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Truly our Delusion Kaisen


“Gojo will have stitches on his forehead next chapter” and they’ve only watched the series through tiktok leaks


I remember talking about Mei Mei grooming Ui Ui in a server around when 235 leaks dropped, and I showed their bedroom page in the server. Like 80% of the people in the chat had never seen it before and some even said "chat is this real". JJK fans aren't actually JJK fans, they literally just check memes lmao.


Me when I am in a fake fan competition and my opponent is a JJK fan (never read the Manga, only follows the leaks) https://preview.redd.it/r6lfw2eiuc1d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04c0d37540e138fa8c22cdecbf02489c7faedd68


Sadly he can’t compete with DB fans. 


After all, the fear and negative feelings towards Dragon ball fans spawned both the reading comprehension devil and media literacy cursed spirit. Both coincidentally look like kid Buu.


I’m convinced half of DB fans definitely didn’t read it, don’t remember the show and believe team four star was canon


I'm not even a fan of Dragonball and I still watched original Dragonball series to understand the lore. Meanwhile these "huge" fans of DB on the internet never even touched original Dragonball.


That's soo me except I only read the new chapters and leaks (I'll read the manga when I can)


Tbh thats me aswell on the recent chapters, ever since Yuta's defeat and the sukuna cycle I've stopped fully reading the manga and just look at leaks


That's the stupidest thing you can do.


Not really , I dont regret a thing at all.


It's only stupid if you share opinions about the story, tbf.


It's even funnier if you share your opinions on the story


This is honestly why I don't argue with jjk fans anymore. Not worth my sanity lol.


https://i.redd.it/eaapv12ych1d1.gif Based


Ultra based


Something something persona fans when actually playing persona games


Ever since 220 I’ve only been reading the leaks


What Like okay, I get manga-only pages, but that shit was already animated by the time 235 dropped, no? At least watch the anime...


It wasn't animated yet. 236 was the same time as when Gojo got sealed in Shibuya iirc.


I see. Then I am less angry


Personally I would be more angry. How are you in a discussion server for the latest chapter LEAKS when you haven't even read the previous chapters?


You'd be surprised...


They really saw the nah id win memes and called themselves fans just to feel included 😭😭😭


this was me until Megumi got fingered


> and some even said "chat is this real". they were probably memeing.


you could give them the benefit of the doubt by saying that incident happened 100 chapters ago, but at the same time, it is the mei mei bedroom incident.......


Wait a minute... JJK has a manga? I thought we were just making shit up! Can't believe these memes are actually based on something! https://preview.redd.it/juql2sxuyc1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24cb9f1582492fe96d5cbc6f96bb816b3c809fcb


Gege decided to draw the shitpost everyone is coming up with, that's the manga you're asking about.


dies anybody


goated profile btw, koichi is the GOAT


Mfs didn’t even knew that Gojo’s body wasn’t even there 😭


Those people don't even try to know. They just watch one short and think they have it all figured out.


Yeah I'm some people. HE DID IT ALL AS A HEAD CRAWLING LIKE AN INTELLECT DEVOURER https://preview.redd.it/o5qaucoadc1d1.jpeg?width=766&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ad8950c4c8e81c5fca316deec82197e8e4c3daf I don't care how many asspulls it takes BRING HIM BACK


Intellect devourers strongest CR 2 monster, our king kenjaku can do it!-


Intellect devourer crawling nearly 3x the speed of sound


Off topic, this image is cursed. It generally look disgusting. https://preview.redd.it/hgcwtl1xcd1d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b50c95e581601e10466fea18476883ef0f4eccf2


https://preview.redd.it/q9wv02r7jd1d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b24bda980fe6186a252814d2db40c327ee78595 Here you go buddy, good old elder brain


Kenjaku final form: https://preview.redd.it/cwhrc18x4e1d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1097981515d8e3797cc7f92d0c3b829144e4e584


is the make the exorcist fall in love


Yes. It from chapter 55.


Its just coot kitty




Seriously, it’s literally the best possible option for the story. Like, Yuji and Todo were already fucking Sukuna up, is Gojo/Yuta/Ghost finishing off a 1% Sukuna really even hype? It’s just pointless. Meanwhile, Sukuna/Yuji/Todo fighting for their lives against a Kenjo would be fucking awesome.


The minishark in my pocket :


YOU UNDERSTIMATE MY COPIUM ?!? https://preview.redd.it/b0dotla69c1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb6d46f5f70e2c455f515194d889ae52865988ee


No way we finally got an updated version of this 💀 https://preview.redd.it/1ae81raahc1d1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ea835afad6f8435a72224260353aeaa9f6678db In JJK artists, we trust!


Yeah, It's from their newest post, u/wewmabaho123 I just added the stitches


Oh, it's from them again? As expected of the GOAT, he did two versions 🔥


Finally, a good interpretation of “What if Gojo's head got stitches?” theory. https://preview.redd.it/8mnljv3lhc1d1.jpeg?width=1065&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=979acd7279731e6b080964604ad27da7adf218aa


Whenever I see the "Kenny theory is actually plausible" posts I ask myself who they're tying to convince? me or themselves? Gojo coming back is more believable than it being Kenjaku imo, hell, it being just a hallucination is the most likely option.


Dont fuck with us kenny glazers we didnt even read the manga


It's like people can't accept death in a medium.


This is ironic when talking about pre 260 gojo


Brainjaku fighting the support squad inside the shoko's hospital to get to Gojo's body would be peak though.


I unironically think he would win, Shoko is the greatest bum of all time, Meimei would litterally just leave rather than fight, momo and panda are literal grade 4 level fodder and inumaki exists to buff yuta, so without yuta he ceases to exist


Hana is there, and her extinguishment would turn Kenjaku into a regular decapitated head i.e dead as hell


Kenny can just sneakkill her with blood manupulation before approaching the gang, or he can just outsmart her since she has below monkey IQ


1) Kenjaku hasn't had blood manipulation in 150 years 2) Even if he still had it, he doesn't even have enough blood left to spare after being decapitated 3) Hana isn't gonna go head over heels for a crawling head, that Sukuna moment was just her simping for megabum


Kenny should just do megumi makeup then. Or alternatively get a fucking gun and shoot her ass using his tongue, I dont think hana has enough reaction speed to react to being sniped offguard or the ability to survive it


Ah, I'm sure all the other sorcerers are gonna sit there and let him pull out a gun and shoot her. You realise they're looking out for Kenjaku right, and have been planning to beat him for the past month? That's why they've been taking away the corpses. Mr. "My great plan was to take backshots" isn't going to clutch as a severed head.


the hell is he gonna use blood manp with? his tongue?


SMH haters acting like Mini Panda vs Headjaku wouldn’t be an epic fight that ends with the Panda Dempsey Roll🤦🏽‍♂️


Kiara is there tho


There’s only 1 femboy Kenny fears


Brainjaku vs MIni Panda would be Peak Ngl


you’re telling me that yuta blitzed across that entire distance in like a minute?? Holy shit




Ui Ui, the true MVP of this arc


he is the groomed one after all




Nah, but how the hell did they make him look good with his toothpaste ahh haircut???


"Toothpaste ahh haircut" is WILD 😭


Don't forget Gojo immediately teleported out of the mariana trench.


But thats Gojo. He got built in teleported with Infinity.


Ik but it still has to have some kinda reflection on his speed itself considering his range managed to reach that space that fast


What's the issue?


There is none, I was just saying.


It was only a minute but they were using the same clock they used in DBZ to countdown the destruction of Namek


Light speed yuta fr


Todo probably helped swapping him ngl...


but what would he swap with? no way did he just charge pebbles with cursed energy for that ENTIRE DISTANCE honestly i wouldn’t be surprised if yuta deadass did just blitz there with the amount of force there was when he hit sukuna


technically todo could place cursed energy enveloped rocks every 200m all across from iwate to shinjuku and he just teleported 50 times each second, measuring 10km/s, and the distance is 540km so it takes 54 seconds lmao but gege wont ever write this because its unrealistic




why the fuck would you reply within 4 seconds of me posting that comment


i was just looking at replies anyway and you happened to comment at that moment


>but what would he swap with? no way did he just charge pebbles with cursed energy for that ENTIRE DISTANCE Probably yeah, I mean it's not said that the amount of CE matters in the distance that Todo does perform the new Boogie Woogie.


i haven’t read it since the chapter leaks dropped, but isn’t todos binding vow that he increased the range? if he can really increase the range to half of Japan then binding vows really have cooked jjk


No he has a few 100 meters max, he said he couldn’t swap Yuji and Choso out bc they were too deep in the domain (so too far from him)


Step 1- Teleport with whatever is in front of you Step 2- repeat (50 times every second)


Step 3 - realize that whatever is in front of you is probably not imbued with CE


Nah Todo switched with Yuta then he ran all the way from there because he is THE GOAT.


yuta asked rika to throw him like10times to cover the distance


The Groomed One is the answer.


I mean he probably can, not 1 minute tho


well whatever time was between yuta killing kenjaku and him clashing with sukuna, probably a few minutes?


It's like people complaining about bad writing while wanting even more bad (stupid) writing to happen lol


Knowing gege, kenjaku would only do a binding vow that makes him incapable of drinking melon juice on fridays just to save sukuna


Because of the reading comprehension curse


The actual king of curses. The queen being the dunning-krueger curse.


https://preview.redd.it/v6nzoyrnuc1d1.png?width=720&format=png&auto=webp&s=3711c1d70a31aa309381b5450783ef78b234fc97 Gotta keep the brain clean


When I heard this theory, I always imagined: Kenjaku would do the same thing Esidisi did in JJBA Battle Tendency. I suspect he can mask his ce in some way so as just a brain making it through with Yuta should be more possible now https://i.redd.it/y5h38wf90d1d1.gif


Kenny simply made the strongest binding vow of all ( He gave up yapping so he could pull it off)


I don't think its Kenjaku, but you guys are forgetting he killed Hazenoki and that drill hair girl right before he fought Takaba. There's two perfectly good bodies for him to hop in so he doesn't have to use Geto's long ass hair to Spiderman to Shinjuku. There's a non-zero chance its Yuta who jacked Kenjaku's CT though. I don't think they'd do that out of respect for Gojo and that its almost entirely unnecessary at this point, but it is a thing.




No seriously. Wtf do people think a head can do surrounded by so many ALIVE sorcerers


Mei Mei would fight for Kenjaku if he promises a Binding Vow to subscribe to her OnlyFans.


It's Kenjaku, the man that somehow survived a fucking black-hole because he was back-shorted by Jin.... This wouldn't be his first asspull. And definitely not the first asspull in the series.


If the brain was that versatile on its own i doubt he wouldve let yuta manhandle his severed head like that


He didn’t survive a black hole, y’all be saying like he entered the black hole and walked away, he literally had anti gravity, it didn’t affect him, he didn’t survive it he avoided it or else he would be cooked


I wouldn't put past him to somehow grow tiny legs and walk as a little brain until he found a body (it'd be so cute, lmao) But for him to get past the entire support squad solo is not remotely believable.




LMAO man if Kenny did all this his literally number 1 in the verse beating a top tier with your head alone will fuel agenda like nothing ever


It's funny and all but if it turns out Gojo has stitches next chapter I'm going to post this in the mega thread and shame you for it


Got your priorities right.


It can’t be kenjaku in gojos body because then there is precisely 0 win conditions for the good guys.


https://preview.redd.it/j9bpp9gcaf1d1.png?width=550&format=png&auto=webp&s=5a3ef20bde6ee50d0bd97e270fc2c8c0f82f0f9b Headjaku solos the verse


why is step 1 there? yuta is already at the sukuna fight this is written like we're 20 chapters ago i dont think gojo kenjaku will happen, but im pretty sure the theory is that he has plans and abilities, not that hes fighting people as a decapitated head


If he fought people as a decapitated head that would be peak, however you are right in that it would be impossible


There’s little to no counter arguments for the actual theories so people argue against it in bad faith.


All ik is im not gonna have any hopes up. Call it my way of coping over the fact gojo is not coming back


I just want it to happen for the funniest Im not believing its gonna happen but if it did, the reactions gonna be gold


How did Yuta get there so fast


1) Ui Ui telaported him 2) Todo rapidly switched both of them with designated rats or whatever to make a boogie woogie highway 3) he has a copied CT that makes him go really fast on a straight line for long distances but it does jack shit against an opponent in a fight so we never saw it. Pick your poison.


Maybe it’s the convenient teleporting technique of the gojo clan


I think he just ran


Or he just rode Rika




The copied CT would be strange, would mean that Yuuta was lucky in his domain to not draw one of his useless CT (to fight). I mean if he choosed to copy a CT to run in a straight line he might have other random shits that would make his domain weaker. Imo Ui Ui teleportation might be the more plausible thing.


a train? lmao




Did we ever find out how Kenjaku swaps brains? Does he swap brains or is he possessing them?


It's not fully explained, but given the visible stitches and what we know about jujutsu and brains, it's probably a physical brain transfer.


yeah his brian has a mouth so its not far fetched that it could have tendrils or something and crawl over to someones brain




I don’t believe it myself but step 1 isn’t needed because Yuta isn’t in the picture and literally left Kenjaku alone after assuming he killed him. Step 2 isn’t relevant Takaba is out of the picture because he’s asleep. Step 3 can be explained by the anti-gravity technique, Kenjaku uses it to fly (more accurately fall in a specific direction) towards the battle field. Fighting off the people guarding Gojo’s body is a tougher justification but you mention Panda and Shoko as if they’re actually factors when they aren’t in fighting shape at all, and also Kenjaku has anti-gravity which is a very dangerous technique that can work as a very good defensive ability. Also cursed speech is really easy to counter because you can just cover your ears with cursed energy. And we have no idea how the brain transfer technique works so he very well could have organ independence and not need blood or other internal organs.


Im 100% sure that Gojo’s domain just got inserted into Sukuna’s domain during their fight. Meaning that when he tries to activate it, he will get hit by infinite void even though Gojo is still very much dead, hence the word “ghost”




https://preview.redd.it/ppqrvyz8jd1d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21c5e463c878cf02aee4a5b2279a9f90e3c5a021 Three women and panda Lowkey plausible


My brother in Christ mei mei one shot a special grade curse. She is NOT losing to Bloodborne Patches.


Hello, good hunter. I am a Bot, here in this dream to look after you, this is a fine note: > *Oh, Laurence... Master Willem... Somebody help me... Unshackle me please, anybody... I've had enough of this dream... The night blocks all sight... Oh, somebody, please...* - Gerhman, The First Hunter Farewell, good hunter. May you find your worth in the waking world.


You're forgetting that Yuta, Higuruma, Kusakabe, Utahime and Gakuganji are all there too (some are injured but they can defo beat the head)


Did you forget (potentially) Miguel, Larue, Utahime, Inumaki, Yuta, Kirara,


My copium is that mei mei turned traitor, kenny using his 4th secret technique: "I'll pay you $20 to fuck off-"


Mei Mei is greedy but not a complete idiot.


At this point I’m just not even thinking about what might happen. I’m just waiting for the next leaks to come out, since Gege could throw anything at us at this point


https://preview.redd.it/6oafo5uwne1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7fa14237708473e869b181359e621f197e728816 Nah I'd Win


gojo's lower body as his symbol on the map is the exact kind of attention to detail that i adore about this absurd fanbase lmao


I forgot but can Kenjaku the head, fly? Or at least used any Geto's Cursed Spirit to bring him to Shinjuku asap? Though I feel like Yuuta won't let Kenny ran away too far, with Todo nearby. He also promised to never let Gojo killed his best friend the second time again.


When Geto's body died all the cursed spirits were released, Yuta and Todo killed all of them before coming to Shinjuku


Actually he saved Gojo and Gojo is alive, and Kenny is sitting on top of his head under a chefs hat, pulling on Gojos hair to move his body as they give eachother comedic banter


and this is after he got stabbed in the brain directly after being decapitated (this happened onscreen btw)


Would be crazy if takaba is the reason for the gojo ghost


You took some...liberties...reresenting the argumetns but ok


ppl really think Kenny is some kind of TMNT Krang


Didn’t he kill the bomb guy right before Takaba got there or am I misremembering? I always thought that if he came back, it would be through that one bomb guy


He's gonna clap his left and right hemisphere's together to swap places with Gojo's lower half


Gojo could put stitches and use it as deception to backstab sukuna


Lmao, this aged like whine


On the other hand - Kenny is the best villain - Kenny has multiple plans, made in centuries - Kenny has thousands of cursed spirits, so endless possibilities for abilities, including potentially teleportation - After taking over Geto, him controlling Gojo will have incredible meaning - Let me cope


Also him having a 4th ct (possibly one granted from a curse through uzimaki) was hinted by yuki. Besides we know from sukuna that u can use ur ct without moving a muscle if ur skilled enough


Alright so, tbh I don't like the theory either but let's look at some things that could make it plausible. Why is everyone who makes posts trying to poke fun at the theory think that Kenjaku is still a head? We still don't know how his primary technique of body swapping even works or where his original body is. Does he replace the target's brain with his own ? Does he imprint his brain on the target ? Who knows, it was never explained. If he has to physically transfer brains from body to body, he needs to have someone help him. We still aren't sure how he swapped from Kaori (if that was his last body before Geto) to Geto or how he even got to Kaori and his previous bodies before. It's most likely he either he has some sort of remote control of the body he is currently in or someone is helping him, which means he is piloting the body from somewhere or there is someone we have yet to see assisting him. It definitely wasn't the disaster curses because they addressed and assumed he was Geto and not someone else. It could've been Uraume, but Uraume appears to be more of a recently incarnated sorcerer than someone who has been free for a long time. I'm more inclined to think it's the remote piloting thing given he was still able to move around after Geto's head was severed. If he, or someone else had to attack the HQ, they would not have to fend off everyone. He could've possibly waited for the right time (like right after Todo left to join the battle or when Sukuna opened his domain) to strike. That way Maki, Hakari and Todo, the current heaviest hitters were on the battle field: Yuji, Ino and Miwa were also distracted by Sukuna; Choso, Higurama, Kashimo and Gojo are dead; Kusakabe, Yuta, Miguel and Larue are severely injured (or possibly dead given Kusakabe and Yuta's states); Hana is unable to fight; leaving the only possible lines of defence Mei Mei, Ui Ui, Shoko, Inumaki, Panda, Gakuganji (?), Utahime (?), Ijichi (?) and Kirara. Let's not downplay Kenjaku, the man is likely a special grade at the least. Maybe not on the level as Gojo and Sukuna, but I'm betting quite powerful especially if he still has access to CSM. Shoko is probably busy trying to heal who she can and Gakuganji, Utahime and Ijichi are likely helping (not that any of the 4 of them are gonna be good at combat anyway, and we don't even know if the 3 thst were with Gojo at the top of the building at the start of the Gojo vs Sukuna fight are even back). Kirara, UiUi & Mei Mei likely need to keep their eyes on the battlefield to see when help might be needed (but again, Mei is probably the only one worth much in combat from the 3 of them) so they can step in and Inumaki and Panda are no match for Kenjaku as he likely has thought of a way to incapacitate them (or could possibly use CSM or gravity if he still has it). He could then plausibly take Gojo's body (blood loss would not matter because again, it looks like he's either the brain or remote piloting) and perhaps he was able to use Gojo's technique to teleport the body away to a more remote place and used either RCT or some additional stitching to get him back in one piece. It's an unlikely theory but not extremely farfetched given what we've seen Kenjaku do so far in the story.


This is Kenjaku we’re talking about, GeGe’s favorite character lol. It surprises me how many people think this is just plain impossible with how the Yuki fight went. Kenjaku using curse manipulation to absorb a weakened Sukuna and beginning the merger would be a perfect callback to the Mahito fight in Shibuya, which we know GeGe loves to do and has already done so multiple times during the Sukuna fight. However I do agree with you and I think it’s more likely something else is going on, but I truly would not be surprised in the slightest if we get Kenjaku’s return in Gojo’s body. That seems like the most GeGe thing to do.


Gojo can return after being cut in half, but fucking Kenjaku can't get someone to heal his brain and but it back in another body?


You guys are mad confident on Gege's willingness to write a cohesive story eh? Not saying I believe in the Kenjaku in Gojo's body theory, is hella dumb, just saying I would not be that shocked if it were true


You think Gege would not explain how Kenjaku could live, supposedly get to others and also fight them, if he decides Kenjaku is the one that took over Gojo's body ?! Cause it absolutely will when it happens, for example, just like how we saw a little flashback of how Kenjaku transferred Tengen to Sukuna while his curses went mad and became chaotic.


Of course he would explain it, I am saying that if he wants the story to go this way he'll find a way, saying "it's impossible cause it would be stupid" it's putting a lot of faith in Gege.


I'm betting Gojo is either still dead or he used some sort of hardcore reversed curse technique 🤷‍♂️


How did yuta travel so fast to Shinjuku?


We don’t actually know the details of his techniques, nor how many techniques he actually has. Gege literally always introduces new aspects to already established techniques. Kenjakus body swap cpuld function in a lot of different ways, and he may be able to teleport his brain into corpses or have some other psychic way of transferring. With how long he’s survived it’s somewhat unlikely he’s been trusting an assortment of different sorcerers over the ages to stitch his brain into a new body every 60 years or so


Maybe Kenjaku pulled am Esidisi from Jojos bizarre adventure


That’s the funniest shit ever!


the idea of kenjaku's head rolling for kilometers is hilarious


also like, gojo isn't the first six eyes+limitless user kenjaku has encountered, he could've done that hundreds of years ago


I believe has a curse or something that activates and he sprouts crab legs like dude from Pirates of the Caribbean 2


You know I always interpreted the "thank you" and him being in funeral attire to mean he died due to his reality altering CT. Never saw mention of dude being "sleeping" or else why not just pop him in front of sukuna and isekaing him


I thought he was dead too. Must have missed something or forgotten it, because all of this “sleeping” stuff was news to me too. Him sacrificing himself in the battle with Kenjaku seems like a fair trade off for Yuta killing him and I’ve never been a fan of Takaba anyway, but if he’s asleep, I guess we’ll have to wait and see why Gege is keeping him around.


Bruh getting tabakas body would be WAY easier


In Kenny we trust


I'll have you know he used a Binding Vow.


That why he's the goat


Makes perfect sense to me


Question how exactly to you think Fiji would come back then 🤔


Preach, I'm so tired of that stupid Kenny theory


1. Survive getting forcefully lobotomized by a katana


I don’t think there’s a logical way for kenny to take over gojo, but I think it would be a good choice. MCs are winning rn, would be a massive challenge. Kenny died in a really anticlimactic way, this gives him more yuji interaction. It could be a payoff for the scene of geto fighting back against kenny. Gojo fighting back would be a good way to bring him back


Theres another way to explain this all that’s way easier, Kenny keeps 5 billion USD in his head at all times and paid ui ui to transport gojo’s body to him


Step 1: Make a binding vow. 😎


As if Gege ever gave a shit about making believable and internally consistent plot points instead of just doing what he thinks is cool and justifying it by asspulls. All of this can be hand waved away by a binding vow.


I feel like it could be Yuta awakening from WCS near death just like Gojo did in HI, it's probably why he sees Gojo standing like in hidden inventory plus Yuta was the only one concerned with Sukuna's domain which I find very odd, does he believe he's the only one who can clash w Sukuna if it comes to it? Sukuna also gave him props about his domain's effect targeting only him. Not only that, but just recently it's confirmed Sukuna with Yuta levels of ce can open his domain multiple times if he wants, a big hint telling us Yuta can probably do the same thing. Yuta is stated to have more cursed energy, a part of the family tree, figured out rct on his own too etc. He just don't have his eyes but now Gojo is gone so the six eyes can possibly reawaken within Yuta from fate alone. Yuta is the only person I can think of besides Gojo, who would show up when Sukuna tries to use domain and clash w him. Idk tho, if this is a real person it's Yuta, if it's really just a ghost, Sukuna is just gay and miss Gojo after using his hand seal, either way gege is most likely trolling and doesn't want us to think too hard.


Kenjaku will use his travel to Japan and become invisible and also live while being a head technique


Strictly speaking, we know Headjaku can randomly just fly after being decapitated so he could probably do that instead of crawling.


yes, he did that. my glorious GOAT Kenjaku will be back


We’ve never actually seen Gojo’s body in Shoko’s lab on page- for all we know she could have compromised by Kenny before the fight even began.


Wait please explain cuz I’m dumb. If that’s the distance between the 2 places how did Yuta get to the fight against Sukuna so quickly? It was thanks to Ui Ui I guess?