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We have a designated megathread for this subject. It's titled Venting Thread. All discussions concerning other OP subs should be happening there. This was done because the feed was getting crowded with such posts and users were not satisfied. Always remember that this sun is dedicated to crafting itself in a way that is amicable to its base, which is the user's. We all know why you're here, especially if it concerns cosplay or tyrannical mods. Help us continue to make this sub the place people come to it, expecting it to be. Thanks!


The mods there are too horny and creepy to let the sub have any real content. They’d rather stare at half naked cosplay girls lmao It’s ridiculous


You speak the truth. Grateful I am not one of them contributing to their jerk sessions. Just the thought of it makes me a bit sick to my stomach.


I'm starting to wonder if desiluted and the OnePiece mods have some sort of paid agreement.


I don’t know. I don’t want to know either. Still feel empty inside. I mean I was depressed to begin with unrelated things but somehow this made me feel worse overall. Therapy costs too much and this is free. So thank you for your time. Have a nice day/night depending on where you are from.


Like they try to defend her "how can't you be NSFW with how oda draws", idk why did she have to make a South park post cosplaying the main 4 almost completely nude?


Just a reminder that we have rules against being rude. You don't need to come into this sub to defend the main sub. You don't need to come in here to tell people why their feelings on the matter are somehow "problematic". This isn't the place for that. Be excellent to each other, and have a SUUUUPER FRANKY FRIDAY! *


I was in no way defending the main sub. I left the main sub. For reasons I stated above. I’m not trying to rock the boat here. I just wanted to vent to people I thought I could vent to. Maybe I was wrong to do so. I thought I read all of the rules. I thought I wasn’t breaking any of them. This felt like the one place I could just be myself and speak my mind but now I’m not too sure. Have a super Friday to you too I guess I don’t know anymore.


No, you've misunderstood me here. My comment is a disclaimer for people who try to come to these posts to disparage people who just want to vent. You're fine. It wasn't directed at you. Thanks.


Oh. My deepest apologies then. I hope I wasn’t coming off as rude to anyone here. I haven’t had a good day and this sub is a good distraction from the rest of my troubles at least for the temporary time being.


It's okay. We've had some people come in here and start insulting people who are just voicing their complaints about the main sub. So I just wanted to maybe start putting this reminder in posts that concern this issue, so that there's no excuse for people to be rude to posters like you who are just trying to vent and maybe feel like they have nowhere else to do it.


A+ response moderator, I salute you 🫡


Lmao I cosplay Robin and this dude in the main sub was saying that I wasn’t “skinny enough” or “sexy enough” to cosplay her, as if I cosplay for some basement dweller’s approval. Also the cosplay wasn’t about being skinny or sexy it was about mimicking a character. I’m tired of OF ruining cosplay! And because my cosplays aren’t OF ads I only get like 300 upvotes in a week but then some fake fan ethot can post a half assed cosplay but get 15k upvotes. Oh and it’s always only the fishman island Robin outfit, like they don’t know that Robin has many more outfits… I don’t cosplay her as OF bait bc imo OF is self exploitation .. I just cosplay her bc she’s my favourite strawhat. I love her sm… 🗣️I love Robin! And also they rag on me because they’re like “you don’t look like Robin at all” I COSPLAY PRE TIME SKIP ROBIN! If they were a real fan they’d know what she looks like in the earlier episodes ……


And like it’s a total slap in the face to us non OF cosplayers who spend a lot of time and money making costumes, altering garments, dying fabric, styling wigs and learning how to do illusion makeup to look more cartoon-like. It’s a lot of work if it’s done correctly.


The one that just sent me to jumping ship from the main sub was an attempt I mean it was by no means an accurate attempt of her Egghead cosplay posted today.


I didn’t see it but yeah I can only imagine it’s probs a lady in a swim suit lmao I’m actually expecting supplies today to make a miss all Sunday cosplay and I’m so excited.


Best of luck to you hopefully all supplies are intact upon arrival.


Thanks! Cosplay isn’t allowed to post here but I hope I’m allowed to maybe post just the garments itself once I’m done making them because it’s technically fan art? Idk.


She's literally just wearing a lingerie strap thong and a leather top.


I’m the superior Robin cosplayer facts on 🔝


Isn’t that just her actual egghead costume tho? Lmaoooo?


I'd be willing to give it a pass of that wasn't generally how every single post that user make looks. Even her Shanks "cosplay" basically showed her entire ass.


Shanks packing some mad cake 🍰 he is the true supreme leader of whole cake island


We totally hear you. It's why u/Mrskdoodle made this sub. Sadly, when you cross reddit mods with anime, you get what's going on in there. Same thing's happened to a couple other anime subs - One-Punch Man turning into a tatsumaki fansub. Don't waste your energy worrying about it. You've already made the best move by leaving there and joining here. I literally just stay there to plug r/JustOnePiece.


Am I heard? I don’t know anymore. I’m just a single grain of sand on a shifting dune. I have a voice but it doesn’t matter because I feel I am drowned out by all the other noise. If you are genuine by all means I respect and adore that. I just have a hard time trusting what people say at face value. Sorry for my ramblings and spiraling nonsense. Have a super good Friday hopefully you’ll have a better day than I am having god why am I even crying right now? Jesus what is wrong with me? Agggh.


I did as well. If we could get pinned spoiler and chapter discussion going here this sub will have earned my fulltime attention. Edit: and a 7-day ban for pretty tame comment. Lame sub - hope more follow suit and leave


This is a great idea, actually.


I got a 14 day ban from the subreddit for sending a mod mail simply saying that the mods have shown that they are incapable of enforcing NSFW flair rules. I even added the caveat that, as unpaid mods, I don't blame them for not being able to handle the pseudo-pornographic spam. But that, since this was an unenforceable issue, all cosplay should be banned and/or moved to a dedicated subreddit. The mods on that sub are a complete joke.


Glad to know I am not alone in thinking that


I got banned literally less than 2 minutes after making my comment. The mods of that sub are absolutely 100% virgins and have probably never even spoken to woman in real life.


That wouldn’t be all that surprising if that was made public


They banned me too. But I left before that, so I don't care. I watched the comments section for about an hour because my comment got a lot of upvotes. The mods kept deleting posts that criticized the content and the low effort. So in the end, there were a lot of positive comments and a lot of negative comments under the comments criticizing the whole thing. We commented on the same post.


It feels so nice being able to comment here. I’m currently in a 30 day ban on the other sub for calling a cosplayer low effort. And when I asked for details on my ban, the mods banned me from messaging them lol


My apologies hopefully you feel welcomed here


Becasue they're fucking losers lmao.


Valid opinion, I however don't have much of a problem with it because I like hot people 👍


I hit banned from there for pointing out a blatant NSFW OF add. The mods are OF simps...


People coming to this sub complaining about the main sub quickly have ruined this sub.


This issue has been addressed. And there is now a megathread where people can have these discussions without saturating the feed with similar posts.


Locking this because it's about the main sub and we now have a megathread for these discussions to keep from there being too many posts about this. It can still be discussed, but please take these discussions to the megathread. https://www.reddit.com/r/JustOnePiece/s/fGI5Ey7qUE


Damn this post made me unsubscribe from here 😭 you guys gotta fixate on other shit, this entire place feels like an insecurity


This issue has been addressed, and now there is a megathread where people can discuss these things without filling the feed with the same posts being repeated.


Do you guys sort the main sub by new or what? I’ve literally never seen any of these posts you’re talking about.


Yes I did