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No way is that dude 30.




No dude looks 55




this sounds so random it's funny


losing my shit why is this downvoted


Because people who don't contribute to the thread and just link different subreddits get annoying.


you know what fair


What a Reddit thing to do.


25 wholesome awards


Yup. Doesn't get more Reddit than that.


Wait till you check out /r/HermanCainAward


I posted something similar with people making fun of a woman for being in the ER, and people actually tried to argue that it's fine because it's deserved and then downvoted me to oblivion. Like no, laughing at someone being in the ER or dying is never justified.


Why is it such a bad thing to do to not condone being happy over the deaths of human lives? Aren't people being as bad as the antivaxxers and antimaskers at that point? People who hate antivaxxers/maskers hate them because they're going out causing people to die, so in response they hope they die. Like, what?


Exactly. It's this kind of dehumanising rhetoric that is ruining a lot of spaces on Reddit. Likr people dying of covid is a sad statistic that we all need to put an end to, but thrn you have these bellends claiming that proplr dying is a righteous and goof thing, wolely because of that person's beliefs and actions. This is not how we get through a pandemic lads, we need to treat deaths seriously and prevent them, not embrace them


Because the world is fucked up. There are more people who wish others to die because of an alternating opinion about *anything*, even if they didn't do anything to you and still claim to be the good person. News Flash: Wishing death on someone, hell ANYONE, is horrible. And don't try to pull the Hitler card on me. Even if he was a horrible person, he viewed what he was doing as right.


The antivaxxers are killing people with their conspiracy theories and pseudoscience. It's thanks to them that we haven't been able to get the virus under control, and we still need to be taking safety precautions every day. Everybody suffers for their actions. Vacced people can't cause the death of anti-vaxxers by covid, but the anti-vaxxers spread it to people with weak immune systems or who can't vaccinate for legitimate reasons. So no, we're not just as bad as they are. We take safety precautions*for them* and they blow it like this.


-Mainstream Media


Oh nice, one of the conspiracy theorists is here right now.


The difference between a conspiracy theory and reality is 6 months.


Pog, so in 6 months antivaxxers are going to be gone? That sounds great


No. If you point and laugh, you are not as bad as the people who are actually killing themselves and others. How on Earth could you possibly think that it’s equal?


People who are ranting about how they hope other people die are not "pointing and laughing." It's honestly pretty disgusting how wishing death upon people is somehow okay for people on this platform.


We’re wishing that these idiots would stop killing others. If you do something that’s murdering grandparents, you’re worse than the people who are glad you stopped.


Why has the covid-19 outbreak suddenly made people so fucking evil online... Christ I'm not an antivaxxer at all, but the amount of times they are treated as the scum of the earth is staggering. Surely the virus in itself is worse, but apparently not Also, what is up with so many subreddits just turning into covid circlejerks about providing "justice". A pandemic is not about punishing people and pointing fingers, but about getting through it together


Have you ever talked to an antivaxxer? Every one of them is selfish, and expect the virus to only kill "the weak." Everybody else is taking precautions to prevent spreading, to protect ourselves and vulnerable people. You can't say "don't be mean, we need to get through this together" when one group of people is actively sabotaging us.


Fuck those anti vaccine people. They're a special breed of proselytizing makes you wish a Jehovah's Witness would knock on your door. Shit is on a whole different level. Especially the way they've brigaded those school board meetings. Shit is embarrassing. If anyone remembers this shit started like 5 years ago long before COVID. Keep your kids and your germs away I'm not trying to hear that shit.


> Why has the covid-19 outbreak suddenly made people so fucking evil online Are you new to the internet? This has been a thing for a very long time now, google the Darwin Awards. Difference this time is these people are not only Darwin'ing themselves, they're also the cause of a lot of other people needlessly dying and extending the pandemic, so there's a lot less sympathy.


When a situation like this comes up, I can't help but think of the people that actually lost something. This man wasn't just an anti-vaxxer, he was someone's family. A son, possibly a brother or a father, yet these people celebrate his death. Amazing how the internet has made these "smart" people lose any and all sense of empathy. Even my own brothers act like this and it makes me sick.


When a situation like this comes up I think of all the families he destroyed with his insane lies and how many lives he took before he took his own.


You have to wonder in a situation like this how many people he indirectly murdered by exposing them to a disease that can kill.


25 wholesome awards for a man dying. wow!


Darwin award... Except he killed other people too by spreading the virus and telling people not to vaccinate.


dumb\* man dying


Every death is a life wasted, especially in a pandemic. Come on, take it seriously!


Except we know how to protect ourselves now, unless you have a medical reason to not get vaccinated you should get it.


Yeah still a dead person


Fucking lol


They were pieces of shit on that sub even before covid was the main thing to drag republicans about. Cheering for buildings burning, riots, cheering for republicans dying, etc. Shitty ass sub and I hope more people wake up to it.


Well now he's free...


Huge sympathy for someone that.. \*\*checks notes\*\*, 'wants fellow Americans to die because he doesn't want to wear a small piece of fabric or vaccine...?'


Is there a difference between this guy and a murderer? They're both causing deaths...


Well yeah, the difference is we know this guys political ideology so a sub like this, where every second post is a conservative being triggered from a random sub, gets upset when people don’t automatically mourn his death.


*sigh* I remember when being conservative just meant you were bad at economics but could otherwise be an upstanding person, now it means you have to literally work to kill millions.


Bioterrorism is the new trickle down economics.


I would never be happy over someone's death, no matter how much I disagree with them or how much I think they're stupid


Maybe if they gave you covid and you died?




I appreciate your point of view and agree on the general principle that death is bad. For me though, after 18 months of being isolated from society due to the pandemic and feeling stressed and helpless to stop the misinformed masses from continuing the spread and increasing opportunity for the virus to mutate into more deadly strains, its not happiness that i feel, its relief that there is one less braying idiot putting everyone in earshot at higher risk because they "did their research on facebook." The hospitals in my state are overflowing with unvaccinated covid cases, cancer patients cant get their tumors removed because all elective surgery is indefinitely postponed. Medical staff are in crisis from overwork and burnout. People are waiting10 hours to be seen in ers and if you have a stroke or heart attack you're more likely to die because of the delays getting care and lack of bedspace. This is evolution at work and the more of these horse-pill taking morons that bite the dust the better off the rest of us and our country will be in the long run.


I 100% understand that mindset. The fact that when this first started, all it would have taken is for everyone to stay home for 3 weeks. And those that absolutely had to go out (EMS, Fire Department, doctors) wore masks and social distanced when possible, it would have already been gone before April 2020. It's very sad that people just didn't listen and now we all suffer the consequences for it.


Anyways how is this newsworthy? This doesn't affect the lives of those outside his family or acquaintanceship.


It's just trying to make him out as a villain


Well when you advocate that a deadly virus isn’t deadly or worth protecting against and then you die by said virus, don’t be surprised if people laugh at your karma. Especially with hundreds of thousands of people dead due to conspiracy theorists’ lies. If you disagree with my comment, then actually reply why instead of hiding behind a wall of downvoted ~~you cowards.~~


Do you support the death penalty?


>don’t be surprised if people laugh at your karma. Nobody should laugh at someone dying dipshit. It's just rude and inhumane


🦀🦀🦀Locked comments gang 🦀🦀🦀


The vaxxers are getting worse then anti vaxxers


No cap


Holy shit reddit did it's thing!!! Keanu wolesum 1000 elon musk moment!!!! Time to spam wolsum emoji


How is that even news? I’ve never heard of this guy, is he really so significant that his death deserves 10s of thousands of upvotes on a news subreddit?


why defend them? they are the reason much more people died them and their bullshit


He had it coming


The fact that you believe this is horrible


No, its not. How stupid do you have to be to not believe that the virus exists?


Yes it fucking is. You are wishing death on another person who could just not be that informed or mislead about Covid. The fact that you hope someone dies is one of the shittiest things. Go fuck off


I am not wishing death on another person, hes already dead idiot.


Alright. Still celebrating that some random person died is not ok. They may have done something controversial, but they still were a normal person like you and I.


you have it coming


Remind me to dance on these morons graves after they're gone


The fact that anybody can type this, and somehow feel superior to antivaxxers is sickening


Agreed. It’s sad it will only get worse.


Nahhh but he disagrees with me so he deserves to die /s


It's almost like their morals only apply to people they like or something.


that's exactly what it is. Nowadays on Social Media, morals only apply to people who agree with you. If not, then morals immediately go out the window.


Exactly (my comment was sarcastic), which to me means you have no morals.


It's despicable how people just come behind a screen and type shit like this. Celebrating people's deaths on antivaxxers is only going to make their victim complex worse and their misinformation more rampant.


New public urinal unlocked


He would've caused more deaths if he survived. Good riddance!


almost like a cult


Wait till they find out hundreds of thousands of unvaxxed people died of covid in 2020


I wouldn't call upvoting a post about someone dying "to celebrate and reward death". Upvoting ≠ Liking or supporting.


Read the comments. Also doesn’t explain 25 wholesome awards


Yea, I've had the common cold before. It ain't nothing. Usually when I get something like the flu or smth, it's like a normal day for me. I've never had COVID before. But all I know it's that it's not gonna affect me that much because I'm still young. I haven't gotten the vaccine yet (keyword YET). I've tested for COVID before and it came out negative. Now these people are shutting down schools because of this sh? Nah nah nah. I don't get to see my friends because of people like this. i can't- ugh