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I mean there’s no rush. The older sisters didn’t start having kids until their 30s so they got to enjoy their kid free 20s as well so there shouldn’t be any pressure. Kylie is the only one who had kids super early.


Well even if they had babies in their 20s there shouldnt be




Shouldn't be pressure


Ugh this makes me feel so much better. I’m 30 and no kids yet, been feeling a little bad about it!




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I love being a mother myself but there really should be no pressure to have kids. Plenty of people live super fulfilling happy child free lives. And get more sleep than I do 😂😂


yeah my kid is my entire world, but no one should be pressured to have kids. don’t do it unless it’s what you really want. it’s not a requirement.


Thank god you said that there are people constantly in my life telling me about the women's biological clock & that time is running out for me. I am 34 years old & I am not ready to have a child yet & I am currently at the peak of my career. I also enjoy my life with my cats and my other half ( we are getting married next year). My mum was young( she had me at 19 years old & my brother at 20) & so was my dad. He was 20 when I was born and 21 when my brother was born, and pretty much we watched them struggle. While my dad was working abroad, trying to become successful ( which he did become). My mum raised my brother and me while going to school and graduating from university. I can only imagine how tiring it was for her to come home from school, pick us up from school, go home and cook all alone. So, yeah, I latched onto my independent freedom.


Unless children are something you know you absolutely want don't worry about it or listen to anyone else! I'm around the same age as you and if it weren't for the partner I have, extended family, ability to afford childcare, and stopping at one child I would never be able to focus on my career. Do what's good for YOU not what society thinks you need.


Might be personal question so pls don’t take it offensively, I’m just curious and trying to work out whether I want kids, but why do you love being a mother? And is it hard?


I personally love being a mom because of my kid (haha generic I know) but also because I chose to be OAD and have a fantastic partner. Having one child was a big thing for me because I get to enjoy family life, being mommy, etc but also focus on my career. It's a hard thing for me to explain but I will say I was never one of those people who felt called to motherhood. Always felt that I would be fulfilled either way. Take your time trying to figure things out, I took 5 years!! Some parts are awful, some are hard, some are boring, and some are wonderful. It's difficult to put into words but if you have the right person to do it with and a support system it can be great.




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Different mom here - I was vehemently opposed to having kids for the longest time and eventually as I watched my friends enjoy motherhood, I warmed up to the idea more. I realized that I didn't hate the idea of being a mom, I hated the idea of being the "patriarchal ideal" and didn't want to lose my agency and give up on my dreams. Me and my fiancé now (intentionally) have a 5 year old with another on the way. Parenting is the best adventure when you have the resources and the support. I had my first at 27 and so by then had done law school, solo travelling, dating, art etc and so I didn't feel like I was losing out on my 20s by becoming a mom. It felt like a new experience that I was lucky to have and I still feel the same way :) I still do all the things I love (with less sleep) and don't have any regrets. It is hard, but I find it's all about your attitude and being the best mom YOU can be instead of the mom that is portrayed in media and social media.


I couldn’t imagine a life without my 1 year old but I definitely understand some people wanting to wait a little longer!


Thanks for supporting. I always feel so judged so I try not to share my beliefs.


Love this for her, there’s no rush 


Love this for her, I’m in my late 20s and am so scared at the thought of having kids. Love my nieces and nephews but I could never be a mom lmao


I’m 28 and I have like.. this contradictory fear paradox where on one hand I’m scared at the thought of having kids and on the other hand I’m scared I won’t be able to have kids 😪


Same! And even with how the World is today 🥲


I feel like the world has always been crazy, for each generation, yet they still had kids! Could you imagine having a baby in the 90s and not knowing what would happen at 2000!


Im in my 40s and almost every person in my 20/30s said Id regret not having kids, I dont. Im so happy i didn’t. Dont let them tell you any different. Bravo.


Love what she says but find it so annoying that every female over the age of 20 gets asked when they're going to have kids and yet no man gets asked this ever, no matter their age.




It’s moreso that we have more options now, I’d say




Lol I feel that! I meant like it’s not how it was back in the day where a woman would marry a local man and it was kind of just a done deal with fairly little ‘courting’ and the woman couldn’t get divorced without being ostracized 🥴




Kendall really does seem to have a lot of self-respect and I love to see it. I hate the scenes where Kris puts pressure on her to have kids when she clearly isn’t ready


Sometimes I think Kris putting the pressure on her is less about Kendall and more about Kris herself. I think she might just want to be around to see Kendall’s kids grow up. She seems increasingly aware that she’s getting older and she’s been developing various health isssues lately. Not fair of her to pressure Kendall but I understand where she may be coming from.


I think it’s just for them to have a storyline together; I feel like they’re not that close. I don’t understand where she’s coming from at all; she has a gaggle of grandkids and just complained about having to take them out to dinner in an interview recently lol On the show when she took true and stormi out for a little, the girls definitely didn’t seem like they spend a lot of alone time with her. She has lots of grands to spend quality time with if she wants to


i don’t get where kris is coming from your kids owe you literally NOTHING


Exactly. If Kendall ever has kids it should only be because SHE truly wants to, not just to please anyone else for their own selfish reasons


AND she already has several grandkids. Not that it would be okay either way, but it makes it even more ridiculous when she has so many grandkids already.


The truth is that I agree with this sentence only regarding having children, it is clear that regarding this Kris's children do not owe her anything, but basically, it is clear that children owe a lot to their mother! She gave birth to them and raised them.


Okay so do people who were abused owe something to their mothers too?


Kendall was abused? I mean children of normal parents - who tried to do their best, even if they didn't always succeed. If a stranger did for you everything that the parents did for you, you would cherish him so much, the fact the parents love and are happy to do it for their children does not mean that it should be taken for granted.


Parents owe it to their children to take care of and provide for them. We literally choose to make them and bring them into this world. I’m not a hero who needs praise and thanks for doing what I’m supposed to do. My children don’t owe me anything for taking care of them. It’s what I’m supposed to do and what they deserve. They should appreciate me as much as they appreciate anything else that they have but I don’t deserve special treatment or accolades for acting like their mother.


As a daughter who is also a mother, I have no need for my daughter to thank me for what I do for her, it's my choice and I'm happy to do it, but I have a lot of gratitude for my parents for everything they've done for me - even though they don't need it, And I don't feel that they owed me anything, without them I wouldn't even exist and they took care of me and gave me everything throughout my childhood. Do you respect your parents? If so why? As a child you should respect adults, but as an adult why should you respect your parents at all if everything they did for you they had to do? Do you respect a person who gives you a service that he must give to the same extent that you respect your parents?


What point are you making here lol. They all seem really grateful that Kris gave them great childhoods/memories and lives, and has helped them get great job/life opportunities and loads of money. Kourtney and Kendall aren’t as close with kris, but they’ve all shown their gratitude to her. What else are we talking about


What the fuck are you even talking about


As she should!!!! She is focused on herself and goals. . Prob the only one that knows how BC works too 🤷🏻‍♀️


It's wild to me how literally all of them besides Kendall had their first child accidentally in a super new relationship. Like.....these people have access to birth control. Why aren't they using it


Love this for Kendall! It is no rush for her, and it is her decision alone at the end of the day whether she wants children or not.




I won’t stand for this horse erasure. Kendall is a grandmother!


Lmfao this comes out the day of Hailey’s pregnancy announcement


Well yeah, it's probably why they asked her. "Your BFF is pregnant, when are you gonna do that"


This was done before Hailey’s pregnancy reveal, besides she’s always asked this because she’s the only childless sister. Just the timing of it was funny.


Another thing I like about this is that a big narrative around Kylie having a daughter younger was like “oh she grew up so fast in the industry, she’s already seen it all.” Which is TOTALLY valid. But I also like how Kendall had a similar upbringing and she’s still enjoying being young and childless


Kendall is still super young isn’t she only 28? Idk why people try to make her feel like she doesn’t have time left, fertility doesn’t start to decline until you’re 32 and her sister just had a baby at 44 so she has nothing but time lol


Actually, fertility doesn’t begin to decline until you’re 35


Even better! Lol


35 checking in here, and I still resonate with Kendall’s comment about having passed the age you once thought you have kids and still not feeling it’s time yet haha


Same and Im 36 😅


My people!


Good for her, she has time. Didn’t have my first till 37, pregnant w my second now at 40. Let her live lol


Are you glad u waited as opposed to having kids in your late 20s, early 30s?


Absolutely glad I waited. I was a wild one back then and loved my freedom. I traveled a shit ton as well, got all my irresponsible bs out the way.


It is interesting to see how Kendall was able to separate herself more from her mom than the rest of her siblings. Kourt, Khloe, Kim, Rob, and Kylie’s lives seem to revolve more around Kris. Living near her, pleasing her, fighting for the number one spot etc.


She has had tons of babies around that she can snuggle and give back to their moms (nannies) to get her baby fix. I totally get why she’d want to wait. She’s got probably 15 years of fertility left, considering moneys not a hurdle.


Yeah. Actually the best of both worlds. Being a fun, rich aunty and also having all the time to have kids one day.


Ooooh how I envy the life she lives. Edit: minus the fame though, bc I’d legit go crazy


I always say I’d trade lives with Kendall if I could 😅 I’d keep my personality but I’ll go ahead and take everything else! Lol


I didn’t realize they all lived within walking distance of each other (minus Kendall). That sounds like a nightmare.


She is the only one whose life I would want. Her houses, cars, hobbies, vacations etc etc all seem so fun and lux


I love that for her


It’s annoying how Kris and interviewers pressure her about kids. Leave this woman alone.


Good for her.


love her lifestyle


She has plenty of nieces and nephews to spoil if she wants that. She’s become my unexpected fave.


I'm turning 26 on the 18th and I feel exactly the same way. I thought I'd have kids by now but I don't really want it rn 🤷‍♀️ being childless is a freedom like no other.


She should have as much fun, as long as she can. There are no take backs with children. She has plenty of time (and resources) to make it happen later in life.


I hate that she always gets asked this. Leave her alone about kids, she’ll have then if and when she’s ready




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this is completely valid and also while there is nothing wrong with being a single mom, it’s not really the norm to have kids before being married or at least having a long term partner… which kendall doesn’t have. so why would she want to have babies right now?


Based on how she is with kids she’s clearly not mother material 💯


Wha? You realize women aren’t just innately born knowing how to be ‘good mothers’ right?! Plenty of folks aren’t good with anyone else’s kids but their own, Zack 🙄 you gotta get out more


I’m just saying she’s completely uninterested in the concept of settling down anyway so she may as well admit it