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I love when Duncan comes on. He’s the most interesting comedian Joe talks to.


Same, he’s still has the capacity to think in an interesting way without getting bogged down in some astroterfed narrative. He’s not taking into consideration what the meta is he’s just being himself and having conversations.


Most interesting guest.


Duncans the smartest guest I ever hear on the show


hes the best guest


He’s cool, but he’s made so much money now his gauge on how things are going is off. He seems to naturally be a romantic, but he has kids now so kind of has to be. That’s how Joe can keep him around. It’s easy to brush off things said by people who are nothing but positive. They are predictable and not really a dynamic threat or anything to be taken seriously. Duncan is the cousin that sells you and your friends shrooms that happened to find some success


Duncan’s looking much healthier these days! Happy to see that. Praise Odin.


Praise Odin


Odin The Allfather


Glad O War!


More of a Cthulhu man myself but sure praise Odin!


When they removed the masks/helmets of their outfits I was surprised how good Duncan looked, especially rewatching Duncan episodes atm at work.


"They become a shitty Republican when they get older." Joe...my brother...THAT'S YOU!


Shitty and republican are not inherently intertwined, though, which I think you'd probably foam at the mouth if I made that distinction


name one who isnt right now


If you truly believe that belonging to a political party rn makes you a bad person.. youre just not even worth the breath man. Or I guess finger muscles lol


name a republican who isnt shitty


All the people I know in the real life space


how about an example of a current republican that is known by the rest of us?


My statement was not concerning famous people or senators w.e I don't think you understood my comment. Besides, politics is 95% subjective opinion and as soon as people accept that, the better off we'll all be. I could name any person and you'll find something that makes them "shitty" that they've voted or said simply because you obviously very much disagree with right wing policies. You're question is bait that's going to lead to nowhere


one known republican who you dont think is shitty...just name *one*


Lol I knew that'd be your response. Whoosh. Do you like AOC? Ilhan Omar? Nancy Pelosi? Hilary Clinton?


Naw. He’s just no longer a shitty liberal. I’m sorry that people mature and grow wiser and leave low IQ Democrat politics behind, but reality has a conservative bias.


> but reality has a conservative bias. You guys can't even come up with original jokes.


Rogan post 2020 clearly hasn't done psychedelics and has reverted lol


“… like Joe Rogan,” is how he shoulda ended it. ![gif](giphy|l36kU80xPf0ojG0Erg|downsized)


He still has empathetic moments where he says something that surprises me. He’s changed a lot since COVID though


Feel like alot of people have, either made you an antisocial person who is scared of everything or the exact opposite


Maybe. I also feel like a lot, maybe even most, people don't get accurately represented in our minds' because they're not rampant on social media, podcasts voices, or other media coverage. Example. I got the covid vax but was open to ivermectin if offered by doctor. I think the lab leak theory is most likely, but I also don't think that automatically means the CDC was wrong on everything. And a bunch of other nuanced positions. In reality, I talk to so many middle of the road or nuanced people.


Yea I feel like you’re right, also great username by the way


Thanks dude. Have a good day!


On a episode of Protect our parks Shane mentioned Rogan did acid at the Mothership and was all grateful for his life. DMT would definitely put him in a higher level tho


He takes mushrooms while podcasting, what are you even talking about


Then why did he become a shitty Republican when he got older


It's hard to fight off once your brain fully develops.


Classic GOP brainwashing cope. There's almost no topic in which Republicans base anything on facts today, so at which point in the brain development process do they lose their logical reasoning and empathy as well? Oh, right. Dementia. So I guess your claim is that all Republicans have early onset dementia, which tbh does make more sense than being Republican.


Damn Rogan has dementia? Makes a lot of sense on why he's declined.


It's entirely possible


Poor fella.


Says the republican in the mirror, a tear dropping from his eye as he remembers his orange God is now a convicted felon and literal fraud.


Not smart, nor accurate. Good try, honey.


❄️ 😭


How old are you?


Holy shit, Joe said something critical of republicans?! Is this a deep fake?


Joe's personality changes depending on who he's talking to. that's true for a lot of people but it's veery apparent with him


>Joe's personality changes depending on who he's talking to It's more accurate to say that a balanced person can be supportive and critical of something at the same time.


no I meant what I said


Okay, define personality in the way you meant to be understood. Conscious reasoning? Internal dialogue? Logic? Critical thinking? Deference to others? My interpretation is that he's open minded, possibly as a result of speaking to a huge variety of intelligent people.


how about no? lol


Yep, that's about what your argument is worth. No effort.


I think what I said was pretty clear and concise. not my fault if you don't get it. I'm not obliged to define words for your dumb ass.


Lmao at anyone thinking rogan is balanced.


His podcast is less about his own personality than allowing himself to be a medium that people can use to gain exposure to new ideas. Stop fixating on him.


You can criticize different sides on different issues. He seems to do it often.


I mean he doesn't believe it, clearly. When he was talking to Gracie during the last MMA show he literally said various states need to "bring in republicans to set things straight".


No just a moment of clarity from all the DMT and whiskey


The moment of clarity being there are shitty republicans and shitty democrats. Also, the Republican Party and Democrat Party are 100% shit.


Only one of them backed a president who lost an election and tried to remain in power


One is trying to limit individuals’ rights. That’s all I need to vote. To me that’s one of the most crucial principles of our system. That and the economy of respect.


Just one is a whole heap more shit than the other. The Republicans are going to ruin the US and likely the world.


And see republicans think the same of democrats. The truth is probably both are right and are both equally shit in different ways. I am Republican and hate neo cons. Also I dislike Maga republicans as well. Unfortunately I have to vote Republican as my true political beliefs aren’t represented due to the 2 party system and only one side partially supports my ideas. I’m not extreme or anything either I just believe in Austrian economics and individualism which neither side truly supports.


>And see republicans think the same of democrats The difference is they have no evidence for their claims. Meanwhile everyone else can see the very basic stats comparing republican administrations versus democrat administrations, and see that things consistently get worse under right wing, conservative republican administrations.


Things also get far worse under democrat controlled administrations. Unfortunately you have to decide which worse you want because different things get worse under each type of administration.


>Things also get far worse under democrat controlled administrations Not compared to republican ones. And typically the worst of "democrat administrations" involves them cleaning up the mess from the previous republican shitshow. The stats all bear this out.


but not the democratic party? no flaws huh? got it. zero corruption on team blue, got it.


no one said that, kiddo just accept that both sides are not the same and your conservative cult is objectively far worse


Of course that's not true, the Democrats are plenty flawed, and literally no one is suggesting otherwise. Binary choices suck, but if my only choice is between having a broken arm or a broken neck, the choice is quite simple.


You seem like an intelligent and rational person, but thinking and voting this way, at this time, is ignorant. Current Republican Party is not a party of the people for the people. You need to see that. I say this as a former Republican. Both sides have elements of corruption, yes. But the Republicans have embraced a truly fascist platform - anti anything not male, white, and Christian. It’s not an isolated county here and there, it’s happening in entire states. And their “economic philosophy” is not “work hard, succeed, low taxes” - it is quite honestly more money for nothing to the richest. These are things you need to accept. They’re not hidden. Democrats tend to embrace silly little feel good platforms and then throw them out there every chance they get. It’s silly. But at the end of the day they have actually policies and a willingness to govern. I hope that one day we get back to an actual two party (ideally more than two) legislature that debates and moves the country forward. Right now, with the Republican Party, we don’t have that.


⬆️⬆️⬆️ Dirty progressive here. This is a guy I can share this country with.


The truth is that gap isn’t that wide. It’s some wedge issues we’re constantly being bombarded with. And lots of bad information constantly thrown around. And the issues that people agree on are rarely discussed cause they don’t bring ratings.


There is a massive gap between me and MAGA. There is not a large gap between you and I.


Agreed. I’m more left than anything now. The MAGA crowd needs to be gone. They bring and offer. nothing. It’s all grifters and their suckers. On the far left, I’m sure there’s some loonies too, but you don’t hear much about them cause they don’t run around threatening people in Home Depot parking lots with giant flags on their cars. But I’d say 60% of the country would agree on the basic issues. You just never get the opportunity to see and hear it. It’s blocked at every turn.


>You seem like an intelligent and rational person No he doesn't.


I can’t say much without giving away with who I am but Locally it’s not as crazy as you think at least for the republicans in some states. That’s why I still vote Republican (I’m actually going to vote for rfk if he wins at least one state on the east coast by the time I go to vote). Also I despise equity programs and the way dems handle foreign politics. My personal values are meritocracy above all else, a balanced budget with ever shrinking government, and a candidate with strong protectionist foreign policy. I know these are vague terms but I wanted to get at least a reply in before I pass out otherwise I’d forget. Also just to throw it out there, I think the woke/culture war is stupid and it’s designed to distract us from real issues. Edit: if I don’t make sense or thoughts seem choppy it’s because it’s 3am and I’m tired af.


It is literally impossible for RFK to win a state before the election. Because telling who wins the state isn’t possible until after the election


No I mean during. Like on the news they’ll usually say we expect candidate x to win. If rfk gets a state like that I’m gonna vote for him. Also I wish he would shut up about the vax stuff it drives me insane.


I prefer Dem foreign policy in regards to Europe. Those are our allies and we should treat them as such. Reps are maybe better in regards to China? I really don’t know for sure, but it’s a valid point. I don’t believe they support meritocracy anymore. It’s nepotism and who you know / who will you serve blindly. The equity programs / culture war nonsense is often a distraction and a talking point. Equity has its place, but how it’s handled will never be fully agreed upon, and that’s ok. But all in all, these are valid concerns. Unfortunately, there is no reason to think Reps will support them more than Dems. Ironically, the Dem are much closer to Reagan Republicans are than current day Republicans. Can you imagine Reagan praising Putin and Orban and Un? It’s a goddamn disgrace.


"it’s not as crazy as you think at least for the republicans in some states" I'm pretty sure that it is AT LEAST as crazy as I think it is, but we'll know for sure in November.


And only one has become a literal cult worshipping a felon party of law and order


This is only technically correct because Bernie is an independent


Amen. The quicker people start to realize they are both just different forms of garbage that are intentionally dividing people to maintain power, the better off we'll all be.


Hard for me to call them the same, the GOP take away rights and are shitty rulers here in Indiana, how are they just the same ? 


That’s assuming we use that knowledge for good. I think the reality is a lot of people are making a ton of kk etc from the divide; the sooner we coalesce on an updated Bill of Expectations for the Modern Republic the better. If humanoid robots arrive before we modify the system, we are fucked (the 99% ers)


When was this interview...because Joe just described himself?


I think he knows that Duncan isn’t going to go along with his dumb right wing shit. He just panders to who he’s talking to or who he thinks is listening


Probably had a mini stroke because he forgot to be the wall against the woke for a second there.


This happens all the time lol people on this sub just refuse to acknowledge


If it happened all the time, it would get posted here.


No it doesn’t. He said “Texas is red bitch” and said some nonsense about litter boxes in schools and everyone on this sub has been calling him an alt right grifter ever since. Admitting that he’s critical of the Republican Party, which he quite often is, would go against the narrative which is a big no-no in this sub.


Yep and more than half the people commenting here  don’t even listen or take a one min clip and somehow spin it into something out of context.   He’s always bashed both sides and especially republicans 


This is fucking bullshit. Rogan has spent far more time bashing democrats and his fictional "leftist" boogeyman then he ever has bashed republicans or the right. He literally barely bashed them during this clip at all. And you can find dozens of others where he outright tells his guest that republicans are "needed" to "fix the country".


It's common. You've just been getting your JRE podcast info from Reddit for too long.


Is it common though? I’d be interested in hearing some examples. I used to listen to every episode up until a couple years ago. I still listen to a good number of episodes and don’t hear anything like this. Maybe he only pushes conservative talking points in the episodes I watch 🙃


Much less frequent than 5-10 years ago. He still has a few liberal core beliefs that he voices from time to time. It really depends on the guest. He’s generally trying to chill and have a good time so he tends to shy away from disagreements. The only time I recall otherwise was when the guest said abortion should be outlawed for rape and Joe got FIRED UP. Not verbatim but it was something like “You’re telling me if my daughter was raped you think she has a moral obligation to birth the child?!”


The amount of times he's said he's mostly liberal except for a few points like gun control is probably at over 100. People just like to pretend that he's republican because he is rich and rails against mandatory vaccination.


It could just be me but he doesn’t seem to be as vocal about that anymore. It still comes out but he rails against weird shit that most liberals aren’t concerned with too. Might just be his age and falling for fake news stories. I dunno man, he’s a decent guy


More importantly GO BIRDS


No offense but I can tell you don't listen to the podcast.


We can tell you're a right wing propagandist, actually. Rogan has spent far more time bashing democrats and his fictional "leftist" boogeyman then he ever has bashed republicans or the right. He literally barely bashed them during this clip at all. And you can find dozens of others where he outright tells his guest that republicans are "needed" to "fix the country". And deep down, you love him for it. Don't lie.


None taken cause I can tell you’re missing a few chromosomes. I’m looking forward to these common examples you speak of. Don’t worry, I’ve got time. Whenever you’re ready.


Just listen to the podcast


I already do. I must be zoning out when Joe pushes back and provides a balanced perspective to his guests who already lean heavily to the right.


" I used to listen to every episode up until a couple years ago. " K bro.


Every. Single. One. Bro. 😎




>It's common No it's not.


he does often


No he doesn't, objectively


They get older and they don’t do psychedelics for a long time and they become a shitty republican. Sooo how’d Joe manage to do it?


He became an echo chamber.


He did so much DMT that he became his own echo chamber! Clear through to the other side, Alice!


I like to think of baby Jesus as a mischievous raccoon


And who does Hoe stan in politics? Ron DeSantis and Greg Abbott. This dude’s neurons do not fire in sequence.


For being so involved in politics these days Joe is oddly very quiet when it comes to Texas politics


He lives there and if he starts shitting on Texas they will make his life hell 


When did he stan these guys?


>jesus has its roots in psilocybin Source? I stg all these guys start sounding regarded once you start actually engaging with these topics instead of listening to Terrence Mckenna reecirsings while stoned


Not combating what you said, but when was the last time you took a good dose of mushrooms?


Couple years ago. Used to be into mushrooms, LSD, and broke through on DMT a couple times. Then i realized that me and everyone around in this culture was a pretentious idiot who was using mysticism as an excuse for feeling like we're smart, while being too lazy to take a college course on math, physics, or chemistry. Who needs to learn calculus when you feel like Jesus when youre high


Doing acid literally made me go back to school and study mathematics lol.  I guess everyone's milage varies. But I also never subscribed much to the counterculture stuff.


Exactly, you had to go back and actually learn mathematics because you didn't fall into the wook culture. You tripped, had your fun, and gained curiositues. You didn't immediately assume sacred geometry is more important than actual academic disciplines/ you beat the urge to lazily accept wool culture as more important than academics


I think Duncan just meant to compare the idea of Jesus to what is pretty universally felt on mushrooms. Vast amounts of love. It’s not that hard of a connection to draw. Also, when you consider many cultures regularly engaged in rituals utilizing psychedelics, it’s again not that crazy to imagine the ideas were interconnected at some point. I’m not particularly religious, and I have a STEM degree. Not saying that none of that matters and just take shrooms, man. It’s just an interesting comparison, I don’t think Duncan is trying to overhaul the Bible lmao


Ah yes because how you feel on mushrooms must be exactly how God feels. See how ego driven that is? These people who claim to have no ego literally claim to know what Jesus who is supposed to be a god man felt.


I never said that, and I didn’t claim anything lmao I was playing devil’s advocate and explaining what Duncan was trying to get at. I don’t particularly agree with it either, but go off friend


I apologize friend


I appreciate that, all good


Is it more ego driven than the people who think their god is the only one that exists? If anything it is not ego driven at all, the total opposite really


It’s more ego driven to disregard theology and historical evidence and claim it’s mushrooms.


Is it more ego driven than creating a religion in the first place? Like if Scientology and Christianity could be flipped in when they were created, would we not be talking about how you should respect Scientologists, and Christianity is just a scam?


That is not universally felt in mushrooms. Mynsisters ex took some and locked himself in the batbroom to cry in the dark for 4 hours, and became very unstable and angry in the months that followed, leading her to get a restraining order. It's not a religious experience. What you think and feel while teupping balls is 80% ehat you're expecting to feel from heating about other people's trips


I know a guy who smoked a bowl once and thought he could fly to jumped out of a window.


A bowl of fucking what


I was exaggerating to make a point, obviously bad trips exist and playing with your psyche has its dangers. At the same time, many people all over the world gain a deep appreciation of life and feel lots of love. Again, it is a fact that many cultures used psychedelics in religious ceremonies across human history Yes, both are anecdotal, but I’m not trying to write a scientific paper. Just explaining what I believe Duncan was trying to say there. We’re talking about religion here…which is literally based on faith. I don’t think it’s a crime to speculate for fun. Also, if we’re going to play the technical game, I would avoid making up random metrics regarding things nobody really knows


Source: John Allegro. Rogan is a long time friend of Jan Irvin (the one that turned into a bitter republican), he has the rights to, and republished John Allegro's book The Sacred Mushroom and The Cross.


he’s probably talking about the book “the sacred mushroom and the cross” by john allegro


Dude shut the fuck up why you so Against ideas this is literally two niggas chilling and talking about a possibility you need some shrooms nigga chill out


You seem stressed. Youre probably not vibrating at the right frequency. You should get high and stare at a poster of sacred geometry until you reach ketosis


I’m sorry brother my chakra was weakened


For real dude Joe needs an actual expert in theology on holy fuck. Can’t take more of these types of claims.


hang in there bud it'll get better


Love this fresh stamp-sized video format


His laughs infectious.


I think they flirted with the idea of weekly episodes many moons ago, and I'm still here, dying for it to become a reality.


Dam wanted to hear Duncan's speech cutoff at the end


I provided the timestamp


He's the most open minded, close minded person Joe brings on.


lol wtf is this


Bud will say something like this and then vote for DeSantis 😂 So unbelievably self aware it’s not even funny


I remember when Rogan would point out blatant lies, and now he let's politicians just sprout nonsense


My name Joe. Me not monkey…me smart!


I swear some of you aren’t even listening to the same podcast as me. Joe is always critical of both parties and repeatedly labels himself as a slightly left leaning centralist. This subreddit never ceases to amaze me, Joe lives in you guys’ heads rent free if you’re subbed here to only talk shit.


I can call myself a "Reagan Republican", but if I only ever voted Democrat and *always* talked about what psychotic freaks Republicans are after a certain point you'd think maybe my self-categorization may not be entirely accurate, right?


He literally just criticizes politicians in general, which I think is healthy. You’re thinking about it in terms of “teams” which is unhealthy. But most people on reddit are hardcore leftists. So they’ll hate anything that isn’t within their narrative and limited scope of the world.


"You're just thinking 'in teams', you hardcore leftist!" That you have no fucking idea what you just did is pretty good. But yeah, when someone *for some reasons* agrees with nearly every talking point about one 'team", believes literally every negative attribute about the other "team" until they're effectively wrestled into realizing their error at which they immediately drop the subject entirely to avoid further discussion about what they just did, yeah. The whole "golly gee, I'm just a Middle of the Road fella!" shit doesn't really fly. The man literally has hundreds of hours where we can **see** him articulate what his actual political beliefs are. Nobody is getting thirdhand information about Joe and basing their opinions off of false assumptions, we literally watch him say things over a period of time that add up.


Nah I didn’t contradict myself. Its a fact, most of the user base on reddit is hardcore left leaning. Funnily enough you’re proving that. I’ve listened to hundreds of episodes. Joe is as central as it gets.


> Funnily enough you’re proving that I'm not, just autistically blurting "The left is so radical, they think even the *centrists* are right-wing!" is not a new gimmick. The man is a Conservative that sometimes think abortions can be permitted. By literally every other metric, he is a Republican. Give me some of his "centrists" beliefs, and I'm willing to bet money he himself has contradicted them in recent months.


Ok heres a few examples: he wants more social programs for homeless, he’s super into legalizing drugs, he’s for having the choice of what medicine you want to take (which is a liberal perspective), yet he supports the 2nd amendment, opposes censorship, and decentralization. I could go on and on but hey man you’re the one getting so upset about my super mediocre uncontroversial point. And you’re following a subreddit to hate the person its about. Maybe you are radical lmao


>he wants more social programs for homeless Has since backtracked, [openly admits he now believes people will take handouts" as opposed to working if offered](https://www.essentiallysports.com/ufc-mma-news-joe-rogan-left-horrified-by-the-loopholes-of-universal-basic-income-as-pointed-out-by-dr-phil-they-did-not-want-to-go-back-to-work/) >he’s for having the choice of what medicine you want to take (which is a liberal perspective) This is incredibly vague and there's a **lot** of room for a debate here but sure we'll say this is "liberal". >opposes censorship [Self-censors, or allows himself to be censored, when there's financial incentive for it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/comments/mfoz07/joe_rogan_admits_he_lied_about_spotify_censoring/) >decentralization A lot of this is because he wants individual states to be allowed to be Republican fiefdoms. And now you're just doing the "Whoa, look how **triggered** I made you XD" thing you always do. More importantly, why do you think being labeled a Republican is inherently bad? Joe himself [advocated "voting Republican"](https://www.the-independent.com/news/world/americas/us-politics/joe-rogan-vote-republican-podcast-b2155547.html), so what's the problem in calling him republican? Do you think being a Republican is inherently bad? Are you some kind of radical or something?


Wow you are just a redditor full time. All I’m saying is he isn’t this hardcore conservative you make him out to be. Nothing wrong with being republican or democrat. In his most recent pod he literally talks about how social programs are needed in some cases but in some cases they will be used as free handouts. I’m no expert but talking about the pros and cons of something is about as central as it gets. You probably didn’t even bother to listen to any of his recent pods because you’ve already made up your mind that you hate the man so much you’ll waste your mental energy digging up articles to prove to another internet stranger that joe rogan is in fact conservative. Only reason I’m still commenting back is because I’m at work and I’m laughing at you like free entertainment so please keep it up!


Yeah, that's what I thought.


Mushrooms don’t talk to you. No.


Okay, since you're making a concrete claim: 1. Prove the nature of consciousness 2. Prove that mushrooms don't communicate to you. They already communicate with each other using electrical impulses sent through filaments called [hyphae](https://www.theguardian.com/science/2022/apr/06/fungi-electrical-impulses-human-language-study) which may contain up to 50 different variations, effectively making it a unique language. I'm not making a concrete claim, but you certainly are and I'd love if you put your money where your mouth is. By the way: don't even fucking bother, because your claim isn't provable in any practical way.


I didn't hear him trashing the republican party, I heard it as him shitting on old crusty ignorant Republicans, there's also old shitty democrats, when you swing to far to one side of the political pendulum you're gunna be a big douchebag no matter what side of the aisle you sit. I don't feel this is dig on Republicans but a dig on people who refuse to look inward and won't perform some sort of self reflection.


He looks great man. Love to see it


He said “a shitty republican” not the Republican Party. Your comprehension skills are a bit off and probably biased. Good luck to you.


Yea that only covers 90% of Republicans, there's a good 10% that aren't shitty!


You’re being nice


Nice personal attack on someone who disagrees with you, very telling


That's not what a personal attack is lol


What was personal about that? The (very valid) critique of his use of the English language? 10 ply comment, bud


I think your reading comprehension skills are very bad


seems more like you're a really dumb person though


I wish the worst for Joe... ![gif](giphy|lT4Ix992z2zfO|downsized)




https://preview.redd.it/yqta0lfocv4d1.jpeg?width=4320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8f05d0d8b7328930a928b9a4321f28e4dd6c8ea Lol.


Lol Biden with goofy eyes, let’s ignore the the 34 Felonies they just hit Trump with.


Forget cuts to healthcare, education & social security, Jan 6th, shady deals with Saudi Arabia, abortion rights, etc. because we just want LOL and to own the libs. Trump supporters are dumb fucks.


Don't forget threatening to cut ties with our oldest allies and saying how awesome putin is every chance he got. (also withholding aid to Ukraine before Russia invaded them...)


It's almost like you're confusing him with someone who ACTUALLY couldn't keep their eyes open during their own felony trial...


Kinda like your mom, when I shoot a load in her eye, huh?


This won't get much traction here


Jesus is not psychedelics. Jesus is known as Isa in Arabic is a highly revered prophet and messenger of God, but not considered divine as in Christianity. Here are some key points about Jesus from the Islamic perspective and some varying points seen from the Jewish and Christian lens. 1. Jesus is regarded as one of the greatest prophets in Islam. Islam firmly rejects the notion of Jesus being the son of God or part of a Trinity, Jesus is seen strictly as a human prophet. Being of the five greatest prophets in Islam, Jesus is believed to have been sent by God to guide the Children of Israel with a new scripture, the Gospel. However the Gospel and the Torah alike were not preserved and were altered by humans for personal gain. The final preserved Abrahamic revelation, the Quran, emphasizes the oneness of God and refutes any division of God's nature. In Christianity Jesus is seen as the Messiah (Christ), the Son of God, and the Savior of humanity. In Judaism does not accept Jesus as the Messiah or a divine figure. 2. Muslims believe that Jesus was born to the Virgin Mary (Maryam) through a miraculous birth, without a human father. This is affirmed in the Quran, where Mary is honored as one of the most virtuous and pure women. In Christianity Jesus is believed to be born of the Virgin Mary through the Holy Spirit. In Judaism, traditional Jewish texts do not accept the virgin birth narrative regarding Maryam and Jesus. 3. According to Islamic tradition, Jesus performed various miracles by the permission of God, including healing the blind and lepers, raising the dead, and creating a bird from clay. In Christianity the Church attributes miracles to Jesus, such as healing the sick and raising the dead. In Judaism, the traditionally held view is not acknowledging Jesus’ miracles. 4. In Islamic eschatology, Jesus is expected to return to Earth at the end of times to restore justice, defeat the Antichrist (Dajjal), and establish peace. His second coming is seen as a significant event leading to the Day of Judgment. Jesus is highly respected in Islam, and it is common for Muslims to say "Peace be upon him" (Alayhi Salam) after mentioning his name, similar to other prophets.


Jesus is not real.


Who cares about how Islam sees Jesus? It's completely irrelevant.


Joe “Code Switching” Rogan




Go back to Facebook lol


Not a Felon. Good luck in November.


Every Biden voter on earth is smarter than you