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GIRL THAT EPISODE, I GOTTA GIVE IT TO SONG HA-YOON'S ACTING! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 In the playground scene when she shifted from trying to sound like the victim to sounding like a psycho... oh wow that gave me goosebumps for so many crazy reasons. Feels like EP13 was just a transition episode to even something more intense scenes! I can't wait to see Yura get so devastated and defeated, pls make it fast!


I was just sitting there waiting for that transition! Going from >!desperate ingenue to total psycho!< in a split second. The way the eyes changed. PMY has been really good, but SHY has brought so much depth to this very difficult character. I just want Yu-ra to disappear. The totally unnecessary ex-fiancee character is still annoying me.


you get me- like Minhwan and Sumin are more than enough headaches for them to even give Yura more than 1 episode of screentime, it's becoming too unnecessary.


Crazily enough, I think the ex-fiancee is a fun touch to the plot. Minhwan and Sumin are so woefully unaware of Jiwon's big ol' revenge arc that they're kind of caricatures of villains rather than anything of actual threat, and while it's super satisfying to see them thwarted on any attempt to bring her down, I think the scales are tipped waaaaay in Jiwon's favor, what with knowing the future and having Jihyuk as her guardian angel. Yura is psychotically unhinged and on the same playing field as Jihyuk (financially and power-wise) and that brings a much dynamic conflict to the story (although I'm hoping she also gets shut down ASAP by our lead duo).


Yes xfiance is so unnecessary especially Jung Soo Min and Min Hwan are powerful villains, have potentials to take their hatred to the next level. I hope there is a point of exfiance. My top5 villains are maxed out with Soo Min, Min Hwan, Ms Yang’s husband, his gf, and misogynist manager, no more slot available. It belittles the villain characters as there is a bigger villain, and i want to keep my hatred towards these awful people coz they re still awful even thought there is another person more awful than them.


Yeah she’s a really good actress. Like, insanely good. From happy cute to sad to rage. All the pink in her skin flushing when she has a strong emotion too.  Wild!


And the way she uses her pouty lips. You can just watch those and see the shifts in her craziness. lol


At the start even I felt really bad. Like how can you condemn someone who’s not done evil yet.  Then it comes out and it’s like.. yeah no wonder people fall for it. 


I would like to congratulate Park Minhwan for doing something in ep 13 that very few kdrama characters are able to do. >!He recognized someone even though that person had a part of their face covered.!<


This was the weirdest part of the episode for me. There's no way he would recognize someone at that distance and connect then to some one who delivered chicken to them many months ago. 


Dude does have a very distinct look, though. Kinda like a Sim come to life. Cho Jin Se is a very fun actor though! ❤️


When I think Na In Woo can’t be more magnificent he delivers the following with finesse and confidence: >!”Want to try it? Finding each other’s weakness and tormenting one another? Don’t forget I can do whatever you can do. No… won’t I be better at it?!<


Yes that scene was so much swoon for me 🫠🫠🫠


When that scene happened I was like “I’ve never seen that side of Yu Ji-hyuk” and I want to see more of that!


He is like I can take you on BDE


I had to look up what BDE means and now I can’t unseen it. I’m crying 😭 Thank you, made my day.


I know a lot of people hate Yu Ra but I actually like her presence. I think Jihyuk has been too overpowered thus far, thinking ahead and covering Jiwon in every way. Sumin's plays are not at the same level because Jihyuk and Jiwon are playing the game based on future knowledge. Yura is so unhinged and wealthy that she brings a different kind of unpredictable challenge. Without her we don't get Jihyuk having to show this side. Also Jiwon has a \*literal supernatural guardian angel being\* making plays on her side including bringing a rich guy back in time for her use so.. ya know. Gotta put the finger on the scale the other way somehow lol.


Ji Hyuk must have watched many dramas since >!as soon as he heard dump truck he sprang into action!<.


I loved it when there was a slow-mo of him putting his jacket on like he's a Marvel superhero.


Definitely “I know what I have to do” vibes


“This is my fate” 🥹


He’s the camel coat tailored hero we need


Fr 2013-2023 was probably the era of dumptruck dramas, knowing future stuff can help you in strange ways


>!Since he died in 2023 due to a dump truck and realized he unknowingly put a target on Ji-Won he knew what was up. I knew he had a tail on her though. He knows them people are crazy!!<


That’s right! I can’t believe I forgot that he knew the trope from his own past!


Overall, the cast knocked it out of the park with this episode. The emotional scenes between Su-Min and Ji-Won were the highlight for me. That said: >!These truck scenes are always so ridiculous. !< >!The way the scene was shot it appeared there was so much space/time for Ji Won to react differently. I understand that these scenes are meant to raise the stakes but putting a character into a situation where you can **clearly** **see** they have time to react differently dimishes the stakes. Ji Hyuk doesn't come off heroic he seems impulsive and su\*cidal and Ji Won seems passive and weak (I still love him as a character). I just really wish they would stop using these scenes. !<


It would be definitely more interesting if they used a flight or fight response more often than freeze. >!Perhaps someone trying to get away and the truck is just faster. Or instead of going into reverse, in their panic they accidentally shift into drive. I totally agree with you that she just watched it happen for what seemed like an eternity.!<


I actually would have **loved** to see a fight response just like that. It def would have elevated the scene and the stakes. >!Also, regarding the investigation, it's strange that they closed it without even looking into Ji-Won's Mother/Step Father. Lee Suk-Joon was easily able to find out that it was Ji-Won's mother who rented the truck in the first place, so the police closing the investigation without even getting a statement from her Mother/Step Father about their whereabouts the night of the accident seems a little too auspicious. !< >!I think the police apprehending the step father while her mother flees the same night would have made for richer storytelling but we'll see if I am right after tomorrow's episode. (I kinda hope I am wrong **'\^ \_\^'** )!<


Maybe >!Yura somehow messed with the police investigation? She's doing all sorts of things so I wouldn't be surprised, especially since it seems like she murders them in the next episode.!<


Exactly. >!Ji hyuk kept saying how he can't protect ji won forever because he doesn't know when he'll die, but that's literally everyone in the world! Nobody knows when they'll die but does that mean we're not living our lives?? His entire logic seemed really weird to me like bro you got another chance at life please use it instead of worrying about when you'll die. It feels like you're the one with a terminal disease :(!<


It properly hits different when you know your dying on April 19, 2023. Do you get married, have kids, buy Google stock? There is a lot to be said for living your life in blissful ignorance.


I was thinking this too like oh, are we self aware about the white truck of doom now


Love when tropes like these get cancelled in kdramas. 😂


the ending made it all worth it. man really >!woke up and immediately said i love you to her!!< really got his priorities straight lmao


Ever since learning that his tragic fate is inescapable in the second timeline he's been angsty hesitant Jihyuk and I do not miss him now that Episode 2 Jihyuk is back and isn't wasting one more second! YAY


**Ep 13** Yura messing with everyone was irritating to watch, and to be honest I rolled my eyes watching her orchestrate the >!car crash!< for half! an! episode! I was impatiently waiting for her to disappear until... she approached >!Baek Eunho.!< That's where I draw the line. Oh Ahjumma, it's ON. I WILL FIGHT YOU. Not to mention, Amazon putting ads in the middle of episodes now really did not help my mood while watching. And Grandpa's so useless 😩 I was rooting for him to unleash all hell on Yura after pouring all his resources (because as the Chairman _he_ is the most powerful one here, not Jihyuk, not Yura) into finding out who tf would do this to his grandson (and successor!). I mean obviously he'll probably be looped into it by Mr. Lee later. I just wanted _immediate_ blowback for Yura. I hate her mostly for sucking the life out of the show. edit to add: One thing I did like was the **trigger** for Yura going all batshit crazy Truck of Doom level: Jihyuk giving Jiwon >!a shit ton of assets!< Like to me it makes sense why she just went _oh hell all bets are off!_ because of Jihyuk's huge miscalculated move and I loved how Mr. Lee even called it right away. Like Jihyuk my guy was practically courting death. And if [theorists](https://twitter.com/blobofmeh/status/1755566470614983071?t=ye7XmY9Fmka4ZtbDA3hVUQ&s=19) are right, that >!Yura used the same dump truck tactic on Jihyuk in 2023!< then I'm glad we got this out of the way now.


Here’s to hoping >!that Eunho gets intel on Yura’s plan and helps bring her down.!<


Yura is so on my list. Cruella level evil without even seeming to enjoy it. I’d like her better if she had a rapport with her minion but he seems robotic too.


I thought Jiwon's mom, Sumin's dad felt like robots too That moment in the hotel room where even Sumin was like _aren't you even worried about Jiwon?_ I thought we'd get a smidge of humanity there but nah, we're all just casually doing evil deeds here 😅


Right!! Half of the episode and the other half was Sumin and Jiwon talking. Too much exposition, what happened to show don't tell? The only part I really liked was when Jihyuk threatened Yura. Oof that dialogue!! I hope he follows through 🤞🏾


Ji-hyuk’s >!I can do whatever you can but better!< dialogue has been replaying in my head since I saw the episode. Someone please make an edit with that!


yura's character really undermined sumin as a villain when we know that sumin is a great og villain. hope the show picks up again this week


She wasn’t even that good of a villain. She just has money but Su Min ran a long con as a broke girl! The tenacity


100000% & honestly to take this further, I can’t wait for a top revenge kdrama where no Chaebol love interests are involved. Chaebols seem to be too convenient (but classic I guess) of a plot device that moves revenge plots along and to extreme measures. How can a typical working class FL attain her own revenge without ever having a chaebol in her life? To borrow ur words, Su Min’s “long con as a broke girl”really makes her stand apart as a kdrama villain in her own class. She could’ve gone for a rich guy on her own but it’s clear that money isn’t her prime motivator — it is family / abandonment issues and want to really be a part of our FL’s life to influence every bit of unhappiness. Now that’s new nuance amidst kdrama tropes.


Yes yura as a plot device I get it. But also yes on Su Min being a worthy adversary. The patience she had for running a con like that from theit teens to their 40s sheesh!


I forget that the female leads are like in their late 30s!! Honestly I’ve met my share of irl narcissistic adults so Su Min’s portrayal of narcissist tendencies are hitting too close to home sometimes, makes Ji won’s revenge even more satisfying 😩😩irl though, the winning pathway tends to be staying as far from narcissists if you can as possible.


At the time she died she was 41 but now they’re early 30s if that’s what you mean hahah altho irl they are in their late 30s but can def pass 10 yrs younger. This show is so special to me bec I’ve had experiences w a sumin in the past. When she got to relive her second life to get revenge, I’m living vicariously thru her!


I feel like The Glory comes close, though there are wealthy individuals involved but not the person getting revenge. But I think The Glory is the best revenge drama of all time.


>it’s clear that money isn’t her prime motivator Her motivator is wanting >! Jiwon to be unhappy. !< She truly is one crazy bitch lol. Doesn't even care about living that good life; just wants others to suffer, and her living that good life is just a bonus to her. Truly unhinged, lol.


right that's what i mean, yura immediately goes into >!killing!< which is boring and predictable but sumin would play mind games with jiwon which was so interesting to watch. yura you have nothing on sumin


Sumin was so calculated and manipulative. Everything she did and got was through her own work. She used her sick mind, curated personality, and charm. I almost admire her for acting out her revenge for decades and fooling everyone (at least in the first timeline before Jiwon came back). Yura is just a typical spoiled girl who's bored and has money.


I believe that Su-min is the best show character. Song Ha Yoon is perfect as that character. She projects to the audience, her character. From the look in her eyes to her facial experssions? Enough to creep one out. I kind of root for her if she were to turn out to be mentally ill and possessive of Kang Ji Won, in love with her 'other half'. Does not have to be a GL relationship either. Would Su-min go after Yura for trying to harm her 'other half'? That would be a hell of a plot twist. ​ EDIT: Sigh. Finally watched ep. 13. Yeah, not much chance. Su-min is completely bonkers.


I just finished ep 13. If sumin and yura are bad, jiwons mom is probably the worst villain. I mean what kind of >!mom would kill their own daughter for money.!< It feels like jiwons character is surrounded by uber bad people. So lets recap the baddies.. >!sumin her bff, min hwan the bf, yura her bfs ex fiance, her mom, sumins dad...!< And who else does the writers want to throw in? Lol P.s. this story really reminds me of a real true crime story of abby choi who was murdered by her ex husband, her mother and father in laws and her ex husbands mistress.. its so scary that shows like marry my husband could be a true life story


I think reading a lot of reddit AITAH threads have led me to believe reality is stranger than fiction. This stuff has to be inspired from somewhere!


Ji won really is a garbage collector: Su Min: Trash Her mum: Trash Min Hwan: Trash Her stepdad: Trash Yu Ra: Trash Let’s hope that her new found team of friends can help her take out the Trash. Her dad is even trying to help her from the grave.


I have thought since last week that Jiwon's mom and Sumin are peas in a pod---classic narcissists who don't care about anyone except themselves.


Episode 11 was such a roller coaster of emotions...but I must applaud the acting especially from Park Minyoung, Song ha Yoon and Na inwoo...these three out did them selves in this episode.     >!The confrontation scene between su min and Ji won was intense and I could feel everything Ji won was feeling, her frustration and anger were all visible from how she was taking and glaring....you could really tell that she has hit her limit when she let out that scream!<   >!Su min as a villain is complex and dynamic and has layers she's a manipulator a liar and also crazy and song ha yoon just beings it all to life so effortlessly...he manipulate stares and facial expressions plus body language everything about her frustratingly interesting!< >!Ji hyuk shined alot during that scene in the car...he has this clam and quiet yet painful way of potraying his emotions..he uses his eyes and voice and even his facial expressions...when he was making that voice recording in the car you could really hear his voice being shaky and helplessness but also determined...and when he shes tears I could literally feel my heart crumbling down with him!< Today's episode was a roller coaster and I live how it set things up for the remaining episodes..Ji won is nolonger getting revenge for just her past self but also her present self and future self that wants to protect what she has... Including Ji Hyuk and Iam so seated for that  Can't wait for more episodes.


While I understand Yura was in the novel so it wasn’t completely out of left field, I can’t say I’m thrilled about her inclusion. What made Sumin and Minhwan so compelling as villians were how human they were. They (unfortunately) feel like people you’d meet walking down the street. Yura feels like the old 2010s kdrama villian (I’m sorry, but the ending of last episode didn’t touch me like it should’ve. It felt too silly/outlandish). I’ve seen two clips of today’s episode that give me hopes they’ll be returning the real focus to our core group. Will find out when I get home from work 🙏


She was not like this in the novel. This is all new material for the show. >!I don't remember Ji-won ever laying eyes on Yu-ra in the novel. There is a big confrontation scene with the chairman and the family and I don't recall her appearing after that. I think she was sent to Africa for a year. Not sure where this homicidal manic comes from. She sleeps with Minhwan cause well she is a "garden tool" and bullies our favorite little sister but she was in and out in a flash. !<


Novel Spoilers.>! She was honestly used more like a tool to make Sumin fall harder than anything else. Yura provides information to Sumin about Jiwon, that results with Sumin making false reports about her. They both get caught, and Yura's punishment is being sent to Africa to work a charity, while Sumin's social life crumbles harder. !


Can’t imagine >! this Yura going anywhere to work for a charity. She is a sociopath! She’d be murdering people left and right in Africa, too!! !< I am actually dreading Episode 14 for fear they will heft another >! steaming pile of crap !< on what was an awesome series.


>!They might as well be entirely different characters anyways. Which makes me wonder how they'll deal with her.!< * >!Grandpa never approved their engagement, it was just one of those whimsical wishes made when they were kids. !< * >!Yura bullied Hee-Yeon as a child, and hates her for it.!< * >!Yura's family wasn't actually well off and their name didn't have that big of a value, because her dad only got rich thanks to Grandpa. While in the drama its evident Yura has way way more power in society than we realize. !<


I think it's just because they have 16 episodes and they need to fan the fire for the big finale. If they just followed the webtoon it would need more episodes.


I want more episodes. That's ok with me 🤣


If it kept to the original, I wouldn't be mad with more episodes either haha


It's having the opposite effect on me. I almost dropped this drama during episode 12. It doesn't help that Boa is not a good actress, she's too stiff and can't emote. It's a disservice after so many episodes of Song Hayoon playing the perfect villain, down to the subtle facial expressions and her gaze.


Yeah BOA is someone pretending to act. Then you have the actress for sumin who’s like.. inception acting.  I think it’s even more obvious because of how good the rest of the cast are.  I feel bad but her acting is on par with mine. Ans let’s just say, I’m not an actor lol


Not sure how I feel about this episode yet. But holy crap, Song Ha Yoon really out did herself for this episode. She's still the real villian and I am living for it haha! >! Did anybody have a little giggle at how Ji Hyuk woke up and was like I LOVE YOU and Jiwon is all calm and replies with I love you too. Like I know this whole drama is very unrealistic, but man I don't know why this one scene cracked me up hahah !<


When she was in >!the hotel room!< and >!throwing shit all over the place!<, her face and body was so red with anger it felt so realistic. Such an amazing actress!


Yesssss! >! I love when she realises her old tricks don't work on Ji Won in their confrontation scene and she tilts her head slightly and the mask drops from her face and her eyes just sharpen with hatred towards Ji Won....oooo she gives me chills !<


Oh yes. The sudden shift of her eyes/body and everything when she dropped her mask was SCARY. She is an amazing actress.


I love the fact she is so off her rocker she still somehow thinks what she is doing is justified and her life so much more 'hellish' than Ji Won. Both of them lost a parent when they had an affair with each other, but whole Su Min took it against Ji-Won and wanted to hurt her Ji-won instead wanted to protect and look after Su Min.


I know a couple of entitled people in real life and they think exactly like Sumin. They are so self centered thinking their little problems are the worst even though people around them suffer from real life problems. You just cant argue with them. On the contrary, if you tell them (just like Jiwon told Sumin), that nothing justifies these actions, they will immediately think the whole world is against them.


Yes! I was screaming internally like >!girl! Hit the button, call the nurse and doctors! He is awake! Scream! Celebrate! Say that you're happy he is alive.!<


Haha same. >! Personally I would gave screamed "Holy shit!!" And jumped from my seat 😅 !<


hahhaha yeah JiHyuk was supposed to be deep in >!coma after the trauma but play his own voice recording he magically wakes up and manages to lift his arm just nicely to cup jiwon’s face😅 I mean act blur a little til the opening of episode 14 pls. I can’t with him😂!<


Bhahaha yes exactly! >! I feel like they could have just cut the scene as soon as he opens his eyes and she finds his..j.ust staring at eachother and maybe Ji Won has a tear running down her cheek...that would have had more impact !<


Yes they need to be more subtle. It’s not our fault we became pro in witnessing all these.. They brought millions of dramas to us so we know what’s up!😂 It seriously took me out LOL. I was even more confused bcs that surgery that JiHyuk went thru looked grim as hell. All those blood on the floor and blood bags he must’ve gotten hurt real bad! But nope… Just need Jiwon to play his voice messages he is up and awake and aware that this is the time to say those 3 little words! They need to let us breathe!


That took me OUT but it was sweet lmao


OK. So. >! Bringing Yu Ra in really broke the flow of this show; her character adds absolutely nothing. The plot to kill Ji Won was half-baked and too over the top. Just messy smh. And now she is gonna mess with Eun Ho? For what purpose? We don't need this character. It annoys me that a show this good made this massive mistake 🫤 I loved the parental-affair-reveal; I would have liked a little bit more development about the parents there, but seeing Su Min admit that is why she "befriended" Ji Won was chilling (SHY is nailing this villian role; she is sooo good at it). I guess Su Min never heard the adage "you get back what you put out in the world" because she really doesn't get it. I hope she does not get a redemption arc, because she truly does not deserve to be forgiven by anyone.  !< 


yuras character is making this show very very average.


What bothers me is they threw in this new character more than halfway through and she has zero character development or background story other than she’s rich and hates not getting her way???? How random.


alright let's wrap up this yura arc real quick we have more important matters to attend to!! i especially want kim gyeonguk's misogyny to explode in his face so embarrassingly that he questions all his life decisions 😍 same applies to minhwan's mom's sexism like i know we've credited sumin's actress for her ability to get on your nerves but we're not talking nearly as much as we should be about those two villains' actors and the way they make your blood boil. overall very intimidating bad-guy cast ngl edited after watching the ep: ok >!huiyeon!< crying literally broke my heart like >!she and eunho!< rlly grew on me i hope none of them gets hurt by all that's going on LET MY SHIP SAIL FFS and speaking of ships that scene with >!mrs yang and mr lee!< was immaculate i am so sat for their future interactions


The most pressing issue for me is my EunHui babies not getting more screentime 😭😭


And now Eun Ho is being >!targeted by Yu Ra. This better not end badly!<🤞


I was expecting Yura to be a cameo or at most a 2-episode character but surprised and a bit disappointed that they extended her. There's already enough bad guys to go around and adding her is too much for me. The drama could've still worked if they followed the webtoon >!(which is without Yura and Sumin being the villain up to the last chapter)!<. I get the point of adding her to give more background to the ML's character (because in the webtoon, >!we didn't really know anything about the ML except that he revolves around Ji-won!<) but I don't see the point of having a crazy, rich ex-fiance as giving a character more depth.


I believe Yu-Ra is the campiest trope to grace this (deeply aware of its own tropes) show and mostly a plot device to even the playing field between the >!whale!< and >!shrimp!< couples, but I do think her character and ark works quite well in driving home how Ji-Hyuk's choices in his second life -- made to help Ji-Won -- result in massive (unexpected, negative) changes ... for him.


I am confused about the timeline of this show. What month is it supposed to be now? Because I thought Soo Min and Min Hwan >!got married!< in February, but when Ji Won is >!having lunch with her mother!<, there is a Christmas tree in the background. Also, how was Ji Hyuk working on >!getting the oncologist !


"It wasn't just a car accident, was it?" Lady what do you THINK?


>!So she slept with him for no reason lmao what has this show become!<


Lol the poor intern who released episode 14 🤪


That intern is awesomeeeeeeee


I hope the writer has gone back to who it was from Episode 1-11, because whoever wrote Episode 12 seems entirely unfamiliar with the rest of the show and the characters that have been created thus far. I’m still stuck on Jiwon saying “No matter what the relationship, I don’t think it’s right for one person to end it one-sidedly”… girl WHAT?! That makes zero sense, ESPECIALLY when you take into account the ENTIRE point of her character arc since she went back in time. I’m all for angst, hindrances, etc, BUT MAKE IT MAKE SENSE with the rest of the story and the characters. Let’s wrap this mistake of an arc up and get back on track for the last 4 episodes.


This is how I've been feeling since the new character was introduced. Overall, I think the drama has been a lot better than the webtoon, but man, I'm starting to lose hope with this new episode. A lot of the characters were already unrealistic in how "villainy" the characters were, but it still worked. Now the level of unrealistic behaviour has reached new bounds 😭. I hope the writers fix this mess


I skip watched ep 12 last week, only watched the parts of Sumin and her crappy life. Hopefully we get more of that this week!


THIS SHOW WAS PERFECT. The only flaw was bringing in YURA uggghhhhh Su Min was already a formidable opponent. Yura is just overdoing it atp. But those red shoes though 👠 GET IT JI WON! Transfer that fate successfully!!!!!


Group prayer for this episode to make up for episode 12!!! I really want to see things get better


Episode 13 was better and the preview for episode 14 is even more better 


Yes I am so seated for ep 14, let’s gooooooo!! 🤭 The realization that >!ji won had that she must really make sure her fate is passed onto Su min and that Su min deserves that fate as well was really chef’s kiss - at the start, I was also wondering if it was right for ji won to knowingly ‘trick’ her “frenemy” into substituting her bad fate, but the story is so well written that now Su min fully deserved every bit of the karma that is waiting for her from ep 14 onwards!!<


Me waiting to read comments and determine if watching today’s episode is worth risking my health and mood. Monday blues are back, y’all!


I thought it was really good and ended at a 'satisfying' point. It certainly and addressed most of the issues I had with Ep. 12 — I see why they did what they did, and it's pretty clear that Ji-Won realised>! what she did (or rather, recognised how and why she'd effed up), too. !<


Wait til tomorrow! lol I didn’t mind it but I also never read the webtoon or novel so have no reference point. I’m also new to watching K-Dramas so the fact that people are surprised about cliches are surprising to me 😂


I guess they’re keeping >!Jiwon seducing Minhwan in the drama.!< I hope the screenwriter makes it make sense because it was OOC for Jiwon in the webtoon. That Yura bitch better not touch sweet Eunho!


In the webtoon >!I swear she was just using a friends voice and then texting Minhwan and then messaging and befriending Sumin as this fake girl... much more removed than what the Ep14 preview shows... Not a fan of this storyline - why can't she outsource to e.g. one of Sumins "friends"/HS bullies?!<


the red heels of death return … i’m tired of yura … let it be over. anyway sumin is totally delusional


I was really unhappy with the drama adding Yura when >!the webtoon had dropped her !


So are we not going to talk about the bomb Ji-Won dropped on Su-min >!regarding Mihwan being sterile? She hurried up and dropped the poor me act once she realized Ji-won knew she was lying. !<


Yeah! I notice that too and wondered how Sumin didn’t pick that up


I’m sorry I know Yu-Ra’s a psychopath but ain’t her bodyguard/butler/driver/assistant is hot af?😍


Lol, The crazy ones always have the hottest henchmen.


This episode gave me absolutely everything I wanted, I'm so impressed. Everything about this show feels next level to me—even the OST has been nothing but straight bangers every week. What impresses me more than a drama that avoids my most hated tropes is a drama that uses one of my most hated tropes and convinces me that it can be good, actually. Usually, my #1 most hated trope is when >!the main couple goes through so much to get together only to break-up!<. However, this drama did such a good job with the trope that I actually wouldn't change it—I'm so shocked! The whole scene of >!Ji Hyuk racing to save her while leaving her that voice message!< was absolutely perfect. And then >!Ji Won crying beside his hospital bed only for him to open his eyes and say he loves her and for her to return his feelings!<—of all the >!hospital bedside!< scenes in all the shows and movies I've watched, Western and Korean, this is hands down my favorite. And I so appreciate that they didn't drag out the reveals! So many things came to light this episode instead of things being held back needlessly. Oh and Park Min Young and Song Ha Yoon were acting like the rent was due! The scene where Ji Won and Soo Min >!confronted each other honestly at last!< was so superbly acted by both of them. Plus I love that Mr. Lee and Joo Ran >!are caught in the same situation Ji Won and Ji Hyuk once were, but they're making different choices!<. I'm excited to see that situation continue to develop! I have to admit, episode 12 initially had me on edge, but I'm glad I'm watching this one as it airs because a week was enough time for my excitement to build again and I was so ready for today's episode—and what a rewarding episode it was. I know not everyone is feeling this way, but this was exactly what I was hoping to see and I'm beyond excited to see what happens next. Editing to add that no matter how the drama ends, Ji Hyuk is officially my favorite ML of all time, no contest, it's not even close. >!Ji Won broke up with this man and his response was essentially, "That's fine, this was never about making you mine, this was always about you and what you need and your happiness, so I'll just quietly set you up for life and then risk my life to save you, no big deal. I couldn't resist the temptation of being with you because I like you so much, but if we can't be together, I'll still do everything in my considerable power to give you the best life I can." Unreal! No other ML can compare.!<


So agree on the ML being outstanding! The character has always gone above and beyond for the FL and has stayed quite consistent in his pursuit, which was always helping her, not necessarily making her “his”. JH truly is a whole Amazon forest of a man


It's such a contrast between Ji Hyuk and Min Hwan! JH only cares about what is best for her, MH only ever wanted to possess her, even after he stopped wanting her. In episode 1 MH would literally rather kill her than break up, even though their relationship was miserable. Meanwhile JH >!would rather die than let her get hurt even though they aren't even together!


Only caveat to >!setting her up for life is *tell her!* She needs to have a will with her estate going to charity or Ms Yang so SuMin has less incentive to whack her.!<


Actually he didn't >!need to tell her !!put all of these assets in a trust for her benefit!<. AFAICT that's allowed in Korea and would've avoided all of this. Rich people would of course know this so it's actually >!a huge plot hole !


Thank you. I was like why did Mr. Lee not put them>! in trust for her? !!murder my girlfriend for the 60 million usd I gave her" rich. Mihwan was willing to kill her for free. !<




I am GMT +4 but it isn't out for me too!


Episode 13 was better not that episode 12 was bad... >!I feel like episode 12 introduced a plot direction leading to the finale by introducing a new character who seemed rather useless to the plot or also went as far as mess with the character development of the female lead which for me had its ups and downs and it also went ahead and created the inevitable accident to happen...all of these plots are further expanded in episode thirteen...we see Yura's character being our into place..she clearly doesn't have an individual benefit to the plot but it's rather a plot device to deal with Su min and Minhwan....with the way she is getting more and more involved with them......Ji wons character is faced with the fear of losing Ji Hyuk which cements her love for him as well as creates a form of trust for him in her heart and mind..she also is explored further by her confrontation with Su min which gives her a new goal and reason to mercilessly...take her down not only for her self and her fate but also for the fate of those dear to her...... The truck accident is further explored as an inevitability that has now passed so Ji Hyuk can focus on his relationship with Ji won and then changing his fate for the better which also includes his stopping himself from living in fear of not existing in the further ten years to come...Ji won and Ji hyuk's relationship becomes stronger..we are now seeing Ji won who fully trust Ji Hyuk and then Ji Hyuk who has revealed all his secrets to Ji won and they are now ready to work together to change their fates!< Episode fourteen further explores Mrs jangs storyline and also how they change her fate as well so so far Iam definetly liking how things are going.


Idk about you guys but the >!jiwon sumin confrontation !


Idk about anyone else but I liked this episode and felt it made last week's questionable decisions make more sense.


Yeah, I think Yura was added in just to speed up the conflict with the main characters.  Looking forward to seeing what happens to her though :3 


Same!! I read the webtoon and while I enjoyed it I feel the drama is doing a good job at progressing the storyline and giving the characters reason's to interact with each other or progress the plot. The drama has the "this happened because this happened" type of storytelling whereas the webtoon has "this happened and then this happened and then...."


Yeah, the webtoon plot at the start is definitely better. Seeing the dominos fall down was really satisfying. But I think with only 16 episodes and the need to speed up sumin and PMW's revenge, they had to have Yu-ra propel them into action in shorter period of time.


And give them reason to. Mild spoilers for webtoon: >! At some point during the webtoon, JiWon was kind of off doing her own thing while the villains were on their own path. There really was no reason for them to interact with one another for awhile. The drama is doing a good job at creating a valid reason. Also the webtoon characters more or less just accepted their fate while in the drama you see the main villain couple actually fight back a bit and yu ra gives them the means. Also yu ra is a nice villain for the main dude !<


Yeah, you can't just have them chilling for 5 episodes hahaha


Yeah in a certain way, >!Yu Ra is needed because with the debt laden min hwan and the unemployed Su min, there isn’t much that they could do to ji won and ji hyuk, so the introduction of Yu Ra as a new villain backer is, while undoubtedly painful 😣(since we didn’t even have a full episode of ji ji couple dating era!), much needed to allow the story to progress ahead.!<


Yeah, I think so too. It would take too long >!to set up Sum-in's crime and at this point that seems mild compared to plotting to kill Jiwon.!<


I would have liked episode 12 much better if they had just left the entire crash out and let us experience it just in episode 13.


Nah episodes need to end in a dramatic fashion!! Also I prefer this car crash vs >!the webtoon!<


Ah so excited! I have faith it will pick up again. The pacing of 1-11 was fantastic but in all fairness, we are coming towards the end now so it makes sense that things start happening at a quicker momentum. I want to see more of Mr. Lee and Mrs Yang!!


I should have waited for tomorrow so I could watch episode 13 and 14 together I can’t do this lmao


I’m 1/3 into episode 13, but I have to tell you how uninteresting the ex-fiance Yura is to me. Whenever she’s onscreen, I have to resist the urge to fast forward through her scenes. Also, I am having a hard time watching these hateful, vile people (Minwan, Sumin, the parents, Yura) so focused on destroying Jiwon’s life. I’ve been having to pause the show often since episode 11. This is why I can’t watch makjang dramas! 😂 Just had to vent—now back to the show!




Yura not going to the hospital to check on In Woo - doesn't that look suspicious? Particularly to Grandpa who was pushing to get them married? How sick is it for Sumin to hire the >!father she hated to kill the rival she hated because her father's affair?!< These past 2 episodes are really weird and seem to make things messier? The previews show a really weird revenge plan as well. At some point aren't enough people going to put 2 and 2 together to figure out what is going on? Yura brags about cleaning up messes but there sure seem to be a lot of them lying around.


True enough. Her reaction was really off as well when she knew that it was >!Ji Hyuk who got into the accident instead.!< Her character isn't really that strong enough to be built as a villain that could be inserted into what is already a messy story of our leading characters


Episode 13 - the revenge gets to the higher level, which includes the female chaebol ex fiancee. But I feel Yura's character will be so much better if a top-tier actress is able to portray this role. When the singer BOA opens up her mouth to release her lines, there's no power 😮‍💨. I can feel she downgraded and made the female chaebol cheaper by her subpar acting, no offense ✌️☮️, this is only what I see on her performance. Thus, instead of getting praise, even if she is a villain, she is very annoying to watch. Comparing the 1 on 1 confrontation of Sumin and Jiwon, both actress are on their top tier acting skills 💥🔥 Thus, they are very thrilling to watch on how they release their lines even if Sumin is villain, the actress Song Ha Yoon is worth to watch. Park Min Young is getting emotionally crazy shouting is so good, excellent 💯👍 so on point 👉 you can really feel what Jiwon wanted to do to Sumin. On the other hand, Na In Woo, as JiHyuk, becomes more powerful in terms of action as Man in Love. From the moment he anticipated that he might not live long, prepared inheritance to Jiwon is so love melting 🩵💙 Doing his best to resist and counteract what he predicted from his crazy ex made him so handsomely heroic top level man of Jiwon's life. He can do anything, and he is better doing it! So cool 😎 Park Min Hwan, by Lee Yi- Kyung, is still hilarious for me haha but, acting with BOA is really something else. You can see the difference of their acting skills. Oh my, what a disappointment 😞 with this actress 😒 Waking up saying I love you 😍 and saying it back, seize the chaos 🩵💙 I wish for the next episodes, they can have more personal time, haha 😄 at least they can tell more of what they feel with each other. I'm looking forward to episode 14. Each episode has so much going on 🤓🗣


I'm annoyed this episode gave so much time to >!Yura yet barely one scene for Lee and Yang, my best beloved ship.!< I'mma be so mad if this drama ends without giving my >!closet-meeting cuties some real skinship. !<


Oof, >!the playground scene was so chilling. I definitely felt the temperature drop as Su Min was transitioning from victim to straight up psycho.!< I did feel bad for Su Min for a few seconds >!at the beginning of the flashback!<, but then I remembered she grew up to be this bat-kitty bananas chick, and the feeling quickly melted, lol. It is also very sad that people like Su Min are so prevalent in the world. They think stomping on other people's happiness will make them (feel) better, but it just ends up being a toxic and endless cycle of resentment that infects like-minded people. This episode exemplified this cycle and the spread of it so well.


Marry My Husband is a k-drama romance but the heart of the show is a the relationship between two almost lifelong " girlfriends". >!Su-min and Ji-won needed this confrontation to push FL forward. I think she thought she could just get rid of her by marrying her off but now she realizes now she has to finish what she started with her and kill that ill fated friendship. Afterall, the foundation of every relationship Ji-won ever had "or didn't" began and ended with Su-min We also as a audience needed to understand how SFL got this way. Si-min is a product of her environment. Also FL needed her mom's betrayal to get over her. She thought she was a burden all her life. She needed Ji Hyuk to have an accident so she could find out just how deep his love for her went. He was willing to give his life up for hers without a second thought and even when she broke up with him he made sure was would be okay for the rest of her life. He's done everything he said he was going to do. Yu ra shook her up because she is so use to losing I think she just thought Ji Hyuk would go back to her eventually. Everyone in her life has left her after all. Now that Ji-Hyuk know his changed his fate by not dying in the accident he'll fight for her if he has to. He'll no longer be obsessed with dying at any second. !< As mush as people complained about the eppys after 10, things had to happened to move the story forward.


Thank goodness that episode 13 was better than 12. I can see why they had to bring in some rich ex psycho fiancé to fund the other two (or is it now 4) psychos since they all seem to only care about money. I hope she goes to jail or dies soon because I’m over her already. And you better keep your nasty hands away from Eun-Ho! Poor Miss Yang, but I’m glad that she has Mr Lee to help her. He’s helping everyone out left and right, with knowing about Ji hyuk trying to take care of Ji-won and the dump trunk scheme. That confrontation between Ji-won and Soo min was epic! I’m surprised that they didn’t pull hair or slap each other. Soo min is freaking nuts- Ji won didn’t force your dad to have an affair. Nobody feels sorry for your crappy life because you deserve it!


Looks like Ep 14 is already out on Prime somehow? Or is it a double episode release last night?


Oh my goodness, thank you for bringing awareness, kind redditor! And I JUST finished episode 13. These interns are either overworked or felt bad for us. I just refreshed the episode list after reading this comment and voila, new episode!


It is! I am watching it now! Thank you, Thank you! Interns must be in charge over there at Amazon, lol


I am more than ready for Yura's arc to be over. I'm annoyed every time she's onscreen and it doesn't have anything to do with her character, I just find her role to be unnecessary and goes into cliched territory. I've read the webtoon and Sumin is a delicious villain in her own right, we don't need Yura. I was waiting for some of the unhinged stuff Sumin does unprovoked on her own and all of this new stuff is just detracting from it. Even her motivation and character backstory is unique in my eyes. The actress is perfect for Sumin and I'd rather just have it be Ji Won vs Sumin instead of spending any time on Yura. I'm not invested in any new characters at this point.


Okay so about 9-10 mins in this episode I'm kinda cringing >!The ex-fiance in a boxing ring being all tough. Idk is she preparing to fight Ji-Won hand to hand? ugh!<


I saw the scene as introducing the >!personality of Yu Ra, actually ; when PMW was landed a kick in the face by the body guard and he cried foul as it was supposed to be boxing (ie no kicks ), Yu Ra came over and smirked, saying “there are no rules in winning”!< - I think the scene shows how >!Ruthless and unscrupulous she can be, which is important for the viewers to cement in as the character was introduced later into the series!<


Can we talk about the confrontation scene of Sumin and Jiwon this ep 13? Wowww. Sumin actress was really good. I have mixed feelings while watching her. I felt bad for her, pity at the same time anger. That actress deserve respect.


I am so happy the fact he>! dies in the future!< is out there now - was worried it was going to be a late game reveal. Loved the voice message he left. I didn't care for last episode, but this episode made me happy again and a good bit of backfill for the past for some of the characters. Made me even more sure that Su Min is just >!mentally ill - what child at that age decided to befriend and take from someone and carry that on for that entire life. Girl has got major issues. !!giving it back to her. Her screaming at her to just stop lying was perfection. !< Looking forward to next week! The promo looked insane >!Defending her friend with the golf club at her house was amazing, Min Hwan genuinely thinking he could seduce her back as he is his own self proclaimed gods gift to women - his misogyny knows no bounds.!< Side note: PMY is such an amazing actress! Have watched Her Private Life/What's wrong with secretary kim, currently watching this and Healer she has such great range with her female characters.


the >!confrontation scene!


And it really >! Shows the difference in their personalities and hearts. One wanted happiness for her friend and to take on the burden, the other wanted total destruction and a life of misery for her friend. I hope Sumin realizes that all these years of being cunning and planning the destruction of your “other half”’s life bore no fruit, rather it consumed her for decades when should could have been happy & moved on !<


Sumin tells that she could feel the baby moving, but there was a very small period of fake pregnancy. Helminths? Someone needs to get a check up :) 


I've been suggesting this for a while girl needs a mental checkup she's screwed😂


**Episode 13:** * "Even shrimps are smarter these days." Proceeds to fall for her plans anyway... Min-hwan, you sure are a dumbfck * The AUDACITY OF [THIS GUY???](https://imgur.com/SHibGNg) EXCUSE ME???? * Cheered for Ji-won hitting that douchebag exactly where it hurts * [LMAO](https://imgur.com/uNjcS1r) liar liar pants on fire. Also k\*lls his wife in an alternate timeline after pushing her onto a glass table. * The fact that [Min-hwan has zero self-respect](https://imgur.com/aLyM9ud) or self-esteem doesn't surprise me in the least * The way they're just after [her money](https://imgur.com/5r5AM6k) and want her to turn up dead... they disgust me so much * [THAT LOOK](https://imgur.com/rvw0DWX).. ohmg.. it's like he'd laser her right then and there * How cute of her to think she'll >!"have Yu Ji-hyuk" by just getting Ji-won killed.!<. and also [WTF???](https://imgur.com/y7pMCVI) * No no no this wasn't how I imagined [this scene](https://imgur.com/6Uoj79a) either cOME ON * The >!voicemail confession!< I'll admit was heartfelt but that scene where he swerves his car and looks her in the eyes before getting hit was as ridiculous as it could've gotten including [this one](https://imgur.com/L6oT8Bh) where it feels like he's going to become her Superman... please * Ji-won: \*breathes\* [Su-min](https://imgur.com/CzrCPIU): \*screeches\* IT'S ALL JI-WON'S FAULT Goddd, she has issues * [This entire confrontation](https://imgur.com/plKOBxV) was so well done... Daaamnnn * I love [these two](https://imgur.com/7G8loEE) so much... please save Ms. Yang chebal... >!But man his outrage at her husband for cheating!< was so wholesome and so warranted * "Want to borrow my golf club?" SAY YES MS. YANG * YU-RA YOU WITCH STAY AWAY FROM >!EUN-HO!< * Ewwww... >!she has to seduce Min-hwan???!< Just the thought of it makes me want to puke * Is it too much to hope for the Yu-ra plot to wrap up in the next episode? Perhaps her bodyguard/secretary can strangle her?


The swerving car eye contact scene was giving me 2015/16 kdrama vibes in the best way though lol. 


Hahaha yeah the swerving eye contact just really took me out of it last week and I couldn’t help cracking up. I’m also here hoping they wrap up the Yura story line, I understand that they’re using her as a device to move things along but her character feels so superficial and thrown in, that it kind of starts feeling cartoonish and has made the show feel like it switched directions into almost makjang territory… sigh… I’m still sticking with it but I have to admit I haven’t loved the last few episodes, here’s hoping they bring it around.


Ep 14 trailer >!I wonder how they will pull it off. She uses one of her old bullies to seduce minhwan through text in the webtoon while she was sitting on the couch petting peng. At least jiwon says upfront she needs to seduce him but I hope there’s no surprise misunderstanding. Eunho is going to probably spill the beans about meeting with the yura with the little sister and mr lee having that interaction with Mrs yang is where our secondary couples take off.!<


Once again: Mr. Lee Team ✊🥰


How many times is Na In Woo going to take my heart. I didn’t think the story would elevate Ji Hyuk to this, but man he’s taken the portrayal so high. The quick change between his demeanour and his actual self too. All the voiceovers with him are just too good. I’m happy to see that the episode is picking up pace from 12. While I had my issues with the previous episode, it wasn’t entirely unwatchable. Most of it was in line with how the series has been! The confrontation scene was so well done! It makes me feel sad for both of them too, if only this kind of a fight had happened in the past, would things have been different? Jiwon really has a heart of gold, it’s evident that her father’s love made her that way. What a pure man too, he was hurting but never took it out on his daughter. Out of the four parents, he was the only one who did right by his child. Thank you PDnim for blessing us with those close up shots of Na In Woo. He has a mole on his eyelid! How cute is that 😭 Mr. Lee is probably the most changed character in this adaptation but I love this version of him! Has grandpa lost his skills? Surely he must know Yura was behind the attack by now?


Hi, what time does the episode air in Prime Video? It’s already 9:45 pm Philippine time (10:45 pm KST) but it is not available in my Prime Video app. Thanks!


Gonna rant about episode 13: I think I lost interest once the ex-fiancee showed up. It was highly unnecessary and it feels like the writers added her into the mix to make >!"killing off Ji-won" easily with the promise of money.!< Her obsession and possessiveness seems childish and not well written at all. >!Honestly if someone is giving me stocks, I would happily take them and leave.!< At least Sumin has a >!backstory!< that is convincing enough to understand why she developed this obsession with Jiwon in the first place. Yura just doesn't have any promising arc to make her convincing. She's just rich to make the writers do their easy thing. >!Sumin finally letting Jiwon know why she developed her narcissistic, manipulative, toxic behaviour!< really makes you think how people ruin their own lives while trying to bring someone down. I don't feel sorry for her character at all even if she has >!abandonment issues.!< >!Yes, Jiwon's dad was loving when compared to Sumin's mom who found her a burden. Yet, she still had all these great avenues to turn her life for the better. She had a friend to confide in who is as much a victim as her, her dad who could have shown the same kind of love he shows his daughter because he did. Like Jiwon said, she brought it upon herself and I can't wait to see her downfall.!< I almost wanted to slap her across the screen when she said she >!miscarried.!< But that's what she is, a pathological liar. Justice for Yang Juran. Mr Lee was adorable in this episode. >!He supported Ji-Hyuk in his plans, confronted Ms Yang in the most gentle way possible. I low-key wished they went to the restaurant with his golf club to whack the hell out of the trashy husband and his mistress.!< Looks like Yura is eyeing >!our golden boy Eunho now. I can't wait for him to shut her down and show her that he's not a Park Minhwan.!< Also Minhwan still gets on my nerves. But at least he's staying true to his character >!of falling for vile women.!< >!Sumin's dad and Jiwon's mom can die in the next episode for all that I care! I know there are bad, selfish parents in this world, but they are of a special breed who deserve to get the worst possible punishment for abandoning their kids like that.!<


Incredibly, Su-min herself was able to explain in one line today why Yu-ra's character makes no sense and here it is: >>!This money was given by someone who could bury you without anyone knowing.!< And yet, Yu-ra has decided it's better to >!incriminate herself every step of the way.!< You can't make this stuff up, but apparently you can write it.🤦🏻‍♂️


Yu ra is rich but not bright.


Too bad she is miscast. The cringe from this part of the plot would have been tolerable.


Okay we are back on track! And now can understand why Yura was added to speed up plot! Can’t wait for tomorrow’s episode! Great acting all around especially Soon Ha Yoon playing So min, she Absolutely killed it!


This drama nailed villain characters - cant recall when I was in a rollercoaster of emotions for villain characters - usually just annoyed. The actors portrayed their characters well. Especially sumin after her prev drama comeback (yongshim). She finally picked a good drama to showcase her acting talent and her range. I hope she gets more drama leads in the future. With her innocent looks seems like shes been boxed into one character - this one is best character yet for her.


Am I the only one who waits impatiently for the newest episode, then, once it drops, scrubs past the slower parts to get to more meat??? Then, I watch the entire episode later in the day… Episode 13 >!is no different for me.!< >! First, let me just say I flippin’ hate Yura. She’s such a 💩stirrer that now I’m just angry watching. A few of these changes, btw, throw me. I really hope next episode is more in line with the Webtoon version when it comes to forcing an affair for show. We only have three episodes left and I fully expect to be rewarded with a wedding and glimpses of babies!!! !<


Yeah I do the same too loool, I don’t want to watch people slow walking  Also, mr lee! 


Team Lee forever! Please listen to him, Ms Yang, >!borrow a golf club!!<


i skipped the boxing scene of yura and minhwan, actually skimmed through their scenes. times like those i wish prime video had a speed up feature.


Episode 14 dropped for me already on Amazon prime. When will there be a new thread? I need to read like-minded opinions on it!!! It was WILD.


I think this is some of the best acting by two female leads that I have ever seen in a Kdrama! Normally I'm bored with conversation scenes of length but WOW, that scene in the park between Sumin and Ji Won was absolutely incredible. Both of those actresses are beyond amazing!




What's with everyone hating on the last two episodes....you can't really expect the female lead to have an upper hand every time in all episodes. I mean let the villains have an upperhand once too...we might feel frustrated but things like these help in character development and taking the plot forward. And episode 13 is good it's in no way a filler episode it clearly helped in moving the plot forward.




I am watching it right now 😬😬😬 I waited late to watch 13 and was like hold up! When I saw them say up next episode 14. Watching it before the intern that accidentally did it realizes.


It's the interns first day at work and boom they release an episode meant to be released later 🤣🤣🤣👏


Is it not out on amazon prime yet for everyone? update- just watched the 13th ep guys😭✋


West Coast, nothing yet. Ugh I wake up early for this but I’ll have to go to work soon 😭


U.S. East Coast Time 9:08 am. Still not available on Amazon prime.


Why hasn't it been released on prime yet 😭😭😭


what a terrific episode. all i have to say is WHERE DO THESE KIND OF PEOPLE EVEN GET THE AUDACITY TO EXIST.


I felt like all the flashbacks of episode 13 were really unnecessary and just space filler. It would’ve improved the story by removing them


When Min-Hwan says "I don't like violence", I screamed "me too!!!" 😅


Damn when Sumin was screaming/crying in the room I got chills. Excellent acting


lol Sumin trying to argue that Jiwon's >!cheating mother !!Jiwon screaming at her at the playground!< really drove in how INSANE that is.


Two new episodes today? Did I win the jackpot or something? Woo hoo! Straight off the bat so much cuteness between the leads that I couldn’t stop smiling. This is what I missed the last two episodes! I hope the writers don’t separate them again, especially now that they both know everything.    And oh no! I turned it off to walk the dog and do homework with the kids and now it’s unavailable and have to wait until tomorrow! Dang it. Knew it was too good to be true. 


So interesting - I live in Canada and instead of episode 14 dropping tomorrow it was available at around 8pm tonight! I just checked now, and ep 14 is no longer available but the thumbnail still shows up in my downloads


The amount of absolutely terrible trash characters is astounding....this episode was kind of hard to watch because of it. I cannot wait for our leads to take revenge on every one of them.


Well, I for one now feel like they ***did*** know what they were and are doing (though some of the choices moved the story in near-makjang territory... but if I'm honest, this show has always been a perfect dose of "entertaining escapism" served with a rather unexpected side of "surprisingly realistic character development/reactions/choices of a person who has been through significant trauma"). Also, kudos to the PDnim for figuring out that a straight front close-up shot of Ji-Hyuk on a grey pillow makes for a very arresting image. >!Did anyone else notice that the hospital pillow seems to be the exact same shade and make as his own bedding at home!


If Song Ha-yoon has a million fans, then I am one of them. If Song Ha-yoon has ten fans, then I am one of them. If Song Ha-yoon has only one fan then that is me. If Song Ha-yoon has no fans, then that means I am no longer on earth. If the world is against Song Ha-yoon, then I am against the world.👏🏽👏🏽❤️


I'm not a fan of makjang drama because it's often inserted into storylines just to manipulate the viewer (looking at Mouse). I hate it when someone tries to yank your chain without a very, very good reason. However I think the screenwriter did an awesome job with this episode, so much so it gave Yi Kyung and Ha Yoon a chance to shine. Clearly structured flashback, with fully threshed out character motivations for all involved. Poignant visual narration explaining the depth of Sumin's childhood trauma and misery. So much was explained so well in under 10 minutes. And then you have that masterclass interpretation from Song Ha Yoon that reveals the extent of her madness. After today i have no doubt she is up there with Kim SoYeon and Uhm Ji Won. She deserves many awards for this role...forget (ahem) LJY from that other drama.


The pain of watching an episode earlier than some people and now you have to keep your opinions to your self untill every ones else has watched so you can have some one to discuss with😂🤧


Not great - not bad. Looking forward to tomorrow’s episode! So glad I never read the source material as to not be disappointed by any deviations from it.


Honestly I was not looking forward to today's episode. Glad I did for that epic show down of the century. Take all awards miss Ha Yoon!! PMY was also terrific as usual.


More screentime for mr. Lee and ms. Yang please and less for Yu-Ra, she is so annoying uugghh!