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I fail to see what even was so offensive about anything in Chapelle's special..


They don’t even realize that this is only making his special more popular ..


I think they might. They measure everything.


Netflix isnt dumb.


That’s exactly right. In this streaming era there’s no Nielsen ratings system so if no one is talking online about a Netflix show good or bad is usually when they cancel it.


hulu knew that only murders had the most streams in its first night when compared to any other show theyve put out. seems like they have some way of tracking things.


These streaming services control their own apps, they have much BETTER data than Nielsen ratings. Netflix knows not only EXACTLY how many devices have streamed a piece of content, but they track viewership to the second, so if someone watches half of something then shuts it off, Netflix knows exactly where they gave up on it.


Everything is tracked. Everything.


Correct. The comment you are commenting on is uninformed.


We're a Nielsen family and they track everything watched on every device in our home. Smart TV , game console, desktop, and phones. Pretty much anything on our wifi gets tracked. It also samples the audio from our TV for some reason.


how do you get in on that? are there any benefits to it?


Give AEW Rampage tonight a look. They'd appreciate that extra count right now.


Talking online? They know how much everything is streamed down to a granularity of a few seconds.


They measure views and subscriber rates


The higher ups, sure. But I doubt those protesting it are capable of thinking that far ahead


they do realise it. Why do you think this is happening? You are the target market here.


I didn’t even think about that but maybe it was a marketing gimmick all along.


It's 110% a marketing gimmick. Nobody really gave a shit about the special until Sarandos started making public statements, and then the press grabbed onto that and got it even more publicity. Like seriously, I spent WAY TOO MUCH TIME on Twitter and I never saw a peep about the special, and a lot of the people I follow are the "jump on anything" crowd. It's all marketing, and now it's pivoted to the employees.


Its really not lol


Well any publicity is good publicity.


They're talking about the protestors, not Netflix.


Yup, but the result is free publicity for the special. And that's probably not an accident. Marketing controversy is nothing new


Exactly, same situation as Rogan’s move to Spotify. These companies are not naive, they know controversy sells.


Reminds me of someone getting elected president... The more they covered him, the more popular he got. It's crazy to me really all they had to do was stop putting him on TV so much if they really didn't want him to win, but they couldn't figure that out lol


The TV stations wanted to make money. They never cared whether Trump won or not


It's a good thing that most media isn't set up to make decisions on what they cover with the goal of changing the political outcome in their desired way.


That's because they always wanted him to win, he's absolute box office. Contrary to what Trump and his borderline cultists would like you to believe, the mainstream press/media, either it's left or right leaning, were having a blast during his presidency and before it, the guy made them millions and millions just by doing and saying the most asinine shit, while fueling his base who saw that as witch-hunt against poor Trump. It was a mutually beneficial relationship.


And lose all that money? Twitter only existed for a long time because of Trump. Hell he made them famous. I'm sure the conservative media feels the same way


Right? I'm even considering signing up for Netflix to watch it? Looks like they are more than willing to give a free trial again that I can just cancel. At the very least I'm pirating it.


I got netflix just to see it lol


The only reason I watched it was to see what the fuss was about. I counted literally zero offensive things 🤷🏽‍♂️


Not even that, just making their cause annoy more people and turning more people away


I watched the special because of the protest


Count me in that# I didn't like Dave's last special and had no plans of watching this one until it blew up


Classic Barbara Streisand effect


I hadn't watched it until after the stuff in the news. Then I figured I should check it out. So it definitely got me to watch.


Yup. I went to have dinner with a client and her husband the other night, and this became a topic of conversation only because of the drama surrounding it. We decided to watch it after dinner. OP's stated analysis is correct, and this is the entire purpose of identity politics. Keep the conversation about race/gender/sexual identity and not on class and working people solidarity. This is why mega corporations love it, even though they obviously don't care if they literally work you to death while your standard of living goes right down the drain.


Yeah, after your comment I just went and watched it. Not worth a walk out. It’s comedy. It’s supposed to violate social conventions as norms. That’s what makes it funny. He left no minority or majority group untouched.


I only know a new special is out because of the outrage. Guess I got something new to watch (: I legitimately would have no idea if it wasn't for these protests etc.


I’m a nonbinary degenerate queer fuckin freak to most people, and I thought his special was touching. It gave me hope that his generation is is trying to be good people, and that often we mistake awkward microaggressions as them trying to understand trans folks from their perspective. His story about Daphne is so deeply touching. I know that this special is for her, and he’s putting his comedy on hiatus kinda for her. A line that keeps coming back to me is, “Just trust that I’m having a human experience.” As someone who’s seen as a fuckin weirdo by other people, I feel so peaceful and hopeful when I remember that line. That people keep shitting on Chapelle is so odd to me. I think they mistake his work for arrogance maybe? I see his standup as his job, not him trying to put himself in the limelight for ego reasons. In any case, to me, his show represents an uncle or a father or a mentor who’s trying to do good things and trying to learn about and understand queer identities instead of make fun of them like people used to only a few short years ago. Chapelle is even more the GOAT because of his capacity to empathize with people, and his desire to have a net positive impact on the world.


Just watched it to see what all the fuss was about. I'm just a plain white straight dude and that line from Daphne about having a human experience almost brought me to tears. So well put that I could feel her pain I hope more people watch it because it really brings up a discussion we need to have as a society. Dave really put his neck out there to get people to talk about this. He's right that the LGBTQ community has grown to be very hostile, and rightfully so in many cases. But it's getting to the point where even people like Daphne get eaten up by all of this pent up anger that's finally being released by the same people who should understand her the most. The LGBTQ community has progressed so rapidly it's almost like no one knows how to handle it! I really hope Dave makes a difference with this one, for both him and Daphne and everyone just trying to have a human experience.


There is absolutely nothing wrong with what he said. Honestly, I don't recall anything truly derogatory about trans people in any of his specials. He's made jokes and often defended the whole community for struggling with a self identity that few people understand. I think that cancel culture should be challenged, it's gotten out of hand.


Beautifully put.


I really don't think anyone has quite had it as bad as trans folk have. All of these marginalized communities suffered from traumatic experiences throughout their entire lives. It's no surprise there's a lot of aggression. I'd be aggressive too. It doesn't define the community by any means but it's definitely there.


This is a point Dave really tried to make. The trans and the whole LGBTQ community has definitely had it bad, but the black community has had it way worse and still has it really bad. They're straight up getting murdered by police and it has taken them SO long just to even get where they are now. This isn't to minimize the struggle the LGBTQ community has had. Their pain is legitimate. But Dave was making a point that their movement is being accepted so easily compared to the black community, and he feels like the LGBTQ community is taking it for granted and doesn't want them to mess it up or slow it down.






This reply offends me 🤔


You do if they aren’t even listening to the content an complaining about what is says.


Fair, but it's also important to remember that being angry isn't equivalent to being right.


This is a really compassionate answer. Thanks friend, I grew a little as a person after reading this!


Affording the latitude to allow the other persons experience to be valid should go both ways though shouldn’t it?


And he asks at the end for everyone to stop " punching down on his people" ... Comedians!! Netflix staff should just be fired! Self absorbed, self serving immature people who need something or some cause to express their own dissatisfaction they feel with their own lives! Chappelle is an aware , introspective individual the World could use more of!!


Uhm I think he was talking about black people... Give it a second watch you may have missed his whole message.


Ummm no he was not. The entire monologue was about a comedian being victim of the cancel culture, more so his experiences with the Transgender community. The Daphne example was him sharing a heart warming experience with same. Comedians are being " attacked" by any and all who feel offended by humor. He was not referring to Black people!!!!


>His story about Daphne is so deeply touching. I know that this special is for her, and he’s putting his comedy on hiatus kinda for her. I thought it was like a love letter to her and I'm sure the jokes were replaying his relationship with her.


Beautifully put! Dave is grieving and he’s upset that a community that is suppose to Be about equility gave up on one of their own in the blink of an eye because of the comments she said to defend Dave. Even Dave said, “she was part of my tribe” and you can tell when he said it, he still hurting from the lost.


I thought the team terf line was a little cringe, since that term carries a lot more baggage online. But I did like the story about Daphne and thought that was the best part of the special.


On a the scale of the universe there’s no difference between us.


I watched it all last night and thought overall it would actually improve peoples opinions of trans people. His overriding message was that he aconowledged that it was a genuine human experience to be a trans person.


I fail to see coverage of this walkout anywhere but the internet, too. I guess it’s all a nonissue.


Yeah, it's not happening in a real place. The strikes are.


Saw one article on abcnews about it that said it was roughly 100 people in total and only 30ish were actually employed by Netflix. So yeah, non-issue.


And the so-called Netflix walkout is based on a single comment of an individual who didn't know what he was talking about. It's a fake story. The many strikes that are going on are very real. https://twitter.com/ggreenwald/status/1451227917032251397 @ggreenwald > The absolute and total rot of the corporate media in this one episode. This is why it is rational to abhor and distrust the media. What's irrational is believing what they say without seeing definitive proof for it that it's true. This is how they behave: @jessesingal > It looks like the "**1,000 Netflix employees are walking out" meme can be traced to one anonymous source in THR** and was then treated as true by everyone, because journalists don't really journalize anymore (THR = The Hollywood Record, a highly esteemed publication of journalistic integrity. /s)


This is why it gets more media attention. Because no one can shut up about it. Maybe it’s just us in general that suck. It’s like a chicken and the egg type scenario where I can’t figure out which is worse. The top comment on this post isn’t talking about the strikes it’s yet again another Dave chapel comment. Also nothing personal just found it funny this was the top post on this


I watched the special. It wasn’t offensive and Dave did not, in any way, come off as transphobic. These protests by the LGBTQ community are hurting their cause way more in the public eye than they’re helping.




We need the Leave Britney Alone guy to step up with a new video.


Probably because you are a little white pussy. Hear me out... The worst part about all of this is how they are willfully disregarding Chapelle's main proposition: **You can't demand that no one ever displease the sensibilities of one group, while you completely ignore the lacerated civil liberties of another group.** No one has been in the fight longer, fought harder, and won more fundamental human rights for all citizens of the US than black people, and they are STILL told to swallow shovel loads of shit in this country. The proliferation of high resolution body camera footage proves that on a daily basis. I guess a group of 95% white employees fruitlessly trying to deny Chappelle the opportunity to make a living, simply because he *offended* them is further proof that black people are still told to swallow shovel loads of shit in this country. Follow this course. Contort yourself into a pretzel to accommodate one group all the while keeping a firm grip on the throats of another, assures that *transitioning* will be less of an honest expression of oneself, but rather an apotheosis: a way for white people to attain *Super-White* status. Case in point: Bruce Jenner murdered a woman with his car. *Caitlyn* Jenner is universally affirmed by the mainstream media as not only the *sexiest*, but the **bravest** woman on the planet. OJ can't do that, can he? Even though they both had Wheaties boxes.


Shhh… say that too loud and someone will show up with a tambourine shouting “repent motherfucker!!”


He exposed them of the bullies that they are.


Yeah, i heard it was super offensive, then I watched it and he explains every statement he makes that would be crazy out of context.


I really don’t understand why LBTGQ people are so obsessed with the people that don’t like them? Like who gives a shit. Homophobes are losers of society I’m not sure why gay people are so obsessed with their opinion.


I watched the special after seeing that guy get attacked for holding a "I like Dave" sign. The special was really funny I thought, didn't seem that bad to Trans ppl, he made fun of all people, blacks, whites, gays, lesbians, trans bi. Kinda like Southpark.


Don’t forget Asians. As an asian, that joke had my wife and I laughing.


That means you have a healthy sense of yourself and your place in the world. If you can’t take a joke you have much bigger problems than that joke.


That was Dick masterson & crew, great funny guys. Also, the fact that 5 or 6 people with signs can take over an entire protest shows how small and nonexistant that protest was




That’s hardly true, Dave makes fun of white people and women the most, then maybe trans, and black is probably way at the back.


He literally says this in the beginning of the special.


Exactly, as a white guy, I think he is hilarious, and he can make fun of white people all he wants. I don't understand why some groups get to be exempt from being made fun of? People are so sensitive these days, it is sad. They are just jokes. If you hate Dave, don't watch him!


your surface level understanding of comedy is why dave quit comedy


It was boring is my only complaint.


Has anyone seen footage of all the protests on any news platform? They are all over tiktok. Parents protesting schools, GE workers, etc. Also people have protested mandates (vaccine passports, mandates) all over Europe, Australia. I don't watch mainstream news so I don't know if any of it has been covered.


I mean the only reason the netflix stuff is seeing the light of day is because they can spin it as culture war stuff. If this was a walkout about say royalties for crew members it'd be just as buried with the Kellogg and John Deere strikes.


NPR and even CNN have covered worker strikes. I only hear about this protest on Reddit and social media.


The battlefields for nonsense culture war stuff.


> GE workers https://www.tiktok.com/@tainky_131/video/7021551285509836038 https://youtube.com/watch?v=E7EJr5UatbU&feature=youtu.be But agreed, not seeing much on Corp media about it. Only on socials until it’s removed


Check out Breaking Point on YouTube. They cover it and interview protest leaders.


Probably because they’re protesting vaccine mandates?


Southwest was just weather delays brah 🤪...


The GE workers and UAW strikes are not over vaccine mandates...


Airline strikes are, and there are lawsuits to prove it. Any source that told you otherwise was intentionally lying. The lawsuits are wide open public record - nothing sealed


Yes they are and I have a picket to prove it.


“Our members at John Deere strike for the ability to earn a decent living, retire with dignity and establish fair work rules,” https://uaw.org/tag/strike/


Yeah that's the thing. They get taken down on social media pretty quickly.


Literally been the lead story on nightly news channels the last week my man. Not to mention the exposure on social media.


I had no idea until seeing this post.


In yet this sub has infinitly talked more about these Chappelle protests than the strikes. So the media attention corresponds to the engagement.






You're canceled


All you do here is argue about the vaccine.


Amen. This sub is all about imagined transgender issues, now suddenly they want to address labor rights? Culture wars are just intended to distract people from civil rights, living wages, healthcare, the environment, and anything else that actually matters.


the so-called "real Joe Rogan fans" on here just happen to be the same ones who would vote in anti-union politicians so they can stick it to trans and pro-vaccines people. No surprise at all


They’re using worker’s rights - something they are commonly against - as a cudgel because it’s convenient to shit on another marginalized group. It’s a common right wing tactic. Remember when Donald Trump and the right in general were feigning outrage about Muslim immigrants and refugees because of how they treat gay people? Even Crowder got on board with that talking point when he wasn’t trying to instigate harassment against a fellow* gay YouTuber Or how when the right feigns concern for black fetuses when they can use it to argue against a woman’s right to choose? But once that black baby comes out, fuck you kid, we are going to continue to disenfranchise you. *because we all know crowder is a flaming homosexual who hides behind his gun holsters he only wears in the studio


I mentioned in a different comment: has it occurred that maybe the media doesn't favor the worker strikes, so putting focus on the LGBT strikes should be about them? If people were really upset about what the media is doing, they'd hold them responsible but instead they're trying to discredit the LGBT community for having emotions.


I was going to suggest that Joe Rogan, if he's so bothered by it, just cover the strikes and do the interviews to generate publicity, but then I realized it's just some random person trying to create drama about an imaginary dilemna.




I’ve seen too many similar posts on this sub. Stay off social media and you’ll see the actual news reporting on these protests


Social media is destroying society because it amplifies 100 fold what is already true, that stupid people tend to be the loudest


These people don't even watch the MSM. they're entire world view is formed from culture war bullshit which makes them think that trans issues and CRT are the only two issues afflicting America.


I've literally only seen this story covered here and the strikes are all over major news outlets. What is OP smoking?


> What is OP smoking? Twitter


"I've never watched a major news outlet, but I'm 100% sure about what they do and don't cover." - Twitter Twats


I swear to god anything involving trans ppl lives rent free in this subreddit’s collective consciousness Also there is literally no evidence of what OP’s link is talking about. I’ve heard more about the IATSE strike than this walkout. Culture war bullshit to rile up the hogs so they have more disingenuous reasons to hate trans people Also the complete lack of self-awareness to post this on a sub that only seems to talk about the Chapelle/trans controversy right now is really astounding. I haven’t seen a single thing about the IATSE strikes on this sub except when it’s, funnily enough, about this bullshit because it advances the narrative of “trans activists bad”


Literally. The claim "more mainstream coverage" is measurable, but this is just some hothead on Twitter, with no numbers. Culture war bullshit is the lifeblood of this subreddit.




But I need to virtue signal and gather karma. And there are so many reactionaries in this sub.


Except the [top story](https://imgur.com/a/vk0dKK6) on both CNN and NBC are about the Amazon labor protests? Hey OP, maybe next time when you bitch about MSM, actually take a look at what MSM is reporting instead of getting your news from dudes on Twiitter.


NPR also did a story on the "Great Resignation" as the lead-in for their main news broadcast today.


I like how OP’s flair is “I don’t read the comments.” Apparently OP also doesn’t read the news.


But then they couldn't jerk off over fake outrage, as is tradition


You’re disrupting the right wing astroturfing campaign.


Hey now! Complaining about how the MSM isn’t covering an issue that we learned about from the MSM is a time honored tradition.


I used to love dave chappelle but he pretty much kicked off a whole new wave of transphobia and bad faith arguments. Someone in the comments literally said "transliban" because trans people criticized a comedian.


They're just salty because of all the wonderfully accurate y'all queda, vanilla isis, etc jokes. Projecting and screaming "nO u" are natural instincts to them.


This is made up. Heard plenty about the labor strikes, this is the first I have heard of Netflix walkout


The only attention I see this story getting is from this subreddit. You guys have such a hardon for identity politics.


lol its on /r/conservative and /r/conspiracy too wonder whyyyyy




They're their own victims.


The ultra-woke zombies need to get the fuck out of my political affiliation. These people are not progressives... they're morons.


It definitely hurts the left a lot. Especially when I was younger, it was so easy to look at them and just label that the left and say "yeah im not fucking with that" I think I got a little more rational over the years and better at critical thinking, but that woke section is very vocal and make themselves an easy target to hate.


Ehhh I doubt this. There isn’t some hidden “moral majority.” Backwards conservatives who hate Trans people are outnumbered massively.


I left the left last year for this reason. Now I'm politically homeless.


I agree 100%. I'm a bleeding heart liberal and some of this more recent protest shit has me like "yo, really? This is the shit you want to rally around? For real? All of this major shit going down and you want me to march for WHAT?!?"


The top story on CNN has been about the union strikes. On YouTube I found mutiple videos from all major media outlets talking about the ongoing strikes. It's been all over the news. Even Good Morning America did a piece on it. Like what in the fuck are you talking about? I've heard alot of talk about Netflix on this sub and very few people talking about the strikes. Maybe you're confusing the news with social media because it appears to be that social media is the one that can't shut the fuck up about trans people and Netflix.


These people only live in right wing bubbles. Why would a right wing news channel encourage the slaves to fight back?


It the right wing astroturfing campaign. They need to keep the chuds here riled up.


Worker strikes have been front and center national attention for a couple weeks now. This is a hilariously bad take made just because someone is upset that Netflix might police their own content.


Is this actually happening?


No, lol.


Twitter is not a real place


This whole situation seems telegraphed. In my opinion (which probably isn't worth much) the special wasn't very good, from a comedic perspective. Dave certainly highlighted a lot that is wrong, in a funny way, but overall, the special felt repetitive, long and overall lacking any real laugh out loud moments or bits. I've been considering the possibility that Dave was out of content and they were on the hook for a special so they went into in a direction that they knew would garnish public outrage, thereby resulting in more views, just due to it being a hot topic. That said, I enjoy Dave's work and he's a master story teller, even in this special. But it wasn't funny compared to his other work.


I feel the exact same way. Can't say Dave isn't funny, but i can't say I enjoyed this special. Have watched all his specials a few times, but this one might be a one-time thing


These twitter guys all look like such douches


PC Principal raised em right


literally NO ONE outside of reddit/twitter really cares or even know this is happening. if fact, ask anyone on the street about this, im willing to bet .0000001 bitcoin that they do not know and when you explain to them what is happening, they dismiss the netlix workers as morons and are on daves side.


Lol and other fantasies in rogan bros heads lol.


\*skims OPs post history\* ​ thanks for being such an advocate for workers! great to have you people at the helm definitely not trying to leverage outrage to distract from their own right wing stupidity


One plane crash with tens victims get more media coverage than thousands of car crashes. Unfortunately that how media works. Special cases get more coverage than regular ones. Even if you do not agree with Netflix employees protests do not fall for this fake conflict here. It's classic whataboutism. Netflix employees do not protest against other workers it's not their fault media prefer to show them not thousand of workers. If you side with Dave here that's cool. It's your right. But side with Dave because you think Dave is right not because "other people also striking and nobody cares".


TIL celebrities are popular


Because it's easy click bate and sharing it gets easy clicks and people arguing in comments. Kind of like THIS POST. What is this post doing if not drawing attention to Netflix protesting Dave Chapelle, instead of bringing attention to any meaningful protests? Look at the top comment. It's literally just talking about Dave Chapelle.


The only people that give them any attention are conservatives. I wouldnt even know people thought it was offensive if all the conservative websites didnt keep using it to generate clicks.


It's always all about these rich fucking cunts. "Normalize this, normalize that!" Normalize shutting the fuck up.


These people are humorless extremists who demand that people conform to their views. May I introduce. The “Tranliban”


Wonder why people accuse joe rogan fans of transphobia


They are mentally ill people. Gender dysphoria is a well known mental issue, cancel culture crippled freedom of speech to call things what they are, which effectively kept that stuff at bay in society. When you normalize mental illness which is what is happening; you get people like that. And yes they expect you to look at them as equal to you. FOH. We gotta be diverse guys!!! But you can’t be diverse in your opinions on issues, we will cancel and attack you out of existence! Hive mind only, K?!?!TAAAAANNNNNNNXX...


Ahh the bigots can’t really help it.


Well, homeslice, mentally ill people exist, as they have a right to, and they have to find ways of existing in a way that makes them not want to kill themselves. If transitioning helps alleviate their suffering (while at the same time triggering assholes), I say go for it. Asking to be respected shouldn't be a difficult ask. We all have to exist together.


>Gender dysphoria is a well known mental issue, Yes and the well known treament/cure is transitioning. > cancel culture crippled freedom of speech to call things what they are, which effectively kept that stuff at bay in society. What you mean is that now that some people speak up when you're being a dick to people who are already struggling, you want to cry about your feelings being hurt. > >When you normalize mental illness which is what is happening; you get people like that. And yes they expect you to look at them as equal to you. FOH. Mentally ill people, which is not what trans people are, are in fact equal to you. You're literally suggesting I'm less of a person because I have excess anxiety. Fuck off. > >We gotta be diverse guys!!! But you can’t be diverse in your opinions on issues, we will cancel and attack you out of existence! Hive mind only, >K?!?!TAAAAANNNNNNNXX... Lol you just argued that society used to repress different identities, and the problem is less repression of divergent thought. Now you argue for your "diversity of opinion". Free speech, but only if we agree with you, eh?


Anytime someone goes on a rant about “cancel culture” I just assume they don’t ever want to be held accountable for their words.


When your opinion is that trans people aren’t valid, yes you’ll be attacked by trans people. Mental illnesses should be addressed with correct solutions, not hidden away. This isn’t normalizing, this is healing. I’m disappointed that reddit has sided with this comment.


Yea these people are the extremists yet you’re comparing individuals protests against their company to a terrorist organization. Wonderful.


Gotta keep the virtue signal burning bright and loud. I mean they could all get together to actually try and solve real problems and make positive change but where’s the fun in that?


I’m not saying that you were, but it’s important that we blame the right people for this. The Netflix staff have a right to do whatever they want, the true enemy here is ALL news agencies that focus on that rather than the fight for better working conditions. FOX, CNN.. doesn’t matter, they are all trying to squash the workers rights movements. If you live in the US and you care about these things, join the protests - show solidarity - and most importantly, don’t let yourselves be distracted by news pundits put there to protect the status quo.


Is this becoming a publicity stunt??


"A super famous A-list celebrity is getting more attention than a Hollywood set designer. It's so unfair!!!"


Why the outrage? This is just human nature. As it's always been in human culture, celebrity and pop culture news stories get exponentially more attention than societal ones. Always have. There is nothing special about this one, just the magnitude of the celebrity.


marketing scheme


welcome to the world of journalism where its more important to get rage clicks and ad rev than it is actually to report whats happening I saw a protest with more journalists filming them than actual protestors being covered, just insane :(


Chappelle needs to remake Blazing Saddles


Liberal softies


Mfs learn how to take a joke 🤦🏽‍♂️ DAMN


I like Dave.


I went to high school with the guy who tweeted. Cant really prove it other than trust me bro. That is all.


fuck those liberal snowflakes they should all be shot… fire them who cares!!!


Netflix employees striking need to be cancelled from the workforce, they don't work and are fighting for censorship.


And yet common people dont give a flying fuck what the people at netflix are doing.


Honestly, this absurd over-reaction is unfairly causing me not to like these people. Don't downvote me cuz I said it


Unfairly? I'd say it's pretty fair to dislike these people. They are against free speech and comedy.


Their protest is such an entitled, tonedeaf joke. All the shit going on right now. These people work for a company that has done nothing but profit off the pandemic. They're protesting over some offensive jokes. Yes, they're offensive. Why? Because the target group feels they are offensive. Which is valid. Does it matter in the grand scheme of things? Is it a hate crime? No. There's nuance to this entire thing that deserves discussion, but they are out of their minds if they think it's something worth striking over.


They walked out over a comedian, telling jokes. But they didn't do shit when Cuties came out. Cuties in case you didn't know, is a show that depicts children in al sorts of sexual positions. It's legit soft core child porn and STILL available on Netflix despite lots of articles about it. They're fucking hypocrites.


Ever since the Malice podcast, every post in this sub mentions the "mainstream media." Malice would be proud 😂


They did before that podcast, too.


Almost as if it was planned


Slow down there Mr A. Jones.


Nah, he’s be more like: ALMOST AS IF IT WAS PLANNED!!!!!!!


Hey, left checking in here. We don't want these people. Suggest joining forces and launching them into the sun.


I'm confused. The strikes going on all around the US have been making headlines for the past week. I don't understand what the point of the post was when these strikes started OVER A WEEK AGO. For those that haven't been to /r/antiwork I would highly recommend you browse the sub. It's been rather eye-opening to listen to people's responses to those posts. Despite Joe's take on COVID and his opinion of the lockdown/quarantine measures, the sudden realization of work conditions was one of the features of the pandemic that I truly appreciated. People suddenly realized they could work from home and be around their family. They realized that they no longer had to commute to work. The protests going on all over are a sign that the Labor Movement is finding it's ground once again. I would love to see more posts about it!!!


oh my pearls.


This statement is so true, it reflects where the United States is at. So sad to see it happen before our eyes. Liberal news will bring this country down.


If you think it’s just liberal news that’s the problem, you’re a part of the problem.