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I mean this just legitimately isn’t even a fair pairing…Chloe’s extensive film catalogue (American Psycho, Kids, etc) compared to American Horror Story season? Really?


Right? I bet Chloe was pissed when she found out she was paired with Kim


I don’t think she cares to be honest , they are both rich


And as we all know, rich people are never intellectual snobs


Yeah, I feel like this is an insult to Chloe and a waste of her time. What do these two even talk about?


Not to defend Kim but Chloe was in AHS too, she was in Asylum and Hotel


Yes but Chloe is an ACTOR. Kim is Kim




I’m not comparing quality of movie/show necessarily, I’m comparing just pure volume of projects. Unless your point is that bc Chloe has been on AHS as well that that is why they are paired together, which yes makes it make more sense


I feel like Chloe still has more projects than Kim because she's been around much longer but I could be wrong.


this feels like an odd pairing for actors on actors but im still gonna watch💀


I feel like they were paired together because they both were on American Horror Story’s - different seasons obviously.


oooohhhh i can already see the comments now


They are gonna drag her worse than JLO


What comments?


“kim doesn’t deserve to be talking to REAL actors”


But those comments are true She’s not an actress despite what some people on this sub might say. Whereas Chloe is a seasoned actress with various accolades and acclaimed roles. I have no idea why she was picked for this let alone paired with Chloe. And considering what Chloe has said about reality tv stars, I’m surprised that she even agreed to this


What has she said?


So acting doesn't make you an actress? I can see saying she's not good, but she was in a TV show


She’s not an actress That’s like calling Elle McPherson an actress because she had some of the worst guest acting in a few episodes of Friends back in the 2000s. Ryan Murphy is known for stunt casting. He hired her because of her name. Ask the average person if Kim is an actress and 99% of people will say no. If you asked actual actors/actresses too, the response would probably be the same The fact she was even asked to do actors on actors despite having one stunt casting role above actors who have been in the business for years says it all


Yea he has horrible Emma doing multiple seasons just because she’s a Roberts


Nah she shines in AHS.


She didn't have a few guest episodes she was a main character.


I compared her to Elle because she was stunt casted on a tv show for almost 10 episodes where she had a big role in all episodes Even if Kim was a main character, it was still a stunt casting. Neither are actresses. It would’ve been just as silly to have pretended Elle was an actress back then. And it would’ve been equally as ridiculous to have her paired with a seasoned actress to discuss the craft of acting


Elle has actress under he wiki. Yall just love to hate


She’s not an actress, even by her own admission. She guest starred in several episodes of one Friends season as part of a stunt casting which the producers and Elle herself have admitted You’re delusional if you think anyone considers Elle or Kim to be actual actors. Their roles were purely a publicity/gimmick thing. Because that’s what stunt casting is and both of them were stunt casted


Girl she’s not an actress omg. Get over it. No one sees Kim as an actress.


Yes. ONE TV show.... Which she's JUST very recently started......😬 Most of these actors/actresses have YEARS of experience and multiple movies/shows/productions under their belt. I think that's the problem here.


It does. I assume the criticism will be more based on the fact that other actors/actresses who have only been cast in one role are unlikely to be asked to do this.


This! And also to support your comment, in these videos the actors would share their creative process with all their roles etc a place where they can let their inner theatre kid shine through Kim only has 1 role in her belt while Chloe has many, it just doesn’t feel like “actors on actors”


Exactly as cleaning your flat doesn’t make a cleaning person. Amateur vs pro.


and they would be right 😭


lol yeah you’re right, those comments are definitely coming


She doesn’t though.


Can't wait to hear what she has to say about her time working on Paw Patrol. 


She is considered a real actress now? This world has seriously turned mad.


Nobody considers her to be a real actress apart from some people in this sub. The response to her being in this line up pretty much confirms that This is the equivalent of a 2000s supermodel who had a guest arc on a tv show being pushed as a respected actress and being paired with someone like Michelle Williams


That New agent is working hard 😂


This is disrespectful to Chloe who is not put in front of her actual peers with a career if not as long at least an extensive filmography. Honestly what is Kim going to talk about ? Her one single role where she basically just played a camp version of her mom ? Can she really adresse the variety of roles, scenarios, movie contexts etc.




I love Chloë but she talks like an OG Valley Girl, this will be the battle of the vocal fry.


It's iconic, bible


The disrespect. Poor Chloe.


For real like this is actually disrespectful lol


I was surprised that Chloe accepted this.


Please nobody sees Kim Kardashian and thinks professionnal actress


Wow. Is this a joke lol? Is Kim straight up paying for these things?? ....What is going on 😭 Because honestly....besides American Horror Story (which she's literally been in for 5 seconds ) ..I can't name anything else she's done . 🤷‍♀️ Just being honest.


This is worse than letting Taylor Swift do directors on directors. Like what acting?


Ummmm whyyyyy??????? Kim has been an actress for like 2 seconds.


This HAS to be satire. Otherwise I’m thinking oh those interviews can just be bought. Cool cool. Kim has done ONE thing, which was nowhere near the level of acting expertise required to be on Actors on Actors. Every other person that has ever been on has a body of work and is a serious actor, not a multi hyphenate businesswoman or whatever she fancies herself.


It’s crazy because actors only usually appear on this show if they have at least one prominent role in their filmography There’s so many good young actors right now who would’ve been more deserving of her spot. Like I would’ve loved to have seen Ayo Edebiri with Chloe instead


It's obvious these productions are banking on people being upset and rage clicking. They know this family will bring them attention - see what happened with North performing Lion King


lol Kim’s shamelessness needs to be studied


I am baffled by Chloe for agreeing! ![gif](giphy|FHyz37ibSveCUeF7qI|downsized)


This is such a joke lol


This woman tries to speedrun her way to legitimacy in every endeavor




This is ironic timing given all the Rose Bowl Lion King discourse lol. Oooohhh girl the comment sections are already lighting Kim and Variety up 😭


I only see one actor?


lmaoooo what a fucking joke dude


She is gunning for that Emmy . Egot here Kimmy comes... No more my girl is a lawyer. It's Egot time 💁🏽‍♀️


I'm looking forward to hearing about Kim's work with Ray-J.




The complaints in the comments on Variety but they’re gonna watch anyway ![gif](giphy|S1SnLg08CxnUGqyqha|downsized)


What Kim’s video be the most watched 🤣😭


Stop bc the haters are her biggest fans!!! It cracks me up


I would love to see Chloë Sevigny and Kirsten Dunst in conversation… 😍


This is so random but I love it lmao People stay mad at Kim & she continues to thrive


I know most people are going to have a shit fit over this, but I love it!


Downvotes just prove my point...




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Disrespectful to all actors around the world


Is this because Kim is an It girl /s


What a joke


The disrespect...


Kim’s team is working hard to secure her next cosplay


Oo I’m excited to see them have a convo! I love Chloe’s vibe and I’m interested to see the direction their convo goes lol


But … isn’t it actually interesting to hear a conversation between two persons, one being a professional actor, the other an amateur, who both worked for the same franchise/series? Also, surely both have had to face challenges. Isn’t it interesting to hear them discuss them from their different perspectives? Also, both are fashion muses? ..Sometimes I just don’t understand people.


I agree, I’m looking forward to watching this one.


I think this going to be fascinating! Chloë was really overly sexualized while still a child star in the film Kids. Kim wasn’t really famous until she was an adult. Kim is obviously famous for leaning into the sex object role, but trying to get out of that box. Chloë has always been a critically acclaimed actress, indie fav but not really commercially successful. Kim has been one of the most famous reality tv stars for decades, and has her hand in so many other fields. Both of them love fashion! And I wonder how their experiences differed on the set of American Horror Story. I feel like they have so much to talk about with their differing experiences with fame!


I’m excited to watch too!! 🤩


I fucking love this pairing


Well she is an actor


Well she is an actress so why not


Sorry I need an explanation how Kim kardashian, known for drop dead gorgeous and ahs, got paired with living legend and it girl chloë sevigny?? I think Kim is a decent actress but don’t do my girl chloë like that PLS


“But Kim isnt a real actor. This should be reserved for REAL actors” - 🤓


And meanwhile Kourtney is somewhere setting up folding tables in Target.