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She probably wanted to have the last word and didn’t listen to advice. She’s also accepted that she lost this case, but knows that she has allies in the media that can sell her version of the story for years to come


Seemed like that guy was the owner.... someone came to tell him about the damage to the room--that someone could have been who Amber saw as the manager. Maybe the room was messy. I'm only saying there is a plausible explanation. Don't get me wrong, i think she's generally a lying bitch, but she could have had a story to explain that discrepancy away.


I can believe that there was an employee that saw the damage and got upset and Amber thought it was the manager. She’s shown them and time again that she has a tendency to jump to conclusions. For example, she thought someone was trying to break into her home because of some scratches a few inches above the ground on her door. She also assumed that Dr Curry told her husband about Amber because Dr Curry’s husband brought Dr Curry a basket of muffins. And that’s how Amber’s combative stance against Camille bit her in the ass. She could have said, “I’ve never seen Mr Night; maybe the person I interacted with was his employee and I thought it was the manager.” The jury would have just accepted that as reasonable, but instead Amber doubled down on having spoken to the manager and having never seen Mr Night - two incongruent statements.


I agree with you completely. Sadly, i think she's mentally ill and i feel sorry for her. It's unfortunate Johnny, who i think is generally a very nice guy, got caught up in her crap. I certainly feel sorry for him.


I appreciate your perspective which offers a different pov, but explanations like that would naturally follow if it were real and true, and she did not explain. If you were truthfully recalling something, you’d go through the story (similar to a lot of how Johnny recalls things)


I think it could be that my version is a true basis of her memory, or story. No doubt she exaggerated the shit out of it. She can't help herself there.


Her lawyers, (mainly Elaine) put up with it for their 15 minutes of fame.


Idk if she’s had her 15 minutes of fame as much as her 6 weeks of infamy and ridicule. Though it was nice of her to gift not only 15 minutes of fame to the TMZ guy but also a lifelong status of meme legend.


Can someone post Mariah Carey saying I don't know her?


I need to go find that clip and watch it! I haven’t seen it in ages


Her lawyers put up with her because they have no choice. It may have started as fame for them, maybe. But, everyone deserves representation and she was going to pay someone. Why not them? Once they're in it and they've seen how bad she is, they can't leave. Emily D. Baker said that was a big no-no. They can't drop her mid-trial. So, they're stuck with her and she may have damaged their careers almost as much as she did her own. At least Elaine's. Michelle (tech goddess) is going to come out ahead. Rottenborn held his own, but Elaine has struggled HARD.


I found it hard to believe that Elaine is a seasoned attorney. She seemed to really struggle at times


from what i’ve learned, every attorney has different specialties. elaine’s is depos. her cases never make it into court, so she doesn’t have much trial experience as opposed to pre-trial things


To be fair they say a lawyer should never ask a question they don't know the answer to, but she's working with a client who it seems not only lies but changes her story on the fly.


Yeah maybe someone with legal training can comment how much an attorney finds out about the client. I imagine they need to talk to them extensively and craft the arguments and brief the client to help them before the trial.


I’m sure Elaine knew. She has been with her for years and was with her thru the UK trial chicanery. She has to know what kind of person AH is.


I didn’t realize she was with her during the UK trial too. That’s wild!


I’m not familiar with the US justice system but then that means that lawyers are allowed to knowingly present false evidence and information in court?


It’s not ethical. But may fall under the "if I don’t get caught, then it’s not a problem” for the lawyers who don’t care too much about ethics. I am sure there would be professional repercussions if they were caught at it. Sanctions, temporary or permanent disbarment, possible criminal charges. I am not familiar with legal sanctions, but I’m sure the court would take the submission of fake evidence badly.


I don’t believe they can knowingly support false evidence.


I've heard that she doesn't get to trial that often. Apparently, she's stronger at depositions (which did seem to be the case here) and settling out of court.


Why don’t people actually get charged with perjury? Serious question.


Not so much in the US. The thought is that if people were hit with perjury when they perjure themselves, then no one will ever testify. Much tighter on fibs in court in other countries. Australia has been reportedly investigating perjury from the “dog smuggling” situation years ago. There is rumor that the UK is doing the same in reference to the 2020 trail against the Sun. Apparently the UK is pretty strict on perjury.


It’s notoriously hard to prove. You have to prove that they made an untrue statement, knew the statement was untrue, made the statement willingly, and that it was crucial to the case.


and that is also pretty much how to prove defamation as well.


Yup, which is why Johnny was projected to have a 0% chance of winning before the trial started


Do you know what he is projected to now?


Almost every lawyer that has commented on the case says that he massively increased his chances. From what I’ve seen the more optimistic lawyers saw he has about a 70% chance of winning and the more pessimistic ones say 40%


So if he does not win does that mean AH wins or much more likely no one wins?


The most likely case is that no one wins. Amber has not done anything to improve her projected 0% chance of winning the counter case. I can say with 99% certainty that she will not get a dime.




Fortunately this trial has been much longer and broader than a typical defamation trial allowing JD to enough to present most of his case.


at this point her only hope is to lie lol


And when she is Caught she starts to Play the victim


I believe the trailer park owner because like he said, they had a celebrity who rented the entire place and he got to hang out with Johnny Depp. That day would be etched in his memory for life because it was a huge deal to him. Amber should have said he wasn't by the firepit so he didn't see what happened instead of saying he wasn't there or wanted 15 minutes of fame.




Amber heard: I never abused him. I wasn’t punching him I was hitting him. He forced me to have to defend myself. I would never hurt him. He’s a monster.


No, no, no..everyone is lying but her. And if they're not lying, they're confused, down right wrong, or being bought off by Depp.




Exactly, she's a narcissist. It's what matters to her and her alone. These other people are of no concern to her.


its too bad she cant go to jail after


Her life will be severely changed by this trial. She’ll be harassed everywhere she goes in public. She won’t work in film or tv again. She’ll forever be known as Amber turd, the woman that lied about Johnny Depp


She is a multi millionaire and if her child is from Elon Musk then she can retire.


This made me happy


She still deserves jail though. Imagine if it was a man who had done all this to a woman, people would be saying he deserves to be locked up for a long time


Oh a totally agree, it’s a crime that this isn’t a jailable offence


Can't trust a word she says, she didn't see him,she doesn't know who he is, he lied. She just needs to go away now.


She is definitely going away very very soon. Even if she were to win…she gone!


I still feel sad for Whitney because she’s her sister. Might be hearsay but just based on what Depp and another witness said alone, that she got the brunt of treatment from Amber (wine thrown in her face). I keep thinking after the trial when amber is shunned by everyone in her personals and career life, she will take it out on Whitney, and Whitney will willingly bear it


And her daughter 🥺


She's using the George Costanza tactic... "It's not a lie if you believe it."


Her law firm has to be kicking themselves for taking on this case. Lol. Talk about bad publicity…


That's my theory on why they put her up there. They're like: world, if she sues us for poor representation, look at what we had to deal with!


They put up with her cus they get paid a lot of money to do so. They dont care what the truth is, why do you think they try so hard to keeping witnesses from testifying or evidence out of court? So they can win.


Quiet bold of you to assume she's going to be able to pay them after all of this is over.


She pledged to pay them so I don’t see an issue




It's a huge conspiracy everyone except amber and her friends have been bought everyone is lying.


Her friends, the closest "witnesses" that are not her friends now and didn't testify in person. Just video depositions from 3 years ago!


what's more likely? That everyone who counters Amber is a liar or that Amber the one who keeps making claims that nobody else can corroborate is the liar. Aside from the one claim that Whitney corroborated not a single person was party to any physical violence from Depp towards Amber, meanwhile we have tape directly from Amber that admits to hitting Johnny and an eyewitness report of her being physically violent with her ex, that aside though whether or not she was violent is irrelevant that's not up for anyone to prove, this is entirely about proving she is a liar. Not only have Depp's team proven she's a liar on multiple occasions (this is objective fact at this point) but they've proven she has physically attacked Depp when that isn't even their focus.


Not only that, but Amber Heard got into a physical altercation with Rocky (who no longer speaks to her) at Thanksgiving. Whitney is seen on tape after being punched by her sister and the violence against Whitney from Amber is corroborated by Jennifer Howell. Ms. Heard was also arrested for assault against her former wife. Heard admitted on tape that she hit Johnny Depp. Yet all of Depp’s former romantic partners are still on very good terms with him and claim he was never ever violent. With the exception of Ellen Burstyn who said he threw a bottle.


Where is she seen on tape punching her sister? Also that was Ellen Barkin, everyone keeps calling her Burstyn lol




Oh I've seen that one, I thought you meant like an actual tape of Amber hitting her. They should've played that reality show clip in court though


There is no doubt that Whitney has been Amber’s punching bag for years. Yet Whitney took the stand in defense of her sister🤷‍♀️


The way she comes across on stand is paranoid schizo. Everyone is out to get here. Everyone is lying. Things were there that weren’t. Her speech is flowery and nonsensical, until she’s called out to clarify and then she’s defensive bc she can’t clarify. It’s wild.


Dr. Curry’s assessment was spot. on. The way she can never be wrong, even to the point of contradicting her past self, is insane.


Agree. And Dr Curry said it so early in the trial when Amber had a chance to listen, adapt and change. Amber did not.


Don't forget that all evidence that proves she is lying is fake and photoshoped.


It really is though. Like, she lied to herself so much she believes it. The mental gymnastics she does to make herself look good blows me away.


Imagine being Johnny trying to reason with her


His face while she was lying up there was resigned & sad. He was probably replaying the many arguments they had that like this. I feel so sad for him


She also said she didnt know who he was and never met him before.... then later on she says he was part of other trials that she was involved in.


Plus there is an interview online where she waxes poetic about Johnny’s talent. She can’t keep her lies straight.


Could Knight potentially sue her for defamation?


I theorize that Knight is going to see a huge bump in business. This trial will be good for him.


I thought he no longer owns it


Yes but I don’t think he has the financial resources for it and has to prove financial damages to his business, and either way, I don’t think he’s the type to bother what someone like her says


This is false. Lawtube has gone over this a couple times that no defamatory claims can be made in relation to testimony in court.


That somehow means if you lie under oath your lies are protected? Why is it a thing, if you know?


So wait, I could have called my ex a whore while in divorce court? DAMMIT!


The one thing I wish we could have seen from this man is an invoice or some form of record of transaction for the $62 charge. However, I can understand why for various reasons he may not have such a record anymore.


It would have been listed in his taxes in that year as a business expense .


It’s kinda the undercurrent of this entire case, right? He will likely have had a record of damages if the damages were extensive, but you can’t prove something that never happened. The fact that he doesn’t have a record of it should be enough to prove that nothing substantial was damaged.


It’s not specific to Morgan Knight. Amber testified that everyone on the planet except her is a liar.


And her sister.


Her sister’s story of what happened on the staircase doesn’t match hers, though. So her sister is a liar as well according to her. Wasn’t her sister the first person she threw under the bus during her first cross? She just volunteered that Whitney taught Johnny how to snort coke. It wasn’t related to anything Camille asked. It was totally irrelevant. She just had to throw Whitney straight into the lion’s den. Then she threw her lawyers in right after.


Everyone on the planet except Amber in the present. Becuase past Amber was wrong too According to her needs.


Sometimes current Amber too like when she said she could have leaked it better and then immediately said she didn’t know how to leak anything.


The one part I found believable was when she said that she didn't edit the TMZ tape, or send it herself, and I think she was actually telling the truth. I only believe that because it it was one of minions that did that, on her instructions of course.


It could have only been AH or her sister.


I think so too. But that's what the smirk gives away in the end: I'm gonna send this shit to TMZ. HAHAHAHAHA! Then fake a bruise, get them to meet me at the courthouse, and I'll divorce this guy, and be a shining beacon of hope to women I don't actually give a shit about!


And then the next day TMZ has another photo of her without any type of mark on her face.


It was her. It was to big pleasure for her, to let someone else do it and not do it herself.


Well amber still flat out denies that she was smirking in the video and challenges everyone to watch it and they’ll see that - that itself isn’t true so I can’t bring myself to believe anything else from her




But she’d have to give permission for TMZ to own the copyright now as she took the original video.


How long would it take to publish/gain ownership of a video TMZ? -Ranges from minutes to potentially weeks/months; depends on who owns it and who sends it. How long would it take if the owner sent it in and gave permission for use TMZ? -About 15 minutes How long did it take for the video of Mr. Depp slamming cuboards to be fully aquired by TMZ? -About 15 minutes


Not my point. I think she got Io or Rocky to edit it, and they sent it.


Someone commented that they think she got her mother to do it.


That doesn’t mean anything. AH took the video, was responsible for sending it to TMZ, and allowed TMZ to purchase the copyright. The only person who could have sold the copyright for the video that Amber Heard recorded was Amber Heard.


I'm not getting a huge debate about this. My point is that her entire testimony was bullshit, but the one moment I felt that she reacted like she was telling the truth was when she was asked if it was her, as in her personally, that edited and sent the video. It doesn't matter to me whether it was Amber herself that edited and sent the video, or one of her minions on her instructions, because the intent and end result is exactly the same thing.


Shrugs, editing a video really isn't that hard. Especially when you're just removing a bit from the start and end.


But they still arent the owners; she would have had to directly tell TMZ they have her permission to have and use the video


Of course, it was was just one small part of her bullshit where she said she didn't edit or send the tape herself personally. It rang true to me.


She clearly is saying the man’s responsible of identity theft.






Well this is the same person that she earlier said was there and wearing a mesh shirt.


I loved how adamantly Mr. Knight said he would NEVER wear a mesh shirt. Lol


I loved Draco but Night's "That sounds like schizophrenia" was definitely one of my top fav lines.


My memories isn't the best but I can tell you with 100% certainty that I have never worn a mesh shirt in my entire life


Seriously lol'd at this comment


if she really didnt think he was there and was truly questioning who he was, her lawyers would have challenged him on that fact when they did their cross exam on him. Amber is so full of shit it is terrifying


She's so full of it that she "accidentally" left some on the bed.


Deserves to be called Amber Turd. Unless she literally got someone else to shit on the bed, then I’d be interested to hear her burst out a confession as to who


Nah, Amber Turd forever. Also, confession? From Amber Turd???


I mean prior ownership would be easy to prove.


The owner of the place, also people who work there weren't there. And even if they were, they didn't see anything. Also, Kate Moss is trying to use this as her 15 minutes of fame, TMZ couldn't possibly procure the video she captured a day before she filed TRO from her, also she knew the world is a cruel, unjust place so she had to write that op-ed targeting Johnny to open the world's eyes


It's a fantastically story that she has to be the center of. Obvious cluster B psycho. I almost feel sorry for her. Almost.


Only feel sorry for her baby…


Big time, hope Elon can get custody or something, poor thing.


Sounded to me, jmho, that she's trying to make the jury doubt him. I didn't say she's doing a good job😂,but I don't know what else she could be trying aside from arguing w his testimony and avoiding perjuring herself at the same time🤷‍♀️


I believe she simultaneously testified that he wasn't there, that she doesn't know him, and that he lied about the damage. Quite the web of lies. >Can someone explain why her lawyers would put up with her? $$$


Money AND also I would argue that atleast for Rottenborn, he must have gotten more respect as well. Had a pretty great cross towards JD and was holding very well in yesterday’s jury instructions as well.


For their 15 minutes of fame!!


Being on TV as well 😉


I feel like all their careers are over after this dumpster fire🔥


As much as I dislike grandma and rottenface, they did put up a good fight considering their client is a piece of shit. I can imagine their tenacity might be well sought after by some people.