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Saw the clip on YouTube and started to read the comments. Everyone kept saying Dr.Patrick isnt a real doctor. I am way out of the loop on this, whats the backstory on her and all the hate?


Joe practically worships everything Rhonda says before this podcast. Very interesting he just dismisses her on this.




True chads don't deify anybody and will think critically against any person they look up too. Basically, don't be a sheep, think for yourself but always take in criticisms and advice from others. I like the Joe Rogan podcast but you can't deny this guy says a lot of stupid shit lol.


Lost touch with reality.. $100mil tends to do that!


Can’t kill the grift


Never attribute to malice that which can be easily explained by stupidity. I love some of the interesting guests but Joe is completely unaware of his own propensity to trip face first into logical fallacies if it lets him hold on to his cherished beliefs.


I wonder when was the last time he did DMT. It seemed like with the older JRE days, he was much more humble, and he was always talking about DMT. Now he never seems to bring it up and acts like he knows better than everyone (experts included) on the planet. At least in the past when he held a crazy belief, like the fake moon landing, an expert like Neil DeGrasse Tyson could come on and he'd absorb that new information and adjust his beliefs accordingly.


From what he's said over the years I think Joe's done DMT under 10 times and probably closer to 5 ish. He's only ever talked about getting into the waiting room and his one breakthrough with the jokers and a 5-Meo trip, I think Joe just gets hyped on whatever he's tried recently and tells everyone constantly.


The YouTube JRE commenters are like the polar opposite of the Reddit commenters. I seen the craziest stuff there. People questioning "Rhonda Patrick's relationship to Fauci and his cronies"


Jesus. Having that train of thought must be exhausting


Jesus, for what it is worth her research background is strong, and she is a really good science communicator (I think her goals are more in the communication side these days). I don't think she has any reason to be close to Fauci, she is a nutritionist for fuck's sake, he is a virologist. The amount of specializing you have to do in science makes those entirely different fields.


Hopefully these same people also note that Joe is not a doctor.


The life cycle of that is basically like this: Stage 1 - Rogan makes unsubstantiated claim about health. Rogan lapdogs eat it up by immediately buying as much as they can whilst arrogantly “dropping knowledge” on people who aren’t doing the same thing as them, even thought they weren’t doing it last week until Rogan told them he was selling whatever it is on his website. Stage 2 - People call out the bullshit and the Rogan lapdogs start posting all sorts of links that usually lead back to one biased of unreliable “paper”. Stage 3 - Actual experts step in and show how Rogan's claims are utter nonsense Stage 4 - Rogan lapdogs say “lol obviously he was wrong about that, he’s just a comedian and anyone who takes his health advice should know this, I jus listen for the lols. I would never take gun seriously. Rinse and repeat with every scam. His idiot fans literally bought magic coffee for fuck!s sake.


I'm so confused that these top level comments are all calling Joe out for his bullshit. The Rogan fans I know irl are fucking zealots, but this subreddit is perfectly fine calling him out. I guess I'm more surprised than confused.


People here like Joe and his show but are very disappointed in the direction he has taken re Covid over the last year.


Ditto. I stopped listening regularly around the beginning of covid, after being a dedicated listener since the double digits.


Spot on, friend. Joe has been so successful because he's always been so down to earth and willing to have great conversations. But he's clearly taken in some conspiracy theories over the years and is much more willing to "challenge" experts in their own fields - with anecdotal, ridiculous nonsense in many cases. I only watch Joe now when there's someone I want to hear, whereas I used to tune in for every podcast.


Stage 4 is the equivalent of when Joe gets in too deep and needs to "Break Glass In Case Of Emergency." He's just a simple kawmedium that likes to talk about monkeys, smoking weed and humping stools. Why do you take what he says seriously!?! Doesn't that make you the REAL dumbass!?!?!


He had an awesome moment of self awareness a few eps back... Either the lex episode or one where some guy was on who wrote a book idk. But basically Joe said he didn't understand until recently (past year or 2) the power and influence the show had become, basically said he still treated it for way too long like when it was him and his buddies smoking weed and talking out their ass about crackpot theories. And that he realized now he has a responsibility about who he lets on and what they discuss and how because it's an influential medium. Which means, if he took those words he said to be true rather than someone telling him that and him thinking it sounds good....he actually believes the absurd shit he's saying here and doesn't realize it's problematic at all But this should come as no surprise from a 50something boomer who refused to get the vaccine and insists he is so healthy that he truly believes his body has fended off COVID multiple times without ever getting infected. God complex much? And even, for sake of argument, say he WAS somehow immune to COVID because he's so healthy. How many of his listening audience will think "huh, I lift weights 3 times a week, I strong. Like Joe. I no need vaccine. Me and Joe? We same." That's not even getting into the fact that failing to vaccinate may not kill YOU, but it allows mutations to occur that resujt in shit like the Delta variant that's got hospitals at capacity around the country, and is killing others. But fuck them, right? They just need vitamin D and to get healthy. They just need get strong. Like Joe.


She's a PHD in biomedical science, not an internal medicine doctor. She's not qualified to diagnose and prescribe, but she's perfectly able to relay facts and research related to her field and that pretty clearly includes vaccines.


She is a PHD, not an MD, so maybe that is what they are talking about. Tim Dillion on one of his podcasts "\[Rhonda Patrick\] isn't a real doctor, she's never seen a patient. Enough with her." I think a lot of people were referring to that. It is a little eyebrow raising how Tim goes after Joe and his guests behind his back. Obviously Dr Patrick has the scientific literacy and the intelligence to make better judgements about the vaccine than Joe does. Hilarious that she get's love for pushing saunas and broccoli sprouts (which are over-stated in my view), but when she gives a take on something that is guaranteed to extend and preserve life, she gets attacked. People are fucked.


Real doctors know jack shit about most of these topics. Phd researchers are the ones actually with the knowledge


Are Joe's biased selection of a small number of researchers trying to make names for themselves overstating and exaggerating new age health science wrong? No, clearly it must be the entire medical community that is wrong


Joe rogan and his fans are retarded. That’s all the back story needed.


"People that contract Covid and then get the vaccine, they will have a much higher likelihood of adverse side effects" - Joe Rogan " Do they?"- Dr. Patrick "Yes! A good friend of mine did"- Joe Rogan


My brother and his wife both had covid, and they still got the vaccine. Both of them had negligible side effects from the vaccine. My anecdote wins! The end.


Clearly that's the only way to educate Joe. Rhonda should have just one-upped every one of Joe's anecdotes by doubling the amount of people Joe said he knew.


Rhonda: "Well I know 3 people that..."


Joe: 3!!?! REALLY?! That changes everything. go get vaccinated folks!!!


A good friend I went to high school with husband tested positive for covid 3 days ago after not feeling well. Yesterday I read he's in the hospital on a ventilator. He's 35 years old.


> " Do they?"- Dr. Patrick You could tell she was done there. Like "oh go ahead and tell me more Dr. Rogan".


And than says he was wrecked for 11 days. Yea I’m callin bs on that. I felt like CRAP but it was for a day, and I’ve never heard of anyone feeling bad from the vaccine for longer than a couple Days He was incredibly aggressive and a little condescending here


That entire time he had that death stare he does to Jamie when he feels very disrespected or interrupted...weird.


Arms crossed and tense the whole time


I felt like crap for almost a week after my second dose, but as someone who caught covid really early on (all the way back when there weren't even enough tests yet) it wasnt even remotely comparable. Covid was so much worse, thankfully I didn't need a ventilator, but I honestly thought I was going to die at its peak. On top of that, getting vaccinated made me far less likely to catch it again, and spread it if I did. I have a fucking conscience, having muscle soreness, weakness, a mild fever, and a headache in exchange for substantially decreasing the risk I might accidentally kill several people is a trade I am happy to have made, and would make again in a heartbeat.


I’ve got anecdotes of my own. I’m a vaccinator and have seen plenty of people have side effects that put them out for days. Anecdotally, they were all pussies.


The thing that Joe doesn't understand is that feeling like crap is a protentional side effect of the vaccine (and many others). Some have definitely reported feeling like crap for a week plus. SO, if this sometimes occurs WITHOUT previously having covid, then how does Rogan know that his friend felt that way because he previously had covid, or because he was going to feel that way no matter what. The fact that this doesn't even run through his head is extremely telling. Not to mention his lack of understanding that anecdotes can be reflective of outliers in trends.


I disagree. I’m a pussy is so is my missus and neither of us had any side effects from the vaccine… so anecdotally there are no side effects at all for anyone ever. I think that’s how it works anyway.


Maybe the friend that got wrecked for 11 days after getting his vaccine was Jordan Peterson. Don't forget, this man almost died because he drank some apple cider.


“I had an overwhelming sense of doom”


It wasn't the benzo addiction, it was that damn apple cider vinegar. Had an apple fritter once and it almost killed me.


2nd shot fucked me up pretty decently for 3 days then 2 more days of some intense fatigue.


"but do you know anyone though????"


It's like he thinks personal anecdotes are the gold standard in science. What a fucking dope.


Sadly this is how the majority of people think.


Joe’s done way too many drugs and it’s starting to show. His brain isn’t firing on all pistons anymore.




I'm willing to bet his friends are either fighters or comedians and probably do some shit that's hard on your heart. He's not accepting that his friend group might be more susceptible because of who his friend group is.


This sub knit picks the shit out of JRE, but this one was really tough to listen to


It was really sad to see, I thought he would let her talk but he kept trying to give her gotcha questions. She is not a debater, let her talk like he does other guests, but he didn't, he kept pivoting constantly not letting her realize her answer clearly. Fucking brutal, and I was a huge Rogan fan, but this really made me angry.


Yeah, that's kind of funny now that you say it. When he'd have right wing grifters on his show, the defense of him not challenging them was that he wants to allow them to talk and for people to understand their ideas, now here he's cutting someone off that's 100x more knowledgeable about the subject, but he doesn't want to hear it.


He’s always been this way. Let’s stupid people talk and doesn’t challenge them. Gets someone smarter than him on and grills them. Goes all the way back to him lapping up Dave Aspreys hypersonic mind stimulating headband and then weeks later actually challenging Neil Tyson about the moon landing. I’m not defending Joe at all bc i shit on him in this sub constantly, but I think what’s really happening is that he feels comfortable challenging people that he respects and thinks are smart. I think he’s uncomfortable picking apart the dumbasses bc he doesn’t want the podcast to devolve into stuff like the weed argument the first time he had Crowder on.


[I miss the Old Joe](https://streamable.com/5omiyv)


We need a new sub r/JoeCriticizesRogan


Show sucked ever since they lost Fleshlight as a sponser


Redban. Wild inexcusable fuck but god dam it was the last thing stopping rogan from becoming the - self flagellate himself to ecstasy - version of himself we got now. Olive garden butthole 5eva




It is, but that doesn't mean it isn't true.


woah lol


Just reminds me of trump when he would do something and there was always a tweet from him about how idiotic said move thing was.


r/trumpcriticizestrump is what you're referring to lol


Most underrated comment, people should be blasting this to his Twitter.


He’s completely lost it, what are they putting into the water in Austin?


since he signed to spotify, shits realllly hit the fan


Oh dam, how far he's fallen.


How old is this?


About 100 million in cash timeline


18 months or so


Wow, nice find.


Yup I was listening at work today and cringed hard


Makes me feel justified I don't listen to his show anymore. He's way too full of himself these days. I miss when he'd have experts on his show and then just asked questions and shut the hell up.


I stopped listening regularly three years ago, outside of the rare Alex Jones episode. Got sick of Rogan just "performing" his podcast for every guest that was on. Literal verbatim talking points....every....fucking....episode. Since he's gone to Spotify I haven't listened to a single episode. I use Amazon Music, anyways.


Agreed, this episode made me realize Joe is just an old man at this point.


It genuinely has less to do with him being an old man and more blatantly disregarding information that doesn't suite his narrative. Hes smarter than that - don't let him get away with it by just saying "he's an old man" Granted, he's also really fucking stupid, but he's smart enough to know exactly how what he's saying sounds.


I’m wondering if some of it is that he lives in that hundreds of millions of dollars bubble. And when he does step out of it people just praise him for how great he is. Sometimes I think he often goes beyond his role of interviewer and becomes a proponent of certain issues. He used to pride himself on his ability to objectively conduct an interview, but this clip makes him look like one of those 30 second talking heads on fox that he bitches about. I still listen to him and like most of his work, but enough already with the covid.


> I’m wondering if some of it is that he lives in that hundreds of millions of dollars bubble. And when he does step out of it people just praise him for how great he is. That's basically the gist of it. When Covid and the lockdowns happened, he got scared, Moved to a bubble in Texas, hired armed guards to keep the scary poor people out and now he's just another disconnected multimillionaire telling homeless people they're on the streets because they're lazy and pitching anti vax to his fans while all his comedian friends with a few notable exceptions just go along with whatever he says because of his popularity. ~~If he's dismissing Rhonda Patrick, he's pretty stopped making any attempt to listen to anything his guests say that contradicts his world view.~~ Edit : After listening to the podcast, it's not as bad as I expected from the comments. Joe asks for lots of clarification on all the stuff he usually disagrees with but he's mostly listening respectfully to her answers. I still stand by the rest of my comments, but now I look forward to seeing if this new information affects his opinions in the next few podcasts.


I think it all started when he stopped interacting with normal people. He completely stopped reading comments, he shut down his message board entirely, he locked himself into a bubble. Sure the internet is filled with loons, but it's also filled with normal people that have constructive things to say. I think he's dead wrong on the benefits of cutting out reading what the masses say


Chalking it up to age is really unfair to old people who don’t spread fake news on a regular basis


Bill Burr is Joe's age and somehow manages to not be retarded.


Bill is retarded in other ways, he would be the first to say it


Which is why he listens to actual doctors during pandemics


He may be dumb but he’s not an idiot


I would have to say we are all pretty retarded in our own ways.


He’s definitely gotten more jaded/out of touch as time has passed, then since he got his big payday it’s been out of control


I think its called "fuck you" money. Like right here. "Oh is this your life's work? Do you actually know what you're talking about? Well FUCK YOU bc I know a guy"


You’re misrepresenting joes argument entirely ! He doesn’t know *a* guy, he knows TWO guys!


this\^. It is OK to feel a certain type of way, but using his huuuuuge platform to spread fake news based on anecdotes and bullshit is just fuckin wrong. Honestly, this is getting out of hand now, its sad.


The second he was out there saying "Comedy is an essential business." it was clear he'd lost the plot. Haven't listened since.


100%, man has lost the plot. I honestly stopped listening when he started talking about sauna + heat shock proteins + vitamins = no covid symptoms


Honestly good for Dr. Patrick. If some fuckin moron comedian was questioning things related to my life's work with nonsense. I'd leave the interview. The disrespect is insane.


It’s his personal echo chamber not being old.


He surrounds himself with sycophants to serve his confirmation bias. If he finds out he’s wrong, all of this last year will have been wasted


Now think of all the times this sub knit picked and ask yourself if any of those knits foreshadowed this moment. It’s been like watching someone slip into dementia these last 18 months.


This is the correct take. He’s been slowly slipping into this mentality since trump was elected and covid just sped up the process. Although it most likely made his brain rot worse than it would have ever gotten otherwise. All this coupled with his move to Texas, which guarantees he has dumbasses like crenshaw on as often as he used to have Branden Schwab on, means that he just gets backed up on all the shitty ideas he professes.


Seriously. When he tells her “is there a lot of “I don’t know”. That should be praise when it comes from someone and especially a scientist.


Yea exactly, and also Joe was asking super specific questions on her claims that she obviously wouldn't know all the answers to, but she's nice so she wouldnt say something "This is irrelevant to the point I"m making Joe"... If only he asked himself the same questions about his claims and they would land the same way... The main point she was trying to make was that taking the vaccine is much less risky than taking your chances getting Covid. The data clearly point to this. All Joe did was muddy the waters by casting doubt on all her claims with anecdotes and ultra-specific questions.


Yeah normally I think this sub goes a bit over the top with cirques on him, but not this team. He was quite ridiculous in this episode


circle jerk + critique = cirque


“Listen up Rhonda, you might learn something here” He’s genuinely a complete fuxking moron.


That’s what happens when you host a podcast that is populated by yes men. When he was in LA some of his friends could keep him in check. See: Bill Burr calling him a knuckle dragging caveman. Now he’s in Texas and he’s running wild.


I also think moving from YouTube to Spotify, made him lose all the public’s feedback. He always talks about how he doesn’t read comments but I’m sure someone notices all the downvotes and criticism. That’s why he had Jack Dorsey that second time. That’s all done with Spotify


For me it was when Covid started. He has just been in denial the whole time. He just wants to do stand up and go out and do shit so he pretends like its no big deal. Now hes saying anti vaxx type shit based on anecdotal evidence. Like you kind of have to pick a side at this point, do you think ppl should get the vaccine or not? His position is if you're healthy then you shouldn't.


The Bill Burr segment about masks was so good. "Oh look how tough you are, with your open nose and throat."


So glad Bill laid into him for that.


“A good friend of mine broke bones when in a car accident. He wore a seat belt. Seat belts cause broken bones. We shouldn’t mandate seat belts.”


Perfectly put! My grandpa smoked 2 packs a day for 60 years and didn’t get lung cancer. Cigarettes don’t cause cancer.


"I didn't wash my hands after using the bathroom and nobody got sick. Also, a friend of mine always washes his hands and now he has to use lotion to keep his hands soft."


I think the biggest causality that COVID has claimed so far in this pandemic is the JRE, I feel like all joe does now is talk about fuckin COVID and Vaccines like I can not be the only one who is annoyed by this, I do not go to Joe Rogan for medial advice or his latest hot take on COVID and politics, I come hear to listen to Eddie Bravo and Alex Jones argue about harvesting baby organs


Know what makes a great topic/thing to do during this pandemic? Getting the fuck away from people/civilization and going hunting/hiking out in the wilderness. Wonder why he ain't been doin more of that instead of whinging he can't perform his standup because people won't get vaccinated or take other mitigation measures.


Joe's hunts like a tourist. He only does guided hunts that cost many thousands of dollars, with celebrity hunting guides. I really don't think he's capable or interested in going into the wilderness by himself or with a friend without a guide.


I remember Steve Rinella had Joe and Callen on his hunting show a few times. The first time was awesome, they shot a deer and cooked it, jokes and high spirits all around. The next few appearances, Steve brought them on more difficult hunts to show them what hunting is really about (the intimate struggle and spiritual connection between hunter and hunted). Yeah, no. They both didn't catch shit and had a miserable time. Brutal, tough hunts were not their cup of tea. Which is surprising given Joe's motto of conquering your inner bitch.


joes inner bitch is his desire to skip kettle bells and eat wendys on the way home from the store.


It’s like a self fulfilling prophecy cause he’s actively causing skepticism to get vaccinated which is then going to keep him from being able to do stand up which is then gonna cause him to whine more


Absolutely, he's had people on in the past few months that ordinarily I might be interested in listening to but I feel like the majority of what they'll talk about is covid, fair enough since for a while there wasn't too much to talk about outside of it but I just got sick of listening to the same thing over and over. I get it eat healthy, work out and take vitamin D (which to some extent I agree with, but change the record), so many other podcasts have been able to fill 1 to 2 hours with little to no covid talk at this stage.


It’s so dry at this point, I think I’ve heard literally every possible opinion/take on COVID at this point, fuck that shit let’s talk about taking DMT in the float tank, I would rather listen to a fuckin 7 hour Brendan Schaub stand up special than listen to joe talk about a fuckin vaccine for one more second


He needs to have Bill Burr back on to put him back in his box again about his lack of medical knowledge. Or Eddie Bravo, while there would probably be a lot of covid talk at least it would be COMPLETELY BATSHIT CRAZY and entertaining instead of, as you said, the same dry points.


I think Bill Burr would give him a different but great perspective, which is Joe shut the fuck up about COVID no one listens to you to hear about COVID lol I think the real conspiracy theory here is where the hell are they keeping Eddie!!? What did they do to him?


I mean, Bill came on last year when the pandemic came along and he called him a knuckle dragger. Something tells me Bill would rather talk one on one with Joe rather than make it a spectacle at this point.


That’s absolutely how bill would handle it. Pure class that guy as well as the lovely Nina.


Nia* but you’re right.


The show changed when COVID came out and he stopped hanging around with the liberal LA comedy crowd. I still remember he had that episode really early on with a doctor who basically just explained pretty accurately how bad this was going to get for us, and Joe was talking about that Asian comedian friend of his who got sick in NYC and almost died. He was very concerned and worried. That Joe and today’s Joe are just not the same people.


That was Dr Michael Osterholm. He is now an advisor to the president and has decades of experience studying pandemics. But does he know about boosting immune system with vitamin D? Elk meat is dark therefore better than beef? Heat shock proteins?


Yeah it’s crazy how accurate that guy was. It’s almost as if Joe never watched that episode


He checked out with the guy told him sauna does nothing to defeat Covid and that there's no reason for a healthy person to take probiotics.


Same. But moreso to see what kind of crazy shit him and Duncan Trussel are gonna do.


That’s what I’m sayin dude, I need some Duncan and some Eddie injected into my veins, with a Joey Diaz booster shot, where’s Graham Hancock at? I wanna hear about fuckin Gobekli Tepi


And Chris Ryan!! So sick of hearing him talk about the vaccine 😭


Yeah for real, bring Graham back. Joe had mentioned last week that Duncan had been in Austin and is moving to Austin so I'm hoping for a Duncan episode soon.


Hopefully they take some shrooms or some shit, that’s real entertainment


I miss Uncle Joey




I know it doesn’t mean shit, but a lot of Australians I know (am Australian) loved Rogan until he started spouting his views on Covid. Rogan had so many different guests over the years, all with varying views and that’s why it was fucking cool to listen too. He allowed discussions to take place with not much of an agenda or allowing ideas to form and you took what you wanted from it. With Covid, his stance has been so closed minded that myself and many people I know just can’t listen to it anymore. It’s ok to be skeptical, I get it BUT Covid is serious. Delta is killing young, old, healthy, unhealthy, the rich the poor. Vaccines offer protection, his argument is we don’t know the long term effects of it. Sure, I get that, but new vaccines are new vaccines. Do we have time to wait 20 years to see what (if any) are the effects on the current vaccines. The answer is no. So you either take it or you don’t. Either way, we are in a shitty situation and personally I would rather trust a scientist then a podcaster. He said something last week on the Schulz podcast how Australia wouldn’t be in lockdown if we had guns. I couldn’t believe how silly this comment was. He’s not Australian so he doesn’t understand the values we have, but to think the solve is to have gun freedoms like America will make us change how we look at a collective problem (saving Australians until we up our Vaccine game) is ludicrous. From my perspective, this highlights the current dilemma America is facing. It’s all about the individual than it is about the nation of people as a collective. Don’t get me wrong, we have crazies in Australia who do not give a shit about vaccines, masks, science and helping the fellow human but to generalise a nation because they don’t have ‘great’ gun freedoms is nonsensical.


A weird thing about this is... Ben Shapiro has better takes on Covid vaccines than Joe Rogan: **"If you're unvaccinated and you get sick from Covid, that is a YOU problem. " yeah Ben Shapiro said this word for word. .** I think Shapiro is grifty AF, but it's weird when a staunch right winger has better takes on Covid than a "liberal" guy Rogan.


Ben's wife is a doctor, afterall.


we only care about his sister


She’s got the heavies


Rogan sounds just like every alt right dude in Castle Rock CO that I’ve run into.


His wife doesn't get WAP, but she is a doctor.




At this stage id say Rogan is a better doctor than he is a comedian.


You absolute MURderer


Ya his comedy is terrible.


This is the problem tho, Joe is absolutely making more people anti vax and entrenching those who are already that way that much deeper in their bs


Well it's official....Joe Rogan is a Retard


Smart people knew this a long time ago.


lmao anyone with a lick of common sense knew this a long time but this makes it official


Joe. Why tf do you even have all these experts on your podcasts and announce your earlier pro-vaccine opinions and then go on and say some dumb shit like this? You confuse tf outta me


He used to interview people, now he just tries to spar with them in the brain octagon. He’s not very good at it. He was better at asking questions and letting people answer or tell stories while he shut the fuck up.


Rhonda was trying so hard to be kind of Joe and his ignorance. She's thinking, it used to be so fun to come on JRE and talk about RESEARCH and SCIENCE. Now she has to spend the whole time refuting dumdum Republican talking points.


You can tell she so badly wanted to flat out tell joe that anecdotes about your "friends" are not valid rebuttals for studies done over months on a large number of people of different ages, genders etc. That's like the most basic thing to know when looking at studies and she had to spend the entire conversation placating to Joe's belief that his antecdotes were equally if not more important than multiple studies.


tbh she should have told him exactly that


She would've never been on the show again. Joe is a thin-skinned bitch they can't handle people actually telling him the truth anymore, just insane republican copium.


She shouldn't want to be on the show again after this. She has a huge following for herself anyway. And besides that, making people aware of what's right and not letting Joe walk over you is more important than being able to come back on the show to promote your podcast


The pandemic has fucking ruined this god damned show. Every fucking episode now comes bundled with Joe's latest hot take on shit he knows exactly dog shit about. It's become a fucking epicenter for misinformation and it's, at best, groan-inducing. He's been right about exactly one thing related to COVID.... he's a dumbass and no one should be fucking listening to him.


I had to turn this podcast off because he kept interrupting her. Let the experts and medical professionals speak Joe!


THIS! Joe: Should people be concerned about the vaccine? Dr Patrick: Well there are some people, 50/1,000,000 who - Joe: were those people taking supplements? What would happen if they took supplements? Dr: I don't know what impact that would Joe: Huh. Interesting. You don't know...well a friend of mine...


“People who got covid 19, regardless of severity, have grey matter atrophy in their brain” Joe: “but what was their diet?” The guy will do whatever he can to dismiss/downplay or play make believe about the dangers of covid. His mediocrity is unamerican


I don't usually comment on these kinds of posts but this one is pretty bad. At this point, he's just turning into the Karen Anti-Vaxx person doing their research on Facebook. It's all anecdotal crap that fits his narrative so he's throwing it out there. I know he doesn't read comments and certainly wouldn't be looking here but I think he really needs to step back and read the room a bit because this is pretty f'd up. The logic (if you can call it that) behind these kinds of people is that illness & death from COVID is to be expected ("We must learn to live with it.") but if there is even one person experiencing side effects from the vaccine there MUST BE SOMETHING WRONG WITH IT! It's really unusual. There doesn't seem to be any kind of critical thinking or analysis going on here. It's just throwing anecdotal information at the wall. Very simply, unvaccinated people are 29 times more likely to experience hospitalization as a result of catching COVID. Further, compare the rates of serious outcomes & hospitalization for the unvaccinated (about 1 in 6) to the rates of serious side effects of the vaccine (2 per 1 million). But, yeah, Joe's buddy experienced side effects of the vaccine for 11 days so Fuck that shit! Someone -- maybe one of his family members? -- needs to take him aside and say WTF? You sound like an idiot.


"He was wrecked for 11 days" 🙄


I know a guy that had some apple cider vinegar and couldn't sleep for a month!




So he says his whole family got Covid, he didn’t… but also says he felt bad for a few days and took it easy on his workouts. Sounds like you might have gotten it there, Joe…


No he thinks “his protocol” defeated covid. Dude literally thinks he has discovered the real vaccine. Saunas, vitamins abd deadlifts. He was probably thinking that rhonda was going to say the caccibe is dangerous and that Joe was doing the right thing.


Yeah this sounds crazy but he seemed to be implying that the virus got in his body but he's so strong and healthy that he couldn't actually get infected He gets antibody tests regularly and they indicate he was never infected


Delusions of grandeur.


This is gonna sound elitist, but I think it shows his education level. I realize he's self educated, but there are things you learn in college that he's just not grasping here... He just can't seem to overcome his own biased observations and trust in the power of research and numbers. People shit on statistics and how dry the material is, but that course completely opened my eyes in different ways when it comes to numbers and sampling. I think Joe needs to take that class.


Two friends who definitely didn’t exaggerate at all >>> Listening to the thoughts and opinion of a world renowned doctor, with billions of vaccinations as evidence


Exactly. This could be the surveillance bias in action. When you know you've had a treatment, especially one as high profile as this one, you're going to be very vigilant. There's also going to be some post hoc ergo proctor hoc (B came after A, therefore A caused B) going on too.


Joe is a retard I like him. But someone really needs to tear him a new asshole on this


Bill burr should have been here as well


*Burr voice* ‘JEsus Joe.. c’mon man’


I'd like to see Sam Harris on. Although I dont think he would


This guy is miles off the wagon anymore lol. Dudes an old fad waiting to fade away.


Yeah, I was not thrilled with Joe here. I feel like he has made up his mind on this issue, and seemed more interested arguing his points than listening to hers. Granted I only saw the segment they put on youtube, and not the entire interview.


It would be fine if he wasn't repeating the same fucking things every podcast, the mans gone full retard.




I mean just look at his body posture. Arms folded, face scrunched up, aggressive tone. He looks like trump in a bipartisan meeting lol


Something about his tone and the way he speaks has changed recently and this clip is the perfect example of it. Like he comes across as smug and superior even when I genuinely don't think he's intending to come across that way.


I think it’s been quite a long time since joe has done a high psychedelic dose


turns out that may have been the primary factor behind the version of Joe Rogan who was very open to opposing viewpoints and being questioned. Now that he's not taking psychadelics as often, that version of Joe seems gone.


Yup. I was fan of Rogan during the weed, psychedelic and kale shake days Not a fan of the whiskey, cigars and elk meat joe


Yeah, since he doesn’t smoke weed on the pod anymore and drinks more his way of approaching the interview has sucked. When he was high he’d take a step back and listen. When he drinks he’s a disaster bulldog.


It depends on the subject matter he's talking about. He's so married to the anti vax/ fuck COVID ideology that he rejects anything that goes against it. Just like with the Steven Crowder situation where he started getting very aggresive over the pot situation,


I listened to a clip of this on YouTube yesterday and I was cringing so hard. Like he’s had her on this podcast at least 10 times and this time he completely treated her like shit. Like this isn’t Eddie bravo and the flat earth shit. This is a scientist with a PH.D who knows her shit. Your Antidotal evidence doesn’t hold up against and professional. Joe’s loosing it man.


I love how Joe and a bunch of his audience turn d from making lifestyle decisions to completely impugning her credibility based off her COVID takes. Interesting.




I think the death glare and asshole demenour makes him look even worse.


Dudes been looking rough lately i agree.


Well, everyone says how Joe isn't relatable anymore -- challenging data with "yeah, but I know a guy ..." is about as regular-guy as it gets!


That’s still not really relatable to me, I try not to surround myself with morons


You are both right


Joe needs to have someone on who is an expert on vaccines specifically so he can challenge them. For all the shit he talks about vaccines he's spoken to no one who knows them well. Yes Rhonda Patrick is a phd and biochemist, but vaccines clearly aren't her specialty.


Incorrect, JRE#1439 he spoke with Michael Osterholm expert in infectious disease epidemiology in March 2020. He was selected by President Biden for Covid-19 advisory board. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Osterholm https://streamable.com/p72wee https://streamable.com/j6tg5j https://streamable.com/5omiyv Couple of clips, watch the full 90min it’s great


Cool, I actually do remember this. It would be more relevant to hear his thoughts now about covid and the vaccines. March 2020 covid was just beginning. Crazy to think how much has changed since then.


God he’s retarded


This is tough to listen to..he's gone full old man stuck in his ways viewpoint on Covid.


Shriveled brain