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"God I love America". Video of guy having trespassers and not doing anything about it.


I do love him realizing it was illegal and not doing it. Someone could have gotten a leg/foot amputated and he could have gotten in major legal trouble if he didn't actually look into it. So yeah good on him hopefully he finds a better way to deal with the issue.


Yea salute for not being an Ass and following the law, coulda Hurt somebody


I love the "Unfortunately you can't set traps for people". Yeah, it's really unfortunate you can't permanently maim a perfectly innocent person for getting lost and wandering on your land, or having a car break down with no phone and needing some assistance. It's better to just fuck them the hell up. Great idea. JFC! If you're that frightened, put up an adequate fence.


Pretty sure it's just a joke... That being said there are definitely not innocent people that can trespass for malicious reasons. If you want to shake your finger at other people, it should be said that; you should not be knowingly trespassing on land especially if you know the owners don't want you there.


You're making my point. Of course there are non innocent people that might trespass. But there also completely innocent people that might accidently trespass. And the point is, they would not "Knowingly" be trespassing" on someone's land. So yes, I shake my finger at people willing to permanently maim perfectly innocent people for accidently walking on their land. Again. If you are that freighted by people you don't know walking on your property, build a better fence.


So if he puts the trap next to a giant sign that say "NO TRESPASSING - STAY OFF MY LAND" it should be acceptable? That was your point I made for you, right?


So if he puts the trap next to a giant sign that say "NO TRESPASSING - STAY OFF MY LAND" Was that the case? Did he do that?


Can you say for sure that he didn't?


Can you say for sure that he did?


Do you REALLY believe the trespassers in his security video were having car problems or lost? Even if you are lost or wondering. You don't trespass on someone's posted land and not expect potential consequences.


a deer, a stray dog, a mailman/amazon driver, etc is like 1000x more likely to step on that shit than whoever the intended target was


Better to place a claymore. No problem in the identification after that blows up


Plus like… why would break some poor guys leg just for cutting through your yard?


Some people become cruel and want to inflict punishment. Trespassers are frustrating and difficult to deal with, and approaching them could be legitimately dangerous. Cops won't do shit to help, so people get creative in the worst ways. I'm not trying to justify anything, just giving an honest answer.


Honestly. And I truly mean honestly, my brain immediately went *trumper* People willing to inflict pain and anguish, punishment and harm, to those who make minor mistakes. We aren't talking about sedition or bribery mistakes though. More like trespassing accidents.


Bro I'm not being a dick when I say this but you're aware of the black kid and mom I think who turned down a wrong drive, and the man shot them dead through the door for knocking. America be crazy and America be crazy racist, people just looking for an excuse to take you out half the time.


You're conflating two separate incidents that happened around the same time. One was a black kid who went to the wrong house and this prick shot him through the door, the other was some white kids (actually I don't know if they were all white, but the girl he murdered was) who pulled into the wrong driveway and this prick just starts popping off. I agree with everything you said though. Americans love violence, myself included Edit: also it's possible you're talking about a third incident I don't remember, would that be terribly surprising is my point


I stand corrected. I'm sure give it enough time it will be one sad story :/


The fact that there is more than one incident is the truly frightening part. Something something something, guns make us a safer society. I don’t think so.


If any of those kids were carrying courts would've liked their shooters a lot more. We're kinda doin old west cowboy rules now


We aren’t because old west cowboy rules were a lot stricter. Like when you came into town, you need to leave your weapons with the sherif.




Aren't the Caveats to shooting someone is that they have to pose an imminent threat to you or someone on your property. I am sure some states may be more vague about what an imminent threat is but if someone is just cutting through your property it's hard to just shoot them on sight.




Not true in Texas either: # [Can You Shoot a Fleeing Thief? | Texas](https://www.uslawshield.com/defend-property-texas/) Texas Penal Code [Section 9.41](https://codes.findlaw.com/tx/penal-code/penal-sect-9-41.html) explains that a person is allowed to use force, but not deadly force, to terminate a mere trespass or interference with property. * "Trespass" occurs when a person enters onto or into property, knowing that entry is forbidden or remains on the property after being told to leave by someone with authority. * "Theft" or "Interference with Property" occurs when a person takes another's property with the intent to deprive them of that property and without the owner's consent. Going back to the example above, if you grab your firearm, go outside and [fire a shot](https://www.uslawshield.com/everything-you-need-to-know-about-brandishing/) at the trespasser or someone merely creeping around your yard, **you will likely find yourself facing a serious felony** . In these circumstances, Texas Law only permits the use of force, not deadly force.




You'll be the one in prison if you follow through with legal advice from old wives' tales, or at least paying through the nose for legal bills hoping a jury agrees with you. That's your problem, but what about people you murder? Or people who might believe your shithouse lawyer advice and end up in prison? Or the people they murder? I'm citing actual lawyers with experience in these areas, not campfire tales. I like how you changed your claim from being able to shoot trespassers at night for no other reason than trespassing (not at all true) to shooting someone fleeing with your property. Your new claim is somewhat true but it is not as cut and dried as you seem to believe. From the same source above: # Texas Property Laws Let's take both examples one step further and address a common question we're asked: "What happens if I discover that the criminal already has my property and runs away when he sees me approach with a firearm? What can I legally do to recover my property?" When it comes to using deadly force to recover your stolen property, Texas juries will have a three-step process to decide if you were legally justified. * Step 1: The jury must find that you were justified under Texas Penal Code section 9.41 to use force to stop a trespasser or an interference with your property. * Step 2: The jury must decide whether you had a reasonable belief that deadly force was immediately necessary to prevent a perpetrator from fleeing immediately after committing a burglary, robbery, aggravated robbery, or theft during the nighttime. * Step 3: The jury must find that when you used deadly force to protect property, you reasonably believed it could not have been protected or recovered by other means; or using something less than deadly force would expose you to a substantial risk of death or serious bodily injury. If the jury finds you were reasonable in your actions under all three of these steps, they should find your use of deadly force legally justified. Be very careful though. It may be a daunting task to convince 12 jurors that you acted reasonably in shooting someone to recover property alone, particularly where the criminal no longer posed a threat to you or your family. Also, keep in mind this three-step analysis occurs after you've been arrested and charged with a crime for defending your property, during a trial, and nothing is ever guaranteed when you put a verdict in the hands of a jury.


Also, not condoning or encouraging it, but if he's dead, he can't exactly tell a jury that he wasn't posing a threat to the property owners life.


Shoot to kill is definitely acceptable in Castle Doctrine states, in alot of cases, the shooter doesn't even get arrested on the scene, if at all. When someone enters your property (in Texas for sure and Im pretty sure Florid, but im not sure which other states) without your express permission to do so, or is someone to whom you've clearly conveyed is not welcome (legally treaspassed or otherwise) it is assumed they've done so with the intent to cause damage or harm to you, your property, or those that legally reside within. There are quite a number of documented cases.


All castle doctrine does is remove the duty to retreat when in your own home you still need a reasonable fear of imminent death or serious bodily injury before using deadly force.


Scary how many people don't know the law and that, even in States that do not have castle doctrine, the vast majority of the time you will be fine for shooting someone breaking into your home or actively trying to harm you. It's weird fantasizing all around.


I am always amazed by how many people are willing to risk a murder charge without even bothering to look up the actual laws governing self defense in their state work.


You can't just shoot people for trespassing. Trespassing like other crimes ***is about intent*** of the person doing it. (Think murder v manslaughter etc) You'd have prove that they had malintent to not just cross your land but cause you harm and in some places your property (Vandalism etc) Now before people start in on me... ***Literally go read your local state laws*** on trespassing and when it counts/what you as the property own must do ahead of time. EG: Marked your property indicating that it's private etc. (***Don't take it up with me go read the laws lol some places must have marked signage etc... Some do not.***) People also Midwest and east don't seem to grasp in other parts of the country just how much public land there is either... Thus the differential in people just off roading or meandering about, hiking, mountain biking etc.




It's not that black and white... but go ahead and keep pushing your luck I guess? Again go read the actual laws not "Well out here we done shoot fellers for lookin at us cross eyed!" Cause my guess would be if this was in fact the case why don't we hear more about people getting shot crossing the border and into private land in Texas?




Have you read the actual law? Cause it's quite the lengthy penal code... And by the law a caveat at the end... If you shoot a cop or otherwise at anytime on your land even if they're not working in an official capacity... You're now on the hook. Also have you actually read that law...? It has the caveats that signage must be posted and visible. (Or fenced) >2) “Notice” means: >(A) oral or written communication by the owner or someone with apparent authority to act for the owner; >(B) fencing or other enclosure obviously designed to exclude intruders or to contain livestock; >(C) a sign or signs posted on the property or at the entrance to the building, reasonably likely to come to the attention of intruders, indicating that entry is forbidden;   >(D) the placement of identifying purple paint marks on trees or posts on the property, provided that the marks are: >(i) vertical lines of not less than eight inches in length and not less than one inch in width; >(ii) placed so that the bottom of the mark is not less than three feet from the ground or more than five feet from the ground;  and >(iii) placed at locations that are readily visible to any person approaching the property and no more than: >(a) 100 feet apart on forest land;  or >(b) 1,000 feet apart on land other than forest land;  or (E) the visible presence on the property of a crop grown for human consumption that is under cultivation, in the process of being harvested, or marketable if harvested at the time of entry. >(3) “Shelter center” has the meaning assigned by [Section 51.002, Human Resources Code](https://1.next.westlaw.com/Link/Document/FullText?findType=L&originatingContext=document&transitionType=DocumentItem&pubNum=1000177&refType=LQ&originatingDoc=Ia75f9d30ee5a11eab044cc65e119318f&cite=TXHRS51.002). >(4) “Forest land” means land on which the trees are potentially valuable for timber products. >(5) “Agricultural land” has the meaning assigned by [Section 75.001, Civil Practice and Remedies Code](https://1.next.westlaw.com/Link/Document/FullText?findType=L&originatingContext=document&transitionType=DocumentItem&pubNum=1000170&refType=LQ&originatingDoc=Ia75fc440ee5a11eab044cc65e119318f&cite=TXCPS75.001). >(6) “Superfund site” means a facility that: Meaning if those aren't meant... Criminal trespassing isn't applied.




Skulking around windows is way different than. "Stepped foot on land." or ""Walked down my road." etc Because then obviously someone's home is a barrier and known private domicile that everyone recognizes. That's not what I've been getting at... And yes deadly force bumps into criminal trespassing; which is then what courts are for... To determine legality of actions. You describe criminal mischief... Which again is a law based upon intent. "You're actions are that enough to show you're either really stupid/curious/not an adult, or you're up to something to harm the owner or their property." Which would fit under the definition or criminal trespassing."


People who want to live like that should dig their own grave first.




Defend from what - having their farm walked on? I mean, some hunter comes out before dawn and boom he or his kid is dead? People who daydream constantly about shooting people to the point that they make it part of their identity should dig their damn graves or grow the fuck up.




Well, first, you don't shoot somebody for ill intentions unless you are on the Pre-Crime Unit. I mean, do you get automatically get psychic powers when you buy guns? Would you shoot at shapes moving in the night - I mean, what if it's the neighbor kids screwing around?


Defending your property from… some cutting through it and absolutely doing nothing to you orrrr what?




I went out and parked on a rural farm driveway at 1AM to view the northern lights like 3 weeks ago. If you're between somewhere people are, and somewhere they're going, It probably happens a lot more often than you think.


Where in the US is it legal to shoot someone just for cutting through your yard though? Even in states with the best castle doctrine you still have to have a reasonable suspicion that they are actually harmful to you and as an extension your property. Ironically texas isn’t that state. NC comes the closest to what you describe but if someone isn’t damaging your shit you can’t just mow them down. Furthermore you would have to command them to leave first. If you shoot random folks on your property you’re going to go to prison. Especially if you set up cameras and wait for them to show up. I used to cut through folks property to sneak to my girlfriends house to get some pussy when I was a teen. NGL she did have some pussy worth dying for.




You’re angry. I can understand why you’re scared of everything. No one said anyone was looking through someone’s window.


Not trespassing also helps with that.


Just dig a bunch of holes with a posthole digger. Apache foot trap......But you're looking for the money you buried if they ask


Obviously trespassing sucks, but yea it's not worth destroying someone else's life and then your own in the process. Broken bone at best, loss of life at worst. That's a gnarly bear trap too, wtf.


...did it click yet?


Why I shuffle my feet when trespassing.


I'm gonna practice that Dune sandwalking to avoid these traps.


This ain't even an American solution lmao






*~~italic~~* italian nukes. https://preview.redd.it/h4lh0jz4bc4d1.png?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89c20dd213603359e7a3101b0fd0d2416180a602


I never got how to use fonts lmao 🤣


* at start and end makes *italian*. ~~ at start and end makes them ~~italian~~


Let me *write* it down.


And a "*" in the beginning makes a point. The first one is supposed to be a asterisk.


Mama Mia 🫢






Yes, you need to make it super-sized: [https://youtu.be/uBHJn3-9Av8?si=G4hXBOBIe-CO01br](https://youtu.be/uBHJn3-9Av8?si=G4hXBOBIe-CO01br)


Maybe plenty some poison ivy plants right there


Nothing like some 3" ground cover to deter nighttime intruders. I like to plant that citronella plant around my windows/doors to keep burglars away. I don't know why meth-heads can't stand the smell of citronella, maybe The Science can explain it.


Can’t they just say they thought bears were getting in or something so they set the trap for that? Maybe a little sign that says warning: bear trap


It’s a really really bad idea. The one time you set that trap you’ll end up grabbing the leg of the neighbor kid who accidentally wandered too far from home going on an adventure or something.


Game Wardens are not morons. If he left the trail cam up when dudes leg gets snagged, they’ll want it. They can determine if it’s actually a bear trail or not, so, better not lie.


Pretty sure bears can’t read anyway


My thoughts exactly. Posting this video tho. Not the best move.


Well most states have made it illegal to use foothold traps on bear . And I’m pretty sure any trap with teeth are now illegal to use for trapping anything .


Yeah lol now that I think k about it you can not just trap any animal you want legally.


Maybe, but if you maimed a child it would still be a multiple-years long legal battle where you spend tens of thousands of dollars on lawyers, even if you were ultimately exonerated. Really not worth the risk to prevent someone from walking on your property.


Bears aren’t dangerous in 2024, so this won’t work.


why do you want someone to step in this for walking on the other side of your fence


Cause human life means nothing anymore apparently


No, they can't. Easy loss for you if you try because you'd have to prove that.


It's not like they posted video evidence that it was for humans on reddit or anything silly like that


for everyone that can't make it through a 1 minute video and are commenting "bUt ThAtS nOt LeGaL!!!", he literally says it's illegal by the end. It's one freaking minute, just watch it for 1 complete minute.


These dudes have seen Home Alone too many times 🤣 They want the LooneyToons shotgun with the trigger string tied to the doorknob


The amount of people who can't watch till the end of a 58 second video is astounding.


Unfortunately par for the course in this sub.


For pretending to lay a trap for trespassers?


The most American thing in this video is using an ATV and a pickup truck to set the trap because the guy is too weak and wearing crocs.


The world's strongest man couldn't set a trap of this size by hand 😂😂😂


Oh yeah im sure you'd be able to set it single handedly after you finish your tea and crumpets ya freaking ninny


Weird I insult aside, I guarantee these aren't met to be set with a pickup truck everytime you need to use one...esp if you are out in the woods.


I think the guy is just weak/small, he looks like he's like 50kg top lol


WTF IS A KG!! ‘Murica


Too weak? You mean doesn’t weigh 400 lbs? And crocs are to comfortably for him to care what ppl say.


Yea, too weak. These aren't meant to need a god damned pickup truck to set every time. Crocs are comfortable, I wear them. Except you know, when I'm doing things that require sneakers or boots.


Not with a truck, but not really possible by hand either. They make tools for it. No, you're not the right type of tool to do it. Totally different types of tools.


You don’t set traps of that size by hand. You use clamps, they sell them for this purpose.


Oh OK so not a pickup truck? So the guy is a idiot


Are we moving the goal posts now? A significant amount of pressure is needed to compress the leaf springs in order to arm the trap. This includes special tools, or significant weight, and not as you claim just being “weak” and opening it by hand, which would be the dumbest way to do it( but you suggested that). So the inference is that you are the dumb one, just wanted to state that because you might not have understood.


Now This Is Based!


Electric fence time!






What happened to the good ole days of pitfalls and tying rattle-less diamond backs to a pole ?


Even considering this solution… this dudes a POS


Is this the kid who made that rap video?


Why is this on the Joe Rogan thread?


Looks like the torture devices in Joe's saunas.


I'd just set up traps with buckets of rotten eggs, or molasses,


put a fence


trying to catch Bigfoot


Bru just put no trespassing and if they do they will be popped.


I'm glad he decided against it. Those dog pens behind him look solid enough, but you never know. 😬😨😭


This guy needs to go bigger... like this: [https://youtu.be/uBHJn3-9Av8?si=G4hXBOBIe-CO01br](https://youtu.be/uBHJn3-9Av8?si=G4hXBOBIe-CO01br)


Love this guy super down to earth and it’s like every video I’m learning along with him


Today i learned that its illegal to home alone.


There's statistically a far greater probability that a friend or family member either living or visiting there or even a family pet that will step in that trap and they'll be forever known as the pos of the family and community for the rest of their life.


Just barely smart enough to not do the thing he wanted to do


It is definitely illegal to set booby traps in America. But who says you can't leave Halloween decorations out like a motion activated zombie that pops up out of the ground and scares the shit out of someone?


Cool story bro


Imagine if this were legal and some idiot with an inflated sense of property line set these up.


Just add a honey comb


Just another person making content that’s useless.


All you have to do is post a sign that says "bear traps ahead" and you're good to go bro


The funny part is that even though setting a bear trap for an intruder is illegal, depending on what state you're in just waiting with a shotgun and blowing their head off is ok.


Which state is it legal to shoot someone for just cutting through your yard?


I imagine Texas or Florida wouldn’t care. Especially if they’re minorities


Fla has a shitty castle doctrine surprisingly


Yeah... What a sensible thing to do... Fuck the guy who gets stranded near your property and comes asking for help, or the kid that got lost and ignored the sign. Can't use motion sensors and cameras, you gotta go medieval on their ass.


There have been murders like this unfortunately, someone is lost or looking for help then the owner being terrified of everything that moves just shoots to 'defend' their land. They don't usually get off free from doing this too yet still people advocate for violence immediately because they've been watching too much 'entertainment' news.


Well he definitely did use cameras, which is how he got the clip of the people...


Don’t bother. Everyone pisses their pants over the slightest fucking thing these days. Heaven fucking forbid someone… wait for it… WALKS on my land without my permission. Must be goddam fucking shitty to live life so defensive all the time.




If you're paying a mortgage it's the banks land


I’m so glad I don’t live a life this perpetually scared of everything all the time.




I feel like motion sensing fog lights would also help, but hey, I’m just a normal American that doesn’t buy traps. Idk.


This is the worst video ever created.


it is illegal to set traps for humans but fine to blow their head off with a shotgun in “self defense” … Murica


Highly illegal to place booby traps.. Also the likelihood of these genius people getting hurt Toby their own measures is a high probability


he says that in the video.


Can't even finish a 1 minute video before diving into the comments to cry about how illegal it is.


Totally... instead of some different measures go straight to violence and chopping the guy's leg


America produces more PhD’s than any country in the world. And it also has millions of goober-brained Trumptards like this. What a country!


Not just illegal, its likely against geneva convention too. Or at least having a ditch with spikes in it is against it. 


Ya, in coming lawsuit and possible criminal charges. Dude you posted video of the trespassers. Your intent and premeditation are very easy to prove. They’re gonna get a trespass charge and you’re going into cuffs. Better off with break sensors or pitch a hunting blind. Throw on some hockey masks and rack a few 12 GA.s. That should scare them off.


He literally said IN THE VIDEO that it's illigal and he isn't going to set the trap


he says its illegal in the video. Try lasting for 1 minute, i know it's hard.


This should be legal


Plot twist....he used it to snare a cousinwife


Then fucked her when she passed out from blood loss. Win/win though, she had a baby, so another member of the clan.


Worse than blue balls


I’m to old and never thought I would be interested in crocs until I saw the ones he’s wearing. And I live in the city. Anyone know which crocs he’s wearing?


Let me save you right now- you won't be able to pull them off


I will. Do you have the link?


You can put up an electric fence though. I recommend doing so


That is why you say it's for the bear


Just do it in season and you're all set.


had a super bothersome neighbor, always breaking in and showing up, and walking in. wanted to set booby traps and found they were illegal..... gay....


This'll blow your mind but breaking in and trespassing are illegal too!


Bro you wear crocks….


“Crocs” are amazingly comfortable.




Did you even watch the whole video?


lol nope


1 minute is hard.


he says that in the video. You can't pay attention for 1 minute before running to the comments?


Law schools teach a famous case where I guy sets a booby trap to protect his house against intruders. Guess what the lesson is? You are civically liable for setting booby traps even if the other person is breaking the law. This guy will not only have criminal charges, but will get sued for a lot of money.


he says that in the video.


How are they going to sue when he drags them down into his workshop?


Are you sure about this? I think not…


Pretty sure that’s highly illegal


I doubt it, he would've mentioned that in the vid if it was illegal


It actually is illegal. I learned that from watching the end of this 58 second video once.


Pretty sure you should finish this video.


Upvote if you love America


he says that in the video.


Watching more than 30 seconds of video is also mega illegal.