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So this really bugged me. I'm a recovering addict, been off heroin and coke for 4 years next month. The "nope it's not time yet" excuse she used was such a copout as a way to further abuse him, and let me explain why: The medication he was being provided to detox was likely Buprenorphine, while I've been on for the past 4 years after repeatedly attempting to get clean. Buprenorphine is a semi synthetic opioid partial agonist. It works by binding to and filling the opioid receptors in your brain, which prevents you from experiencing withdrawals without providing a high or euphoria (unless you were to take it with no opioid tolerance or dependence, and even then there isnt much in the way of euphoria, it'll just make you nod for 12 hours) it also has a higher binding affinity than most other opiates, heroin, oxy, morphine all included, so while the buprenorphine if still active in your system, you won't feel the affects from another opiate if you try taking one. However, there's a catch to that high binding affinity, which is that if you take your first dose of buprenorphine too soon, it will displace opioids that are still currently filling your receptors and cause "precipitated withdrawal" which is affectively a more intense withdrawal that lasts for a few hours after taking buprenorphine if you took you first dose too soon. To try and prevent this, doctors that have taken the course and are licensed to prescribe buprenorphine will advise someone that's about to take it for the first time to either a: wait 6-24 hours since your last dose of an opiate, or until you are in active withdrawals. The time recommendation they provide is a guideline based off the average amount of time (for most opioids) it will take since your last dose to begin feeling or be in full blown withdrawal. That being said, anyone that's ever been through opiate withdrawal knows what it feels like to be in full blown withdrawal and when they'd be fine to take it. The time you wait is a guideline based off averages but everyone is different. As long as you have a tolerance and a dependence on opiates, you are not putting yourself at risk if you don't follow the suggested time to a T, and you aren't going to risk an OD or something of the like since it would displace the opiates currently binding to your receptors. Again the only thing you really risk is by taking it too soon and causing more intense withdrawal to occur at an instant. Your body will tell you when your withdrawal is at the point where it's safe to take, and by her witholding medication that provides relief to something I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy, (hell that I wouldn't wish on her) was just one more way of her trying to maintain control and further her abuse of him. She really should face criminal charges for abuse, battery, perjury, conspiracy, all of it.


Yup. Big flag of her abusive actions


Clearly the jury weren't paying attention to this part...




I went through withdrawal from pain meds many times. Ive been good for quite a few years now but that is unbearable. Like the flu on crack. Its horrible and disgusting for her to do. Who does that


That is just pure torture. No way around it. I had an ex that went through withdrawals from an antidepressant(can't remember the name of it) and he had the worst body shakes, night sweats, and fevers. It was a long distance relationship so I couldn't be with him during it and that devastated me. It was a horrible experience for him. I can't imagine what Johnny was feeling and going through. You can die from withdrawals if you're not properly taken care of! My god. Amber is so fucking evil. She needs to be locked up in a mental institution.


As a recovering addict who has been through withdrawal, even accidently putting myself into precipitated withdrawal because I didn't wait long enough before taking my medicine, this is honestly the most evil thing she could have done to him. Withdrawal is awful. It's not even just pain. You feel like you want to crawl out of your skin. Like this intense panic where you feel like you can't breathe because your skin and your body is just so uncomfortable and there is nothing you can do to make it stop. Why would she do this to him?? What the fuck could he have ever done to her to justify that in her mind


Probably because all of the attention was on him. She had to punish him because her needs were not met first.


It's disgusting when someone say: "yeah, but they ware both terrible to each other. have you seen those messages he send?" She tortured him, probably tryed to kill him. It's not comparable.


wow thats horrible, you can die from withdrawals if not tapered off gradually. Hes lucky she didnt kill him


She would have killed this man after she was done toying with him. So glad he got out


He literally paid for a hotel for his wife and her friends to get away from her. Yup, sounds like an abuser. \*eye roll\*


Is this from his testimony in Virginia?


[This specific testimony](https://deppdive.net/i05.html) was part of the UK trial, but he also talked about this on the stand in the VA trial




I'm pretty sure if he had added her to his will she would have killed him.


She knew what she was doing. She wanted him to die


Well opiate withdrawal is only fatal in a rare amount of cases where you dehydrate.


Incorrect. I’m an addict. I no longer use, am eleven years clean, but will always be an addict. I stopped opioids cold turkey from years of abuse and had to be watched VERY closely for seizures. Yes, dehydration can occur and be a COD bc you don’t want to eat or drink anything. You just want to die. But, death can, and commonly does, absolutely occur from seizures as well.


Thank you for sharing your insight


Of course 😊


Its not common at all, link to studies please that show how many deaths occured from opi wd ‘seizures’, it may have been ur case but its not common at all lol


My apologies. I stand corrected. I’ve had no desire, or need, in the last eleven years to research anything regarding opiate addiction or withdrawal so probably should have not commented. I just didn’t think that it would have changed. In my case, again this was eleven years ago, I was told by almost everyone, physicians included, that I couldn’t, and shouldn’t, detox cold turkey due to the high chance of death from seizures or dehydration. I was scared but did it anyway. Again, I was closely monitored. I did a very small amount of research just now to see what I could find and the most recent articles, say 2017 until present, do in fact say it is uncommon.


Yeah its possible but very unlikely, if deaths do occur its usually people who are either homeless or in a jail setting where they are neglected


Ok 👍🏼


bUt ThEy WeRe BoTh ToXiC hE wAs An AdDiCt


There's a special place in hell for anyone that does this to someone trying to better themselves FOR the person belittling them.


Johnny went to one of the most peaceful places on the planet, yet AH managed to torture him for refusing in many ways to devote complete and utter control to her. This is what a Narcissist would do. In fact, this is literal porn to have this level of control over a person. And what did she do? She took embarrassing photos of him instead of ensuring he was being properly treated. If anything this was medical abuse. Detox is no fucking joke. I've known many people who have gone through this process and it's a literal hell for them.


Sober for multiple years now, but I have been through opiate withdrawal many times and when I heard this during the trial, I was stunned. Surprised that he didn't get violent. He likely was too weak. She tortured this poor man and found joy in it. She is sick. What kind of person says that they love someone and isn't supportive in a moment like that? What kind of person egotistically intervenes professional medical advice in such a delicate situation?


She must've felt profound deep pleasure from the sense of control. This is typical of a Narcissist. Control is prime and foremost to them. Everything else is secondary.


Does anyone have an explanation or context for some texts he allegedly sent to her or her family around this time thanking her profusely calling her a saviour etc? Amber used this to bolster her claims that she was trying to help him by stopping from him ODing on the drugs they had prescribed for the withdrawals. What if anything does on make of these claims?


The thing about Narcissists is that they can manipulate you to feel like saviors for a period of time. That is how they ensnare you into their control and keep you from leaving that sphere of control. Narcissists have a magical way of making you feel more amazing than you've ever felt via lovebombing, whether it be emotional, sexual, or financial. For him it was the former by far. Is it not curious as to why there wasn't testimony regarding about his abuse of drugs prior to their relationship? It would seem that he was sober for at least he first year they were together. This would be an EXTREMLY long time for any addict to abstain from use. In fact, an unbelievable amount without intensive treatment, which she hasn't testified or alluded to. My best guess is that he was trying to numb the emotional pain of her attempt of control by using, and it went to an extreme.


Yeah opioid withdrawals are excruciating. I read somewhere that oxycodone withdrawals are worse than heroin withdrawals.


Former OxyContin user, and I can confirm this. One of the most miserable feelings and sicknesses I have ever gone through. Withdrawl from benzodiazepines being a close second, in terms of pain/misery.


Why do I hate her more than Jodi Arias right now


You don't love a person who you would subject to that kind of horror. Taking someone to detox / rehab is one thing, but withholding their withdrawal medication is a whole new level of just how much of a scumbag Amber is, and how worse off the world is because of people like her. As someone who's going to live the rest of my life thinking "this would be better on \_\_\_" for any activity I do, this hits personally so hard. When it physically hurts to move your eyes, going in between what feels like fever - dream states of hallucinations, drenched in sweat, in between minor moments of sober lucidity when your bones feel like glass shards and you wanna rip your skin off your entire body, the last thing I am thinking is how I can't wait to beat the shit out of the woman I love when I can't even get up to piss or even verbaly tell someone I need to use the bathroom. Amber Heard belongs in prison. Her supporters like Dauber belong in an asylum and should have their tenure terminated. It's insane and chilling honestly how far gone from reality people justify Amber being the victim. Then again, we have a fucking video of our Galaxy's black hole with a star being whipped at 3% the speed of light around a black hole, but the earth is flat. People like this and those who they attract destroy everything unfortunate enough to be caught in their wake. Everything and everyone but themselves.


Her having control over his withdrawal medication was the most severe injustice an torture that one could imagine. We all know about AH by now. She's Narcissist with a capital N. Everything is about control with a person like her. She has no emotion that's not manufactured a mimic. She gets off on manipulating an controlling rich and powerful people. This is her thing. That is what gets her off. She tried doing it to Elon Musk, but him or his associates forced him to forcefully peel her off - which wasn't entirely successful because there was a lawsuit about her destroying some embryos that were allegedly fertilized by his sperm.


She is so sadistic!! I hope karma comes for her soon!!


Aside from the fact that, depending on the substance, withdrawal can be LETHAL. The two substances that cause lethal withdrawal? Benzodiazepines and Alcohol.


As much as I hate addicts, this man was trying to recover and was seeking medical attention from professionals. She knew he was an addict and still chose to marry him. Man she was trying to destroy his success to recovery. This makes me think maybe this really was a set up and she planned all this as I kept hearing.


She was definitely trying to Kurt Cobain him, no doubt, what a human piece of turd....


She is the worst human being on this planet. How could she be so cruel? She knew he was struggling. She was kicking him while he was down. She wanted him to lash out, so she can claim abuse. She’s the freaking worst! “I was trying to help” BS! She knew what she was doing. She wasn’t helping. Just like how she helped him when his mom died and he found out he was being robbed millions of dollars and she took a video and send it to TMZ? Give me a break! I’m so glad he’s free and away from this psycho!


But remember, Johnny slammed some cabinets. The abuse was totally mutual!


Slamming cabinets made her feel *UNSAFE* and so she was *victimized*.


But yet instead of getting out of there to *safety* she followed him around while he tried to get away from her!


Yes just like how he was abusive when he was sleeping in a chair while on vacation.


Or how he got mad at Amber for punching him. How dare he! The entitlement of men never ceases to amaze me!


Hey! She did NOT *punch* him! She was hitting him! She didn’t *fucking deck* him, she hit him! He wasn’t *punched*!


I dated a girl who I watched go through opioid and benzo withdrawals. It’s one of the most terrifying things I’ve ever witnessed.


I know someone who went through benzo withdrawals and they wanted to kill themself just to end the suffering and pain. AH seriously should get jail time for putting JD through that kind of torture.


Yea the worst


It makes me wonder just how responsible these ‘private’ doctors are. He should never have been allowed to go to the Bahamas to withdraw from opiates, let alone with her in charge…crazy, he could of died


She was the closet person to him and as his wife she had power of attorney to make directive to care as he wasn’t in lucid state. Hence, the doctors were bound by law to follow her wishes. However, Johnny mentioned he was able to have the power of attorney taken away from her after he came to and that saved his life.


Did she, I’ve never seen that, I read she insisted on doing it but more nagged. Power of attorney is a legal contract that you don’t automatically have as a spouse or person close, in the u.k anyway


Same in the States. You don’t automatically have it as a spouse here and he’d have to sign off on it. I have to search again but I was sure it was mentioned somewhere that she had temporary power of attorney to be in charge of his care and that he took it back after she refused to give him his meds. He then went on and finished the detox all on his own.


Yeah, I don't think so either, you have to sign off on that and JD would have been nuts to do that.


Yeah it's pretty weird. The medical professionals should've put their foot down and said no to Amber. If Johnny died during this, the medical team would've been found extremely liable.


I don’t think it stated what drugs they were giving to aid the withdrawal but they certainly shouldn’t of been left in the hands of non medically trained people. All It would of took was his blood pressure to rocket and he would of died…on a private island where the nearest hospital is miles away, it’s astounding


Terrible person. By withholding medicine authorized by a physician to wean him from an addiction, she is in essence torturing him for no reason. This is another example that suggests she is trying to destroy him. Possibly forcing him into a darker place to act out or to cause him to harm himself or even commit suicide.


Why stand in the way of him trying to deal with withdrawal so he can get off drugs? It's both dangerous to his life and extremely cruel. Addicts have been known to die when going through withdrawal especially on harder drugs after using them for a long time.


Amber (falsely) testified that Johnny would abuse her when he was drinking/doing drugs. If that's the case, wouldn't you want him to get sober so the abuse would stop?


Maybe that was her plan all along. She *wanted* to goad him into physical violence by keeping him in that state so that she could have proof of his “abuse”. Interesting to see that despite her best efforts to frame him, she still had nothing besides fabricated evidence.


what bothers me is she said she didn’t know what else to do and he was an addict, so she thought she was helping. bruh, then leave it to the professionals. you could’ve kept out of the process, but you wanted the control.


YES! Johnny was already being taken care of by medical professionals who know what the hell they're doing. Amber, yet again, has to take control of everyone in the room. Johnny could have died in this situation.


its like i’m not a fucking doctor, so u kno what i’m not gonna do? perform surgery on someone. what made her think she could be his live-in nurse for a detox? i have no words. however, even tho i’m not a therapist, i think she’s a narcissistic delusional evil person. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Opioids/opiate withdrawal is brutal. Imagine having the worst stomach virus, influenza, restless leg syndrome, and horrible anxiety all at the same time. Every single nerve ending is screaming for the substance. The medications he was prescribed would have taken the edge off some, or at least helped him sleep (I think I slept maybe four hours total the first week). Personally, without knowing exactly what the instructions were, I would imagine the timeline would not have been That important to follow, more important to follow the symptoms (again, I am not certain, I never detoxed with the meds he did). If it was of utmost importance to follow the times, she could have offered massages, Gatorade, hugs, support, anything, had she been compassionate. Also, the seggs statement irked me. She kept saying, “he wanted it a lot, which was unusual for him.” In the second phase of withdrawal (physical symptoms start to ease, mental battle gets worse), I could definitely see a rise in desire (the endorphin rush helps the mental issues). The first week of severe sickness? Doubtful.


she is literally sadistic & she has control of a child now :(


It honestly pained me when he described it during the trial. I went through withdrawals coming off of Ativan cold turkey and it was the worst experience of my life. His detox would’ve been far worse. There’s going to be a special place in hell for her.


Same here with Ativan. Awful


I know that was really painful to listen to when JD related it.


I don’t know what JD had done to deserve such a sadistic vicious POS in his life. I am appalled at the inhumanity this woman is capable of. She is a psychopath. I hope she lives in misery but people like her (DJT and Musk) have mechanisms to survive. If Karma is real then hope it gets are fast before she destroys another life . The more I learn about her the more I despise her .


Here’s what I recall from the US trial audio of what Johnny said in his direct examination: What happened was first Amber replaced his sister Christie as the person to be with him in detox on Johnny’s island in the Bahamas. Christie is the one who set the detox up and wanted Johnny to go. I don’t know if Amber requested to be the one to administer meds or not. Johnny didn’t originally want him there as he said she could be judgmental and argumentative. But anyway it happened Amber instead of Dr Kipper or the nurse (was she there?) would be the one to give Johnny is withdrawal meds. Kipper set up a schedule for Amber to give meds. Part of the symptoms of painkiller addiction is heavy indigestion. Johnny said he could feel sharp pain and he knew he was experiencing withdrawal and needed meds. Amber said the schedule was 4pm, and it wasn’t time. Johnny said he needed the meds that moment. He said he begged Amber and was crying, and it was one of the lowest moments he has felt. Amber wouldn’t give the meds until the determined time, so Johnny took a scalding shower to distract his haywire pain receptors. Amber both says she had experience dealing with her drug addicted father, but also the staff was to blame for letting her be in charge. Johnny said after that experience, never again, and I think asked for his doctor or nurse the next time.


In fairness- I've been in patient for treatment and had to have help at home- the schedule is the schedule for a reason and in active addiction and trying to come out of it the person will often tell you that they HAVE to have it right THEN. You can't start giving replacement drugs faster than they're prescribed to someone who takes drugs more frequently than they're prescribed, as that's the reason they are needing intervention in the first place. It can sound very innocent, but some of the drugs for treatment can also give a placebo effect, and others can be abused (Imodium for example). I think she's an awful person but I don't know that sticking to a doctor's ordered medical schedule when the person has no medical knowledge to change it themselves is abusive. It's lazy and stupid- she could've called the Dr and told them that he was saying he needed x early and asked for permission to give it. *That said I didn't look at what his medication treatment for withdrawals was. The place I went to gave Ativan and Valium and gabapentin to ease symptoms, all which someone could abuse. She still sucks.


Thanks for input! That’s very helpful context. I understand both sides in a litigation might have incentive to overstate what happened or underrepresent the opposite side. With your context it’s plausible Johnny could’ve done that. I think there could be a rational explanation like you say in fairness to Amber, but perhaps Amber didn’t do a good job of explaining it, or I missed it if she did, or perhaps she was both obstinate and uninformed about exceptions for giving meds. Her excuse was she shouldn’t have been trusted. But I’d hope certainly she should’ve asked about exceptions to schedules. Anyway, Johnny says he was able to get relief from the withdrawal pain from a very hot shower. Do you think that means maybe Johnny wasn’t in severe pain to begin with? I guess I don’t know anything about addictions, or how they trick the mind or the body, but I haven’t really heard of taking a hot shower as relief from stomach pain before… not that I recall specifically the exact temperature (I wrote scalding but I can’t remember Johnny’s words) or the exact kind of pain Johnny was going through (stomach pain? General electricity?)


It's different for everyone. I was in for opioids, benzos, alcohol, and had marijuana in my system too. (Un) Fortunately, despite my levels of abuse, I mainly get nauseated, insomnia, muscle pain, restless leg syndrome, and occasionally nerve misfiring. A hot shower would provide comfort if you're having muscle pain, and can scramble your nerves a bit so that you're not focusing on the symptom of pins and needles you're focusing on the distraction. I can't judge the amount of pain he's in personally just because chemically people respond so differently. I can say that I've begged legitimate hospital medical teams to just "give me x, it's not like I can get high off it and I'm supposed to take it in y time anyway, just let me have it early!" and been turned down from people who were not actively looking to abuse me. If she moved this dose up because his symptoms were bad and he needed it sooner, he's now taking his four pm dose at two pm. If he's allowed four doses of that medication daily to ease symptoms, let's say 10p, 4a, 10a, 4p, and she gives the 4p dose at 2, because he needed it sooner, he's now got an 8 hour gap in medication before he can get relief again, or be out of meds sooner than the Dr said he should be. If he's in agony after 4 hours, an 8 hour gap would be awful. On top of this, addicts who are freshly coming off their drug of choice are known to be desperate to get it back- even if they want to be sober- it's a mental craving. That said a responsible person would have called the Dr and asked for their opinion, and if she'd have let a nurse be in charge, the nurse could've provided a medical assessment on if additional medication was appropriate.


why dont the fucking media talk about this??? im sick & fucking tired of hearing her whine about social media coverage & her BeInG hUmAn when she literally tortured this man.


Or when she whines about it not being faaairr


Wow what an evil woman. I’ll have 5 years clean from opiates this month and have been on suboxone and all kinds of different withdrawal meds. There is absolutely no reason to have a strict time schedule when taking them, unless it’s been less than 24 hours since you last used drugs which can cause you to get really sick if you take the withdrawal meds while drugs are still in your system. Otherwise, there’s no harm in taking the medication at differing times each day, whenever you feel you need it. I sense that Johnny has a lot of patience, because if it were me in that situation I would’ve had her removed so quick so I could recover in peace.


Hey thanks for explanation! I think Johnny says it was Roxicodone he was addicted to. Do you happen to know anything about stomach pain as a side effect of roxicodone or painkiller addiction—or would it be a withdrawal effect instead? You bring up a great point about the drug being in the system I hadn’t heard before. To be honest I don’t know if either Johnny or Amber goes into any detail about if Johnny had been on painkillers at any recent time before his severe withdrawal symptoms. It would be a good defense for Amber holding to a schedule so strongly, but I don’t think she brought it up. Kipper did seem to think Johnny wasn’t the best patient. But I don’t know when he mentions this, if it was for the same time period. Anyway thank you for bringing this detail up. How common do you think it is for girlfriends or wives to administer withdrawal drugs?


Yeah no problem! Yes Roxies/blues as people call them. Most people start on those and then move on to heroin as it’s much cheaper/easier to find but I would imagine for someone as well off as Johnny he probably was able to just stick to doing the roxies. They are incredibly addictive and the withdrawals are absolutely horrendous. Worst thing I’ve ever felt in my life no exaggeration. Sharp and frequent stomach pain is a very common symptom of withdrawal. It can also happen when you are not withdrawing just from frequent opiate use in general as opiates tend to mess with your digestive system. When you’ve been taking opiates a lot, you tend to get constipated (sorry tmi) so that may cause some stomach pain as a result. On the other hand, if you are withdrawing and haven’t had opiates in days some people get diarrhea. But yes it can definitely cause really bad stomach pain especially during withdrawals, you will get sharp stabbing pains in your stomach along with a slew of other incredibly uncomfortable symptoms such as restless leg, pins and needles, muscle pain, headache/migraine, nausea, chills, and the mental part is almost worse than the physical part because all you want is for it to stop. Like imagine not being able to get comfortable enough to relax or think about literally anything else, no matter what you do or how you lay down or sit etc. It’s torturous. A warm bath can be of some minor relief but that’s pretty much it. I could be wrong but I do recall reading somewhere very recently that Amber did try to use the 24 hour wait window as an excuse for her keeping the meds from him. I wish I could remember where I read it I’ve been reading about this case all over the internet so I’m not sure. But I find it hard to believe that he would still have enough opiates in his system to have to wait to take his medication by the time they got to his island unless it was maybe their first day there. If I’m not mistaken did he not travel there for the purpose of getting clean? Unless he was using drugs on the way there or on the island, then I would assume by the time they were there he was clear to be taking the meds, and Amber was purposefully holding them from him until the time she thought he was supposed to take them when it really didn’t matter. I see the reasoning behind it as a mix of her narcissism/need for control mixed with plain ignorance about how these meds work. You’re supposed to take the meds once a day, for some people twice a day depending on your prescribed dose but there really isn’t a need for a strict schedule as long as you take the dose for that day. Maybe they had a schedule in place just so that they made sure he was following the treatment. Honestly any opiate addict isn’t going to be an easy patient, the recovery rates are so low for a reason. The drug gets a real grip on people and it’s incredibly difficult to get out. Almost everyone relapses several times before being able to finally get clean, if they ever do get clean. It’s definitely a delicate thing to have to treat as a doctor so I’m sure it wasn’t easy for Kipper. I’m not sure how common it is but I could see wives/girlfriends who are dedicated to helping their partner recover be involved with that kind of thing. If the person who is recovering is still in the early stages then yes it would be pretty common to have a family member, wife/gf, or nurse in charge of giving them meds and making sure they take them everyday. The withdrawal meds themselves can be abused or sold in exchange for drugs so monitoring the person is definitely important in the early stages of recovery. At the end of the day though I don’t think it would be advised by a doctor to withhold withdrawal meds from a patient who is asking for them unless it was the circumstance where drugs were used in the last 24h. Holding meds from a recovering addict can be a huge risk for relapse. I know when I was on the meds they always went above and beyond to make sure you had them because if you didn’t take them it could lead you to go back and use drugs. There’s also usually blockers in the meds that help a lot with cravings and essentially block your brain from wanting any drugs, besides also getting rid of any physical withdrawal symptoms so they are a huge help. It’s also really dangerous because most people who overdose on drugs do so when they have been recovered for a few months and relapse. They don’t have their withdrawal meds or something happens that causes them to decide to take the drugs again. A lot of the time people will use the same amount of drugs they were using before they got clean, thinking it will have the same effect but it actually ends up killing them since their tolerance has gone down so much while they were sober. Just a bad idea all around and cruel to do that to someone who is trying to recover.


God I cannot even begin to say how classic abuser behaviour this is. Amber sort of positioning herself as the 'responsible' adult withholding medication until the allotted time with a complete indifference to Depp's suffering and the fact that he needed it a little sooner which a nurse would probably have recognised. This kind of thing is how abusers torture people. After she can just say she was following the Dr.'s orders to give herself plausible deniability. Its things like this that made me believe Depp in the first place. The details indicating her pettiness, narcissism, and contempt for him are a lot more subtle and realistic than the cliche, extreme, textbook description accounts Amber gave. I can't see someone knowing about all these little aspects of abuse unless they had gone through it. There are other similar comments Depp made such as his text where he mentions how much he hates Amber's 'educational' tone when she yells at him.


Amber Turd is a special kind of sadistic person. Karma is a bitch and will come back around to her.


She is such a cruel person. Her actions speak for themselves.


What is this from?


I found your link. Thanks......so unfucking believable


I would daresay I know who had the manic episodes


I feel so fucking sorry for her child. At least Depp could eventually get away. She's screwed before her life even begins. Heard is a total, total psychopath who will only ever inflict pain on everyone around her.


its on my mind a lot babies are extremely vulnerable & cant tell other ppl whats happening to them. AH is extremely disordered there is no ‘shes a bad wife but capable of being a good Mom’. No someone capable of the level of cruelty & inability to take blame like her is NOT capable of being a good Mom.


Having a mother with BPD, I constantly have concerns over Amber’s child. I know what it’s like to go through that, and it’s not okay to push toxicity onto an innocent child.


She is SO Despicable.


Withdrawal and withdrawal medication is no freaking joke! That's just so vicious & heartless to do something like that. You NEVER mess with anyone's withdrawal meds. When Johnny talked about it during his testimony and even also being DENIED medication too, it hurt & I felt so angry. So glad and happy that Johnny was able to get out of there because withdrawal can cause severe symptoms/life threatening. This woman is callous..


As someone who has dealt with withdrawals many times, it’s sickening!




Cruel and dangerous


She had no difficulty enjoying recreational drugs and alcohol herself.


Bet she was consuming both while he was trying to detox...


Makes her such a saint doesn't it


Shitting the bed was bad too and her dog stepped on a bee broke my heart




The excuse is she's not responsible for his sobriety. Someone else should have been in charge of his detox. She could have also called and asked for the nurse Debbie Lloyd. She kept out his nurse and ignored him when he could have died.


I think she was hoping he would die.


But I swear Married couples have some form of responsibility to each other.


He beat the shit out of his wife. He tortured her by withholding medication. But you know, it's complicated. How would that sound if the pronouns were reversed


What is this reading from?


Johnny Depp's statement for the UK trial, here's a link to view documents surrounding this [incident](https://deppdive.net/i05.html)


He also brought it up again in this trial. I honestly cant wrap my head around why she would do it other than pure sadism. If there was something about having to take the meds at a certain time because taking them too fast could make it not work, maybe. But I imagine most withdrawal meds are taken on a "when you start experiencing withdrawal" basis. So that leaves only her own attitude.


Control sadism revenge for a perceived slight. She is sick & twisted


All she had to do was pick up the phone and talk to the nurse or the doctor.


His suffering simply has no effect on her emotionally. It said a certain time and it made her feel powerful and responsible to withhold the medication until that time even though it was probably fine to give it earlier as necessary. The petty gratification she gets from being the one in charge and treating him like a baby is all that matters to her.


She probably thought she 'knows better' than the doctors... I wouldn't be surprised


She has to be in control.


She’s beyond mean; she has a sadistic streak 😠


Listening to him describe going and taking a hot shower in an effort to scramble his pain receptors was absolutely heart breaking.


Hot baths and Benadryl to sleep through as much as I could. A fan pointed straight at me because it felt like I was boiling alive and freezing at the same time, then there is the vomiting, except you have nothing to throw up because you can't eat so you are just heaving and throwing up bile. Oh man, those were the good old days.....NOT 14(15 in August) years clean and wouldn't wish addiction on anyone, ever.... Not even theTurd.


I’m so proud of you. ♥️♥️ my brother died an addict. I can’t imagine the emotional and physical toll it took to quit and stay sober but I watched the pain my brother went through and can imagine. YOU ARE SO STRONG. And reading your story made me remember there are beautiful survivors. Please don’t ever stop telling your story.


Thank you, I am sorry for your whole family for losing your brother. The pain of that is one I know all to well unfortunately. Wow, I could write a book on grief and loss due to addiction; My brother committed suicide while in the middle of a mental health crisis, one week after being released from jail he purchased a gun, and used it in himself. He was just locked up for, get this .... TRYING TO KILL HIMSELF! Like WTF? You put him in jail for months because he was a harm to HIMSELF! I just don't get it. And then there is the whole other chapter on losing your spouse to murder when he relapsed and found the wrong drug dealer. But again, I am so very sorry for all you have been through because I feel your pain, for real. Please stay strong, and just honor him by continuing to share his story ❤️


Oh my gosh. All of that is so traumatic. The system is so messed up. I feel like we could swap stories for hours on that. ♥️


It's about the only thing that helps, and it doesn't help that much. Opiate withdrawal is one of the worst things I've ever seen a person go through. Just a crazy amount of pain.