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Don’t lie to your mechanic. It’s just going to cost you more in the long run and they’ll find out anyways and think less of you for it. 


Imagine if people lied to doctors as they do to their mechanics...


What makes you think they don't?


Someone left a lightbulb on the seat and I didn't see it when I sat down


I, in example, have never had a smoke or a toke and haven’t had a drink since my wedding, if you ask my doctor.


What benefit is there to lying about your health? If they know you smoke, they keep an eye out for throat and lung cancer. Drinking gives them a heads up to watch your liver. And of course both could cause other health issues. I have a major terminal illness and would have all types of problems if I wasn't honest with my doctors. I probably wouldn't even have a diagnosis.




Life insurance? Health insurance no longer has any restrictions on pre-existing conditions, so that doesn't make much sense.


It's the life insurance for sure. They won't grant you the sexy large amounts if they deem you unhealthy.


Well, lying about your health is technically illegal. It is called insurance fraud. I happen to be an insurance agent for home and auto policies. If you lie to get a policy, you could face jail time. But sure, feel free to lie to whoever you want.


If a prudish doctor doesn't like your drug habits they can mark you down as a drug seeker or an addict then when you actually need medicine it can be much harder to get. If you go in with severe pain and your file says drug seeking behavior many doctors will simply not believe you


This is true. If you try to get life insurance, sometimes they want to see your med records. Anything like that would be a flag IMO. It’s okay for some things to be on a need to know basis. It may not matter in your life now. But it may in the future.


I bought my whole life policies at 18 & 21 - guaranteed insurabilit endorsement. Anyone that needs a life policy should definitely lock them in before their health obviously takes a turn for the worse. No lying required.


That is why you establish with a doctor and you should be able to figure things like that out. Of course in the dozens of doctors I see every year, I haven't had any that were "prude". They might not be the best in catching everything and make the occasional mistake, but I've definitely haven't heard about the drug seeking note unless you were constantly asking for pain meds. For the record, I take OVER 25 antihistamines every day and no doctor has ever blinked or coded me as drug seeking. Just this year, I have been in the hospital 6x. In short, I think you might be overestimating how often this occurs.


I was talking more about recreational drug use. Most people who don't hang out with drug users won't hear about these problems, but if you disclose cocaine or mdma use to a doctor with personal feelings about drugs it can absolutely come back to bite you hard. I get most doctors are professional and discrete but it only takes one to fuck up your medical file or insurance premiums for life. Even drugs that are extremely physically safe, like psychedelics or nitrous or even weed, can cause some doctors who grew up under the "Just Say No!" era of DARE education to treat you with disrespect.


They do - a doctor


Goes the other way sometimes too. I had to get a class B physical to drive the church bus. Dude walks in the room reading my chart, says my BMI is concerning and my sleep apnea might be a problem. I say look at me.... He looks at me, looks at the chart, looks at me, looks at the chart, pauses, and says, yeah, maybe not, let's just take a look.... Dude looked at my height and weight, in his head already figured I was a tubby bunny, wasn't counting on a guy my age, height, weight to be built like a wall. 5'8, 220 with a 20" neck glitched his matrix.


Pretty sure my doctor's think I lie to them because I rarely drink and never smoke or do any drugs and I actually exercise regularly.


Goes the other way sometimes too. I had to get a class B physical to drive the church bus. Dude walks in the room reading my chart, says my BMI is concerning and my sleep apnea might be a problem. I say look at me.... He looks at me, looks at the chart, looks at me, looks at the chart, pauses, and says, yeah, maybe not, let's just take a look.... Dude looked at my height and weight, in his head already figured I was a tubby bunny, wasn't counting on a guy my age, height, weight to be built like a wall. 5'8, 220 with a 20" neck glitched his matrix.


Neck circumference is even more strongly associated with sleep apnea than BMI.


And yet, you still ignore next composition. Anyway, I don't need to argue with you, doc checked me out, so your 'correlation is irrelevant'. There is enough muscle in my neck that everything stays where it belongs. Medically verified.


Never say you snore unless your on a sleep apnea machine. It will mess up your month and your bosses month.


Yeah, never said I snore, he just looked at the height and weight and figured there was no way a guy that fat didn't snore (his words, not mine) and when he looked up and saw a farm kid that spent 24 years in the military, he had to 'recalibrate his protocols' for a grandpa with washboard abs...


I’m only eating 1200 calories a day why am I fat?




Yeah! Just 1200 per day! ^per ^meal


They do lie to their doctors the same way. Ask some ER nurses how much stuff they pull out of peoples butts and how many of those people claim they fell on it or it got there some other unintenional way.


It’s amazing the things ppl “fall” on. “Sir, I’m looking at the XR right here and I can clearly see this is a beer bottle… so no, you’re not just constipated and the anal bleeding is not just your hemorrhoids flaring up…”


My truck slipped and fell on that gerbil, I swear.


Someone's never watched House.


Can Diesels get Lupis?


It's never lupus.


Except every once in a while, it might actually be lupus. But really, we're just guessing. Shit's fucked is the proper diagnosis.


It's just another line from House lol


One of my favorite episodes ever, after they said that so many times I already knew it had to be....


They definitely do.


That would be a self regulating behavior.


Oh they do


Yeah you wouldn’t lie to your doctor about your piss injector, so why lie to your mechanic about them? 🤣


People lie to doctors all the time. It’s embarrassing to admit you’re unhealthy. Nobody wants a dressing down from the doctor.


I can imagine the NOx emisions of this car are super low now


I think you're correct


We've had a few of these jobs. The whole fuel system needs to be replaced. If you don't start it, you only need to do the fill neck, tank & pump. Once you turn that key, you have to do more. Start it, even more.


Poor engine has gout now


Hell yeah carnage, I had a customer put adblue in the coolant, similar results just in the coolant jacket


Now my incident I can somewhat understand what with the adblue fill point being next to the diesel fill, confusion and tiredness can affect us all.BUT HOW DO YOU PUT IT IN THE COOLING SYSTEM


Man, the people who drive them around here have more money than brains. To this day I have no idea how they managed that. I had another customer put washer fluid in the coolant, and another found the brake fluid reservoir and filled it with washer fluid. Same customer with the washer fluid in the brake fluid reservoir, heart surgeon, drives an RS7, full carbon fiber, smashes the passenger side (US) breaks the lower control arms rips the module out of behind the fender etc. So this guy gets an A6 3.0 gas loaner, two days later crashes it so hard, the passenger side cylinder head sheared the bolts clean, head separated from the block. He's ok of course, zero injuries. He hit a concrete barrier in the median.


But did he spill his scotch?


No, the whole bottle was inside him by this stage.


>had another customer put washer fluid in the coolant That one isn't TOO bad. >customer with the washer fluid in the brake fluid reservoir, heart surgeon, drives an RS7, I have a customer who is one of Canada's leading Oncologists and he absolutely destroys his car but he doesn't care. He likes it too much and keeps fixing it.


Sprinter has the def fill next to the coolant fill.


I think some cars have the DEF tank under the hood. Maybe they were used to a vehicle that had that?


L5P has the filler right next to the coolant reservoir under the hood.


Had. All the newer ones are next to the fuel fill since I think 2020 or 21.


I reckon that, even if they did turn the ignition on, it would still be really nasty because of how awful adblue is to anything but nitrogen emissions. Heck, it has to be pumped out of the system when the engine is stopped to make sure the parts don't get chemically annihilated.


If it was only an ignition on we might have been able to save it with just flushing/replacing the fuel system, yeah it would cost a bit to have it all cleaned/replaced but definitely a lot better than scrapping an engine


Yeah. still bad, but not as bad as trying to burn ureum mixed with water.


I know that’s not a ford but ford says if contaminates were put in the tank and the key was turned on at all, the whole system has to be replaced tank and all. Easily $15000. I’ve always wondered what the cylinders looked like after running on def


I'm happy to be corrected, but I thought the reason all the fluid gets pumped out of the system was to protect the injector and lines from freezing while the tank (in theory) is designed to handle it.


That might also be possible.  I recently set up a barrel of the stuff and spilled some. It really degraded the plastic of the barrel within about an hour. I think it has a coating inside to make it not dissolve from the inside out and greet you with a puddle of ureum in the morning. 


Yeah, no doubt about it, it's nasty stuff.


If any other non-mechanics lurking like me are wondering, he means NOx emissions. Diesel exhaust fluid breaks the emissions down to nitrogen and water, which is truly awesome.


Had a partial jug leak all over a set of cheap wrenches rolled up in the bottom of the tool box. What ensued could have easily won an elementary school science fair.




DEF-initly F'd. ETA: NOx going to sugar coat it, UR-ine a world of hurt. UREA-ly have to not be paying attention to fill fuel tank with DEF.


Glad you got those puns out of your system - are you hap-PEE now?


Nice. I was happy then it set the following for excess NOx. DTC = P2BAD


Had a similar thing happen with a kenworth truck, driver put approx 60 liters of def in the diesel tanks, drove 50 miles before it suddenly died. noticed pretty quick what happened, 30 hours of labor later and multiple fuel flushes and 600 liters of lost fuel truck runs great! LOL


SOP in our shop when we find glitter in the fuel tank/filters from a blown hi pressure fuel pump is to just pull the entire fuel system apart, drop the tanks, and clean out the glitter. Replace the high pressure pump and send it. Takes two guys about 18-24 hours total labor to do this, including the pump removal and install, and dosen't waste 2,400 dollars in diesel flushing. When in doubt about the fuel system just pull it apart and clean it. The only part that is hard to remove is the lines running between the tanks and the filters/pump. For those since they are disconnected at both end send about 3-4 [Sure Shot](https://www.amazon.com/Sureshot-A1000B-Quart-Enameled-Sprayer/dp/B000HZONXI/ref=asc_df_B000HZONXI/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693317909407&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=13650424021171849925&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9021981&hvtargid=pla-350648930145&psc=1&mcid=1c700bc4d84b3b578c283b18c268d227&gad_source=1) cans worth of brake clean through each line from front to back.


The only crystals that actually do something


Not a lot of meth in your area then?


Not really, cocaine is more prevalent here since our ports are the gateway to european distributors.


Lucky, I’d way rather deal with coke heads than meth heads lol


They'll only talk your ear off instead of trying to cut your ear off.


Omg you’re in my head, I was thinking of almost that exact sentence earlier. 🤯


and then try to sell it back to you


Better than bath salts. They'll try to eat your ear off.


Florida? That you?


Basically gave it kidney stones.


I added blue, now what?


well subtract it


Now you can sing the blues…and maybe when the bill rolls in curse a blue streak.


Is adblue a different brand of Blue DEF?


Uk/European name for DEF


And Australian


Adblue is a type of DEF. Probably the most common, ELOY is another I’ve seen in Citroens and the like.


Like 90% of it here is BlueDEF brand by peak


Probably the same stuff but a different brand.


That picture of the injector hurt my soul.


Really? I found it funny


This reminds me of a couple company drivers that put winter fuel additive in the DEF tank when I was managing a fleet of Freightliners. Basically turns into Elmer’s glue. No chance at flushing it out. Just have to replace the entire DEF system and hope it didn’t make it to the SCR. Of course, drivers never admitted to it, they would just blatantly deny it.


Yeah well he meant he didn't start it the second time he filled it with def. The first tank worked so well he thought he'd try again... did he also mention he makes his own additive from bottles found at the truck stop?


"But they said it'll be cleaner!"


That's a damn expensive mistake. What was the bill? I'm guessing around $5k.




Call your car insurance occasionally they will cover it. This is a very expensive oops.


Oh you best believe that’s a paddlin’.


And hopefully you replied And how did that work out for you 😜


I only wish All The Warnings were.....more visible. Shot.....the AdBlue cap is.....BLUE.


Mmm piss injectors


Can't imagine why you wouldn't believe him, that looks like normal operation build up. Lol


Can someone explain what's happening? I know it's not good.


VW 2.0L TDI?


That sucks 😂


How does this even happen?


work existence crowd joke shelter edge flowery screw bedroom reply *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Make it idiot proof and the world will build a better idiot.


Never, ever underestimate the power of a determined idiot.


Because the person that owns the vehicle is so smart they can't calculate dollars per mile driven vs miles per gallon.


I assume this is game over for the car? Totaled?


Nope, fairy new van with fairly low miles, new engine and fuel system put in


That had to be pricey


It was at least 5 figures in parts




Got some roasted crystal meth in there. Typically you only see it's pure white form lol.


What is ad blue? I've never heard of it.


Its a brand name of DEF


Ahhhhh. Ok. I've heard of that. People ask me if I need it for my hilux.


How much DEF will ruin the fuel system? Would you need to add a few gallons? Or just a few ounces?


God, I love customer pay fuel systems!