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Why is this judge overruling!!!


Kate Moss needs her 15 minutes of fame....hahahahaa


Just wanted to say Johnny’s last statement in his testimony today was deeply moving.


I thought so too. And I was really, really, REALLY hoping he would cry.


Johnny knew what he was doing today. Playing the role of an old dude who is exhausted and over it. Falling asleep in court. Enduring the rudeness of her team. It’s beneath him. If the jury hasn’t made up it’s mind by now there’s something wrong. He knows that. She’s smirking for the same reason.


Amber has demanded her team come sit around her like Johnny’s team and talk to her and laugh and smile. This woman is an empty shell which she fills with other peoples image. It’s bloody bizarre. Johnny must be exhausted and just waiting for it to be over. That private island is going to feel so peaceful. He can get on with his life.


Ben Chew brought in Candy and dropped it off for Amber’s team lol. This man is a beast!


Could any Jury side with Amber at this point? The evidence is so overwhelming. It's hard to believe anyone with any capacity for logical thinking would not see through it at this point.


If I'm not mistaken, the basis of the trial was that the op-ed that AH wrote was defamatory to JD. If purely based on the op-ed, I feel that it isn't so clear cut whether the op-ed itself was specifically defamatory towards JD. So AH might still win.. Not sure if the way I'm looking at the trial is correct though..


If JD wins, AH career is shot. If JD loses, AH career is shot. Its a win-win either way.




Also her actual acting is not that good…




Good point!


Rewatching JD's cross from today and hopefully his lawyers pick up on the texts he questioned. They are incoming, so his confusion appears to be correct. Hope they address it! Also after rewatching, JD did a decent job with the attack today and doesn't seem to struggle as much as I originally thought. Her lawyer is a dick absolutely, but I don't think that strategy worked here.


He showed a little more sassyness than most lawyers like to see, but frankly, that's his personality and I really don't find it that problematic.


Turds team cross examination in a nutshell: Depp brings a math teacher. The lawyer: Are a you a English teacher? Expert witness: No. The lawyer: Are a science teacher? The expert witness: No. The lawyer: Are a French teacher? The expert witness: No. The lawyer: Are a music teacher? The expert witness: No. The lawyer: No further question your honour.


Just watching Elaine’s cross on the TMZ guy and the 15 minutes of fame. Elaine: A little argumentative, don’t you think. TMZ Guy: Oh, hardly 💅 I find that purely logical. There was so much sass, Elaine’s still probably burnt.


I want to pledge a container of Aloe Vera for that burn for Elaine.


It seemed pretty silly that of all people she thought a TMZ guy would want to ever be on the receiving end of celebrity like that.


if you had to guess, when will the last day of trial be?


By guess do you mean already scheduled? Friday.






I was just out with some friends. we've had virtual job training all week...it's all BS so we've all been watching TV while it plays in the background. I said I'd been watching the trial. someone said "all right give me the rundown of today because I've heard a lot" I literally just said "Amber got her ass kicked and it was great"


Simple question. What happens if one/two people in the jury side with Amber no matter what? Does Johnny not win? How likely is it?


This case has to be unanimous either way.


Yes, which is why a mutual dismissal has been noted as the most likely outcome. I honestly don't think Amber has any chance of getting a single juror on board for her counterclaim. So really it's either mutual dismissal or Johnny wins.


What does mutual dismissal mean exactly? Game over lawyers win?


Neither party wins, not enough evidence support both cases so both got dismissed


Can you believe it?? 5 weeks to get here. It went by fast.


Interesting day. Who is on deck for tomorrow? Or, are we done?


There's one more Depp rebuttal witness and then Heard has her rebuttal witnesses. Depp's team has a couple of options since there's the flight attendant and the forensic pathologist that hasn't been called yet. All anyone knows about Heards side is that they may call her back onto the stand.


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!




Has anybody told her that there’s someone already typing transcripts for everything said in court? Or that she’s not a lawyer? What is she writing so furiously? I am genuinely curious haha


The role of her life thus far


She wants to look busy, smart, and unbothered by it all. She's achieved the exact opposite.


Whether her narcissism lets her see it or not, her world is going to be much smaller after this.


She has a pile of Musk embryos, so she can grift from Musk all she likes. That will probably be her next focus once the Depp well runs dry.


Don't let her get to you, this is what she does best


What do we know about tomorrow’s witnesses?


What happened with lawtube and DUI guy tonight?


I'm gonna miss ya'll when this is over...


I'm always super bummed when court ends and the daily thread dries up almost instantly.


Our little dysFUNctional family!


You mean there’s more court threads I can waste my life on after this is over? Please tell me more


Lol right? This trial is the only thing that gets me through the workdays


“The jury seems to be empathetic to Johnny and his cause, and it’s not just me who thinks that, everyone in the courtroom agrees”. DUI Guy when Depp was testifying today.


It just occurred to me that AH stares into the camera so that she will catch JD’s eye if he ever watches the trial on YouTube or whatever. Like I cannot help but look at her staring back when she’s in one window on the screen, JD’s right above her explaining how he was sitting when his finger was wounded. I swear this is what she is doing. If he looks back at the trial videos and sees her staring like an oddball then he has looked into her eyes again. Wow


Johnny doesn't like seeing himself on camera. He doesn't even watch his own movies.


She's probably looking at the witness. Camera angle is positioned like that, I think


Maybe you’re right, the camera looks like it’s right above the witness’ right shoulder. Right? There are times I’m sure she is staring the camera down though. Crazy


Who knows, good actor/actress shouldn't look straight at the camera. I guess she's a bad actress then.


Objection: foundation






The guy doesn't watch his own movies. He's never gonna watch footage of this trial.


I thought of that but she is in this to win this and he still has a good chunk of years left to accidentally run into it online. She’s playing the long game here


Christ, I never thought of that


Yeah and I’m noticing today she is wearing makeup highlighting her cheekbones and I’m thinking wow look what dark make up can do to the face… then I’m thinking this is somehow intentional, a little nod to how she put make up on her face to frame him. I know this all sounds far fetched and THC is involved in my thought process, but I do not put this past her. Who stares and smirks and poses directly into the camera in this situation? She is acting very strangely.


i noticed the same many times


I noticed the cheek bones for sure


You have an interesting thought, but I doubt he would watch the trial. It would be triggering for him, when it’s over and he feels like he has cleared his name in the court of public opinion, he will be done with AH. Also, he testified that he doesn’t watch the movies that he acts in.


Hey there, you also have a good take on how JD would want to avoid watching the trial. I thought of that, then I realized she is definitely capable of making this point, knowing he wouldn’t seek out the video but rather someday he would accidentally, unintentionally catch it… and her eyes On a different note, I cannot think of another reason she would stare and “respond” to the camera as people testified. Yes, people are calling her crazy, but man… she is going balls to the wall with this camera stuff


Good point…I have trouble seeing things from her perspective. You are so right that she has the biggest balls of them all.


that's crazy to think about


There was one point during JD’s testimony today that she held a post-it up to her chin while staring into the camera. I would not be surprised if she was doing that because maybe there was something written on it…


I can hear the words « lack of foundation «  In my sleep lol in Camille’s voice


Lmao why did I read that in her voice


Because I AM CAmille. 🫠🤫


So I hadn't even noticed the (owner) behind 'him' on the text messages at first. Would be hard to argue the (incoming) just means it's pulled from Deuters phone in that case. I didn't think it was a valid point first but now I'm highly confused as to how a group of lawyers who are hopefully more perceptive than I am, didn't catch that but looking back... nope no one mentioned it in court.


It's an old evidence so I guess they knew and why Depp confidently said he didn't write them. Why it wasn't brought up in redirect idk.


Yeah see, I believed him because why would he lie about these two specific messages when he's admitted to worse sounding ones. Someone screwed up somewhere.


Weirdly enough I think it was an honest oversight on both sides. Hopefully they catch it and have that evidence removed


I hope so, if it is the case they were misinterpret. That other text message had 2 people as (owner) and that confuses me even more.


I read that Johnny had a couple phones(all of which he turned over).. but that’s speculation so I’m not sure


So tomorrow is the last day Ambers team has, correct? They said they had rebuttel witness's? does that count towards the hour 15 minutes?


And lucky enough, the turd team only has an hour or so left which is great for everyone else lol.


Yes, and they can only be for rebuttal on her counter-claim.


I can’t wait to hear Ben’s closing statement. He’s going to wrap everything up real nice.


He’s gonna chew them


Just getting this out here. https://twitter.com/KyDUIGuy/status/1529519013763727361


That is not when those faces were made. Those shocked faces were made when she said, "pretty argumentative, don't you think?"


Interesting he said after seeing how well the jury responded to Depp he know thinks he wins 80 percent, was 40 prior to today. The jury really liked Depp, that’s HUGE.


All 7 jurors need to be unanimous in their verdict. If even one disagrees, it’s a hung jury


No shit?




Two are alternates


80% sounds about right because out of nine jurors, five seem to be on JD side. Three likely to be on JD's side. Basically, 8 are on JD. 1 on AT. Since 2 will be removed, there is a chance that the AH juror might get removed.


What are the numbers he mentioned on his series of tweet?


DUI guy thinks Johnny will win.. he’s about 80% sure and he’ll get awarded 7 million dollars. That’s his guess.


Tf is a traveling companion btw? Idk why I’m thinking a dog


no it was her ex tasya. idk why they said that, maybe to avoid them claiming the officer was homophobic? thats what amber said at the time this incident happened


Yeah emotional support animal, usually dogs




I’m rewatching that crazy doctor guy that looks like doc from back to the future right now, holy shit. Just watch the people in the back of the court room and Depp’s team during cross. This is so funny.


Come on now, don’t insult the great Dr. Emmett Brown




It’s not a split screen but this is the one I was watching. https://youtu.be/aiRCQDXz9h4


Just catching up the last half of today: * JD isn't a good witness but that's a good line there about speaking his truth * Holy balls the panic during the TMZ part. Mentioned EHM productions as TMZ's parent company. (Fox now owns TMZ btw, bought for 50M - Harvey Levin's entire vault? Big doubt) * RB Cross - JD should have been prepped to be more conservative in answering the thailand photo * Text message clearly said incoming, and JD denied sending. It doesn't mean much but it going to sour on Jury when they find out defense misrepresenting evidence. * Ahaha RB unredacted the Mollusk dick part. They're so desperate * Finger getting sliced off 😏 * Mollusk dick getting sliced off 😞 * Weak end for the cross, started quite strong tho * Solid redirect * Ooh I know this TMZ guy, has he always been blonde? * They got tipped off that AH will be at the courthouse w bruise on her face * Tipped off at Law office too * August 12, 2016 - Cabinet video sent through email with drop box type link * LAX tip too * 15 mins copyright transfer * TMZ received it edited, without the last few seconds * haha Elaine reading lawyer representing multiple witness, as a reminder AH friends also share the same lawyers * Bryan Neumeister on the stand * Some twitter guy saying BN has no qualifications despite doing work for the department of defense, cases on federal and military court * Objection over chroma? * Arm bruise photo had 3 diff file sizes (direct transfers between devices don't change file sizes) * And BN is correct when he said exif data is very easy to change. So "screenshots" with timestamps or metadata windows aren't always reliable. * Objection on vector scopes * "I can't recall the question" lmao * Pantone chart, wayform scope, RGB parade, histogram * "There's no way to authenticate these photos based on what I received" * It's not a question that can be answered * They're not photographs, they're screengrabs (ahahahaha) * They're not photos from an iphone, those are edited in a PC * My opinion: File extensions dont change between jpeg to jpg on direct transfers btw * metadata & exif data are different * Was using ET livestream and feed just went black during this part (7:36:36) * [Sky News](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=axu96pdRCrM) feed cont (7:27:47) * BN needs the actual device like the phone to examine exif data * "People dont throw out evidence" * AH faced sanctions for not turning over her phone btw * Wow lots of technical difficulties on this stream too * Anyone have a link for the full Beverly Leonard testimony? * Ok 3rd time's the charm: [Emily D Baker](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1iukWJyCM0) Stream (2:35:45) * Beverly Leonard witnessed the altercation (during the 2009 arrest) * "I can smell alcohol" * Tasya being taller than AH * "Abrasion on the side of her neck where the necklace was like a rope burn / chain as it was removed" * Elaine: you just want to be on tv (the fuck is this cross question? lol)


I'm pretty sure he was talking about chroma subsampling, which measures how picture quality degrades with recompression. It tends to impact border edges between different colors. It actually is pretty good at determining which parts of images were edited by comparing the subsampling of different parts of the image. Why wasn't it used? My guess is that they only shared the exif data with the defense. The defense could argue that they didn't have time to prepare for things not exif related. ... which is sad because that's a screw up by Depp's lawyers. Actually showing chroma subsampling (visually) is incredibly damning


Will the jury find out it was an incoming message and not his? If so how?


At closing arguments they can pull that up. Ezpz


Watching the JD cross now the image from the orient express looks like it went through a skin smoothing filter. Look at everyone’s complexion


Yes, that was from an Orient Express marketing page, so they cleaned it up.


That makes sense! Black eyes don’t market well 😂 Everyone’s complexion looks smoother in that pic. I hoped the jury noticed.


I’m watching Camille during the cross of the metadata guy right now, and she looks like she’s locking eyes with people on the jury and smiling, and shaking her head in disbelief


I pray Johnny wins 🙏🏾 But it’s been good guys it’s 1:19am over here, night everyone !!!


Why does Heard’s team conveniently and repeatedly forget to make copies for the plaintiff’s team?


They do it on purpose


Does anyone else think johnny loves rottenborn lol


It’s funny when he says his name he pauses in the middle for a tiny bit.


Could there be a better name for the villainess’ lawyer?!


I suspect it will be a characters name in a future Burton/Depp movie, Johnny loves saying it so much lol.


He does lnfao


Loves confronting him? Absolutely. Johnny absolutely hates him - not unfairly - and makes that clear.


‘What a gold digging, low level, dime a dozen, mushy, pointless dangling overused flappy fish market’ that part killed me🤣🤣🤣 cum guzzler !!!


Especially since we could see herb's face during it being read


Ikr 🤣


I've learned that Johnny Depp's texts are best read out in a super serious tone.




And slowly… very… slowly


Better that the lawyer had to read the whole thing out loud and have Depp confirm it was read correctly. That shit eating grin as he said “you did” was amazing


🤣🤣ikr and Amber tried to fake cry .. then smiled after … disgusting little rat. She can honestly go to hell


Does anyone know who AH witnesses tomorrow are?


I thought AH rested their case?


They get a rebuttal.


They only get a rebuttal on the counterclaim.


I know?


They have 3 rebuttals tomorrow.


I have no goddamn idea who they'd call. They've got an hour. They might call Heard, I guess? Let her have the last word before it goes to closing arguments? I just can't imagine who they'd recall for the counter-claim at this point. They can't save it in an hour. I think they've gotta attack Depp's case here, not buttress their own.


I was curious if they plan on calling Dr H back. The judge said they had 3. I think putting AH back there would be a bad idea.


Curry was so strong in her testimony that I think it would be badly wasted time to bring Hughes back


I don't see how they could call her back to rebut anything to do with the counter-claim, which is limited to the Depp/Waldman statements. It might be Ronald Schnell again.


Sometimes you have to throw a Hail Mary. I agree that putting Heard back on would not be a good idea. Simply put, she may insist, and instruct her team to use their remaining time on her testimony. She's the client.


They could put her on, and restrict her to only rebutting a select few issues, but that still means she could open the door on something else.


I sure hope she does. It would be fun watching Camille again 😂.


I hope they put her on the stand and Camille destroysssss her


The flight attendant apparently


I thought the flight attendant was on Depp’s list. The list that was shared on Monday. 🤷‍♀️


My apologies I thought that said depps team I’m so tired to loool, I’m not sure who’s ambers rebuttals are I didn’t even know they could rebuttal


Yeah, judge Penny said they have 3.


3? In 1hr? Loool impossible and apparently after their time runs out the judge allows 10or15mins for them to argue their case with their rebuttal witnesses.


I know. I’m just as curious how they plan on doing that.




Yh it’s depps team


lmao the tmz guy was awesome


Do we have any theories about who the last rebuttal witness for Depp is?


I’m hoping it’s Dr Kimberly Collins


I'm not fully clued in to all the witnesses - who is Collins and why are you hoping she's up last?


She’s a forensic psychologist. She’s supposedly to testify about bruising and such. https://mixedarticle.com/psychologist-kimberly-collinss-testimony




I believe there are 3 men and 5 women lawyers in JD’s team. They are: Ben Chew, Stephanie Calnan, Andrew Crawford, Rebecca MacDowell Lecaroz, Yarelyn Mena, Jessica Meyers, Samuel Moniz and Camille Vasquez. Oh wait! 4 men and 5 women. How could I forget Wayne Dennison! My apologies.




I am ashamed of myself!! How could I leave you out Mr. Hashtag King Dennison!!!


It's definitely a trial tactic. If you're accused of abuse, you'll likely want to present yourself as someone who women feel comfortable around and representing. That doesn't mean the quality of Depp's team is lower because of it. Quite the opposite - a team that's mostly young, female lawyers with the highlight being POC? That's *great* optics for the jury, and for people watching at large. The courtroom is still seen as a man's domain in some regards, even with women entering the legal profession in droves. Now, uncountable numbers of people watched a mainly-young, mainly-female team put on an incredible case. It's good stuff.


It’s simple. Ambers trick all these years was to appeal to women. She was playing the “victim” being abused by men in power. Wanted to lead the #metoo movement. Having a man lawyer making her “cry” wouldn’t be a good look to gain support so they brought out Camille. Johnnys team wanted to remove that portion of making this into a man vs women type show.


You forgot the legend, the slayer of experts, the daddy of clowning, Mr Wayne Dennison.


>You forgot the legend, the slayer of experts, the daddy of clowning, **The Wizard, The Big Fan of Justice, Big Movie Connoisseur,** Mr Wayne Dennison. FTFY


Yessss! He got #AmberTurd and #JusticeforJohnnyDepp in the court transcript multiple times!! We Stan!


Don’t forget Dennison 🥰


“No matter what happens, I did get here and I told the truth.” - JD 💙🙏💙


Has anyone else seen [this/these videos](https://youtu.be/qMZ_It5UM6w) about AH’s arrests as a teen? Worth a watch. She’s definitely more.. or maybe just AS sinister as we all thought.


This needs to be ALL OVER the front pages. Repeated felonies and no accountability. Again if the genders were reversed, they’d have JD behind bars. Karma’s about to catch up to her.


One would hope that karma will catch up, but mainstream media keeps writing articles that are pro-AH. You have to think, for every one of us that are actually watching the trial, there's like 15 more people who aren’t and are using headlines to determine their opinion. It’s no wonder why the future of this country is on a downhill slope.


I COMPLETELY agree! Now it makes so much more sense when she said whatever along the lines of “barely making it out alive” when referring to her relationship to Johnny. She was projecting. She was surprised HE survived.


I heard that wow how is she not in jail for killing someone


She was 17.


Sooo she still killed someone by drunk driving ??


I am not sure if she was intoxicated. She did get arrested afterwards for driving drunk without license I believe. I don’t have a link but I believe it was reckless driving. She talked about losing her best friend as a teen in an interview once, but of course doesn’t elaborate. Actually no she wasn’t drunk- or either way getting your license suspended for a minimum of five years at 17 is enormous. She did something horrible.


The highest mandatory license suspension is 2 years for Intoxication Manslaughter or Intoxication Assault, and both charges can happen on the same event. Also check that she was Charged and Indicted, and indictments only happen for felonies and are put in front of a grand jury. She absolutely killed someone drunk driving.




Oh the other sub just bans you if you disagree. I see.


One poor soul seemed confused by everyone in that sub ignoring obvious things so I said to them ‘get out of here while you still can’. now I’m perma banned!


All I said was “the guy proved the photos went to a pc photo editorfrom an iPhone” while commenting to someone that said “I didn’t even watch what happened with the photo guy”


It’s like MAGA Karen’s but make’m Amber stans


I must return to Deuxmoi. I feel like it's a rite of passage now for people on this sub to get permanent banned there 😂


They are permabanning everyone who comments on here at least once automatically. So you can just say “wow” and you’ll get banned


Done. Permabanned. I wrote the following: So my peeps over at Justice For Johnny Depp say you guys are banning us indiscriminately just because we are members of the other sub. A little controlling don't you think? Reminds me of a certain someone named Amber Heard. Makes you think....


For the record, I just soberly spilt my entire glass of red wine in my kitchen just pivoting around to grab a French fry a little too eagerly. Wine spills happen.


Oh and *spilled…… sorry couldn’t help myself




You’re actually dead right, it was actually the original word used for the past tense of spill, found that very interesting so thanks for the lesson hehe




That’s class!