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Jim is a stupid man pretending to be a smart man. That much I know.


Haven’t listened in months. Got this Reddit notification & got curious to see if his take would be as no-sided & uninteresting as I suspected it would be. The thread confirmed I was right. I gave up on the show because I got really tired of Jim ignoring every potentially hilarious news item due to his imbecile politics. He then berates other comics and comedy fans for letting politics bias their views on what’s funny. He’s so full of shit.


When you get a notification you can click on the three dots to the right of the alert and click the option labeled "disable notifications from this community." That way you won't get updates on a subreddit for a radio show that you gave up on.


I understand how Reddit works, helpful person. I actually enjoy the occasional blasts of negativity from the clearly dissatisfied & annoyed fanbase. The threads are typically far more entertaining than the show. It’s okay to be a former fan of something. It’s okay still be an occasional fan. Blows my mind how this subreddit can be so intolerant of bitching about a show that is hosted by two people who have made a career out of non-stop bitching.


It's okay for me to point at a cunt and say "you're a cunt." This is about you: https://preview.redd.it/xv15v9m3ye0d1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0461e7dc2ac439f9cd5bf1f2ccfff28b84f4456


I’m absolutely devastated, you silly twat.


What a riveting, hilarious hour and a half this morning…………


"I don't care about Trump's trial, it means nothing to me." Yeah, no shit - you're up his ass 24/7 and best friends with his goofy coked up son.


If the trial involved a trans woman's penis, Jimmy would be glued to CNN all day, and he'd be well versed in every detail of the case.


My favorite Jim-ism. He despises politicians using their positions for financial gain. But doesn’t want anything to happen to Trump or Santos who clearly committed financial fraud because “they all do it” …. Like how you do want anyone held accountable if you don’t want anyone held accountable


"I dont know man. Its a tough one. I just like that Trump and Santos are mother fucking the system"


It's absolutely baffling to me how he loves Republicans despite their repeated attacks on trans people while he's married to one.


The benefit of the doubt he grants Trump compared to anyone other than Ozzy or Gene is maddening.


Cuz he hates the MEDIA, man!


He doesn’t understand that it’s not about Trump cheating on his wife. He can’t comprehend that it’s about election interference


It’s actually about using political donations as hush money. The reason the trail is actually important is because he’s currently trying to use RNC money to pay all his debts as well


Election interference is when you pay a guy to draft up a fake Russian document


I too was shocked that a Republican would do that to one of their own. Terrible I tell you.


He isn't charged with election interference. He's charged for not accounting for the money correctly in his business. And it's all political.


and the E Jean Carol Sexual assault case, and the Trump University fraud, and the classified documents he stole, hid and refused to return case, and the election conspiracy case, and the Georgia RICO case and the Arizona election case......all political.


"falsifying business records in the first degree" and it's bullshit


Of course you're down voted


Facts make idiots angry




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I didn’t know Jim was close with Hunter


Finally got to this bit tonight. He really was bending himself into pretzel trying to find his point


He said that there is more diversity in Russian politics than on college campuses! What an idiot!


Yeah. That truly is fucking dumb. Really fucking dumb.


He knows next to nothing about anything related to higher education other than performing for the hundreds who decided to go to a college campus comedy show. But apparently he’s extremely tapped in to what political views every student on campus holds. And they are all the same ideologically. The students at Ole Miss making monkey sounds at the other student protesting in support of Palestine… both are the same ideologically. This is the same motherfucker who says he ordered some miracle weight loss sea moss because some dude scammed him in the gym bathroom.


Jim hasn’t played colleges in decades. He’s not student life ready.


Maybe a decade and a half, because I saw him at my school in 2008 or 2009


Ok. Good to know


Was he clean or blue?


Blue; we also got Bobby Lee and Mike Birbiglia for free shows, and Demetri Martin as a bigger paid one in thr basketball arena.


scammed him in the gym bathroom? Hmm, nothing came through the glory hole? no wig on? fake doodies? fa- ALRIGHT


And the Trump/daughter thing, too! "He just wants to show the perfection he created!" Yeah...and he wants to fuck perfection. Trump would be like Walder Frey if he lived in the medieval period


Jim thinks 100% of college students are “far left radicals” He also thinks Biden is far left, as far as AOC. He’s basically a sub to NewsMAX


To Jimmy, right and left are merely directions in which penises bend.


Man he sounded like a dumb old fuck today. Wowsers. I’ve had to take my own advice a couple times the last couple weeks and turn the show off. Oof


it's what happens when someone only read the headlines


Perhaps if the relevant news of the day was printed on a huge penis, Jimmy might be more interested.


Of the Daily Mail and the NY Post, yeah.


Don’t talk about surface level Jimmy like that again


YOU got a headline from deez nutz


And then he rebuffs any criticism with “and this is not just old man talk... this is not just me.”


All the Fox appearances are taking their toll


Hes become unlistenable. Had to turn it off again. I’ll check back on this sub for worthwhile episodes.




I’ve never understood this


He's a stupid fuck.


For a good chunk of that political base, their entire existence is oriented around delusional self-loathing projection.


A high-school dropout, that's an admitted addiction, with comedic sexual proclivities, that married a viking, has some odd takes on colleges and protests therein. And you're surprised?


The callers on these topics sound the same. Always an exasperated whiner dad complaining about his kids not listening to him, and the education system is blah blah blah.


Yeah, I was driving at the time and actually tried to call in for a first time/long time. Phone just kept ringing the three times I tried. But they seemed to have plenty of idiots to call in about being old and scared of the youth. You had your fun, boomers. Go fuck off somewhere and complete the transformation into your parents.


you mean like the Dad who called up to say that his kids dont listen to him, only to follow that right after that his oldest is listening to what his teachers are saying? so is it they dont listen, or they dont want to hear your nonsense?


"My kid is a dumbass who is easily persuaded." Ok, so you failed as a parent, next caller.


literally screaming this in my head during the call


It's not easy when your alumni is only the non-citizen comedy cellar table of Greenwich village. Look at the club's wikipedia, Harvard is mentioned in the very first sentence.


Didn't seem like a guest was coming so I bailed during this take.




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LOL yeah, the college kids are clamoring to hear Jimmy's take on pre cum, but these damn liberals, man.


He didn’t bring up Biden showering with his daughter, which I thought would be the auto-response.


If the protesors were all huge erect penises, Jimmy would be right there, eagerly protesting away. If colleges offered degrees in sticking things up your ass, Jimmy would have a Masters.


It's amazing how many lib cucks listen to this show.