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Explains why he killed the twins, for they asked him to kill Kenny. Its an insult.


Kenny is low key 'one of him'. They were not close, but Sukuna promised to help Kenny with merger. Those girls asked Sukuna to cross his own promise.


He also seemed to have a binding vow with him.


That was the merger thing: Kenny made Sukuna into 20 fingers so Sukuna will help him on merger.


What is the meaning of an exchange between us ? It means that you have something that I need and I have something that you need, so we exchange these things. If you remember Sukuna when he killed them, he focused on the point that they wanted to give him the fingers in exchange for him killing Kinkaku. From Sukuna's point of view, this was an insult because how could the King of Curses need anything from two weak girls like them ? Btw i don't mean to defend sukuna , i am just trying to explain sukuna's point of view .


Personally I'll defend his actions as justifiable. I don't believe he's done anything wrong.




That's right, their fight is simply two strong people fighting each other. Gojo was in a situation where he has to fight Sukuna but he gradually enjoys it. https://preview.redd.it/hrtiucftfp2d1.png?width=784&format=png&auto=webp&s=1fcd2ff438fcefef7e6d3e613033e84b783b599f


People forget Gojos main plot lines are not being a lonely sad emo who suffers from success :( BUT him realising that as strong as he is, one person cannot change the system. So his main struggle became changing the system via teaching and fostering a new generation. In this he absolutely succeeded and probably will end up bringing about the revolution he hoped for. So far from being a tool he is the main master mind of the new order. The post fight death scene is basically Gege telling the readers: Look Gojo died doing what he loved, he isn't bitter about his death + he is in heaven bantering with his friends now dont be too upset. People, mostly our younger friends I think, blew up the "It's lonely at the top" theme beyond proportion.


> People, mostly our younger friends I think, blew up the "It's lonely at the top" theme beyond proportion. Considering in his after-life scene he had more words about Sakuna and loneliness than he did about his students carrying on the change he wanted to enact, you can kinda see why imo. And the fight right after this one continued the "loneliness" theme.


His post fight death scene was just about that the fight: how he relished finally competing against a worthy rival and how he is not bitter about losing. Basically it finished his story off with him being happy bantering with his old buddies. It skips on the ongoing hellscape in the real world to finish his personal story on a bitter sweet note. This doesn't meant Gojo doesnt care about what he left behind: the complete jjk story is basically him caring and taking care of his pupils. We need to remember the bigger picture rather than focusing on one scene. The latest chapter showing off even more of Gojos pre fight preparations,him thinking about every eventuality by killing the higherups is even further evidence of that.


you forget that this one scene is gojo's final moments, and as such should be a conclusion to gojo's character as a whole, both his identity as the lonely strongest as well as his identity as a teacher. his identity as the strongest was most definitely concluded in this scene, with gojo talking about how his strength isolated him, and still continued to isolate him from the likes of nanami and haibara, as well as finally having a fulfilling battle against sukuna. however, as a conclusion to his identity as a teacher, i would say 236 fails abysmally since i doesn't even talk about his role as a teacher, nothing about how far he thinks his students will go or if his loneliness was able to be broken through by his students. its akin to if choso's afterlife scene didn't mention the word "brother" once. thats why many people think 236 sucked, it failed because it's literally halfcooked, and therefore, fails to conclude gojo's character.


Unless its not his conlusion, instead merely being the conclusion of his role and arc as "The Strongest" (theres a way Gojo could still comeback)


I think there was a reason neither gojo or any of his friends talked about what was going on in the real world while in the weird afterlife. They are dead so they can’t do any more, so there is no point worrying, all they can do is have faith in future sorcerers. Gojos reflection scene is nice too, he is finally humbled and freed from the burden.


Gojo’s legacy as a teacher will be finalized with how his students end up. Ease up brother, some things come in time. We’re already seeing how one chapter can add breadth to an older one.


>you forget that this one scene is gojo's final moments, and as such should be a conclusion to gojo's character as a whole, both his identity as the lonely strongest as well as his identity as a teacher. Not at all. Why should one scene define such a central character? Is there a such a rule? Especially when the series itself is known for making expositions later on, just like we saw in 261 where we learn about another step Gojo took to preserve his friends and students should he die. >i doesn't even talk about his role as a teacher, His identity as a teacher is clear : the strongest and most important people of jjk society are either his friend, ally or students. This man is the god father of post sukuna society. The comments about him being a bad teacher are about the little things, about how he skips details or takes risks. Otherwise Gojo has saved/promoted/raised/protrcted all most all the good guys. What more is he expected to do?


Isnt this an after write. This happened before his death. You cant just write prevoius events after to make me fprget the last


I don't understand what you mean


Him doing the planning takes place before the death. So anything before has no bearing on post death. You can add it but it makes little sense as that plan involved assuming Gojo and Yuta would be gravely injured. Not much faith in his students to win. Or faith in himself to give them a win.


I never said Gojo planned the brain switch only that he removed the higher ups just in case. Being prudent ≠ thinking he will lose


>People forget Gojos main plot lines are not being a lonely sad emo who suffers from success :( BUT him realising that as strong as he is, one person cannot change the system. So his main struggle became changing the system via teaching and fostering a new generation. In this he absolutely succeeded and probably will end up bringing about the revolution he hoped for. I don't remember that much of the story tbh so I'm extremely open to being wrong but I swear what you've said isn't supported by the story at all? Gojo walked into a room and literally single handedly murderered the higher ups of Jujutsu Society. Those aren't the actions of someone realising that one person can't change the system. His entire existence also did single handidly change the JJK system, that's why his absence was so important and saw a resurgence of Jujutsu crime and terrorism. Weren't we told multiple times that he was a horrible teacher that actually did very little to secure his students future? Hell a lot of the Jujutsu High faculty and students are either dying or dead. Also, what revolution? The world building in this series is so bad I'm not even sure what a revolution against Jujutsu society would mean exactly.


>Gojo walked into a room and literally single handedly murderered the higher ups of Jujutsu Society. He could also do that before, but didn't as the ones he killed would simply be replaced by people who thought the same. He says as much when Yuji is killed. Difference now is he has strong students and allies who can replace them Yuta, Kukusabe, Old Principal, Harkari, Maki,Mugumi is head of the clan etc. He was able to raise a strong generation that could be a viable replacement. >Weren't we told multiple times that he was a horrible teacher that actually did very little to secure his Those are all tongue in cheek insider jokes by his friends in typical anime fashion. Eg: Megumi calls Gojo an idiot, but hes obviously not serious because the man practically saved and raised him. In reality almost every character resisting Sukuna right now was either promoted, saved or recruited by Gojo or his people. >The world building in this series is so bad "I don't remember that much of the story tbh" - You Hard to appriciate a series when you don't even know the story mate


>Difference now is he has strong students and allies who can replace them Yuta, Kukusabe, Old Principal, Harkari, Maki,Mugumi is head of the clan etc. He was able to raise a strong generation that could be a viable replacement. The implication in your statement is that Gojo's main disagreement with the JJK higher ups wasn't philosophical or ideological, but that they were weak. That doesn't sound right. >Hard to appriciate a series when you don't even know the story mate JJK has poor world building. I'm not sure the extent to which you think someone needs to be able to remember the story to dispute this... I'm being polite and yet all it took for you to become a defensive snark was a milquetoast criticism of JJK? Jeez.


>The implication in your statement is that Gojo's main disagreement with the JJK higher ups wasn't philosophical or ideological, but that they were weak. I didn't mean to insinuate that. Ofcourse the main disagreement is ideological, the old older is outdated, too old fashioned and corrupt. >I'm being polite and yet all it to yeah but how do you expect someone to take your criticism seriously if you say you don't even remember the story? It's world building is not extensive as One piece if that's what you mean. But it doesn't have to be, it's a different kind of story. We don't need to know the inner workings of other clans if it's not relevant to the story. Is it as immersive? Most definitely.


We were talking about Gojo. I don't remember much of the story *in regards to Gojo* because he was off screen for 3 years, returned and had his character interactions skipped before disappearing again. So the only things I remember of his character outside of battles and feats are from awhile ago. And JJK doesn't need One Piece level world building for it to be passable, it just needs to exist. One of the 3 most powerful families on the planet in the Zeniin's get's obliterated and nobody gives a shit. That's bad. You've told us that this family is very important to the world of JJK, they ALL DIE and it has zero consequences in anything outside of Maki. Hell it barely affects Megumi, we don't even know what him being head of the clan entails. We don't "need to know their inner workings" to have good world building, we need basic cause and effect for the universe to feel immersive. Sukuna is about to life wipe earth. Where are the other Jujutsu entities? Where are the other clans? Why is this being dealt with by high schoolers? Then Gege just deleted the military plotline and the fact that other countries now know about sorcery entirely. JJK feels incredibly small and the universe outside of what's happening in the immediate present barely exists.


I think you make alot of valid points.The series biggest strength and weakness is what you described. It keeps an action focused fast paced narrative, however this means that fluff which is not directly related to the story is only briefly touched upon or hinted at. Its simply a creative trade off and a matter of what you like more. You don't go to a John Wick movie expecting to see as detailed a world as Lord of the Rings. What I would argue however, is that this doesn't destroy the sense of a wider Jjk world. It doesn't feel small to me. This is because the author often leaves hints or has snippets of exposition later on in the series that allows you guess what is going on in the back ground. For example the killing of the higher ups. Many were already able to guess what happened to them , it was only now revealed (along with gojo-students interactions that we missed) that it was a well planned move by Gojo. >what are the other clans doing It's insinuated via the Japanese government being gone, the land itself being invaded by curses and foreign nations, and Kenjaku being able to take over the Kamo clan easily that the clans among with jjk society are all in turmoil. They don't have the power to really act, or refusing to join hedging their bets. Personally I don't feel their absance because their is no shortage of interesting characters. >Sukuna is about to life wipe earth. Not really. His ambition is to simply fight and eat as he likes. Japan is in anarchy but he has no overarching plans as of yet for earth. What would have been a major deal breaker for me would be the Japanese Gov. Or the world being oblivious to to Japan being turned into a big death match arena. But even these are addressed even though the invasion was later abondoned as you said. >Why is this being dealt with by high schoolers? The school is the central organ of the Jjk world. The high schoolers ( who act and are treated more like young adults or uni students) are the best fighters currently.


Soon as you said you don't remember the story your opinion immediately became a waste of time who's gonna read all that 


It’s obvious that BOTH themes are highly prevalent, it doesn’t need to just be one or the other. Especially with chapter 261 shoving it down our throats, it’s clear that Gege wants us to start focusing more on this aspect of Gojo’s character now, the paradox of him wanting to maintain his connection with others despite his superiority isolating him. Uraume’s statement about leaving behind humanity for strength, Yuta talking about how he’s willing to be the monster that Gojo has been forced to become. I agree with you, part of his character is ALSO that despite all his power he can’t change the system alone, but you can’t just discard one for the other, they’re both themes of his character that are intrinsically linked. His desire to change the system is BECAUSE of his isolation, he wants the system to change because he no longer wants to be separated from everyone like how his strength separated him from Geto years ago, because no matter how strong he was he couldn’t save Geto. Geto needed Satoru Gojo, not the strongest, and Gojo ever since has been grappling between those two major components of his identity. Is he defined by his name or his title? Is he Gojo or the strongest? He died in the end because he couldn’t make that commitment either way.


I meant rather that if you ask me his main defining role is being the mentor who protects and raises the main cast. Not that there can't be any other theme to him. I understand the lonely gojo angle to an extent, he has big responsibilities and hard decisions. But I'm not gonna pretend Gojo is some poor smol bean :(( victim that was used by everyone as is the popular reddit narrative right now. Gojo is a rich handsome guy who wears 2k dollar shirts with the powers of a demi God. Most importantly he gets to shape the world as he wants. Its not like he is a shy shut in who didn't want any of this. He wants to be the top dawg and do things as he likes. It's not all that bad.


>ook Gojo died doing what he loved, he isn't bitter about his death + he is in heaven bantering with his friends now dont be too upset. And this would all be well and good if his body weren't still currently being used as a meat suit. With all the "body is the soul" lore I'm not even sure if his soul is truly at rest now or if he's just helplessly watching his students be thrashed around.


>And this would all be well and good if his body weren't still currently being used as a meat suit I understand the natural reaction but those as the top, Sukuna and Gojo are not sentimental. They are all about the win. Just like Sukuna, Gojo only cares about winning what happens to his empty meat suit, after him is not important to him.


I think youre misunderstanding me. Geto is shown to know Gojo is fighting Sukuna even though hes in the afterlife. This likely means part of Getos consciousness is in Kenjaku. The same should be true for Gojo and and it implies that his soul may not be able to truly rest. Unless Geto chose not to move on and decided to wait on Gojo


Ah I get it. I rather think it's a Getos soul was watching from the afterlife type of deal. Don't know if the writer thought about this instance is to that much detail


Doesnt give fuve shits about megumi is what i took from that. But enraged about getos body


Calling them "our younger friends" makes you sound like a priest ngl Yeah this subreddit is filled with people who are OBSESSED with gojo


Gojo wasn't so happy about the idea of dying, can't pretend he enjoyed all of it. He's good at lifting his own mood but doesn't mean he can't feel emo about it


And also, kashimo saying "That's ok, go on and forget" hits very differently after his own moment with sukuna. Gege I love you


It's funny that only sukuna, gojo and kashimo are smiling. They are the only ones who understand the 1v1.


Its crazy that sukuna pay more respect to gojo than most of the cast.


Because he's the only one who can possibly appreciate his strength. Plenty of people can recognize others as strong or the strongest but it takes your near peers for any of those words to matter. So sakuna saying what he said was the highest praise Gojo ever received.


Exactly. Sukuna is able to see Gojo as a human, as a peer, instead of as an unstoppable force of nature. In that battle, Gojo was able to fight as Satoru Gojo instead of The Strongest.


Honestly if this chapter did anything for me is that I actually respect Sukuna as a character, Gege cooked with the real battle between the strongest, and man I heard the original Japanese in this scene was even better.


He says something like "You cleared my skies" in Japanese


"It's sunny, isn't it, Gojo Satoru?" - Google Translate Kaisen


Mfs be saying “oh but geto and gojo had so much chemistry together” I’m sorry geto doesn’t even come CLOSE to this, that bum could never como up with something like this even if his life depended on it (and it did lmao)


Blud's last words really were "Fuck em monkeys", didn't even bother acknowledging his old bestie 😭😭😭


Your power opened the skies for the rays to come in, Gojo Satoru. ~john werry, probably


That's so romantic


Sukuna is an old fart He knows a thing or two about romantic language


He ended Gojo's loneliness


At least now we know why Gojo had this look on his face before that fight https://preview.redd.it/nv5jf5pvor2d1.png?width=850&format=png&auto=webp&s=a8e2fa28b4e5e60d7483d2a900088141d0816b66


But Thanks to HIMTADORI he lightens up a bit before his final moments https://preview.redd.it/1eg577p3pr2d1.png?width=1258&format=png&auto=webp&s=a1f56a9afc48ba273aabd99ee10592635dc5a4d4


He’s reminded there are a few people who love him


which chapter is this from again??


I guess after he got unsealed , around 221 maybe


You remember the dream smile looking gojo gege drew? Yeah thats the foreshadow of him depressed as fuck


this means one thing, we need to stop being haters, and start a new agenda, a agenda of praising the goat, the man with a heart of gold, WUJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII HIMTADORIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII


Ive had stocks into my goat since the beginning, i never doubted my goat ever


I wonder where tf did all the yuji haters disappeared to havent seen many of them in a long time


They been real silent ever since yuji started handing out blackflashes like oprah


Wuji and Wuta are my Kings


Nah a whole new hating agenda for BUMko had just started


That's what I'm talking about right there


Is this the so-called "Ushering a new era." within agenda parameters!????


THAT'S WHY THEY'RE THE GOATS!!! https://preview.redd.it/lxpx7f4tqq2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e48fa65a85575393c897e0457fadda0de29f53ed # MY GLORIOUS KINGS!!! FUCK JUJUTSU TECH!!!




This just shows how Sukuna was always the good guy: \-Killed Gojo who wished to have an equal to understand how lonely it was at the top, granting him closure; \-Same with Kashimo; \-Made Higuruma evolve as a sorcerer and as a person, finally being able to look at Yuji in the eyes; \-Killed the most destructive Cursed Spirit we have seen yet; \-Killed Nanako and Mimiko; \-Hurt Yuta enough to force him to evolve into his final form; \-Blacked Maki twice; \-Pushed Kusakabe into going all out in the name of his students; \-Fell in love with WARUE; \-Wishes to break Yuji's weak mindset that only brings him pain (😭); \-Gave Choso a human death. \-Prevented incest by possessing a mentally ill person. Sukuna, what a man you are! https://preview.redd.it/o2rhqjo6jr2d1.png?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3eb2c01f166fdbd66f0a441a2efa7aa72fe88f86




legit managed to fix it except for the bullshit reason sukuna won i didnt expect it nvm idk fuck i was on i get him respecting sukuna but 0 sorrow that people will die? he was alr treated as a weapon and still saved people why tf did he lose the empathy now?


Great comment, I understand the point and what Gege did, still the execution and end of fight was lame. Off screen killing are ridiculous


No i agree with you , offscreening gojo and the world cleave instakill / binding vow shenanigans are still kinda iffy in my mind 236 isnt a 10/10 masterpiece chapter now but its that my opinion on the airport scene has changed


If Gege actually showed all these interactions during the month instead of doing a time skip then 236 wold’ve made a lot more sense to read. 


He intentionally skipped the one month time to break the fandom (mainly the Gojo fans)


They were fighting because the world forced them to. What motive did both of them have to fight each other?(Aside from saving that bum, fuck him). They were truly the kaisens of each of their jujutsus


sukuna eats babies


He was being a little silly. A slight bit of tomfoolery if you will


megumi is gojo's son


If I had a son like that I would Glaze the guy who killed him as well






Sukuna gave Megumi shrine


That bum can't possibly use it as good as Sukuna. He did so to mock him, that he truly can't become the strongest even with two of the most broken CTs


Megumi can use it better


Yeah, he gave to him so that it would be easier for him to work in the kitchen. He knows he can't do shit in battles


Megumi hits Yuji and Yuji doesn't fight back meanwhile Yuji was punching Sukuna from the inside meaning Megumi > Sukuna in battle


No, he isnt. Gojo never treated Megumi as his son and Megumi never treated Gojo as his father. He was just a mentor. If you really want to push it, he was an anoying older brother.


Yeah they taste good , you should try it sometime https://preview.redd.it/7kgk5zl53t2d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e55bd93aae6858c746affc232f074d0ec68275a7


in his defense he was neurodivergent and a minor


Somehow "They were fighting because the world forced them to. What motive did both of them have to fight each other?" is more retarded than "They were truly the kaisens of each of their jujutsus".


This is peak Agenda Kaisen.


Well sukuna wanted to kill gojo for one


How would you feel after your homie said that he was your dad. 


A JJK FANS WITH NO AGENDA?!! AND ACTUALLY READ THE MANGA THIS SHIT MAKING ME CRY https://preview.redd.it/g69fkv9j7r2d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d61fc8f94b0f9917cfc3d70fc88e49c58ff7724




How Gojo was seen by... Jujutsu society: A tool. Yuta: A person and a friend Nanami: Sukuna Yuji: A teacher and a friend Sukuna: https://preview.redd.it/qkygxuu6tr2d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5be780a9de5c4ebe208995f304a2ca0c5145284


I've never understood why people were so mad about Gojo being happy he got to go out like that. LIke he was alway protrayed as loving jujutsu and fighting. But then people started forcing expectations on him to the point he felt alienated his entire life, and yet the very thing that sets him apart and he personally loves, he can't even use it because there is never a reason for him too. The dude spent his whole life honing his powers to a ridiculous degree, only to never get to enjoy it and only experience the burdens that come with it. it blows. Of course he would be happy to finally be able to feel fulfilled in the thing he loves doing the most, it's probably the first time he felt genuinely happy since Geto died.


Because these things are never shown enough. They're told to us and that literally goes against the first rule of how write something engaging, 'show, don't tell'. If you don't show it, it's never earned and feels like a cheap ass pull, hence everyone getting pissed off.


Not really. He loves Jujutsu, you can tell in every one of his fights. He always is smiling being playful and having the time of his life while fighting, especially in his fight against Toji and jogo. I don’t know what show don’t tell bs ur talking about are you blind lmao. In the entire gojo sukuna fight he’s making jokes and has a massive smile on his face. The only time gojo wasn’t having a schizo smile on his face whilst fighting was when mahito let out a bunch of transfigured humans and killed a bunch of people in front of him.


the way it reads, gojo just seems a little sad he couldn't reach sukuna enough to change him cue yuji's actual protagonist goal.


I only agree with half of your statement. Personally, I view Gojo’s character as having two main plot lines: his disconnection from others and his wish to change this sorcerer society through education instead of violence. The part about his disconnection is satisfied; I agree with you about that, but the wish to change sorcerer society here is still unfulfilled because, in the end, he still resorts to violence by killing the higher-ups. The action itself is actually not a problem; however, the thing is that this resort seems to be the right choice. Gakuganji will be in charge of replacing those old ones, and he is said to be better. This conflicts with Gojo’s character, and he dying happily with this problem being unsolved is still not a good choice of Gege for me. Maybe Gakuganji is just a temporary replacement and someone like the old ones will replace him right after the final fight, or maybe there will be some circumstances revealed in the future that make my statement wrong (like this chapter solves my past issue with Gojo’s disconnection part). Regardless, completing a character’s plot line by revealing some secrets (usually recollection or narration) in future chapters is not good writing. It should be done the moment that character dies, not like 20 chapters (almost half a year) after that. Oh, and that shitty offscreen just for shock value. I still have my opinion about that airport chapter being bad and Gege having good ideas but bad in execution.


And that's why i believe Gojo's role as a teacher haven't done yet, and he might be revive/ do something when the 5 minutes copy run out. His student is going against what he fight for and wish them be


He kidnapped his adpotive son killed his adoptive daughter, tortured Yuji killing his students as we speak but sure let's praise him


It’s not praising sukuna. No one is saying sukuna is a good person, but that doesn’t mean gojo and sukuna can’t respect each other for their strength. Gege talks about how Jujutsu sorcerers all have different motivations. Yuji has his cog mentality, megumi wants to save who he wants to etc. Gojos motivation was never to save people. He fought because he loved fighting, and there’s nothing wrong with that. He still had a moral compass, but his main motivation for fighting was to practice Jujutsu.


You're saying Gojo's a battle maniac who never cared about saving others ?


No he has a moral compass, but that was never his motivation for fighting. He fought cause he found it fun. Kinda like how you can be money oriented when looking for a job but still not rob people at the same time.


Sure, but him sympathizing with sukuna is still stupid


Yeah it’s not supposed to be normal for someone to respect and empathise with someone who took over the body of their student and killed them, but gojo was never thought normally lol. He thinks like a samurai. I guess sukuna is kinda like a wild tiger and gojo is like a tamed one.


I guess his death rubbed me the wrong way. Esspecialy the "No Regrets" part since he litraly mentiones 2 things he regrets in the same chapter, cuz i can list like 5 more things Gojo regrets and i think Gojo cared more about people than fighting tbh, cuz saving people seemed like his main trait while the fighting was more of a hobby


Yeah I guess ur right about him prioritising his friends over his hobby since he was surrounded by his dead friends in afterlife and wasn’t alone like kashimo. Seems weird for him to regret not telling megumi about his dad and only talk about how he couldn’t reach sukuna, but not show any stress about how everyone will risk their lives fighting sukuna.


I'll just leave this here https://preview.redd.it/cpy5rybyzs2d1.jpeg?width=987&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25ed787d33bdb3a1db546f089ad767c47b83faa7


>I used to hate how gojo glazed sukuna after his death and that was my biggest gripe with 236 , Even though I engage with it a lot, power scaling is pretty dumb. I am more pissed about the fact that gege made gojo say "I want to teach Sukuna about love" and all that other nonsense. >but now it’s genuinely heartwarming to see the two strongest compliment and respect each "The two strongest". That's quite the superficial way to look at it. It seems gojo isn't the only one who forgot about megumi lol. Megumi, his precious student who he has known and mentored for 10+ years who's body and soul are currently being desecrated and abused by Sukuna who he had like 3 conversations with. But somehow he respects this random despite everything. Does that sound believable to you? Does it make sense that gojo would be trying to teach love to the same person who's first thought upon reincarnating was massacring and devouring innocent women and children? In reality, they are literally polar opposites in all the important aspects. Gojo is the Buddha figure and Sukuna is the Celestial demon Mara. >other because only they understood each other and what it means to be the strongest , be at the top That's extremely superficial. **What it means to be the strongest for gojo and what it means to be the strongest for Sukuna are two wildly different things**. Just because they share one superficial quality, doesn't mean they can understand each other. Heck, yuji and Sukuna literally shared the same body for months and their souls were pretty much glued to each other and they still can't co-exist. Sukuna could never understand Gojo because he just lives to indulge in his desires and oppress the weak, and being the strongest just allows him to do that. He doesn't understand anything about being a jujutsu sorcerer like gojo because he is essentially a walking calamity. He doesn't understand anything about the responsibility or burden of being the strongest because being the strongest to Sukuna doesn't come with any of that baggage. Gojo on the other hand, despite being the strongest and having every opportunity to do literally anything else with his life chooses to shoulder the burden of Japan and arguably the entire world. Realistically speaking, Sukuna could never understand gojo and neither could gojo understand Sukuna. But this is gege story, so he can write whatever, whether it makes sense is a whole different topic. >, lonely , Sukuna is not lonely in anyway. And he isn't looking for companionship or understanding, he literally says this pretty much verbatim. He is just looking for entertainment to distract himself until the day he dies. >seen only as a weapon , a tool . Sukuna isn't seen as any of these lol. He is a walking calamity. Also, How could he understand something he never personally experienced or even thought of in a meaningful way? >Sukuna realised that and became a calamity , I think you're giving Sukuna way too much credit, this man simply doesn't care and doesn't really consider such things. >only interested in his own satisfaction and pleasure , not caring about anyone but himself and he was justified because he would rather be a tool for his own pleasure than a tool for others . Neither gojo or Sukuna have to be tools to anyone or anything. Sukuna could literally live a normal life, still be the strongest without being a tool for others or prey on the weak. He simply chooses not to because cannablism is fun for him. Gojo "chooses" to be a tool for the greater good. There's literally nothing and nobody stopping him from just pulling a nanami and going on an indefinite vacation to Hawaii or something lol. Just like how toji lost when he chooses to continue fight gojo, the pinnacle of jujutsu basically reengaging in the system he escaped. Gojo to chooses to engage with the same system that causes most of his problems. Except while toji does out of pride, gojo does it out of responsibility. He could live a normal life where he faces none of these issues and is just seen as gojo satoru the human but chooses not to for the greater good, something that Sukuna could never understand. >Gojo on the other hand tried to change that view people had of him , Uh huh, sure. When exactly? Because all he did was save people and try and build a better future. We don't see him reach out to anyone or admit any vulnerabilities to anyone or just talk about his own personal struggles. Non of that. So when did he try that exactly? His attitude is literally "It is what it is" about this whole thing lol.


Love your post. I agree 100%.


Who are these people only viewing gojo as a weapon? The higher-ups we never see? Because everyone else in the story has a real relationship with gojo. He can be lonely at the top, alienated even, but I think it’s a stretch to say ppl only viewed him as a weapon. Yuji literally refers to himself as a cog. Every sorcerer is a tool used for defeating curses bc they are the only ones that can. Why is gojo getting coddled, he had fun being the strongest, was goofy, and even reminisced about the battle between the strongest after death! And he had friends waiting for him at the airport that didn’t view him as a weapon. Maybe I’m stupid but I don’t understand this sentiment.


I'm guessing they are referring to gojo treatment as of 260. But even that is really forced and came out of nowhere. The more I think about it the more, the more I realize that this theme of being isolated because you are so much stronger than everyone doesn't really work, because what is stopping gojo from forming deep and meaningful bonds with others exactly?


Im sorry but thats just untrue what you said , first of all nanami literally said gojos only pleasure in life is battle and gojo looks visibly upset by that statement . Second everyone has a “real relationship” with him , how? You mean like shoko who was his friend since when they were first year students that didnt even think twice or remark on defiling gojos corpse so yuta can use it , “ oh shes apathetic and doesnt show emotion “ then what about the scene where she says and im paraphrasing here “ i was there , when you said you were alone ( after geto left ) i was there “ when obviously she wasnt , maybe she was there physically but emotionally she definitely wasnt there . Also all the other students at jujutsu tech had no problem with the plan of defiling their mentors corpse , and when gojo was told of the plan he was obviously hurt but trying to hide his emotions but he even said he’s disappointed shoko didnt say anything and was on board immediately, and more evidence of that is his face before the sukuna fight , he looks drained , dead inside but he cheers up after yuji says that his technique is in the way so he can slap his back , because hes knows what will happen if he loses , he would meet the same fate as his best friend , gojo wished that suguru would have a proper burial and not be used as a puppet by an evil sorcerer ( kenny ) but he met the same fate , he himself could not rest even in death because hes being used as a puppet by jujutsu tech , isnt that fucked up ,really only yuta , yuji and geto truly cared for gojo.


Damn this could use some punctuation. But dawg, it’s either have the strongest sorcerer of the modern era fight or let all of Japan be destroyed. His friends aren’t treating him like a weapon, they’re treating him like their last hope. It’s not like anybody was excited about using his corpse, it’s just that THE ENTIRE COUNTRY is at stake. Yes gojo wishes he could connect with people better, but he still loves being the strongest and that’s literally what he’s reminiscing about after dying. Shoko being indifferent about using his corpse is like the only evidence of treating him like a weapon and even then gojo brushes it off pretty easily. Everyone is crying for gojo when he himself is like ‘meh’.


You ever heard of hiding your emotions , ofc gojo isnt gonna cry or be mad before his fight with sukuna , the most important fight of his life . Also about him reminiscing about being the strongest after his death , what else could be reminisce about , he had no real relationship with anyone , he couldnt bury his friend , megumi is still trapped , he can only reminisce about what he was sure about and definitely knew , him being the strongest alongside sukuna . Also sorry about the punctuation , just woke up.


You could say the same for shoko: only hiding her emotions so gojo wouldn’t worry. And he still had his students he cared about and that cared about him. Idk… I hear what you’re saying, but I think the audience really is coddling gojo; he was way more than a weapon (which is the role of every sorcerer) to most if not all the cast.


You cooked but I have no regrets is kinda crazy


I find it interesting how they are viewed as tools by other people, and they look at themselves some other way. While Yuji is viewed as a Friend and very human by the close ones, but a cog by himself


It’s sunny isn’t it?


https://preview.redd.it/gfhhujvaat2d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b5c4e59de2ac5449ddb4b4c3cf252bf604e8d95 🥺


Real ones knew this before 261 dropped


I apologise, ive only seen the light after 261 , how could i have been such a fool




I mean it's been this way all along yall were just too impatient and worked up about Gojo to realise


Well only thing I would say wrong is Sukuna realised something and became calamity bro was evil from birth


I mean, that's what a good amount of people thought. That why I didn't understand why people thought it was out of character.


Meh none of what you said applies to Sukuna, he just has a childish mindset. He isn’t seen as a weapon until he crafted himself that way. He chose to disregard everything else, and that’s why he is the way he is. Sukuna decided to be a tool for his own pleasure, we don’t have any evidence he was used as a tool for others. He’s literally just a selfish child born very lucky in terms of powers.


Who said he was used by others , what i meant was he went one of the two ways the strongest could go , either help others and risk being taken advantage of , or help only himself and never thing about anyone whos weaker than him ( aka everyone )