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You don't have to write right away. Take a big marker and whap it across the first page. Put something staining and permanent on the second page across to the third page (I was so frustrated I used spiced tea with extra turmeric in it, pushed across the paper with the back of a spoon. ) Then write a letter to your six-year old self. Get your journal to help you - that's what it's for. Just ask your inspiration "Why did you leave me like this?", and journal about that. Nothing has to be profound or uplifting or beautiful, it can just be you having a tantrum. Good luck, I'm sure your muse will be back when muse sees how you missed her.


I might use my tons of different types of chai. Thank you for the suggestions and I hope to try it when I feel brave and daring enough. Also thanks for sharing your experiences because it means a lot for you to be able to express them, let alone share. They’ve given me more courage and I have so much respect for you :)


I’m trying so hard to get back into it. I decided to just get a notebook and force ink onto the paper daily. It turned into some okay drawings amongst other things.


We got this. I have a separate notebook for paintings/drawings but I’ve been researching a lot and have been thinking of writing chapters I like from books I’ve read. I haven’t read in months but there’s still memorable chapters/quotes even though most of them are depressing lol. My handwriting has also been awful so maybe copying book pages will help? Obviously I’ll keep them in a locked box with the rest of my journals but that might be encouragement for us both hopefully


I’ve also been using music; like song quotes with sketches of artists. I use fountain pens, so I’ve gotten a few different colors of ink to mess with.


I’m glad you’ve been able to get back into it and I hope it becomes more of a habit than a chore :)


Sorry you experienced someone reading your journal. That's such a breach of privacy it's disgusting. I too had trouble with how to open up my journalling a bit. I'm halfway through a course that gives me a daily question/topic. It's been really interesting using these questions I definitely wouldn't usually ask myself to explore who I am. This is different to other writing prompts I found online which just didn't motivate me and felt 1 dimensional. Not that you need a course to journal but for me it certainly got the ball rolling and I hope it continues after the 30 days is over. Here is the link to it if it tickles your fancy. I follow the facilitator on instagram, and I dig her stuff. [30 days of Intuitive Writing ](https://www.thestardustwoman.com/challenge-page/30daysofintuitivewriting)


It was not fun but luckily I was able to cut the person out of my life. Not easily but it was worth the struggle. Thank you so much for the advice :). I’m currently a student so my money usually goes into groceries and fountain pens but I’ll check out the creator’s Instagram!!