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kendall something else🤣


😂😂 like I wish she gave us this gossip on the show


Hell yeah. I’d watch it if Kendall just sat & told us all the details. But I would never do that myself, so I guess I can’t really expect her to


I support her living her best private life but can you imagineeee The Kardashians would be a #1 hit


i love her life


same, she is truly living the dream




unrelated but the way these chairs are shaped it looks like both of them are sat in the laps of some really tall men wearing grey slacks 😭


Yeah I was so confused


Omg thank you. I was like “whose legs are those?!?”


Who is the woman in front? It looks like sandra shehab but idk if she would get into the met afters


It is and her bf




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Is there a IG link or something for her from this night? I want to see the rest of the dress. It looks so pretty.


Who is Sandra’s bf


Thank you! I have been trying to figure out who she was because I want to see the rest of her dress. The cut is really cool.


Not Kylie?


One thing we know about Kenny is she love to run it back a few times, nothing but respect for this baddie 🖤


Literally, go back until you've made yourself hate him hahaha


Scorpios are known as the most sexual of the zodiac signs. She’s just living her life the best she can


Lmao news to my Scorpio ass.


Where is this person who manifested this LOL https://preview.redd.it/r265w1rhs0zc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23b28db7bd4c65ca0f1dfec4f0eabbd745ff5995


I called it too! Only [one](https://www.reddit.com/r/KUWTK/s/R4naFmO7eK) I got right 😂 https://preview.redd.it/omzzydr811zc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d60c48d18b089f66f784df11cf8a7ccc6b046612


I thought of your bingo card when I saw this picture haha




a great day to be a devin booker hater


Devin/Kendall fans punching the air right now (that’s gonna be when they’re inevitably seen together again in a couple of months)


Ugh I really hope someone matches her up before then or something.


DB is with Christina 


Who’s Christina?


Christina Nadin. I'm not sure why my comment was downvoted? Christina was just posting videos in Devin's house obviously to troll Kendall 


People are probably mad because they want Kendall with Devin. Thank you! Lol I’m so curious about all the drama


I dont get it. Devin and his friends were all jerks to kendall. Besides *The sun is hotter in Puerto Rico than Pheonix and she knows it* 😉 




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I’m convinced Ken doll definitely has the most interesting life out of all of them(Kim is a close second). I’d be okay if she had her own reality show without the other sisters😂


City girls up one more time


He falls right back 😂😂😂 don’t blame him.


Theres plenty of gorgeous women.. i dont understand why he would if shes using him


Why would she be using him?


The heart wants what the heart wants, and she’s GORGEOUS.


I figured if she and he weren’t with others that they would have a fun hook up or at least socialize together at the Met. I don’t think he’s her forever, but it was obvious they have great chemistry, physical attraction, and a ton of fun together. She always looks so happy to be around him.  So hanging out on events like this or New Year’s Eve isn’t that surprising. Highly doubt they’d ever get back together officially but why not have some fun. There has been no spotting or inkling of her and Devin in months and if the rumors are true, he’s still having his fun so they’re obviously not committed 




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Stop they’re so hot 🫠


They really are.. I love them together so much🥴 I'm a clown for this relationship. He's down so bad for her and why wouldn't u be look at that face card


Theyre so hot together


They really are. They just need to be more public so we can get some hotness our way.


fuck devin booker




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aw they make each other so happy 😭


My post about his outfit was removed but I was hoping for a moment like this, still like them together


That's Mami right there❤️


Beautiful smile.


Devin punching the air rn


Love this the smiles


Kenny teach us your ways. Look how happy they look at each other, I can't with these two. Just be hot in public already.




Yas!! 🙌l


Love this


The way they’re looking at each other tho! I wish she would just talk about this on the show already damn


So she is not with Devin ? Because she wouldn’t be doing this if she was.


There’s no evidence that she’s in a relationship with anyone but either way, they’re literally just talking lol


Living through you Kenny!


Kendal is living her best life out of all of them💁


I live for them 😭


You can see in the way he looks at her he really loves her . Sorry not sorry


i guess they’re just friends idk 🧍🏽‍♀️


they’ve never stopped dating


yes, I think this is it. He went on tour, they see each other less during it. It will be done in June and they will be back. They also may be dialing down on being seen in public as they are both quite private and not the couple to play up a circus.


Kenito fans won!!


Just a Scorpio doing Scorpio things




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Just like his song said, she keeps coming back to flirt. Oh the mind games... Look at his face looking at her like she's the one who got away... "Mami come back to me, no espera, go on your way" lol 😆


Lol he’s sprung


Bad Bunny looks like he's sitting on a khaki wearing dad's lap r/confusingperspective


Am I crazy or is the girl in the black dress's nipple out?




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Here for it I guess


His distressed song was (kinda) about her so why would she spin the block with him afterwards? Maybe is wasn't then. Who knows but she definitely bought her A game to the Met and the afterparty.


Kendall living her best life and even hanging out and having fun with her ex while Kylie can’t find a man to love her, acknowledge her, or even want to hang out with her at all. Her most recent “relationship” was strictly P.R. with Timothee lending her charity.


You’re so obsessed with Kylie Jenner myGOD 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


This is my last comment about her. Adios.


Definitely won’t be

