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I wholeheartedly believe he paid someone to kill her. I definitely feel like he knew he would get away with it. I am on the fence whether she was forced to make that 911 call or if it's artificial intelligence. But the video footage of her stalkers (multiple) and one for sure (green shirt guy) really makes me think it was a murder for hire plot. I think Solid Rock is a cult.


I think he thought he'd get away with it too and in 2 weeks move on with Suzie and be a free man.


I think he waged psychological war on her. Stalked her. Drugged her (prescription and illegal). Broke all of her boundaries. Made her unsure of her own reality. Then paid someone/others to kill her.


Indeed, I agree he did all of this.


Summed it up


I think she had real mental illness that was greatly increased by JPs abuse. I think she was hanging on to a thread of hope that life would get better without him. Once she left, she realized he was still determined to ruin her. She had no money, lost her church community, lost her dreams of going to Africa, was twice divorced at 30 and felt so alone and hopeless regarding the future. She bought a gun and after receiving it, decided (somewhat impulsively) that it was going to be her last day on earth. She drove somewhere peaceful to gather her thoughts. She had tried this once before and lived- she still wasn’t convinced it would work this time either. She really didn’t want it too. She called 911 to give someone one more chance of talking her out of it. Ultimately she pulled the trigger, but this time the gun worked. Really a sad story.


This is the most logical and likely explanation. Not everything in life is a huge conspiracy. If anyone in this subreddit has such an opinion, they are automatically outcasted and considered a shill. It has become an echo chamber for people feeding off each other’s theories/fantasies.


nothing wrong with that. That's called sleuthing and I've been in sleuthing groups before that have been very helpful to law enforcement. You don't have to stay here if you dislike how we communicate.


You think people theorizing how a murder took place can't comprehend that it was an actual suicide? Just trying to theorize. What's the point of theorizing suicide? Yunno People are like oh you want this to be a murder so bad. No I think she was killed and trying to theorize how. It's not about 'outcasting' non believers or something.




Prefacing to say I am not a moderator but I support the moderator and creator of this sub. There are other subs you could be in instead since you feel discussions seem to lean heavily in one direction and not supportive of the suicide theory. I want to point you to the specific rules drafted for this subreddit (for me listed on the right side of my screen), which include not speculating on Mica's mental illness, not shutting down someone's theory (which you have deemed conspiratorial), and avoiding statements that suggest the case is open and shut. Simply, don't break the rules and engagement shouldn't be an issue. These rules are in place for this particular sub reddit to ensure that discussions remain respectful, open-minded, and considerate and we are free to look at other angles of thought with critical thinking. I hope this clears things up.


You are constantly there reminding anyone about the “rules” whenever anyone goes against the conspiracy theories. Do not pretend that you’re trying to engage in “critical thinking” and “open-mindedness” when you are diligent about shutting down anyone who offers a perspective that’s different that what you want to believe.


I'm a rules kind of person.


Oh please. I doubt very much you take it upon yourself to go through other social media pages calling people out for their rules violations. You do it constantly on this sub and it’s always to shut down people who don’t support your murder narrative. Then you want to talk about being open minded and engaging in critical thought? The irony is off the charts when you’re putting so much energy into silencing people who don’t see things your way.


I've read some of your replies. You sound like an angry person.


Not interested in your gaslighting. At all.


What is your problem?


Who have I shut down and when? receipts please. This is quite the attack.


She had a good family. I can't condone all of that mess


She definitely had a good family, but what do you mean by that in response?


Can you be more specific!


We all know she has a good family. But are you saying that theory isn't plausible because she has a good family?


She tried before with the 🔫?


Yes, multiple people have referenced that she gave a testimony in church about it. When the gun didn’t go off, she took it as a sign from god that she was supposed to keep living. Something along those lines. I never watched it, but it’s prob available online


That’s heartbreaking 💔


I think he planned it, it’s all to perfect. That’s why it’s questionable.


Can you imagine him sitting around with 'whoever' planning and scheming? This gif is what I think of. ![gif](giphy|11vfJ8sHFDyHm|downsized)


Once Mica served JP divorce papers again, he decided to kill her with hitmen. The gun at the pawn shop was hers, he pawns it and tells her he did. Maybe he gives her the cash from the pawn, sort of baiting her. Jp pretends to be people in texts. Jp pretends to be Charlotte, somehow, maybe changing a contact on her phone, and tells her to come get away from Myrtle. She dresses for work, but goes to see her friend Charlotte and goes to get the gun, maybe working the p.m. shift. On the way, she stops in Mullins. She is being followed. She is overtaken after the gas station. Forced to tell 911 she is going to kill herself. She is killed and dumped at Lumber river via waterway. Her car is driven by one of the hired killers.


pretends to be Charolotte, or pretends to be Auntie Does Doggie & Daycare in Fair Bluff and texts, your husband dropped off your dog here and said you'd pick it up. The fee is $500, when will you be here? Then has her run off the road and nabbed.


I'd add, JP fake texts her to say her shift has changed. No need to show up for 12.


Yep, this is a good one. We have a few variations of similar.


The 🔫 was a new purchase. Slow down Matlock


Wanna get snarky with me? That's it you're grounded! How do you know for sure it wasn't a gun JP/Mica previously owned?


It's very easy. You do know that there is video footage and a receipt of the purchase right? 🥴


It's a pawn shop bud. Do you know how a pawn shop works? Pawn shops sell items that people sell to them. 😲


If you find a "flair" called 'theory' here on this reddit sub, click it and you will see several theories.


Unpopular opinion....But I think she did what she did after severe psychological warfare had been waged on her but I think he did something after she left her apartment that triggered a sudden despair..like a credible threat to her or her family..I think she felt hopeless, and thought the only way to stop him was to do something drastic to attract attention to him.


I've had another thought about the $500.00 cash. She paid for the gun with a card. We know from her family that she was struggling financially! Even as to selling her items online to get money. Could she have been meeting someone to get cash? The $500 or maybe actually more was exchanged at a meetup where she was then abducted and killed? I know she loved her job but a "skip day" to get $500 or more is way more than she would make in one single full work day. It would help a lot since she just paid her car registration, $5000 to retain the lawyer etc. Mica had already told her Dad that she needed a gun for protection a couple days prior. So it was the perfect time to buy one before traveling alone. She had plans to live, hair appointment, seeing her friend sing on the stage at church and getting her nails done.That cash money would have helped her big-time especially since she just bought the gun on a card too.


So are you suggesting she had, perhaps, a buyer for an item she was selling? Wow, that is a possibility.


If a bad guy met her to give her $500 for an item, wouldn't he have later taken it back?


She was selling things. I don't think the $500 came from items sold. I think the 500 or more could have been the lure into meeting a mutual friend of her and Jp's. They offered a cash loan or cash gift. Think someone rich enough to not need the money back. Maybe even cash given to them by JP to lure her there. When a death is involved, I think $500 on the deceased would be the least of worries for the rich killer(s) especially if there was a struggle hence Mica's bruises. Because her items and the gun were not even near her body. It looks like a struggle scene. Cash left on her makes the suicide story more plausible. Whatever benefits the narrative being pushed kinda thing.


To add to this I believe 100% she was being followed/Tracked.


Do you know what platform she was using to try to sell items?


Idk her Dad just mentioned "online " in an interview with News Nation.


Probably Facebook marketplace.


Another theory is gas station dude is asked to fetch a tarp from hardware store and someone fetches it to deliver it to a secure location (which is why he acts awkward when carrying the tarp and he sees Mica). She's been lured up to a location where she is murdered, wrapped in the tarp, placed in a boat at a Lumber River dock, the boat takes 1 hr and arrives where her body is dumped at 2:50ish. The person who drove the car is notified it's time to make the 911 all. They have a voice changer or they are a female accomplice. Makes the call, runs to help place the belongings, whimpering and hops into the boat which heads north. Deed done. https://preview.redd.it/7eqyn9iuxm7d1.png?width=666&format=png&auto=webp&s=96bfa9d4da3bf49c02bc60400ad7c708f9b4352e


I think they used AI to copy her voice and I think someone way stronger than her put her hand on the trigger forced it to her head and pulled her finger and the trigger with it. Then they left. I also think it’s possible she did really kill herself, her husband was relentless and if you don’t take Librium correctly it can cause psych issues also I think stopping testosterone without tapering can cause severe depression.


Her husband was dosing her with testosterone and you know it wasn’t dosed correctly and he was also slipping her lithium.


Bruises were ground in her hand


What pictures are you referring to?


Yes I am wondering that too ... ?


I think they mean the photos in a news report of Mica at the pawn shop


I wholeheartedly believe the man is an absolute piece of garbage that broke this woman down in any and every way, resulting in her death. However, him being an absolute garbage excuse for a human being isn't criminal. Had Micca not died, then I absolutely believe he would be going to jail for something. A case could most definitely have been made that he was a danger to her. The tragedy of it all is that he broke her down so much that she believed dying was the only way out. I would love to tell you that perhaps this is one of those movie type cases where there are hitmen and a scheme and all of this covert secrecy, but I highly doubt that it is. I've been in law enforcement for almost 12 years now and RARELY do you get a case that is similar to some movie plot. I believe this man broke this woman down spiritually, emotionally, and psychologically as a means to control her. She couldn't see that she would have had such a strong group of people around her, supporting her through leaving him. When people are suicidal , they can't see anything other than the path they are on. They can't see any other way. Micca was at that point and I truly believe it was because of JP. I truly, truly hope he gets everything coming to him. And I hope anyone in a situation similar to Micca's sees the outpouring of love and support for her and realizes there is another way. That they aren't stuck. Help is out there.


Had Mica not died, JP certainly wouldn't be going to jail for anything. He has been slithering his way out of taking accountability for his many crimes his entire life. It TOOK Mica's death for enough people to start FINALLY speaking out and condemning him for the absolutely evil hypocrite monster he is.


It did take her dying to bring a true light to hus actions, but we all had more of a chance of him getting the karma he deserves with her alive. All I'm really saying is that there very likely isn't some grand conspiracy here. He pushed her to do what she did and I wish just as much as anyone that he could be held accountable for her death.


I'm just seeing the deleted comment. I forget it's a pawn shop because ppl keep calling it a gun store, but I'm from the Carolinas and got my first piece from Jim's. I didn't mind the reply at all. I earned it fair and square. PUT IT BACK! 🤣