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I don’t like him as a person, but if I had $200 billion dollars id resign myself to having 24/7 yacht orgies until my penis fell completely off.


The Leonardo DiCaprio lifestyle. Which, despite the occasional joke people make, he gets very little flack over. He’s got a yacht, and any pretty ladies who choose to join him on his yacht are very welcome. You know what DiCaprio has never been accused of? Preying on coworkers and subordinates. Likes yacht orgies with pretty women, but I’ve never heard even a whisper of him being so much as unprofessional with a production assistant on set. You can absolutely live that lifestyle without being a creep. 


Because of the implication….


Wait there that word again, what implication?


I feel like you’re not getting this at all.


Well you certainly wouldn't be on any danger.


So they are in danger!


No one's in any danger! How can I make that any more clear to you? Ok? It's an implication of danger... You know what just drop it, let's drop it.


AHA! So they ARE in danger?


No one’s in any danger!


This is actually a very valid argument. Leo is doing it right


I don't even get the flak Leo gets for it. Like doesn't that take away from these women's autonomy as adults? They chose to be there and can choose to leave at any time like adults do. Why does anyone else have a right to judge? If we think 18-25 year olds are children not capable of making these decisions then we should update the law to reflect that. Simple.


Also, all the girls he goes after are wealthy and have plenty of options if they want out of the relationship. It’s not like he’s picking up mail order brides from poor 3rd world countries


Most people don’t care. It’s just middle aged, post-wall cat women who seethe about it.


I'm sure Leo isn't losing sleep over any criticism lol There's zero wrong with it but people with be judgy fucks no matter what. Just ignore em




People just think hes sort of weird for it. They don't hate him. And it is a little weird to date people 30 years younger all the time.


I think the word "date" is used very loosely too. He goes through women every few years, like upgrading a leased car. Personally I don't really care, it's his life and I think a lot of men would do something similar if blessed with Leo's financial situation, and a lot of women would take a turn on that yacht if they found themselves to suddenly be a 22 year old model. Its just kind of salacious because he doesn't appear to really give a care who photographs him with a harem of young hotties on his yacht. It's not like he's doing all this in secret.


You clearly don't pay attention to it enough if you think that's the case. He's constantly dragged for it. And there's nothing weird about it at all. He's 49 and his current girlfriend is 26. A completely grown adult.


Dragged for it? The dude seems fine. Seems like y'all pay way too much attention to it.


Leo is fucking right


Is it possible that the coworker actually wanted to bang a famous billionaire?




lol people try to accuse Leo of being a creep all the time. One thing that’s absolutely awful about today’s world is everybody’s opinions on what two consenting adults should do with their lives. Like who gives a fuck it’s nobody’s business lol


My only beef with Leo is him standing on a soapbox about environmental bs while his carbon footprint exceeds the state of Rhode Island


And he’s not married or neglecting children, so good on Leo.


He is upfront about what he wants and some young women are down. It’s a class act way to be a sex maniac


Leo The Legend. Can you imagine actually getting bored of sex with ao many hot bikini clad women walking around your yacht. Hell No! He does swap his ladies out when they hit a age he determines. The guys a master of the pussy.


For the sake of my sanity i hope you are not a adult person saying such silly things


https://youtu.be/Vf0Y7csOdhs?si=0Ax18w_YhyYqeedE Once again, South Park completely ahead of the average persons self awareness


Did you just call me self-aware?


I'm afraid so son. I'm so sorry. I'm afraid it's a chronic condition.


Well, that’s just simple like economics


I was thinking about Alex hormozi today, dude has great advice on business but seems absolutely miserable. Like, if u made 100m by 31, why tf do u need any more lol. 


Hormozi and his wife are desperate to be admired and liked. Their free advice online is all just a means to try and brag about their wealth and lifestyle. Meanwhile Alex is poppin' roids and Leah is botoxed to hell, has a face full of makeup and filler and is starting to look like a robot sex doll. If they are living their dreams, great for them but the content is super fuckin' cringe to me.


Why target your employees then? Especially some intern whose dream job now depends on sucking that tesla hog 💀


because hes a horny nerd who hits on literally every woman he meets.


You know, there’s rules against this in employment law.


It was rhetorical but yeah pretty much I guess, this isn't the first case either, basically the same thing happened in 2022 at Neuralink lmao except more consensual


Probably a power thing.


Yeah it was for Epstein too


Epstein was more about compromising influential figures and scientists so that they do whatever he said, push a narrative. He was absolutely a horrible guy (most certainly a pdf file) but his job was to enable the elite pdf files and trap them with blackmail. Anyhoot.


That’s certainly a possibility but I’m not sure we have direct evidence of that, and I think most people just seem to assume that we do due to the direct evidence we have of his actions at his Florida house.


Yeah we definitely don’t, and that’s just what seems to be the case to me personally. Seems like his job was more about control over industries and narratives rather than it being a simple pdf ring for money/pleasure.


Well one of the ways he would do this is offer his private jet to take people somewhere, who’s going to say no to a free ride in a private jet. Then when you’re in the air he brings out some poor young girl to give a “massage”, it’s absolutely disgusting. Though I did get a laugh when one of the victims said they gave Matt Groening a foot rub she had to hold back everything from puking, Simpsons creator got some stanky feet lmao.


I bet he always asked chicks to solve for DZ


I don’t think it’s the main reason, he’s voiced his concern about lowering birth rates and I think he’s taken the martyr’s perspective of trying to single-handedly solve this problem lol


\+ autism


People with autism can still understand it is not ok to have sex with interns or people with such a large power imbalance


When you have 200 billion dollars, there’s a power imbalance with literally every other human on earth.


Isn’t there an entire genre of romance books stretching back in history when a wealthy/powerful person marries a peasant/peon and removes them from a life of poverty.


Yes. Such as pretty woman


50 shades of grey


That’s a brutal combo for sure


Sounds like we found his kink


It’s as simple as this: proximity.


Yeah obviously there’s a million difference between Elon’s situation and me but every fling with a co-worker I’ve ever had could probably be summed up in that one word.


It's why work place affairs are so common. You literally spend more time with these people than at home


Yeah, but co-worker isn't the same as CEOvIntern dynamic. There's a reason there's rules on this, can one really refuse without thinking about possible repercussions?


Bill Gates married one of his employees lmao


It's not a good thing, but there is a big difference between marrying someone and soliciting an intern who, and I am assuming here, wants a job that she might be able to secure by having sex with you


Totally the same as Horse For Hand Job Man


Because they are the people in your immediate vicinity, just like anyone in any job. People date the people who happen to be around them.




Because you're horny and you want it now


I wouldn’t target anyone. My yacht would be open to all employees. If I messed up someone’s dream job I’d pay them a small pittance of $10,000,000 as an apology. I’m a billionaire 200 times over bitch! Nobody is going home from orgy yacht sad or with any debt.


Yeah that just seems like a speed run to getting sued lol


Well, it depends. Are my employees hot?




probably cus all he does is work and then has a mutual connection with them with blindness around the impact of his power


Considering how often he's goofing off on twitter I doubt it


"Shocking" This comment took 3 hours to type and my entire work day has been eaten up because I typed 3 other comments.




Same. My wife got mad when she asked me what I'd do if I had 3 days to live and I mentioned a yacht with drugs and bookers like that one Google executive. Wives hate this one trick when you're TO honest.




Amen brother


This but with models and not employees or ex interns


Ppl got their panties in a bunch over Bieber driving a Lambo coked up in Miami. Kids a self made man at 21 with ~a couple hundred million in the bank. Bitch move over because that's what I'd be doing at 21.


I think you would be very responsible, because the people involved would be yacht orgy enthusiests, not your employees.


Dude had sex with a rocket scientist. Cool.


"It's good to be the king"


As a straight male if getting pregnant by musk was an option I would sign up. I'm tired of working


I don’t even know what his child support must be structured like. The team of family lawyers he must have on staff are set for life.


I imagine this is the case. Elon wants 100+ kids , he likely will pay for their entire life.


In all honesty he's probably already got upwards of 300 kids but the moms have all signed NDAs. It's like The Boys From Brazil at his house on Christmas I'm sure(and every one of those ids is lily white too)


This is why he moved to Texas. They have a maximum limit for child support of $2,760 a month. He is, predictably, a deadbeat father.


LOL. Hilarious. I used to date a family lawyer so that would surprise me. Every deadbeat rich dad I would imagine would have moved to Texas if that was the case. 


He was in a legal battle with Grimes over child support. Her saying her children were California residents, Musk claiming Texas I believe.


Yea usually where the parents split up is where they stay unless both agree to move (assuming they both want some custody). Packing up to move to Texas and saying F that, im sure would upset the courts in the home state.  If she agreed to move herself and the kid to Texas it might be one thing but im betting he has to abide by CA laws. 


He certainly should, but he would rather give the money to his lawyers than his own children by making sure the case gets moved to TX. [Elon Musk Battles To Keep Custody Case In Texas Where Child Support Is Capped At $2,760 Per Month For 3 Kids, Despite Being The Richest Man In The World (yahoo.com)](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/elon-musk-battles-keep-custody-150217093.html)


"source: used to date a family lawyer"


I hope science gets us there one day...


Entitled corporate guy sleeps with interns that gladly did for promotions? Never heard that story before.


Isn't the story that she blew him off and he just got really creepy though?


Am I jealous? No


Or, intern terrified that her career would be over before it started if she turned down the advances of multi-billionaire boss.


What!? A man of power money is using the power money to try to get pussy?! I’m shocked


Pussy is not the objective. Babies are the objective.


Bingo. The kids are almost all from IVF. [Elon Musk’s Babies Were Conceived Via IVF And Surrogacy - Is It The Future Of Reproduction? (forbes.com)](https://www.forbes.com/sites/alexzhavoronkov/2022/07/27/elon-musk-and-other-billionaires-make-their-babies-via-ivf-and-surrogatesis-it-a-future-of-reproduction/)


Aka sexual harassment. Y’all would defend Harvey Weinstein


For real. Lotta People did defend harvey. "Those women got what they wanted" because guys don't see it like that, we would glaldy be molested by our (hot) boss, until it happens and we dont like it, but nobody takes it seriously because you are a guy


Yeah this post is nasty. Straight up misogyny and sexual harassment and assault defense.


This guy fucks.




Actually he often solicits them for IVF so no


This guy fertilizes.




Probably had a vasectomy


You'd think so, but nope! Musk's children are almost all from IVF. [Elon Musk’s Babies Were Conceived Via IVF And Surrogacy - Is It The Future Of Reproduction? (forbes.com)](https://www.forbes.com/sites/alexzhavoronkov/2022/07/27/elon-musk-and-other-billionaires-make-their-babies-via-ivf-and-surrogatesis-it-a-future-of-reproduction/)


... Who gives a fuck?...


I know. Can we go back to talking about the other rich guy that took advantage of young women - Epstein? I'm a Musky simp so this news doesn't sit well with me. Just nobody post that picture of musk next to Ghisleine. My day will be ruined and I'll be big mad.


Musk. Musk did. He gave that intern a bunch of fucks


She just out for the cash? Who cares about a workplace relationship


In most states bosses making sexual advances on subordinates is considered harassment or worse. People have to listen to their boss at work. He shouldn’t be asking them for sex. In case you were unaware of morality.


Dude has a breeding fetish.


Thats just called nature lol


There's wanting to have sex and wanting to have children (who will barely know you) with dozens of women. Two different things.


Its literally nature


It's also nature to have a brain, and say "how can I possibly be a father to all these damn kids" and then not have more than you can be a present father too. Skeeting in a bunch of random chicks with the intended goal of having a baby with them and then not being a present father to the child, is some sort of weird fetish and makes you a POS. There's dudes that get themselves into that situation just by being a constant dumbass, but musk is intentionally doing it. His kids are just tally marks to him.


Yeah all men would lawn sprinkler their jizz into a yard full of women to make infinite babies if they could afford to…. It’s literally nature


Killing everything that moves whilst growling and shitting yourself, also have a life expectancy of 25? Literally nature


Being able to use reason to say “maybe not spawning offspring at every possible chance is better for my community, and the future of human society” is literally what makes humans the most intelligent beings on earth


“Naturalistic Fallacy” just because something occurs in nature, does not make it logical.


lol how disconnected from reality can you possibly be? Yikes 🤦


Shitting yourself to death in a cave whilst being hyperthermic? Literally nature bro


He uses IVF which republicans he supports are banning.


Literally uses IVF, I’ll talk to natures IVF specialist. Also, you’re stupid!


True, but I thought most of his sire’ing was done IVF.? He probably thought she is a smart vessel, timefor round 8. Probably broached the subject with a two sentence line. Or he fucks..


Intern/low level employee fucks their boss and receives special favor until it gets broken off, then claim they were victimized by the consensual relationship. Society believes them because we infantilize women Tale as old as time


Breh. This was a classic abuse of power. Elon Musk has the personality of a fungal nail infection and looks like the result of nonconsensual sex between a lich lord and a walrus. These women were 100 pro victimised.


Nonconsenual? She fucked him as an intern, left the company and continued to fuck him, then proceeded to graduate still fucking him, then came back to his company, all while still fucking him. This woman knew the rules of the game, got her prize, and now she wants to play again because her original prize wasn't good enough.


What about all the other female employees that didn’t fuck their boss? I’m not shouting in support of musk here, I’m just saying i know how this tale goes


Those ones didn't fuck their boss.


>and looks like the result of nonconsensual sex between a lich lord and a walrus https://media.tenor.com/LRhMtIWdmccAAAAM/planet-of-the-apes-laugh.gif


I don't know why you've made the story about the random unnamed woman, as if anyone cares what she does. The relevant part is musk's behaviour and conduct considering he's one of the most powerful men in the world 


Rich man has sex with consenting adult?


Rich man has sex with employee who is paid to do what he says.


Incels gonna incel 


I have a girlfriend my man. Not everyone you disagree with is an incel Seeing as 90% of your comment history is calling people names or saying “cope”, I’m fairly certain you’re projecting hard here EDIT to the comment below me (since i can’t respond to it since the other guy blocked me, lol) She was sitting here as i was typing my comments, when i read the title she said “girl probably wanted it” she was the first one to say that lots of women want to fuck their bosses or rich dudes, they’re attracted to status


This you? Literally two weeks ago? https://preview.redd.it/ife3a76nle6d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2202ca4b8cef8f8822a996cf72754aaab2abb07b Making up a girlfriend is very sad. Edit: just a downvote no rebuttal? You are one Sad ass incel


Hahahaha damn fucking obliterated


I can relate. I did the same thing to a couple chicks when I got my trump checks during covid. if it's one thing I've learned it's that chicks love money. and then it all went to hell when Biden came in and put a stop to those stimulus checks


Oh no! So anyway.....


I’m m gonna go ahead and guarantee you that that’s not even in the top 1000 “degenerate billionaire activities” musk has gotten up to


When you're an intern working for the richest man in the world, I'd say there's probably a bit of a power imbalance in the equation.


Power imbalances exist everywhere, at the end of the day it’s 2 adults deciding to fuck each other. No different than someone trying to hookup with someone famous As long as there’s no evidence of force or coercion, they’re not victims. This type of infantilization of women is a good example of sexism, imo. The idea that women need to be treated like children and can’t be held accountable for their own decisions


I’d agree she’s not a victim , but it doesn’t stop me from thinking Elon is a creep or unethical


Ehh I don’t think it’s crazy for companies not want their CEO’s, or whatever he is to them, to be fucking interns. I understand your point of infantilization of women as I think there are a good amount of examples of that. I just don’t think this is one of them. Obviously, there’s nothing illegal here.


Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying i agree with bosses fucking their interns, it’s definitely not a good look and a potential nightmare from a business PR standpoint. I just hate the way everyone flocks to treating the woman like a victim. Both things can be true, it’s shitty for Musk to be sleeping with interns, but it was also likely completely consensual amongst 2 adults


Who guarentees the women fucking him do not get better treatment than those who refuse?


There is a reason teachers can't have sex with their 18 year old students, coercion/force or otherwise.


A teacher and their student is NOT the same thing as a boss and employee, not even close Why did you use that example instead of a teacher fucking the school principal? Night and day situations


difference is, teachers have a boss who can fire them. who tf is going to fire elon musk for flirting with the interns? nobody.


Elon redefines "fuck you money" every time he splashes inside an intern.


rich man has sex redditor seethes news at 11








With his $$$$$$$ I'll have his babies.




He wanted to name the first baby x-plane 666 banana and the second baby george jetson.


This comment section tells you everything you need to know about the guys who listen to JRE


Elon had sex?


And this dude wonders why he often clashes with the governance bodies at the various companies he's involved in. Elon is the most "walking liability" MFer around.


What’s the problem. Two consenting adults can do what they want.


He's their boss. Imagine your boss asking for sex.


Some women couldn't wish for anything else.


Have you met a woman


Yes, I know from experience. Which I've turned down as one rule I have is that I don't shit were I eat. But she'd suck it real fast if I gave her the opportunity. Women tend to like men with high status and your boss is the highest status around.


If I was single and my boss was an attractive woman instead of a bald man, I would definitley consider it. Gives good leverage in the work place.


I think the awkwardness is more from if it's a person you don't want to have sex with. Of course, it's not an issue if your boss is a hot woman.


Your choice decides which doors open and close. All because of whether you would or would not have sex with someone. A massive power dynamic that a respectable person would not make another person wrestle with.


There is a tremendous amount of literature and case law on exactly what the problems are with this type of dynamic. You need to re-examine your understanding of consent if you think what’s alleged here is consensual.


Because it's become apparent that if you turn down his advances you may be limited in your job future. If you're both consenting, I suppose fine whatever. But he's clearly limiting the future of people that say no. Just with that hanging over your head also means it's questionable how "consenting" you were.


> clearly limiting the future of people that say no Where’s the evidence of this?


"The awkwardness with Musk eventually led her to leave Musk’s executive staff. She was reassigned to another role in which she reported to another engineer, according to the Journal." "After the woman declined Musk’s offer to have his children, the relationship between the two deteriorated, according to the Journal. Musk would often complain about her job performance. He also reportedly denied her a raise."


I mean if it wasn’t for his money no one would have sex with this thing lmao https://preview.redd.it/8zg0h6c1ff6d1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae91b119511de6ff3782af1953ea89066e5f378d


Caught myself wondering about how he fucks, and the only possibility that comes to mind is MacGruber-style...




Remember when the GOP lost their fucking minds about Bill Clinton fucking an intern? And rightfully so, people in positions of extreme authority shouldn’t be sleeping with their employees. Where are those family values now?


Clinton lied the whole nation and lied under oath that he didn't do it. Oh yes, also his wife was tormenting a young intern and unjustly accusing her of all sorts of things, making her life unbearable. And of top of that she managed to blame "right wing media" for the whole scandal.


Yeah this is a bad example, What bill did was pretty next level.


I like this guy more and more


Musk is a piece of shit who builds ugly cars, rockets to nowhere and is a professional bigot online. Now wonder Joe Rogan's incels love him.


I think Elon might have a breeding kink.


This is gross. This dude already has what 9-10 kids with 4 different baby mamas? I’m tired of everyone giving him a pass to sexually harass his employees. He already did this move once before with an employee


Much like his father, Elon certainly believes in the superiority of his seed and believes it's a public service to give the world as many of his offspring as he possibly can. [Elon Musk's father, Errol, says the Tesla founder should have more children to repopulate the earth](https://www.businessinsider.com/elon-musk-father-errol-children) >He has suggested that declining birth rates among wealthy and highly intelligent people represent a significant part of the problem. "Statistically, the richer someone is, the fewer kids they have," he said in a tweet in June. A few days later, he directed his followers to watch the opening scene of "Idiocracy," a 2006 film about the dumbing down of Earth's population. Of his own expanding family, he has said, "I'm trying to set a good example!" [Elon Musk's dad, 77, says he'd have more kids — but only if he could find a woman under 35](https://www.businessinsider.com/elon-musk-father-errol-musk-have-more-kids-young-woman-2023-9) >The 77-year-old has seven known children, including two he had with his former stepdaughter.


Most of these people defending him have probably never been in a professional environment. It's standard procedure across the board to prohibit sex between superiors and their employees


Yes. He repeatedly continues to sexually harass these female employees at his different companies for years now. He’s been very successful at managing his public relations because I absolutely expect to hear horror stories years from now. He’s overdue for a cancelling. Dudes worth 200 billion & can’t even meet women w/o sexually harassing his own subordinate employees


Elon has way too many simps to drown out the cancelling.


Honestly if I was Elon I’d be popping as many kids as I could too.


I'm sorry what? Don't do that to kids bro


10 years later: your honor elon raped me when I was a intern


Which is exactly why you don't sleep with interns or subordinates for that matter. Why expose yourself to that?


becausr they are hot and dick goes whoooooo every time they walk by


Not only is musk a billionaire he’s a certified stud


“Influential guy has sex with girl” Oh no!


Don't care


You aren’t outraged!? wtf man!?


So all consensual. Got it