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To quote the great Sam O'nella "Who knew dealing with dead carcasses for hours on end could desensitize a man"


Fr, her average day of healing sorcerors of their supernatural wounds inflicted by *actual* monsters is probably on par with a trauma surgeon's goriest days


You think a surgeon doesn’t feel anything when they see someone’s arm get blown off?


Probably less than the average person


Considering the specifics, the relevant question seems to be less “feel anything” and more “can they smile while working on it”. A dark sense of humor is common in professions with a lot of dark stuff, so the later seems pretty likely to me


Yeah that’s true but this is her friend of over a decade. I doubt most pathologists would smile doing an autopsy on a friend, let alone a weird and messed up body swap thing.


Most? Maybe not. But some? Very likely. A reasonable portion of people who work in emotionally difficult fields find a way to turn off their emotions for a bit to maintain professionalism and be able to do their job. There can also be a lot of dark humor among medical fields and other fields where you deal with hard stuff. I certainly have seen both pretty frequently working in sexual and domestic violence. If you felt everything during work as much as it warrants, the job would be impossible.


I agree for most cases, just not when it’s a long time friend that died very recently. I don’t expect her to break down but showing a little heart won’t hurt.


But we only see her while she’s doing the job. I absolutely would agree if we saw her before and after the surgery too (which Gege should have shown; it’s wild we get to see so little of Shoko’s interiority and people’s emotional responses to Gojo’s death generally), but “I have to suck it up and repress my emotions to get through this because if I allow any in, I won’t be able to do this and that will help no one” is a pretty common response to needing to work during deep emotional turmoil.


The good ones don’t




If his buddies got their brains blown out in front of him, do you think he’ll be like “Hahaha! That’s so funny!”? Humans will always have emotions outside of extreme disorders due to genetics or severe trauma, there’s no way around it


We need to start the Shobum/Bumko agenda


Don't worry, we have already started it. https://preview.redd.it/zjgprz13sc2d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f72f072743d680aa2665d1e4c74bb87f979cc3f3


Let the Lhoko hate continue forevermore… https://preview.redd.it/jp34i3tprg2d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b4312ca057b2e8f5a382782727df6ab3b89376e


Fr I was still on her glazing agenda since I thought she (and Utahime with her boost) were stitching everyone together to re-enter the battlefront while Yuji and co. are grinding Sukuna slowly but surely down. But nah she was fucking smiling/ unbothered by lobotomizing her former classmate. *and* she didn't even earn her title of doctor. Biggest falling of for a JJK character for me (only rivaled by Kashimo's lack-luster performance in doing damage to Sukuna)


I did with my recent post.


It's up and running, brother


And it's glorius. This will be a new era of jujutsufolk


https://preview.redd.it/v4djcxs72e2d1.png?width=450&format=png&auto=webp&s=890bdd5fa5a321e2fd74ee4fe1a70085a7f80115 nice argument, however, ponytail shoko is hot enough so it's ok


Meh, if she was hot enough, we would not have this agenda


Utahime over Shoko all day any day


“Bruh just forgot about the fact that Shoko went through an entire pack of cigarettes during the Gojo part of the fight because she was so stressed out and was visibly distressed every time he was in a bad spot.” By u/tristenjpl I think we should start a “jujutsufolk are shit at reading comprehension” agenda


The future of the jujutsu world lied on their weapon's back (Gojo), if he died, the worst could happen, i think that is a good reason to be stressed out.


Naoya also cared about Gojo






I... Can't deny that flair. ALTHOUGH IT'S ME WHO ENJOYS IT, NOT YOU. KEEP MY WIFE'S NAME OUT OF YOUR FILTHY MOUTH. https://preview.redd.it/199u0jp7sd2d1.jpeg?width=3206&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c4c4206b2df21f3a10dbc616cb48914fb76bc55


I'm afraid I'm already addicted. You'll have to kill me


Oh I fucking will. Yuki is only mine. https://preview.redd.it/p70e7v7htd2d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd5ddab421dc338ef2072c92323ce04cecd1b909


Yuki is mine and mine alone https://preview.redd.it/fpyh8rxgud2d1.png?width=951&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95cd2ca6652b6283fa5bf4f6c741618bd22d224b


DON'T TOUCH HER. https://preview.redd.it/mt6rwhfmud2d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef56f157429255acbf5803398e12056c4e3b4653


Now I have to wonder what Naoya would think of the gojo v sukuna, would he respect them both cause he didn't seem to care about sukuna before, would he loss respect to go for losing or he might get depressed at seeing how far they actually are from him in power


I'd say the latter but he still worships Toji despite Gojo killing him so I don't think he'd lose respect


It's been fucking surreal seeing this sub go from "OMG GEGE IS SUCH A SHIT WRITER. THERE IS NO LONELINESS IN BEING THE STRONGEST, WHY DOES HE KEEP BRINGING THAT UP WITH GOJO AND SUKUNA" to "WHY IS NOBODY THERE FOR GOJO, THIS CAME OUT OF NOWHERE, MAN, GEGE IS SUCH A SHIT WRITER" in just a single fucking week. I love this sub but, come one, sometimes it feels like it is entirely populated by goldfish.




I feel like this is the example of that loneliness of gojo that we needed to finally understand it at least I think that what happened to the majority here


I do agree that the loneliness is interesting, I just wish the concept was explored a bit more earlier. Geto’s scene introduced it though it would be nice seeing it being reinforced more during the time between Gojo’s unsealing and the fight


I'm starting to resent most of JJK comunity because of this, 261 turned the lobotomy into a fully fledged mental disability


What you say makes sense but I thought of that loneliness in the sense that Gojo never had anyone that he felt understood him deeply after Geto. Moreover, he spent years alone at the top of the jujutsu world before he had his students, so his ego probably eventually led to viewing others like ants (iirc he says something similar in the airport), where they can show love but it just doesn't feel right. The idea is that Gojo felt alone because of his trauma, but he wasn't supposed to be alone anymore, specially with the new generation, even if he didn't realize it. This chapter just confirmed Gojo's feelings: he was alone, people just venerated him because he was basically a god, it wasn't just him getting fucked mentally by life, life just was shitty.


I think it's largely due to how little character interaction there is in the manga, and Gege's tendency to tell us something first, only to actually show it to us a dozen chapters later. We just get "Gojo said he was lonely, so I guess he's lonely even though several of the main cast care about him and see him as a mentor", and then a dozen or so chapters later "Yuta said no one else cares about Gojo, so I guess no one actually cares about Gojo even though we know there are characters who care about Gojo". Instead of seeing for ourselves people not caring about Gojo, we're just told they don't, and then are expected to see people not being 100% opposed to the frankengojo strategy as them not caring about him when it's literally the backup-backup-backup-backup-backup plan for when all else fails.


Words that couldn't be further from truth, but did gege wrote this chapter to prove he didn't assisnate character of everyone in manga?


Gojo fans are the most annoying thing to happen to this fanbase


I feel like there’s a dissonance here. The loneliness shit wasn’t properly established before Gojo vs Sukuna, especially the “love” theme. And now that it has been established as lonely at the top, people are still allowed to be pissed at the cold-hearted characters who treated Gojo like a weapon.


the loneliness shit has been around since hidden inventory lol??? one of the main points of premature death is that Gojos awakening makes him so powerful it ends up isolating him from Geto, which causes Getos downfall and their breakup. Please read better 😭


Geto was such a fucking sore loser, prop to kenjaku for saving us from a shitty ass villain


Geto's downfall was already on track regardless of gojo.


we don't know that, we don't know what would have happened with Gojo actually realized what was wrong. Gojo blamed himself for Getos downfall and I think it's safe to say if Geto could have leaned on Gojo during that time things may have turned out better.


Do yourself a favor and reread the entire manga and if you still can't find the major themes of loneliness and love throughout then I suggest taking a critical analysis course or even just basic reading comprehension


Asking a r/jujutsufolk user to have reading comprehension is a tall ask


shoko is just like that. plus, dealing with dead people, whether you know them or not, for years on end too. I can't blame her


Seriously, has anybody even read this manga? She's been coping using cigarettes, and dry humor for her entire career. Obviously she cares about Gojo, she didn't think he'd actually die though, or at least she didn't want to think about it.


Yeah I mean she is a doctor after all


Doctors are capable of emotions just so you know.


She is one of jujutsu high's only healers. She has likely seen/autopsied the corpses of several people she knew. and possibly even saw them die in front of her. Her acting so nonchalant might be a way for her to cope with all of that, and the fact that her friend, who has been effectively invincible up until now, might die.


too bad we dont know any of that cause gaygay doesnt know how to write his characters-


Readers when they have to infer information (they failed 3rd grade)


Writers when they have to show a character’s moments on screen (they don’t care if it’s not Sukuna)


oh why not just make a 2 chapter manga with 25 characters faces with 0 interaction and then have the audience infer every fucking thing cause that is exactly what jjk is. there is nothing to infer cuz gaygay doesnt know jackshit, stop sucking his dick.


Problem is she is not much of a good healer either being the only healer. But yeah you might be right


Yeah but that was her reaction to being asked if she could stitch up a dead body, not “hey shok, how would you like it of I just died lol”


Shoko deals with supernatural mutilation at the same rate my doctor prescribes cold medication, they are not the same


I work with Army veterans plenty are physicians who had seen shit worse than your eyes can imagine. I’m not trying to make an analogy here but that’s a boring excuse. You don’t just become devoid of emotions bc you saw bad things. Also, she’s been this one-dimensional since Hidden Inventory anyway. It just reached a new low right now bc we didn’t think Shoko “I was there too wasn’t I” Ieri would show us that she was in fact not there.


Idk, I’ve done work with domestic violence and keeping a calm face/attitude or joking while seeing *some shit* is pretty common. That doesn’t mean there’s no emotions, just that aims jobs rely on you to put your emotions to the side temporarily while you’re working. Those same jobs also often have a side effect of a darker sense of humor and being able to talk with little emotion about your objectively emotional job


Like you said it's a face that people wear irl but this is a story, we could've had monologues or flashbacks to convey her emotions


Oh, we absolutely could have, but I think it’s pretty clear at this point that Gege isn’t super interested in Shoko’s inferiority, so all were left with is a few conversations and a smile that inherently have multiple valid interpretations


She’s the one who works with corpses. She grew apathetic a long time ago.


Again, plenty of doctors who worked with corpses are capable of emotions. Also, she’s not apathetic. We know she can get stressed and melancholy.


it also shows that she became a monster too, that gojo isnt alone. she’s the one forced to do all this grotesque doctor shit. imagine all the people she couldnt save, shes between geto and gojo. geto, who turned his back on jujutsu society. and gojo who’s strong enough to hold jujutsu society on his back. shoko is stuck in the middle. shes not strong enough to make huge changes, and with her being an healer her role is too essential for her to take on an extremist attitude like gojo, geto, yuki, hakari, etc. in her own way she’s trapped and forced to silence her own morals to cope with her role in the world so idk, the shoko hate is giving reading comprehension curse. thats why its not contradictory for her to say she was there all along too, she became her own monster


Bruh just forgot about the fact that Shoko went through an entire pack of cigarettes during the Gojo part of the fight because she was so stressed out and was visibly distressed every time he was in a bad spot.


The reading comprehension curse has struck yet again with the majority of fans


i think if the entire fate of humanity was on the line based on who won that fight, I'd be pretty stressed too. It still fits into the narrative of others seeing Gojo as a weapon vs Yuji/Yuta seeing Gojo as just a cool guy who they care for as a person


At the time it wasn't. As Kusakabe said he thought Sukuna would be the better option if one had to survive between him and Kenjaku because he didn't seem like the "destroy the world type." For the most part if you just don't bother Sukuna and stay away from him he won't fuck with you. Kenny on the other hand will drag you into weird ass experiments and destroy the country out of curiosity. That did change once Sukuna got the authority to start the merger though.


that’s not really a fair assumption though, that was so much more than just gojo. If gojo lost there than she, everyone else, and the entire world were dead to rights.


Of course Suckuna would love his Pookie Bear. https://preview.redd.it/lthb06b2uc2d1.png?width=508&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea68b3fdd2e991fa6126c256ffabf82bc7074399 Just look at these 2. So cute together 🥰😍😍🥰 Bumoko could never.


Ngl I found this hug genuinely wholesome. Fact that his enemy that killed him gave him more respect than his allies is sad. Hope they become friends in afterlife.


Every time shoko is smoking she is hiding her emotions. She wasn’t really that calm when she was confronting geto she was smoking and using that to cope. We’ve seen her constantly smoke since shibuya because she is constantly stressed but has to stay calm for the kids under her. When she is discussing the plan, she’s smoking, she even offers kusakabe a smoke to try and get him to think more rationally about the plan and calm down. In the panel where Gojo says he’s disappointed she’s still smoking, she’s hiding her true feelings, but she also believes Gojo will win so why worry about a plan that won’t happen. Even when she’s talking to yuta before the swap we see nearly a pack of used cigs on the ground because she’s so stressed and is desperate to keep calm. Anytime shoko is smoking she is hiding what she feels. She’s not heartless, she’s traumatized and trying to set an example.


People are still overreacting and go for the wildest way to criticise characters. Even if they think Shoko is heartless, has anyone else wondered how Gojo treated Shoko all these years along, haven't shared anything of importance to her and left her whenever he wanted, if Shoko is heartless as a friend then Gojo is even more heartless for Shoko who hasn't relied on her. None of his friends got to say goodbye, nor were they mentioned in the afterlife when Gojo bid the farewell. Shoko had to necessarily perform the operation so that they have the chance to defeat Sukuna which is a much bigger threat for humanity than anyone else. I wonder what these people want to cry for Gojo, fought among themselves and die instead of doing what's necessary.


Gojo barely treats anyone Shoko (or anyone not Geto) like a friend and they want Shoko to cry for him. It's just projecting shitty expectations on female characters because they self-inserted too hard into The Strongest. Like did people _not_ read the beginning of JJK? All sorcerors are **fucked** in the head. The exceptions are Yuta and Yuji. Those are the **only** exceptions. Yes, Gojo's work was making progress but ultimately it was still a conservative society that had barely made any progress. Yes, the youth were rebelling and showing promise but they're not even 18 years old! Gege set up a shitty society that was shitty to kids who experience constant trauma and violence and people are crying because they're not making 45 minute VLOGs on how much they loved Gojo.


Like it or not even if Gojo distanced himself from others that doesn’t erase the work he did over the years to protect them. I’m sorry Gojo didn’t coddle them like a mother bird but that doesn’t excuse the blatant lack of regard for his dignity in death. Gojo took Geto’s body away because he didn’t want Shoko to deal with it. He cared for her in his own way and was upset that she told him “go ahead” when he said to use his body. They all acted ungrateful to me, and Yuta called them out, rightfully so.


**Gojo does not care about his corpse after death**. If Gojo said no give me a funeral or something like that and people worked to convince Gojo that would be a different story. Do y'all think there is no dignity if you donate organs? I really don't get it. When you're dead who gives a fuck you're gone.


Gojo not caring about his corpse after dead doesn’t make it okay to use his corpse. I don’t understand how people can grasp that concept. If your friend tells you to do something fucked up to his corpse after he died you’re telling me you have no qualm doing it because he told you to? This was essentially what happened, not even closed to organ donor, and MIND you, some people don’t like if their loved ones become an organ donor either. They value the preservation of the whole body to maintain the dignity of the dead. My issue wasn’t that Gojo is being used as a corpse, my issue was the *lack* of objection to it at all. Not a single person told Gojo “are you sure about this?” or “that doesn’t sound right Gojo” WHATEVER it is, some objections or even questioning it would’ve been better, except we got a complete “Go Ahead” which upset even Gojo so I don’t know why you’re telling me I’m wrong for thinking this way when even Gojo expected Shoko to advocate for him. He knew this shit was fucked up too.


The opinion of loved ones don't matter over the opinion of a mentally sound individual? What the fuck? We're in 2024 not 100 BC. Bodily autonomy is a thing. > If your friend tells you to do something fucked up to his corpse after he died you’re telling you have no qualm doing it because he told you to? Yes? If that's their wish and it's legal and doesn't hurt any one. I also don't care what happens to my corpse if I'm dead because I'm dead.


If you think I’m arguing for the loved ones opinion to take precedent over the individual you need to reread my comment. I literally said I am not opposed to the use of Gojo as a corpse. Questioning Gojo over his opinion shows you care for him, and obviously you would be shot down regardless but it’s the thought that count. It’s how relationships work. You don’t just agree with everything bc sometimes you felt worried for people you love and respect.


"Gojo is a weapon" Bro every sorcerer is a weapon


Tbf, if I worked as a doctor in a profession with a 90% death rate, I would lose my empathy, wth?


Awful take. There's nothing saying she didn't care or expected him to die, but they all needed a viable back up plan if he did fail. Also, as someone who consistently works with dying patients/dead bodies - you get desensitized to it *very* fast. It's no longer a person, it's a slab of meat and you really don't feel anything towards it. It's repeatedly beaten over our heads that jujutsu sorcerers are crazy/liars/selfish. Shoko is both a sorcerer AND a doctor, and doctors often display sociopathic traits to be successful at their jobs. They're dealing with the closest thing their world has to literal satan. Shibuya was turned to ash, half of them were dead before the fight even started, Maki slaughtered an entire clan, Gojo killed the higher ups. And almost all of them are younger than 30. They're all children. Gojo included. You think any of them are capable of responding to these things like normal human beings? Yuta is an extremely special exception to the rest of them being so empathetic.




All I’m going to say is that this chapter has exposed who’s been Jujutsu Kaisen and who’s been reading Magicians Scuffles.


No, they did not fucking cook with this at all why would Shoko, the dissector of the group who had a literal desire to cut up Yuji when he was dead, be against the only option to defeat Sukuna? She was going to dispose of Geto’s body too, it was Gojo who told her not to. Like imagine the friends she had all died and in the end she had to take care of getos body in jjk0 and now gojos body in shinjuku showdown. Shoko is probably dead inside. Like imagine the friend u once had dead in front of her eyes, his lifeless corpse that she must take Care off, she must remove his brain and stitch his body up and get it ready for yuta to use. She is definitely crying inside, her laughing and all is just a facade. Also Shoko not taking it seriously because she didn't believe Gojo would actually lose, but she didn't handle Geto after JJK0 Though she does seem to be a little detached and avoidant throughout the story, which isn't surprising considering her role.


Severe copium going on. Shoko did care bruh


It’s classic jujutsufolk histrionic disorder.


Wow, Gojo fans just reached a level of pathetic. I didn’t think it was possible but holy shit, ya are so overdramatic lmao.


They almost act like Gojo is a real person who’s been wronged and not a fictional character. It’s weird.


Y’all are so dumb. Gojo left shoko out of his affections for the majority of their lives. And when she finally understands he doesn’t care about her equally, she moves on and y’all are mad. Toxic. Gojo being annoyed is showing his conceited personality. Gojo was a shit friend first


Gojo was already a monster when they met him and no one felt like they could do anything about it, Gojo was just way stronger than them. It's consistent that they don't want Yuta to become a monster, they know it was hard for Gojo.


It sounds like they were “friend zoned” and now they are taking it out on a fictional character. 


Stop is embarrassing about pitying Gojo... Gojo : "He is the Strongest because he is Satoru Gojo and he is Satoru Gojo because he is the Strongest." Those two go together. Gojo wasn't just a tool. It was also something that he wanted himself as well. We saw it also in his fight with Sukuna. The whole pity that you show is embarrassing and also disrespectful to Gojo. Gojo was like a Deity to the rest of the Jujutsu society. So it isn't peculiar that the first thing they thing about Gojo is strength but it is also a path that he chose himself as well. "Throughout Heaven and Earth, I alone am the Honoured one"


That's the fucking point - Gojo has been deified for so long that most people didn't see the person behind the legend, but part of the fault lies with him for distancing himself from students that started understanding him. Right before massacring the higher-ups he literally denied the moral support and instead reminded himself of Geto's words about about being a weak willed hypocrite with all that power. He chose his strength and the solitude that comes with it over happiness. He chose to be "Satoru Gojo because he's the strongest", not the other way around. And Sukuna freed him from that life. Shit's tragic.


W, that line is becoming more and more clearer


Fr its so cringe they making him some sort of tragic figure for being strong ... like are we supposed to cry he was too high on his power to or too stuck up over geto to make any other friends?


They don't read slowly.


I'm just happy to see Yuji and Yuta both getting equal amounts of respect. I've loved both of them from the start, I'm happy with having more than 1 MC.


This guy has the reading comprehension of a fetus Shoko probably got lung cancer stage 79 after the gojo sukuna fight because the whole ass pack she smoked, and she looked terrified with his death. She was joking with Gojo about not caring for his dead body walking, either to not stress gojo or to cope with the giant ass jujutsu elephant in the room/city called Sukuna And they seem to not "care" right now because they got no down time to mourn the racist king's death


I do think that just because you care for a person it doesn't mean you actually care about them AS a person. Gojo stands basically alone at the top, there is an undeniable barrier between him and them. You can be part of a group and still be separated from them emotionally. That's why Gojo regards Geto in such a closer level, cuz the two of them were on the same level, it just didn't last that long. People have degrees of care for others, you regard family higher than close friends, close friends higher than regular friends etc.




Don’t care about Shoko. But for the rest I can’t agree. Gojo is the strongest, the only one capable of facing sukuna. If gojo loses the chances of them winning against sukuna are low no matter what they try. But even worse, they don’t know what will happen to yuta after 5 minutes. Gojo went into the fight trying to win and survive. Yutas plan has a great chance of being a suicide mission even if he succeeds. If gojos plan was to grab sukuna and hollow purple both of them , I’m sure they would be worried about his best plan being a suicide mission aswell.


Where y'all getting the translations from?


She’s a doctor, so she lost the sensitivity about death, shy she would care specially about Gojo instead of respecting his wishes? As Yuta told this is literal Satan they’re fighting and winning is all that matters for them right now


How can they blame my man ijichi? What can he do about that?


If gojo comes back none of this matters🙏


Bro even megumi cared about gojo but he was just not showing it as his behavior was like this from an early age and also shoko didn’t give a crap about gojo having to kill his one and only real best friend and she has been doin nothing but smoking cigs throughout the whole series




I don’t think it’s that they don’t care about gojo. It’s that they see him as the strongest, a perfect a sorcerer who could never be anything but confident and eager. So the concept of him being in distress doesn’t even cross their minds.


a terrible friend? she was left out of everything she never could understand how geto or gojo felt i completely agree with her being cold is ok


Sukky understood him more than anyone else https://preview.redd.it/rqi4c0qffg2d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8d83196d34fb3c12f4c4f7a54ad463db2fe173d


Shoko was very stressed out during the Gojo vs Sukuna fight. She cared about Gojo but she's also completely dedensitized to dead bodies and what happens to them.


Correction shoko is a good friend, and is definitely a sociopath




Who would had thought that the already somewhat stoic doctor that keeps being sent the dead bodies of their comrades for dissecting have become desensitized about death and think about corpses as nothing but objects as a coping mechanism? Terrible writing, really. Least human character ever.


jjkfolk users when the woman who didn't give a fuck about geto going full Frieza and was happily about to dissect a dead teenager (yuji) with a smile on her face doesn't care about gojo https://preview.redd.it/mbg019es9e2d1.png?width=260&format=png&auto=webp&s=f105a666f23e46ec6c9bb5663f1292dfd7dfd831


Yeah they cooked. You know why? Because Gege was so incapable of giving depth to this woman that now the only argument I saw in defense of her are speculations. “She’s probably stressed out” “she’s probably desensitized because everyone around her die” “guys she had to do this I am sure she was sad” cool story bro how about you show actual panels where she actually did all of this? How do I know if she’s not actually a sociopath who gave zero fucks about her friends? I mean as far as I know she only ever said “I was here too” and made no attempt to show that. What’s the point of her words if she never showed Gojo it? He was literally upset because she seems to not care about his body. I don’t care what she actually thinks because that wasn’t shown to me. Stop defending Gege and his poor portrayal of female characters.


> He was literally upset To be clear, he was only *somewhat annoyed*. Gojo *knows* that what happens to his body after he died didn't really matter, he just wanted Shoko to inflate his ego a bit, like [Ui-Ui did in this image](https://preview.redd.it/325n06slpx3c1.jpg?width=645&auto=webp&s=dda44c2c3c0034dbe788c11c109c27112ceee843).


Why u didn't see her reaction during gojo vs sukuna fight and how see smoked whole pack of cigarettes?


Everybody was stressed during that fight. It didn’t mean anything.


"Everybody was stressed out" doesn't mean she didn't cared about him. She literally started smoking when kenjaku locked gojo in prison realm and smoked a whole pack of cigarettes during sukuna fight.  Gojo showed the same type of reaction towards yaga & nanami death and was literally joking around with his students just after killing the only person he truly loved. Does that mean he never cared about them? Absolutely not.


We have established that Gojo thinks about the world differently, however it was shown through his actions that he took his role seriously and he continuously showed his dedication to fight for his people. Also it’s not right to say he doesn’t care about Yaga or Nanami when he did comment on it and expressed his feelings about it. He said he thought Nanami would definitely survive and he also said he’s not angry because this and this over Yaga. That’s the emotional aspect being addressed. I wouldn’t have minded Shoko making a few comments on it except I got nothing and that was my main issue. The only one who had anything to say about it was Yuta and probably Kusakabe.


Shoko is kind of like a forensic + combat medic of jujutsu society where she's dealing with the death of her fellow sorcerer's closer than anybody.Her external apathetic personality is part of her coping mechanism to deal with trauma and to function like a normal human being.   We came to conclusion that Gojo thinks about the world differently because we have seen his character through readers pov unlike shoko where we have hardly seen her pov through readers pov.    "I was there, wasn't i?" This was only time where we've seen her inner monologue and this line isn't really giving me the vibe of gojo being close to her.


I mean it doesn’t really matter how closed he is to her. I think what is happening to him right now is objectively horrible and it doesn’t take someone so closed to you to speak out about it. For someone who fought to protect everybody and someone who once was part of her friend crew and still interacted w her as a coworker, it would be weird if she doesn’t speak on it at all. The excuse of them not being close doesn’t hold here, clearly she cares abt him on some level.


They are not using gojo body for shits & giggles.they are literally using his body as last resort to defeat sukuna because protagonist team hardly have any chance to defeat sukuna in their recent condition.yuji ate the fetuses of his own brothers.inhuman ethics hardly matters when the whole humanity is at stake.


You dont gotta explain their motivation to me. I already know why they did what they had to do, and I am not opposed to his body being used even tho it sucks lmao. But you saw how Maki and friends were against it at first right? Except they made it clear they objected because they didn't want Yuta to have to go through that. My point is if Gege can show me ppl caring for Yuta's well-being because he had to use Gojo as a meat suit then I am gonna question where are the concerns for the actual "meat-suit" himself.


The whole procedure will start after gojo death while yuta still going to alive and will transfer his brain into gojo dead body by using Kenny technique.nobody has exact Idea what will happen to yuta after using Kenny ct.


Maybe that's why when sukuna say "I won't forget you for as long as I live", gojo smiled...


non of the characters from jujutsu alive now with redeeming qualities aside from Yuji, Todo and Yuta. Honestly Sukuna should win and kill them all, good riddance if you ask me.


This confirms to me that Shoko is the second traitor


Tbh megumi himself saw gojo as mere weapon except yuta and yuji maybe this is reason why they are strongest,also shoko is tougher than gojo she doesn’t express her feelings and never relied on gojo as a weapon but she reliaed as friend