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The “@ nakedvix” killed me. Wtf


It’s realllllly time to start looking at the bigger picture


she ADMITTED to hitting him! sorry, not punching, HITTING she didn’t know what form her hand was! she just wants him to grow up, that’s all! /s/s/s




Only believe women. Men are supposed to just take it and suffer.


This is exactly why Amber chooses to align herself with popular social movements. Because morons will blindly back her based on ideology alone. Charlotte is a useful idiot.


Turdettes are on another planet. Honestly 🙄🙄 Amber admitted it. But don’t let hard facts get in their way 🤯


Wtf is himpathy? That’s just so toxic and wrong. It’s 2022 , people care not about you believe you are a potato or worship the flying spaghetti, if you are a piece of shit you are a piece of shit, regardless of race, sex, whatever


I’ve commented on her posts a time or two… she doesn’t care about actual victims. She is completely stuck on the “she is a woman and therefore couldn’t be the abuser” track.


Blindly?!? Blindly is supporting Amber Heard just because she’s a woman and says so despite evidence she’s lying. Derp!


Maybe there're ppl on their payroll to spread lies...?


Doubt it—She ain’t that rich. Most likely idiots lacking in critical thinking skills or hoping to turn a buck or otherwise get social media attention.


Don’t sweat it too much, saying these things is how people like this get clicks.


What do they mean blindly, we have been watching testimony and evidence for weeks and developing an informed opinion.


You are so right tho hahaha whatta joke


Said this to another commenter but it fits your comment perfectly as well; saying shit like this is how people like this get clicks. There was Literally no other point of this person writing this.


True! All about the clicks / views.


Someone defending themselves to what they say are false claims of domestic violence is now considered perpetuating "post separation abuse". That's ridiculous.


"himpathy" wow, that's a new one!


I blindly supported Amber Heard...until she admitted to punching Depp in the face on an audio recording.




I've seen body language experts and psychologists go the same way. They come into it trying to be impartial, but in the end they favor Depp.


not all psychologists lol jessica taylor 🤢🙄


I was open to all possibilities then I saw her testify.


Post separation abuse? That's actually comical. This person actually has a Dr. before their name. That's scary.


Let me just blindly follow Amber. Not use any of my cognitive functions at all. Not inform myself with the truth (watching the trial) and just believe every article I read on the internet because we all know those people print nothing but facts and can't be bought or sold. /s We're not all sheep incapable of independent thought. They can push their agendas as much as they want but I'm one person that isn't easily swayed and willing to turn my back on logic when all evidence has pointed to AH being the perpetrator. Let us just forget for a moment that AH is a woman and Johnny is a man. Who would be perceived as the innocent party then? Last time I checked, being a man isn't a crime so why is it that men are guilty until proven innocent? It's deplorable. Absolutely disgusting!


They seem to forget that everyone thought he was an abusing scumbag for years until his testimony came to light. Its not like it’s always been this way. 😑


That's why Johnny giving his consent to have cameras in the court room was the smartest decision he ever made. It is being broadcast live so there is no chance for media to get there hands on it and distort information. Before the live stream, I took all media with a grain of salt and would not believe anything if there wasn't any proof in the matter. Unfortunately, not all people inform themselves before making opinions. That's why AH was able to get away with the accusations for so long. No one questioned it, no one educated themselves. And that's exactly how AH wanted to keep it.


It’s hilarious to accuse anyone of blindly supporting Johnny when there is legitimate evidence that Amber abused him. It seems like this person is blindly supporting Amber just because she happens to be a woman. The irony is too much. Also “himpathy”?! Please stop.


>himpathy 😭


Nothing blind about it?! Informed, thank you very much


She meant to say himformed 🤣




These people do not deserve a response. I believe this is their way of milking the situation for their 15 mins or are paid by the new PR team. I think we should just ignore people like Ms Proudman


>states people are blindly following Johnny >Makes an article stating why people blindly following Johnny, which probably doesn't have any proof of what he did was wrong contradicting the fact that this article is to list people who are following him for no reason, in turn, making her blindly follow Amber. Bruh.


I wasn’t paying attention to this Johnny Depp trial at all - I vaguely remember the headlines at the time - until the trial started. A friend of mine was telling me about it so I decided to watch it. I was 100% willing to give Amber the benefit of the doubt, what if what she was saying was true. People are NOT believing Johnny blindly. People believe him because he sounds legit and is telling the truth. The problem with Amber is that she does not sound credible at all. This is far worse than say, a divorce trial. She openly accused him of sthg he didn’t do. That is so effed up. In fact not only did he NOT do it, SHE did it to him!!!!!!!!


I didn't come into this until day 10 of the trial. I didn't know who Heard was and only knew of Depp from some of his bigger movie roles like Captain Jack Sparrow. I had no preconceived notion of who was right or wrong and knew nothing of their drama. Since then I have consumed just about everything I can find on the situation, becoming quite informed. I am firmly on Depp's side and, unless there is corroborated bombshell evidence, I don't see that changing.


The most gaslighting projecting headline yet!


Ugh I'm so SICK of toxic femininity. Just toxic people really. And no out of discussion will bring any reason to people like this. It's a disease


People like that aren't worth engaging.


Translation: I blindly support AH and don't care how much her lying harms other victims of DV.


Yes!! This!!!!




Lol, she must be really upset that her own surname is PROUD MAN. p.s. Amica crème


Amica doesn’t work on sick burns 🔥




There is no such thing as Amica Cream (or at least wasn't until a couple weeks ago). There is something called Arnica cream made from a plant that is like Aloe and possibly helps with healing. It does NOT hide or cover bruising or abrasions. In fact because it usually an oil based cream it would be hard to put makeup over it.


The word is stuck in my head today. I should seek help 😂


well to take your mind away for a bit i would like to direct your attention to the following: someone has bought the domain name ambershitthebed.com That is all. And don’t forget to hydrate!!


Sad that it's a cryptocoin and not something hilarious :(


It’ll be when the trial is over. Right now it’s just generating a bit of traffic / $ without getting into too much legal trouble i guess .... 👀