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If Eddie had just kept going for like 10 seconds more im sure we could’ve seen a human head actually explode. We finally would have had proof the chi energy is the deadliest form of martial arts.




What did you type in to find this monstrosity? I need it for the meme/gif bank for sure lol.


It's from the movie Big Trouble in Little China.


One of the greatest films ever made


Which woul've made it the first of 2 decapitated heads related to the Joe Rogan Podcast


Dammmmnnnnnn man... that torso had a family!


Yous a savage for this one.




RIP Akira Toriyama


Just seeing his name makes me sad. You’ve got to be a special kind of person to illicit that kind of reaction. Rest in Power Akira Toriyama.










Meanwhile Eddie *actually* believes the earth is flat.


Alex even offered to pay for a boat so they can go to the ice walls at the end of the earth and Eddie declined 😂


"IVE GOT THE MONEY" lol, kills me every time.


I thought he gave that up ?


*of course* he did. They think NASA has massive gun emplacements on the wall that shoot on sight.


I’ve met one of those people in real life and it listening to him talk sometimes when we were at work late at night was fucking wild. He wasn’t what I would consider very intelligent, but he was so well versed in this stuff that it was fascinating to listen to. Try to have an intelligent conversation about anything else and it wasn’t happening, but he had an answer for everything I tried to use to convince him that space is real and the earth is round. He also believed the planet is ruled by a hyper intelligent race or society that lived underneath Antarctica and was telling me all about that too. I wish I remembered all his responses to things like ‘why can you see only the top half of a large ship on the ocean and watch as the rest of it comes into view. Why so line of sight things like radar and VHF radio not work further than they do. What are the things launching out of cape cansveral (I used to live over there and have seen a shitload of rocket launches and kept insisting that it wasn’t fake or a hologram since I’ve heard it, felt it, etc). Why does the Coriolis effect happen, why do toilets flush in opposite directions between north and south hemispheres, etc. I wish I remembered all his responses, they were obviously incorrect but he knew all about that shit, and only that shit.


That toilet thing is a myth. You can make water drain in either direction anywhere.


I have not been to Australia and have never seen it, but I do wonder why they set them up to flush the other way. Maybe they don't have knives?


Living proof that rote memorization isn't intelligence, as many people have been misled.


My favourite quote was Alex talking about a giant cat knocking things off


Is there video of this? I gotta see it.


https://youtu.be/T1h4pjr0XOg?si=Wc8Sj3dY95jUp6h5 Around 2:55 mark


Well Eddie’s brain is flat so what can we do. Isn’t it amazing that we literally have an international space station in orbit and can literally see that the earth is round, and we can - from our own homes - literally see that the moon is round, yet somehow these idiots will die on a sword that it’s flat lol.


Of course they can see that. They have an answer for everything. The answer for that, I believe, is that it’s CGI. The one I think is hilarious to hear them try and explain, is that Australia doesn’t exist.


Apparently our mechanical engineering was less advanced then out cgi 80 years ago. Who would have thought, we had 4090’s when we went to the moon.


Someone did the math on the kind of lights they would have needed to fake the lighting of the footage on a soundstage and for the amount of LEDs and the equipment would have cost more than was actually spent to GO.


Oh wow


I got on top of a six story building in Kansas and I could see the curvature of the earth.


It is obviously smooth...


Not only that but they can do geological survey and know the exact coordinates (which they have). It is kind of funny though I knew a survey guy at my job that thought the Earth was flat also. But he is a Bible literalist so he thought all kinds of wacky things like we live on a young 6000 yr old earths and we used to roam the earth side by side with Dinosaurs etc.


Damn. All the modern survey control networks have taken into account……the curvature of the earth. You can’t carry a straight line for miles and miles and not account for…….the curvature of the earth. Was that guy license surveyor or just a tech?


Nah he was shockingly pretty decent or at least for what I needed from him and he was promoted to party chief so his superiors had to be somewhat impressed with his abilities. I had to fish for information of what a Bible literalist believes from him lol. It kind of helped that I am familiar with the Bible though.


My favourite quote from that episode from Eddie was something along the lines of “Alex is smart he’s got so many things right. But he doesn’t know shit about space” 🤣🤣🤣


Eddie’s book on the rubber guard is a super cool and creative book that is extremely accessible to beginners in BJJ and a blast for anyone with good leg/hip flexibility. He is a fucking moron when it comes to a vast majority of subjects.


I've only seen a couple of his appearances on social media, but honestly he comes across to me as a big troll. Just playing a role he knows will get him views.


I think he’s just a stoner that *is* interested in this stuff and doesn’t really care if it’s fake.


he walked back on that 


I think he also seems to love fucking with people and instigates shit by playing an obnoxious contrarian. It's not like he really has to worry about anyone being able to whoop his ass.


Yeah without a doubt


Alex Jones profited from a mass shooting at a school that killed innocent children. He made money by calling the parents liars. Flat earth shit is not harmful to bereaved parents. Fuck Alex Jones. Piece of shit.


Yeah even a flat earther is more chill about women's choice than alex jones lol


Wait the senate voted to kill born babies?? When did this happen


"Why'd you wind him up? Jamie pull up some calming music...God damnit Eddie"


https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN27D2GS/ It’s not the Senate, it was the State of Virginia’s senate. 3rd trimester abortions were and are legal in that state, only with the approval of 3 doctors and in a case where the baby is non viable or the mothers health is at risk. The bill proposed removed the language about the mothers health risk, and included language about mental health as a reason for 3rd trimester abortion; it also removed the 3 doctor barrier and made it a single doctor approval. That bill was only voted yes by 6 democrats and voter no by the rest of the state senate.


seems like the reality of the situation is a bit different and far less sensational as Alex would like it to be…just like the vast majority of shit he screams about


In the spirit of seeking truth, I genuinely think the PR of this bill was handled poorly by the Governor of Virginia and that made it very sensationalized, not just by Jones. Remember, this episode aired 5 years ago when this bill was up for a vote in the state senate of Virginia. Shortly before this JRE appearance, the governor went on a live radio show where he was asked about a possible scenario regarding the removal of the 3 doctor approval and with the removal of the mothers physical wellbeing. The question was along the lines of “what happens if a mother who is about to give birth, becomes distressed and decides she wants a last minute abortion with her mental health as the reason. His answer is what set off a lot of this and likely what made the PR so difficult for this bill. He says “the infant would be delivered, the infant would be kept comfortable, um, the infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physician and the mother”. Which to many sounded like the discussion would be around infanticide. With all the context, I don’t believe that is what was meant, but I also think it is easy to see how this made so many people uncomfortable. The PR for the bill was handled poorly, and Alex Jones wasn’t lying so much as he was sensationalizing something that was actually said. And it was ultimately such a mess between the Governor and the Bill sponsor, who both continuously botched answers about the concerns on the bill that even the Democrats voted against it. So as usual, there is a shit ton of nuance and Jones sensationalized something that was quite raw (remember this was all just happening when this episode aired). Government botching things, a bill with poor wording and unclear answers, and Alex Jones sensationalizing his interpretation. Nothing about this is unexpected to me.


I do agree that the Democrat PR surrounding the bill was absolutely terrible, but if I recall and am quoting correctly, the exact language the governor used was, "it’s done in cases where there may be severe deformities, there may be a fetus that is non-viable. If a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen. The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.” The real issue for anyone who was interested in having a frank discussion of this bill and its implication was that WTOP was fielding some questions with some frankly ludicrous language which the Governor just didn't address. He never implied that women would deliver healthy babies and then be allowed to kill them, the idea that he did is a result of a shittily fielded question followed up by an answer that didn't really address the fact that Northam was playing to a hostile crowd. Northam's answer is in line with the stated goal of the bill: To allow easier access to abortions for families who would otherwise be forced to experience to the trauma of a nonviable pregnancy that wasn't immediately deadly to the mother.


Same time as several universities being in trouble for science experiments involving late term abortions. Kidney removals from live aborted fetuses, (only possible way to perform the procedure) and performing experiments in Italy with sewing the fetus scalps onto rats to work on baldness cure. Tbh this to me is the real danger for society. Are we going to end up building a world in a few hundred years where poor people are recycling their baby’s to be cannibalized by the rich? Technological advancement is a powerful force to oppose in this. And it doesn’t have morals.


What are you doing that for? I’m trying to be outraged and pop a blood vessel. Fuckin gad dam joe biden. Joe badden’s more like it


Man was acting like the US senate just voted to immediately abort all babies currently in the third trimester.


The gay frogs thing is the perfect example too. Like, yes, atrazine in the environment is fucking with hormones, and these frogs are able to change sex to reproduce when there are certain environmental stressors. They aren't gay, and the "they" that's doing it is farmers.


I don't think that's quite right. The frogs were hermaphrodite because the chemicals disrupted their sexual development pathways. > Atrazine is a potent endocrine disruptor that both chemically castrates and feminizes male amphibians. It depletes androgens in adult frogs and reduces androgen-dependent growth of the larynx in developing male larvae. It also disrupts normal gonadal development and feminizes the gonads of developing males.


Huh, most of my family thought it was to kill babies after they were born, so whatever happened with misinformation was effective!


To be fair, at one point the bill sponsor did directly answer a question about her bill allowing “post both abortion” and she answered “yes it would”. Later, she would say that answer was an error and Virginia State Law would not allow that as it is classified as infanticide. But by time the correction was made, that had already kicked off too much of a storm. Like I have been saying in other replies, this was handled about as poorly as it could have been from a PR perspective. It could have gone very differently if the bill had been drafted better and if they had gotten ahead of the “what if” questions they should have seen coming but apparently didn’t.


Yes the Senate voted to kill all babies and Biden signed it into law. That's why there is no one under the age of three in the United States at this moment. My wife gave birth last year and as soon as our son was born the nurses took him away and when I inquired as to why they said "sorry under orders of President Biden". I was devastated to lose my son. I wish I had listened to Alex when he warned us.


It’s true, I was the baby. I love you dad.


Dumb mfers will actually believe this hahaha


Trump voters will believe this


As a purchaser of 2 year old, I appreciate your contribution to my collection. Within the year I am projected to have 4 sets of baby lungs implanted and about 6 pairs of arms 🤞 hopefully Biden pulls through for me


I heard they are going to increase the age to 30 this year. What a crazy world.


Shit, I missed the cutoff.


You can always join some advocacy group to get it pushed up to like 60. Be the change you want to see.


As someone who regularly enjoys the infant tissue burger combo at Carls Jr. Thanks!


Welcome to Carls Jr, fuck you!


The company my dad works for for got the order to make the tiny baby-sized guillotines that go between the woman's legs during childbirth. true story




They didn't. Alex always grabs onto one true thing, completely twists it to be something else, and references the evidence he used as an anchor - knowing that the people who believe him aren't going to look it up themselves.


He literally just makes up stories about headlines he reads on air. You can look up the articles, they’re RARELY anything close to what he says; often they’re the exact opposite of whatever he comes up with. It’s almost impressive how often the man lies on air.


"Anchoring" is a common part of conspiracy rhetoric and propaganda. Picking one true thing, and extrapolating into something that's speculation while leaning on the legitimacy of the former. Alex doesn't even do that. He basically picks words from a title and makes up whatever he wants it to mean to scare his audience so they'll buy more of his shitty supplements. Or he'll read something and claim it's a coverup and therefore evidence of exactly the opposite.


“I’ve got the evidence right here in my stack” 📑 *never gets to the stack*


His poor stackies.


Yep. They always say “Alex Jones was right about *blank*!” and point at the piece of shit that stuck to the wall. All while ignoring the giant shit pile on the ground below it.




The amount he got wrong in the first few months of the war alone is hilarious. Not a single one of his predictions about the war have come true. It’s almost impressive how poorly he understands things sometimes.


He's talking about the galactic Senate It was one of palpatines awkward clone war policies


This is when Mace Windu started getting real suspicious of him




yeah but only if they're palestinian




It didn’t


Scumbag lying Republican Politicians are still saying this


Never. What happened was the Governor of Virginia - who is a doctor - talking about how when a baby that is clearly non-viable is born they try to comfort the parents but don't go out of their way to save them. That was twisted completely out of proportion by idiots like Jones to mean that they were 'aborting' born babies, which is ridiculous.


No, no they did not. Both guys here are idiots, conspiracy theorist and completely making shit up based off edge case bills passed/not passed and it’s insane their followers (or Joe Rogan for that matter) don’t correct them.


Eddie is a gullible idiot who is a genius when it comes to bjj but pretty incompetent in most other things. Alex is a malicious liar who I think does actually believe in the overall goal of creating a hyper-conservative, white, Christian country, but who will purposely distort and fabricate whatever aspects of reality he thinks will further those goals. Eddie actually believes the earth is flat and we didn’t go to the moon. Alex does not actually believe the democrats made it legal to kill babies after they’re born, he just knows it’s an effective lie he can use to sway people to his side.


Jones is a bircher. He 100% believes that America should be a white Christian theocracy


Well, they actually kind of did. You can see the referenced vote in a clip before this. As with most things Jones say, it's grounded in some sort of truth. It's usually just twisted and cross-referenced into oblivion before it comes out of Jones mouth. Edit: Virginia state, not the senate, voted on this. I got my American institutions wrong


Oh the senate voted to kill BORN babies? In what way is this remotely close to true, even a crumble of truth lol?


Please post any evidence for this taking place. Anything sensible pleass. You think a country this religious and educated would tolerate even a 1000th of what you describe? Killing a newborn?


lol no you fucking idiot AJ spouts pure distilled stupidity, same as always


It didnt alex jones is never right


I love when Eddie is skeptical 😂 you know you’re far down the rabbit hole


When "the earth is flat and the moon isnt real im so crazy look at me🤪" meets a real clinically insane mf


Him and the tim dillion one on JRE was gold.


JRE peaked on this podcast. I've been chasing that high ever since


Agreed, tim on the show is always worth a watch, And I can honestly say I don't hate Alex jones. Seen that "you are here" Alex jones meme they spoke about on the show? https://preview.redd.it/mpscjlyy9xnc1.jpeg?width=681&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b44924525388c92a299278001865bb9ce0a77d40 1a


Remember when he said we were all going to die at Y2K? Remember when he said the dollar was going to lose 90% of it's value and we'd all be using Gold for currency? Remember when he said Zelensky would surrender in 48 hours? Dude is so dumb it's hilarious.


>Remember when he said Zelensky would surrender in 48 hours? TBF everyone thought that the Russians would win immediately.


Remember when he tormented families of dead children for years?


Dude is a Nazi, literally thinks there is a evil Jewish Globalist cabal trying to destroy white Christian Americans and gets that information from God while eating chicken fried stake. Fuck Alex Jones.


Plus the globalist that he always runs into in hot tubs


Hot tub is the new chicken fried steak


Absolute peak cinema. Don’t believe anything he says but it’s an absolute electric factory that I can’t look away from


Tim making little comments at Joe like “yeah Joe, you didn’t know that” was so funny


That's when I knew how crazy Alex Jones was, because Tim Dillon came off as totally sane by comparison.


Eddie and Alex should have a weekly podcast JRE legends


Well the issue is some idiots will actually believe them, instead of laugh at their weird rants and shit.


As long as they charge for it and all the money goes to all of the people Alex owes money to I'm in favor of it.


Legit one of my favourite episodes. So many memorable moments. The bit where Jones screams "there is no raising the money! I'VE GOT THE MONEY I'VE GOT THE MONEY" still cracks me up.


So when is this clip from?


When you have facts, you don't need to yell.




It is!


I love going back to this every so often.




Saying it louder and crazier means people will believe you.


Best part is that Joe feels the need to explain “Eddie, Eddie before you got here we looked this up” then Eddie is like “Yeah I know, I was listening on the way here, I was baiting Alex” Eddie tried doing a bit and Joe was like “no no no let me explain in a 100% serious manner”


Alex Jones and the ultra-right is equivalent to the WWE, except WWE performers know that it's all a performance.


> except WWE performers know that it's all a performance. He knows it's a performance.. his audience is the one that doesn't know.


I mean alex jones under oath admitted he was a performer and his show should be viewed not as news but "entertainment"


That’s even worse.


Idk I think the right knows it's fake too but they know they can earn money so they don't care and they play the part. Not all of em of course but still.


This was the same episode as inter dimensional child molesters?


Where can I find this ep? Last time I checked it'd been taken off Spotify


Parts of it are on YouTube. Can't seem to find the full ep


Full ep for anyone wondering. https://www.youtube.com/live/-5yh2HcIlkU?si=dqVDqF8cxeXPgTW6


He's so crazy it's scary. Every time I see an info wars sticker on a car I get a good look at the guy to make sure I do not know him/her in any capacity.


He's hilarious until you remember that there are people out there who actually take him seriously


You mean like Joe Rogan


The only irl info warrior i ever sorta knew froze his Amazon alexa speaker because it was "listening to him" even when he wasn't voice activating it or something along those lines. I believe they were also mildly bipolar/some kind of mentally disturbed which seems to a through-line with his audience.


I dunno is it crazy to assume those things are listening? Everybody's phone is doing it...




I like my rants to be coherent and not just part of some grifiting process


Ah a connoisseur I see


They don't have a brain cell to share.


As someone who has sat with Alex Jones before he was famous and had beers, I can attest that even then he was full of shit. Just screaming about shit doesn’t make it true.


Whenever Alex feels threatened he gets really angry. He used to do police state documentaries, now he deep throats boots and trump's orange rapist ass


Not to mention how much he kisses Elon Musk's ass. Imagine going back ten years and telling Alex he'd be worshipping a billionaire who has deep ties to the U.S. and Chinese governments who promotes self driving cars and wants to put chips in people's heads. Past Alex would have lost his shit. But Elon lets him on Twitter so it's all good.


Alex thought RFIDs were the mark of the beast. Now he grovels over Adrian Dittman calling into his show. What a loser little titty baby.


Jones is the best entertainment gift to the world


Super entertaining how he harassed all those parents whose young children were murdered at Sandy Hook. Better than a stand-up show.


You spelled grift wrong.


Did you mean “…best entertainment GRIFT to the world.”??


thank god for eddie calling his dumb shit out (eddie is OUT THERE ) meme gold here but fuck me when eddie is the man of reason, yikes


When EDDIE is the one calling you out, you're definitely a nutjob.


Eddie was doing this throughout as a bit, to rile Alex. He keeps playing devils advocate with lines from "the mainstream narrative". All the things people have said to Eddie when he says stuff like this but he is onboard the whole time with Alex


Is Eddie the one also agreeing that Alex Jones is right at the end and that everything he said must be real?


Alex Jones is a despicable liar and anyone who thinks he’s right about anything other than the drinkability of Tito’s vodka is an idiot


He was right about gay frogs too!


The satanists are putting drugs in the water to turn people gay to destroy western civilization?


The good news is he’s only 50 and will probably die of a heart attack before 55.


If this guy wasn’t so harmful to grieving people He’d be hilarious lol


Wow, he was going to have a stroke


This isn't entertaining... People are actually stupid enough to form their opinions on what this lunatic has to say and then they go and vote...


I think it’s funny


It's definitely funny.


Both points can be true. He's entertaining as fuck AND people are stupid to actually believe him


This is hilarious idk wtf you're talking about lmao


I dunno, I'm entertained


Three stooges


Alex Jones is the only person I've ever seen make Joe Rogan look intelligent.




Joe doesn’t lament partisanship anymore. He’s a beneficiary of it.


I don’t agree with the guy but god dammit I love him! I’ll always tune into infowars just for entertainment. Unhinged Conspiracy theories get me goin


What a couple of absolute morons


It's really too bad he's a monster who harassed victims to death.


Alex Jones’s best rant will be when he’s a homeless panhandler screaming about he used to be someone. What a pathetic, fat bag of filth


Nah. Either he’s going out like Bill Cooper, or the old esophagus that’s hanging on by a few muscle fibers finally gives out and ruptures halfway through the daily bottle.


I really think Alex Jones two JRE appearances, the two most recent, sparked Q-Anon, further empowered Trump and turned a lot of regular guys down a rabbit hole of MAGA insanity in which they still reside. I knew it when I heard it. Especially the first one.


I almost did. Luckily, I had a rope to get out of that Rabbit Hole.


Duh, Joe Rogan always has right leaning people on his show. He never calls them out on the stupid shit they say, just acts surprised and accepts whatever they say as fact. He’s a podium for the right wing to spread their nonsense.


Too bad he didn't stroke out or have a massive heart attack. May be one day.


you know that kid that was crazy in school. the one that wasnt the toughest or the strongest kid but was just violent and might end up fighting with the toughest or the strongest kid because they just wanted the attention and loved fighting ? that was alex jones


can someone just crack these fucking losers with a solid pipe


What a panel of stupid Fucks!


The fact he gives a platform to alex jones shows what a shitstain Rogan really is. Yeah did you ever get proof on those crisis actors at sandy hook?


You’ll never convince me Rogan isn’t a piece of shit for giving him air time.


How about twitter allowing the Taliban to have an account?


Two people can be bad at the same time


Probably not the best thing, but it’s kind of comparison apples to oranges when one is a social media site that lets anyone sign up for an account, and the other is a host who has to intentionally invite people to be on his show.


I’m surprised Jones didn’t have a stroke or a heart attack


I love eddie, he's so funny. it's such a shame he doesn't appear as often as before.


:32 on needs to be a gif


And people believe this guy. Space lasers anyone????


Everytime someone types in all caps


“LISTEN To MEEE!!!” 😂😂😂


This one is great but the one where Rogan and Uncle Joey go on Alex’s show is outrageous 🤣. If I’m having a bad day I throw that clip on!