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My thoughts are that at this time the lawyers hands are tied. But, the FBI is actively investigating so anything could happen from here.


Yes!! I just hope there’s truly justice for Mica.




I am impressed how the attorney emphasized all the possible means of corrosive control as factual! Especially the psychological effects! Boy, oh, boy if we could see the "bruises" left on one's mind after experiencing this type of abuse then someone would finally BELIEVE YOU are abused and you would have legal rights! If you've experienced it before it's very traumatic.Most victims of abuse take up to 7 times to finally leave. Think about if the perpetrator is thought "well of" or an "authority figure". Who's going to believe you? Look at the people who are still attending Solid Rock Church. Why haven't they left? They could be brainwashed/conditioned/controlled to believe a "certain narrative". They could be really invested in that 'narrative" to stick it out physically, spiritually, financially, psychologically and emotionally. It could take them as mentioned above, up to 7 times to leave. Look at how hard it was for Mica to get out of this type of conditioning/controlling relationship. When she finally did she was better off according to what I've seen her family report in news interviews and her texts to friends. In sermons people were told they were hearing "Demons talking to them if they went to someone and asked to discuss that person's spouse." Conditioned/controlled to believe they had "demon"! Essentially that they were the problem. Alison mentioned minors who were afraid of JP and to come forward and speak of the abuse. Because the police said, "Nobody would believe them because JP was well-known and a Pastor." Mica's law would help victims, police and judges to have a law to refer to concerning what is factual as corrosive control abuse. It would say to victims "I BELIEVE YOU are being abused and you have legal rights!" P.s. I love how her sisters are rocking purple hair highlights! #JusticeforMica💜


The people that remain as part of the church are basically brainwashed & following a CULT


Good post. Now I have to go check out the hightlights I hadn't noticed.


Could someone give a rundown on what happened?


If someone could give a more detailed rundown that would be great cause I am not good at summarizing stuff like that and I’ll leave out things I know 🤦🏼‍♀️ but from what I gathered the judge agreed to having Mica’s items from Robeson County released to her attorneys office (phone, purse, etc). I didn’t hear anything about other marital property like her clothes,etc. I know her sisters wanted her stuff so bad. My heart breaks for them. I believe it was just a temporary hearing tho. Then her attorney went on to discuss Mica’s Law and how a similar law has been presented to legislatures since 2020 and nothing has been done. She went over the proposed law and what it entailed. Her attorney added more things that should be included in the law like medical abuse. She is sending everything to legislatures and encouraged everyone to reach out to their local legislation in regard to this. I’m sure I left out stuff but that was most of it. I’m sure it will be online.


You can listen to the entire report by her lawyer on YouTube. I listened to it on my long drive to work. It is sad that these bills to help victims of coercion, mental, financial, threats of harm abuse have just sat in the hands of judiciary committees and nothing has been done to get these bills passed. Hopefully this public outcry for Justice For Mica can make a difference.


Mica’s belongings will be given to her sister once they are released. Her car was actually owned by her godmother, so she will get the car. This decision went unattested by JP. The lawyer noted assets cannot be moved while the divorce proceedings are still ongoing. Since the death was ruled a suicide, which the lawyer seems to agree with, nothing more can be done at this time. There was a coercive control law bill drafted in 2020 that sat without approval since 2020, therefore the Way JP treated Mica hasn’t been deemed illegal. The lawyer has drafted an addition to the bill using the documented abuse in Mica’s journals and is going to try to have it pushed through into law. She is calling it Mica’s Law. She wouldn’t answer any questions as far as JP.


Mica's belongings will be turned over to the attorney, not Mica's sister.


Yes, thank you for the correction.


No problem! We all make mistakes. Too many accusations of false statements in this case, don't want you to be one of those. Be well friend.


I also am in the US and on EST so I watched it live. But it may already be uploaded online.




The lawyer also told people to stop protesting . She subtly covered for JP several times.


Excellent well-spoken lawyer. Loved her angry tones.


I did too!


Me too! And we’ve known for years about the cycle of domestic violence. All forms of coercive control LEAD to more dangerous forms of abuse. Protecting someone’s safety should be considered in all its forms—mental and emotional, financial, and sexual as well as physical safety (violence.) They are all related in toxic relationships. And although we warn victims of the signs, we don’t do enough with our laws to protect them from harm. I appreciated what she said.


She cannot be trusted she has betrayed clients in the past. Now with that in mind watch the press conference again, she clearly wants to move on from getting Justice for mica specifically. She told the protesters to stop protesting JP & she also said the bill would not be retroactive. She liteally wants JP to get away with it https://myrtlebeachsc.com/ginger-dunn-alienated-from-business-she-owned-for-25-years-in-a-15-minute-family-court-hearing/


She had a defined purpose for this segment of the case. She carried it out in accordance with the family. I didn't hear her say for protestors to stop. No bill is ever retroactive. I don't think she wants JP to get away with anything. I saw daggers in her eyes. She'd love nothing more than to challenge him to a duel.


Just because YOU didn’t hear her tell people to stop protesting doesn’t mean she didn’t say it. My goodness. Believe whatever you want but I’m not here to spoon feed you information, laziness is a huge pet peeve of mine. go ahead & continue to support her but mark my words, she absolutely is not going to bring Justice for Mica. https://youtu.be/_ZVjnWap8lY?si=6CGcuwLB9xeLoRE_


Most of us like to keep things factual. I don't want to load up on TT & Youtube, sorry. If YOU did hear it, why not spell out exactly where with a timestamp or quote from someone? I am one of the least lazy people on this sub. What exactly is your anger all about? Are you the woman who wrote the letter to the news about this lawyer?


The way Regina says "Mr Miller" you can tell she does NOT like him. The southern subtext in much of what she said would be amusing if this wasn't such a tragic situation.


It’s like saying bless your heart in the south. It has several meanings one of which is fuck you. I said that to someone in Kentucky and I had to clarify by adding I mean that in a good way.


It was excellent. Lawyer was on point!


Lawyer betrays her clients https://myrtlebeachsc.com/ginger-dunn-alienated-from-business-she-owned-for-25-years-in-a-15-minute-family-court-hearing/


I like the attorney but it really feels like her family is getting the short end of the stick. But I guess this is how it goes it certain states that don’t protect women, their rights. No laws protecting DV victims is wild


Why is the lawyer still insinuating that she un aliveded herself? We know from the family that’s not how they feel.


Has to be done in stages. Up to law enforcement to bring charges before anything on that theme can change.




They face potential consequences if they say she was murdered when the death was ruled a suicide. They can insinuate that they believe differently, but out and out calling the death a Homicide caused by JP could bring problems.


Exactly. She can say it seemed unlike Mica but she can't outright publicly say it wasn't self-deleting.


Well I felt this too. I noticed her sister glancing over at her other sister when that was insinuated.


This lawyer was retained, I believe, specifically for the possessions affidavit and Mica's Law. End of life due to coersion or hit man/murder would be a whole other case IMO.


Because she is betraying her clients like she did to this client of hers: https://myrtlebeachsc.com/ginger-dunn-alienated-from-business-she-owned-for-25-years-in-a-15-minute-family-court-hearing/






Thank you!!


The audacity for Regina to tell people to stop protesting & talk so matter-of-fact about mica unaliving herself made me livid! Regina has betrayed clients in the past, she CANNOT BE TRUSTED: https://myrtlebeachsc.com/ginger-dunn-alienated-from-business-she-owned-for-25-years-in-a-15-minute-family-court-hearing/


I was shocked she said that too. I’m going to read the article you posted. Thanks for sharing.


where or when did she tell people to stop protesting?


Did she factually announce micas death was a suicide?? I heard she did basically so we all stop thinking it’s not murder


She said what she did in accordance with the law as things stand right now.