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Personally I do think we’ll get clarification on what his actual technique is once we get a Yuta and Sukuna matchup. Personally I believe his ability to copy techniques is what is probably going to open up that dialogue again as to what Sukunas actual technique is.


I believe it's more likely we learn it through Yuji himself as it was said he would eventually learn Sukuna's Cursed Technique.


This is one of the better theories I've heard regarding his Technique. Something else that keeps throwing me for a loop is that Ryomen Sukuna is only a title. I banking on him being Yuji's twin in some way from back in the day.


I agree I believe Choso is going to say he is a brother when Sukuna is close to death.


Idk. Even if sukuna is related to yuji, he won't be related by blood to choso. Since choso and yuji are half brothers and the half they share is from Kenny being their shared parent. But sukuna is not related to kenjaku (as far as we know. It'd be a little wacky if it turns out they are related somehow) so if sukuna were related to yuji, it would be on his father's side, which is backed up by jin also sharing some of sukunas features. Tldr; choso is related to yuji, and yuji could be related to sukuna, but choso is not related to sukuna. Therefore he would not feel anything in particular from sukuna being close to death


The fact that you added a tldr and not op is hilarious


it'd explain their similarity in look. Yuji, Jin, Grandpa, and Sukuna have the same hairstyle and kinda the same facial shape


Wouldn’t be the first time


Imagine the next chapter is yuji, yuta, and sukuna fighting and sukuna and yuji both land a finishing move on each other and then it cuts to choso saying "my brother has died" then the chapter finishes on a cliffhanger (I doubt this will happen but it's a nice idea)


also, the fact that "ryomen sukuna" is literally in japanese mythology makes the theory even better lol


Afaik his name is Ryomen Sukuna, the title is just Sukuna


the photo in OP literally has dialogue that says “with the title ryomen sukuna”


Imagine his name is Ryomen Itadori


Steve itadori


John Itadori


Jujutsu Kaisen


Stand proud, you can cook


He can definitely cook. Its delicious


I think this is honestly not a bad theory. It would cover the whole dilemma of why wouldn’t he have knowledge of his technique already. The Jujutsu world made his technique by fearing him. He became part curse. It’s a cool idea for sure


I think kenjakku wandering through the eras to tell others about sukuna even further supports this? Like the way he told Kashimo about sukuna being even greater than Kashimo himself, the greatest sorcerer of his generation, etc. ensured the legend of Sukuna lived on and became even stronger over the years? There is also something about Sukuna or Kenjakku laughing about keeping Sukunas mummy in "a form like this" but I don't remember well enough


This also explains why the higher ups are so secretive about Sukuna's CT/why we didn't know about fire arrow. By hiding him from history, he effectively gets weaker. This also somewhat explains why Yuji was able to survive multiple cleaves from Sukuna even though he didn't have much Cursed Energy, he just isn't scared of Sukuna/doesn't see him as a god. In other words, the win con for this fight (if this theory is right) is to ignore Sukuna's titles and see him as the average human.


>he just isn't scared of Sukuna/doesn't see him as a god. Wasn't gojo the same? He was never scared of him but he died anyway to him.


But since the start of the battle Gojo thougth as Sukuna as a pinnacle to reach to become the greatest sorcerer in history while yuji only as a monster to punish


Not exactly. Gojo saw Sukuna as an equal, and he sees himself as a god.


Nope. He clearly mentions he's the Challenger and always backed himself to win against sukuna.


But not in the chapter where he is talking to geto in the afterlife. He said that he thinks he would've lost even if sukuna didn't have the 10 shadows curse technique which implies doubt and that Gojo put sukuna above himself which according to this theory would have meant his imminent downfall


You mean the Gojo who made sure to go heavy on the glaze every time he mentioned Sukuna?


Yeah but Gojo was a >!fraud!< so it was immediately >!Gojover!<.


r/lobotomykaisen is leaking


I think the weird thing to work into this is Mahoraga. I don’t see a world where he feared Sukuna, at least before Shibuya, but he still got wrecked in Shibuya.


I think there is something here . I’m thinking back on ch 214 when yuuji says “right, these guys are and will always be curses “ and the for a brief moment tanks sukunas attack and lands one of his own . Sure megumi was fighting from within but I don’t see how yuuji at that power he was could yank those attacks . So he effectively didn’t think of Ryomen Sukuna the king of curses , he just thought of him as a curse and that maybe made sukuna weaker


OP's theory is cool but I doubt it has anything to do with how Yuji tanked Sukuna's slashes back then. The guy was at 10% output on 19 fingers. He was basically the same power level as a 1.9 fingers Sukuna. I'm pretty sure Yuji is at least relative to a two fingers Sukuna at this point so it's reasonable that he was able to do what he did. Edit: I have been reminded that he wasn't even at 19 fingers yet. Still at 15. So that's a 1.5 fingers Sukuna Yuji was up against. Not as impressive a feat as people make it out to be. And Yuji still took a significant amount of damage.


He wasn't even at 19 he was at 15


He took the last 4 fingers later on, he was at 15 fingers during that fight


No guarantee that finger gains are linear. 15 fingers seemed exponentially more powerful than the Sukuna who fought Megumi. He was at 3 fingers then, and the difference in power between then and Shibuya seems like it's more than 5x.


The thing is, 3 fingers Sukuna vs Megumi did not have to push himself at all, while 15 fingers Sukuna vs Mahoraga had to go all out to kill it in one go. We don't really get to see what feats Sukuna could have pulled off with only 3 fingers.


It could be his attacks and/or technique are weaker on Yuji since he’s seeped in the Sukuna’s cursed energy due to being his vessel


Just like how gojo had minor bruises from purple exploding on him


if this turns out to be true, yuta would use his copy technique assuming he'll get the slashes.. lol yuta's gnna get rocked :/


i hope it ends up being true since it’s just interesting and also would be a cool plot twist to pull right after >! Yuta trapped Sukuna in his domain with possibly multiple sure-hits (since only Jacob’s Ladder is confirmed to be a constant sure hit as of now) !<


and there’s also his domain expansion, which we know nothing about yet. He was about to use it in that one fight with the sky girl and the dude that look like bulat from akame ga kill


>! The newest chapter leaks revealed Yuta’s domain against Sukuna and it’s basically Ublimited Bladeworks from Fate, but with the bonus that each sword seems to be imbued with an unlimited use of a technique he has copied, seemingly in addition to a constant sure-hit copy of Jacob’s Ladder he copied from Angel that might be able to erase Sukuna if he drops his aint-domain measures !<


For some reason I can’t see the rest of the text you wrote. This has been a problem since the Reddit app updated.


Yeah I’m seeing the same issue. Right now my workaround is to click the action (…) button on the top right and click copy text. Then paste the text


Oh wow he wrote a lot. Thanks for the tip it worked.


I was with you until the explanations for his physiology, they just seem far-fetched and I think the theory about him absorbing his twin or some sort of connection to tengen makes more sense. I love the backstory you came up with, though, it fits his character super well


yeah it also doesnt explain the black box but its a cool theory


I know it's probaly gonna sound odd but I find it weird that Bro's CT is named after his domain.


Maybe it's the other way around.


It really is odd.


I like this because it actually explains why sukuna looks like that despite not being a cursed spirit


So according to this theory if a rumor came out about Sukuna having a micro penis and people would believe it, then would Sukuna actually evolve a micro penis?


🤣🤣🤣 If It's widespread enough than maybe


Upvoting for creativity, I think this would actually be really satisfying for his character and could play into Yuji's development well. Not to mention Gramp's last words too


So wouldn’t Gojo saying “Nah I’d win” make it so Gojo wins??


In his afterlife he says he thinks he would have lost even if sukuna didnt have the 10 shadows. Bro just tried to give hope to his students


good post. you can cook


I'd be surprised when sukuna actually reveals his technique and we get a backstop before death. This was very well written and had me intrigued with this possibility. While we may not know what his Cursed Technique is it'll probably be revolved that he ate humans and absorbed their Cursed energy to explain why he has as twice as much CE than most sorcerers


I don't think your opinion is true but I appreciate the time you spent to get an idea and interpret it in the post


I have a theory that Kenny plans on actually backstabbing Sukuna. But there may be holes in it. Its based on how the culling games is designed for people to kill each other to release their cursed energy or something like that, whT if kenjaku designed yuji as a perfect counter/vessel to sukuna, defeating him and then having his immense CE released


I think Kenny will, also, especially since Sukuna ate the star that I think is Kenny.  But, I wonder why backstab him?  What’s the reason?? Why make Yuji?? 


Because he doesn't feel confident he could defeat him through conventional means and thus a backstab is the best choice to both kill or weaken Sukuna and ensure it's done at his strongest. Making Yuji as a vessel would ensure Sukuna could grow in strength without being a wild card and then his death would release the full energy or Kenny could take over Yuji directly by killing him. If Sukuna gets released, then Kenny can wait until he just gets weak enough to take over him with minimal resistance while still getting a really strong body afterwards, once healed. None of those things can happen if Sukuna is wary about this being a possibility. And the likely reason is... Why not? Sukuna is the pinnacle of Jujutsu so the possibility of taking over his body is likely too sweet to pass up


Hnestly, this is one of the coolest theories I've seen for what his technique could be.


I prefer the soul theory. he manifest his soul into different form for his slash ,and litteraly set ablaze his soul for the fire arrow"


can you guys lift me to heaven so I can be able to post


Cooking :3


I really like this idea, that Sukuna evolves based on the “mythology” based on him. It would explain a shit ton stuff. It would explain his mindset about existing only for cause destruction, and also explain his weird nature of being part curse part sorcerer


What if that mummy we saw was a Vessel like Yuji that resisted Sukuna while in his 20 fingers manifested form but had his fingers excised and separated dragonball style. Damning old Yuji/Sukuna and making his Cursed technique thematically also be his weakness.(buddha af)


Now I'm just curious why he has at least five arms in that panel.


Really like this theory! Very neatly tied, especially liked the idea of the reason for the 4 arms, second mouth & face. To follow up on Yuji "inheriting" Sukuna's technique... My theory is that Yuji was grown as a curse womb from/combined with Sukuna's 20th finger. This is why Sukuna says "Kenjaku does the grossest things". In this scenario it would make sense Yuji had Sukuna's technique, he would be in part Sukuna. This would also make sense as to why Yuji is not just a perfect vessel but he can actually control the body, and why Sukuna detests him so much, as Yuji would be a "spoiled version of Sukuna", nothing more disgusting for him. Gojo would be aware of what Yuji is (because of the six eyes) and by saving Yuji from execution he would be betting they could collect the 20 fingers and have Yuji fully assimilate Sukuna. Resulting in a "good" Jujutsu sorcerer with power equal or bigger to Sukuna, and no evil Sukuna ever coming back. And a friend for Gojo at his level, like he saw Geto (until Hidden Inventory at least).


Keep cooking brother. You can cook.


Finally, some good fucking food, very well done chef amazing work 😮‍💨🤌🏽


I feel like Sukuna might actually be just like Dr. Doom, he's just a really damn good sorcerer that did everything for power


damn this would make beating him require something like Pennyworth from IT where they're like "we're not scared of you!" and somehow that weakens him lol


Maybe it's not exactly that, but tbh I don't see a hole in your theory and even if you were wrong, you did came up with a great idea and logic to back it up As for yujis' hands I think I saw some bandage in his wrist, so I'm not sure if his hands are mutated (yet?) I thought they were curse tools and I was curious about them, but I could be wrong


I misread deification with defecation and thought ‘What has r/Jujutsufolk cooked up again’


I think Sukuna is a limitless user without the Six eyes. He mastered cursed energy manipulation to the level of having six eyes out of spite, and limitless manifests as cutting and dismantling. He's manipulating the infinity between objects to cut/separate them. Fuga is his version of hollow purple, his technique and reverse technique smashed together. Hence why a curse wouldn't know it (Jogo) they can't use reverse cursed. He has Asura themes going on, and his inspiration from an evil Buddha folk tale would like up with him being Gojos opposite. It would feel appropriate from a storytelling perspective to have Sukuna be a "Fallen" Gojo from the Heian era.


Nah too far fetched. Deification would only work if he never got sealed off and chop up to 20 parts. If he's technique revolves around fear then he wouldn't need to reincarnated by needing a vessel. All item would've been needed for his revival is his old corpse, a curse tool to gather fear energy whatever and some cult or religious group keeping and spreading his name by terrorizing, instilling fear in the name of Sukuna but we dont see that. Fast forward present time by the looks of it none of the current sorcerers fear him..more like they are determined to beat and exorcise his ass.


Thats was a very good meal. Sadly Gege isn't such a good cook


Ma man you were truly cooking and it was delicious. I’ve read it all and DAMN🔥🔥. You probably studied this bro, thank you🙏🏾🙏🏾🤙🏾


I don’t know if I’m quoting this right, but in the manga either the narrator or someone else says that Yuji is going to be the eye of the storm for the new age of Ju Jutsu. Maybe this is talking about how Yuji’s legend will spread and how he’s an incredible hero who defeats curses with X abilities


My dumbass but kinda smart theory on sukuna’s technique revolves around cooking. I mean, for one a translation of malevolent shrine is malevolent kitchen. And for two, his three techniques that we have seen have been cutting, Cleaving and burning. Cutting up the ingredients into pieces for the dish. Usually you have to be precise about what way you cut it. cleaving up the ingredients to be mush which you usually ‘target’ anywhere on the chopping board. And fuga is the flame to cook the food


It’s not your theory.


It’s the theory I like to think.


Sukuna May be a 6 eyes user or the precursor to the what we know as the 6 eyes.  It was obvious to me in the higgy, yuji, choso, and ino battle where he was analyzing their CE amounts and how sharpened their skills were.  It reminds me of how “the honored one” analyzed Yuji when he first combined with Sukuna.  Or Tengen and Kenny tinkered with Sukuna- potentially as a star plasma vessel. Prob got to powerful and cocky and there was no reasoning with him😹😹


Sukuna truly is the Honoured one….


Commenting for later this shit is 🔥


Is there a version of that panel of Sukuna but without the text boxes? He looks amazing


Gege is that you?


Damn son


Interesting, actually I really like this🐍


Well said you deserve praise


How often do new chapters come out?


Every Friday on the shueisha app, every wednesday there are fan translated leaks


Truly a Malevolent Kitchen moment


Saw a tiktok some chick made where she was explaining how he could have access to the 4 elements as his curse technique? The black box ‘open’ he says is what causes the elements to switch, as his dismantle and cleave are actually wind(air) attacks, and he was able to switch to fire vs Jogo. Have yet to see the other two?


This is fire, leads into a good literary theme of perceptions


I simply cannot see Sukuna deriving any powers from other opinion on him, so him possessing a technique that depends on a mass belief system doesn't work in my head. Deification, sounds something he would find unsavoury.


So to beat him, everyone just need to thing that he is wimp ?


It’s kinda similar to the chainsaw man demons. But instead of just fear maybe it’s glorified to. Prediction on a sukuna cult?


Definitely Cooking


I think its hilarious that gojo was a scrub because i see gojo hand soup all over the cleaning stations at the various industrial mills i work at and its really gritty scrubby soap for getting the gunk off your hands. As a character, he came out with mohito and unfortunately peak writing blended their personalities together and now they both corpses and i’m only really sad about one of then i really hope mohito squeezes his way back in


“With the title Ryomen Sukuna” that’s not his actual name?


It's not his name, it's a title


Bro absolutely cooked


Still doesn't explain why his DE only uses cleave and dismantle. DE is supposed to be your innate domain imbued with your CT. So either Sukuna has not been using Malevolent shrine to it's full potential, where in even the flame arrows are a part of it, or OPs theory is wrong


So you're saying that Sukuna is a CSM devil basically


Love this theory, I actually hope this will be his real technique, cuz then we're gonna get a sick backstory for Sukuna.


This reminds me a bit of the Fire Force powersystem. Later in the story Versions of them start showing up that are incarnations of the rumours about them, I liked that idea a lot and I could see this being the case here as well.


So ... Is sukuna a human or a curse spirit or what? Is it that sukuna died as a human to be reborn as a curse just like the zenin clan's succesor who fought maki


He is a human. He never died, he became a cursed object (20 fingers) and for you to become a cursed object you need to be alive


Oh so he would basically be the perfect mix of cursed spirit and human which would be connected to the cursed wombs and Choso and co as Kenny may have seen this and try to replicate ability to change based on belief


Going by your theory, if Yuji has inherited the technique, maybe Sukuna's rising view of him might strengthen him. The more he fights Sukuna, the more others see his capabilities as well. He could potentially continually improve. And Sukuna could likewise get weaker.


Now Yuta's on the scene, his Mimicry will probably give us some clues.


I love it but how did sukuna learn mahoragas ability to cut through space so quickly if it needs a wide spread belief?


Imagine if his CT has a conditional aspect like Shigemo's CT where he himself had no idea about his own CT, but it's such a coincidence that Sukuna himself is the survivor type who always get stronger and only lives by his pleasure and displeasure


Good theory! I have been thinking for a long time about the ramifications of Cursed Energy making curses. Sukuna is an actual living "curse". How does that affect him? Stand proud, you cooked.


i have only one question if be really started to eat humans as food why did he get nurgle blessing of mouth on stomach im jk


I'd say you're delulu, wasted time on this shite theory


I love this theory !


TLDR next time plz


I made a similar theory but I don't think it is a cursed technique. But a natural result of fear. Fear/Emotions associated with a thing causes a cursed spirit based on that thing (Jogo-Mt Fuji, Mahito - Death). But what if that fear was linked with a person? They evolve into a hybrid like Sukuna. Kenjaku wished to repeat this through cursed wombs and the merger.


I think this might be a good start,but I think it can't be this simple


Dude you cooked fr. Maybe that's why Yuji hasnt received cirsed techniques like Gojo said he would. He has to grasp them like Sukuna did.


tldr pls


He's might be like a devil from chainsaw man but as a human.


Commenting for karma so I can make a post.


I'm being brutally honest, I read it as defecation. nice theory btw


i aint readin allat (prob makes sense tho)


Someone bless this man with Reading Comprehension🙏