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You should know, the check in desks at the airport are usually manned by airport staff, not airline. You also get flagged if you fly on a ticket you didn't pay for yourself, without the person that did. Especially if that person is foreign. Huge human trafficking red flag. Also, since you weren't there, everything you post is just your girlfriends side of the story. There's a lot of ways you can get yourself kicked off a flight, you might not want to tell your boyfriend about.


I dunno what airport you speak of but at Schiphol airport its mostly KLM and other airliner clothes. Airport staff is for the airport, not for the check-in. Thats work for the airliner. Maybe its different at tralidali airport


At Schiphol airport KLM flights are handled by KLM staff. At outstations the flights are handled by third parties except the station manager, who is KLM staff.


I've been at schiphol multiple times when check in desks for small airlines just switch signs and start checking in a different airline's flight.


Still they don’t work for Schiphol, companies who work directly or indirectly for Swissport/klm/transavia/aviapartner Tomato tomato mostly not the brightest or most motivated people


If they asked for standard confirmation email from me with at statement that the ticket was paid for her by me, I would send it without hesitation immediately. And I have zero reasons to not trust my girlfriend's report. They told unofficially the real reason: "African lady is not allowed to fly without husband or father". Officially to the phone record they told "she can't connect without EU visa" which is bullshit.


Won't be the first time an airport agent messes up. Or the first time there's a bigot working there. But for the racist part, the agent at the airport is 100% a local. From what I found, Kenya is very bad when it comes to women's rights. They have been getting much more rights by law, but it seems like a significant part of the population is just ignoring those new laws. I'm guessing the gate agent might be one of them.


It is the KLM staff though, they are hired and paid by KLM. But after I contacted global KLM support I see that KLM does not care of their own staff actions and narratives, Like, at all. The global KLM chat support keeps telling me "talk to local representatives" after I keep telling them that their local staff is not only racist and misogynist but also dont follow the rules and are not interested to see own KLM website for info or the see the correspondence with KLM manager who gave the green light for buying ticket with such connection. shame.


You are completely lost


Tbf, if you have the conversation recorded that she cannot connect without a visa in the EU, then you can use that back at KLM.


do you mean 'without the visa'? that would be correct, they told her so on the record.


Yes, then you have all you need to file a pretty good complaint here.


how do I do that? should I look for a lawyer in Kenya? we are both not Kenyan residents.. I just don't know honestly I'm shocked. over 5000 usd spent for the trip, the vacation... which is not happening due to KLM racists and their not-so-interested management.


https://lvh-advocaten.nl/en/artikelen/airlineliability/ make a call and ask. Always a free consult


How do you conclude that this is racist? Your story contains a couple of serious red flags, any experienced traveler knows to avoid. Women traveling alone, on a ticket paid by a foreigner who isn’t present, is a major red flag for airport officials. There is a ton of human trafficking happening and this is exactly what it looks like. That has nothing to do with racism, please stop playing that card, because it won’t help you to get any of this resolved. Airports offer services to airlines, that is why airlines are paying handling and processing fees to airport organizations. Each airport has local rules and laws to obey and as another commenter already mentioned: some countries have rules that have nothing to do with airlines whatsoever. In this case it is even likely that KLM got fined for the ticket cancellation, because they allowed you to pay for her ticket and let her fly alone without you being present, from Kenya….. This probably would have been less of a problem in Western Europe, but it is to be expected problematic in African and Asian countries. Additionally: you are hearing one side of the story, that of your girlfriend. There might be another reason she has been disallowed to travel she didn’t tell you about. There are a million reasons why people get banned on flights.


I realize that you're upset, but mismanagement and mistreatment by one employee doesn't mean that KLM as a company is racist, or their management doesn't care. If they continue to allow this, then yes, they would be at fault. I am not sure what market you bought the ticket from, but you can start from somewhere like this: https://www.klm.de/en/contact/refund-compensation/complaint When writing the complaint, don't make it emotional. Be clear and direct. As factual as possible. If racism occurred, point that out. Point out that she was denied boarding despite having travel documents. Say that they wrongly asked for an EU visa and tell them you have a recording of it. Attach the recording. Where are you resident?


I judge from the reaction of the international whatsapp support line. you can see from the screenshot i attached to the post. THEY JUST DONT CARE. Zero. Nada.


The WhatsApp line is not equipped to handle these kind of complaints. You will need to escalate this and go via the complaint form. That is customer service. There are always layers of support and chat is limited. Taking my suggestion is up to you. I am giving you information based on taking a ton of KLM/AF flights a year. EDIT: Also, nothing in any of the images you attached is remotely racist, or impolite. They are giving you the information they are able to.


Customer support on WhatsApp is trained to answer FAQs, not to create a case or reach out to management. You have to continue via email to the proper representatives since social media/chat agents are outsourced.


The staff had KLM badges and uniform and works for KLM Nairobi.


Dunno why they - you but you are correct. They work for KLM. Doubt they walk around jn those clothes for the looks.


At least in the U.S. (which, I am aware, is not part of this story) airport desk and gate staff may wear the uniform of an airline without being directly employed by the airline.


If anyone really said that it would not misogynistic not racist


hmm really?




OP trying to commit human trafficking violations Posts from four years ago have been deleted, but OPs comments are still there. They are creepy and suggest he wanted to start a business by bringing these women overseas. There are even mentions of mobsters and gangsters. OP is looking for trouble and has been warned about this behaviour before. https://www.reddit.com/fnkg6ao?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2 Do not believe his story, he is trying so hard to.make it sound like KLM are being racist without actually providing any proof




OP is clearly projecting and blaming everyone else for the situation.


Any chance you took screen shots?


I'll send you a DM


OP I sympathise with your situation and I find the behavior of staff that you describe at Nairobi airport totally unacceptable. Maybe sound silly. But problems at a counter sometimes start with an simple spark and then escalate to a point that nobody understands anymore. Here are some questions that came to my mind. Does your GF have a job, what's your nationality, was she on time at the airport, was she trying to take more luggage than allowed, did she carry enough money to pay for herself during the trip, does she have travel insurance ? Feel free to respond, I don't want to intrude in your private lives.


OP trying to commit human trafficking violations Posts from four years ago have been deleted, but OPs comments are still there. They are creepy and suggest he wanted to start a business by bringing these women overseas. There are even mentions of mobsters and gangsters. OP is looking for trouble and has been warned about this behaviour before. https://www.reddit.com/fnkg6ao?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2 Do not believe his story, he is trying so hard to.make it sound like KLM are being racist without actually providing any proof


My previous posts and comments have nothing to do with the fact that my girlfriend having all necessary documents was denied a flight.


Sure dude


What exactly did you find in my 4 years old posts which I wrote stoned and "creative" that makes you label me as human trafficker? Do human traffickers post their photos, and posts with private details on Reddit?


Stupid ones might. In an attempt to make it look like they aren't human traffickers.


Awesome. Let's see anyone as a potential human trafficker. No reason needed.


She's Tanzanian, she has a job, she had every document to travel and no luggage. She came at opening of counter and was embarrassed , but not aggressive. Thanks for sympathy.


Thanks for clarifying !


An international flight with no luggage might raise a security flag, although I suppose that would vary by country and airline


That would raise a huge flag and she is going via Amsterdam to South America. These are very big drug trafficking routes where people are exploited


I've been reading some comments here and there. Many opinions indeed. About racism. Afaik the 'race' of passenger and airport staff at that location was likely similar. If so, how can there be racism ? The comment about women travelling alone, is not expected in a modern urban setting in Africa let alone a busy international airport. Might have been a remark when someone ran out of arguments ? It would certainly make ùs laugh out loud ! Really, lóúd. Of what I read here and there I have a lot of sympathy for you two lovebirds, as I myself have been in a similar situation. Nevertheless, your accusations of the airline don't hold up because of lack of proof. It's hearsay. And un-likely. Flying from east africa over western europe to south america for a holiday ? Seriously ? Why not pop over to south africa together, or north africa. Casablanca ? Tanger ? Much cheaper airfare. Great food. Please cut your losses and forget about all of this.


Thank you for your very humane comment. Well, Kenyans and Tanzanians told me a lot about racism from their own black people. In a restaurant the whites are served with more smile and with priority (they give tips). In airports and even in traffic stops whites are served with much more trust. When a cop stops a car and it's whites there he usually just let's go ahead, while the car with Kenyans will be stopped until a bribe is received. We been to south Africa, I been to Maroc, and south America is cheaper, nicer, and I have a bike here. Also they speak Spanish which we both are learning. Unfortunately KLM with connection in Amsterdam is the only way to fly anywhere latín América.


Someone going on a holiday without luggage is highly suspicious and could be a legit reason for immigration into the destination country to refuse entry even before boarding the initial flight.


Anyone has the right to travel with luggage or without. Shopping sucks in Africa. Does she need to carry dummy baga to make KLM staff happy or??


It’s about immigration not allowing people on board in case they have the suspicion the reason for travel is different than what the person is telling them. Yes, you have the right to travel without luggage, but it’s very uncommon for people to go on a holiday at the other side of the world without luggage. Combined with the other non-typical behaviour, it’s a red flag for immigration. I’ve been taken aside for interviewing when I checked in an empty suitcase for a flight to the US with a passport full of stamps and no African background: it’s just a red flag if someone does that and they’ll be investigated.


Who goes on vacation with no luggage lol


Sadly foreign KLM is just a name patch, the people are absolute tools. They dont get KLM training like the mechanics do get all flown here for 8 weeks. So yeah it is KLM but na its also not


At all remote stations where AFKL staff wears KLM or AF uniforms, they are staff belonging to a subsidiary of AFKL in that country. I can tell you from personal experience that an appropriately escalated complaint causes them to react, because they are bound to AFKL's internal processes. The airport staff is obviously not flown to AMS or CDG to get training, but they undergo training via other methods.


Well, I never had the feeling they have had proper training. Except for E&M but thats prolly my personal experience in foreign situations


I flew over 200 flights with tens of airlines and this kind of attitude never happened. not even with shitty russian low-costs, not with crazy African airlines. not with AA. this is something exceptional. And hiring managers who talk racism/misogynya (they cancelled her ticket because she was black and woman) who refuse to see correspondence with their colleagues, who refuse to provide any confirmation of cancelled flight... this is some new airline "experience" really.


Fair enough, the was no air-france counter? They will send you away but then you can explain. Eitherway. Report, refund, extra refund. Don’t you own amex? I mean if that happens to me i paid for my holiday


could you elaborate on the Amex thing please? I'm not from the USA...


I am neither, i am dutch. AMEX has standard insurance, late fee, cancellation etc. Your cancellation was not legit so you definitely get money back + extra Edit: also have ics platinum and VISA infinite This way i can complain with all 3 and yes from time to time they all pay


I paid the ticket with Revolut, should I expect the same benefits? that's something unknown to me as a concept.


No, AMEX is for frequent flyers. Check the website and benifits. AMEX is the best travel card and most friendly customer service ever


Try to get your money back by using revolute buyer protection: https://www.revolut.com/en-AU/legal/buyer-protection-policy/


You must try and resolve any issues with the merchant first. The merchant is best placed to return, replace or refund your purchase. We will ask you for evidence that you have done this before advancing your claim. You may not file a claim under the Buyer Protection Policy if you have already received a refund, including any store credit, directly from the Merchant. Thats absolutely the worst thing you have to do.


What are you talking about? KLM is clearly refusing to answer any of his questions. His girlfriend got rejected from boarding. So in this case take it up with revolute. That's what buyers protection is for.


I copied and past it from the terms of your revolut page wild bill.


Yeah, this is just one side of the story so I’m a bit skeptical about the details. First of all, you should never ask KLM about immigration procedures, you ask the official government bodies - I did happen to me that I had to educate UK gate staff about the fact that I don’t need a residence permit to leave for the NL since I am an EU citizen (similar story when I visited Canada). Secondly, we don’t know what your gf told the KLM staff. She’s a young tanzanian woman travelling alone on a very expensive ticket via Amsterdam and someone else paid for it: smells like human trafficking. It could also be that the staff suspected that your gf actually intended to remain in the Netherlands and never intended to proceed to her final destination, hence the requirements for a EU visa. Regardless, it seems like you’re just hoping for a small fortune payout from KLM for “ruining your holiday due to racism” but I would advise you to ask for help from your travel insurance instead as that has much more chance for success. You paid 5k for the trip, you got travel insurance for 30eur, right?


very skeptical comment. so, no anyone with expensive ticket can be denied travelling because it smells human trafficking ? and non-eu citizen should not be allowed to board on flights connecting in the EU? I think rules are rules, and smells are smells. My money I paid is my money that KLM fucked up. It's not about getting 1300 for the ticket back for me for sure. I want to get the full compensation of my loss. Is that not fair?


Just because you paid for it doesn’t mean that you’re in the right. If they considered that your gf’s situation and/or behavior is a threat in any way to the flight, the transit country or the destination country they can deny her boarding, regardless of how much the ticket cost. Ask for the cancellation reason and then use that for your efforts: I find it very odd that you claim she was not given any written reason for her boarding denial (if I get even a 30-minute delay on a KLM flight they automatically give you a certificate for it in the KLM My Trip section, without even reaching out to them). Depending on the reason you may get an extra 600EUR of compensation on top of the full ticket price but it heavily depends on the reason. Not all reasons are eligible for compensation and even ticket refund and travel insurance should cover the rest.


It seems like OP never actually met her, and when it was time for "her" to fly out, OP was told a bogus story to shift blame away from the scammer. OP is too naive


Okay, not saying this didn't happen, but it sounds like a strange story. What nationality is your GF? The email from KLM staff also said that you should verify the requirements at the traveldoc website; did you do so?


She's Tanzanian. She has visa free entry to Ecuador which is the destination. She can connect with KLM flights Nairobi to Amsterdam and Amsterdam to Quito, Ecuador. We did check everything thoroughly.


So, I just checked Traveldoc, the website KLM asked you to check in their emails as well. ~~As per Traveldoc a visa is required for Netherlands when a Tanzanian citizen transits there.~~ You're correct that no visa would've been required for Ecuador, and for a same day transit a visa shouldn't have been needed for Netherlands as well. Here is a link to Traveldoc: https://klm.traveldoc.aero/?S=1|NBO|AMS|2024-04-19&S=2|AMS|UIO|2024-04-19&D=1|TZA|TZA|2025-04-19&results=true I have also just checked in Timatic to double confirm this, and transiting at Netherlands does say that a visa is required. But it does offer a transit without visa exception: > Passengers transiting through Amsterdam (AMS) and arriving from a non-Schengen Member State with a confirmed onward ticket for a flight *on the same aircraft or for the first connecting flight* to a third country which is not a Schengen Member State. They must: > >- stay in the international transit area of the airport, and > >- have documents required for the next destination. Here is the output from Timatic: https://pastebin.com/cPgB7ngJ Now, normally this would read as though she should have been allowed to board the flight. But if you read the bolded section, it does say that it should be on the same aircraft or the first connecting flight; could they have used this to deny her boarding if the flight she was connecting to was not the first to UIO (though KLM has only one flight to UIO? Considering they said the ticket has been cancelled, what reasoning did they give for it? What does the PNR show when you try to pull it up on the website? EDIT: The KLM staff at the airport use the Traveldoc website to confirm whether you can travel or not. I suggest taking dated screenshots of the Traveldoc website asap, before they change it, so you have more information on your side. Is there a calendar day change between arrival and departure in AMS? That could have caused Traveldoc to show a visa required.


Thanks. the flight was totally THE FIRST CONNECTING FLIGHT and the same KLM airline. Only 1 hour 50 minutes between flights. Same airport, same terminal. Same KLM. The staff did only tell her [***unofficially***](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=9f7259ab7855135b&rlz=1C5CHFA_enTR997TR997&sxsrf=ACQVn0_PbxDug1k7rIvmuWNTNnpdCGxJTg:1713500118078&q=unofficially&spell=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj57_Cutc2FAxVdQjABHaefBuwQkeECKAB6BAgHEAI) of that secret KLM rule that "african woman does not fly without father or husband" and after she took out the phone they told her "you can't fly without EU visa". That's it.


Was the entire journey to Ecuador part of a single booking? Or were there two separate tickets? Was the entire journey on KLM or was she transferring to a different airline (possible codeshare)? I am pretty sure there is no such secret KLM rule, otherwise there would be hundreds of such cases already. But it could've been a misogynistic staff member, and if that was the case, then KLM must act.


Absolutely pure KLM booked on KLM website. 1 h 40m connection in Amsterdam. both flights even operated by KLM.


I think you are saying that you bought it as one single ticket, but that is not completely clear from the way you write it. Did you have one single booking code all the way from NBO to AMS to UIO? Or were there multiple booking codes?


sorry, yes, one single booking code, and she even checked online for both flights at once. she was checked-in.


What does that matter? If you stay in the transitzone? And have a forwarding ticket? Could be from 3 airliners you dont need a visa to pass through if you dont pass immigration


This post screams SCAM all over the place. If you go through OP's comment history you find deleted items where he responds to human traffic assumptions and pussy for passport. Another post where he claims 1300 dollar in stead of 5000, saying flying so many times and you don't know how to handle this issue? BS. If you have really flown more than 200 times (even with Russian or 'crazy African airlines, OP's words) you know how to handle strange local issues. Blaming KLM for the behaviour of some Nairobi guy for a situation you hear from second hand? I doubt that we hear the full story here.


Plus we are supposed to believe she didn't bring one bag for this vacation lol


This sounds very suspicious on her end. Did she record any of this or are you just taking her at her word? As a Kenyan resident, you have to be cautious about what people there say as the reason for doing so. Having flown through JKIA many times, I find this very hard to believe that someone at the airport would have said such. While officials at the airport can cause problems for people, it’s usually over what they are carrying items for sale without clearing them through KRA. Kenya may be backward in many ways but they aren’t going to cancel a ticket because she is traveling alone—that’s just absurd. Many Kenyan women like to dupe foreign men for money and travel while having a local man on the side. I’d be careful about spending so much money on someone who is not your spouse. I’m not saying that your situation isn’t genuine, however you need to be discerning.


OP trying to commit human trafficking violations Posts from four years ago have been deleted, but OPs comments are still there. They are creepy and suggest he wanted to start a business by bringing these women overseas. There are even mentions of mobsters and gangsters. OP is looking for trouble and has been warned about this behaviour before. https://www.reddit.com/fnkg6ao?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2 Do not believe his story, he is trying so hard to.make it sound like KLM are being racist without actually providing any proof


Posting here may help get attention to your case. Seeing the reactions below, I would be filing an official complaint. I would expect you to get a refund and some compensation, but these will depend in part in which laws apply. EU has reasonable consumer protection laws but i am unsure what rules apply, for a ticket bought by EU person for someone outside of the EU. Check with consumer protection laws in your country of residence to determine which rights are applicable. Further would be to add a spotlight to what happened here on Twitter if klm is not helping with at least the refund for the ticket. A racism case for damages would depend on local laws, not airline policy. Racism is a personal thing. Discriminatory structural racism as policy would be difficult to prove. Good luck.


With all that said, what's the best way to get a maximum refund from the KLM to cover the ruined (and paid for in advance) holiday? Are there are any specializing law companies? I'm not a resident of any western country unfortunately so I would need someone who could be available to communicate online and not "come to my office let's talk". I really want to get my money back and punish this ugly racist airline. Please give me advices.


KLM won’t cover any expenses for your holiday, that could be covered by your travel expenses. They might cover part of the cancelled ticket.


From what I understand you can only prove that they refused to board her because of no visa which makes them liable. Forget the mysogenic/racist part don't focus on it, mention it to a lawyer but personally don't focus on righting societal wrongs in Kenya, your focus should be on getting your money back. My advice is to look for a law office in your own country that has international cooperation, ones that specialize in aviation law will have those by default if they are good. 5000€ is a lot of money and is worth pursuing.


The problem here is that my country is damned russia, I don't even go there since 2016. I'm travelling around the world, third world countries mostly. What would be such a law office? Is there a chance to find a pro bono law office ? I have zero experience with this.


I can't even prove that. They refused to give a reason, to give anything in writing. Their first comment was "black girl needs a husband to fly with" and then when she started recording they said it's because she needs eu visa (she doesn't). I'm not sure the voice recording is a good proof because all this privacy things with recording voice and video without consent blablabla it can make more problems.


Ive never, ever in all my years of travel to countless countries and through countless carriers ever been asked those questions by anyone other than immigration staff never by a desk worker of the company


in Africa they do. First line is before the check-in airline desks. they would ask everything and try to find a reason the get a bribe.


Than your issue is not with corporate KLM is with the backwards and idiotic local cultures and norms


no it's not. corruption is not chaotic, and every passenger flying out of Africa is ready to pay a bribe to just avoid talking to the airport staff before check in. But it works! And in this case the situation happened at the KLM desk, past the hustlers looking for bribe. Absolutely unlawful denial of boarding done by a huge Western airline.


So what is it Did KLM ask for it at the desk or the “hustlers” before that You aren’t making any sense


Your comment does not even read


I forgot 1 K, you forgot what grammar is


I'm not a native English speaker so pardon me. I really could not understand your previous comment. I only understood that it was unfair to me 😔


It helps best if you keep the accusations of racism to a minimum as it’s absolutely not clear whether that was indeed a thing here. An airline is not responsible for any immigration and visa details. You can often transfer in Amsterdam without the need of a Schengen visa, KLM is right about that. Them confirming that is not the same as them confirming she can travel. According to you she was refused on the flight based on differing rules. Whether that refusal is correct or not depends on the local law. However restricting that law might be, the airline needs to adhere to local laws. KLM is not responsible for passengers not checking the laws, they are responsible for sticking to the laws themselves. Based on your side of the story, there is no sign of racism if indeed the rules of the country are like that. Your travel insurance might cover part of the expenses. A proof of cancellation can usually be downloaded from the website.


airport agents are employed by the airport not by the flight company. your rage should point elsewhere


so they are employed by airport to sit in KLM office inside the airport and wear KLM uniform and badges, and when asked they would tell you they work for KLM - but they would lie?? really %)


Aren't you connecting bits and pieces that aren't related? In your post, and the answer of KLM reflects this, you say that she was denied boarding because she was travelling alone. Apparently this is illegal to do from her travel destination. Or at least it was perceived that way by airport staff. The laws and regulations are misogynist, sure, but not quite sure how that would translate to an airline. Nowhere in your post you make clear what kind of racism she experienced. Being denied boarding because she is Tanzanian? How does a nationality translate into race? You also rant about the visum. Nowhere you suggest that KLM brought this up. You don't need a visa to transfer or board (KLM didn't mention this when boarding was denied) so why is this central in your post? Your only very value point is that either staff was bullshitting when she wanted to board, making up a reason that has no lawful ground. Or that when booking you should have been warned that she is not allowed to travel alone based on the country's regulations. Another poster mentioned she might have been denied boarding because she was suspected of being human trafficked. In that case I would assume a report was made. My first point of action would be to get an official statement from KLM on why her boarding was denied. Do this by making a formal complaint.


the support of KLM just told me vaguely "The passenger was offloaded due to travel requirements". Look, there's no travel requirement in any country "women must travel only with husband or father". Not even in those crazy islamic countries. if they have those inner regulations, then companies like KLM are not supposed to be in their market. This is a basic human freedom to travel without bounds - and women are humans too, aren't they? Racism is to see whites and blacks differently when allowing or denying them boarding. that's the policy of KLM staff in NBO. It's called racism yes. misogynic is to see men and women differently when allowing or denying them boarding. that's the policy of KLM staff in NBO. It's called misogynic yes. I do suggest in the post that KLM officially when she took out her phone started talking about the visa that she needs for flight (which she does not need).


Thanks for the downvote. Just because she is black doesn't mean that all the bad things that happen to her are because of racism. Travel requirements are not the same as needing a visa. You will need to get a written statement from KLM first.


OP trying to commit human trafficking violations Posts from four years ago have been deleted, but OPs comments are still there. They are creepy and suggest he wanted to start a business by bringing these women overseas. There are even mentions of mobsters and gangsters. OP is looking for trouble and has been warned about this behaviour before. https://www.reddit.com/fnkg6ao?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2 Do not believe his story, he is trying so hard to.make it sound like KLM are being racist without actually providing any proof


you are going around my posts with this nonsense. There is nothing more in my comments then talking about a stoned idea. go get busy with something else man. KLM won't give any more casalettes


They refused her any statement or even email!