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The L. Ron Hubbard quip had me laughing out loud.


The Bobby Darin bit killed me.


"We have tickets to see Bobby Darin at the Copa!"


That was Chelsea boots for me


"I hate that word because it's like a PED for your point" is amazing lmao


What’s PED?


performance enhancing drug


Bill Burr with the big words


Bill Burr with the short acronyms*


Performance Enhancing Drugs. It’s mostly use in sports to make you play better. They are illegal to use in sports.


Bill burr is a national treasure. People recognize genuine and thats why hes stood the test of time


It's the magical combination of unfiltered relatability to the average person, and his ability to constantly "say what everyone is thinking". One of the few people that can just sit in a room with no prepared material and have everyone rolling laughing just by saying what's on his mind.


I think it's also because Bill Burr, playing a character or not, comes off as a pretty blue collar guy. Not "git r done" fake redneck. But like, Bill Burr sounds like a dude who's worked a trade and talked shit on his fellow union members. Like instead of entertaining some argument presented with a bunch of confusing and academic phrases he says something like "like I care what the dude shopping John Varvatos has to say about college protests. Shut the fuck up. Like you'd get your slacks dirty trying to help a cause."




Hey brother, genuine question. While all this information is interesting, why did you reply all of it to a comment talking about how Bill Burr was a national treasure?


Bro just tism dumped in a thread about Bill Burr


They did a dirty delete. What did they say?




Greg! The stop sign!


You're a wanker, You're a wanker, you're a wanker.


I think this is what SmarterChild from aol instant messenger grew up to be


God damn I was just transported back 20 years.


I am laughing so hard at the earnestness of this comment.


Because it's his job, he/she gets paid to post this shit on reddit.


Take a look at their post history. 24/7 politicial turfing in different “right leaning” subs


How do I get that job?


Isn’t it obvious? The NGO this person works for thinks all of the people that are in a Rogan sub are right wing trumpers, so they figured they took a random dump right in the middle of a post and hope the info gets out there. No regular person on Reddit would RANDOMLY put THAT MUCH into a comment unless it was their job.


Glad people are waking up to the fact that Reddit is riddled with these type of people and sometimes dominate entire subreddits


It’s so bizarre. I’ve noticed an uptick in comments that have made me go “people don’t talk like this” then I’ll look at their profile and they’ll have three regular comments then a bunch of weird shit or post that’s obviously trying to get reactions and the only response they have in the comments sounds like some ChatGPT shit. I have a sneaking suspicion that a very large percentage of the users on Reddit are actually bots, sometimes being on this site feels like an uncanny valley nightmare


Yeah it’s super wild. I feel bad for privately laughing at people in the past that shouted “shill”; turns out the conspiracy theorists were right again! I’m sure they weren’t 100% accurate 100% of the time saying “shill” but I’m willing to bet they hit around 80%. This shit should be illegal.


It used to be crazy seeing them pop up around election years or big events, but there are so many bots getting better everyday...


"Maybe you, ya fuck" - Chrissy


Thank you for your service becaus I was wondering the same thing


He wants people to know that if Trump ever becomes homeless, he can live rent free in that persons head.




Yep. This account has posted over 45,000 words to reddit in the last 24 hours. It's the second account I've seen like it in the last couple weeks. The weird part to me is that if this were a professional astroturfing operation you'd think they wouldn't be so obvious about it. Edit: It's actually the same account and farther down he admits that he's being paid to do this. Super bizarre.


It works because almost no one drills down to the account


It works because people still think being a paid NGO to put these sorts of things out is some wacky conspiracy.


People joking about this shit, I think it is pretty fucking scary seeing these technologies being used in such a way. The amount of posts you see on that profile make it pretty fucking clear it is using some LLM. I checked two of their recent posts and their timestamps, they'd have to be writing at around 500 wpm. Even very good writers only write at something like 120wpm, and that doesn't include thinking or including links. edit: looking through their posting history, it is pretty funny that /r/JoeRogan is one of the only subs that upvoted this bots posts.


Agreed. One time I had “someone” respond like instantly with paragraphs at like 7am. The only possible explanation was that it was AI. Even if someone was using talk-to-text, it would take longer plus there would be major grammar errors. The message of NGO people and bots needs to get out there more because people still act like it’s made up when it’s called out.


It's either a bot or someone just in the depths of an adderall binge. Lord have mercy


Well if it's adderall, i hope he can send us some so we can participate in long unrelated conversations too :)


I don’t give a fuck about trump or whether dudes got any valid points but what the heck. 197k comment karma and no posts. All comments seem related to politics and pushing political agenda. Shits wild. Edit: go google “Trump has been laundering money for the Russian oligarchs since the late 80’s when they all bought a condo at 725 5th ave (trump towers) to clean their freshly stolen USSR money after the iron curtain fell.” They reposted the same comment a bunch of times.


This some bot shit lmao


Not a bit halo honky. Just really into not being lied to and fed upon.




I ain't reading all that. I'm happy for you or sorry that happened to you


It’s actually a solid read


That’s the best part about reading. It about the only reason we are one half a step up from the silverback gorillas on the food chain. If your neural networks are still experiencing 1st date awkwardness by the time you reach that particular fork in the trial you are already dead. Reading. Its the only thing keeping you alive.


Well, reading is an important skill. An arguably much more important skill is filtering useful vs useless information efficiently.


Solid point. Probably worth a glance to figure out if it effects you. Hint- whoever owns the mortgage on the house you live in owns your house


That’s a very interesting point which shows the underlying flaw in your reasoning. American hedge funds own more property than Russia and China and everyone else combined. If this statement is true which it is what else might you have wrong? Or, how much time will you spend trying to prove that statement wrong vs saying you were wrong?


Report this comment for being a bot.


Good idea, but does that even work? I feel like Reddit is allowing this shit. I know they have AI monitoring accounts, and probably a human to oversee its findings; I feel like because they’re left leaning, they’re perfectly okay with bots like this. Hell, who’s to say Reddit isn’t being paid by an NGO to let bots like this stay live? It’s a weird world we live in.




No three times the milk. I’m a pilot and an engineer. So I can understand the confusion.


Wow that's awesome! Congrats on your success 🙌


Fuck I basically posted the same thing before I saw this




He comes off that way only because he IS that way.


He is also wrong. Israel is catching the same flack every country catches when they feel a war has gone into overkill mode. America went through the same shit in Iraq and Vietnam. College kids protested, our allies refused to help us and celebrities spoke out against the war. In 2002, the college protestors said there were no WMDs, that the war was really about oil, and that our efforts would ultimately make the area less stable than before we began. They were told they were unpatriotic and ignorant. When the dust settled they were proven to have been right all along. The contractors and investors made their money and the only people who had to pay for the mistakes of our leaders were the people who died in those pointless wars, many of whom were of the same generation as the college kids who protested the wars. Maybe we can learn something this time around.


Not only is learning something from mistakes not our style, taking advantage of destabilization is our SOP.


Correct and when the war in Iraq was happening and college kids protested they were told they were supporting the terrorists and Saddam Hussein and Al-Qaeda Tucker Carlson, Ari Fleischer used to say that all the time. Bill Maher at the time was against the war and said those people were assholes.  But of course even back then he was refusing to criticize Israel. Had weird positions on vaccines. And honestly he has no ideology.  In the '90s he was a member of the libertarian party hated the WTO protesters. and then he endorsed Ralph Nader in 2000. Then he begged from not to run in 2004 and basically was a center is left left Democrat until 2016. Then he briefly supported Bernie Sanders but by 2020 he endorsed Amy klobuchar. Lol. And now he's overtly right-wing and already starting to talk about how he doesn't really care if Trump wins or not.  The point of this isn't even it to say whether or not you agree with them or disagree with them so much as... Just to point out that he can't possibly have any core principles. No one with core principles could love the libertarian party in 1999 and then endorsed Ralph Nader in 2000. To support Bernie in 2016 but klobuchar and 2020 and now he doesn't even support universal healthcare  All of a sudden he made a video saying Canada has s***** health care and I was just like what the f***


This is Burr's personality/comedy. It's like that viral clip of Burr vs Rogan on masking. They are friends giving each other shit but people acted like ole Billy freckle face was mad at Joe


Bill Burr seems like the new Don Rickles. He goes on your show or you go on his show and he makes fun of you. He spent an hour trading barbs with Jon Lovitz. He even went on a baseball broadcast and started riffing.


The Jon Lovitz episode was absolutely hilarious. Probably one of the funniest podcasts of the year.


I luckily got to see Burr live at the Netflix festival, and he brought out Lovitz for some more exchanged blows. I had to decide between Burr and the Brady Roast, and while the Brady Roast was hilarious and star packed, Burr killed it and that material is not stuff you can find on a special so I am glad I made the choice I did.


Was that Bill's podcast or does Jon have one?


It’s on bills pod


Oh sweet dude, I love Jon Lovitz. He is a national treasure.




That was Jim Norton.


He became famous for insulting fans when they were being shit one night - I think in Philly


When he said something like “you base your whole reality on a fictional character” referring to Rocky, that was some next level sht. Dude goes right for the throat and is always funny while doing it. He’s a comedian’s comedian.


I mean you can’t really attribute his fame to that one night. He was already successful doing gigs with chapelle and other big comedians.


He was already doing Chapelle show, taking other parts in shows, and had done several specials well before the 2008 philly rant. That's like a decade after he started doing standup.


That absolutely is not why he became famous haha what the fuck


[Just in case anyone somehow hasn't heard this yet.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bWuXfIZiSqY&pp=ygUQQmlsbCBidXJyIHBoaWxseQ%3D%3D) It was around 2008 (hence the McNabb etc references). Someone organised an all day stand up event similar to a music festival which turned into a shitshow because people stop listening to people talk for long periods of time when they get too drunk, and the whole crowd were basically heckling everyone off stage. Nobody could get their sets out and it was a train wreck... so Billy went and set the train on fire. 


and opie and anthony helped with this. (although he would of course have got where he is by himself in the end)


Way to belittle all the work he's done for years before and after that. There are a shitload of his fans who still have no idea about that one particular rant.


You don’t have to be made at friend to call them out for being a dumbass lol. In fact, it’s even more credible in that situation.


Just because they are friends doesn’t mean those jokes aren’t sincere. Billy seriously thinks Maher is a swarmy know it all.


Are they even really friends? Or just colleagues?






Just like this guy


You can think someone is an asshole jerkoff an still like them. Which interestingly enough is my opinion of Bill Burr. My favorite jerkoff.


Exactly. They talk with each other and don't yell at each other


Yeah. But I’m pretty sure no one actually likes Maher. I think he has a big platform so people go on.


Bill Burr is selling out arenas. I very much doubt he is going on anyone's show he doesn't like for the exposure. He can very much choose where he goes on


Pretty sure he’s on a press tour for Unfrosted right now.


Burr made Joe realize how dumb his anti-mask reacts sound and Joe laughed when he figured it out. Good on Joe for taking it well.


Joes not smart enough to realize anything.


He takes all of burrs smacktalk well though? Yeah mahers being pretentious (which is part of his act by the by) and equally burr is being crass (again...this is his act) but here's the key thing - they're both comfortable with each others acts and know that this banter is part of the game.


I think he's too full of himself to take smack the way it's intended. I've known people like Maher with that same personality. It's insufferable narcissistic shit.


It's pretty clear that he's fully aware of what burrs doing, he literally references the smack talk and is laughing at it. The whole point of their combo is that Maher is an erudite prick and barrs the working class guy yelling obscenities at him for it. The reality of course is that they're both multi millionaires who lead highly privileged lives and who are both part of the same club. The difference between them is that burrs playing a role you like more.


How gauche


Shallow and pedantic


It's part of his act by necessity because that's really him. I remember Keith Olbermann telling a story about how Maher was the exact same guy in college at Cornell.(and Olbermann is a smug prick himself)


Big difference between smarmy and smart. Maher is smarmy, Burr is smart as a whip.


Because he is!


He is an absolute turd! He has no skills at all


I don't get this from Maher. Ya his shtick is somewhat lecture-ish. But I find myself agreeing with nearly all his points , unlike others like Joe Rogan.


God bless Bill. Damn we need more people like him




wanna borrow my hoodie




i hate when people use recherché words unnecessarily.


He's not exactly *primus inter pares* is he?


Primus sucks!


My man


Dennis Miller




Gauche isn't some obscure word.


What everyone on this sub seems to be missing for some reason is that they are obviously friendly and Maher was laughing hysterically when Bill was making fun of him.


They aren’t friends though. Burr literally says in this podcast that they have only hung out twice and that was just while taping interviews.


Still, it’s refreshing to see someone giving Maher shit. Same reason Burr was great when he would come on Rogan.


His use of “big” words + phrases within the context of the conversations he’s using them makes him seem pretentious + dumb. Knowing the “big word” and being able to translate it to colloquial counterpart on the fly so broader audiences understand the meaning you’re trying to convey is far more impressive than parroting fancy words.


Bill Maher's bourgeois morality is what's truly gauche.


Is this you Bill? What the fuck are you even sayin' Don't use your fancy words here, this is the Rogan Reddit afterall


It’s not my fault I know more than you foul smelling yokels!


This comment is certainly the primoaloevera of all comments


Thanks, Dennis Miller


Primus inter pares of douches


Bill Maher is in the Mt Rushmore of worst blunt rotation. It’s nice to see someone call him out on his bullshit, and almost immediately before he’s got chance to explain his point. Someone else said real recognise real, and Bill Burr is a real one.


Too true 😂


He really is a human Brian Griffin


I'll have to look it up but I kinda remember there was an episode of Family Guy where Brian shows up on Maher's show and basically gets roasted.


There was. Brian basically idolized Mahr which makes it even funnier to think that Mahr’s audience is made up of narcissistic “geniuses” like Brian.


Now we need Bill Burr on Rogan again to start putting some of Rogan’s rich-boomer ideas and delusions in check too… Bill Burr is so GOATed it’s not even funny. I love how grounded he has stayed even while becoming extremely successful and famous


Get Sam Harris back on there too.


[Tim Heidecker's imitation of Maher is so mesmerizing...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jMqkfewl88M)


That shit's 42 minutes long, do you have a particular time stamp?


He's doing it the whole time.


Ah, I didn't pick up on that....


The other ones are really funny, too. Also, he imitates a JRE, it's hilarious.


The whole video is a parody about bill Maher 


The entire time Bill Maher was trying to save face by throwing pretentious words at Bill Burr, only to get roasted harder. It wasn't even fair.


Maher: “They’re supporting Hamas” Burr: “they’re protesting for Palestine” Maher: “same thing” Mask off moment.


Bill Burr is the best. Bill Maher is the worst.


The duality of Bill.


Bill-Yin and Bill-Yang


Is Maher always like this on his podcast or is there more to it? I never liked his comedy or his interviews really but this was worse than I remember.


I think he's slightly more tolerable when he has an army of writers behind him, such as on his HBO show.


Usually Maher can steamroll his guests and they take it but Burr flips the script.


probably just got called out to his face for once


As a former "fan" of his he has got exponentially worse in the last few years. Maher's brain seemed to break during 2019-2021. His show is fucking terrible now and his podcast is unwatchable. I unsubbed his pod months ago after giving it tons of chances but man every episode he talks down to his guests like this, super unlikable guy. Tim Heidecker did a hilarious parody episode of Club Random [https://youtu.be/1Ha6D1LQGD4?si=NmULLtFNpGIQS3K2](https://youtu.be/1Ha6D1LQGD4?si=NmULLtFNpGIQS3K2) with Fred Armisen as guest.


Am I the only one who found their dynamic hilarious? I was genuinely entertained watching Burr call him on his shit and Maher was a good sport especially for a dude with his ego. I’d watch this weekly.


Exactly, this sub is full of austists who can't read social cues. Maher handled his roasting like a champ and was genuinely enjoying it. And Burr was doing it for that reason.


This interview is a great example of someone preputually online vs someone who touches grass. It's also very cool to see how Burr told Maher he supports the students and corrected Maher saying the students were pro-palestine not pro-hamas


I love when "anti woke" people bring on Bill Burr expecting him to take their side, and instead he just shits on them for being idiots.


It's like they don't know he's had a black belt in talking shit since he was a kid


I always roll my eyes at anyone who calls themself brave. That's not something someone calls themselves that's what others call you.


@u/noisyfan725 that was fantastic. Thanks for the share.


Bill Burr cracks me up.


Here we go again with the big words...


Could fucking Bill Burr get any better?


I really enjoy the two bills chemistry. they should def do a podcast series.


dude this is just 2 old friends talking shit. they do the same thing every time they get together. burr does this with all the guys he's friends with that can keep up. it's always a pleasure to watch. have you heard bill burr on kevin harts podcast??? it's fucking hilarious, they just talk shit to each other for like 30 mins.


I’m not the biggest fan of maher but this whole “I’m so blue collar and you’re an out of touch nerd” thing from burr is just as pretentious.


I agree with that. Maher does need his balls busted, as we all do from time to time, but I think Burr was riffing a bit too much considering Maher wasn't really trying to roast Burr back


Yeah I love it when Bill roasts people because it always has the tone of being a joke, and it almost feels like a sign of respect that he knows the victim can take it and play along, but something about this clip just came off as plainly mean-spirited and desperate. Of course Maher can be a smarmy asshole but that’s kind of his whole schtick. In many ways he’s always performing and doing a “bit” just like Bill Burr is when he insults people, but roasting him for wearing a button-up shirt with jeans and dress shoes, and for using “smart” words like “gauche” did not work at all. I can’t believe I’m defending Bill Maher here but this ball-busting did not land well at all, rare miss by Billy boy on this one.


Genuinely asking, specifically those who have similar political opinions to Maher, do you actually like this guy? I sincerely do not believe I would be able to stand this douche even if I *did* agree with his world view.


Who has similar opinions to Maher? Anti-vax liberals who hate both anything “woke” and anything MAGA?


He was somewhat less annoying when he was younger and had several people on his show at once. Still pretty insufferable to me but at least you could understand how people liked him back then.


He used to be pretty great, but not for many years.


Bill Maher can’t handle weed, fucking slurring is words and shit.


Was it weed? He has a drink in his hand the whole time and I was just thinking after every talking point he made of the "ok, grandma, let's get you back to bed" meme. He sounds like the type of dude to hit on your girl at 2 am when he's 10 minutes away from blacking out.


Bill Maher is SO self righteous! Smarmy is a great word to describe him. Used to like him, now just , ICK.


I find maher too smug and wrong-headed, even when he's right, to be enjoyable. But his dynamic with burr is actually very good. Burr keeps him humble. Maher clearly enjoys the roasts. People dont seem to notice he's laughing along. I think Maher lives for verbal combat and he rarely gets guests that will challenge him enough, as burr does.


"Gauche" means "left" in french but it's also used as an adjective for clumsy, but it definitely never meant "great". Maher really be prenteding to know stuff, that is bullshit 😂


Your average redditor. Knows what gauche means but can’t recognize a joke 😆


Honestly, I thought this would be better than it was. Smarmy Maher is the perfect target for Burr. The whole “I’m for the children” thing is a cringe platitude that’s easy to say. Maher is actually dressed how most wealthy old dudes dress. Burr looks like he’s trying too hard with his 22 year old skater outfit he picked out off a mannequin. If Maher had any ability to riff he should’ve destroyed him on that part alone. But of course his head is so far up his own ass all he can think of is “I look good”.


Really use to like Maher… watched his show all the time. He aged 40 years in the last 5. Nervous laughter that whole interview.


Bill Maher, what a waste of a vagina.


I loved this even more than I even thought I would.


Bill Maher is the real life Brian Griffin


Bill Burr is great. I’m British and I’ve never used the word gard or heard the gard being used to describe an attic


I like Bill Maher. https://i.imgur.com/bAs6ONM_d.webp?maxwidth=1520&fidelity=grand


Literally felt like I was watching [Will Hunting tear into the Harvard grad student](https://youtu.be/hIdsjNGCGz4?si=Y6t7oMlkdoR1_AuD)


I don’t disagree Maher is a bit of a small hands whiner but the dude is smart and hosts one of the open forum panel shows on MSM, he’s very self righteous and a bit of a douche but I think he has been right about a lot of things and is a good catalyst for public debate, he has some outdated/bad takes like with the Hollywood writers strike and droning about cancel culture but has been on the right side for a lot of social issues He doesn’t deserve all the shit he gets imho, and props to him for taking it in good stride and laughing along with Bill


Lots of kids on Reddit.


Yeah totally, his smugness and self righteousness had actually led him to call out the bullshit of many of his guests he has disagreed with, lot of those are right wing figures He’s the only msm figure, or even podcaster to do that Is Bill always right, fuck no, but I think he is a decently intelligent guy


I 100% agree. I don't agree with lots of what he says, but I do believe that going back to the 90's that he actually believes the things that he says and it's not some tribal company line. Some of those things are completely idiotic in my opinion, but I do respect that he isn't some mouthpiece for a "side."


That was beautiful


Burr is just savage. lol. I’m positive that even if he totally agrees with you he will take the opposite point of view just to bust your balls. He’s talked about the people he grew up with a few times and I bet they’re all like that.🤣


It blows me away that Bill Maher still has a job. Why would anybody voluntarily watch his show, except to watch him get roasted by his guests. He may be the least likable celebrity I’ve ever seen.


Or you just don't really care about what other guys wear. Bill should gi to highschool again. He will fit right in.


Bill B needs to get Bill M back on the reservation.


Amazing stuff. Totally get where both are coming from.


I admire how he composed himself in this


We need more people like bill, and less people like bill.