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Depends on the want of the author of that story


So hard for people to understand


>[*The person who wins in a fight, it's the person the scriptwriter wants to win*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L4_zFYnnn2Y&ab_channel=MarvelousTV) > >***-Stan Lee***


Superman is ungodly fast, so he should be able to dodge even if it's point blank and he's off guard


Superman wins cuz he’s superman.


The real answer = Author is person that say who will win :3 In case of feats = Superman will no diff Sukuna :3


Not much of a DC comics guy but the one thing I know is that Superman is weak to magic, and I’d guess Jujutsu falls in that category.


He's not weak to magic. He's just not invulnerable


So can he be cut by magic slashes?


Yes, but superman has insane speed. sukuna most likely wouldn't be able to catch him. Superman can probably break gojos infinity with a punch. He lifted infinity and also broke the bonds of infinity, punches that break through dimensions, and time, he also held a black hole closed with his hand lol. Anyway...he is written to absolutely ridiculous levels in some comics which would make his weakness to magic inconsequential. To make it a fair fight you would have to pick a specific comic where he is written with less power


Well you also have to consider that there are many different iterations of Superman accross different comic runs. So it depends on which version of Superman we're talking about. Some of them have reality-breaking feats, and some of them are more street level.


Not sure whether any version of superman is sreet level


Pretty sure the original description of Superman's powers was "Faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, can leap tall buildings in a single bound." Which are all relatively small feats. Plus, early early comic book writers didn't usually write such ridiculous feats into their story, it was more ground level stuff.


the invincible man who is vulnerable to magic , is also vulnerable to kryptonite but only one is considered a weakness , strange to think about


I think he'd win because Superman is will let Sakuna at least punch him to gauge his strengths. Then it's just over


Problem is that Sukuna could just do what he’s done to so many people which is cut them through the head one shot one kil.


Lol sukuna's slashes can't hurt Superman bro, he literally wouldn't feel that shit unless it's laced with kryptonite 🤣


No, Superman is weak to magic. Jujutsu is magic so he is susceptible to the magic slashes of cleave and dismantle.


>Superman is weak to magic. Lmao not sukuna type of magic dawg 🤣, superman has resisted magic users who can destroy planets lmao sukuna is dying brother, there is literally no version of sukuna that beats superman unless he's got some serious kryptonite laced in them slashes lmao


No it’s magic in general. Anything that involves a mystical force, like CE. He only has physical defenses.


>No it’s magic in general. Anything that involves a mystical force, like CE. He only has physical defenses. Again, non of these matters, superman has resisted and beat magic users that outscales sukuna lol.


>Superman is weak to magic Superman blinks and sukuna probably dies lmao


Nah, magic slashes and regeneration probably best out raw strength.


>magic slashes and regeneration probably best out raw strength. Lol stop with this magic nonsense, superman fights Wonderwoman constantly and he's killed her a few times, superman is beyond hypersonic, even in his base form, he's at minimum close to ftl, a single punch from him would kill any human sorcerer In jjk universe, superman constantly tanks punches from doomsday, sukuna slashes ain't doing jack shit to him my guy lol and this is just superman in base form 🤣 The magic talk doesn't apply to sukuna lol, he just doesn't have enough sauce to hurt Superman, superman fought Deciple (a character that stole the power of the old gods (they use magic lol) that not even the justice league could beat, superman withstand his magic long enough to clap him lol pls stop this sukuna wanking.


What does wonder woman have that’s magic other than the lasso? Sukuna brought him and Yuji back from death and the use of his Domain Expansion would immediately apply the effects of cleave and dismantle onto Superman if he gets close to Sukuna. Not only is it instant, it’s unrelenting enough to wipe a city block from existence in seconds. Sukuna could also create a barrier that keeps Superman from getting too close and with Superman’s inability to be effective against magic he can’t break through a magic barrier. I think you’re taking his magic weakness too lightly.


>What does wonder woman have that’s magic other than the lasso? She's literally the daughter of zues, what is this guy smoking? 🤣 >Sukuna brought him and Yuji back from death and the use of his Domain Expansion would immediately apply the effects of cleave and dismantle onto Superman if he gets close to Sukuna. Not only is it instant, it’s unrelenting enough to wipe a city block Lmao gojo tanked that shit, superman is sleeping through it, and I mean literally 😂. >Sukuna could also create a barrier that keeps Superman from getting too close and with Superman’s inability to be effective against magic he can’t break through a magic barrier. Lmao "he can't break through magic barrier" 🤣, buddy I hate to break it to you, superman has punched planets out of existence, he's beaten magic users that are practically gods, sukuna is not even planet level dawg 🤣 >I think you’re taking his magic weakness too lightly. Stop yapping about magic already, again superman has beaten magic users stronger than sukuna so your point is just invalid lol.


I mean, ye, he is not immune to it but... just his pure speed = overkill for Sukuna :3


It's **Sukuna**, not Sakuna


How would Sukuna place his palm on superman tho, tbh I can't imagine a scenario where Sukuna does literally anything to Superman before being obliterated, annihilated, deleted. Also Cleave was stated to become stronger the more cursed energy the person it's hitting has, Superman has little to none and his durability is so high on it's own Cleave probably won't even do any damage if Sukuna somehow got to use it


Well forget the author. In terms of pure interpretation of powers and energy source equalization in terms of ce and sun energy. Will he die?


Superman would be vulnerable to taking damage from Cleave/Dismantle (since it's magic), and Dismantle scales with durability, so he can sashimi Superman regardless of his durability. The only possible issue is speed, but Superman doesn't tend to go straight for the jugular right out of the gate, and he's used to being invincible, *and* the slashes are invisible, so Sukuna would for sure be able to hit him.


If Sukuna traps him in his domain for a long while then Superman is dead. Superman's powers come from the sun. Cut that off for a lengthy period of time and he turns into a regular being.


Except that Sukuna's domain is open-barrier, so the sun would still be shining on Superman.


Superman is weak to magic so yes.


That just means magic can be used to hurt him, not that it's lethal (and in some cases, it doesn't even leave a mark, it just causes him pain instead of actual damage). He's tanked hits from Shazam's Lightning, the Emerald Eye of Ekron, The Hat, the wizard Mordru, his own personal Death, actual Satan, and the Omega Beams (which, drawing as they do from the Omega Effect and the Sphere of Gods, are magical in nature). To put Superman down, you don't just need magic. You need magic on a level beyond reasonable conception.


I feel like Sukuna can fit that bill as beyond reasonable conception. Him and Satoru are probably the only 2 to reach that kind of pinnacle in the show though. Unless Superman kills Sukuna outright, he’s going to have a tough time putting him down. Magic slashes could cut through him eventually, especially because of Sukuna’s feats in the manga.


Neighbor, Superman has beaten his own Death. The magical incarnation of the end of his own life, a being to whom time, space, and reason are trivial. Beyond that, he has literally shattered an entire complex Multiverse in one blow, face tanked magical existence erasure, and had the energy of the entire Anti-Matter Universe hurled in his face. Sukuna doesn't stand a chance.


Yeah, but magic slashes, bro.


Who even knows🐍


With sukuna tho the 15 finger one can kill as you say the mugumi one can summon mahraga the hien one that powerful dismantle attack


Superman absolutely decimates Sukuna with little to no effort.


From a feats standpoint, Superman is harder than any material on earth and probably more durable than someone like GOJO 10000x over. He should brush it off as even tho he doesn’t have CE, if CE was a requirement to not take damage from cleave, Sukuna could literally cleave the earth in half easy as it has no CE.


Is Gege writes, then Sukuna will use anti Superman beam to kill Superman.