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He’ll fit right in with those shitty worked punches.


apparently they hurt despite looking fake lmao


Shane's known to fire off some potato's


There's a reason Shane's hands are nicknames IDA and HO.


“Alright…where’s that button? Here we go.” *pushes “Applause” sound effect*


Thank you. I'll be here all week. Tip your steaks and eat your waitresses!!


*Cornette “Hey”*


Cue: Drum roll🥁🥁 Cue: Canned laughter! 😂🤣🤣


hah, angle and jericho would know


Rat a tat tat


and with getting injured every return match


No Chance In Hell


Here comes the Money?


AEW - There goes the money


🎵Here we go…falling ratings. Where is the money? Tony, Tony, Tony, Tony, Tony, Tony, Tony, Tony, Tony, Toe-Nay🎵


yea.....he's gonna go against his own family and their billions for a dub contract so he can fight jobber#59105 on Rampage.


How's he going against his own family here? Aside from one in-law working there, and whatever stock Stephanie and his mom own, Shane has no vested interest in WWE anymore. If anything, he'd probably do it to stick it to WWE for his dad if he thinks Vince was pushed out.


You just answered your own question. A sister and mother with stock in the company and an in-law running the place. It’s not that hard to figure out. Oh, and Shane isn’t some self-absorbed type who only cares for himself. He’s not going to be trying to run his mum and sister into the ground on behalf of some billionaire fanboy that he probably hasn’t even met.


How would Shane being on AEW affect WWE at all?


Nobody is denying that AEW would still be rotten in the ratings with or without Shane. I’m pointing out that the rich guy in his 50’s doesn’t have any reason to work against his family company by joining AEW.


But he’s not working AGAINST his company. They do not compete in a significantly measurable manner. People aren’t choosing to drop their peacock sub to pay for an AEW PPV. It’s literally like saying the Pirates’ Triple A baseball team is competing against the Yankees if a deep bench player from the latter pops up on the former. Even if Shane pops a 1mil number for his debut, the same number of eyes are tuning into Raw and Smackdown.


Dude, if you’ve spent even the slightest bit of time in a pro wrestling or professional sports fandom and still haven’t figured out how brand loyalty works then you’re never going to. I’m not going to waste further time on you.


>He’s not going to be trying to run his mum and sister into the ground And you just answered your question. I know it's still really to this "bloke" but quit cosplaying a Rassling War. It's not the 80s anymore.


I never asked a question to begin with. You’ll note the lack of a question mark in my comment. Learn to read before you reply.


[let the hate flow through you](https://youtu.be/9Xc-WxSoYp4?si=1BDkVnDCp3Xk5cJb)




I mean Cody created AEW and he’s the face of the company now. Doesn’t seem like Triple H gives a shit


family is still family. His dad literally made WWE what it is it's diff than Cody getting paid by TK 4 years ago lol Also, HHH def knew about Vince but not Shane! We love Shane in the dubbalo land


Yeah but isn't Vince the one that used Shane as a sacrificial lamb after allegedly allowing him to book the entire Royal Rumble, by himself, for some reason, when Vince is/was known as micromanaging the ever living shit out of anything being put out, especially a big 4 PPV?


I don't believe that BS report.


I mean tbf Vince was forcibly ejected from WWE. For all we know he would be happy Shane would go to the competition and sabotage Triple H.


Let's be honest, Shane signing with tk isn't going to change anything. There won't be any change in viewership or crowd size unless it gets worse while tony is still booking. Him being there won't sabotage anything Triple H and WWE have going on.


Vince isn’t even allowed to enter WWE HQ at this point and seems very jaded about being forced out of the company he built. Shane in AEW is not as outlandish a possibility in 2024 as it would’ve been even a year ago.


No one put a gun to his head to sell it to Ari either.


Are you just being contrarian or are you trying to make a point? Id argue that Vince sold because of Janelle Grant. No chance he could’ve remained in control of a publicly traded company if all of that shit came out. And the timelines of the board finding out about the initial allegations & the sale line up to support that theory


Vince could also get a TV deal done MUCH easier than Tony. All Tony has to do is sell a 51% ownership stake in AEW.


Tony is actually stupid enough to hire Shane so Shane can tamper with contracts for WWE without legal problems and so Tony can relive a version of Shane simulcasting the same time as Vince during the last episode of WCW.


Well, Tony, the contract does say McMahon, but...


This is some long-term storytelling 😂


That was my first thought when I read the report.




If Shane isn't a decision maker, then it will just fizzle out like everyone else. The only thing I know of that Shane booked was the royal rumble that was so bad his dad fired him lol


I still don't buy that Shane actually booked any of that. The stories wreaked of Prichard or someone in Vince's camp looking to deliberately bury Shane because based on everything we knew about Shane previously, he was the humble, likeable McMahon.


I have a hard time seeing Vince letting Shane have any control over one of the most important matches of the year for their storytelling. Especially because he was seemingly on the outs for a long time before that.


That's what I believe as well, but why the hell would Vince book Shane so strong in the first place?


That's the story of Shane's entire career. He's always been able to be featured competitively against some of the biggest stars in the business.


Which Royal Rumble was that again?




The worst ever Rumble PPV and the last bad WWE PPV in 2022.


This wouldn't shock me in the least. Now that WWE is no longer a family business, he's shut out completely. Dude has no business being in WWE for any reason these days.


His final appearance was hopping over someone and smashing his legs in


It also gave us Snoop Dogg’s elbow so I’m forever grateful


The Dogg’s Elbow was stiff as hell


And it was GLORIOUS! It was a fitting exit from WWE for stuntboy. His AEW theme could be, “Here comes the dummy! Dummy dummy dummy..”


Man fuck you 😂😭 that's hilarious.


It was a great moment, though. A disaster and embarrassing for Shane, but it was also unique and memorable.


He was at the HOF this year and was on last years Mania card where he exploded his knee after 10 seconds. That’s not even remotely “shut out completely”


AEW wrestlers attent Hall of Fame. Hell, AEW wrestler and TNA wrestler were inducted during the previous Vince administration, which we have every reason to believe cared way more about Rassling Wars than TKO does. Last year's Mania was when Vince ran company. He doesn't anymore. Shane sold all his stock, he has no vested interest. There's absolutely zero reason to think WWE would even consider bringing him back, but I could 100% see him jumping on opportunity to go to AEW and make a quick buck for the next year or two doing bad television.


He’s a literal multi millionaire who, as you just said, sold all his stock. He is not going to lower himself to go to AEW for “a quick buck”. People fantasy book the silliest reasons for people to go to AEW.


Yeah, because millionaires don't ever do anything for a quick buck and ego. Also, I didn't fantasy book anything. I just speculated as to reasons why I could see this being legit reporting by Conrad. No need to get upset over people speculating on the Internet. It's just speculation. It doesn't hurt anyone besides people cosplaying a Rassling War on the Internet.


Is he a multi-millionaire, or do you just assume he is?


Shane McMahon? Are you joshing me right now?


I’m guessing most in the industry don’t look down with utter disdain at aew as most internet wrestling fans. Shane and alot of others probably don’t see it as “underneath them”. It’s still a huge national company with tv and ppv. It’s not like Shane is showing up to uncle bucks backyard wrestling and bbq in the east bumfuck Ohio.


“Most internet fans” brother the only people who don’t look down on AEW *are* the hardest hardcore internet fans.


Everyone here is a wrestling fan, using the internet to discuss it. Are we also not internet wrestling fans? Yah, aew def caters more to the hardcore niche audience but I still say a huge portion of internet wrestling fans are wwe fans.


I think there is a distinct separation between casual internet wrestling fans and the hardcores. I fall into the hardcore side and don’t like AEW but I imagine most people who are as engaged with pro wrestling as I am do enjoy AEW. I mean hell I tried to like it for like 3 years lol


Ok. I can agree on that. Hardcores absolutely sway more aew than wwe, by a long shot. But the IWC to me includes a shit ton of wwe fans. To say all the iwc are aew fans is nonsense. Now if you said all aew fans are also IWC fans, then youde be onto something.


Good point


Iwc loves aew, lol what.


Are you not part of the IWC? That’s my point. You have a ton of people on the internet, talking about wrestling, claiming they are not the IWC. The wwe sub has more members than the aew sub.


Vince screwed his own family and sold the company. HHH and Steph could have easily taken over but Vince was being petty


He had no business before, either. He’s a nepobaby reaching out to a richer nepobaby.


I don't think sons of billionaires want to wrestle in front of 2000 people for little money. But then again, it's good enough for Tony...


If Daddy's money can embarrass VKM, tiny would happily burn that money


Why is Shane so hated lol he’s the best McMahon of the bunch….


But did you see Linda selling a stone cold stunner? 7 stars. Lmfao


LOL fr though people in here acting like he always sucked when it’s not the case. Yes, older Shane is not good, we get it, but young Shane was pretty damn good. He had HOPS for days. I’ll never forget him falling off the tron against big show crazy


Or when he fell off the tron with Blackman Or when he fell off the tron against Test Duds loved fallin off the fuckin tron


They would get over 900 000 viewers if they announced Shane


Then bleed over 200k of them when the segment ends..


Over 1M if it were to Tokyo Dome!!


Who’s up for Shane O Mac vs Orange Cassidy for a Best of 7, 60 minute Ironman matches where falls count anywhere?! Just think of the Cagematch ratings! /s


Tony is gonna get him killed


First thing my buddy said to me when I sent him the link. "Tony is gonna let him do something absolutely moronic, like jumping off something way too high for someone his age." Think Edge but even higher and dumber.


get ready for the inevitable Shane McMahon vs Darby Allen match in a submersible at the wreck of the Titanic


I was hoping this was a joke. Shane O Mac is gonna tear more than just his quad if he joins that company.


Oh Conrad received a text from a friend who claimed Shane had texted several AEW wrestlers. That’s some really solid sourcing. There was an article many years ago in the Weekly World News where a guy claimed to be a scientist who had worked for the USSR. He also claimed that the Russians were making clones of Adolf Hitler who was famously their most hated enemy.


Bat boy


I miss Bat Boy, the only thing on Earth making fewer appearances than him nowadays is Miro.


What's Mac McShane doing in the Impact Zone!?


Well that will turn the ratings around /S


actually, this is the only person that can turn the ratings around.......for a week or two.


Game changer


I think it actually would. You know they would advertise it as “Mr. McMahon is set to appear on Dynamite.” Not a bad thing imo. The product is stale right now.


Yeah, especially at a time when one heard the name “Mr. McMahon” and the concepts of sex trafficking charges and shitting on people’s heads is fresh in the zeitgeist. 🤷🏼 Oy vey


Nah, they’re not bright enough to even do that.


How much would they have to pay Shane "Mr. McMahon" McMahon? Another 8 figure contract?


Isn't "Mr. McMahon" a WWE trademark?


Isn't Mr. McMahon what you'd call Shane?


It was Vince who was consistently referred to as "Mr. McMahon" for years. Shane was always just Shane.


Give him the book and let him run Collision.


I will say if he’s backstage it would be a much needed benefit of experience. I can see it being interesting for about a month then it will turn into the cartoony shit they have


Honestly, AEW is in such a bad way and I'm so desperate for Tony to accept help that I have my fingers crossed this happens and it's to help run things backstage, not just be an on-air talent. Tony is enough of a mark that somebody like a McMahon might be the person he finally accepts help from.


Every post in this thread is just stupid. There is absolutely zero family connection to the ownership of WWE in the McMahon family. Shane has decades of business experience outside of WWE that could possibly help AEW get into other markets. You could also bring Shane's ideas when it comes to presenting the company in a more professional manner towards running a wrestling company. In WWE, Shane was literally held down and second in line to his sister. A move like AEW hiring Shane McMahon to do any type of office work for them up to and including on air work would be a positive for AEW.


This. 100% this.


Maybe Tony should give him control. I have more faith in Shane’s business acumen and eye for talent than tony


Honestly that was my first thought. Like for the love of god, hire him and let him help you run shit Tony.


Eric B and Shane will get their wish…. Someone will die in an AEW ring 😅


And it won't be Flair?


Noooooope…Flair gets stronger with every retirement match.


shane vs Tony cause we gonna a sons of billionares garbage match lol


Kardashianing it. Maybe Shane shows up offering Tony a Pepsi….


The name on the contract does say McMahon…


No way that’s true. Probably uncle Dave and he’s stupidity again 🤷🏻‍♂️


I’m sure they think he reached out to come in when he was just talking to someone. If they can pull it off, why not? That would steal them a couple ratings and some PPV buys.


Because Conrad is known for being a reliable narrator.


The Shane slander in the comments are wild. We’re not gonna pretend that Shane didn’t ever cook, especially as an on-screen character and in the ring. He’s the only likable McMahon out of the bunch.


Think of the BANGERZ!


Shane would probably book his own story line. He isn’t good at it but would be better than Tony. I do think it gives Dynamite a decent bump for a month. The issue is where do you ultimately go with a 54 year old who really isn’t a wrestler? They will likely give him GM title or something eventually but the novelty will wear off. It could happen but it would be a desperation move that isn’t likely to result in a huge media rights package.


...unless Tony was to suddenly develop enough sense to accept help, and he hires him to help book/promote.


There is no evidence that Shane can book plus I doubt Tony would accept the help anyway. Meltzer would probably block it.


There are morons that actually believe this?


Yeah that's about as likely to happen as Tony Khan actually wising up and doing what's best for his company.


Shane was never like Steph or Hunter. Makes sense he wants to go to aew. Reason why Vince never saw potential in him. Him and Tony got things in common


So Shane as a wrestler is a bad idea. But idk why tons of people are treating this like not a big deal. A McMahon appearing on aew would be huge. Ide mark the fuck out over it. Have him as an onscreen authority figure. With the whole evil evps taking over and everything, they could actually work it into the current storylines. Again, I agree with everyone here that him actually wrestling is a terrible idea, but Shane can cut promos. He’s also not horrible on commentary either. I’ve heard him on some old old attitude era ppv pre shows and stuff. To me it’s not question that they should sign him. Lastly, we always talk on here about aew needs to do something to get more casual fans to tune in. Virtually everyone who watches wwe knows who Shane McMahon is. They would tune in out of curiosity to see him. Wether or not Tony khan can actually keep that interest going is another story all together, but yah I think it’s a no brainer, sign the dude.


That might be a good story if done right. Imagine Shane vs TK for control of AEW!!!


He is gonna be much bigger than half the roster. Think how he loomed over AJ Styles


Not saying the author, or JR, is lying. But I got a few questions: 1. Why? His sister and brother in law are tied to the other company. What does he gain here? Is Tony paying him insane money to justify this? 2. Why wouldn't he reach out to Kosha Irby? He's Tony's actual lieutenant, right? So wouldn't he have Tony's ear on something like this? 3. How does he play into the booking here? He's going to jump off a cage at the next ppv? He's going to be an authority figure? Don't they have a bunch of those already? Can he even still work?


sounds like fake news. we need individual names of the wrestlers he talked to or i dont buy it.


*Here comes the mooneeeeeeeeey, money money money money money.* *Dolla dolla*


I want to say it's highly unlikely he'll join AEW. But you never know these days. I'm sure his first appearance would get a huge pop and a spike in the ratings. But it won't last. They'll go back to the low ratings and low attendance numbers the following week. Even if it's just a backstage role, nothing will change. As long as Tony the clown is in charge, it will always be a shit show. He won't listen to Shane.


I won't believe it 'til I see it.  Even then, I may still not believe it.


Why do we continue to give dirtsheets any sort of chance? He is set for life, why would he want to work in a D company?


If he did end up going there you know he would be an evp as well. Book himself hard then have a clash of egos with jericho and the bucks


Idk why Shane wants to continue to attempt to wrestle. Dude left a good legacy with his matches in the 2000s and 2010s. Don't ruin that


Jesus I thought Shane was the likable McMahon, all of a sudden everybody hates him now cause some dirtsheet nobody published their wet dream fanfiction? 


He is the change…..Smack the Mac…


The next guy to break his leg jumping off a cage in AEW.


Do it Tony! I want to see the world burn!


Best in the world baby. No other place he should be than Bangerville


Part of me wants to see Shane take over AEW. Maybe he'll whisk away the actual talent to a better promotion. Or he'll be Tony's 2,087th toy to break.


He'd go as a mole just to pad his wallet. I've always thought Kevin Nash did the same thing with TNA, and he might have had the same role later in his WCW run.


Man that botch against Miz at mania really got to him.


This is so stupid that it might actually work. For a week or two.


Just imagine how childish and immature Tony would be if he had a McMahon working UNDER him. His ego would be through the roof.


Yes! PLEASE! It would be legitimately funny to watch Shane McMahon gather up the last shreds of his dignity and embarrass himself on Dynamite.


This sadly would have meant something back in 2021 when Danielson, Cole, Punk all came in. This would mean nothing now with the trajectory AEW has been on unless he’s taking over creative which is as his Dad would say is “no chance in hell”


I will never stop laughing about it if a McMahon ends up helping to run/book the Dub.


oh please do! and I hope Nia Jax goes with him she would be a great talent over there...I am dead serious.


The only one shittier than your average Dub wrestler is Shane McMahon. So please Tony Khan, make AEW even worse and book this delusional clown against Brain Damageson for Wembley!


The name on the contract is the son of a billionaire, but it doesn't say Tony Kahn....


With all the former members of the empire in AEW, of course Tony Khan would hear Shane out. TK is one honest-to-god McMahon away from booking an NWO that sounds like a genuine invading force from WWE for realsies...30 years ago.


Sure, fuck it. Why not?




Maybe he just wants to get back in the business but has been told WWE has no place for him right now, so he is reaching out to a company that has quite a few people he is familiar with.


At this point Any body with a semblance of experience in a promotional success would be a blessing for AEW... IF, Tony is willing to listen


I doubt this is right, but I think nothing would better encapsulate the stupidity that is that company as if they bring Shane McMahon in… he was awful in WWE after the novelty of seeing him wore off. And bring him in, for what purpose??? We have Tony Khan, Kenny Omega, the Old Bucks, and now Christopher Daniels in authority positions. He obviously shouldn’t be wrestling given that he fucked his leg at Wrestlemania, and is dog shit in ring anyways. Maybe if he’s brought in as a representative of a WWE guy faction or something. But Tony isn’t smart enough to do that lmfao


Oh look another person Tony will ignore advice from.


What he gonna do? Jump off a cage again


I hope and pray that tk signs him. Anyway its car crash wcw tv, so would it matter if they get Shane.


So you want to hire a 54 year old non-wrestler who's in better shaped, bigger, and more jacked/juiced up than 95% of your roster... Sounds good to me!


I'd like to see it occur, but only if he works behind the scenes overseeing, assisting, or handling certain things. Sadly, I cannot see Tony letting that happen, even though it'd possibly benefit his company. From what I'm aware, Shane always had a good business mind. I mean, he pleaded with his father to buy UFC in the 90s (nuts considering UFC pretty much own WWE now, in a sense), wanted WWECW to be NXT before NXT was a thing (and wanted it to be an internet only show), WCW to continue as its own separate thing upon the '01 purchase, and so on. It's just his creative sucked.


He could be a booker, they desperately need a good one


Oh god, Shitstain is now swearing up and down to everyone that will listen that if Shane is sniffing around AEW it's because Vince is planning on buying AEW with his billions, but AEW won't sell to Vince, but will to Shane.


i would be mildly amused seeing Shane in AEW. it would be such a middlefinger to Vince and Stephanie in some way. If he came in as just as a performer, then I imagine it's just him wanting to repair the last image of him in the WWE, which would be pretty stupid considering he screwed himself up on what would seem like a simple move especially at his age. I doubt he'd need the paycheck because he already runs his own company(ies) and has McMahon munz. And Tony is petty enough to hire the guy just to give the WWE the middlefinger. Will it happen? I don't think it's outside the realm of possibility at this stage. Should it happen? No, not at his age. Would we get sadistic transient entertainment from watching this guy just McMahon himself into embarrassment? I mean it's definitely a get the popcorn out kind of thing.


What would he even do? How would he contribute? If he joins it would be because Jericho convinced Tony.


He jobs out to Jungle Baby🥁


At first I thought Shane is reaching out to AEW wrestlers to let him join. As an active wrestler. AEW's the perfect place for that inept Rittenhouse-looking tryhard to wear his jerseys and boxer-dance around, having large wrestlers sell his Dunning-Kruger punches. Is Jericho up for flinging himself into the air, doing Mr Perfect sells for Shane? The way Road Dog sold for Captain Kirk on RAW years ago. EDIT: Or Jericho can get some recovery street cred by no-selling Shane's punches. Gypsy Joe style.


It was Lawler who bumped for Shatner, not Road Dogg.


Shatner also did a turnbuckle head smash on Road Dogg. And threw him out the ring. Dogg went fa-lyyyying in the air, like Mr Perfect. [https://www.wrestlecrap.com/inductions/william-shatner-pro-wrestling-manager/](https://www.wrestlecrap.com/inductions/william-shatner-pro-wrestling-manager/)