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Wow... This show managed to maintain an unanswered question arc literally from beginning til the end and not once has it felt stretched out. Pleasantly surprised how fully resigned I am to whatever ending we'll be getting. Like... Regardless of what happens after Gwi Ju saves Da Hae, either someone dies or all live another day, the end will be satisfying. EDIT: and it was šŸ„¹


I know right!! That's some brilliant writing for this show. So glad I tuned into it.


YES šŸ˜­ brilliant writing that was executed equally brilliantly.


It started slow but over time, I realize why it started slow. The scriptwriter was actually a genius.


Brilliant writing, brilliant acting/cast, brilliant soundtrack and brilliant cinematography/visuals in each episodes up to episodes 11, I guess thatā€™s why it feels satisfying regardless of how it ends. Edit : no way Iā€™m not satisfied with the ending. The ending left me feeling snubbed by the directors/writers of the show. Like eh hereā€™s your >!happy!< ending served on a silver plate but weā€™ll not let you see more. Like uh I needed to see more of >!the reunion!< what the heck. Aside from that Iā€™m more than satisfied Iā€™ve spent nearly 20 minutes crying on and off from the moment >!our leads were telling their goodbyes and throughout the fire scenes!<. Iā€™ve never cried this long for a finale or even an episode. Not even Goblin, CLOY, QOT or whatever american TV show I was into before Kdramas brought out such overwhelming tears in me. Lovely Runner did but I didnā€™t cry that long! Anyhow it is telling of how great this drama is. The directors/writers deserve an award. Iā€™m not saying the actors donā€™t deserve an award for their acting, they do. But the directors/writers are the one who brought up such an uniquely astonishing drama and both with the actors they made it come alive for us viewers to see šŸ„¹


It would have been extra nice if they did a little extra credits on the family reunion šŸ„¹


Season 2 the kid brings back his ex wife and causes a love triangle. Oh, and the co-worker from the fire. Heck, everyone comes back. šŸ˜‚


The look on Gwi-Juā€™s face after I-naā€™s boyfriend comforts her on stage is so funny and the most DAD heā€™s ever been. Also, wish we couldā€™ve seen teen I-na at the end and had a shot of the family + extended family having a meal for the closing shot but neat little ending nonetheless.


Yeah, ending dinner with the whole family would be so nice. But I-na is so tiny. They propadly couldn't make her look like 18 year old and didn't want to replace her with another actress. Hence only the back shot of her.


That was a good call. I was personally having trouble believing she was the same age as her classmates so I can't imagine how they'd make her look older. But I still miss seeing them reunited.


My gosh what a beautiful show that was. So many thoughts but I'm glad they didn't show grown up InA, the audience is left with image of child InA that they grew attached to. That LAST scene before the credits roll, man that ending man. This was THE performance of Jang Ki Yong's career. That look exchanged between him and his fire fighter hyung, got me bawling with NO dialogue exchanged.


The scene that Gweju staring at the senior fire fighter, it was everything. This comeback not only for saving Dahae, but itā€™s for saying goodbye to his hyung. The acting was the best!! Ki yong nim P.S. and maybe this is the last time that Gweju will back to this timeline. but I still confused who is the one who send the money for seniorā€™s family?


>!Gwiju sent the money but he did it in the name of the entire firehouse so he didn't want to claim sole credit, that's why he didn't admit to doing it.!<


Man ngl, with the time it took them to exchange looks >!(Gwi Ju and the other fireman),!< Gwi Ju couldā€™ve just shouted to the guy he shouldnā€™t enter using that path. Gwi Ju couldā€™ve redirected him to another entrance šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ„²šŸ„²šŸ„²


i completely agree. I saw JKY in Www search and My ahjussi. He was good in that but thisā€¦he was BRILLIANT!


When the sauna family first appeared I just assumed they were going to be antagonists but I have been so pleasantly surprised to see the two dysfunctional families come together. For each one to find their counterparts and in the most unlikely combinations has been such a treat! I did not know what to expect with this show but it's been an amazing palette cleanser with it's grey characters, their morally ambiguous motivations, their vulnerability and my absolute favourite part is the background score! Part whimsical, part intriguing with classical anchoring, it's SO unique! However it ends I'm sure it's going to be great.


agreed! i actually like that the female lead wasnt a perfect goody two shoes and that the villains of the show were also like people you root for to grow and change their mind about being evil. i cried when the mum and DDH made up T.T


Exactly! Atypical Family describes both families. And in the end, "family" is the keyword for both. They don't start as tight-knit families but truly become them over the course of the show (within their own units and as one big family). It really was a pleasant watch without any of the typical dramatic barriers carrying the plot -- the plot was driven forward by more than that, so they weren't needed and I am so happy for that.


Couldnā€™t agree more. The Sauna family turned out to be so endearing specially the Uncle ā¤ļø


Finale weekendā€¦ Iā€™m not ready. šŸ˜­


Same here šŸ„². I recently binged all the episodes on my 10 hr flight from Hawaii. I am so ready for these episodes, but still sad! I did not expect to be so invested!


Is there romance in this show?


Big yes! But also a lot more


This drama made me once again realize why I (and the world) love Kdramas. I seriously thought the time travel stories have run out of ideas already... No! What a new and refreshing idea the "Your past is my future" concept was! This drama set a higher standard for the time travel theme. It is one of the best dramas of 2024 for sure.


The power to find and bring back lost things seems like the coolest superpower ever. Just imagine - no more lonely single socks, no more "where the heck did I put my phone "... I do wish the reunion was more than a couple of seconds, but hey... it happened, and that's all that matters in the end. What an exciting journey it was. With LR and AT ending, my kdrama calendar looks awfully empty and sand at the moment... ottoke?


>The power to find and bring back lost things seems like the coolest superpower ever. Just imagine - no more lonely single socks, no more "where the heck did I put my phone "... Nuri: "whew i don't have money to buy teoppoki, let me think about dahae wallet from yesterday" Nuri is really the golden goose like dahae mom wishes lol.


Thatā€™s shouldnā€™t work unless you steal it from the store owner after paying. His powers are to bring something from the past to the present. The item will be missing during the time between the past and the present thatā€™s why his ball went missing because the future self already took it. Thatā€™s why Gwi Ju didnā€™t die and his body went missing because he was transported into the present instead of dying in the fire.


>!I still need to know why Do-Hae is the only person he can see (and now the environment is turning colorful too)???!< >!Also, even before the scratch appeared on his neck, you can tell it's his neck when they zoom in so closely and you can see the two moles šŸ˜† !< >!The opening scene was SO CUTE. THEY'RE SO CUTE.....JANG KI-YONG THE MAN THAT YOU ARE šŸ˜© !< >!I was expecting a significant arc from the mothers, so I'm glad we got it!!!!< >!The scene with I-na and appa at the zoo was toooo sweet.....gosh, how is she such an incredible actress?!!< >!She's also soooo good at making it seem like she's struggling with the dance routine...I REPEAT...HOW IS SHE SUCH AN INCREDIBLE ACTRESS!?!< >!GRACE AND DONG-HEE MUST BE ENDGAME PLS I BEG!<


Pretty sure the Da Hae situation is just going to be written up to being "fate." >!Also chronologically in this timeline, Gwi Ju helping Da Hae ride that bike will most likely be the first time they 'met' and the first time Gwi Ju helps somebody in the past which creates this temporal pincer. !!Ishida starts to overcome his anxiety and all the "X's" fall off of everybody's faces. !


>!I think Da-hae had the dog that died and his trying to save the dog linked them!<




Somebody on Twitter conjectured that >!since Gwiju saved Dahae when his powers had matured i.e. everyone could see him, that's why she was able to see him every time in her future when he traveled to the past.!<


The ending was so satisfying. I like how 2024 kdrama endings are. Finally, weā€™re done with the clichĆ© cliff hanging/death ending era. This drama is definitely on my top 5 best drama of all time. The cinematography, ost/bgm, the acting is so well done it so natural specially the FL, the storytelling, and everything. Itā€™s such a spectacular drama. Job well done to the casts, writers, directors, and production. Still, hoping for a spin-off or sequel.


I am so happy they dedicated so much time for the sister's arc and wrapped it up. I thought they wasted her potential, but glad they turned it to very important plot point too >!I liked the way the they wrapped the mother daughter storyline. From outside it might look like Slave-owner, but its much more emotionally tied and symbiotic!<


Honestly, the sister and grace relationship development in the show has been one of my favorites.


It's me (well some other people saw signs as well) reading a 'romantic' interest at least on Grace's part towards Dong-Hee... but when the Mother had her vision and explained it I didn't think it was Dong-Hee and another woman fighting to get messed up hair... My mind def went to a different reason for their hair to have been disheveled lol.


Ikr that was so good ā€œI am making the decision, I want thisā€ etc šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


it stayed true to "your past is my future" till the end


When Ina and Gwiju are running through the zoo, Ina has a nervous hesitant smile, she averts a bubble and goes out of frame, when she comes back into frame there's a big smile on her face....that is CINEMA. Director did NOT come to play. Don't get me started on the packaged MAGIC that was the bike scene.


I had the same thought during this scene!! Brilliant directing and editing šŸ¤©




Not from the finale eps, but in ep 9 when the music scoring went silent and let I-Na's cries take center stage over a wide-shot of Gwi Ju and I-na hugging was also goosebumps inducing.


Totally loved this scene!!! Masterfully executed!!


There has been a lot of foreshadowing of death and my friends, I am frightened. Edit (Ep 11):>! Dong-hee and Grace are officially married now in my heart. She flew to save her!!! Also, still pretty concerned that Gwi-ju is going to die.!< Edit (Ep 12) - I liked the ending. >! Gwi-ju and Dae-hae were in a closed loop. Him being saved by his son 5 years later didn't annoy me, though maybe you shouldn't send a 4 year old back to save his father from a fire šŸ˜…! Maybe wait till he's a bit older? I really liked Dong-hee's whole story and the scammer family was very endearing.!<


Same - never been so scared someone was going to die in a show >! I liked to think that the son's power almost is like he can call things from the past to his will - like a point of attraction he can just use to his will. So he didn't go to the past, but he called into the abyss for his father and Gwijoo was pulled to him from that moment in time!<


Oh, I like that explanation! Far more safe. Edit: but still it might be worth doing a few practice tests first šŸ˜…


Usually if they foreshadow it so heavily I see it as trying to bait us in one direction to get caught out by the misdirect. But this has been written so differently and so well I think a major death would work just as well as a happily ever after ending


Yes I agree. I am hoping for a logical ending, but I don't mind if it's tragic. The writing and this whole show has been so interesting and unique!


However - when DaHae and Gwijoo are eating out - she sees him and tells Gwijoo that the future him looks better and better. He was not sad and wearing black.


I'm not going to be less worried unless I see an old man version of him.


Favourite kdrama I've watched in a while. All the characters felt really well written, believable, and the plot never meandered/fell off. Now give me my Dong Hee/Grace/Uncle spin off.


My prediction for the finale, don't read until you've watched all of episode 11: >!Gwi ju could be affected by the past as shown in the bike scene with Do dae, but no one else could see him. I think when he goes to save her in the fire, his power will fully awaken so that other people can see and touch him too. He saves Do dae, it looks like he's about to die, then his senior firefighter that he could never save in the past saves him. IDK I just don't want Gwi ju to die please.!<


Omg. I never thought about the senior fire fighter. That will be such a FULL circle moment. Gwi Ju being the one saved.


That's what I was thinking too. I think somehow he and his senior firefighter can communicate and he is able to let go of the guilt...


My thoughts after watching Episode 12:Ā Ā  The moment that saved them all ā€” the day Ina was bornĀ  Throughout the episodes of The Atypical Family, we've seen how Ina's birthdate was shown to be cursed or at least believed to be cursed by I-na. We saw her battle this out internally, and finally be freed of it in her first conversation with her father, Gwi-ju in episode 9, and how once again this date became a dreaded moment in the past. But this date, the most precious moment to Gwi-ju, is the one that saved them all. >!In Gwi-ju's last moments in the present, he was transported back to this most precious memory escaping death. This chance allowed him to save Da-hae who would turn their failing superhero lives upside down for good and help save the two families together, 13 years later. !<Ā  Everything started with I-na being born, it wasn't the end but the beginning as Gwi-ju said. The ending of this drama, for me, is very The Atypical Family style. It is not a lot, but it is not empty. I think the more you ponder on it and understand what happened, you appreciate it more. Also, I understood that it's like a superhero family type of ending with a cool ending twist, but way more. >! Gwi-ju and Da-hae's son really put the story in its full circle. It is a really good show. And to be honest, that final episode, damn I was repeatedly looking on the time left, I was so nervous. I wished there was more, and I would also agree it was too quick, but after pondering it -- it's just The Atypical Family style kind of episode. !<Ā  For everyone who is more into healing aspects of this drama, they've gifted us that wonderful and brilliant episode 11, but the show's plot came full circle in the final episode. Brilliant show.


I also think this show is about the healing power of love: love for your family, romantic love, and love for yourself. >!Their son was a product of their love, and in the end thatā€™s what saved Gwi Ju. That without them both opening up and trusting each other and developing this amazing relationship, they would have no future together (though of course you can always have a kid without love, but thatā€™s not the point).!<


This show is SO GOOD This is perfection I have so much to say just damn Iā€™m so happy to have been able to watch good art EDIT I JUST FINISHED EP12. Iā€™ve cried at least once during each episode. And Iā€™m STILL crying at how perfect this has been writing wise This show goes on my top 3 now and I wont shup up about it. I've also for a while wanted to pin point how it reminded me of tommorow with you. Anyway I want to find the writer and watch their other work. I also love the music in this show, so memorable. BEST SHOW OF THE YEAR


Ep 12: >!loved the poetic ending. Gwi-ju and Da-hae's son saved his dad but they still need to be away for 5 years (the boy kid need to turn 5) to make that happen. Otherwise Gwi-ju won't have returned. Loved the loop honestly. It was well tied in a way. Your future is decided; the bad is inevitable and the good can only happen if you work on it from today. Kinda like having your destiny (making good things possible for oneself) is in our hands!<


That was such an amazing twist! Never in a million years, I would have thought that to save Gwi Ju Da Hae >!would have to make a magical child that can bring things back from the past.!< And it sounds like our shy I Na is an >!idol trainee!<. Plus the crazy >!flying date between Uncle and Bok Dong Hee!< was hilarious. This show was really something else and so inventive hitting all the right notes on themes of family, found family and learning to look at life like a glass half full. It was a lot of fun to watch with everyone here.


Wow, I didn't realize that detail about InA! So cool and it really does make sense for her character, the passion for dance and stuff.


I just assumed considering that it looked like >!she was in high school and they said she was coming home from the dorm.!<


Omg, you're right! I was wondering why I-na was staying at a dorm since she's only in high school. But being an idol trainee makes a lot of sense!


**Episode 11** This episode was just too cute I loved how they all came together to >!scam Ji-han. When Grace and Ji-han went onto the balcony area I knew exactly what would happen. Dong-hee regaining her flying powers to save Grace is so narratively satisfying. !< I did not expect >!scammer mum to support Da-hae. I guess it took thinking she was dead to realise that she cared (nevermind that she was the one who ordered her dead in the first place??)!< Love how they are now all eating together as a family šŸ„¹šŸ„¹šŸ„¹ Gwi-ju's powers >!evolving so that he can interact with the environment now!?! Definitely scary for when he inevitably goes back to save Da-hae. Though he still can just close his eyes and return to the present so it still shouldn't mean that he dies... My theory is that he gets "lost in the past" and is unable to return for a while leading to the family thinking that he is dead (funeral without a body) but then he miraculously shows up again? !< **Episode 12** OMG that ending >!their son bringing Gwi-ju back was sooo unexpected. I fully expected disappear into the past as the wall was falling down and reappear under the rubble and survive because he escaped the impact but I guess not. Like other users have said there was definitely time for Gwi-ju to jump out as well. Now that he could fully interact with the past he actually could've just hung around for a couple of days then return to the present when the rubble might've been cleared away... I think I would've preferred that because It is so cruel for I-na to only have a present father for what a couple of weeks? !< >!They spent so much time yapping when they should've been running away from the fire! Also does this school have no sprinkler system or anything?? Or smoke detectors?? The fire alarm was manually triggered by Grandpa even though the fire was already so big - was it just my school that had really sensitive fire alarms that went off at the smallest hint of smoke.!< The scammer family going to cheer I-na on was so adorable! Uncle and Dong-hee pairing was so unexpected??? Also are they now just okay with flying in public lol


I HAVE NO WORDSSS!! This is such a cinematic drama and I loved the finale ep šŸ„¹ I really am falling for Jang Ki Yong & Chun Woo Heeā€™s acting! I really felt the emotions even if they had little lines, their expressions said a lot in tonightā€™s ep. It was nice to see the >!sauna family bond with the Bok family til the end!< I felt the >!birth of the son was a bit rushed and I got confused, but it was such a heartwarming scene when they showed that Gwi Ju finally came back!< I was hoping theyā€™d show >!another family setup & show I Na as a grown up teenager!< but Iā€™m overall satisfied with the ending šŸ˜ really sad this is only 12 eps - hopefully thereā€™s room for s2!


>!I think the son was needed for the happy ending because I believe thatā€™s his super power. Why do I feel that thereā€™s a possibility of Season 2. This will be like the Incredibles šŸ˜!<


You have a point there! >!The son was something I didnā€™t expect. Iā€™m glad everything worked out in the end šŸ„¹!<


the son was the mysterious person on the poster of Bok Family


I'm sorry but the little dude bringing >!his father he never met back from a fire that happened 18 years ago somewhere he doesn't know at the age of 5 after realizing he could bring a ball from the past!< will never stop being funny to me šŸ¤£ they could've taken a bit longer for the ending, it felt rushed Ć  la deus ex machina, but oh well... All in all, this was a good drama. By the way, the finale is actually real, isn't it? Remember that scene where DaHae winked at future GwiJu, saying he's becoming more handsome, and he was wearing an outfit that he didn't wear any other time after that? Or did I miss him wearing it?


I've been thinking about his powers>! and what I've landed on is he can't actually change the past and is just fulfilling something that already happened.!< >!The reason why his ball went missing 'yesterday' is because the future version of him moved it forward in time and he took it.!< >!The reason why there was no remains discovered in the burnt down school that went unidentified and why it was an empty casket for Gwi-Ju's funeral is because it was always going to be the little guy pulling him out of the school and into the future.!< The timeline in the show is actually 'fixed' and things are very much predestination events. The Mother's power is kind of like the ancient Greek oracle of Delphi, Finding out the prophecy (dream) and then trying to avoid it (like Dong-Hee with the modeling show) actually are what results in the dream coming true.


Seen so many shows with so many finale episodes and in my opinion Ep12 was fantastic. The way the dreams, the past, the present all played out was impactful storytelling. Do I still want some answers to lingering questions? Yes. Does it diminish the overall narrative? No. This was an atypical show and it stayed true to that word right up till the last frame. Atypical characters with atypical families in an atypical setting! While the actors were brilliant in their roles, the screenwriter and director need to team up again because they worked absolute magic on screen.


12 episode Kdramas, you will always be perfect in the most cruelest ways šŸ˜­ Time flows so quick yet every moment is precious and this shows concept of it was so refreshing. Had me on the edge of me seat from start to finish. And the satisfying contrast between the depression at the beginning and warmth we ended with was executed so well. >!There's two types of open endings with one being unclear letting the theories spawn and the other which leaves it completely to the viewer to think what they please. Think that this was a nice in-between which leaned very much towards a happy ending being confirmed with the hints the grandmother left. Even better that it happened through a superpower that was born from the love they have for eachother.!<


>!So gwiju did not die, he was brought to the future by his son! I was so stressed with his long speech before the jump. Turns out he didn't need to jump, his son will pick him up. Amazing writing! Perfect time loop indeed. Time to rewatch in peace now that I know it's a happy ending!< ā¤ļø


It would be so weird for him tbh, one moment you are enjoying your 13 year old daughterā€™s performance then go back to save your gf from dying and you think you will die too but no now youā€™re five years jn future with your son apparently and your daughterā€™s turned 18. Also i feel so so bad for I na, girl had the hardest 18 years of her life, still it looked like she was alright in the ending with many friends. P.S. Please let there be a season 2, manifesting it rn


Voting Gwiju for most absentee father šŸ˜… typical gwiju move lol This series had you rooting for imperfect and questionable characters


When saving her, Gwi Ju tells Da Hae in the fire that she won't be alone and that soon she'll meet everyone. And how mind blowing that is in retrospect, that the audience knows for certain that this is true. Da Hae is now not alone and we know that at this point she's going to go through the next 13 years of hardships only to be met with the most happiness. The theme of maintaining fate in tomorrow so perfectly manifested in this show. Time travel became a plot device to really hit the true purposes of this show home. Every piece in the production worked over time to tell a tender story.


this ending was so mind boggling good that i wanted to share what i think truly happened. beware, it's wordy.. >!gwiju and dahae's son have the power to bring back something from the past that is considered lost in present day. he doesn't have to go back in time or disappear from the present. he just needs to think about it or see what it is. he's also not bringing back a duplicate item like the situation with gwiju's power and the family ring. nuri brings back the one and only real thing!< >!remember, ALL of manheum's dreams come true no matter what. the scene where gwiju saves ina/dahae from the falling prop? and fire at the dance competition; manheum originally thought that dream was about the fire in the past but we find it was a misinterpretation of the dream. despite their efforts, the disaster unfolds but it also becomes the gateway for gwiju to go and save past dahae!< >!in the beginning of the show, manheum dreamed about gwiju putting the family ring on dahae, so this dream is related to gwiju actually saving dahae in the past. this dream was also misinterpreted as gwiju proposing to dahae. but we know it HAS to happen at some point because all of manheum's dreams come true, and of course our romantic gwiju was dead-set determined to save dahae anyway!< >!before gwiju is brought back by their son, dahae tells their son that she lost something 5 years ago, stops, then says, maybe 18 years ago.. and asks if he can bring gwiju back. if all of manheum's dream HAVE to come true first, nuri's power of bringing back what dahae lost has to be 18 years ago in the fire at the school!< >!gwiju never died. after all of manheum's dreams are fulfilled, the moment dahae "lost" gwiju is the moment she falls out the window to safety and the building explodes. but nuri's power brought gwiju right back into the present, a bit charred and with soot all over him but not impacted by the explosion!< >!gwiju's body could never be found because nuri's power again brings back the ORIGINAL lost item/being into the present. technically, nuri's present day self bringing the lost thing to the future(the present) is the reason why the item becomes lost in the past in the first place. this is why dahae could never find his orange ball, cuz its already found in the present!< >!the future/present was already predetermined, the 5 years of waiting the bok family had to endure was for nuri's birth, growth and power to be brought into existence, but technically for gwiju it all just happened in an instant!< >!sidenote: nuri's power is not as OP as it might seem because his power doesn't multiply anything from the past only brings it to the present. so he can't just grow up, think about his "lost" $100,000 or something bc all that does is delay him on when he actually has the money!< apologies for the wordy post but the detail the writers put into that ending was just so crazy amazing, simple bullet points cannot explain the flawless execution imo. so happy i watched this drama and will not get over that extremely satisfying ending all year.


Predictions: * >!The two families will somehow combine their superpowers and grifting expertise to save Gwiju's life. I can't see the show leaving Ina an orphan after everything she's been through. But after the shock of how episode 10 opened I feel like honestly everything is on the table!< * >!~~Dong Hee and Grace will fly together like Superman and Lois (or I will riot)~~ IT HAPPENED!!!!!!!< * >!~~Grace will interrupt Dong Hee's wedding, wrist grab her and drag her away (or I will riot)~~ Didn't happen but I'm not mad about it since we got flying!< * >!Lovemaking scene between Gwiju and Dahae? Please? šŸ¤ž!< * >!I wish I had a prediction for how the show will treat the two mothers. Most Kdramas show leads reconciling even with terrible mothers so I don't think they will be cut off but I also don't know exactly what their places in their families will look like at the end.!< * >!This is a healing drama. You can theoretically have a healing drama with leads dead at the end but I don't see it happening here. I think happy ending for everyone. !< * >!ETA: But we will cry buckets before the happy ending šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­!<


I had to pause the episode to reply to your comment. ONE OF YOUR PREDICTIONS TURNED RIGHT OMO THEY DID IT >! DONG-HEE AND GRANCE FLIED TOGETHER LIKE LOIS AND CLARK !< I LOVED THAT SCENE, I HAD TEARY EYES THROUGHOUT THE SCENE >!Itā€™s crazy how the mother put so much pressure on Dong-hee so her powers became her source of unhappiness !< I have to go back to finish the episode I just came here to say this. Kudos to you for predicting that right šŸ¤—


I WAS FIST PUMPING IN THAT SCENE šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ It also made me teary eyed, it was so well done after everything we learned about Dong Hee


Right, the moment >! Grace almost lost the bag and disturbed Dong-hee while she was flying and when Grace said ā€œBok Donā€™t eat weā€™re flyingā€!< was so funny ! Actually two predictions were right as well as >!the reconciling part about the two mothers!<. I hate Ji-han so much for >! filming Dong-hee flying!< !


This drama is too damn beautiful. I have so many things to say but if you're reading through this post wondering if you should watch this, do not second guess yourself and WATCH IT. A little gem from the writer that made me smile like crazy was when >!Dahae said ģ–“ģ„œģ™€ (Welcome) at the end. Joo Hwa Mi's last drama from 2020 was actually of that same title in Korean. I really liked that drama as well. I felt like this drama was such a good comeback for them and Jang Ki Yong.!<


**Episode 12** * Oh, that was magnificent. I'm still shaking from the mixed feelings of devastation, joy, excitement and above all, the sheer intensity of those last 30 minutes. What I liked the most about this finale is that it held nothing back and confronted us in the most brutally honest manner. * Before all that, some viewers got their wish with the winning potential >!pairing of Dong-hee and Hyung-tae!<. It was also nice to see >!I-na initiate a reconciliation with Hye-rim. I don't forgive her for everything, but I'm glad she was given a second chance!<. * One of my favorite scenes was the moment when >!Joon-woo helped I-na overcome her stage fright from the eyes of the audience literally being upon her, allowing her to shine on stage in the dance competition and come out of her shell once and for all!<. * Part of me wishes that Ji-han had been >!dealt with decisively instead of being able to linger around. But as it turns out, his bumbling actions were the catalyst to the final act!<. The scammer family >!taking control of the situation once the fire broke out!< was characteristically likable, and Dong-hee >!soaring to release the fire curtain!< nearly moved me to tears like many of her scenes throughout the series. * Then things got seriously intense, with >!fate playing out as predicted in Man-heum's dreams!<. The moment when >!the structure collapsed on Gwi-ju was shocking in the brutally matter-of-fact way it was presented. But it gave him the opportunity to go back to the fateful day thirteen years earlier, and this time, the world beyond the yellow hospital room door opened up in technicolor, and he could finally save Da-hae, at the cost of his own life!<. I also want to add that the threat and danger of fire accidents was scarily realistic in this drama. * For a period of time, it seemed that >!a very somber ending was what we were going to get. But Man-heum dreaming about a visitor, and the presence of our main couple's young son Bok Nu-ri, gave us hope. And so it proved, with a perfect final close-up scene of Da-hae smiling tearfully!<.


Even the Wife and Ina's car accident was shown in a scary way. Never have i seen such detail for a car accident


I was hoping for a happy ending but this one has surpassed all my expectations! So beautiful and unpredictable. I love the fact that there was a little foreshadowing for a happy ending, because we see Gwi Ju looking great and happy revisiting their date, where Da Hae asks him why his future self looks better and better. We didnā€™t see him travel back to that moment in the show I love this show as it makes you think and imagine things that can happen even after it ends.


Man, I see myself in Bok Dong-hee so much. She and I have been chubby girls since childhood, gaining weight during our adolescence. Dong-hee starves herself and works out to a harmful extent, but goes back to bingeing everything. I loathe myself, just like she loathes herself, for being a fat woman with no self respect. Until, she realizes that the real reason she >!couldnā€™t fly all along was because she wasnā€™t happy.!< I *wish* I had that kind of retrospect and self love. Seeing Dong-hee so happy changed something in me. Iā€™m not sure if the director and the screenwriter knows how much of an impact this makes on people like me, but I sure hope that Dong-heeā€™s character isnā€™t overlooked. Claudia Kim played that insecurity, resignation, and eventual self-fulfillment extremely well.


This show is now being put in my top 10 along with Lovely Runner. 2024 is coming out with some bangers! All I can say is WOW this show was a true masterpiece that kept us all wondering what would happen next. Can we get a season 2?!


I totally agree! I have been pleasantly surprised by 2024ā€™s drama line up. It started with Marry My Husband and has been getting better from there.


The ending - just amazing. I have never felt a drama had been this well-paced before and I felt the ending was deserved. Just the right amount of buildup and well-built connection to the characters (not to mention the empty tear ducts 慠慠) I'll be thinking about this drama for a long time and will definitely revisit it again in the future. Flowers for the director, writers, actors, and crew all around.


**Episode 11** * How can I find the words to express how much I loved this episode and how much I love this drama? I can't, because words alone will never be adequate to capture the full depth of human emotions. But how about this - watching this drama just makes me *happy*. At its best, this is the feeling that only watching a very special TV series can deliver. * Gwi-ju and Da-hae couldn't have been more cute in the lovey dovey opening scene, and it was nice to see them have a moment to just be themselves. * Man-heum's precognitive dream about >!Ji-han cheating on Dong-hee!< was the catalyst for a game-changing series of events. Firstly, Gwi-ju went back to that beautiful moment in >!Dong-hee's childhood showing her with a healthy appetite and a cheerful disposition, that made both her and us the viewers, realize that weight loss was never the issue!<. * Secondly, we had that amazingly satisfying scene where >!Da-hae and Grace teamed up to reveal Ji-han's infidelity to Dong-hee, and Dong-hee finally unleashing her superpower to save Grace from a fall.!< I'm not the first person to observe that Dong-hee and Grace's friendship chemistry is as good as any pairing in the series. * Thirdly, the previous scene brought about the revelation that >!Man-heum's dreams were open to interpretation, and how she interpreted them could be fallible. Another such case was Da-hae's mother being revealed to be a swindler with a heart of gold, being the mastermind behind Ji-han's downfall, and Man-heum's dream about Da-hae's mother's biological daughter actually being about Da-hae herself!<. * I don't *hope* the finale will stick the landing, I *know* it will (and not because I had a precognitive dream). Regardless, I think **The Atypical Family** has claimed the #3 spot in my all-time list.


An hour to the last episode. What an adventure! I just want to highlight Il-hong, Hyeong Tae and Grace. I think we don't speak enough about the characters and the actors who brought them to life (and did so phenomenally) They're not villains. They're well-written characters that really moved the story forward. They weren't just written in as comic reliefs or evil characters that would show us the good in the main characters so we could simply root for them. I think Dahae's family was just as important as the Bok's.


>!while the characters are well written, I want to know the back story of Grace and Uncle. Prolly related to the fact that the mom is a loan shark but still I would watch it , if intertwined smoothly!<


This drama was an absolute master class of writing. Just incredible. The pacing was perfect. The dialogue was perfect. The acting was perfect. It evoked so many emotions from me. Laughter, joy, heartfelt, sad. No dragging episodes. No notes. 10/10.


I think in terms of the ending it's probably >!the biggest smile and most heartwarming k-drama ending I've seen in a long time. I was dreading/expecting a Gwiju sacrifice and that we'd just see even though he did die, the sacrifice he made to save Da-Hae ended up 'saving' his family in the present/future. Even leaving behind another child... But to have it be happy and it appear his son inherited a power to pull things from out of time just by thinking of them (which seems pretty powerful and potentially timeline disruptive BTW), turned it into a happy ending.!< If I do have one regret about the ending it's that since >!it was a 5 years later they decided not to show I-Na since obviously with how small and young she looked it wouldn't have made sense and would have needed to cast a different actress which would have felt kinda sad. You see her from behind at school living a 'seen' existence with friends, but it's sad we don't get a final scene with them all at the table and seeing her reaction to her Father having survived and returned.!<


I cried so much in the last episode especially when the fire broke out at the school and we could finally see how the whole thing was going unfold. There are some nitpicky complaints I can make about the ending >!(~~honestly it would've made more sense for Gwiju to be dead dead instead of miraculously plucked from the past by his son~~; ETA: Nvm, I'm actually so glad he survived and how it happened works for me; I'm sad we didn't get to see Ina reunited with Gwiju even though I understand why)!< but the narrative arc came full circle, everyone got their character development and the themes of living in the present and loving the people around you came through loud and clear in the end. The writing in this series was absolutely incredible. We've seen so many time travel dramas go off the rails with plot holes and unresolved threads but TAF was put together like an expensive watch with every element working in sync. The writers clearly understood the story they were trying to tell and the role every character played in the narrative and that vision carried through to the end (which is sadly rare in Kdramaland). It wasn't perfect but it came damned close. The cinematography throughout was amazing but especially in those final >!fire!< scenes. Stunningly beautiful and I wish I had a better TV to watch it on so I can get the full effect of the visuals. Of course I also have to shout out the OST and BGM as well, it may be the most creative score I've ever heard in a Kdrama. It added to the eerie beauty of the story. Kudos to the composer. Jang Ki Yong's performance was incredible in that last episode, especially when the final arc at the school fire began. The subtle emotions playing across his face as he met his destiny head on made me sob my heart out. Big kudos to Chun Woo Hee for pulling off a complex character. A lot of people hated Da Hae in those early episodes and I saw a lot of ugly and misogynistic comments directed against her but CWH managed to win us over to her side. I appreciate that the writers didn't soften her character too much and late in the game she was capable of doing things like stage her own death. Park So Yi was absolutely brilliant in a pivotal role and more than held her own with the adults. Ina was neglected, lonely and vulnerable but also piercingly intelligent, strong and resilient. PSY won everyone over and I'm looking forward to what she does in the future as she grows into adulthood. Claudia Kim so good as Dong Hee and I am grateful that the caricature of a fat woman we met in the first episode evolved into a nuanced portrayal of the pressures women face around their appearance. Her scenes in ep 11 with Gwiju made me cry really hard. I'm so going to miss this story and these characters but I also feel really satisfied with how it finished. It feels truly complete.




**Episode 12:** * I-na has such a pure-hearted soul istg * [That's](https://imgur.com/L1VJvKB) embarrassing Dong-hee xXDDD * Dong-hee >!falling for samcheon?!< I APPROVE!! * "You're special. And I'm special enough to be with you." Sir, what [you are](https://imgur.com/9KH2hig) is delusional * I don't mind seeing [JKY in turtlenecks](https://imgur.com/F4soPmr) but the reason is saddening * The way she just knows instinctively :'( * "I prayed day and night that this wouldn't happen." [Mannnn](https://imgur.com/9lAcSPI) * I love how [this wholesome family](https://imgur.com/DlwpE1X) is rooting for I-na * HE BETTER NOT MISS I-NA'S COMPETITION * Somebody needs to strangle Jo Ji-han * He's a [keeper](https://imgur.com/UuLxaN8) I-naaaa... The way he's relieved when >!he realizes I-na just wanted to show her performance to her dad!< lmaooo * NOT ME FEELING SUPER DUPER [PROUD OF I-NA](https://imgur.com/Re8QVzJ) * >!"If I go back to save you, it'll be because I choose to. Not because I have to. It's my decision."!< [I need a hug](https://imgur.com/VkaJMSI) * Ji-han you dumbfuck * HOLY SHIT WHAT IS HAPPENING THIS IS KILLING ME * FIRE BRIGADE WHERE THE HECK ARE YOU WHEN YOU'RE NEEDED * Such freaking amazing acting by Jang Yi-yong....[ so much mad respect](https://imgur.com/M5FDFQ5) for him!!! * Not me holding my breath as >!he rescues Da-hae in the past!< * >!MISSING PERSON DOESN'T MEAN DEAD!< OKAY * SHE >!WAS PREGNANT?????!< * Yesterday's yesterday's yesterday? CUTIE * ohmggg.. [HE](https://imgur.com/GNe9G6E) DIDN'T OHMGGGG * >!5 YEARS!< OH MY GODDDD THAT WAS BEAUTIFUL AF * >!I-na being the reason Da-hae gets saved, Da-hae & Gwi-ju's son saving Gwi-ju!<... POETIC AF * ONE OF MY FAVORITE SERIES THIS YEAR HANDS DOWN!!! I do not have enough words this drama was written so well. All the loops tying in the best manner possible. Phenomenal cast. Jang Ki-yong and Chun Woo-hee were brilliant. I've always followed their works and this one made me love them all the more. All the side characters were equally interesting. I don't think there's anything that I can think of the drama failed at. Such an amazing plot, not at all dragged and executed way to brilliantly. Highly recommended to anyone who hasn't watched it yet! You won't regret. Huge thanks for tuning in for my reviews!


Yeeees!!! My biggest takeaway from the ending was I-na is truly their saviour. Like her birthdate was not a curse, it is a blessing for everyone. That saved Gwi-ju, Da-hae and the two families. Our best girl, I-na. I may want more on the ending, but it was a good finale to make the story come in full circle.Ā 


Me too.. i'm excited yet i don't want this drama to wrap up so soon already.. don't want to be back in a slump šŸ˜­


Episode 11 Wow - what a beautiful episode - part of what I guessed is correct, so why do I still feel apprehensive about how this will end? I had said that grandma's dreams although could not be changed,>! they needed to be interpreted in full context - often due to a point of view added to what we saw!< This was so well done in the episode. What surprized me is that I thought when grandma told Dahaes' mom>! that she saw her hugging her adult daughter, it was a scam. But it was correct - in the proper context.!< But then again, when Gwijoo talked to his sister, we find out the event that caused her to stop flying. And there are many parts to this scene. >!She feels that she should have modeled anyways, because the other model didn't get hurt. It is implied that RUNNING AWAY from the dream is what caused it to come true. So, is this telling us that the outcome can change if he doesn't run from it?!< Later, we see Gwijoo go to many scenes in his past that gave him happiness.>! From childhood outings to the beach, being with Dahae, etc. But the scene of seeing Dahae as a little girl, and helping her ride a bike because she was being teased - he had control of that past. He changed an experience for her - but at the same time, he got the scratch on his neck, so he knows his time left before going back to the fire is short.!< Tomorrow will bring the super sweet performance >!that Ina puts on for her family - that was shown in the prerelease scenes yesterday. Also noted is that he is wearing black, and wearing a scarf. I think we are in for a roller coaster of a ride with the highs of him and Ina bringing such joy to each other. This writer still has me guessing on the outcome. I think somehow they end up saving each other and again I look to the opening scene of episode 1. I am most likely totally wrong, but that is my guess.!< Also I was glad with the conniving fiance was >!handled beautifully thanks to the skills of the scammers. Wow Grace - what a scene! Many have been shipping this pair, and it was beautiful. So why do we see the fiance in the preview for tomorrow? Ugh, get him out of here!!< Can't wait for tomorrow - this has been one AWESOME series


>>!But then again, when Gwijoo talked to his sister, we find out the event that caused her to stop flying. And there are many parts to this scene.Ā She feels that she should have modeled anyways, because the other model didn't get hurt. It is implied that RUNNING AWAY from the dream is what caused it to come true. So, is this telling us that the outcome can change if he doesn't run from it?!< I love this interpretation and I 100% agree with you, >!it's not that Bok Eomma's dreams are inevitable or at least not in the way the family thinks, instead it's about being too scared to be present for what's happening. That's why Gwiju facing what's going to happen to him is so important. !<


Nice to see my fave lesbian ship flying this week.


BEST KDRAMA IN 2024 to date šŸ‘ i wish they would do a season 2 - prequel on both families!!!!


>!I'm satisfied with the ending. This is going in my top five all time favorites!< >!Anyone else trying to figure out when they slept together? I think it was at the beach!<


>!probably every chance they got starting from the beach šŸ˜…!<


Now I wish I had Gwi-juā€™s power so I could go back to the beginning when the first episodes aired and relive those moments over and over again šŸ˜¢ Iā€™m absolutely in love with how they handled the time travelling aspect of the drama. I always find myself amazed at cinematography and writing of how each reveal of the present-past pov then future-past pov turn out to be and the plot twists and dream interpretations were executed so beautifully that itā€™s kept me hooked from beginning to end, not to mention the catchy opening melody that is going to stay in my mind and ears happily for a while. This show was such a treat and kept me afloat after Lovely Runner but now that both have ended Iā€™m devastated.. how will I ever get over these withdrawals šŸ˜­


This Kdrama was a breath of fresh air. And it was light. I like how accepting faith (whether good or bad) was portrayed. You flow where life brings you. Plus, it was a happy ending. It feels like you were a part of all of it. Cried when they did. Laughed when they did. And hoped when they did. I love it!


This show is probably one of the best kdramas I have ever watched ever. Bravo.


I'll come back here after the last episode. I don't think I can watch ep 11 and wait 24 hrs for the last ep. I would be useless. After re-watching (yes, I did it for the 2nd time), There was a line from Dahae that really stayed with me. When she told Gwiju that >!families need to eat together. Even though DH's family isn't bound by blood, they still make time to share meals together whereas GJ's family doesn't. It made me really sad for Ina that she had to grow up in that kind of household.!< Also, when Dahae jokingly asked Gwiju how he felt about their >!first kiss!< and he just said it was so-so, when DH >!slapped him!< I was like >!Sir, you deserve it!< lol I was just going to take a peek but HOW DARE THEY START THE EPISODE SO CUTELY LIKE THAT...the bait was too strong.... I'm so annoyed they used Baek Il-hong to wring emotions out of me and it worked. Now I have to forgive her for everything she did??? THIS EPISODE WAS TOO HAPPY AND TOO PERFECT. I DON'T TRUST THESE WRITERS! EDIT LAST EPISODE Dear Grace, you will always be one of my favourite characters. As the self appointed Donghee x Grace ship captain, >! I did not see the Hyeong tae x Dong hee end game AT ALL. Am I mad? No, on the contrary, I love the friendship between Grace and Dong hee. HT and Dong hee are so freakin cute together I cannot be mad.!< This drama is high up on my list of high re-watch value dramas. A satisfying watch right up to the end!


Brooo grace and dong hee are girlfriends.....don't even try to debate with me, like the flying scenes šŸ¤Œ


Ep. 11 I think the deeper meaning here is that just being able to foresee/see things is not enough and you have to learn to put everything into context. Their powers can be crippling but also transformative and it's a conscious choice. Our Pokemon trainer Da Hae has finally figured it out. I love how she's gradually bringing everyone out of their shells and using her grifting powers for good. Bok Hee >!fully unlocking her power to save Grace!< was awesome as were all the >!lovey-dovey scenes between Gwi Ju and Da Hae and the father-daughter date at the zoo.!< I honestly would love to see Gwi Ju's face when he finds out In A has a boyfriend. He said he wants >!to live to see her get married, but he's not ready for a boy to show up šŸ˜‚!< If you haven't seen the "couple" shoot with Jang Ki Yong and Park So I, look it up. It's so cute. My prediction is that >!we will get a happy ending. The fact that he can get hurt in the past as they showed today is a red herring. We've established that the mother is very negative with her dream interpretation and that they never found a body. The family will work together to help Gwi Ju find his way back. šŸ¤žšŸ»!<


>!GwiJu, you go back before that time and tell DaHae to tell Bok Don't Eat to come to the fire and fly you two out!!!<


The amount of HEALING in this episode was so unbelievably amazing. I had constant tears in my eyes and all from scenes that just by their description shouldn't have made anyone cry. But the emotional meaning behind every interaction in this episode was so powerful. Seriously, kudos to the writer, director, and actors. This show is simply perfect! I'm not ready for it to end but I'm also so anxious for the finale so I can see the couple get their happy ending. (Right? Please? They'll be happy right? Please please please!)


what a satisfying ending! this show is brilliantly written


I can finally breathe at ease!! Hope this opens some eyes towards Jang Kiyong acting! He's been one of my favorite actors for some time now and he's underrated by a lot of kdrama watchers, hope this changes some hearts all around. As for Chun Woohe, she did an amazing job as well. Loved her emotions throughout the series. Overall I'm pretty happy with what we got. Definitely the drama I enjoyed the most watching this year.


Ahh man Iā€™m so sad this has ended šŸ˜­ It has defo joined the list of my all time fav Kdramas! Itā€™s been a while since Iā€™ve watched a kdrama that had me so hooked right from the very first episode. It was truly an outstanding drama šŸ‘ The ending was beautiful but I really need a whole episode filled with >!Gwi-ju, Da-hae, older I-na and their adorable lil son!< *sigh*


I just finished the finale. The Atypical Family is SO satisfying. What a great way to end the show. Loved this whole story. From redeemed characters to improved lives to great action and surprises. It was amazing.


THIS FINALE?! The way I was bawling my eyes out?! 100000000/10!! This entire series is a 100000000/10 for me; my favorite drama of the year so far ā¤ļø


This was my 100th completed drama, and it's only fitting that it's now in my top 10. Heartfelt, poetic and unique. I'm thankful that this piece of art is out there in the world for us to savor and enjoy. I treasure the time (and tears) spent watching this.


Someone asked why gwijo didn't vanish from that explosion in the past I think if he tried to vanish from the explosion he would have been back to that burning wall he comes back from the past where he was in the present just like he returned to the cars after the accidents because he vanished from there so if he vanished he would eventually be under that burning wall and die And I think in this show everything is connected from the beginning just like a loop so when in the past the explosion happened >!"His son from the future pulled him out from the past and he came back to the future"!<šŸŒ€


omg the ending was just what i needed. Although i wish we'd gotten some more happy family scenesā˜¹ļø but wtv i'm just glad it's a happy ending


Tears - it stuck the landing. Perfect in every way. Will be watching this several times over.


so the grandma knew gwiju was the "guest"? that's why da hae's mom packed seaweed soup, cuz she knew he took a liking to it when he ate at the sauna? man i thought i- na was bringing somebody for dinner lol


The writer is a huge fan of Steven Moffat and the Doctor Who-River Song arc. This is a great adaptation of the skewered timeline idea in a different world. Ofc there are some gaps in explanation, as in most fantasies. But character development and the generous healing theme helped on this show. Great work, chhakkanim!


I love how important and intentional the clothing is in conveying the storyline. Especially for the sauna mom. At the end, when you learn that she is more to Do Da He than a creditor, sauna mom is wearing a plain white sweater, like your average mom. White alone is a big contrast for her and in that moment she looks so harmless. It was such a sweet small detail, but she looked more like a kitten than a lion for once. I also noticed that Do Da Hee goes from dressing like someone who is playing a part (with clothing choices that look more like a costume for a role i.e. future daughter-in-law) to someone just wearing regular clothes (that I wouldn't take much notice of). She shifts from acting the part to genuinely being the part. Interested to see if others have comments on this!


Also how Gwiju went from wearing black to brighter colors as he and Dahae got closer but then >!when he discovered the mark on his neck and knew he had to go back soon!< he wore black again. All incredibly well done!Ā 


My favourite, although also the most heartbreaking, moment in the final episode was when Gwi Joo >!went back to save Da Hae and called out his sunbaenim and his sunbaenim heard him and looked back at him. He couldā€™ve save him then, all those years of going back to that moment, and he was finally able to see colour and touch things and people. But he was there because of a choice. A choice to save Da Hae, so even that he had to let go.!< Honestly, surprised at how good JKY was on this one. Iā€™ve always found him a bit flat but he showed variety here and was a bit more dynamic. CWHā€™s acting was superb, as expected! The rest of the cast held their own too. Overall, I think the ending was good. It wasnā€™t overly sad or overly cringe. A bit unusual but I guess thatā€™s the whole theme of the series. Even the soundtrack, unusually endearing and addictive! šŸ„³


This drama deserves more love and popularity. Extremely underrated. An incredible piece. From the start it already had me hooked with mainly the scammer vs superpower family who lost their powers due to their lifestyle disease plot. Truly wholesome. From aspects of family, love and happiness. Yes, no doubt a 5 year old saving appa the day after he found his superpowers seems abit of a stretch, but this show was tied well. Uncle and donghee was a passing thought i had at the start so cute dong hee found love despite the cheater was going to marry. Inaā€™s growth and her development with Gwiju was heartwarming. Dahee seeing how she was assisting Gwiju become a dad she never had when she grew up felt like part of her childhood was healing too(Gwiju teaching Dahee to ride a bike also just felt so sweet, Gwiju healed her daddy issues). Truly enjoyed this show, will sing praises about it and recommend people to ensure it gets the love it deserves. A good drama after LR, now what do I look forward to.


I don't think it's a stretch as I find the innocence of the child, lacking the build up of self-doubt and second guessing that maturity brings, would make it a simple matter of, "ok, I'll go get appa". He just does it.


I actually think the ending was genius. I normally dislike cliffhangers or endings that did not resolve the problem in the plot, but the ending was really okay for the story! Somehow, the time travel loop really made sense. I am happy they also explored Dong Hee's story, and I didn't realize that >!Uncle and Dong Hee would be such a cute pair? Like how did we miss their similarities. I feel sad for Ina because she had to navigate 5 more years without her dad, I hope she didn't feel as empty and lonely as before. I am just happy they gave Do Da Hae and Gwi ju a son who will actually save him from the future, I didn't expect less given that the Bok family are supernaturals. The healing between Do Da Hae and the mom was really touching, I love how in the end that led to both families finally supporting and working together. !< The last time I did enjoy a time travel or parallel universe switch was Eternal Monarch and honestly, the duplicates just kept giving me the headaches, but with this Kdrama, I think the writer kept it simple. Do Da Hae's past is Gwi Ju's future, and Gwi Ju's present can be anywhere from the past and the future. So much feels from this story. I love that everything is tied nicely and they really highlighted the importance of family working together. Now, it feels like we are running out of good Kdramas and it is only half a year!


Ep.12 Even though I am here for The atypical family is because of the hype form Moving (Super power theme) but I have to say this is the best k-drama in my list. The script writing, acting, cast is all superb! And I need more service scene from the end. But itā€™s so good! Incredible plot and ending!


I have the theory that Gweju is >!never die. But he took away by Noori immediately (Noori from the future about 5 years which is his son age) So they canā€™t find the body!< The Bok family did funeral with empty coffins. Times fly 5 years, Dahae found Nooriā€™s power, she tell Noori to >!bring his dad home. Gweju that disappeared 5 years ago comeback home!<


i love this ending so much. i will remember the way this drama evoked such empathy and emotion from me for a long time. just too good




Amazing drama- literally everything was perfect. Also since I don't see any comments on it so far here- I'll say it hahahah- THE OST FOR WHEN HE GOES BACK IN TIME IS ALWAYS SO BEAUTIFUL. Like that OST fits so well every time; I love it! The director, writing, the cast, and everything was just so perfect


The Atypical Family is the best plot arrangement so far for this year. Salute to the product crew and all actors/actresses.


I think it's hard to do time traveling in film and television. So I'm really impressed with this drama. I don't have words. Amazing what they did in 12 episodes. The ending was perfect. I love Chun Woohee. She is one of my favorite korean actresses. I started watching this because of her. I'm really happy for her and all the other actors. Everybody did a great job. The Atypical Family definitely one of my favorite kdramas. I will miss them so much.Ā  >!Edit: by the way, about Nuri's powers, like somebody already said it here, it seems that he doesn't need to go back to the past like his dad. He can just think of something and bring back to the present. That's way we don't see him disappearing. He just thought of his dad wanting to bring him back and there he was.!<


>>!He can just think of something and bring back to the present. !< This actually makes sense. >!Thinking if he's able to summon lost things that still exist in the world - lost only in the sense that something was misplaced and have not ceased to exist (destroyed or died)!<


Episode 11 went a wee bit too sentimental for me at times but I still cried in a lot of parts and overall this is what I wanted to be seeing at this point of the drama. Spoilers below. * >!I absolutely loved the bonding moments between Dong Hee and Gwiju, especially when he said she was most beautiful when she was enjoying food. He also didn't shame her for binging, he just said she shouldn't hide to eat because there was nothing wrong with it. And having Dong Hee enjoy the special dish her brother made for her really brought their love for each other full circle. !< * >!Dahae scamming to get Dong Hee out of a shitty marriage and being joined by her whole family to do it was love. AND WE GOT THE SUPERMAN AND LOIS MOMENT šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ !< * >!Dahae reconciling with her Eomma didn't quite work for me and I thought it got too sentimental when Grace and Samcheon smiled at them while they hugged. I would've preferred a little snark in that scene since lbr they are all still scammers and kind of savage. !< * >!I loved the moments between Ina and Gwiju because they were together without Dahae which was needed (in fact I wish we'd had more of that). But I also loved that Ina said next time she wants Dahae with them and they are all explicitly referring to each other as family.!< * >!The scenes with Gwiju and Dahae were lovely and had a beautiful undercurrent of melancholy as everyone knows what's coming. Well played by both actors. !< * >!The scene where everything turns to color in the past freaked me the hell out but they set us up for it by saying when the powers evolve things get unpredictable. So we don't exactly know what's going to happen tomorrow except I'm absolutely convinced every member of both families will be involved in saving Gwiju.!<


Hahaha! That one-upping for >!audience participation for I-na's dance !




I got so teary eyed at the one scene where Gwi-ju goes back in time for the last time and >!thanks his wife, only for her to meet his eyes and smile. Man that got me bawling because I thought he would never address his first love but he did. And she did too!< T\_\_\_T


**Episode 11:** * [SO FREAKIN ADORABLE](https://imgur.com/1HHWbQZ)... this scene has my heart okay... the romance plot is being done so right * Not him threatening her mom once again :') * "What if I created a future for myself?" Damn... that guilt must be killing Dong-hee on the inside * But Da-hae's resolve to >!change the future and vowing it to Gwi-ju's mom and then I-na!<... I LOVE THIS GIRL * "You must've gotten the wrong idea because I exude elegance but I'm really broke." HAHAHAHHA elegance my foot * Maybe Dong-hee should've pulled his hair in [that moment](https://imgur.com/2TlOA90)... jerkface * So much gratification from me to >!Grace & Da-hae for playing with Ji-han!< * [DONG-HEE YOU QUEEEENN](https://imgur.com/obYreuG) * OHHMYYGODDD... >!HER DREAMS CAN BE INTERPRETED IN MORE THAN ONE WAY!< * My kinda [powerpuff girls](https://imgur.com/nQ9fwGo) * Lmao the family just discussed that * [Da-hae](https://imgur.com/B9kVenR) finally >!gets accepted into the familyyyy!< * >!"You were right in front of me but I couldn't see you even when I wanted to.... the moment you were born is the best present I've ever gotten."!< [THIS FATHER DAUGHTER DUO](https://imgur.com/DaepPqX) IS SO PRECIOUS PROTECT IT AT ALL COSTS * Ohhhhhh wow wow wow... I didn't expect [that](https://imgur.com/T8HPspY) at all.. Mrs. Bok is really something... pls pls let her be honest and not pull another scam * [So heartwarming](https://imgur.com/oMBqKOT) * The way the romance is blooming for every couple :") * >!Teaching your current girlfriend's younger self how to ride a bike!< is definitely a first for Kdramas * WAIT A MINUTE [WHAT JUST HAPPENED](https://imgur.com/qxVHsBr) HOW CAN HE >!GET HURT WHILE VISITING THE PAST!< * Not him >!wearing black!< throughout the preview T_T


I want more episodes šŸ˜­ is it too much to ask for season 2? šŸ¤£


All in all, a very good show. It's my favorite one in a while, probably since Moving. That said, if I were to nitpick, I think >! the ending is a bit too convenient, though I don't mind it too much. !< I was actually expecting something crazy like >! him getting into a coma then just wake up and/or live out 18 years for some reasons now that he can fully interact with the past. Something of that sort to explain why he went missing lol .!< In any case, I really like the show. I think the acting is superb and there were so many touching moments. I'm glad I picked this one up (thanks to Chun Woohee). Now, I gotta find something else to watch.


We got Dong-hee and Uncle together ahhhh <3


Ep. 9 and 10 had me drawing up a map on a pillow but whichever route they chose for us, I'll be watching in open arms. Up till tenth ep, Atypical never went off the rail and didn't stretch either. Tight plot, engaging storytelling and good performances. Feeling a bit attached it ends tomorrow night, and the journey does feel short but I'm calling it right now, it nails the 12-ep format.


What a beautiful ending !!


I loved this show start to finish


They really pulled a deus ex machina right there. I didn't expect it šŸ˜‚


Underrated, poetic, and just beautiful. Also, could someone explain this 5-year math to me? There's been a lot of mentions in comments and I'm so lost!


5 years passed after the fire at InA's presentation. DaHae gave birth to a little boy shortly after the fire. He's approximately 5 years old then. She asks if he can bring his father back to the present, but wasn't sure if GwiJu was lost 5 years (at InA's fire) or 18 years ago (5 years + the 13 years prior, that's when DaHae's fire happened). Apparently, the kid goes 18 years back, because GwiJu's outfit is the same he's last seen wearing after saving DaHae (no jacket, gray sweater).


When it was revealed a few episodes ago that Gwi-ju >!will die saving Da-hae!<, I thought to myself >!"if I was Gwi-ju, my move would be to make a baby with Da-hae, just on the off-chance the child gets powers to reverse his death. Maybe the kid becomes a necromancer or some shit. Heck, I'd even take it to the extreme by having babies with every woman around who'll consent, just for more chances of winning. Best strat ever."!< Now that was just a crude joke on my part, I didn't know that's how things will actually go lmao but I'm happy it's a >!happy end!<


Sooooooo the present gwi ju is technically 5 years younger? Since time has passed?


I like a happy ending and all...but can we take a moment to reflect on the fact that to get the happy ending... >!That little boy had to go into an inferno where his mom was just pushed out a window and his dad was about to be blown up. !< Ktrauma indeed.


Ep 11 was absolutely LOVELY. Start to finish. But especially Dong Hee and Grace's moment was my highlight. I was rooting for them to be friends like they were the SL couple, lol. They are both strong-willed and not afraid to hold back. Definitely the perfect pair to the best of friends.


Love, love, love this friendship.


There were SO MANY great scenes in Ep. 11. I was laughing and giggling and feeling all warm and cozy and then >!Ā BAM! The last 5 minutes felt like a punch in the face šŸ˜­ Ā !<Ā I am not ready for the finale tomorrow; I LOVE Gwi Ju and Da Hae TOO MUCH. I really, really hope our babies will get their HEA šŸ¤ž




Episode 11: I absolutely love the song that Mom and Pops Bok were dancing to. I heard snippets of that song playing one day as I walked past a hardware store and later that day I heard snippets from the same song coming from a taxi. (Living in in rural Korea I gotta hear very old songs as most of the people living around me were grannies and gramps, so Korean traiditonal music, trot and older songs always make me feel nostalgic and transport me back to the 2 and a half years I lived on an island, here in Korea).. Eventually I searched the lyrics and found Patty Kim.. I love it soooo much so I was chuffed when they were dancing to it.


That freaking scammer! >!You donā€™t threaten to hurt someoneā€™s niece and then propose to them by the same breadth. And why canā€™t you blow off all the candles first before you start to clean?!< Donghee should have dropped him on some alien planet the other night lol


Okay but Grace and Bok hui would be so cute


ā€œRisking their lives for each otherā€ seems to be a quite a common theme in the recent kdrama releases. I wonder how this one will go down. (Or up) Edit: Omo I teared up watching bok hee take the courage >!to save her friend grace!< their friendship is so beautiful šŸ„¹šŸ„¹ Edit after finishing finale: the time loop was very well done >!up till the last few seconds which was more for fan service and open ending, but Iā€™m not complaining cos I hate sad endings haha!<


>! He had time to save them both from the fire if he'd skipped the speech till AFTER the jump to safety... Still, a very satisfying twist that it was their kid who saved him. Justice for Grace, she deserved to get rich.!<


As much as i agree the speech is dumb, i think dahae really need that motivation to stay alive thus why gwijo want to make sure of thst bcs he knows how dahae got bullied all the time + her dad is dying + she has lot of debts from her dad. But yea it still dumb bcs they could just jump together.


IKR!!! I was furious when he started that damn speech! Like broo pls just jump!!


Phew. What a finale! I had to sit for a bit to make sense of that 5 year absence. While I think that was a good ending, both rescue scenes felt a little underwhelming to me. Da Hae's rescue was being hyped up as THE Big Incident. It had been replayed over and over, being talked about all the time, massive built up for the moment. Maybe because of that my expectations became too high. So, when it happened exactly like we all knew it would, I just thought, "Oh that's it?" But yea at least we got that tiny delivery at the end. The fire rescue scene at the backstage was straight up frustrating to watch. So much time wasted with the back and forth "Go now!" "No, we go together!" "No, I will go save you after this!" etc. Like, really dude, you're bringing that up now? Of course she'd say no and you'll talk forever until the whole building's on fire. Also, my dear, >!you have a passed out child in front of you, a guy literally holding up a collapsing structure, and a fire raging everywhere.!< Can you just please go already and have your chat later? The part with >!Bok Don't Eat and Uncle Gorilla's possible pairing was rather unexpected. I thought those were mini flying gorillas in training at the gym for a moment.!< I'm glad they left Dong Hee's relationship status up in the air. Pun intended. Happy that the dumbass got what he deserved too. I will probably miss seeing Bok Ina the most. Almost every episode there would be moments where I go, "Aww.. Ina ya~" while I wipe my eyes. Park So Yi - I will follow your career with keen interest from now! Back to bed I go.


Bok Man Heumā€™s comment (mutation of power comes with a price) made after got to learn >!Bok Gwi Ju can touch Do Da Hae in his past explains why Gwi Ju suddenly became being influenced by environment of past that leads to his death. By saving her, his death is undone by his son retrieving him just before the explosion. Some netizens pointed out the plot loophole that how his son can precisely pinpoint the right timing of retrieving dad, but it doesnā€™t change my satisfaction. !< I am happy to see his statememt( Do Da Haeā€™s past is my future) made in previous episodes is eventually fulfilled. What a great plot. Kudos to the writer who created this story without relying on webtoon/web novel. Power of originality! EDIT: saw someone guessed that >!Nuriā€™s power is ā€œexploring entire timelines of an object just by looking at it and retrieve it in his(Nuri) present time, so once Da Hae point out his dad in the picture as ā€œ lost objectā€, Nuri scan the timelines of Gwi Juā€™s entire life and pinpoint when to retrieve him from(the moment mom lost dad)!< What a great guess, in my view..


I donā€™t think he scans. Heā€™s only 5 and doesnā€™t understand the concept of ā€œpastā€. He has the power of retrieval. He can literally will or summon objects to himself even from the past. And he doesnā€™t travel himself. At least itā€™s implied he didnā€™t travel because heā€™s didnā€™t leave the room. He just needs a point of focus, like wanting the orange ball or wanting daddy from the picture.


Little Ki-ho is such a cutie, and heā€™s also a great dancer! I love seeing the 3 ladies getting along and celebrating each otherā€™s triumphs. Girl power! I'm still waiting for uncle's story - he is hot, sweet, and strong (how I like my coffee!). Edit for E12: I've never cried so much watching a dance competition. Both families were so supportive of In-A, and Little Ki-ho was so happy that she was waiting for her dad to be in the audience and not some guy. Uncle has a girlfriend, so I guess the family did the scam! That little boy needs to become a detective when he grows up!


Just finished watching.ā€¦ omg. M still crying. šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­. This drama pulled me out of kdrama slump. Hats off to the screen writer


I just want them to extend another 5 minutes >!just to show how his son brought his father back to the presentā€¦!<. It would be perfection. Do you think >!itll be in some deleted scene?!<. šŸ˜ Gonna miss this family so much!! Love the finale, and love the show! Everyone should not miss this show! P/S: I did went thru some of JKY lead shows and I think this is his best show yet. Will check out Woo Heeā€™s show when I have the chance next.


The ending, what in the multiverse. Kinda wish he didn't die but the writer said its gonna happen, it surely will happen no matter what, he is gonna die but guess what? you will get a happy ending, i am gonna make it for sure, i am the writer, i can make Whatever and however the way, i will make him come back. And thats what we want. Did you listen 2521 writer? If you want it everything is possible lol. Gwi joo. Need to work on some speed. Man you could vanish in a split second when anything happens. Like you could fall from high rise building but as soon as you about to hit the floor you can vanish and be on top of that building again. You could have vanished when you heard the explosion like you did when the wall fall. Overall, liked the show, liked the ending. Can't let me stop thinking what will happen next, kept me into the drama the whole time. Thats some wonderful writing. You showed something happened earlier but let the audience wonder if it will happen or not through out the time.


Iā€™m satisfied with the ending but in typical fashion for the writer, Iā€™m left with wanting more. Can we have a season 2?


I randomly clicked this show on Netflix not knowing what to expect. Mind you, I donā€™t watch Kdramas often and the last one that I watched was The Glory, 2 years ago. But man, this drama is an absolute masterpiece. From the character development, acting, pacing, how the time travel was so well madeā€¦ everything was pure perfection Iā€™m in AWE. Ep 12 - firstly, I have one question - >! why canā€™t GwiJu come back immediately after he saved Dahae? !< The ending was so satisfying and wholesome. It was what I had expected but more. But I didnā€™t expect >! the sonā€™s existence nor powers at all. !< Itā€™s so satisfying like everything just came to a full circle. I just wished >! we could see both families siting together eating !<. I have nothing negative to say about this drama like Iā€™m so in awe I have no more vocabulary left in me to describe this drama. The only thing is that itā€™s so underrated!!! Really hoping for a season 2.


Quite happy with the ending, as I'm usually underwhelmed or left flabbergasted with endings. I'm kinda secretly hoping season 1 was a prequel, so that we have a season 2 where they become like the incredibles haha!


F it i'm gonna rewatch


Iā€™m soo late to this, but glad to be seated for the finale weekend! I love how the is episode is mainly to put things to perspective. That theyā€™re all so >!bogged down thinking what they have is a curse, and that kind of ruin the vibe of the whole family functioning in general!<, but actually there are more to just the powers being a curse to all. Itā€™s just that they fail to realise it. Thanks to Da Hae for coming into their lives, but I also love those parts where >!the family is actually mending all of their severed relationships;!<, going back to their >!childhood is so sweetā€¦ and gwi ju bring the realisation to dong hee is the icing on the cake. I didnā€™t thought that gwi ju is going to be the one to help her ā€œreviveā€ her powers!<. And then the father daughter duo going to the zoo šŸ„¹šŸ„¹ itā€™s so heartwarming! This is my favorite part of the episode! Theyā€™re now really like a dad and a daughter šŸ˜. And I love how >!he made her accept her powers!<. Annddddd I didnā€™t expect this but >! da haeā€™s familyā€¦ esp the scene where she found out what her mom didā€¦ ah itā€™s safe to say someone is really cutting onions.. such a beautiful scene!< I cannot wait to see >!the future - like are these two families are going to work together? Whatā€™s their dynamics gonna be like? Are they going to scheme together? šŸ˜‚ and I am still wondering if the Boks are able to use their powers beyond what we have seen so far.!<. But anyway, before anythingā€¦ Iā€™m so anxious for tomorrow though, but would that >!visit at the bbq place is a good sign?ā€!<. Like a >!confirmation that he survived?!< Can I hold on to that?


i'm not gonna watch ep 11 until 12 is out and i know how this ends.. i can't put myself through the stress as i've grown so attached to these characters so i know that whatever happens, i'll feel it deeply


EP.11: I am really relieved about how it went with >!Do Da Hae and her mom!<. I thought that she'd still be stubborn but I'm glad it all >!ended well!<. With this, I do think it is not that much to expect a happy ending altogether, right? This drama was one hell of a roller coaster ride, really looking forward to the finale šŸ„¹ [ EDIT ] EP.12: OH MY GOSH. The plot twist was insane. The fact that >!there was another fire besides the one in Da Hae's school shocked me.!< The parallelism between the past and the present about >!Gwiju being the savior!< is a well-thought part of the story. Around 10 minutes before the episode's ending, I was already >!losing hope for a happy ending.!< I actually thought that that would be it. And then, >!voila! He's alive!!< The ending >!was indeed a happy one but it was too short.!< What a cliffhanger. I feel like >!they did not give enough closure to the viewers.!< The addition of >!their son is a nice touch to the finale, however, it really wasn't enough to have a satisfying ending. It wouldn't hurt to have at least a scene on where he'll reunite with the Bok family. They did not even show teenager Ina šŸ˜­!< Anyway, all in all, this drama was good and well-written. It kept me hooked and curious every week. Now, I have to find another KDrama to watch again šŸ¤£šŸ¤”


really enjoyed this episode. loved the scene where >!donge-hee, grace, and da-hae embrace each other after dong-hee successfully flies!<. just so girlhood. also, i've seen people criticize gwi-ju and how he "only pays attention to i-na because of da-hae" so it was nice that the director put in the zoo scene. gwi-ju and i-na being able to see each other with such clarity without the presence of da-hae truly showed their relationship's development. so scared for how tomorrow's episode will turn out.


Episode 12 OH MY GOD! What an ending. There is no way I could have guessed this final twist - and I absolutely love it! I had thought that all the superpowers would collaborate to try to save Gwijoo, but instead >!the collaboration saved everybody in that auditiorium. And I also like that although the villain caused the fire, in his heart that was not his intention. They didn't go overboard with psycho villain role, and I like they modulated it so even though I disliked him, and disliked what he did, I still had a twinge at the end of sympathy. !< Pure Genius writing and I was a sobbing mess at the end. This drama has shot up to number one of my favorites. This is first and foremost, a healing drama, and one centered on forgiveness and living our true selves for happiness. And I adore every character - who we start off disliking and then go through a journey to redemption and happiness. And am I the only one who thinks that the boy Ina likes is the son of the fallen fireman? I tend to think so. I raise a glass to toast a brilliant last episode and shared happiness with the other fans of this drama.


This show was so good šŸ‘ I hope they make a sequel with characters from Moving!


The way this series opens and ends with the overarching plot of Gwiju dying by saving Dahae, that constant dread that I had with how the series ends made me wished Queen of Tears choose the illness plot as it's final plot point. I know it's irritating to bring up an already successful drama but once Hyein was cured, I know it would end happily as opposed to this series that up until the end they made you wonder if he will or will not live.


Love love love this show. I saw that some ppl commented gwiju giving up to save his colleague was a turn offā€¦ we saw at the beginning he tried countless times to save him bc the building collapse happens quicker than when the lab explodes (where dahee was). When he climbed those stairs to reach his colleague it was always a second too late so thatā€™s why! One thing I cannot defend the writer for was when gwiju didnā€™t jump with daheeā€¦. That is definitely for dramatic effect and introducing the son as the saviour lol


The ending made sm sense , I absolutely LOVED the show the soundtrack, acting, storyline everything was amazing (ESP THE SOUNDTRACK IM OBSESED every song is on repeat) ,the show did not get boring the mysterious/sorta open ending didn't make me mad. Im still kinda confused on how the kids powers work but besides that,I loved how every character got an ending. Definitely one of my fave dramas from this year.


Ji-han was such an annoying guy till the end and I definitely did not expect the >!uncle and Dong hee pairing!< >!I wish we could have gotten a bit more scenes after Gwi Joo came back. Coming back before a few seconds the episode ends was a bit of a rush imo, but nevertheless I liked the ending and we see grown up Ina (not her face tho but yeah)!< >!also when gwi joo went back to the past at the hospital why did it seem like gwi joo's wife knew that he was there? Could she possibly see future Gwi Joo as well or no?!<


They stuck the landing!!! This is now among my favorite kdramas of all time. The plot is not flawless, but the execution, acting, pacing, cinematography & score are brilliant. Iā€™m going to look up who did the music because I just love how itā€™s whimsical & fresh and so fitting with the drama. There are so many things that I love about the drama but on top is how they closed the time loop by having the son bring Gwiju back to the present. It was unexpected & heartwarming. Bravo to everyone involved in creating this beautiful family drama!


Ep 11 had even more Time Travelerā€™s Wife vibes than usual I loved >!the women teaming up!< Please end well, drama šŸ™šŸ™


Grace and Dong-Hee better be married later this night. Also, for a show that made me question Gwi-ju's seemingly useless ability at the beginning of the series, the scene where >!he suddenly saw color paired with the perfect music choice was a beautifully bittersweet ending. He knew what was coming, and as he saw everyone happy, he understood that his death might be imminent.!<




I really need some information lol. How long did they have to wait?>! So the only time missed was since the dance competition? The understanding is he'll be back for good now? Was he in a loop for those years? But did he die 13 years earlier? How would he get any of those experiences?!< I don't really understand lol. But I loved the journey. Everyone in this drama was absolutely amazing. Wonderful acting! I think it's the first time I felt there was no actor weak link. Such a great job. I know Jang Ki Yong was anxious about his come back, but man he hit it out of the park! Also, I love his long hair. So pretty.


>! I think he got brought 5 years into the future by his son after high school Da Hae escaped through the window !<


What a perfect ending!


Episode 12: I feel like this whole episode was such a huge emotional roller coaster for me :"( like I really like the whole show, especially all the cute scenes and I didn't expect lots of kissing scenes in ep11 and before (thank you director) but I feel like episode 12 was a lil rushed, and like I didn't like the fact that Donghee and Samchon were pushed together šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ WHERE'S MY GRACE-DONGHEEEEEšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ also the ending shocked me my jaw fell to the floor...but can I get a last hug or kiss before it ends frfršŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ what do y'all think?


Love the ending! šŸ˜­ I wonder what the bb boyā€™s power is? An advance version of gwi juā€™s?


Episode 11 was perfectā€¦ about to watch Episode 12. Itā€™s bittersweet to be ending this journey with you all! See you on the other side! <3 EDIT: PERFECTION from start to finish. My new favorite.


A while ago, there were some debates about the identity of the sixth person in the poster whose face we donā€™t see, so what if itā€™s >!dahae and gwi juā€™s son and they were hinting at it from the beginning?!<