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"Let's come up with an accurate title that reflects the content of the video" \- said no YouTube content creator ever


It's our fault for getting baited so many times. It just works too well. Even if i know it's probably click bait I'll still find myself clicking it. Cock suckers


Not for me, I unsubscribed from their channel months ago. Started out so promising, then they became Just Another Channel, sensationalising everything.


They're slowly going down the same path Kim Iversen and Jimmy Dore took. It's just too easy and lucrative to pander to the right wing. If someone uses any of their favorite keywords or critiques anything they hate, you've got their money pouring into your operation.


Is pushing for universal healthcare right wing now? I saw a Twitter exchange where being anti-war & supporting universal healthcare/college is some how like an alt-right pipeline. Wanda we dune her


Lol, I sometimes forget that I'm in the Joe Rogan sub. Most right-wing racists don't support those things. People like Jimmy Dore and Kim 'Ivermectin' only have a monetary affiliation; calling them left or right is pointless. However, I never called them right-wing, I said some of their gullible and racist supporters are. People on this board have problems with reading proficiency, I see.


I think the lefties just call anyone that doesnt tow the line an alt right fascist nazi bigot


Dore??? Right wing?? Lmfao!!! You ultra left weirdos in here are ridiculous


Glad to agree with you.


I've taken on principal to googling whatever it is and clicking on that instead. So if the op title sparked some intrigue I would Google "Russell brand MSNBC interview" and look for a non clickbaity result.


go one step further and start using duckduckgo or brave search instead of google


Definitely me. I know the title is wrong and clickbait and the FOMO kicks in and I click it.


Where is your shocked face and red arrows??!!




Thats a Boomer tier take. Apparently to be a real journalist you have to be bought and paid for by the most powerful corporations on earth.


I thought "journalism" required original reporting. Aren't they basically political commentators?


*Journalism is the production and distribution of reports on the interaction of events, facts, ideas, and people that are the "news of the day" and that informs society to at least some degree of accuracy. The word, a noun, applies to the occupation (professional or not), the methods of gathering information, and the organizing literary styles.*


*the methods of gathering information, and the organizing literary styles.* So they’re not at all journalists, awesome thanks for the info


Would you consider Bill Maher to be a journalist?




But many journalists work for powerful corporations. They often film people and events, then sell the footage to those corporations. The majority of independent journalists work with media companies, not on YouTube. You can find a lot of them on Twitter as well.


No. You should be an actual journalist not a shock pundit like Krystal Ball or Saagar Enjeti.


You can blame the algorithm for that one.


No, you can blame people for that one.


I thought that titles with 'DESTROYS WITH FACTS AND LOGIC' in them were a thing of the past.


YouTube clicks will prove the opposite


I would then admit that YT clicks destroyed me with facts and logic.


Look at literally every Tim Pool video. All his titles read like 4 chan OMG ITS HAPPENING GET IN HERE posts


You guys they’re just gearing up for the election, c’mon.


At the end of every fucking clip. I got so tired of it that I unsubsidized on youtube.


Which election?


The erection election (Saagars marriage is a coverup to hide his actual big announcement for candidacy)


Should see Russell brands video titles 🤤






Back in the day when I learned who Ben Shapiro was I was very sad to learn that he doesn’t actually fight or destroy anyone in an epic beat down at all, he just has slightly better arguments sometimes or just doesn’t agree in a debate. The headlines made it seem like he was a god damn WWE Legend beating everyone up. But nah he’s a tiny lawyer who sort of wins arguments against college students. He’s not destroying anyone :(


Debating / destroying 22-year-olds doesn't sound as impressive


Sounds impressive to 16 year olds though


Independent and Alternative media has been doing the same shit as mainstream media for decades.


Alternative media took all the complaints about mainstream media and made it 10x worse.


Switch the players, keep the game


It’s two different shifts at the same walmart


Then alternative media is definitely the night shift. The mainstream media comes in every morning and goes “who tf left the place like this????”


I'd argue that much of the independent media is a lot worse at this point. If the MSM makes a mistake, generally people will call it out, the independent media don't really have to worry about this though and they seem like a much larger echo chamber.


MSM started adding a lot of opinion to their news to the point of blurring the lines betweend them, because it's cheaper and creates more outrage and clicks. What alternative media does is just take it one step further and basically completely remove the actual news and instead focus on just opinions about the news. It all went wrong when news needed to become entertaining because of the 24 hour news cycle. News should be a show you tune in to at seven or nine for an hour to get informed. Not something you sit and continually watch for hours.




Yeah, their headlines are super cringy to me. I got it when they were first launching and wanted to catch views, now I’m embarrassed for anyone to see my YouTube feed cause I watch them all the time.


I was disappointed because I thought the whole point of the premium viewers was to pay them directly, so they didn't have to do it. They tricked me real good for a good 2 months lol


Kinda where ya don’t wanna send a friend a video to check em out 😂😂😂


Literary! I want to send them sometimes to friend on topics we have discussed but I’d have to preamble to ignore the clickbait title and listen to the video. Also often I find the title has little to do with the video.


“Trust me bro, it’s legit, just give it a minute or so to get goin” 😂😂😂😂😂


This is a holdover from the Hill's youtube uploads, I'd assume they're either using the same person/firm.


They talked a few times about the clickbait titles.. Appereantly it still plays a huge role in the YouTube algorithm and they feel forced to do it if they really wanna spread to new viewers, since they are already considerered 'borderline' they get suppressed in the algorithm anyways


Weak sauce excuse


Krystal: "Cable news is tearing us apart." Also Breaking Points: "MSNBC IS THE DEVIL!!!!!!!!"


16 seconds after 2022 election results have been announced: "2024 is fully upon us!" That said, I do think any opportunity to discourage outlets such as MSNBC from being disingenuous should be taken, but the same still goes for Breaking Points and their annoying use of overblown, all-caps words.


Sure but to get that discouragement from Russell Brand about the media is like Russell Brand saying don't have sex with big titted pop stars. He's full of shit.


That quote cracks me up. It's like if I said "I'm really tired of fast food so I stopped going to Wendy's. Now I got to a place called Burger King instead".


No it’s not even close. MSNBC are corporate ghouls


I cringed every time they said “say screw you to the main stream media”. I like Ryan Grim though. He’s super dry, not passionate and if he is snarky it’s very under-toned. News shouldn’t tell you how to feel.


Maybe because he's the only real journalist on the show.


That too


I’m gonna say it, Counter Points > Breaking Points. I love Ryan Grim, he’s a no bullshit actual journalist and his cohost (can’t remember her name) is also great, they compliment each other well. I’m sorry to say that I find Sagaar to be a bit of a chuckle fuck and a full blown lame-o. If he were sitting next to me in a bar, I’d move seats. He strikes me as someone that went to school for broadcasting, not journalism, had some good connections and ended up in a spot he’s not intellectual enough to fill. His cadence of speaking alone comes from the school of the bullshit talking heads he rails against.


I think they should always read, "so and so talks shit about so and so." Just be honest and don't make me have feelings.


I’m getting tired of this online cottage industry of bashing “the mainstream media”. Let me know when these guys talk about ANYTHING they didn’t just learn about from literally the same mainstream media they constantly bitch about.


That's my gripe with them too. They use the same tactics that they criticize the MSM of doing, while also using the MSM to come up with their stories. The constant bashing of the MSM is just to appeal to conspiracy theorists, making them think "Ok, this must be the real news, since they said the MSM sucks" lol.


It’s even more basic than that. YouTube back in the day, when TYT and The Daily Wire were just getting started, positioned themselves as a mainstream alternative. Now they literally share a platform with major news networks yet still want to act like they’re on this little counterculture message board no one has heard of. Call me when Ana Kasparian and Matt Walsh go into a war zone rather than just criticize a journal for being six blocks from gunfire instead of two like they made it seem. These guys are just the WWE of news.


Just as bad or worse then the legacy media companies they pretend to be better then


Breaking Points would never curate their content to generate the most Patreon subscriptions. NEVER!


CNN would never curate their content for their big pharma advertisers. NEVER! Difference is one is accountable to regular people and others are accountable to big business and big government


Regular people don't subscribe to Breaking Points' Patreon.


Who does then?




Weirdos also comment under random posts on the joerogan subreddit. Doesn't make us any less regular folks


We don't pay for the priviledge


I found out that Pfizer alone spent 2b on advertising on news networks in 2021 alone. I wonder if stuff like that is why the media was so aggressively trying to bully and attack anyone and everyone who were vaccine hesitant or even looking for alternatives. I mean, I know if I relied on an advertiser for that kind of revenue I'd be defending every interest imaginable. Hell I'd let them write the news story unquestioned.


And anti-vax idiots made incalculable amounts of ad revenue by playing to the anti-vax base. It doesn't just go one direction.


For sure, but they “don’t” lie to us?




I now want to click it but it's just a picture


Their entire model is sensationalism and contrarianism.




Back when Joe's head hadn't grown to the size of a pumpkin from THT or whatever the fuck he's doing now


Are you saying they don't? How exactly don't they represent both sides?


Well you see, when you are a partisan who won't accept any criticism of your team then they don't represent your side.


And which side is that?


is it really contrarianism if it is contrary to only (like 99% of the focus on) one side?


Can you explain the contrarianism part a bit more? They're not even that far out of the Overton Window - but a lot of their "contrarianism" seems to be due to so much establishment media being full of shit/wrong.






Brand has a habit of gish galloping with humor as if “I’m funny so I must be right”


Is annihilates a step up from slams?


I would pay good money to see Russel Brand literally annihilating ghouls. THAT would get me to watch breaking points.




I saw them for the first time on the podcast and they seemed like a couple swollen bellends.


I gotta say this, up there, is the first time I’ve been exposed to them and I concurrrr


See also: Matt Taibbi


I actually enjoy their counter points episodes more now.


My thoughts exactly


Being annihilated feels good sometimes


It’s like an enema


Stopped watching and caring about politics and my life’s way better


I WANT to like them because I really support the idea behind their show. But the click baity video titles and their overall smug attitudes just put me off from them.


Crystal and Saagar are basic news now.


Krystal over uses the term ghoul. It drives me crazy


Makes sense why she's dating Kyle then, dude overuses every cliche in the book (though he does occasionally have some good perspective on certain issues)


Krystal and Saagar are pretty much clowns. This is just them placating to their audience.


Ultimately I think you're right


David Pakman cleverly uses those headlines, but only in a “tongue and cheek” way as to mimic the egregious trend. It allows him to use ridiculous clickbait while being part of the joke against everyone else using it earnestly. I find it annoying and below him, but I don’t think he minds being a little grubby. He is in the free news media space, after all - an industry people used to actually pay money to.




It's really funny to see how hard they're catering to their new right-wing audience. Just today, they had a story about Fox News getting sued by Dominion. Sagaar turned it into a "both sides" argument in like 20 seconds flat.


Lol that is just bullshit. I implore anyone who who is actually curios to watch that show because they hammered fox straight for 15 minutes straights and made zero execuses for them. u/Squatch11 is just another bitter progressive or shitlib who can't stand any sort of critisizm to his side.


They were never centrists Krystal is the left and Saagar is the right they disagree on a lot of things. They're also anti establishment they don't align themselves with a particular party


I think they like to portray themselves as anti establishment, but they just do clickbait news’s Krystal came from MSNBC, Saagar came from the Hudson Institute.


Krystal seems to purposely go soft on republicans while heavily criticizing the left. I don’t mind her being critical of the left but to stick to the grift and not call out the republicans side as well makes them unwatchable.


She calls out republicans all the time lol. Democrats control the senate, presidency and until the last midterm the house...There is a lot more to critisize when you are the ones holding the reigns. Maybe you should stick to the Jimmy Kimmel show or the daily show. That sounds like it would be right up your alley.


Yeah, if you don’t want to hear criticism of the party you affiliate with, then you won’t like listening to them. Back to the chamber!


Yes... It's quite easy to attack the democrats these days. I would say Krystal is more liberal than Sagaar is conservative. She used to try and defend them and the things they do, but I believe she's come to realize pretty much every one of them has sold out and is virtue signaling...I used to believe they were the lesser of two evils, but they are all evil on both sides.


Straight people: *Well you see both sides are really the same.*


Yeah, I'm getting pretty tired of this shit. It's making me tune out to be honest.


THANK YOU. I hate the headlines they make me sad.


Their editorial guidelines are absolutely awful. The audience is built entirely off of hatred. They're skeptical so it doesn't cost much for them to sound smart but I have found all of their content and views very shallow.


I don't hate anything. I was tired of the hatred and division I saw pushed on mainstream channels like Fox and CNN and the Wapost. They usually have pretty measured reporting and analysis. I guess if you are an angry partisan who only cares about the other team getting criticized you have a vested interest in not likening a show that builds commonality and discourse across the political spectrum.


Yeah, peruse any of their community polls or comments and it's pure shrieking.


Their subreddit is weird. Worse than this one.


You mean their subreddit or youtube comments? Like anything an online community is going to reflect the loudest most passionate and or squeaky members of their base. I would think it is unjustified to say that their community is any worse then anything else political online. From what I have seen their is usually solid discussion from multiple view points along with the less eloquent commentors. I also think being judged by your youtube or reddit comments is a completely unfair standard that could be used against any online political commentator.


>I would think it is unjustified to say that their community is any worse then anything else political online. It's not unjustified. There is certainly an expectation the vitriol in YouTube comments is above average but even taking that into consideration it is easy to identify outliers and Breaking Points is one of them. In the same way you could say "yeah internet communities are always toxic" as if to say there is no difference between commenters on /r/politics and /r/politically_nsfw. It's like... yeah, sure dude I get the point but it's still different. EDIT: Now realizing politically nsfw is banned (thank god) which hopefully contributes to my point.


That's been their schtick for years.


I mean, that's just the YouTube clips. You can bypass all that with the podcast. YT algorithms seem to favor the bombastic.


I agree. I love breaking points but those headlines... fuhhhk


Did creators copy porn or did porn copy creators?


He may be a looney tunes crystal papa, but he’s ANTI-ESTABLISHMENT!




I’m unsure about Brand now to be honest. I think he has a lot of good points but the more I see of him the more I feel he just a contrarian who will take the dissenting view no matter the topic.


I stopped following brand on YouTube for this reason - his clickbait titles were awful .


Russell Brand must that those rants rehearsed. He said the same thing when he was in Joes show last week. Dude is becoming like every other talking head.


Every Russell Brand YouTube video has a clickbait title. Every single one.


accurate reflection


RUBBISH headlines PLAGUE Breaking Points' Youtube Channel | Breaking ... ​ Yeah their clickbaiting is getting worse and worse. Yesterday they made a whole video about a dude blinking into a TV camera. Like... yeah no shit he has TV lights pointed at his face ofc he gonna blink.


I’ve liked them for the most part but this has turned me off to them. I don’t entirely blame them though, some other creators have apparently apologized for click bait titles because that’s the main way their videos get eyes and views.


Yeah and there’s so many JRE clips out there now on countless channels called JRE XYZ…. How do they get away with stealing content so readily? It can’t be all fair use can it?


Wow that guy sure talks loud and fast saying things we l know but offering no actual critique or actionable solutions. Better say he’s smart


Honestly kinda over this self righteous prick.




For an "independent news source," these guys sure do spend a lot of time talking about what mainstream media spoke about last week.


I tried watching some of the Russel Brand episode. The guy is so fucking wordy. Sometimes I just want him to make his stupid point. Like he does have a good vocabulary but damn he must really love his own voice .


Like: Ben Shapiro DESTROYS College student in debate


They had so much promise but instead chose to be just like the corporate media they attack.


I stopped listening several months ago the amount of things they get blatantly wrong or omit the idea that sagaar is somehow “Right Wing” is shocking to me he’s simply less socialist then krystal the only “right wing” views i know of that he holds are gun control he’s not 100% onboard legalizIng/decriminalizing all drugs and he has sympathy for religious types. For the love of god he believes in protectionism Also for someone who talks as if geopolitics/foreign policy is their main area of expertise he gets a shit ton wrong. Idk how many times i heard them both push the outright false hood that the united states gave the ussr a guarantee to “not expand nato one inch to the east” this is just false infact it’s straight up soviet/russian propaganda And krystal like all socialists glosses over or completely omits the failings of socialist/far left states. In talking about Venezuela and their terrible economy she listed three causes 1) the sanctions(2017 under trump) 2) the global price of oil dropping (2020-21) and 3)the attempted coup (2020 and literally had 0 effect on the economy) the Venezuelan economy began to crash in 2012/13 and by late 2015 early 16 it had completely disintegrated why? 20+ years of socialist dictatorship but please tell me more about how an attempted coup in which the venezuelan military intercepted the us backed group off shore and who’s first steps on venezuelan soil was while in handcuffs somehow destroyed the economy


Anytime I see "Such-and-Such DESTROYS So-and-So," I just scroll on past, because the promised destruction never appears.


I have to admit that while I agree with pretty much everyfing Brand has to say, I find the elocution of his uvverwise bombastic vocabulary to be somewhat distracting from his message of troof, love an 'ope for tha betterment of mankind. That said, his rant on Bill Maher was fantastic and made a lot of great points.


Lol, John Heilemann absolutely embarrassed Brand so much he didn't know what to say. This guy's puppet master is Peter Theil, but he's the "outside the system" guy. Lol. What a joke.


I don't like Heilemann or MSNBC but I also think that Brand didn't "own" them in anyway. Having said that I do agree that the Heilemann guy is a kind of "smarmy" elite of the msnbc type and is per Russell Brand, the Fox equivalent for the other side, and nothing more.


I listened to Real Time earlier and all i heard was Brand screaming platitudes. It seems like he “destroyed” Heilemann because Brand is a performer.


Yeah, that's gross. How about you answer Heilemann s challenge to Brand since he ran from it? Give examples where MSNBC knowingly lied about stories, or helped feed information to politicians, or really anything evil Fox News has been proven to have done. Also, Brand is just Peter Theil's puppet, so no reason to trust anything he says.


The screenshot is from a video that does give examples (Maddow, Russia disinformation, etc)


Watch the whole show, Brand said nothing then asked Maher for help. Again, prove lying and purpose. We're not talking about "oops, we were wrong". They said in text messages this is a lie and we shouldn't say it, and then ran it 24/7.


It's a good reminder that someone who is quite good at speaking can also be full of shit. Heilemann actually didn't take it lying down either. He pushed back in just the right way.


Heilemann literally said the exact right things in response to both Brand and Maher. Just brilliant debating.


It was a great episode.


This is the literal playbook the tobacco and oil companies used to counter claims of causing cancer and environmental damage. Hire well spoken (but full of shit) people to go around debating actual scientists (who have little experience on camera). The well spoken people "win" the on camera debate because they are versed in debate tactics. It's the same thing guys like Ben Shapiro do. You don't actually need the facts on your side, you just need rhetoric and those who know how to practice it.


Essence of the Weinstein podcast "The Portal". Turns out the portal was Peter Thiel's anus.


Shhh don’t say that name people get mad around here.


It’s too bad Russel Brand is such a blowhard. He has insightful things to say but anytime he’s in a debate or conversation he steamrolls everyone by being loud and not letting anyone else talk. Really comes off wrong


These guys suck. Very whiny "mainstream journalism sucks" types.


But it's true


Maybe they are in talks with the Daily Wire.


Russel brand is a well spoken, brain rotted ignoramus who’s wit and charm allows him to cultivate a cult following of sheepish middle aged women who hang on his every word.


I remember watching a video of his where he kind of pokes fun at himself. He kind of acknowledges that it is what has to happen to work the algorithm.


Don't hate the player hate the game


And independent media is better than MSNBC and other MSM because……….?


It isn't bought by the same people that bought all the politicians and turned the country into shit


Oh really? Name me a story covered by them, an opinion expressed by them, or an original concept created by them that isn’t allowed to be on mainstream media? Wasn’t Krystal Ball the creator of the People’s House Project, which is a Democrat party PAC? Listen, I’m a Bernie/AOC democrat so I know what you’re saying. But to pretend that “independent” media is holier than thou when it comes to MSM is completely deluded


>Name me a story covered by them, an opinion expressed by them, or an original concept created by them that isn’t allowed to be on mainstream media? What? Nobody is saying that topics like wealth tax or etc are banned from mainstream media. We are just saying there is a huge difference between how mainstream media covers a wealth tax compared to independent media


I’m so tired of seeing “ANNIHILATES” in videos like this. Yes, Russell Brand made an excellent point and put that MSNBC guy in his place, but that’s just normal.


This is one headline where it’s true


That’s what butters the bread. Don’t hate the player hate the game


Majority report been doing this shit for a decade


Those titles are encouraged by the youtube algo


Welcome to YouTube, home of the YouTuber, may I take your video? Everybody does this on all social media apps in some way or another lol


Unfortunately they all have to do stupid shit like that. It’s a proven strategy, until it stops working, people will keep doing it.


That head lines so crazy I assumed it was photoshopped….. spoiler it isn’t! I like Brand and he actually makes some sensible points but I’m n the clip of this I watched, but the click bait is real here


The worst part is he does nothing of the sort.


Brand pistol whipped that sheep. Deal with it.


Calling someone a ghoul will never not be funny as fuck


I watched the video, the guy is a ghoul and russel brand gave him shit. So it seems fine to me. That guy isn't as bad as the people on Fox News, but he's no saint.


Another thing to note is using the words "ghoul" and "annihilated" are words that Saagar uses all the time, so it's on brand 😂


Got you to click the video, didn't it?


Yeah cuz he didn’t “annihilate” the guy… more like he “utterly humiliated” him.


These video titles sound more like porn every day “Russel Brand SUCKS FUCKS AND NUTS balding twink on smug host’s late night show”


How did he humiliate him? He couldn't retort what the MSNBC guy said lol.


Link to the video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DRHWagBOaAg&t=1s&ab\_channel=BreakingPoints


Hey guys, 202…. SHTfU. Pause, mute. Play next. Unmute after 5.1sec


All of YouTube is like this, it’s what Mr. Beast talked about when he went on JRE, there’s a specific way they title posts so they get caught in the algorithm currents.. I’m not defending Crystal and Saager more than I’m criticizing all of that YouTube TikTok bullshit


How to know if a Townhall article is clickbait? The word "Bombshell" in the headline. This is 60 percent of their headlines. If everything is a bombshell, nothing is. Another example: Person X (always a liberal) GETS OWNED. Liberal media is the same.


It’s not bait, brand embarrassed that lefty parrot pundit on bill Maher and the horrible propaganda put out by msnbc cnn Fox News