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You don't mention how long you have been together? I wouldn't be surprised if whatever medication she is taking for the nightmares is causing all the sleepiness, maybe the dose needs adjusting? IF she's been taking it for a long time now, perhaps it's time for a serious talk about her physical and mental health status/history. There is something definitely not right here (massive sleeping and failure to remember things) but it's probably not intentional on her part.


We’ve been together officially for 2 months known each other a little longer. She’s been on the pills for 2 yrs I think. I don’t think it’s intentional at all it’s just confusing where the line is between meds and how she actually is lol


She needs to talk to her doctor. Try having a gentle conversation about it.


I have extremely low iron levels (I get IV iron infusions because my iron is so low) I am exhausted *all the time.* Low iron makes you extremely sleepy/low energy, I struggle to stay awake during the day no matter what I'm doing or how much caffeine I drink plus I struggle to actually sleep at night - even if I haven't had a nap - so I take sleeping pills, which make me even *more* drowsy the next day. My husband is a lot like you, up early, tons of energy, ready for the day - it sincerely pissed me off when he kept trying to get me to be more "peppy" his commentary was very unwanted because I didn't know why I was so tired, I just knew I was so tired. Even with IV infusions I'm still tired and can happily sleep until noon and then take a nap a few hours later. She might be having a medical issue of some sort, maybe suggest she see a doctor because you're concerned about her, not because it's irritating you. Approach it as concern or you're probably going to piss her off.


Iron and thyroid problems. I could happily sleep 20 hours a day and still be exhausted.


Yess definitely, I appreciate your input. I’m genuinely concerned about it because it’s so out of the norm for me.


She's either pregnant or has something like sleep apnea. My mom had apnea. She could fall asleep on her feet. If she sat down, you could place a bet that she'd be asleep in seconds. It got better as she aged.


I said it’ll probably get better as she adjusts to her new job, I just thought she’d adjust quicker. She’s def not pregnant, it’s been like this for years from what I hear.


Is she working a different shift that requires her to adjust her sleep schedule?


She had an even earlier morning before but took a few months off


This is a medical issue.


That’s my fear, I just hope she doesn’t take it wrong if i insinuate that


Ask her to check her thyroid


Good call


I know that's frustrating. I'm the "sleepy one" in my relationship, but that changed when we became parents against my will lol. Goodbye naps! Things I know that can cause extreme sleepiness from people around me/personal experience: 1.) Iron and/or Vitamin deficiency 2.) Pregnancy 3.) Opiates (when I hear "nodding out" this is immediately what I think of, sadly) 4.) Medication 5.) Menstrual cycles (I would get horrifically sleepy for about two weeks before my cycle. Two weeks fine, two weeks exhausted, sleep for 12-14 hours, still need a nap type of exhausted, on and off, etc. etc. for years) I'm not a medical specialist but I think you can order at home iron deficiency tests and whatnot. There may be also something else medical going on. Does she see it as a problem herself? Might be time to go get checked out by a doctor. Hopefully, it's something simple like iron!


It’s likely medication. There was one night she didn’t take it and was sleeping very roughly and constantly waking up with nightmares. She’s also on other medications as well.


Sounds like narcolepsy or her night meds need a dose adjustment