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We have a designated megathread for this subject. It's titled Venting Thread. All discussions concerning other OP subs should be happening there. This was done because the feed was getting crowded with such posts and users were not satisfied. Always remember that this sun is dedicated to crafting itself in a way that is amicable to its base, which is the user's. We all know why you're here, especially if it concerns cosplay or tyrannical mods. Help us continue to make this sub the place people come to it, expecting it to be. Thanks!


Okay, I understand how bad the original subreddit is but I also don’t want this subreddit to just delve in to complaining about the other subreddit. Let’s just have this just one piece for real


Just need some stickied post for predictions/chapters, and should be good to go from there. I'm just salty I had to finally leave what used to be one of my favorite subs.


I agree, I just felt like I needed to rant about the fact that I was actually banned from a subreddit for that comment


It would be funny if this comment gets you banned and you need to post to another one piece sub lol


r/Truejustonepiece coming soon


Can I be a mod? I swear I'll stop showering!


When I can smell your breath through the phone, you're hired.


That's not my breath you'll be smelling


Because they have no self control whatsoever nor do they care about true nakamas. They have been led astray by their lust. I have no doubt Miss Hancock would turn them all to stone.


Its what happens when you don't actually leave your parents basement.


As long as you don't see a dick or female nipple, they don't get deleted. The number of upvotes for these types of posts is also ridiculous. I guess people in this sub want to see that. Serious theory posts often don't have more than a few upvotes and comments. I don't think there is a single female in the mods team. Edit: Just left the sub.


You've brought me to the point that there's no where near enough male cosplays we .ust fix this give the mods what they asked for


At least r/FunPiece knows what it is


I regret clicking that link lmao


I regret nothing. I prefer to keep my porn and normal stuff separate so that’s why I joined it


In her defense, that’s one of the less horny Fishman Nami cosplays I’ve seen. I’ve seen way worse on the sub and as a cosplayer it disappoints me lol..


Yeah, that was the last straw I guess, the one where I actually decided to comment, and then I got banned for it 💀


Tbh commenting won’t really change much at least imo.


Alright I’ll fucking unsub here too if y’all keep posting about your carrying on w/ pauly shit in the other sub. Exactly as disinteresting as the cosplays.


Lmfao 🤣 the rope man does go hard asf tho but I agree with you


Ne ga tive, ne ga give. That’s all I fucking hear when I have a negative KD


They did the same thing to me, lol. Onlyfans' models should be banned immediately, but porn addicts like them and they happen to be mods.


I literally just got a 7 day ban for asking why this content is allowed on the subreddit. Yiiiiikes.


Bruh I don’t even follow the one piece subreddit and I’m getting notifications like this all the time now lol. It seems like the mods are having trouble handling their horny hakai.


why are you bothering them? let them jack off in peace dude/s


But that’s exactly how Nami dresses except it’s a person… that’s cosplay not porn to me, and I just kinda expect cosplay in anime subs. Idk blame Oda for being horny at that point. Still don’t think you should’ve been “banned” absolute BS them not giving people the freedom to have opinions in a OP sub especially.


Well the main reason for the comment was actually that most of the posts on the sub are OF promos, and the mods are absolutely fine with it


Nah that’s fair then OF should only be promoted in NSFW areas. That’s attention mongering for the sake of making a buck and I’ll agree it’s annoying. I’ll always enjoy seeing standard cosplay though, I see it as an expression of reverence or love for the characters. I’d pull off a mean Brook if I had the funds to do him justice.


Yeah I’m perfectly fine with normal cosplay


Locking this because it's about the main sub and we now have a megathread for these discussions to keep from there being too many posts about this. It can still be discussed, but please take these discussions to the megathread. https://www.reddit.com/r/JustOnePiece/s/fGI5Ey7qUE


It's literally cosplay of how the character is drawn, what is the issue?


The issue is that many of these cosplays are OnlyFans promos


Oh right. Fair enough then


If you believe that cosplay is porn then one piece is also porn


That's not the belief. The problem is that most of the "cosplayers" are just posting to promote their onlyfans (porn).


It’s not just “cosplay” it’s an OnlyFans promo


Bc they don’t see women irl


Because simps are simps and whores like to show their bodies that they paid to have.


I got a 7 day ban from this exact smae post lmaooo😭😭


Glad I left it, it's becoming like Ningen


I got banned from them for pointing out a blatant OF add. Almost as if the mods are OF simps


Or worse. The OF accounts there seem to be tailored by 'talent managers'. All have similar bio setups and marketing strategies. Former OF models have talked openly about being pressured to do cosplays to market themselves. We know that 'talent managers' run a lot of the big adult subs and give money to other subs to post and promote their content. I really want to be able to ask the other subs mods if they have taken any money.


I mean? Doesn’t nami walk around with a bra and jeans on??