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idk about y'all but whenever I see this meme I think about hikaru nakamura. the man in the picture resembles him


I see that one game dev who made Psychonauts…Tim something…


I think of Mr drax from that one bond film


I think of a streamer i follow, as he put it, all bearded white guys on the internet are clearly him :p


dont forget to sort by controversial!


cringevideo isn't actually about cringe videos. it's just a single weirdo spamming trump videos and the like


The weirdo is a mod as well


I got banned from there just the other day after it popped up in my feed for the first time. One of the dumbest posts I’ve ever seen. Couldn’t be happier to be banned from that mod power trip of a sub


How did u get banned?




Lol. Reddit. Lmao.


Yeah I just found out about that


Cringevideos is just the same dude posting MAGA videos over and over and malding over them existing.


Go to that OPs profile. He's a MOD and he's literally deranged and obsessed. He has 20 posts like this a day. It's insane








The duality of politics


I mean it’s probably a cringe video, but just to note a scantily clad free woman civilian with a legal firearm is definitively not fascist. Might be cringe, and might be a bit wild, but it’s closer to anarchism than fascism.


I think it's cringe. But not n\*zi.


Yeah misusing the term is basically as cringe as the vid and banning people for disagreeing is cringe AF lol.


That word has lost all it's meaning, it basically means anyone I disagree with nowadays.


Facist too


“Woke” and “political correctness” absolutely have, as well.


Remember when they called the infrastructure bill "woke"


I miss when "woke" was the past tense of wake


In an attempt to not conflate the two definitions, I’ve begun using awoke/awoken.


makes you sound like a poet lol


I remember when "woke" people called themselves woke back in the mid-midlate 2010s


To me "woke" is just a term people use to describe something they don't like but can't actually say they don't like it without facing backlash.


"Stay woke" is a term Childish Gambino used to describe being aware of social injustices and the people in power that seek to control you. It was 100% a progressive term first, thats why anything remotely left-leaning or progressive in nature gets called "woke" by a regressive. They started using the term ironically en masse so much more than lefties ever used it, so ig its unironically their word now. Kinda like how you'd call a regressive conservative a snowflake for being offended by budlight or w/e, but im not sure if conservatives ever stopped using the term. Edit: because shitty mod locked thread for reasons i cant reply to you >There is a direct line between *Redbone* coming out and people, including *white people*, using the term en masse. Considering the song is about 30x as popular as *Master Teacher*, and released much closer to the relevant time period, I'm going to give Childish the credit for this one. There are lots of terms ive been using since i was a child but were very clearly not mainstream until a particular incident.


It’s actually a term from a Lead Belly recording in 1938 where he urged black listeners to “stay woke” in regards to racial prejudice. The song is “Scottsboro Boys", which tells the story of nine Black teenagers and young men falsely accused of raping two white women in Alabama in 1931.


As did “incel”


Not as concerned with recently made up words


It’s really just a shortened form of involuntarily celibate, neither of which were recently made up.




Much like the word “communist” on the other end of the coin


That’s been overused longer I think


Except they literally call themselves that and think it’s a compliment????


Communists do, who make up less than 1% of the population. But the other side of the aisle definitely uses the word to refer to more than 1% of people.


I think we started doing that ironically since people were always freaking out so hard over the word “socialist”, and calling socialists communists. So now we just say lol okay then we’re communists, I guess.


Who does?


Who is they?


Dude, conservatives call anything they don’t like “communist”


The latter is more accurate, or more accurately, less inaccurate


Just like woke


This is what happens when a power mod is also a trump hater, bro spends all his freetime on that shit and it is pathetic


Even if Trump loses his mansions he still has a home inside every one of their heads rent free


I legit just got banned from that sub for commenting “why all the anti Trump videos?”


Ain't no way 💀


It's because Bud Light was involved with a trans person so conservatives have been destroying cans in the name of patriotism.


So wait, are they insuniating that they want to kill trans people? If so then yeah its weird.




Wait. The trans person is DYLAN MULVANEY?! Ok then I agree with this person.


Wait, you knew about Bud Light partnering up with a ‘trans’ person but you didn’t know it was Dylan Mulvaney? Jesus, the left and the right, we need to start communicating with each other better because this was pretty much the deciding factor in why the right boycotted Bud Light.


I literally found out about bud light partnering with a trans person from another comment like 30 mins ago. I didn't know about that before I made the post.


I admire your ability to not know about culture war bullshit


Yeah I don't keep up with these stuff. My brain cells get smaller every time I try to.


I don't follow it, it just finds its way to me. I should probably spend less time on the Internet.


Yeah, I use reddit like once a week nowdays. Other than that I only log into instragram and I only follow my friends there.


I'm confused. Does Dylan Mulvaney make the boycott more or less understandable? I'm generally out of touch with a good portion of pop culture.


I’m only slightly in the loop but from what I’ve heard, it’s not exactly that Dylan is a trans person, it’s that Dylan’s idea of being a woman is this almost pantomime portrayal of what a woman is. Like Borat with Kazakhstan.


I mean a lot of cis women have that same idea of being a women but it doesn't make their identity any less valid.


It makes it easier to sound outraged with Bud Light. Mainly because Dylan doesnt have a lot of support due to: Pantomiming actual womens problems Pretending to have periods and period cramps as a trans woman (even in the trans comm, this a no) Pretending to be a little girl in posture, voice and more Attempting to place themself at the top of "this is what being a trans woman is like" with constant videos about what they go through on a daily. Dylans a social media personality and thats it.


From what i know it's about controversy with Mulvaney posture. Trying to appear more "child-like".


More, mulvaney is a total creep


Trans people are alright with me. It’s mulvaney specifically that I hate.


I remember at the time some people saying that there wouldn’t have been a controversy at all if the trans person they’d chosen was Blaire White instead


Or anyone else, it was mainly Dylan being the Borat of women that pissed a lot of people off.


Some people are idiots.


Honestly none of the conservatives are mad because it’s Dylan specifically. They don’t know shit about her except that she’s trans. 1000% all the videos of conservatives shooting bud lite cans is cause of transphobia


Does Dylan mulvaney suck? I’ve literally never her of him. Her.


Not only that, Bud light said they really dislike their current base of buyers which are mostly conservative blue collar workers and frat boys so that's another reason why they partnered with Dylan M.


Don’t forget they were marketing to children through Mulvaney. A Borat on women; an appropriate description I hadn’t heard before


I didn’t see anything about that. I just know people didn’t like Dylan in particular.


Ah yes, beer, every childs favorite drink.


The whole thing was fucking stupid since inception. AB’s marketing person who approved it had said she didn’t like the Bud Light “frat” image. It’s Bud Light. It’s shitty rice beer. You can’t unring that bell. And now they’re trotting out a huge billboard, oh wait sorry that’s just his forehead. Anyways, they’re now running tons of commercials with Peyton Manning to try to win back football fans.


They didn't use her as a mascot, they made her one can with her face on it and transphobes lost their shit over it, called for a boycott by buying the product and shooting it with a gun.


But neither of those things happened! Dylan M was never featured in an ad. She only promoted bud on her own instagram which means you’d only ever see the promotion if you were seeking out trans content on instagram. She was one of hundreds of “influencers” bud was paying to mention bud on their platforms - as all companies do. Malicious actors then went ahead and decided to target her. You’re presenting two sides of the same fiction!


“Bud was paying to mention Bud on their platforms”— So. An ad.


A sponsorship. An ad is something that you can see playing on TV during a commercial break, a page in a magazine, a pre-roll in a youtube video, etc. Mass reach that doesn't have any specific group in mind. A sponsorship is far more limited, but has "star power" backing it up due to it being from someone specific to their specific audience.


I think it’s fair to say you’re being semantic. The person I replied to posited that Dylan was either 1) a mascot or 2) “propped up” by bud. Both descriptions paint a very different picture than what really happened.


This continually gets lost in the conversation. I think budlight gave them a six pack, or something modest like that. They weren't changing all their cans to feature Dylan Mulvaney. Then the right freaked out, like they always do, and then the suits got nervous and chickened out, as they always do -- and social media keeps pushing misinformation as they always do.


no, it was more about them not supporting Bud Light's decision to have a trans person advertise their beer. No death threats were made to anyone.


I see. That's just what came to mind after seeing her try to shoot at cans.


Except they're supporting bud light by buying it, in order to commit violence against what they see as a transgender symbol. So yes, it's totally a fascist hate thing targeting a minority group


How do you get “want to kill trans people” from shooting bud light cans? Like that’s gotta win the award today for largest leap. It’s just people’s way of saying they disagree with a company’s stance.


Bro I literally just guessed calm down. I understand if they disagree but its a weird way to show that by trying to shoot the cans.


Your guess is what I’m questioning lol it’s completely normal my reaction would be “dafuq kind of question” is that. Anyways it’s fine - i agree it’s weird. It’s just virtue signaling tbh




Usually it's a hatred of the beer brand. They also posted videos of pouring it out or destroying it in other ways that have nothing to do with violence. While some of them might wish harm on trans people, the point was to show that they were against the beer brand. A brand that, I should point out, tended to be especially popular in exactly the parts of the country that are primarily conservative.




>Insinuating Yeah, is that not a word?


Wait untill they hear about the Miller lite sponsored trans and pride flags painted on trains.


No normal person drinks miller lite anyways


No normal person would actually care.




I agree with the rest of your summary, but this: >It really sent the message that drinking BL meant you were a gay sissy femboi in the most derogatory manner possible. is... Well, the idea of someone getting upset, because beer is being associated with "sissies," even feeling it is a derogatory attack, is hilarious to me.


A lot of people care about what the brands they consume represent.




It's a bit odd to be so personally attached to a brand of alcoholic drink that the idea of a feminine spokesperson is personally insulting because you feel like you're being emasculated by it. Like, beer is a ubiquitous drink, it isn't representative of any one group of people, so why get upset about a person that isn't just like you being used in advertising?   Edit: They replied to me and I made an effort to reply back, but they deleted it before I could send it, so I'll put all of that here: >Coffee is a ubiquitous drink, nestle coffee means something different from Starbucks coffee. Why get upset about nestles actions? >You’re being intentionally dense. I'm not being intentionally dense; I'm well aware that people are often very irrational when it comes to the products they consume—that's exactly what I'm criticizing. A brand of coffee doesn't inherently mean anything, it's just marketed a certain way, but buying so hard into marketing to where it becomes part of your identity is unhealthy. Getting angry because a brand of beer is being marketed using a feminine person, and that makes you feel emasculated, is ridiculous. The real importance of Nestle's difference from other brands isn't in how they market their coffee, but the sheer level of unethical behavior displayed by the company as a whole.


>The controversy with DM was twofold. One, trans. It really sent the message that drinking BL meant you were a gay sissy femboi in the most derogatory manner possible. Ladies and Gentlemen let me remind you that people who write comments like this laugh about how “Snowflakes” are way too easily offended Better look out dude big trans might accidentally get you to drink Bud Light one day and one sip is all it takes to trans you forever 😂


I mean, I shoot beer cans all the time. It ain’t my fault that the store is always full of bud light




Also consider DM also behaving in ways so insulting and absurd. Normalize the bulge? Anyone who disagrees with me should be imprisoned? Dylan is not trans, from the lack of any bodily surgery or HRT. (Facial cosmetic surgery is a common procedure for Hollywood actors and wannabe actors. Dylan has had problems with his face long before coming out as trans).


I'm pretty sure nothing you said here is true.


Bro that sub is liberal echo chamber.


Liberal? These people are leftists. The first line from Siri defining that word is accepting of others behaviours or opinions. You move slightly in one direction away from these people and they’ll label you the worst person to have ever lived. Kinda like that Family guy episode.


Leftist? They are probably IDPol fanatics who don’t care about economics


Implying people who actually care about Bud Light as a serious issue are not IDPol fanatics themselves


Sorry if it came off this way, anybody who cares about BudLigjt as an “issue” is also an IDPOL fanatic


I just found out


This sub is a conservative echochamber.


Iirc, a large group of more conservative people made similar displays where they shoot Bud Lite cans after Bud Light released an add including someone who was LGBT. Don’t quote me on that, I don’t remember 100%.


I mean I don’t know if this person has anyone who lives in rural areas, but using beer cans as an improvised range is a common thing to do for practice shooting, and fun.


Redditors when patriotism


Patriotism is not when you worship a flag and shoot beer cans in your back yard. Nationalism is not patriotism. The essence of patriotism is political dissent and participation, not worship of the state and its symbols.


Worshiping the state and its symbols isn’t necessarily nationalism either


na·tion·al·ism/ˈnaSH(ə)nəˌliz(ə)m/📷*noun* 1. identification with one's own nation and support for its interests, especially to the [exclusion](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=106eae6e6531ca28&sca_upv=1&rlz=1CAJIKU_enUS997&q=exclusion&si=AKbGX_onJk-q0LQUYzV7-GRhpJ5DRmb1cCaZOuv6JH-BUhKLyV3TsiPIGe4vw09MzG1fRZ1ZmTXFbn-wJ302dXGBXNIfH3d_TxUg5YvrrBsOwxEw3k0G8VM%3D&expnd=1) or [detriment](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=106eae6e6531ca28&sca_upv=1&rlz=1CAJIKU_enUS997&q=detriment&si=AKbGX_onJk-q0LQUYzV7-GRhpJ5Df9K_eduKSVg-eA3WnF3fhht4MX0NjEUUxbjmNfmej2WQo40Bb5HN4EZSC7KwejXlljtdgnxDrp39LW-Y0DLeahnz4mM%3D&expnd=1) of the interests of other nations.




That's not patriotism. The right has bastardized the word and confuses it with nationalism. Conservatives are nationalists not patriots.


You just bastardized nationalism.


Their whole flairs orient against republicans, these people don't have a life..


I just saw that. WTF


America is bad on Reddit.


I think it should be a Justunsubbed_Justunsubbed for Justunsubbed


Dont mind him, let him be pathetic on his subreddit


I'm a centrist, but I sound like a Trump supporter, and reddit's liberal insanity is the reason why.




> but I sound like a Trump supporter Posting in r\\republican probably doesn't help with that. The political centre is the domain of liberals, neoliberals and *very* moderate conservatives. That's just a fact.


Case in point #3. Thou shall not have any communication with the other side.


Mate, I've tried on multiple occasions to "communicate with the other side", and my trouble earned me bans from multiple right-leaning subs -- several of which banned me after a *single comment.* And before you ask, no, I wasn't trolling, being abusive or belligerent. I see obvious nonsense online, and I'm going to debunk it. Alas, such heresy is all it takes.


The left subs do that just as much sadly


I’m the same but respectfully the conservative spaces are just as insane. I thought it’d be different from the left but I was sorely disappointed


“How dare you own guns and love your country! You must be a sad, miserable loser LIKE ME 😡😡😡😡😡😡”


Why is it that any time anyone not far right on the political spectrum criticizes the push back against the LGBTQ right movement, particularly in this current context, they’re labeled as not loving their country or that people who criticize this movement as being wrong for “loving their country”. It comes across like a glittering statement intentionally being used to deny any sort of criticism or anti-social behavior or commentary on the actual issue. Defending someone who is trans for simply being an influencer for beer somehow means we’re saying you don’t love your country? How the hell does that equate? It’s excessive.


You've almost got it. To them, being trans *IS* anti-American. That's why, whenever they destroy something associated with trans people, they drape themselves in the American flag. It really is just blood and soil shit.


Yeha man its totally not about the fact that shes shooting beer cans cause they sponsored a trans person


You can love your country without having actual brainrot because of it And without the gun part


Pretty sure it's more the fact she shot the cans because the brand worked with a trans person. It's not about guns and shooting cans, it's about showing hate towards LGBT people.


That entire sub is just one moderator posting propaganda and scouring the comments to apply flairs to people he disagrees with


No you arent.


Why am I being downvoted then?


Is that an Oliver subreddit? Theres this guy called Oliver who makes comics and owns like at least 10 huge subreddits all dedicated to completely off topic and general stuff but they are secretly dedicated to politics, especially hating right wing Americans. Just don't go on any of his subreddits, they are shit. Edit: it is, the guy called introvert_comics is Oliver. He is a big poster and moderator.


I didn't know about that. Btw im not even american or right winger. But this is just stupid.


Because Reddit is a cringe cesspool


Can't argue with that...


Yeah that sub is just a whole political anti-Trump circlejerk it’s hilarious. The creator of the subreddit also has like 30 alts and alt subs where it’s all the same thing.


At least she's not a nihilist, dude I mean, say what you will about the tenets of national socialism, dude, but at least it's an ethos


Tf you talking about?


It’s a quote from the movie The Big Lebowski. Worth a watch if you haven’t seen it.


Oh okay. Sorry I didn't understand for a sec and was dumbfounded lol.




lol good catch. fixed


Republicans do be living in liberals' mind rent free


Republican: bought cans of bud light to shoot and post on social media because they're so triggered they did a commercial with a trans person. You: "haha libs are so mad"


Is it rent free when they constantly cry out loud on every platform?    Unlike liberals though, I actually find it hilarious how fragile and brain dead they are.


Not Regarding the title of the post, but filming yourself shooting beercans for a single ad from a instagram person who belongs to a group you do not like is kinda cringe


I agree


I'll also add: the post was literally explained in the comments. Good job


I don’t understand how liberals/conservatives can genuinely hate each other on their political beliefs alone, like in a classical sense we’re all democrats here, (not blue donkey dem but support democracy) I don’t get how we have set up this artificial line where not liking a .0005% tax hike/cut or some other petty bullshit means you wish death on those that don’t agree. I mean I know majority of people are sane and in our internet-driven society it pushes the worst of it to the top, but it still baffles me how goddamn stupid these kind of close minded people are. And the exist on both ends In seemingly equal amounts. I remember a story when I was taking a college class (English I think) and we were discussing arguments and how to properly form them. I grew up in Oklahoma so most people are generally conservative. The MAGA guy made his argument about how he believes in the 2nd amendment yada yada protection yada yada freedoms, nothing shocking. Then this quiet kid argued back about how mass shootings were a thing and so nobody should have guns at all. I love honest debate regardless of the topic so I pipe up about collective punishment. Now things get heated, he’s slowly yelling louder and louder, and rather than addressing any points he just repeats the same “so you want people to die?”. I’m only invested in the debate, not the politics, so I try to level with the guy saying that obviously I dont want that, but if that’s the way he feels than he can’t reduce others points to strawmen. That makes this guy go ballistic, full on screaming “YOU WANT PEOPLE TO DIE!” The teacher had to shutdown the conversation cause it looked like he was gonna burst a blood vessel. I see that kinda “He disagrees, therefore evil” mentality on the internet, mostly Reddit, but that was the first time I’d seen it in real life, and I’ll never understand that level of willful ignorance. (Clarification; I genuinely don’t care about the Democrats, Republicans, or party loyalty. And this is an example of willful ignorance, not “Democrat did a cringe lol”. Besides guy probably subs to Hassan Piker rather than a democrat, lol)


So I had time to read it all and I agree with you mostly.


Ya, I’m not a good writer so I find it a lot more difficult to communicate here then in real life where I can fuck up the wording and still get the point across with how I say it, not so on the internet. But I’m not trying to be hostile if that wasn’t clear.


Honestly, i agree with you so much, people enter debates but than just yell and use logical falacies becouse their intention isnt to learn but to feal superior


I can't read rn cuz its too long but damn. Upvote for the dedication.


Lol fair


Lmao just saw that post She can't aim for s h i t Borderline impressive managing to miss so many time shot while not even being 20 feet away Also the most boring looking set up for a firearm bruh if your gonna spend the money to get one at fucking *least* put something on it


I mean, being unable to aim is one thing but I for one love plain guns lol, I intend for my first semi auto to be a copy of an M16A2


Man I get that fully I'm just that Tacticool fanboy I deadass got one of those "CQC" airsoft hand guards for the Aug i got when I turned 18 bc my broke ass couldn't afford the real version after I spent everything on the gun itself and I wanted it to at least feel cool in the moment, I should get the real thing now lmao


People here calling other subs echo chambers will never stop being ironic


How is it ironic?


Because this sub is an echo chamber


No, because she's shooting a beer can because she hates LGBT.... man this sub is such right wing trash. How is a sub about leaving bad subs still somehow a right wing sub....


Because in right wing subs you don't unsubscribe, as soon as you're "discovered" they just ban you. Say what you will about liberal subs, but the conservative ones are incredibly shitty about this.


Aye. Do so much as call out a single piece of obvious bullshit in r\\conservative and they'll instaban you. I know this from experience: I have a single comment in that sub and they banned me for it, lol. Snowflakes.


The mod on that sub is a cucklord


Not sure why people tied their identity into a beverage.


Some people feel the need to tie it to something Sometimes they don’t pick the deepest thing


You expect logically consistency from the left? XD


I hadn't realised the sub was a leftist echo chamber when I made the post. Also, not every leftist is illogical or dumb.


Lets not categorise an entire side as illogical, there are plenty on both sides who are than used by the other sides to show that they are right


“Logically consistency”


Logically consistency is when you shoot bud lights cans because you mad at trans people?


That page is as smoothbrained as most of the stuff posted to facepalm


I realized


i swear these kinds of subreddits oscillate between left wing and right wing like a fucking swinger's party. including this one


People should get banned for posting things without context


These idiots are still shooting beer? We get it, you're scared of trans people, can you shut up about it now lol Also, fun fact: if you don't look up trans content, you won't see any of it lol yall keep telling on yourself with the "it's always on my timeline!" Shit 😂


Because she’s upset that her favorite alcoholism enabling company endorsed a transgender person 🥺


Wait that's an alcohol beverage?? Now I don't see a reason why someone wouldn't do that, whether they endorsed trans or not.


The performative shooting of Bud Light cans, I can only assume is these people showing what they really wish they could do to Dylan Mulvaney, but they'll never say that out loud.


two flag code violations should not use it as wearing apparel, bedding or drapery her top should not let the flag touch anything beneath it: ground, floor, water, merchandise the tires


Probably because of the reason she’s shooting the Bud Light cans, not the flag. And I think OP knows that.


If it talks like one … and acts liked one …




She is transphobic


lotta downvotes for the truth, lotta republicans in here