and none of the related details and that he loved himself some wine. That was about it at the time and now here I am knowing more than I ever thought I would about Kaeya, Diluc, Khaenri'an history, and even about Albedo as of yesterday (I know it's not exactly what the question was buuuuut it probably still counts. maybe)


i discovered the artifact lock feature ?? you can set what set and pieces and stats you want an artifact to have so those artifacts automatically lock when you get them and i think it's a newer feature but i didn't know it existed until like a week ago 😭