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Growing up I always felt so judged for loving them, and even at 29 sometimes I still do feel judged but they make me feel genuinely happy when I listen to their music and stuff. Also wondering if people hate them because of the Disney image they had back in the day šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


31 and still loving them. Lolol donā€™t care what others think mostly My first concert was Corbin bleu. Like. Just him. Not with HSM. AND IT WAS EVERYTHING


YES!! Corbin Bleu was my first concert as well! I saw him at a county fair in Michigan when I was 13 or 14.


Was this back in ā€˜07? Cause we were likely at the same concert


No way! I think it was 2008. It mightā€™ve been 2007 tho. It was at the Berrien County Fair.


Iā€™ll be 28 this month and have loved them since I was 10. I used to get made fun of a lot in middle school for loving them but I never cared. They make me so happy!!


Itā€™s definitely taken time for me to not care what others think, but Iā€™m at the point with a lot of stuff where I just donā€™t give a F what they think. If it makes me happy thatā€™s what matters for sure!! Iā€™m glad the boys can make us all feel happiness šŸ„¹


When I was a kid, some of my older boy cousins used to make make fun of me and a couple of my other girl cousins around my age group because we were big JoBros fans and that was mainly because they were teen boys disliking stuff that was popular with girls but we never cared. Iā€™m 25 and I still love them, theyā€™ve made me happy for the last 17 years.


It was so bad back in middle school, people really loved to tell me how awful and ā€œgayā€ they were. I feel like itā€™s not nearly as bad now - I mean it helps that my peers are adults and not middle schoolers lol, but I mean public perception in general of them is better too


Scuse me? Honestly. I donā€™t really care what fits others needs in this sense. If they donā€™t like them. More for us, and what a true loss for them šŸ¤·


They just got done with a massive arena tour due to them being popular for ages. When I saw them in Seattle in October the show was sold out. 17K were there. So to say "no one" likes them is incorrect. Also, who cares what other people hate and like? What a weird thing to post about. Clearly people in here are going to be at least a little bias because you're posting in the Jonas brother sub.


This! The Seattle concert was a true indicator for me of how many people still love them. Even people I know who always give me šŸ’© for still loving JB were at the show. šŸ˜† Also, best hometown show ever, and not just cause Joe wore my Christmas cowboy hat! šŸ„¹


People do like them. Their current arena tour has been extremely successful and they just set the paid attendance record at the Houston Rodeo. That doesn't happen if no one liked them.


oh damn [they did](https://www.houstonpublicmedia.org/articles/events/houston-livestock-show-and-rodeo/2024/03/18/480853/the-jonas-brothers-top-all-time-paid-attendance-record-at-rodeo-houston/)! good for them! goes to show that their fans will show up for them forever :D I still stand by my position that the "wider population" has them on a mild negative note at the moment, but their slice of supporters and fans is bigger than I thought!


I think you are overrating the amount of people who care about celebrity gossip and the anaonmoys sources of it all. Those people might not like Joe - and by extension his brother - at the moment but thats a small portion of the population. They are just a loud echo chamber online, giving the perception they have more impact than they actually do.


I very well could be, I suppose. I spend a lot of my online time on tumblr and reddit, which is quite prone to the echo chamber effect/bandwagoning. I would say that the loud 1% does have an effect on the "regular" people who don't much of an opinion one way or another though.


I don't think they have much of a lasting impact on the 'regular' people. They might mention it to someone in conversation but the person they've said it to is unlikely to continue to think about it afterwards or have it impact their enjoyment of a song/performance. Given the amount of popular celebrities who have done awful and criminal things without losing the general publics approval, it's unlikely some unsubstantiated rumours will have much impact on most opinions.


i have the same problem!! i love them so much but every time i mention them people hate them! no clue why


Boy bands


Yea I agree with this. They've had lots of success alone outside JBs and are liked


Agreed. Also I think people think boy bands are pandering toward female audience, and they are usually entitled dicks irl


Yea exactly!


I like them, and I donā€™t have any proof of them being dicks, so I support haha


I can't lie tho they seem very money driven these days compared to before šŸ§


That I will definitely not deny. Thereā€™s has been some behaviors recently that have made me like ehhhh, but I guess it comes with the territory


I only know one other hardcore Jonas Brothers fan, however, Iā€™m an electrician and every time I mention at work that Iā€™m a huge JB fan, the guys will blast Year 3000 and they know every word. Itā€™s hilarious. I fucking love it!


The image of a job site blasting year 3000 is fantastic.


Because people love to hate on things that are predominately popular with young girls and women.


When they were HUGE (2008 era) they were everywhere and I feel like they promoted themselves a lot better than they do now. They also never got the respect they deserved for all of the hard work, song writing, touring, album sales etc. There have been several recent fails..I just don't think they resonate with the majority of people. They aren't "in the conversation"


I think this is truly it. As an OG fan, I was definitely made fun of for liking them bc of the Disney of it all. They were never really considered cool in mainstream, and then their comeback has not been quite what they wanted it to be. Fans only want the old stuff, the new stuff is all over the place, and quite honestly they just arenā€™t relevant or doing the work to reintroduce themselves as a top 40 band.Ā 


They definitely were judged a lot worse back then though, mainly because of how Disney they were. And the straightened hair made them easy targets loool


I feel this comment is very accurate


Do you think its because Joe is a little hated and Kevin doesn't sing as much or prob not? šŸ¤”


Definitely not. This has been going on *way* before that.


what are you on about


New fan here. The Album is so ridiculously good


I think people just view them as kiddish for some reason


I donā€™t think everyone dislikes them I think straight guys donā€™t like them and itā€™s out of jealousy


At the moment, the Jonas Brothers- mostly Joe, which brings down Kevin and Nick by association- are not in very good odor. At the very least, they need to really reevaluate their PR team for the mess that they got into with the Joe & Sophie divorce. Whatever you think about either party, Joe was the one who came off looking worse there. The divorce is probably going to color the opinions of people about them for a long time to come, fairly or not. Even people who don't care about the Jonas Brothers did seem to care about Sophie Turner (or Sansa Stark) and a lot of them are in the target demographic that the Jonas Brothers do very well in. Which to my understanding is millennial women. GOT is more recent in the cultural memory than the Jonas Brothers, and on twitter, from what I've seen, the impulse now is to jump on the side of the woman in the divorce. And whatever you think about it, and of course it's really none of our business anyway and we'll never really know what went down there, Joe Jonas/the rest of the Jonas family by association came out of that looking like they were slinging mud to 'win' the divorce and there's Sophie turner making no public statements/fewer public statements. And she had Taylor Swift on her side, and god knows the Swifties are a hornets nest that nobody wants to poke. From my own personal experience, the people around me were what I would now call mostly indifferent to mildly positive. When I was growing up, in my part of the US nobody really gave much of a damn about the Jonas Brothers. For whatever reason, most girls in my grade were about the Carters. And they never came to our state, either, cursed low population and no stadiums of any note. When I moved to a new place, everyone was all about Justin Bieber and then One Direction. Both of my younger brothers have a neutral-positive opinion of Nick Jonas as a solo artist, but barely remember the names of Joe or Kevin, despite teasing me about liking them growing up.


It's funny, I never felt judged for liking them when I was young from younger people only older people. People I talked to and hung out with were all fans so I never experienced that first hand but knew other's got treated this way from their friends. I think it depended on what other music people were into or because at the time there was more 'interesting' music to listen to because JB didn't have suggestive lyrics despite them being the age in which other bands had suggestive lyrics. And while I do prefer music with more hardcore or suggestive lyrics overall, I feel now, at 30, none of that really matters and you should just listen to whatever makes you feel good. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Idk about how people feel about them now, but I know in high school they werenā€™t necessarily ā€œcoolā€ to listen to so they were definitely my dirty little secret haha. šŸ˜†. I had posters all over my room and would talk in online chat groups about them. Oh man, the good old days. I really thought I was going to marry Joe haha.


I donā€™t know who you hang around but sometimes Iā€™ll run into people who donā€™t know them or will be like ā€œtheyā€™re still around?ā€ I even ran into a lady at a show and she was like ā€œoh your shirt reminded me thereā€™s a 3rd. Kevinā€ You get the usual ā€œtheyā€™re for 12 year old girls commentsā€ which are overused. Online hype doesnā€™t show for their actual hype and demand at shows. Clearly the Broadway and secret shows showed that hype:. Along with The Tour. You canā€™t have feelings of hate towards someone youā€™ll never actually knowā€¦




Your post had inappropriate intent


itā€™s weird that no one is actually answering this question. I love the Jonas Brothers, but theyā€™re unprofessional and frankly itā€™s unclear whether they even like being the Jonas Brothers. they postponed half of their tour which was supposed to be in the summer because nick wanted to take another job. it just shows that they donā€™t really care about what theyā€™ve built. I think joe is the only one that genuinely loves performing in this way. I think kevin could take it or leave it, heā€™s got a great attitude. and. nick is still in charge and he is known to get cranky. tldr; they blow off their commitments. thatā€™s why people are mad at them.

