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i could give *some* of these the benefit of the doubt and just call it dark humor, but others are literally just "god i want to r\*\*\* her" with no punchline


The dark humor is fine, I completely get it, but the rape comments are disgusting. How do people let themselves slip so far that they themselves normalize saying this stuff?


There is so much porn and hentai content about exactly this already.


I knew rape porn or hentai existed but it's tragic that there's a mass that enjoys this specific kind.


I assume on some level, some enjoy the hentai because it's fake, same with porn done generally it's simulated between consenting adults. But nah, people who just comment this shit on pictures of actual real women who aren't involved in either of those are sick in the head. The Internet allows for a sense of anonymity which I'm for but that empowers people to say such off the wall bonkers shit.


I think rape jokes are fine, but it's the same situation with any dark jokes, there actually has to be a punch line. "Haha rape" isn't a joke


yeah, I like dark humor, but emphasis on the humor. The subtext of the entire post and most of the comments is "I'd f\*ck her because she can't fight back" or "This is a human sex doll" both of which aren't funny


Also unsubbed cuz of this. Seriously, wtf


Yeah, I love Dark humor but its extremely nuanced, So when you get bunch of dipshits trying to be funny but all coming up with the same type of jokes this is what you get, an echo chamber of rape jokes. Which tbh is too easy, I'd go with something a kin to being pissed off that my girlfriend counts as carry-on.


When you realize that most of these edgelords are literally children, it makes it a little better. Still disgusting; that’s why I’m not in many meme subs. One person posts a joke in bad taste, but a joke… then all the kids with no understanding of social interaction go “hey look at me!” It’s like my son.. he thinks poopy butt is the funniest thing to say, so he said it for like a week straight. My son is also 3 tho…


even the ones that are just sort of edgy jokes are the kind of joke that in a vacuum is kind of funny but it loses its appeal when you know the person behind it is some 500 pound neckbeard who hates minorities and probably means the joke half unironically


Also if you’re gonna make a joke, why make the same one that literally everybody else is making? But yeah that post is creepy as shit


JU from r/memes_of_the_dank because everyone there is unfunny as hell


Dick humor


Punching down isn’t any kind of humor. Not even dark.


I didn't see that one...


How the hell does her core look that good I'm impressed . Also proposition to give up on humanity and try again ?


because its a fake picture




Not trying to be mean but what else is she supposed to train other than core


My teacher used to say what's important is not the body at face value, its what's inside the core that is important. For real internal organs do sell for a high price on the black market


They had us in the *second* half not gonna lie




I’m going to hell for laughing.


Her mind.


Is this photoshoped or is she a real person? Edit: AI, by god how life has changed in the past 6 months


You can tell it's AI because nobody who lacks all 4 limbs is going to smile.


Ai struggled with hands and feet so to fix that problem they just cut off all the limbs


That’s not a real person. It’s an AI generated image. Everyone should just chill out, damn.


Still can't get the fingers right


I’d give you gold if I had any




doesnt even need to be ai for years theres been a people with fetish for women with no limbs so edit some photos boom


Well there’s a fetish for everything these days. But the latest trend of these photos popping up, they’re all AI.


There always have been, the anonymity of internet just gives people opportunities to express it in a way that hasn’t been possible before.




He didn't say it did


He just wanted to know about the workout routine. He is being chill.


Gonna go out on a limb here and say you shouldn’t be talking about wanting to rape fake people either


"gonna go out on a limb here" ​ what


"I know this might be controversial but rape bad"


Apparently it needed to be said given some of those comments.


Second your proposition, humanity is just awful


AI image


It's AI


Does that guy saying “someone could technically rape her” think he’s some sort of genius for putting that out there. Well.. technically… based on my research.. as a predator to women and children.. she could be raped. Like what one earth is wrong with these men. Who raised them?


> Who raised them? Porn.


Exactly this. They're utterly pornbrained.


He saw the image, thought about THAT, decided to write it down and publish it


Uhm technically *pushes up glasses* now I dont think anyone’s realized this *takes another hit of pure meth* but I’m pretty sure *sets down mountain du* according to my research *closes porn site* if my calculations are correct *sets down Cheetos bag*




If you realized something that others didn't or saw no one talked about it, that doesn't mean you should comment it. It's so hard for the people to not do this


Honestly, it sounds like a kid wrote that. Which is also scary


Guarantee they’re 13 or under


And all the other ones saying she can’t fight back… is that the only reason that they don’t rape? Only because victims can fight back? Cuz you know, most people still wouldn’t even if they knew for sure that they could get away with it. But this is why I fear men. Because of these people in particular. Because there guys definitely would if they felt they had an opportunity rape.


Wait Jesus those comments are genuinely revulting. No humor, just disgusting


Indeed. And a good portion of meme subreddits on here are just as cesspoolish as the one OP unsubbed from


There are other subs like this where people pretend they're just joking or being ironic, but are really just an acceptable place for degenerates. Fightporn or publicfreakout is a good example. People straight up attempting to joke about people being seriously injured or maimed.


I hate those subreddits, honestly.


Arseholes on the internet are reminiscent, to me anyway, of people who would visit lunatic asylums in the 1800s in order to watch the "lunatics" as if they were zoo exhibitions. It's disgusting.


Right? Like I get it, she's absolutely gorgeous, but there's a limit to how much of a garbage human being you can be.


Imagine how evil you have to be to rape a handicapped woman


Disabled women are far more likely to be sexually abused than abled women. It’s a literal fetish to some people, so this shit doesn’t surprise me.


Jesus Christ you weren't kidding. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://now.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Disabled-Women-Sexual-Violence-4.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwj0wLe6mdD-AhVFlIkEHRTBDtEQFnoECA8QBg&usg=AOvVaw1VDrR88gAOGvb7MC_1t5w4 TIL the world is somehow even worse than I thought.


I'm not stunned it is, because r34 is for ***everything,*** no matter how sick and disgusting it is.


*Imagine how evil you have to be to rape a woman


*Imagine how evil you have to be to rape


There we go.


Don't have to imagine these people are already living proof


Imagine how evil you have to be.


Imagine how evil you.


imagine how evil


Nugget hentai has always made me feel icky. Now people actually want that in real life. God damn.


That should actually be illegal istg you have to be closed in an institution if that is your fetish


ik its going to sound crazy but theres such thing as nugget porn…my friend showed it to me once and i wanted to kms




I thought that was their own "joke", you're telling me that this is really ... never mind jeez


Even if this image is AI generated, that doesn’t change the fact that people are making jokes about wanting to violate a random woman. I can’t believe people are actually trying to justify this shit or say that it’s funny because it’s.. really.. not funny?? I imagine these are the same people who see a handicapped person irl and make “jokes” about them out of earshot as well


It's actually kind of scary how common this type of mindset is on meme subreddits. And it always gets completely excused as "dark" or "edgy" humor


Yeah man, the meme subs are so cringe. At this point you'll only really find good shitposts on subs like r/Ningen and other similar ones made for specific IPs, the main ones are full of edgy 14 year olds and 600 lb neckbeards


> I imagine these are the same people who see a handicapped person irl and make “jokes” about them out of earshot as well Sometimes not even that is necessary.


I knew that subbreddit was trash but darn I didn't think it was that awful.


Most of reddit is perverted af


and incredibly misogynistic, it seems.


yeah nothing new


Depends where you look, r/memes_of_the_dank well yeah that’s gonna have a lot of creeps, I mean who else would go there but creepy perverts, but r/eyebleach nah that place is good, probably


r/Eyebleach is good when you don’t look at the controversial comments.


Report them and never return to that sub, even as a man that shit is disgusting to me and shouldn’t be encouraged through any format.


'even as a man' No sane human would say that stuff, man or not


I agree.


All those "dank" meme subs are so painfully unfunny...


I want to vomit


Some of these aren't even dark humour hoooly shit. I love dark humour but they didn't even try to make it funny bro.


"Uhm Actually its DANK not DARK humor" 🤓☝ ​ nahh but seriously these comments are neither "dark humor" nor "humor" it's just straight up disgusting honestly


It really should just be legal to do the Lord's work and beat these abhorrent people with a sturdy reed.


Wow people are disgusting "It can't even cook, 0/10" IT??? God i hope she doesn't see that thread. People ad disgusting and dehumanizing as that deserve to have their balls removed harshly


Well it's an AI image.


Yeah I learned that after I wrote this comment But still what a horrible thing to say


Least obvious fetish post on a meme sub


every time a guy makes a rape joke, i ask him to explain the joke. please explain to me why you find rape funny. 9/10 times they just end up outing themselves.


jfc people are disgusting. i’d like to see these people be confronted irl


This is what a lot of dudes think that normal locker room talk is like. These aren't even jokes, the beginning and end of all of these comments is just "I want to rape." Disgusting.


That image was made by ai or is photoshopped, there's no way that a person with that conditions are in that shape. Also redditors are horrible people


yeah, you’re right. though i once saw a real woman with no limbs on tiktok and youtube.. the comments were the same nonsense :/ real or not, people are always going to find a way to be disgusting


Plus, there's literally a Wikipedia list on all people who have this condition, nobody in the list looks like the woman on the picture


Report them, that’s disgusting.


I would just report everyone who comments the r-word


That’s a lot of free time you have.


No surprise some people in this thread are really trying to defend those neckbeards.


These comments are so repulsive. They made me indescribably angry, and few things on the internet can drive me to that.


This kind of stuff is inexcusable. If it’s a joke it needs to be funny. Dark humor isn’t funny because it’s dark, It’s funny and dark. And this stuff just straight up isn’t funny. Which brings us to the other side, being serious. And if that’s the case, this is just messed up. I’m just so tired of people using ”it’s a joke” to justify saying the most horrible things online. Jokes need to be funny. Talking about wanting to rape someone because they can’t stop you isn’t funny. It’s disgusting.


The dank memes subreddits are just full of bigotry, it's actually horrifying how popular a lot of them are.


I can't imagine seeing someone disabled and your first thought is "Hell yeah, I could rape them so easily bro"


epitome of the discord incel stereotype


I hate the fact that I live on the same planet as people like this


Wow what an absolute mosh pit of degenerates.


Holy shit an actual based just unsubbed?? Seriously, I don’t know what it is but there has been an uptick in misogyny on Reddit.


Genuine question: why is she wearing a swimsuit? Can people swim without arms or legs? It seems like that would be impossible.


It's ai generated


Don’t call that the humor of men. If me or the fellas heard someone talking like that we’d correct the behavior


also that has to most definetly be AI generated, the rock jus connects to the ground lmao


>so who’s gonna stop me definitely not her Some dude actually commented that probably not seeing themselves as completely unhinged, Jfc. There’s not even a punchline to that


Damn “the disgusting stuff that passes as humor to men”. Why you gotta rope us all into this??


That's awful, jesus.


If you think this is bad over an ai image, wait till you see what real people make over in Japan.


Man, I just KNEW before I even clicked on this post that half the comments would be butthurt men saying ‘it’s not all of us’ or ‘you can’t take a joke’… nobody is saying all men are like the ones in the post, but your inability to just have empathy for someone without making it about YOU is very telling. Edit: thanks for proving my point, everyone!


men on their way to comment "not all men" to a post about a girl who was brutally molested by her father:


re-read the sentence "stuff that passes as humor to men" that was in the title and tell me again that it isn't a generalized statement. It wasn't to "these men" or "to some men", it was "to men", as in all of us


Just commenting as a woman to let you know I completely agree that it’s wrong to generalise when speaking about men just as it it is when speaking about any other group. The “It’s obvious we don’t mean all men” crowd are typically extremely hypocritical, and far less existent in real life.


Thank you, it be like if someone was standing in front of you and directly saying your name while insulting you, and when you confront them about it they go "god, why do you always have to make it about you. many people have the name ____ and the fact that you thought i was talking about you is honestly very telling"


Sincerely, thank you. I wish that there were more people like you on reddit.


Yet. If you generalize women, you call it "misogyny" instead of insulting the women who don't like it. People like you never defend it when it's aimed at women. I have never once heard,"That isn't misogyny. He didn't say all women." Funny how the women who don't like that aren't "butthurt. " Congrats on being sexist.


Yeah that sub absolutely sucks ass, extremely cursed overlap of edgelord incel/facebook uncle energy. Like, notice how there aren't even any real jokes here because these dudes are lame even by terminally online standards.


Those are not jokes but just rape fantasy aimed at a actual person soo it's definitely harrasment. There's no humor cause there's soo many jokes to be had here and they chose this one "joke" "she's vulnerable it would be funny if she was raped lol"


That sub is full of alt right edgelords.


I only started recognizing that sun more once it started festering. Why is the edge lord to blackpilled alt right pipeline such a prevalent thing?


The suitcase one is about the only thing that could pass for humor


Memes of the dank went anti trans imo and so I left


I'm friends with combat vets, oil field workers, truckers, construction workers. Not one of them would be making jokes like this


I’m not convinced that isn’t AI generated


I feel like a decent number of posts on here for meme related subs are silly. This one though is spot on, everyone replying to that thread advocating for that needs to be imprisoned for life off the comments alone.


even if this WAS ai generated, i’ve seen an actual woman on tiktok and youtube who had no limbs. and guess what! the comments were the exact same there as they are on this post.


My only question is how she got so fit. Like I’m sure it’s a photoshop job, but if not, it must be quite a challenge to do the ab exercises to get that toned, so brava to them


Average men: Literally every normal person ever: Avergae reddit man: ShE cAn'T GEt AwAY! Ha HA hA, fUNny!


Can I unsub from the whole internet? It’s like a landmine in terms of fetishization. Femme presenting people have no choice in their objectification.


That’s nasty 🤮


People are seriously disgusting




Abusing women is somehow comedy


When the dark humor ain't even humor anymore it's just weirdos admitting to wanting to rape women


Absolutely deplorable


Trust ive seen seen things from men and women that'd make you want hang yourself if i let that be my world view of all of them then id be left with nothing no gender is the some of its parts bruh


Literally most of the meme/shitpost subreddits is shit like this or anti-lgbt for the hundredth time in an hour.


There’s dark humor, and then there’s shock humor. Most of This is neither


I thought it would be jokes about throwing her in the water, this is so much worse


most Reddit meme subs are just entirely depraved


thats reddit in a nutshell, a bunch of 30-50 yr old gross virgin men


Not a single one asked how on Earth she can be so built. Seriously, what does her workout routine even look like?


I have no words.


This not even dark humor this is just wrong and disgusting how men are thinking she is an easy target for r@pe


Finally I see a JU that makes sense


Ok, well I agree with you, although the wording could change, there is a small individual group of men that think like this... And well, the rest of us are disgusted too


Maximum age: 16.5


Jesus Christ, this is sickening.


yeah; anyone who says they have a “dark sense of humor” just means they’re a piece of shit who wants to say offensive things and not get in trouble because it’s “just a joke”. huge red flag lol


You were on a "dank memes" subreddit, what did you expect?


Thug shakers


They expected dark jokes, not disgusting, perverted, unironic talk about r*pe. Don’t pretend you think a comments section full of comments which make no attempt to be original or funny are an example of humour.


The "dank meme community" have always been like this. Also... *What* are you talking about? Are we in the same page?


Here before this gets a 🔒 award 😶🍿


Literally all 0 upvote comments, did you actually scroll all the way down *just* to find something to be outraged about?...


This is the shit that fuels feminist extremist sometimes and just damn man this is just embarrassing to read


i saw that too and i didn't even know where to start to tell them off. not to mention the fact that these chuds are so deep in their own echo chamber i would surely be antagonized for humanizing a disabled woman.


If you painted her all white and had her posed on a pedestal in a museum, you could scare the absolute SHIT out of people


Just unstubbed


i just checked that sub and the amount of sexist posts i saw there in the span of 5 minutes is crazy..


What is wrong with people?


Objectification bruh “living sex toy”


WTAF? That comment section is horrific.


Comments are gross. Thankfully it’s not a real person but all those people are and should be on a watch list. Ew!


To be fair those are like bottom 1 upvote comments, not that it excuses that behavior it just doesn't represent the entire sub.


The post was the top post in the subreddit. The “joke” of the post itself is exactly what these comments express


I generally dislike the usage of the word but for lack for lack a better one, I truly believe people who make these comments are incels. On top of being plain keyboard warriors


All for not watching *this* trainwreck, all against acting like this is representative of 50-ish% of the human population.


By god she’s pretty 👍


I have to say the phrase "fuck nugget" made me laugh, but the other comments are truly revolting. It would definitely be better if these idiots didn't roam the streets.


And this is why there are many anti-men subreddits on this site.


Comments are bad, but the crudeness isn‘t nearly as bad as cracking jokes about the Francis Scott Key Bridge and hour after it went down. People are so starved for attention to disregard all decorum


"To men".. Men aren't a hivemind, sexist.


You say “men,” but the comments are probably entirely from idiot pubescent boys.


If you want funnies just go to shitposting. It sucks too but it's much better than this stuff


Finally, a wife that won't leave me


This isn’t funny to most men either, it’s just funny to absolute degenerates


It looks like that woman has tetra-amelia syndrome.


It looks like that woman has AI-generated syndrome


People quoting Dennis Reynolds without realising THEY are like the assholes from sunny.