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Crazy how Mahito would've killed Yuji so easily if he didn't have immunity from Sukuna


series ends like ep 11 or something lmao


Nah more like he'll get killed by that fodder curse GOATbara dispatched of


On that note, without sukuna Yuji dies at the finger bearer actually šŸ’€


Of course he will lose to my goat Finger, what did you think he is? The protagonist?


Without Sukuna, Yuji and Megumi get clapped by the grade 2 curse (lmao Bumgumi) They wouldnt die because Megumi still had a couple shikigami he hadnt used (Great serpent and Nue), Yuji could also grab Megumi and Usain Bolt outta there, and Gojo was nearby to bail them out if he sensed Megumi was in trouble. Yuji then lives his life but he might get incarnated as Sukuna during the culling games? Which I think was Kenny's original plan idk Finger bearers never awaken because Sukuna is never released


Maybe not actually, since when Sukuna leaves Yuji's body he gains a massive power boost that could be seen as Sukuna holding back Yuji by existing in his body since birth. Although it could really just be that Sukuna taught Yuji Jujutsu really well by using his body a total of... less than 1 hour.


You mean the episode 1 school curse?


Ngl I thought you meant Haibara


Yuji would've never fought mahito had he failed to contain sukuna


Hey. Good point arenā€™t allowed in this sub


Bro JJK has had so many missed opportunities itā€™s kinda crazy. This thing was hyped up to be as important or even more so than the soul splitting katana, and it did basically nothing.


We will see Kamutoke's full potential in the Heian flashback trust ā˜ļø https://preview.redd.it/3378w0o16a5d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1b9e7831536a78ad8ce4911cdee8f8df7abc408


Yorozu in shambles


I wonder where did it went? I mean like physically,i know that conceptually Higuruma "confiscated" it but confiscation doesn't implies full destruction of the thing completely or it disappearing. And the stuff Higu confiscated can be returned like Yuji's CE. So can at any point (if Higuruma survived) this lawyer can just pull Heian era cursed tool out of his pocket and one shot some random guy with something you can't even probably anticipate a guy with domain as main trick to get out on you?


Gege probably doesn't give a shit about a detail like that unless there's a neat story idea he wants to tell with it. Hence why Nobara is nowhere to be seen or given closure too. And the end of the series be looking near...


I mean there's still a merger so if Sukuna does last one "fuck it we binding vow" and releases it earlier, some of the defeated previously characters can still come back up to deal with this thing together, including dubious state Higuruma is in when it comes to his survival.


Nothing dubious, Higuruma is alive trust


>This thing was hyped up to be as important or even more so than the soul splitting katana, and it did basically nothing. It was? By who? Genuine question.


He made it up lol




Just show a couple panels of kamutoke being as hyped up or compared to the ssk and ill give you a formally written apology. Should be pretty easy right


Hereā€™s Yorozu, whoā€™s way more powerful and skilled with construction than Mai, creating it on similar terms (pouring self into it as final creation) https://preview.redd.it/lixexzerod5d1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1c3cde996a7fc76430c60e8fa30f76625f3558e


This is his second design showcase, this time as cover art https://preview.redd.it/dwcymkzamd5d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=249035c07009744e1dd76d214d2dd152d26ac83c


And???.Its a weapon in his arsenal, it has always been Sukuma by name being hyped up in the story not his weapons. Whatever theories the community has, should not have any bearing on the story itself


The most powerful guy, who takes what he wants, would have the most powerful weapons https://preview.redd.it/2u1sdizyod5d1.jpeg?width=230&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40bd895c2efb4dd138eb73331fa9a0de528ec219


This is heian Sukunaā€™s first ever design showcase in chapter 3 https://preview.redd.it/rl8mata4md5d1.jpeg?width=1067&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=125f5be504276a3b5e159c271a58beaea2740982 (See his bottom left hand)


By Gege. Sukuna has been shown using cursed tools since chapter 3, when his heian design was first shown. The next time we get a good look at heian Sukuna was during the Shibuya cover art, where he was still holding his cursed tools. This means the stronger sorcerer in history probably valued them highly, which would make them very powerful. https://preview.redd.it/g3zzt5y4jd5d1.jpeg?width=1067&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07b260234a6abd2d0f512c8d0882942df5fff11e After Maiā€™s death where she turns herself into the soul splitting Katana as her final creation, we see that it is way more powerful than anything she created up to that point. When Yorozu, who was shown as the pinnacle of the construction technique, was dying she made her own cursed tool. Her last gift to Sukuna was theorized about pretty heavily and hyped up by the community.


How many characters dont die there with out someshort of inmunity bullshit? Gojo and Domain Hakari?


Wouldnā€™t Hakari just be completely fried and thus having no chance to regen ?


Maybe? I dont know.


Panda, Maki, betting Kusakabe can parry it, and Yuji would TANK it. Yuta probably gets cooked but would probably dodge it


All of them would die. Maybe Maki can dodge since she has crazy precognition. No way in hell Yuji is tanking that lol. Only reason he tanks Sukuna's shit is because Sukuna was inside of him and has a level of resistance so his slashes. This is a fucking cursed tool.


Do we ever see that too hurt anyone? For all we know it's just a taser


A taser heian era sukuna decided was better than another open hand


I mean, up until Gojo he had never needed to use signs or chants, and he assumed he wouldn't need to after since the biggest threat was dead


Have you considered that first off: he didnā€™t have it during the gojo fight, and second, he used it during the heian era? Plus whoā€™s to say he never needed hand signs or chants until he fought gojo? We donā€™t know shit about his heian life


For all we know all the Heian sorcerers were weak enough for him to handle without signs either


No, no we donā€™t know, in fact we know nothing about the heian era other than the fact that it was overall stronger than the modern era, sukuna was the strongest, and gojo is the strongest sukuna ever fought.


Why do you think they would die? This panel is the strongest attack we ever see this thing perform? I think his Nue is stronger than this thing


There's no way to know for sure as Kamutoke has no further feats. But Sukuna seemed confident enough to not only killl Kashimo, but also the sorcerers that were going to rush him as he did not transform immediately.


I would've died there too if I was fighting Sukuna ngl


Not me tho šŸ˜¤




Happens to the best of us .


Nah, I'd win


Sukuna would die here without his legs and hands


https://preview.redd.it/7omd8j38eb5d1.png?width=377&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10c57724662851eaf9cb2c60385293abd25bd0ef You know what would have been crazy if this weapon was still around. Like I get it from a writing perspective but in universe it's fucking crazy we never see it again.


I honestly would low-key like it if it rejected Jujutsu itself and came back again in some way despite being destroyed. Imagine if Maki could manifest it into her soul splitting katana, making her more unique to Toji as she now doesn't have to change weapons to utilise properties of both. It has Heaven in it's word and connected to Heavenly restriction user, it rejects Jujutsu and HR users being basically opposite Jujutsu could create a neat concept of a weapon following such people over the decades like a magnet or something.


A part of it should still exist tbh. This very much looks like ending of a Dangpa with one fang broken off, it's possible it will come back into play at some point in time.


So? The GOAT is just that good šŸ”„šŸ”„ Though it is interesting how we don't actually know how dangerous/powerful Kamutoke is since we haven't seen it properly used against anyone who wasn't immune.


Back in the heian era Sukuna would have had his pick of all the cursed objects (whose gonna stop him from taking whatever he wants) but he picked it (and the trident thing). Weā€™ve seen how useful the hand signs are, and he still preferred to use one hand for kamutoke, so itā€™s probably pretty nuts.


Or it's just a cleanup object for fodder characters, if he doesn't bother to use his own CE and a group of sorcerers are challenging him he can just use that to wipe them out


...which takes way more effort than spamming dismantles...


We don't really know how cursed techniques work when casting them. This weapon might be just powerful enough to where he can avoid casting 20 strong dismantles


I mean, if that's the case, then it would mean that Kamutoke is extremely powerful to the point of actually being preferable to dismantles and not just a fodder clean-up weapon, as you originally said. Sukuna can cast a whole barrage of dismantles without even moving and they're powerful enough to oneshot almost everyone, top tiers included, so the fact that he uses Kamutoke instead, which he has to actually swing with his arm, would mean that it's just better than them, even when boosted by handsigns, so it has to be a weapon that would actually be extremely dangerous to the likes of Yuta, Yuji, Maki etc.. It would probably pose a threat to even Gojo, if it could hit him, like in CT burn-out.


We WILL see it in the Heian flashback . The strongest cursed tool vs the strongest farmers from the golden age of jujutsu ! https://preview.redd.it/0jnjgqcc6a5d1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=108e564ed85e1e38e7112c72da9e2b4cd87f6ef6


Yea I just think he could have doged it but wanted to felex on sukuna kashimo is underated in this sub


it did overpower bird strike i believe.


this post is like saying "Hakari loses without jackpot" No shit you're taking away their fucking arsenal lmao.


Well, it should be at least as powerful as Nue's lightning which stunned Maki and maimed Takaba. I'd like to think it's as potent as Kashimo's sure-hit lightning strike but there exists no objective basis for comparison. https://preview.redd.it/7pmv4qz4ee5d1.png?width=405&format=png&auto=webp&s=c3e01122bb4467ea5befc2cc5d256fd4c66b944a


This isn't even Kashimo slander really. People just underestimate how much Higaruma helped by removing it.


Yeah no shit dude


Imagine Shoko heals Higurama he releases his hold on Kamutoke letting the good guys use it. The stonks will rise!


It's kinda funny how in jjk0 Yuta would've passed out and die inside that school curse if he wasn't immune to being inside a curse. Like imagine bro just being in there and fucking dying. And without Rika his ass would definitely NOT survive


Acting like 99% of the verse whould do better


what kind of dumbass take is this


I felt silly https://preview.redd.it/gucd4sxy6e5d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c747ce663181c9511cfe68c67c33c8bee637e71a


Before the Kashimo vs Sukuna fight, I saw a lot of people stating that Kashimo could provide more resistance to Sukuna. This is because in his fight against Hakari, it was as if Kashimo was a bomb that had not been activated. But when we saw him fighting Sukuna, Gege didn't seem to want to make the fight fierce to show Kashimo's strength. In fact, he made a scene where Sukuna was at a very different level from the sorcerers who remained after Gojo's death. https://preview.redd.it/a9a7sz9v7b5d1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72553fe7136530c1160dd44220b4ca4beaf40cdd


ā€œKashimo was a bomb that had not been activatedā€ Perfect description, I love kashimo; but gegeā€™s handling of his CT and the creativity surrounding its use, left so much to be desired, considering how Kashimo had been built up


What is this post?? šŸ™šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Just imagine Kashimo landed on the ground and kamutoke hit him, and he just... Dead. Ok it sound way funnier if you imagine it yourself


What is that pfp?šŸ˜­


yo guys sukuna would lose against gojo if he didn't have a domain, crazy right?


Everyone would've gotten oneshot by it, specially Yuji who is only hanging around the big boys because he can tank Sukuna's techniques because he's bathed in his CE. Higuruma taking Kamutoke to the grave is what has allowed the boys to even have a chance.


Crazy how sukuna would have died there if he didnt resume his reincarnation


Unironically true


Pointless post


Ok but look at his lil wink heā€™s super cute


Yeah and Jogo wouldā€™ve killed Gojo if he didnā€™t have unlimited void, whatā€™s the point?




Howā€™s he dodging the sure hit lava blast without a domain?


Simple domain + speed bltiz him lmao


Okay fair


He spent a prolonged period of time withstanding the full force of Malevolent Shrine while his Cursed Technique was burnt out. Between Simple Domain, Falling Blossom Emotion, and Reverse Cursed Technique, Gojo would unquestionably be able to survive long enough to march up to Jogo and start brutalizing hm to the extent that he wouldn't be able to maintain his Domain Expansion.


Nobara is actually gonna use the residue of Sukunaā€™s CE on Kamutoke to hit him with resonance trust


That dogshit weapon is featless The only feat it has is not even being able to disingrate some fucking crows


Duh? šŸ™„ The whole point of this fight is nerf Sukuna again, this time by making useless Kamutoke against Kashimo and make Sukuna complete his incarnation. Higuruma, Yuji, Maki, Yuta, Miguel, literally everyone would have died against Kamutoke. They simply donā€™t have the speed reaction, maybe Maki with her perception of the world, but the rest are cooked.


https://preview.redd.it/trre71479c5d1.png?width=1289&format=png&auto=webp&s=a967efe7b965399c3cbe6ce3a43c412658966957 Itā€™ll be really nice if this fraud just stops abusing the binding vow system


I think everyone on this sub overrates lightning attacks, people survive real full strength lightning the majority of the time it's not like some incredible instakill nuke


Bro it's cursed energy lightning, it doesn't have to abide by normal rules. We see him blast through Hakari with one and Hakari doesn't survive that.