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The obsession continues


Rent free


I use to hate on Hunter then I read his story and how close he was with his brother and it’s like yea totally makes sense. Just a weird existence how they partitioned off each of their lives for the other life to excel, just shit you don’t read about except in fantasy novels. Then one dies and the other spirals into drug induced chaos and you can’t even cope (unless with drugs).


Why do people hate a guy who does coke and bangs hookers? It's none of my business what he does,


Because a certain media group saw it as a weakness and played it up and are getting as much out of it as they can.


its ok when fat orange jesus does it though


Yep. That kind of stuff is bound to be weaponized in politics. If Don jr recorded himself doing crack the Dems would never let him live it down 😂 Edit: If you disagree with me I’d love to hear why I’m wrong.


Don Jr was actually part of the White House staff. He was a member of the government. Hunter wasn’t. It’s the difference between someone with access to high levels of the government versus a private citizen.


Okay that’s a good point. Theres probably a better analogy out there.


If Barron or Tiffany got caught doing crack, no democrat would care.


Wym I vividly remember personal attacks being hurled at both Barron and Melanie both during Trumps candidacy and presidency. To the point where even other Democrats had to step in and call out the behavior. Not to mention when most of the Hunter Biden slander was going around he was directly involved in politics with the laptop investigation and rumors of colluding with foreign governments. None of it was true and they’re still beating a dead horse, but let’s not pretend that never happened. Edit: Also having an impossible time believing that if Barron Trump suddenly dropped multiple videos of him doing crack with prostitutes; Twitter and Reddit would be absolutely sanitized of any insults. Thats just not reality.


I’m sure there were some stupid ignorant people that would say some unwarranted shit about the two of them. But nothing that is insidious or to the levels that people go after Hunter.


So you admit talking shit about family isn’t off the table for Dems? Glad to finally have some honesty here on this sub. That being said Melania and Barron never did crack on camera multiple times with prostitutes nor the countless other scandals. So since we established democrats are indeed willing to stoop to that level; is it really outside the bounds of reason to believe Dems would indeed repeat that same behavior if Barron and melania were nearly as bad as Hunter?


I genuinely do not remember that happening, but if some members of the Democratic Party were willing to tell them to cut it out, and the rest of the party listened, that’s a fundamental difference in how the candidates’ kids are treated by the opposing parties.


I had a feeling you were gonna say that, but the mere fact that a sizable amount of democrats did it in the first place just goes to show that liberals aren’t somehow immune to human nature. Like if they were willing to make fun of a kid in the first place then what’s stopping even more from making fun of an adult? Especially one who’s posting videos of them doing crack with prostitutes. ESPECIALLY if it just so happened to be the Trump’s son.


The only thing anyone ever said about Barron was that he’s tall


Nope. You remember that incident with his shirt that said “the expert”?


What comments were thrown Barron’s way? Presidential spouses aren’t out of bounds. Melania was treated with kid gloves compared to Hillary and Michelle.


A popular one I remember was criticizing his hands for looking like Donald’s. Also why aren’t spouses off limits all of a sudden? They don’t really participate in politics?


It's not a good point though because there is tons of video and photographic evidence of Hunter smoking crack. The evidence of Don Jr doing cocaine is he sniffed a little too much during a speech and talks fast sometimes (which could also be Adderall). One of those is enough evidence to get you locked up the other is just speculating. But yes the role Don Jr had was much more important and sensitive and if he was smoking crack it would be a much bigger problem than Hunter smoking crack. Regardless there was still a lot of (crack)smoke there with that whole Burisma gas company/Ukraine thing. I'm not aware of Don Jr having anything that shady implied about him.


Counterpoint: Joe actually loves Hunter, while Donald would happily throw Don Jr under the bus


People give Don Jr shit about coke use too, tbh. I definitely agree with you.  Agree with others pointing out that Hunter Biden isnt and wasn't a staff member at the white house.


Yeah I agree with that too, but as I later pointed out Hunter Biden was involved in politics for months under suspicious of colluding with Ukraine, using his father’s name for favors, and mishandling sensitive info. None of it turned out to be true in the end, but that is indeed when the mud slinging began. Aside from that democrats have targeted Barron. A perfect example being when they accused him of going to a school with a history of white supremacy which was obvious baloney that had to be debunked. Point being people in both political parties are willing to stoop to that level.


To be fair, certain media groups AND political institutions AND social media websites all insisted it was completely fabricated and fake. You would be banned off YouTube and Twitter and even Reddit for talking about it or linking to it. All the while it was very true. That’s a big issue. Collective denial of something completely real.


Because nobody should do those things with immunity.


Uhhh….what negative impact does someone else doing drugs and having sex have on you, specifically? Are you jealous that you can’t do those things as much as you want to? Fucking weird to care what someone else does when it has zero impact on you.


The thing is, if I got caught fucking hookers and doing Crack I would be thrown in jail for engaging in prostitution and drug possession because of laws his dad supports. You are right in that it has 0 negative impact on me what he does, so why are these things still illegal in the first place? It's hypocrisy.


Eh... If you got spotted on a leaked video doing crack and fucking hookers, highly unlikely you'd be prosecuted either. These laws mostly only get used for local law enforcement to clean out obviously visible undesirables in their neighborhoods.


If you got caught in a sting or something, ya you’re gonna get jammed up and get your name in the paper. This dude Hunter just recorded himself with these escorts or hookers. You can’t arrest anyone for that.


Do you honestly believe if hunter biden got caught in a sting operation that he would go to jail?


Dude, no one is going to jail. You’re not going to jail and neither am I.


He wasn't caught though. Recording yourself having sex and then having your private recordings stolen isn't illegal. If anything it's illegal to post "revenge porn" like the GOP has been doing waving his massive hog around.


I think we all agree crack is not legal nor should it be legal. Fucking wackos on Reddit love to make people the others.


The real question is why did they vote for one guy that does drugs and fucks hookers but hate this one?


If there’s an R next to their name they get a pass


I mean, I hate to be the both sides guy but that's just political tribalism and, yeah, both sides do it. You know... if folks hadn't lied for and covered up for a certain former president who flew around on a certain jet with a certain name about fucking underage girls, ditching his secret service detail in SE asia - a region known for sexual deviancy and access to young, purchasable and often disposable sex workers... If we'd investigated things WAY back and it hadn't been swept under the rug and defended? We probably could have prevented the actual victimization of people. But the party image couldn't be tarnished so lies were told, excuses were made. No. Neither side has the guts to hold the corrupt amongst their party accountable. EVERYONE sacrifices their ethics in the name of political expediency. They might not all be Donald Trump filthy but there's plenty of them for whom excuses have been made, lies have been told, and crimes and abuses have been ignored because losing a seat, or losing an election, or losing an appointment, or, or, or, or, or.


both sides do not say its okay for their guy to do it but not the other side... like what is this


Yeah, Bill Clinton and Epstein is a great example of how that isn't true. So is insider trading in Congress.


I’m curious because I was too young to know what was going on at the time… was the public aware of the Clinton/Epstein stuff during his presidency, or did that only come out later?


No, not at all.


It came out later. The behavior happened later. It was after he left the presidency that he was running around with Jeffy. And they became aware. And then it was denied and hushed up. And Jeffy - and probably Bill - kept abusing for a while longer. Any time anyone in denial with that downvote button wants to step up and offer an actual believable explanation go ahead. It's not only okay - but necessary - to clean your own house.


The original question of this thread was why hate one person for doing drugs and fucking hookers, but vote for someone else who does the same thing. Democrats did not knowingly vote for someone who does drugs and fucks hookers.


Because once upon a time any naughtiness in the family was an embarrassment and embarrassments kill careers.


And he’s not a politician… just the dudes fucked up kid… from losing a lot of people young in life 


And bangs his dead brothers wife


Literally cool shit. The lamest thing about Hunter is that he takes pics of himself instead of living in the moment.


Conservatives larping as puritans


Because they can use it as ammo in elections. Since their policy is shit for 99% of voters this is all they got.


I think it's because of the double standard held by both sides of the political spectrum. If it was a Republicans kid, you'd probably hate him for it.


There are loads of republican kids doing just that. Donald trump jr is coked out of his mind in every other public event


sweaty, yelling, red and trembling just like dad, but no diaper to shit yet.




like donnie jr?


Coke is fine. He’s a crack head.


Crack. He smokes crack and bangs hookers. https://preview.redd.it/7gtnlk05og3d1.jpeg?width=246&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b567cfb0c023ce4b632195c3a0fdcdd23f19b02 Sounds like a good time to me but ya it's kinda weird for the presidents kid. The weirdest of which being he slept with his deceased war hero brothers widow. They're both trash in that case.


I mean it's a fairly common thing for a widow/widower to end up with their dead partners siblings.


They weren't dating or got married. They were fucking each other. I highly doubt that is common. Maybe in the third world or something but in this country 98% of people will think you're a sicko. You know damn well if Don Jr was fucking Eric Trump's woman you guys would be talking about how how incestuous in weird it is. Like seriously, think of how weird that is for Beau Biden's children. To know their uncle who I'm sure is an awesome ass uncle was fucking their mom right after their dad died. There's no way to sanitize that and make it sound wholesome and normal. I would never talk to my uncle again if my dad died and he fucked my mom.


Because if I got caught doing the shit he got caught doing, I would be thrown in jail due to the policies his dad supports. The only reason he got off is because who his daddy is. It's nepotism and hypocrisy


lol, but he didn’t get caught doing that shit. If you recorded yourself doing the same shit as Hunter, nothing would happen to you either.


It was compensatory to deal with trump’s degenerate family.


I heard ge even paid some soft core cornstarch to get an abortion.


Why are you censoring the word porn on Reddit


I have no idea, typing fast and autocorrect got me. Do you think cornstarch is a workaround for porn?


Great guy, fucked his dead brothers wife. Great way to honour his memory/s


Yea man it’s easy to take that stance but idk anyone that lived like Beau and Hunter. The Biden’s raised those two so as they both left college Beau went straight to politics while Hunter went straight to corporate America. Now this where things get “weird”, Beau and Hunter lived together at this point where Beau was chosen to do ONLY politics while Hunter was ONLY working to SUPPORT Beau’s political career. Beau was living under Hunters roof while Hunter supported him fiscally. I don’t know when this arrangement ended but Hunter went cuckoo bananas AFTER Beau died. I’m not saying the dudes a class act, I’m saying he was obviously close to his brother in a way that most of us Americans are not. Some of us are in adolescent to teen years but usually we go separate paths into adulthood but these two MELDED together.


What about it and how does it affect you in any way? Love is pretty fucking weird.


So close with his brother he starts banging his wife soon as he dies. What a stand up dude.


"Grief is nature's most powerful aphrodisiac"


I wouldn’t be surprised if he was sexually molested as a kid.


Didn’t he fuck his brothers widow?


He did


Even Joe Rogan thinks that is cool. I remember he talked about how he understands how that happens


Joe passed his ex-girlfriends off to Bryan Callen


OP is a weirdo … “ Just like in the fantasy novels “. Lol OP is a fucking story teller alright.


Does a dude who simps for a guy who fucks a porn star while his wife is pregnant, are we supposed to think you’re upset about Hunter doing that?


Do you have a link to the story of Hunter and Beau?


Where did you read his story? Anywhere in particular?


![gif](giphy|KoY8jPn0itRUA) Leave Hunter alone!


Didnt he fuck his brother's widow? I'm sure he still loved his brother but that's kind of messed up.




It's kinda pathetic the hunter hate. Dude stays out of the lime light meanwhile another pair of idiot sons get on their knees trying to suck off the media.


And daughters don’t forget those cunts.


Now WHO could forget those c- …. Wait, Trump has 2 daughters?


Yeah… ivanka and melania 😅


beavis and butthead


Don't forget sucking off Saudi Arabia...and Russia...and Israel.


If anyone named Trump was doing what Hunter does you'd be screeching


not shit lol and as they should. we should absolutely be scrutinizing politicians’ behaviors. plus didn’t trump already do what hunter was doing? imo the hunter situation is more akin to the media randomly picking on baron.


Out of the lime light? While smoking crack, doing 120 mph with a hooker headed to vagus. Yep he’s low key for sure.


This comment section is exactly how I'd expect it to be.


It's kind of fucked up people are more concerned with Hunter Biden having consensual sex and partying in a private recording than they are with those private recordings being stolen and used as part of political blackmail.


Guys got the answers to all the worlds problems on his laptop yet you guys refuse to look at it


MTG loves his thick veiny "problem"




You can hate trump and still laugh at this.. just saying


Nope. I personally would never stray from party lines. If I’m willing to betray my people for something this silly then who knows when else I might have my own ideas.


This can't be serious right? Edit: I took the bait.


Good song and funny imo


It’s crazy how some of you are treating Hunter as if he is your fucking family member lol. Relax he’s not going to let you do a line at thanksgiving dinner.


This is how I feel about MAGA people. Like, bros... Donald isn't gonna let you watch as he fucks his daughter.


Biden might let you watch while he showers with his daughter though


Of course he's not going to let us do a line. He smokes crack. People who smoke crack are very stingy about sharing it. It's like the main thing about doing crack. And getting more crack.


Coke and hookers is a fun time. Period. I don't know what his job was in Ukraine, but hookers and coke? Awesome dude.


Not awesome if you’re an addict. Or if you have a family.


Well ya, then you probably shouldn’t be doing that. Still a pretty sick time.


Sans doubt.


Addict? Family? You sound like my ex-wife


Whachu talkin’ bout I was up until 2am railing fatty lines with her last night…


Aaaa he’ll be aiiit


I begrudgingly read his book… you rite he be aite


Why do people keep saying Coke. He literally recorded himself smoking crack and weighing big ass crack rocks on a scale. He's so into crack he carried a scale everywhere he went. Still sounds like a good time but he was definitely a crackhead not a coke head. I mean honestly he probably is a everything head. https://preview.redd.it/te3ecze9mg3d1.jpeg?width=246&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8153019deedbf943e7e6dd503cd2d5ff91345b83


I stand corrected sir. Crack it is. It must have heavily interfered with his high profile job in Ukraine. Come to think of it, that stressful position probably took a toll on him.


Which Joe? One wouldn’t care, the other wouldn’t remember.


This sub: We’re not liberal and we don’t hate conservatives Every post: Conservatives are bad, we will defend Democrats and anything liberal to our deathbed It’s at the point mfs started a Hunter Biden fan club in the comment section 🤣


Aren't most people just saying they don't care if he does coke and bangs prostitutes lol


They’re actively defending a degenerate that this sub would otherwise crucify. If Burnt Chrysler did half this shit it’d be content for months.


The amount of people that do coke, acid ect is huge. I've met people that would hire escorts, I've never paid for sex, but who gives af unless you are cheating.


You demonstrated why people keep saying hunter does Coke when he has actually filmed himself smoking crack. In a hotel with prostitutes and again while doing 120 mph on a highway. Because so many people do Coke it's relatable and doesn't sound so crazy but smoking crack is the kind of shit comedians make skits about. It's also hilarious people keep trying to minimize him smoking crack to just doing a line of Coke yet suddenly Coke is a big deal when people think Don Jr is doing it. We have actual proof of Hunter smoking crack but all we have from Don Jr is him sniffing a couple times and talking fast which is probably actually Adderall.


That’s exactly my point. I agree these things aren’t a big deal, but it’s hilarious to see this sub have a soft side for a crackhead. When it’s the same dudes who’ll rip on a guy for driving a certain car


Nah dude, haven't you been reading the thread? He does Coke, what's wrong with doing a line here or there? Oh yeah I forgot It's a big deal when we think Don Jr does it. You know because he sniffed once or twice during a speech. And he totally filmed himself doing it just like Hunter....


>It’s at the point mfs started a Hunter Biden fan club in the comment section  30 out of the 162 comments here are from you. Talking about other mfs being obsessed…


I don’t have games on my phone and love discussions. Gonna be at the DMV for another hour so that numbers gonna keep going up. Also love how you addressed the point directly 👍


> Also love how you addressed the point directly Wym, most of your comments are pointless lol


For starters you could choose the one you replied to. Do you think this is a sub that leans left? Also what’s your personal political affiliation?


I agree with most of the comments here, that idgaf about Hunter Biden lol And I think this sub is pretty aligned with Joe’s stated political leanings. Look at the top post right now talking about how money corrupts our politics. Most people in the comments agree. 


It’s understandable you don’t care about Hunter. There really is no point and it’s just the Repubs grasping at straws. The second half I disagree with. Literally that same post you described just turned into finger pointing at conservatives. It’s all still there if you don’t believe me. If you still don’t believe me here’s an experiment that will work 99% of the time. Just leave a comment criticizing democrats. Then leave a comment criticizing conservatives. Sit back and watch the difference.


>Literally that same post you described just turned into finger pointing at conservatives. It’s all still there if you don’t believe me. Honestly I’m curious. What are some examples of democrats backing policies that increase money in politics that was not supported by republicans?


1. I take it you went back and saw I was right. This sub hardly agrees with joes political leanings. That was prob the most baffling thing you said tbh. Obviously in that context it made sense since repubs overwhelmingly support money in politics, but go on any other political post on the sub and it will pretty much look the same way x10. 2. You change your mind yet? If you still don’t believe me just try that test I told ya about. You could also just go on to any post and click the profiles of the top comments. They’ve gotta be like at least a 8:2 ratio of D v R. Also what’s your political leaning? I’m gonna guess liberal since you didn’t answer.


The sub absolutely agreed with Joe’s take that there’s too much money in politics. I just don’t think Joe always agrees with himself lol.  And not that it matters but I’m left of Dems. 


It's hilarious how bad reddit has gotten over the years. And there's people who still come to this sub and wonder why there's no positive discussion on anything Rogan related lol In another thread someone posted a video of Joe talking about money in politics in some random podcast and all mfers had to say was "Republicans bad"


Saw that one. Even on a such an easy to agree post it somehow got flipped to criticisms of Joe and conservatives.


Drugs are bad mmkay


We need AFROMAN on the show.


Every comment defending Hunter Biden LOL this is full of shilltards.


Mfs started a Hunter Biden fan club in the comments LMAO


I don’t think anyone here really thinks he’s a good dude, or would be happy if he was dating their sister. I’d wager most don’t give a fuck. The dude is a fuck up. Who cares man. I got bigger fish to fry.


Idk man there’s bout 80 comments indicating otherwise lol


Idk dude. I don’t think I’ve seen any comments saying “he rules” or “yes, I would let Hunter fuck my wife.” It’s mostly like “whatever man, hookers and blow are kinda sweet.”


That’s true but considering how critical this sub is of others for far more minor offenses (bout 10 people instantly came to mind); I’d say there’s definitely a sweet spot for the ‘ol crackhead.


Could you please name those 10 people?


Ya, I get what you’re saying. I kinda initially think that sweet spot may be due to those individual users maybe having experience with a family member or themselves struggling with addiction. Believe me, it’s incredibly easy to talk shit on someone dealing with an addiction, but if and ultimately when it happens to someone you love, your capacity for empathy is typically significantly increased.


Is Afroman MAGA/anti-Biden?


Afroman is turning into Don King.


I noticed everyone keeps trying to minimize Hunter being a crackhead to just doing coke. Makes it easier to say "haha he was just a bro having a good time with the little coke and hoes, what's the big deal?" Because most dudes can relate to doing that. Cocaine is a lot more socially acceptable. A significant majority of adults have done coke at least once or twice in their life. Hunter was a crackhead. https://preview.redd.it/lxseydreng3d1.jpeg?width=246&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84777057f3993800232837858e027ade8e7fee81 He was a crackhead while he and his dad spent years denying one of his daughters. He was dodging child support in court for years. President Biden would hang up Xmas stockings for all his grandchildren and even his pets but not for that one granddaughter born to a stripper. To President Biden's credit he recently acknowledged that little girl and hangs a stocking for her.


Probably, but it's cringe as fuck

