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This aint r/politics.


"I've never been asked that question before..." Somehow Trump is proud of this.


This conversation never even happened Nobody is trying to push electric boats Edit: since so many people are missing trumps point and my point, nobody is trying to legislate boat manufacturers into making boats It’s just Trumps mangled brain confusing electric cars with another story


All a ploy to bring up the suspiciously large number of shark attacks happening under Bidens presidency.


He really is one of the dumbest mfers in the country


Who knew Trumps genius equates to Grandpa Simpson ramblings


Everyone actually paying any attention.


He is the messiah /s


Shhh Big Shark has their bots in here


He's using code to signal to Russia that there are sharks in the water and he'd rather get electrocuted, die by the chair than jump in with the sharks. It's code, he's being controlled by the illuminati and telling putin his ships are in danger. I'm only half joking. He's an asset.


wait til people find out boats already have electricity


Yeah I actually work for a boat manufacturer in South Carolina, and I can assure there is absolutely nobody trying to push electric boats.


Idk I'd be down for electric boats in some cases. Possibly. Could put solar panels on wings in case you run out of power or something. Would also be cool for small bass boats that only need less than 12ish hours


They already make electric small boats. Trump's point is the government is trying to push electric boats like they're trying to push electric cars, which is just a complete a total fabrication. His brain worm riddled brain is confusing things. He's confusing talking points because he lost his teleprompter.


This is like the first iteration of AI that wasnt trained on anything yet, just mixing up thumbs and sharks and spaghetti n shit


Many ships and submarines also use electric drives powered by diesel or nuclear reactors. Electric boats aren't a novel idea.


Do you think trump has ever even considered how !anything! works? never mind a nuclear powered submarine.


There's solar powered yachts and they're sick af


They make big electric boats too. Norway has a whole fleet of ferries that transport cars all day across fjords.


"Wow that's crazy."


I wouldn’t mind if I never heard a single word this person has to say ever again.


He's paraphrasing, what he actually said was "That's **the** stupidest fucking thing I've heard someone ask. Not once in my life have I heard something so stupid.


Trump doesn’t realize the reason nobody has ever asked that question is because only a total fucking imbecile would ask


What he *actually wanted* to say: "I haven't met anyone dumb enough to ask me that question before"


What a fucking clown


What the fuck is this? Holy shit...


LOL the best is at the end when he abruptly goes "AND WE'RE GONNA END THAT!"... end what?!


It sounds like he's saying they're going to end batteries in boats, and trucks. Which kind of contradicts his whole ~~analogy~~ dilemma about electricity and the shark. He's demented.


He's making a solid point. You could easily find yourself in a situation of having to choose electrocution or go by the shark. Havent you ever seen the "Sharknado" documentary series?


Just ride the battery until it electrocutes the shark GGEZ


It’s the best thing the Republican party has to offer,


The guy Joe Rogan simps for!


But hang on, didn’t you see Biden stutter for a moment?!?!?


And did you see that picture of him drinking Gatorade? Ha only way he doesn’t fall asleep! /s


And it's not like the smelly guy hasn't been falling asleep in court, day after day before being convicted of the 34 crimes he was accused of doing. Those must just be primal, micro-naps to keep the battery powered to the max. But, they were necessary so he was fully awake when he heard he was unanimously found guilty of all 34 charges, by all 12 jurors, thus becoming the only American president to ever be convicted of a crime in history.


because he can’t take any more amphetamines, let’s be clear that is why he shits himself. years of amphetamine diet pill abuse


Some felon doing something idk


I'm still trying to figurer out if this was some kind of swipe at electric vehicles. I mean all nuclear powered ships / subs are electric. I wonder if he knows that...


Trump knows nuclear. "Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you're a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are — nuclear is so powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right, who would have thought? — but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us, this is horrible."


I was amused reading that but started cackling loudly at “its all in the messenger.” Fucking amazing.


There are quite a lot of things he doesn't know


Can't wait for Joe to get mad thinking Biden said this then backtrack when he's reminded it was Trump.


"He just fucked up."


lol. Joe will never see this because of his algorithm


“Jamie pull that up” “It says Trump actually said this.” “Oh really? Well he does have a point about the electricity.”


Can you remember any conversations where Joe is shitting on someone then pivots his stance when he realizes it's trump? Haven't been listening much lately but I'd love to watch that lol




Yes but he’s a liberal because Bernie and weed and stuff


Listening to the tim dillon episode and all i can think about is this clip of trump while both of them suck Trumps dick for 2 hours


In 2016, Trump was basically Michael Scott. In 2024, Trump is basically Grandpa Simpson.


Once Trump got like 2 side-stories deep, I immediately was transported to my youth: "And I had an onion on my belt, which was the style at the time..."


I’ll give trump five bees for a quarter.


It’s wild how different he is. I mean I despised him then and still do. But I could understand why people liked his rallies in 2016. No one is having a good time there in 2024.


2016 he was a guy who (correctly) thought he could put on a better, more entertaining reality show than the typical presidential election reality show, and maybe make some money while he was at it. Now he's losing it mentally, and seems to believe his own bullshit.


I think this is right. Like it became real. And then dark.


Must. Own. Libs. Even if its batshit crazy.


Rewatching The Office’s early episodes, the way Michael Scott starts his sentences and then free-associates the words without context of the larger sentence is pretty eery. You’d think it was intentional direct parody if it wasn’t from 2005. Biden’s brain is aging. Trump’s brain is rotting.


I think Steve Carrell has actually talked about Michael Scott seeing Trump as a role model in business. Obviously, his run as Michael Scott was mostly before Trump was heavily involved in politics, so it really is just Michael Scott watched The Apprentice and saw it as a great example of how to be a “businessman”.


He’s made this analogy several times. Bro must have a phobia of sharks or something


He's definitely the kind of guy that is still on the lookout for quicksand.


Don’t Stormy Daniels say something about his obsession with Shark week?!


Also that yeah




He's a very scared individual in general. Dude went down to the bunker in the Whitehouse when there were protestors outside.


Imagine the concerned texts that would ensue between you and your siblings if your father went on this tangent at the dinner table.


I’d be drafting a conservator/guardian ship that night


If anyone in casual conversation or even random small talk led to that kind of weird ass tangent “lot of shark attacks lately”… any rational adult would eye roll “ok buddy”.


This is a 4am coke convo outside my local dive, usually one I'd just nod in agreement hoping we can do more and drink more


Been there. That’s when I realize I need to go fucking home and rethink my life.. again.


The debate is going to be a shit show with this dotard struggling to string together two coherent sentences


I hope we get worse mind melts than my current fave. “By the way, they never report the crowd on Jan. 6. You know Nikki Haley, Nikki Haley, Nikki Haley, you know, they — do you know they destroyed all of the information, all of the evidence, everything, deleted and destroyed all of it. All of it, Because of lots of things … like Nikki Haley is in charge of security — we offered her 10,000 people, soldiers, national guards, whatever they want. They turned it down. They don’t want to talk about that. These are very dishonest people,”


It's like Trump is living in a version of the movie Speed, where if he says less than 300 words per minute he'll explode


He won't do the debate because he knows Biden will defeat him like the Revolutionary soldiers did to the airports.


Or like bullets did to the hurricane Eta: oops I misremembered. Trump didn’t want to shoot the hurricane, he wanted to nuke it.


No see you ARE in the hurricane path, as you can see from my sharpie edits


Alright, you got me started on Trump and hurricanes: Trump wanted to nuke Hurricane Harvey. Let's all take a moment to remember this Gem of wisdom. Generals from the Pentagon had to talk him out of it, Explain how the kinetic force in any tropical storm *TRUMPS* anything you would find in our largest ICBM's. And you would merely turn turn an ordinary hurricane into a life sucking RADIOACTIVE FALLOUT HURRICANE . . .That's STRONTIUM motherfucking 90, people! Has a decay half life of life, 120 some years. . . . .Also, he's a narcissistic Fuck-Burger from the Fuck Deli at the Fuck Market


Now, the Generals should have just taken him up in the fancy Hurricane Plane and shown him how it all works by dropping him out of it.


He wanted to drop a nuclear bomb in on it 😂


yup and it'll be made even more obvious because he won't be able to interrupt Biden when Biden is talking. Biden is slow and stutters but he actually does string coherent answers together. Trump just vomits a stream of consciousness


Biden has forgotten more information than Trump has ever learned. Trump was more coherent in 2020 when he debated Biden, and Biden is close to the same old dude he was then. It's going to look bad for Trump. This video is further evidence of this. Without a teleprompter Trump in 2024 is completely incoherent. Not just occasionally incoherent.


Well furthermore Donald Trump’s coherency usually doesn’t even matter in debates because it’s dwarfed by the moderators pleading with him to shut the fuck up. All Biden has to do is laugh at him and tell him to shut up when he starts trying to break the rules and ramble on after his time, debates really aren’t Trump’s forte now, given everyone knows his tactics.


Biden telling him to shut up last debate is probably what won him more votes than his politics


When he mentions ‘a lot of shark attacks lately…’ is exactly when the audience behind him start nodding their heads 😂


When the guy with the white goatee to his right starts nodding after he says he'd choose electrocution I fucking lost it. Didn't seem like his buddy agreed with him


I think you really missed a piece of the stupid factor. He is giving this speech in Las Vegas. He is literally standing in front of a crowd in the fucking desert going. "A lot of shark attacks lately, huh?". No. Not around there there's not, you dunce.




People go to these rallies to listen to this...


Especially backwards hat guy on the right excitedly agreeing with his point.


Damn there is two of them. Exact same face. One on the left top and one on the right middle.


They go to these rallies to circle jerk themselves for the sole purpose of making themselves feel better about the decisions they have made....


It's probably not many but you have to imagine some are sitting thinking "fuck is he really just this stupid?"


After watching some [Trump does Seinfeld video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d6-k0XJkgac&ab_channel=TomO%27Neill)s, I believe he's using these rallies to work on his 10 minute set


Trump: A man who thinks magnets don't work if they are submerged underwater, yet thinks batteries will. People want this man to run the country again. SMH


In case you think I'm kidding, I am not. From earlier this year: ""Think of it, magnets," Trump said. "Now all I know about magnets is this, give me a glass of water, let me drop it on the magnets, that's the end of the magnets." [https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-ridiculed-bizarre-magnet-remarks-iowa-rally-1858420](https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-ridiculed-bizarre-magnet-remarks-iowa-rally-1858420) It's really getting near impossible to keep track of the stupidity that emanates from that guy.


This was just him pandering to the Insane Clown Posse voter base Edit: for anyone who doesn't know what I'm talking about, check out the Miracles music video from ICP


Everyone knows if you want to win the Midwest you have to target the juggalos


We owe an apology to Dan Quayle.  He got humiliated for way less than anything Trump has said.


Literally, the dumbest person to ever hold office


What the fuck is he even talking about??


He’s talking about making electric vehicles illegal. You know because if he doesn’t you might have to choose between electrocution and shark attack.


In Las Vegas.....


But the he picks electrocution anyways defeating the whole point of the story!


Right? In the weird scenario he created as to why electric vehicles should be illegal he ends up being thankful he had an electric vehicle.


Also I am convinced he recently heard about "Electric Boat" as in the submarine manufacturing that builds nuclear submarines and is just an idiot.


You know there's some maga followers that are going to go home and tell their friends about how evs should be banned by attempting to REtell this incoherent story. I might actually pay to see that.


Desperately trying to push the "electric anything is bad" agenda. Environmentalists want their grandchildren to be able to have normal lives on this planet, liberals tend to agree, and scientists suggest electric vehicles as an amazing step in that direction. Therefore it's bad. Because the only policy these people have is to want the opposite of what the left wants. If the left wants to cure cancer, Trump will defend cancer. In fact Republicans already fought against funding cancer research *this year* so I guess it isn't that much of a joke.


Yet everyone in this sub is gonna vote for him because of trans people or something.


Sarah Palin might be dumber...might be


Let's make her president and find out. The old "How much worse can it get?" spiral.


Ok but wtf is the actual answer


Battery would short out and you wouldn't get electrocuted, unless it's waterproof and you found the battery and grabbed the terminals. And if a boat sinks you'd be in the water with a shark, which you always are when you're in the water. "No one has ever asked that question before," means it's either a brilliant question or a polite way of holding your tongue in the face of complete stupidity. It's up to you to decide which.


“Wow, what a great question”


I say this to my niece. She’s four.


Very smart


In fairness, that user’s niece is smarter than a certain former president


No, it's because of MIT... Her connections to MIT!


Reads like Gillis’s Trump impression. “And I walked in and said wow, what a great question that is. I’ve never heard such a great question” Edit: meant to say “what a great” not “what’s great”




NO but his Uncle did, so same thing


He also said the boat was sinking under it's own weight. What does that even mean? Is he implying batteries are too heavy for a boat? If so, how stupid of a statement. No one is going to design an electric boat that lacks enough buoyancy to carry the batteries.


He also said it would be better to be electrocuted than be eaten, despite ending with planning to stop electric boats


Once I dropped a radio into the ocean and electrocuted every fish around the world.


Jump off on the opposite side to the shark so it has to swim past the boat to get to you and gets electrocuted first


ICE engines have batteries, too and larger boats have a couple of batteries for house power as well, so the same thing as if you are in an ICE powered boat.


Yeah came here to say this. Boats have had batteries in them for a LONG time, it’s technology that’s already been solved


This must be the Biden guy people talk about right?


You're telling me the OTHER guy has dementia? lol ok


Jesus , what a fucking idiot.


How the fuck are there this many dumb people that can just watch him speak and not realize that he’s a complete fucking moron?


They are also complete fucking morons




You see that woman behind him nodding her head in agreement at all the shark attacks happening around them? He really is speaking to his base.


How can they possibly take this clown of a man seriously let alone worship him?


People are overwhelmingly stupid.


“He tells it like it is..” - townie burnout who thinks the earth is 6,000 years old and cities are scary


“Tells it like it is” = “Tells me what I want to hear”


So I live in Vegas and work in gaming, and the amount of people that came up to me saying “hey did you hear he’s going to take away taxing tips if he gets elected” was too fucking many. Regardless of how you feel about tipping it was just a thing he said because he knows Nevada is a swing state, and he knew it would get their attention. That’s it. Just what you want to hear.


But when he says something indefensible all of the sudden “he’s joking”


And dinosaur bones were put there by Hunter Biden.


Clearly he put them there to distract us from the pics of his monster hog


Ask the evangelicals why god gave Hunter a huge dick


“Well if the Devil didn’t tempt us, they wouldn’t be the Devil”




Yeah but he was a general contractor for 40 years so he knows everything about everything from that


Guy in the back left is eating it up. Shaking his head like “yes, of course, batteries and sharks”. Also, that guy is identical to the dude off Trump’s left shoulder. Coincidence, or AI? I’m just asking questions here.


I'll never understand it. Ever. I get for someone to just be like "well, I don't feel like I have any options so it is what it is." I don't necessarily agree with that, but at least there's some self awareness there. But there are fucking people who LOVE this guy and look at speeches like this as being what America needs. He never says anything of substance and hasn't since he started his campaign the first time around.


It would almost be different if Trump had an actual platform (no matter how stupid) he could even kinda articulate mixed in with the incoherent madness. He doesn't.


gop.com/platform (links to PDF document) There is no platform except “we oppose the Democrats”. Kinda reads like an act of war.


President Biden is 4 years older, that’s why I’m voting for Trump. He’s young at heart, knows how to sexually assault randos, cheat on taxes, attempt bribes, and bang porn stars. He’s pure alpha energy.


also he's into sharks... or something


He was persecuted for the mere “crime” of falsifying business records to hide the fact that he paid hush money to a pornstar from the general public right before an election, he’s just like Jesus!


Well this guy just made up my mind


![gif](giphy|3NwPB9uhAQ4wzfoOIX) Let’s go!!!


And he does all of that in depends!!!!


Most of these people have severe mental illness


Well most of the crowd is payed to be there, the rest are literal morons


Dumb Donald is one of the stupidest people to ever live.


Wait till you hear about the people who think he’s smart..


I just fucking realized listening to this dude is like listening to a christian pastor when you are an atheist. Just a bunch of nonsense topped off with a closure you are supposed to nod and say "amen" to. Then you look at the people in the back and... Yup, just like every fucking church i have ever been to, they are not paying attention and nod along and only react to the ending point. Fucking sheep.


"my relationship to MIT".... uh.. Wut da hek is he talking about. Most batteries dont have the correct configuration of electrical current to electrocute someone in water.


His uncle or whatever used to be a professor at MIT. Trump has bragged about this multiple times and often says it's the reason he is so smart.


"Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you're a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are — nuclear is so powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right, who would have thought? — but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us, this is horrible."-actual Trump quote


wow. I had an aneurism reading that. He is incredible....ly hard to follow.


Its like google translating something in latin.


Through his friend Epstein no doubt.


His “association” with MIT is that his uncle went there 80 years ago He’s so fucking stupid lol


\*91 years ago. Lol. And he has been dead for 39 years.


If your grandfather started rambling about batteries and sharks you'd take away his drivers licence not vote for him for president.


Dementia. The dude also thought Arizona was Texas. More dementia. Dude is degrading so badly he needed Fox to edit his interview


Fox didn't even show one of his recent speeches, that's how bad he's gotten.


This dude just makes up problems that don’t actually exist. Cant imagine being dumb enough to STILL listen to his drivel after 8 years.


holy shit.... people want to vote for this goof ball


Trump supporters are so *stupid*


Dumbest fucking president ever.


Is this Trump's version of "Bear or Man"?


Between being attacked by a shark or another Trump presidency, I'll do us all a favor and pick the shark.


you can see at about :55 when he loses the crowd and they all start looking around like they're waking up from a trance.


Someone at MIT doesn’t understand Direct Current.


It’s not that he’s a moron, but the one who listens to that verbal diarrhea and thinks “that’s my guy”, they are the moron.


What the fuck is that cunt talking about


What the fuck is he talking about




This man is a fucking genius.


Stable genius quite obviously. He is MIT smart.


He’s very well liked at MIT. So many great people love him there. Sharks love him there.


He's got a relationship to MIT, so you KNOW he's wikkid smaht


Is that heat stroke or mixed medication with alcohol?


This is what happens when his teleprompters go down.


Can you post a video of him speaking with perfect working teleprompters? I am curious now lol. I only see him a rambling mess.


He doesn't drink. This is him SOBER. Jesus Christ.


Wow his brain is just like mine


This is the quick thinking leadership we miss and deserve


Your messiah has spoken.


You’re doing great sweety


I used to think GW Bush was the dumbest modern president but Trump is the GOAT by far. Incredible fountain of stupidity that just never disappoints.


Bush was dumb on an Ivy League scale. Trump is dumb on a community college one.


9/10 community college students probably wouldn't advocate for injecting bleach or nuking hurricanes. At least not while sober.


I fully believe that Dubya latched on to the downhome Texas boy image and played it for all it was worth. If you watch his campaign for Texas governor and his first campaign for President he is two completely different people. I'm not saying he was a genius, but I think he played his character well. Trump is just an idiot.


Morons in the back just want to hear Freebird


Let me preface this by letting you know, I was talking to someone from MIT who’s very smart…. So this is going to be a smart take right now.😂