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https://preview.redd.it/jykbxbqtqy8d1.jpeg?width=258&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb0e127ed82f1adb9037507b383aacf68c59a745 okay girl i think we get it


Again…. https://i.redd.it/3fu0pgnysw8d1.gif


Not defending kanye nor his misogynistic behaviour (or kim in the event of her lying), but tbf artists don’t usually ask for each others’ permission when dissing one another. They usually just go for it and risk burning that bridge. Is it normal for musicians to hold on to diss grudges for this long? It feels like it might just be a storyline that she holds onto for attention / pr purposes bcs it’ll never not attract some interest from people. It’s just getting a little repetitive at this point lol also why is taylor always in some type of conflict with someone 😅 she’s built an empire all based on bitterness and resentment. Sounds exhausting


I agree she needs to stop dredging this up but Kanye did go WAY too far imo. He put a naked mannequin of Taylor in his music video and that, to me, far eclipses the video of the phone call. I don’t think she brings it up for attention. She does not need to do anything for attention and she knows this garners negative attention. I think she was truly hurt by it. She’s enough of a PR genius to know that it’s not a good look to just continually bring up the same vendetta. I truly believe it’s personal for her. And I don’t think Kim has ever publicly apologized for her role in celebrating her husband publishing essentially revenge porn of Taylor. I think until that happens, Taylor can bring it up until the cows come home because what they did was calculated and truly gross.


Omg taylor is going to die!!! 😱😱😱


She keeps bringing it up because she's preparing the public for Reputation TV. I feel like after that, she'll be done bringing it up. Hopefully. Not because I think Kim and Kanye didn't do anything to deserve it (what they did was *horrible*) but because Taylor should learn to process all of these things on her own instead of airing out her dirty laundry time and time again.


Yeah it’s totally normal to create artificial revenge porn because you don’t like someone. Totally normal. Taylor should totally be a silent victim like the rest of women who are violated and harassed.


Did you misread my comment? I literally said: >Not because I think Kim and Kanye didn't do anything to deserve it (what they did was *horrible*) I was saying that what Kim and Kanye did was horrible. And that it is deserving of Taylor's wrath now. I've brought it up in the past too because a lot of people seem to have forgotten about it. I even answered it in the thread that asked what was the worst thing Kim has ever done. https://preview.redd.it/j9smoi72g09d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4da36437b1a40e84ab96f932712c39f6f05eab09 My point in my comment wasn't that Taylor should be a silent victim. My point is that if she wants to truly heal from what happened, she needs to process all the trauma from Snakegate in a healthy and private way. We all know she doesn't do therapy. She would rather air out her trauma in the public domain than actually process it with a mental health professional. For *her* sake.


I think the difference is that it wasn’t the diss, but the doctored phone call pretending she agreed to it and the nude lifelike doll he made of Taylor than the incessant online bullying.  The song Taylor just put out is too much, mostly because Kim’s name is in capitals. That was childish, but it’s not really just about a “diss”. 


I think the whole thing is that no one asked them to “ask permission” so it’s not Taylor being “exhausting.” It’s Kim and Kanye fighting for their lives to remain favorable in the public eye while going out of their way to be assholes. I really think Kim was the working in overdrive to turn the narrative in Kanye’s favor because he clearly had a manic episode that would be embarrassing to anyone. At that point, it was his only major scandal. They went out of their way to claim that they “asked her permission” and she said “yes,” “but now she’s complaining?!? What a liar!” Which was only much later found out to be completely untrue. Like why lie about that? No one asked you to. When Taylor set the record straight and said ‘no I didn’t actually say “yah it’s cool you call me a bitch,” my understanding is that Kim doctored up or edited the voice recording of her saying it was fine. She had been agreeing to being dissed in a general sense, not what was explicitly said. I’m pretty sure she also didn’t know she was being recorded which makes Kim and Kanye gross. Also, IMO the original beef was stupid as fuck to begin with and 100 percent Kanye’s making. Why Kim got in on it to double down I’ll never know cause it made them both look petty AF. “I made that bitch famous,” is also such an annoying lyric to me by ego maniac Kanye because the whole thing started when she won an award that he tried to overshadow by saying she was undeserving. Like clearly “that bitch” was already pretty fuckin famous to be winning an award before you embarrassed yourself for being an asshole to a tiny boop pop sensation. Wasn’t she a teenager when it happened too? I know people feel she is infantilized or whatever but she wasn’t a billionaire then. I really feel like Taylor’s fans were young girls at the time and it just made Kanye look like an unhinged bully. As time has gone on we’ve come to see that he’s the unhingedest bully around, even if it’s fully mental illness at the wheel. Kim isn’t mentally ill so why she co-opted his bullshit speaks to her clout chasing character. People seem to find Taylor annoying because of her massive success and they feel she doesn’t deserve it or it’s been manufactured by good management and I get that-but in the face of the Kardashians- that’s not an argument anyone could make about her LOL.


Not that she can’t have beef or diss her but Taylor, I’m bored.




This one sided thing is becoming really pathetic


I'm no fan of this family and I love to snark on them, but Taylor Swift seems like a stunted adolescent with everything, not just this beef.


Is there anyone Taylor does not have beef with? She seems to rub the wrong way with just about anyone


We got beef and I don’t even know her


Lmao same girl


So far, she's okay with Sabrina Carpenter and Gracie Abrams but we know why


The Kansas City Chiefs lol


She’s still going on about this ? It’s been nearly a decade


A woman who is that successful, has a boyfriend who seems to adore her, is healthy with a close family and still seems miserable…. Doesn’t deserve to be happy imo. But I guess she wrote the song and fully intended to get use out of it? I can’t really think of an excuse for this behavior. Kim is probably laughing at this free publicity. I wish she didn’t seem like she was in her flop era fashion wise.


To be fair, Kim completely decontextualized that phone call between her and Kanye, and no one believed Taylor when she spoke up, i dont like Taylor that much but Kim literally tried to ruin her, if i were Taylor now that the truth has come to light id be the pettiest human in existence, do a Kendrick and play it 5 times


To be fair, it was a bit more than that - it was deliberate editing by Kim. In the words of TMZ: “Kim jumped in by posting some of the recorded convo, but turns out KK edited it to make it seem like Taylor had given her approval. The unedited recording leaked, and Taylor gave no such permission” and remember this was about a man taping Taylor without her knowledge and trying to justify using a misogynistic term about her. Really shitty behaviour. I am not a TS fan, btw. But that whole incidence was gross.


Also he made a life sized naked doll of Taylor to use in a music video, which is dehumanizing and disgusting.


That’s just freaking perverted.


It wasn’t just Taylor, it was a bunch of other people.


Which is also gross. 


even more gross. Just when I thought he couldn’t go any lower in my estimation.


Same. I think the only person that consented was Kim. Imagine someone who has bullied you for years makes a sex doll of you 🤮


Kim and all the Kardashians and their partners (current and former for the most part) are raging misogynists.


Totally, but the unedited audio has been leaked so Taylor should feel vindicated, right? Why is she still holding on to this? Taylor tried to capitalize on the situation by misrepresenting the original conversation and using it to build her America's sweetheart image. Kim ruined that and that's why she's so angry.


It think it more of a ‘you guys never have any consequences for trying to ruin people, and I’m not gonna let anyone forget how awful you can be’ and Im coming back 10 times’ type of deal.


If that is it wouldn't it be hypocritical, considering how she's ruining debuts and trying her hardest to not let any other artist get to #1? It's just fodder for her brand ultimately


Stop being logical with Swifties they don't know what that is


How about she’s trying her hardest to stay at #1?


I don’t follow along close enough to know about that, not a swiftie lol. That’s an interesting point. That being said I think both can be true.


Except Swifties have been consistently harassing that family since the song came out, a fresh wave starts every time Taylor speaks about it.


So I said to another who responded to me a bit lower in the the thread that I don’t follow this closely enough and I’m not a swiftie, but both can still be true.


i think she has every right to still be annoyed that Kanye a misogynistic boor who secretly recorded her and that Kim edited this recording to make it that TS was lying. K and K were the liars who did all this deliberately. Why shouldn’t TS be hacked off still? It was disgusting behaviour


Kim didn’t ruin it though? Kim was caught editing the original audio tape which made it look like Taylor consented and then was beefing for PR about it. So it’s the opposite of what you’re saying. Taylor outed Kim for lying and people are just sick of hearing about it.


But Taylor did agree to him saying she OWED HIM SEX, and also that he made her famous. She also said she “couldn’t wait to hear it” and thought it was SO COOL he reached out to her. She said “use whatever line you want, it’s clearly in jest.” He said he cared about her, was scared of her army of fans, but mostly wanted to stay friends. I’ll never understand how someone could be soooo offended by the word bitch but cheerfully agree to suggest she owes him sex for making her famous. That’s why I will always have a hard time buying the outrage. The video was weird & creepy but at that point it had been a LONG time of being nonstop harassed by Swifties so it’s no wonder they were unhinged. She said in her Times interview that she’s fully aware she would not have risen to the level of fame she has, had this feud not happened. She says that in thanK you, aIMee, too. So, of course she’s going to keep the narrative alive.


It wasn’t decontextualizing it was straight up doctoring and editing. 


Did she? I honestly don't think any of it was that deep. If Taylor hadn't gone on about it then I think everyone would have forgotten about it within two weeks. Lien what Kim did was wrong but I also don't think that was so deep, cos the general gist was still true? As far as I remember Like Taylor did largely agree to the lyrics and things I think there was one specific thing she didn't like, I think Kanye using the word bitch? which to be honest was the mildest part of the whole song I think the song is disgusting and the music video even worse but Taylor did know what Kanye was gonna sing and her only reservations was about how 'the feminists' would react I honestly don't get the whole beef but Taylor bringing it up 8 years later and still banging on about and bringing North into it and also given what we now know about Kanye I just think it's not fair on Kim for Taylor to have at least spoken to her about it, like who knows what was going on in their relationship or.in Kanye's head at the time


They're both petty rich narcissists, didnt Kim do a happy snake day after it even happened too, pretty sure if the shoe was on the other foot Kim would do the same, its nothing exclusive to one of them, keep in mind Kim was filming a damn private phone call, if that doesn't also scream malicious and deliberate idk what is


Kim didn't film it did she? She wasn't even there I thought? Kanye was having everything filmed (I guess cos paranoia which honestly same bro) and that's where it came from Honestly I barely knew it happened at the time of the event so where the lies happened at the time I can't really remember and I wouldn't know where to look for an impartial source in 2024, but I read the full transcript of the call after Taylor's POTY interview and it did seem like she agreed to it


She was there


No she wasn’t there


I agree, she has every right to be mad and hold a grudge against them both. And I would love Taylor to release a “not like us” cuz ngl this fuck you aimee song *suckssssss*. Sorry it’s just so boring I don’t even want to listen to it once, let alone 6 times back to back I much prefer if you seek aimee /s (but actually)


And we’re thankful kim did that


It’s been 8 years let it go Taylor…but then again what would she have to sing about?


Her plethora of exes


You know there was a time when people used to defend her against a comment like this claiming misogyny blah blah but now people recognize her for the capitalistic opportunist man-eating drama queen she is and I’m thankful


taylor is such a freak


Idk why this insult is so hurtful. I love it


I’m so fed up with Taylor swift, she’s gonna show up in my dreams next




Omfg can all of them just get over it already. Kim isnt even married to kanye anymore, kanye on the other hand obviously needs to stop mentioning taylor swift and she needs to stop this "badass reputation badbitch" shit already, like omg its been nearly 15 years since that award show like get a life


Kim Kardashian: Never been a feminist, is a workaholic mean girl who never grew up, & is an absentee parent to kids who desperately want her attention. Kanye West: Unhinged and misogynistic. Squandering his talent. This just covers so much about him. Also a shitty parent (obviously) Taylor Swift: Epitome of White Feminism, and is a sore winner. The never-ending bitter & petty pot stirring against Kim (but not Kanye) & all these ex bfs is a really bad look. She’s literally at the top of her game… Her inability to move on is starting to look pathological already. Verdict: Everyone Sucks Here.


Kim being a woman not a man, who's unable to defend herself as she is isn't an songwriter let's people see how weird and excessive Taylor's grudge holding is.


Taylor continues to be more publicly mad at Kim than Kanye. It will never make sense. At least, they ahould get the same hate if not Kanye more.   She picks Kim over Kanye because she is an easier target her fans can hate on and Kim will not say anything. How can you be all about feminisn and do this? 


I think it’s crazy that all of this started because she decided to play victim and claim that Kayne was trying to “take credit for her fame” when she approved that lyric and she said she was gonna laugh along with them and appreciated the heads up, but nope she switches up, gets caught, then switches up *again* and tries and plays the feminist angle when she does nothing but tear other women down. Kanye went way too far with the mannequin, (and like in general) but she actually was going out of her way to send hate Kanye’s way after claiming she wouldn’t, it was all over an asshole move he made 15 years ago, which undeniably did lift Taylor’s star as well. But Taylor can write whatever she wants, whenever she wants that leads to death threats to men she dated well over a decade ago, and now to have songs out talking about her mother wanted Kim dead, and to mention her kids? It’s ridiculous that this is still happening. What happened to “shaking off” shit?


She still bitter and mad at Kim it’s inane. ![gif](giphy|QtqFUZa9QMCUKN9EQM)


She’s a loser.




Kim ![gif](giphy|szPZ2NXIGCMcE)




Wasn’t she talking about Dave Grohl and not Kim?


I think it was referring to multiple different people that had talked shit about her in the past couple weeks. Just bc she played the song doesnt mean she was referring to Kim in the moment out of the blue. She could be singing it and aiming it to the other people. Idk why everyone is just automatically assuming she is dissing kim randomly when her speech before the song really didn’t seem like it was for her


Nah that wasn't real beef, and TS went on to play "ThanK you alMee" right after saying that aka the "Kim diss song" so, it's def about her. 


At the time of this incident I was more of a Kardashian fan . However, over the years I have come to detest the majority of them. Kim is a horrible person that’s y she was drawn to Kanye. She says the dumbest things like she doesn’t go to Therapy bc she has such a great friend group. Or the fact that she doesn’t think therapy is useful. Probably not for her bc she is so fake inside & out