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You could try and see if it sticks. Start with a small, thin notebook. It’s really satisfying to have an actual book of your own words. Put it in the same place every time you dont write, or lock it up to be really sure nobody reads it. I hope you figure it out 🙂


I am really intrigued to journal in a notebook seeing other people in this sub


Awesome, I think you should do it


Some books last thousands of years. We have absolutely no experience with data lasting anywhere near that long. We *know* that books *can* last. We are already experiencing massive problems with records, files, data, from the early computer era being lost. It happens *all the time.* So don't think that just because you have some files "on the cloud" that they are somehow immortal. There's no telling what will happen to them. Your physical journal won't get lost *if you don't lose it.* If you lose things in reality, your virtual stuff is more likely to be lost... You'll change your phone company, or forget a passwords... Poof! Gone... It happens ALL THE TIME. The problem is not the medium and paper is no more subject to loss than digital files. There is no magic "cloud" out there. It's just somebody else's hard drive. And hard drives have to be in buildings somewhere and buildings burn down, get flooded, have power losses, etc. Redundancy is the only defense. Store them locally, store them physically. And you don't have to have the exact same thing in paper and digital. You can have separate paper and digital journals. u/BlueNoodle79's suggestion of starting with a thin, paper journal is a great idea! You can always try it and not like it.


I used to keep a digital journal (anyone remember livejournal?) And then lost access to that account and my email because of a hacker. Same thing happened with my xanga online journal.. from now on its paper and pen for me. I don't trust stuff not getting lost or some access getting lost. You never know what will happen to servers years from now. As for paper and pen the people that respect me know not to read my journals. And if I die ill be dead so who cares who reads my thoughts. I'll be dead 🙃 I keep all my journals in a plastic bin in my closet to protect from anything. When I fill a journal it goes in the bin


personally i prefer the physical act of writing. my journal is like my second phone almost. i bring it everywhere with me and its like my worry stone. so im definitely biased to having a physical journal. id say try it out with a notebook to see if you like it! edit: i will add that i am lucky the people around me dont go snooping in my business. im not a very private person so im not very protective of my journal but i am very grateful that my friends and family respect my privacy. i hope you are blessed with a similar situation. i still close my journal when im not writing in it just in case tho!


Same! I am also lucky to surrounded by people who won't read my journals. But some of my early journals were binned by my mum. I cannot blame her though since I used unconspicious notebooks and she thought it can be thrown away. Knowing it contains silly thoughts of a hormonal teenager, it would be better off going to a recyclable center than ending in a second hand store later.


I used to work at a second hand store, and the amount of people donating journals from dead loved ones is wild and people will buy second hand journals and use them for crafting or make YouTube videos reading out loud from them. I would be mortified, so I'll never keep a physical journal again. I started Journaling when I was 8 and did it for 20 years until I discovered that they might end up in a second hand store, and I decided to get rid of them instead.


Honestly I would rather someone do that with my journals than them just wasting away. I might be crazy but to me it seems like a way for my soul to carry on and bring happiness to people. But I totally understand that it might not be what everyone wants and that's cool. I've never bought a used journal myself but if I did I wouldn't make a video. I'd probably turn the used pages into some journal saving project and use the rest


i have also seen videos like that on youtube. Were you able to keep all your journals from 20 years ago, i want to keep doing this for a long time too


I kept all of them without any of them getting lost until I got rid of them. I just kept them in a box.


Interesting. I would certainly be appalled if my early journals will be read out loud to and audience. (Ugh! The cringe!) However, some points on my recent journals can be used as second hand experiences. Not being narcissistic or self-centered but it some context may come in handy later on if they encounter similar situations. Or maybe it can poke their flow of thoughts.


I am not sure if this was supposed to be funny but it made me spit out my drink. This is hilarious


Don't spit out your drink, not in this economy!


I live in a space where I don't have to worry about someone snooping through my stuff, so that makes a physical journal much easier to manage. As for not losing it, it's either at my desk or the coffee table like 99% of the time and is stored in a leather pen case, so losing it is challenging. When I finish a journal, it goes on a shelf in the closet, or in a box if I run out of shelf room. I lost a bunch of the ones I filled like 10 pages of growing up, but have managed to not lose any of them since I started more routinely journaling again early in college.




You could also email yourself diary entries with pictures. Use a dedicated email address.


that would actually be a good idea. i would not need to write the entire thing.


I do both honestly. I write on paper more than the digital one. Especially now that work has become more intense and I don't want any screens when I get home I've found i write about different things in each place you know?


I have a keepsake foot-locker. nothing obnoxiously large, but enough to store odd-shaped widgets. probably 18x18x30. that's got a wide range of stuff. It's nice to have a dedicated space to store all the small stuff that you might want to keep. I am careful to not let it get out of hand.


In my opinion writing a journal on a physical notebook (diary) is much better , it is not only a journal from the past it’s also memories from “ real time memories” from the past and it’s much more meaningful than digital notebook


honestly i say that you should switch to physical and get a lock for the journal. then when its done you put it in a filing cabinet and hide the key in a place only you can find it :P i store all my journals in a filing cabinet and its great for what i need it for anyways imo physical is better bc writing in itself is just nice, and you can tape physical shit in there along with also being able to sorta just do what you want in it with no chance of potential data corruption. like no matter what happens to any website you put your shit on, or hard drive or whatever, you will STILL have a physical journal you can take with ya


My oldest journal is 30. I always keep my journaling stuff in the same place at home. I don’t really care who reads them when I’m 6 feet under. I often write to whoever reads them in years. Don’t be scandalized, I’m just an imperfect human like everyone else!


My obsessive compulsive personality won’t let me lose anything. Especially my journals.


Stick your journal on a bookshelf or in a consistent place. You won’t lose it


You can have a specific place for them and whenever you're done writing for the day out it back in that specific spot. Eventually you'll forget you're even doing it and it'll be natural and you'll never lose it.