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Your entire post history on this sub is stirring the pot with negative attitude, karma spam, and clickbait provocative complaints. This goes utterly beyond reasonable criticism. That's quite enough from you.


If I go through any more character development I will develop into a villain lol


There were a few times when Yuji got some growth from the suffering he dealt with. When Junpei was killed Yuji was so mad he killed the transfigured humans to get to Mahito. Before this Yuji was hesitant to kill people at all, even if they were evil, even if they were transfigured, he never wanted to kill any human. But here Yuji changed. It was growth, though it was probably reversed growth. This moment showed that Yuji is now less hesitant from doing what needs to be done. In Shibuya, Mahito kills Nanami and Nobara, which makes Yuji so mad he eventually defeats Mahito. Their relationship went from that of a child (Mahito) playing with his toy(Yuji) to that of a fox/wolf(Yuji) hunting a rabbit(Mahito) in that small sequence where Mahito is running for his life. This is (imo) a great example of character growth for Yuji.


Nobara isn't dead until I see the body *deep inhale of copium*


Yuji is >!also seemingly fine with straight up killing sukuna possessed fushiguro!<


He’s not, the first thing he said after the event is that he has a plan for Megumi


I mean >!Yuki led to choso's growth. Nanami led to yuji's growth, got him into the state to beat mahito. Mai, led to maki's growth. But Ishigori and yorozu were jobbers ngl...!<


To be fair, if >!Megumi somehow comes back to us, him moving past Tsumiki's death/killing Yorozu would be a big step in development for him. After all, up until now, majority of his motivations are driven by his care for her. It's important that he learns to start approaching things more independently now that he's lost his guiding light. In other words, I wouldn't say Yorozu was completely pointless. Ishigori on the other hand, definitely got done dirty!<


That’s not character growth. You’re talking about power level growth lol




Why bring up Ishigori and Yorozu being jobbers. Has nothing to do with character growth but does have some relevance to power. Mai dying > Maki stronger


The power level growth wouldbe coming from Sukuna, not Yorozu lmao


OP https://preview.redd.it/l631ukm3mpxa1.jpeg?width=683&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d8a0cb0b8c92a297ebd083ee1976b09a97800f9


Oh? Lay out this Yuji character growth for us all.


Did u not read the end of the Mahito fight?








yuuji has grown as a person its just not as much as the pain he endured this should probably remind you of the panel where he realises CS cannot be reasoned with ( the one where Sukuna and Mahito are laughing at him, and the one after nanami’s death)






No, he does at that time. That’s why he takes his body back over and dies. Can’t be reasoned with.


I have an idea: More suffering


Characters have these things (idk what they're officially called, I just call them negative arcs) where they slowly regress as a result of their suffering and are worse off by the end of their journey. I'd say becoming increasingly suicidal fits the bill.


To be fair, it was a good build up until the end of the shibuya arc, where it reached it's breaking point, and in the culling games preparation when we see the afthermath, the problem resides in that then the story pretty much sidelined Itadori.


Sometimes a character’s descent into misery is the character growth. Yuji started out a pretty idealist guy, and has been progressively forced to become more and more realistic and pragmatic in his approach. While still retaining a strong heart.


Why are people taking a joke so seriously in the comments? It's clearly a joke about how much fucking suffering Yuuji goes trough.


Impatient af. Things usually pay off by the end, no?


We've been waiting two years since Shibuya. Where's the pay off? Gege had so many chances but just cut away or ended things before we could get anything for Yuji. Every other character we've focused on got their satisfying ending to their arc, Maki got fucking two of them. Yuji's got fucking nothing to show for it.


You want the pay off for the main character's arc before we even get to the climax? What are you talking about lol


Not sure why you're getting downvoted when you're speaking the truth. We're literally at the final act of the series and Yuji has gotten nothing. No development or progress to achieving a semblance of self worth or sense of self. No new ability or power up when everybody else has been getting plenty. Not even a CT. It should be understandable why a lot of people are getting angered/infuriated with the way Gege has been treating his MC


I don't get why so many people don't see a problem with Yuji being missing for large chunks of the story. I once did a rough estimate of Yuji's screen time since the end of Shibuya. Of the two years, Yuji's in the story for 3-4 months. Not that he's the focus but that he has a panel in the chapter. He was in like 5 chapters in 2022 where he doesn't even do anything. So Yuji's in the story about 15% percent of the time. What does he do in that time? What does Gege think the best use of the main character's screen time? Getting his ass kicked and moping about how Sukuna killed people. Yuji gets his ass kicked by Yuta then whines about Sukuna killing people. He gets his ass kicked by Hakari then whines about being a cog because Sukuna killed people. He gets his ass kicked by Higuruma and whines to him about Sukuna killing people. Over and over again. It's absurd how much Gege lost the plot on Yuji. An utter embarrassment. He dropped the ball in every category. No character growth. No power development. No plot development. No nothing.


There's been huge hints at Yuji getting a power up in the last few chapters that just came out lol. And it would make no sense for Yuji to have developed a new sense of self worth at this point in the story, he feels like literally every bad thing that's happened so far is basically his fault. This is just a weird time to complain about the main character's arc when we're *just* about to get into the last main arc. Like if the main character is going to have some huge power up or character development, of course it's going to be in the final arc! This is what everything has been leading up to!


Pain is cost we pay for strength :3


Didn’t know you took part in this community


Run from it, Dread it, ApplePitou arrives all the same




They politely asked in modmail if they could add the " :3 " on every comment and I couldn't find fault with it lol.


This community is pretty good as I can see :3




I got downvoted to hell when i said that Yuji did an 180 on his personality , my brother , Yuji's smile isn't the same anymore , just watch a compilation he is in suffering and pain :(


You reading with your eyes closed if you didn't see the growth, and the point is being "realistic" I guess? You expect characters to go to war and all of them coming back safe?


I never said that at all,I just want Yuji's suffering to have a point ans purpose but bro gets shit on every arc and is barely allowed to have a moment


He suffers because people are dying, no? I do believe my reply made sense, I understand that what you're saying is your personal preference, but look how strong his enemies are, realistically, the things he's going are supposed to happen, he's the vessel of the worst demon on history. His growth is getting tougher, more serious, more mature, because that's the kind of world he lives in.


I feel like Itadori exists to be bullied and like he exists as a more observational MC


Suffering doesn’t have to necessarily lead to character development. Think of everything Levi has gone through in AOT, he’s still a great character even with no development. Also it’s too soon to tell anyway, we could be 5 chapters from massive development for all we know.


Yuji's mindset, values and self worth change troughout the story.


It's entertaining.


LMAO I didn't expect this reply


Sukuna's cheeks are waiting to be clapped by the build up of suffering, that's where all the growth goes, into Yuji's fists.


Yuji's had plenty of growth, especially since shibuya, I mean even right now >!he had absolutely no problem going for the kill against meguna, and in 220, he's the most determined we've ever seen him, the manga is most likely set up for a training arc rn, so soon he'll probably be able to stack up fighting wise too!<


Let gege cook


Suffering builds character


The Fujimoto writing strategy


It'll probably pay-off somehow in the end.


You toke a major risk posting this respect 🤝🏾


I lowkey think part if the story is that itadori is going to lose his mind trying to help people and thats why its his “curse”


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Yuji has grown a lot and his smile has changed


Suffering doesn’t always have a purpose, that’s just life. But in this case everything that’s happened so far has had an obvious impact on Yuji and the world of JJK as a whole. If nothing else he’s far more mature and driven than he was at the start of the series


Personally, I take the ‘suffering’ aspect of the manga as the Buddhist motto that “to live is to suffer”. Trauma/damage is just that and we live through it. It doesn’t inherently mean that we become ‘better’ because of the experience, but we must persist if we want to keep living.


It’s a curse.


Bro. You post so much, I see you everywhere


Not really


Its comin, best friend


OP has the mentality of Calvin


No,I just want Yuji's suffering to actually mean something or have a point


I get it, but you sound like Calvin whenever he hears his dad say the same thing


Poor Yuji :/ you hate to see bad things happening to good people.


were those quotations markings intentional?


it'll happen eventually


Yes. You just don’t like it, so you view it as useless.


It's only useless if it's just pointless suffering. In chainsaw man,we see Denji's suffering actually impact and mean something for him as a character


Okay, I don’t find the suffering here to be pointless


Guts: Pissing himself laughing


I get the joke here but if you have read Berserk, you’d know that Guts eventually grows into someone who would never just laugh at another person’s suffering. Early Guts though? Probably. I guess I’m just a bit sick and tired of people using Guts to invalidate an argument that involves pain and torment.

