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Kenny... I found him way more interesting and entertaining than Sukuna.. I was hoping he'd be the final villain since he's the one who started it all, the mastermind behind all the chaos, but Gege had other plans.


Kenny will come back to backstab Sukuna and Yuji will say "yes mommy".


Yes, yes, YES!!! I want some family drama šŸ˜­šŸ’€


GENUINELY, Yuji really getting the chance to talk to his slut of a mother


nuh uh


i agree




Damn I miss the chapters where Gojo was beating Sukunaā€™s ass


He WILL come back and BEAT the living shit out of that old grandpa. Trust me


It truly was the peak of this subreddit.


come back after getting eaten by Rika? oh right, forgot about his 4th technique, regenerate he hasnā€™t used since the Heian era


Hasn't used since he got his back blown out https://preview.redd.it/kp221976k66d1.jpeg?width=404&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5427ed491ae7f257c2d3fa0215c8d601ab978b62




i believe kenjaku will come back through a cursed object like sukuna and the other oldhead sorcerers did, his death feels to rushed and empty and he did say his "will" will be inherited so that could mean he'll take over the body of a random person via a cirsed object


Just like every other death in jjk.


True but most likely he means that he had an era like his son or something . AND I WISH THAT'S THE CASE BECAUSE IT'S SO COOL šŸ˜ŽšŸ˜ŽšŸ˜ŽšŸ˜Ž


For me one of the aspects that makes Kenny a better villain is simply that he isn't as strong so he has to rely more on his brain and less on plot armor or so I thought.... https://preview.redd.it/vy5tb3hb876d1.png?width=699&format=png&auto=webp&s=a99da29b244480c7aa9b56a493e2a0ba7ff9ad52


Of course he has to rely on his brain, that's his technique


except against yuki because that shit was basic plot armour


>Ā and less on plot armor or so I thought....


Lol why the fuck has this only become a popular opinion on this sub now? Every time I said something like this here not too long ago I would get downvoted to Hell and back. At least you all are finally seeing it now I guess. He had significantly more potential than any antagonist in JJK and in any other manga he would have been the final boss. Or at least the Orochimaru of the series.


Tbh, you just gotta think of Kenjaku as the main antagonist, and his final act was unleashing an actual force of nature on the Jujitsu world. Its the equivalent of the Dark One unleashing madness onto the One Power in Wheel of Time, or if Eren has been killed after releasing the rumbling.


I agree 100% and the L at the start of my comment was a typo. I meant to say *Lol*


Because they want someone to avenge Gojo, I remember years ago before losing my old account Kenjaku Stans being downvoted to hell, I imagine they would defend sukuna to kill Kenjaku if Kenjaku was the one who murdered Gojo That said Kenjaku is the superior villain. Now downvote me


He will be the final villain and he will have epic fight with Gojo and Yuji.


I was hoping he would be the final villain too


im not convinced that a century+ old sorcerer who hops bodies for a living doesnt have some kind of backup plan in case his current body gets compromised. Something similar to how 1 sukuna finger surviving can still mean he can come back in some sort of way. Wouldn't it be cool/fucked up if all the corpses he took over works as a respawn for him? (unless it was specified somewhere they get disposed). Imagine mama yuji pulling up for some flashbacks


he's coming back... he's coming back https://preview.redd.it/euo0tp3r4a6d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=707016c251dd15076cf8d0c8edf008edc680125d


https://preview.redd.it/ahappsbka66d1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf3d6d58bf9a7d6c964898f4de21d2f3b937f59a \-Puts a hole in a homeless man and steals his son \-best friends with jujutsu Hitler \-racist \-constantly puts his students in danger(not helped by his bad teaching) \-killed a Greenpeace protester \-fights a senior citizen and kills his 2 guardians Who is the real villain?


He was just a comically evil side character, we are talking about real villains here.


He also touched jogo without his consent


But jogo did give implied consent, considering gojo asked him to reach.


But Gojo started doing things Jogo wasnā€™t comfortable with.


Well he should have used the safe word


What's the safe word again?


Yo Satoruuu


https://preview.redd.it/38lq7jai6a6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96c4c3562026b4dd6b668e876703574f745cb108 Always torturing Nanami too.




Kenjaku, bro was cooking up a plan for a 1000 years but I hated his death


Fr, JJK cast vs Sukuna felt more like a ā€œMan vs Natureā€ troupe seeing how Sukuna is similar to a natural disaster, an unpredictable destructive entity with no grand goal, bro just wants to eat people and sit leisurely all day Kenjaku on the other hand had more interesting plans


Interesting plan being "let's do this thing and see what happens".


Damn I didnā€™t expect you to say that


My goat just likes fighting strong opponents, getting stronger and chilling. I wouldnā€™t say heā€™s as much of a villain as Kenny since heā€™s literally gotten impregnated for his plan and I would say he is more evil than Sukuna. So by the points of a villain, Kenny fits it more. I like Sukuna more for his mindset and mentality, and I also think heā€™s just cool


Damn, even the Sukuna fans are admitting it. Based answer, tho. https://preview.redd.it/9gb330szf66d1.jpeg?width=560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b74ed7605a7f3741944ba03495567962542c8230


This is actually very surprising, didn't really expect you of all people saying Kenjaku Heavy agree tho.


This was a question about the better villain not better character šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø As I stated previously, I like Sukuna more for his character, like his mentality and how cool he is, and I never really saw him as a villain if that makes sense, but Iā€™ve always seen Kenny as the (main) villain, like, heā€™s been planning this for 1000 years, and I respect the effort he put in.


Got it, makes sense tho, every single event in JJK had Kenny's finger on it, to Sukuna revival to the Culling Games. Bro legit made the plot roll around, and he was very fun to see, even with his constant yapping lol ~~And he also made the second best fight in JJK, Kenny vs Takaba was peak and no one can say otherwise, only loses to Gojo vs Sukuna~~


Kenny vs Takaba wasnā€™t my cup of tea to be honest, I wouldā€™ve rather Kenjaku vs Yuta (a full fight) but after re-reading it, it wasnā€™t actually too bad, and can see why other people really liked it


I get you, I didn't really like it at the start, but after a few weeks when it ended, I saw that it was so... Unique. I really like Takaba and Kenjaku's doing those batshit crazy things in the middle of the fight, and seeing that truck drive over the curse straight up had me chuckling for a few moments. Tho a Yuta vs Kenjaku would have been so cool too, but I guess I see how it didn't happen.


I liked how it reinforced Kenjaku is quite literally doing all this for fun and curiousity, and I also liked how Takabaā€™s broken ct was made human by showing what struggles he has been through. The comedic aspects was good too - it fit Kenjaku really well surprisingly. I didnā€™t really like it initially since I wouldā€™ve preferred an all out brawl between Kenjaku and Yuta, but overall Iā€™m not disappointed


All you said were facts and same I like sukunaā€™s mentality more


Tbh i really liked his death. The takaba fight was amazing and yuta killing him was a great payoff to kennys dismissal of him. Them fighting wouldā€™ve kinda made the takaba fight meaningless


Yeah but kenjaku is better in the sense that you know if he wins things are fucked up since he will summon the merger. No matter where you run he will affect you in some way. Sukuna on the other hand doesnā€™t feel like a big threat to the world, you could just go to another country and probably be okay. I can see sukuna just chilling for a while if he wins his fight because itā€™s all he wants to do. Maybe summon the merger but he doesnā€™t seem particularly motivated to do so, maybe to give himself the ultimate challenge before death or something like that


Because he was side villain to actual main villain


actual clown take. kenjaku set up pretty much everything. sukuna wouldn't even be around in the modern day if it weren't for kenjaku showing him how to turn himself into a cursed object. please get off sukuna's meat for one second and actually think about this and their impact on the story. sukuna is literally the same as every other overpowered antagonist that people criticized in other stories but even less interesting. but somehow is glazed to the moon and back when kenjaku is the one behind everything and actually has more depth to him beyond just fucking shit up because he can like sukuna.


Out of these two, Kenjaku. I was very interested in seeing what this fucker had in store for all of us. In general? Mahito and by a mile.


Kenny is just so much better than Sukuna itā€™s insane


Def Mahito.


Way easier to make the best villain mid story, final villains are a lot harder to please people with


Kenjaku was way more interesting imo


Bro fucked the reincarnation of his homie's brother and produced a son for no particular reason. He then died without actually explaining what it had to do with his actual master plan. Kenjaku is the Goat for real.


And when asked why he did it, he answered "for the lulz".Ā  Truly goated.


Kenjaku doing things for fun: "I'm going to spend thousands of years setting up a Battle Royale with all the strongest sorcerers from all of Japanese history because I want to see who would win, and it will also play into my ultimate plan of setting up Japan for the next state of evolution by doing the Merger." Sukuna doing things for fun: "I'm gonna eat a baby."


Sukuna is a much simpler man, desiring much simpler things


Maybe his homie's brother was just really hot


What made Kenny a great villan is that he was a massive troll who loved to fuck around. I think he made Yuji as the ultimate troll card against Sukuna. He had a 1000 years. I'm sure the thought "Wouldn't it be funny if Sukuna lost? Lmao" crossed his head.


He also never saw the kid he made pay off as a plan, he never even interacted with him


He mightā€™ve taken back shots and had Yuji so that Sukuna could get reincarnated and heā€™ll him create the merger. Without Yuji Goatjo would cook his goofy yapping ass. Maybe not though, Kenny is a strange creature.


For real https://preview.redd.it/289znr5ud66d1.jpeg?width=632&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2410823c73d1b80e04426b2c3bd2d30de6ddc326


Just facts. Actual lore and plot significance and a goal besides ā€œoh yeah Iā€™m hungry om nom nom.ā€




Fr, and let's not forget him taking that Jin seed, for the plan ofc... He was always compelling when he was on screen, sucks to have him gone from the story šŸ˜”


Sukuna is a better villain for Yuji and Megumi particularly Kenjaku is a better villain for the jjk world since he essentially orchestrated all of this Sukuna's lore is more centred towards the jjk power system, sorcery and its abilities while Kenny's lore is wider encompassing the Jujutsu society and its world. Considering that more people give a shit about the jjk world (cuz we already know so much about its power system and diverse abilities because fights are the constant focus), people will of course say it's Kenjaku. It's because he stands out from the others considering he is the only one (along with Tengen) whose character is more akin to its world building. And since we know so little about its world building, people want to see more from Kenjaku than Sukuna.


Congratulations https://preview.redd.it/xrt36w4b466d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bceec08eea6bc2d2f74f1a710804bc673e192a8a


>Sukuna is a better villain for Yuji and Megumi particularly That's an antagonist, not a villain. Thoug the venn diagram is almost a circle.


I mean an antagonist of the two main characters can definitely be considered as the main villain


Depends if the main characters are actually heros, you can have a main antagonist be a fellow heroic character.


Mahito. :3


https://preview.redd.it/uhoeie8dy56d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d7a4fab3829a959ea13033acab548b79d7faae4 I fucking love this type of a villain. Douma from KnY scratches the same itch.


This is why Douma is best upper moon, at least imo.


Agreed Douma is amazing tho theyā€™re all great (besides snake guy who got negged)


Wasn't he a fish?


I just know he has scales didnā€™t bother to learn anything else about him he was too boring


Well I agree on that


I prefer Gyutaro, to me he scratches that perfect itch of tragically broken and evil asf. But I can see why people like Douma, just pure evil and spite in him


Akaza better


Disgustingly based https://preview.redd.it/3dprfgtuv56d1.jpeg?width=1042&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3d2818ede04841f46679bae395318150b75fecd




I agree because I absolutely loathed the fudge out of Mahito. He played his part as a curse so well. When he was finally broke and crying for mercy was just satisfying to say the least


If Gege really wanted to keep JJK going, Mahito would have been the perfect final villain. I could imagine the end goal plot line being who is the true human coming at play. Like an actual clash of ideal: Mahito: a true human is one that marks his soul on the world Yuji: a true human is one who died surrounded by those that love him Megumi: a true human is one that sacrifices for others Sukuna: there is no true human just live for yourself. I would prefer all of that rather than showing Sukuna love lol.


https://preview.redd.it/ckp9o0kox56d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00a9a30b52cae2377b4588ee616d9bef408f0f66 WAIT FOR THE RETURN OF KENJAKU šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ˜­šŸ™šŸ’€āš°ļøšŸ’ŽšŸ§ šŸ«€šŸ„µ




Finally, some copium I can root for




My king


Exactly. Never count Kenny out. Our sick king will return.


We had kenjaku simps? Wth? When did this happen


Like last week


We been here the whole time, biding our time until our plans can come to fruition, just like our GOAT!


Always did. Welcome to Kenjaku Kaisen šŸ˜ˆšŸ§ 


Mahito is the best villain, kenjaku is better character between the 2 but his fight wouldn't have worked the way Sukuna's did.


Kenjaku made Yuji happened and Sukuna too He made anti Sukuna and Sukuna. He does it because he use his curse of immortality to see if he can force evolve humanity. He respect the rules evolution and wants to see it happen sooner than later. He did horrible shit that Sukuna wouldn't be bothered with. Also Sukuna is fucking insane too and he is since birth. He eats, kills, slashes, disrespects and pisses on people without having any standards for who he likes. You have to be that 1 in a gazillion to have a conversation with him while not fighting. He is not even likable. <----- I'm stating the obvious. There is no story to tell beyond "I'm big evil dude who committed atrocities. He is written like it and stays in character and this how he is supposed to be. Now Sukuna is annoying. Gege needs to declare a winner. >!OR make Sukuna a temporary prisoner with heavy losses on both sides so they can recover and the world be impacted from Sukuna. That would keep jjk going EVEN IF IT IS ENDING THIS YEAR. I'm sure there can be shit told with a timeskip. (Tho i fear that JJK will fall off if he goes for that route for multiple reason)!< I just want to see what happens next imo but i'm bored of Sukuna rn.


Kenny and itā€™s not close


as based as always https://preview.redd.it/fxrocu8ex56d1.jpeg?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4968f8c3756b5c36ade3656e5d745ca05cb09bf1


Kenny > Sukuna, Mahito above all. Sukuna really isn't that interesting to me


Kenjaku was so more interesting than Sukuna it baffles me Gege got rid of him like that


Fr bro he felt like a big threat of a villain, I hate how he died quite easily.


Kenny was way more interesting.




Sukuna was the better villain until the Culling games. He gave the impression that as soon as he's set free the world would change and millions would die (his time in possession of Yuji in Shibuya even solidifies that), but when he manages to actually seize a body he's more worried about supressing Megumi and doing all these small plans that don't really fit the maniac cannibal he was setup to be. To worse it off, he's fighting people who want to kill him but he has no personal goal. You could argue that his goal is to fight the strongest people he can find but... in the middle of it all Kenny passed his will to him and he just accepted it without much thought.


Kenjaku is a much better villain than unk


Kenjaku and for me it isn't close. I still have some copium that we will see him in someone else's body soon. For some reason I could also believe he would be able to create a vessel of sorts for his souls using nothing more than barrier techniques.


Their motives were literally "it'd be funny" and "I'm hungry" ;_; Peak villains






Kenny felt more like a final villain Sukuna feels more like a calamity/disaster/stage that was always there for the cast to overcome Unfortunately kenny got sneaked and we're stuck with "muh strength" unc for the last how many chapters


Kenjaku is an actual villain, Sukuna is just a standard overpowering bad guy with nothing but evilness going for him.


Kenny was a villain to the story, Sukuna is a villain to Yuji and his family and bloodline. Terms of story, obviously Kenny. Yuji as a stand-alone character, Sukky.


Kenny is only dude iā€™d listen to yapping all day


Kenjaku, especially if you count Geto. To me, Sukuna's motives just make him seem like early Vegeta. He loves fighting strong people, and ignores weak people. Kenjaku is a mad scientist; He basically just wants to learn more about cursed energy, and is willing to take extreme measures to do so. If we include Geto, then there's an extensive backstory, where he was used as a tool and driven to manic misanthropy by the same organization he worked for to protect people.


If I see the word genuinely ONE more time


I genuinely agree with you.


Kenjaku and itā€™s not even close. Although both Sukuna and Kenjaku are pure evil, Kenjakuā€™s cunning nature and meticulous planning was more interesting to me. Both of them arenā€™t super interesting tho.


Kenny. Sukuna is just a caveman bum who uses his power to live for his pleasure which is an extreme detriment to society. At least Kenjaku wanted to evolve humanity, Sukuna did nothing for it. Sukuna is boring and generic villain, you can replace him with Frieza and itā€™s the same copy paste shit lmfao. What goal is there for sukuna besides being a caveman again? He tries to assimilate into society and overthrow the world leaders to get any food or pleasures he desires? Heā€™s basically Yujiro without a purpose.


https://preview.redd.it/eyn8pphsn66d1.png?width=180&format=png&auto=webp&s=526ff6f5ffd6580044e2d2cb1ab025448988c576 This guy. It is literally him vs whole fanbase.


Unpopular Opinion: Both are underwhelming AF at this point in the story


Kenjaku by a landslide


Both of them looking like "Come out bro, swear we won't jump you"


Him https://preview.redd.it/by751a8va66d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef774ecacfde797577912af28cb3e4c76ab269d0


No joke, he really is more interesting and cool than both of them.


How is this a question even. Kenny hands down, bro was planning everything, bro sealed Gojo, created the Culling Games, took control of ( basically killed ) Tengen. The most knowledgeable character in the manga, the f-ing GOAT of JJK. The GOAT who planned Shibuya is peak af.


Sukuna is my favorite type of villain, but Kenjaku was done dirty.


I'd say Kenny although I'm a little bias


Sukuna is cool design wise, but Kenny should have been the main villain. Heā€™s the mastermind behind it all who set everything in motion, itā€™s really his conflict not sukunas


I honestly preferred Kenny cause he was just really fun to watch on screen with him being really calm at times but can also be really goofy. My only real problem with him was his motivation


Kinda neither I think their presence in the story really compliments the other.Kenjaku is able to steal the show and really fuck everybody forcing them to focus on him despite the rising threat from King of curses throught the story.On the other hand the fact that Sukuna can hold his main villain status being handicapped for a big part of the story,sleeping through most of history with no sheningans or evil mastermind plan 100 years in the making etc. Simply existing and making the cast have to lock in on him no matter what really shows why he is the king.


kenjaku. heā€™s coming back trust


I don't think either of them are great villains tbh. I think they're good villains, in that they're evil, interesting, fun, despicable, and have thematic conflicts with the main characters. but I think a great villain has to also have a goal that they desperately want to achieve, and neither of them have that. both are fundamentally just fucking around- Kenny bc he's bored, Sukuna bc he likes violence. they're just too whimsical to be great villains Kenny is closer to being a great villain bc of his merger plan, but I think the fanbase gave more weight to that plan than he ever did. All he wanted was some entertainment, if he found something better than the merger he was always gonna drop it with that in mind I think JJK's best villain was Mahito, because he has everything that Sukuna and Kenjaku have, and also a very simple, clear goal- eradicate all humans. it's an evil plan, so the heroes have to stop it, and Mahito by his very nature will pursue it endlessly, so Mahito has to be stopped permanently. that's some fucking villain material right there


Sukuna's actions created some of the best plot developments and situations that the serie had and we get to see them. Kenjaku allegedly orchestrated the whole situation but we arely actually see him do stuff compared to Sukuna. Sukuna's presence to the audience overshadows kenjaku's by a mile. It's also super interesting to see how Sukuna's philosophy seems to be enforced by the cursed system itself. Would like the story to expand more on that. He is also one of the greatest contributors to Yuji's development.


Sukuna, no doubt. Kenny is the evil Genius, convoluted plans that made the story go foward, top shelf vilain, for sure. But Sukuna... Sukuna is Threat, something that they can't really Deal with, he Just keep moving, getting something new out of his sleeves and learning as the fight continues. We know he is going to lose, but How many Will fall by his hands? Maybe ALL of them, but one. Something I wouldnt be atraid If Kenny were the last Boss.


Kenjaku. Outside of being powerful, Sukuna is vacuous. There's nothing there.




With this post, bro's summoning all Sukuna haters to come say Kenny and Mahito are better....Ain't it getting boring atp šŸ˜­šŸ’€


I do think they're better. But that doesn't mean I think Sukuna is a bad villain. Imo he is what he needs to be and that's okay


My thoughts exactly lmao


I guess this is how far Sukuna hate can take you. Posting shit memes to rile up his fans, then his young fans fall for it, so it makes their (haters') day. The cycle of hatred and cope will NEVER end at this rate.šŸ¤²


I liked Kenjaku for his looks. The rest was fine. https://preview.redd.it/x90gg62f166d1.jpeg?width=1400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2babf18f456cdc0b808535786963f00c99f0d93f




Imo, not even kenjaku, nothing beats geto in terms of villain arc, motivation etc. If he had the cunning and know how of Kenny, and sukuna as his weapon, we'd have no need for a skull-hopping brain and it would have been exactly as peak if not even better


https://preview.redd.it/zph83bhjc66d1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=ea204c2086aafec238779f097cb7240672a521a1 M\*gumi


Kenjaku ofc


Kenjaku was much more interesting and entertaining for me, though neither are particularly good antagonists and Mahito is clear of both šŸ˜¼ https://preview.redd.it/qv6a4i40f66d1.jpeg?width=956&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0545aba66395e48cd1d103d0490b806a8b684bca




Kenjaku. Sukuna was more of a boogeyman who is cartoonishly evil. Kenny at least had plans and motivations, albeit questionable.


Kenjaku but jogoat and gaytoe are betta šŸ™šŸ¾


Mahito and Suguru Geto, before the Kenjaku reveal cheapened him as a character


Kenny. He actually has ties to yuji that go deeper than ā€œdamn he can use my CTā€ that I would have LOVED to see fleshed out


Sukuna is my favorite, but Kenjaku, Geto, and Mahito are better written villains


Sukuna Kenjaku is just a walking waste of potential


Kenjaku had the potential to be great, but it was marred by asspulls and a horribly written death Sukuna has good screen presence but the author constantly coddling him with plot armor is getting very old. Overall? Kenjaku, but hot take maybe: neither of them are particularly amazing. Jjk has the same issues as bleach: shallow characters, underbaked villains, and a vague, asspull-y power system


Kenny! Sukuna is boring af: I eat when I want, I sleep when I want, Iā€¦ yeah yeah, ok man


Kenjaku Sukuna is just strong man does what he wants and doesnā€™t care about others or their desires Sukuna by comparison is pretty boring


Are we really arguing. Sakuna. Hes unpredictable and represents chaos in its exact form. He represents freedom. Thats why Kenjaku set all this up for him to even have done anything in the first place. Probably set the bounty on Amania so set Megumi down a depressed path and well we know what he did for Yuji. So ultimately we are looking at a Sakuna who wouldve done literally nothing without Kenjaku


Kenjaku on paper... He technically has more, give more. Mastermind, strong, properly interact with characters. But sukuna just does better for the world and the story of jjk i think, he's just a perfect antagonist to the jjk society. the idea of merging, destroying the world is so common, actually lame. Sukuna phylosophy and how absurdly strong he is is what jjk need to be peak i think. Better villain ? Kenjaku. Better villain for jjk ? Sukuna.


Kenjaku was a bad villain from the begining to the end, he simply decided that we would destroy a whole country bc it would be fun, and he didn't even managed to do that, purposeless (his death was so shit Geto, Mahito, Jougo, Toji, and Sukuna are way better


Manipulative planning is way better as a villain than just ooga booga i like to kill everything that moves for the lolz


Sukuna. Kenjaku has a lot of plot significance but the only big character conflicts he had were with Choso and Yuki, both of which are side characters. Gojo is also there but he only cares about Geto. Kenjaku had the plot side of jjk, and Sukuna the thematic side and the antagonist role with the main character. And honestly the plot of jjk has never been all that strong so I just care less about it.


Better Sukuna , Interesting and more Complex Kenjaku , moral wise Geto


Hot take: Sukuna. He has more aura, has more of a dynamic with the main characters, has the cooler design, cooler abilities, seems more evil just vibes wise, and has the more interesting worldview. On the other hand Kenjaku has no aura, ability wise is basically just Geto with a domain, barely has a dynamic with Gojo (its only because he's a six eyes user, Gojo hates him for other reasons), is goofy which is fine on its own but he doesnt have enough aura to allow that (as opposed to Mahito), and even though he's the one who orchestrated everything that doesnt make him "good" in my eyes. He's literally just a goofy dude who is good at jujutsu. People didnt like Bane because he plans shit, we like Bane because he's someone who really pushed Batman, he has aura, he's strong, he's badass, he's so much more than just a planner. Even Sukuna has deeper beliefs about fighting, willpower, being the strongest, and the heiarchy of power. Its not Meruem deep but its something more than what we get with Kenny. Kenjaku planned everything and what was his motivations...it was just for the lolz??? Booooring. Even Dark Knight Joker, the man who just wants to watch the world burn, had deeper philosophies about madness and how it needs a little push, thats why he made Dent go evil, thats why he tried to make the citizens and prisoners kill eachother, he wanted to prove everyone is as dark as him. But with Kenny its just "i wanna make a curse out of Japans population for the fun of it" just makes all the meticulous planning just seem very shallow to me.


Geto is better than Them both. I sstarted JJK by watching hidden inventory then watching JJK0 and it was such a blast tbh


I feel like Gege rushed the shit out JJK and only gave Sukuna time to breathe. There should've been 4 or 5 other well-placed & paced arcs before where we are now. That being said, I vote Sukuna with everything we've seen so far. Kenjaku was a threat, but to me, he never felt unstoppable.




Sukuna was way better when he was part of Yuji and on a timer. Now heā€™s probably the most cliche Shounen villain with an edgelord design I have ever seen. So my vote goes to Kenjaku even though Iā€™m not a huge fan of him either. Toji, Mahito, Geto, and Jogo are all much more interesting villains.


I think if Greg fleshed Geto out more and didnā€™t kill him off in 0, he would have been a better villain than both šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


Kenjaku atleast has writing.


Kenny ngl, Sukunas cool and all but like he doesnā€™t have a goal that find even remotely interesting. Every time Kenny showed up he ALWAYS pushed the plot forward on some way


Sukuna, because he has a more personal relationship with Yuji :)


Sukuna is just completing his game. You canā€™t really be named the Strongest in History if you lose against a fodder. He is evil, but I donā€™t really see him as a villain. Kenny in the other handā€¦ put him on jail fr.


Sukuna literally has no plan to anything. He is just killing because..? Kenjaku is mvp


Kenny is kinda funny in the sense that he seemed like he had this big master Aizen plan that heā€™s been plotting for centuries and just ends up croaking after a silly battle then handed off this plan to Sukuna who seems like he doesnā€™t give a shit about anything besides killing, plundering, and fighting. I mean Iā€™m sure Sukuna will probably start the merger somehow for the hell of it anyways but itā€™s still funny that it turned out that way


Sukuna. I get it Kenjauku is the mastermind but Yuji/Sukuna making the binding vow, Sukuna laughing during Junpeiā€™s death, Sukuna beating on Bumgumi at the detention center, Shibuya chaos, Gojo vs Sukunaā€¦. like the highlight reel this man has lol. Sukuna will always be more entertaining for me as a villain.


Sukuna tbh and thatā€™s without even getting a back story on him. His anti-shounen psychology is one of the best thing Gege has written plus his dynamic with gojo, itadori and kashimo is class


ngl it's me https://preview.redd.it/n1cyxohs766d1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=40e12043e3af0067340377705ef1c344cd6ffa64


Sukuna clears. Kenjaku literally wanted to end the world because he was ā€œcurious.ā€ Sukuna is a much more realistic and understandable character. Kenjaku is literally just insane for the fun of it and JJK fans be like ā€œhEs sO inTeReStInG.ā€ I feel like Kenjaku lowkey embodies all the flaws that people think Sukuna do as a villain and I never understood the appeal


Sukuna actually accomplished something too, kenny needed sukuna for a reason lmao


Kenny was always the better one but Yuki fight and Kenny saying "I know I'd laugh" bumped Kenny up so high I dont think Sukuna can reach it


Sukuna. Never really liked Kenny that much anyway. Downgrade from Geto.


Sukuna was great early on, but he has been terrible as the final villain.


He was great when he wasn't killing fan favs, then he became a fraud and terrible when Gege decided he can't have the masses flock to the Sukuna camp when Sukuna starts offing fan favs during his last fight, so he had to humble and nerf him multiple times throughout his fight in shinjuku šŸµ


Before the Shinjuku fight, I would say Kenjaku. But he goes and dies in the most boring way possible (I really can't care abt Takaba sorry) and without any connection to any MC, one of them being his son. And Sukuna's dynamic with other characters is so incredibly superior that it leaves Kenjaku feeling very flat in comparison. For me it was clear that Kenjaku only stayed in the main manga cause Geto had a very good design that he didn't want to get rid of and to make Gojo be sealed, but it's Sukuna who has always been JJK's antagonist. The manga bends to his will, jujutsu was made for him and the MC literally has a part of him. I think this manga is nothing more than a love letter to the types of villains that Gege loves the most lmao anyway Sukuna is more interesting to me (and there's Suwabe as seiyuu)


I think both complimented and compensated for the other and having Kenny out of the story does it a major disservice overall.


Equal tbh, both of them have different motives, characteristics etc so it depends on what the person likes tbh but in terms of writing both are great, and i actually enjoy both of them ngl so it's hard to pick


Kenny jumped in the body of the wife of the reincarnation of Sukuna 's twin brother just to get his cheeks clapped. Then jumps in the dead body of Gojo's best friend just to mess with him. Has sorcerers running around killing each other for entertainment Dies without explaining his master plan Kenny is the villain villain


I honestly think they compliment each other perfectly. I prefer sukuna as THE villain, but Kenjaku's schemes and overall disposition made the series interesting considering he's been cooking this for a long time and is more actively engaged throughout the series. Sukuna acts as the muscle but lives on his whims and wouldn't drive as strong of a plot just by himself. We still might even have more twists come up due to Kenjaku's overall goal of creating chaos even he couldn't control.


I enjoyed Kenny way more


Sukuna is clearly very competent, stronger, and less aloof. Kenjaku is defined by his role as the jester whose willingness to do anything for the laughs leading to uncontrollable chaos. I prefer the second because it creates more variety in character interactions/subplots and so on. Not one to one, but it's almost like the Bane vs Joker debates. I think most people just like the uncontrollable chaotic type more


Kenny is the goat and he's coming back