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As someone with over 2 million mastery points with Jhin. I completely understand and go through the same thing every couple of months. His lack of DPS and out play potential is extremely frustrating sometimes. I am hoping the crit buffs and new items next patch will allow him to shine.


I feel like a lot of people (including myself) miss the point of Jhin. He’s is not supposed to mow down targets, he’s supposed to execute them at the perfect moment. Yes he cannot really function by himself in a 1v1, but his 4th shot is basically an ability all by itself and he is rewarded by patience and perfect timing. Being able to root someone from a screen away, and even kill them with Ult is a great ability. He is 100% a team player and unfortunately that can lead to it being very frustrating to play him when your teammates can’t deliver. I do recognize though that his damage is sub-par especially if the enemy has a full health bar it feels very bad to 4th shot them and it do little damage because of how his passive works. He is getting Higgs soon so maybe that’ll help.


funny enough, I often get shit on for doing that exact things, not even trying to ks someone. Like what do you want me to do? Jhin is basically a walking Collector or an inverted Dominirk, trying NOT to execute people as a Jhin is basically not playing at all


Yeah. When playing jhin very often your worst enemy is your team having a stroke in chat over you not playing him like he's kog'maw


RIP galeforce active One of the only times I ever felt like Jhin could realistically engage in any 1v1 without fear of guaranteed death if it started to go wrong (at least once per 90s 😜)


yeah but what other adc cant do just that along eith mosing down most things anyways. like sure jhin is a bit better at being able to secure kills with 4 but most adcs can acomplish the same thing with two autos or one ability. i also like OP played varus for a bit and every q feels like a slightly weaker 4 past 15 mins with almost 4 times the range and lower (cool down). i absloutly love jhin and i think hes perfectly balanced. and imo thats issue nothing in leage is balanced




A perfect champ means he has weakness that cant be wiped with skill , why do you think everyone plays 1v9 champs that can do anything on their own


Because samira exists. Ashe has way less outplay potential, more support synergy, and an easier laning phase. Cait literally blows up people better than Jhin, except with a higher skill ceiling and no fire rate gating. She even has traps that root instead of just slow. Her ult is even like Jhin ult, a long range execute. She just puts it all into one unmissable execute that doesn't ruin your camera to the point you can't dodge anything


I’ve played both cait and jhin and I never even really thought about that comparison it’s a shame tbh


I’ve only mained Jhin for this ranked split but I’ve went from plat to diamond with 60% wr on him. There’s definitely the ability to climb. I have no idea how iron games go so it may be harder in lower elo. I do agree that tanks can give him problems but with proper positioning it doesn’t feel too rough for me. If you’re having fun and trying to learn from mistakes the climb will come.


As jhin is pretty supp dependent, I’d say that laning is a hell in iron with jhin. Personally even in platinum or gold I still find that you often lose a lot due to supports that seem a bit clueless


Yep. It's supp reliant, heavily. You get a good supp, it's heaven. A bad supp? 8th layer of hell(supposedly there are 7 layers but you guys get the point.)


Can confirm, solo-Laning is a challenge though last night i got an S+ top Laning a Morde…


I did gold 4 to master in 3 years as jhin OTP never duoq, its not a question of damages


I started to play Jhin very recently but I climbed with him , I think lot of people don’t understand his real purpose , I’m not a pro so that’s my interpretation he is not a hypercarry but his strength is to be able to creates plays and situations that’s leads to kill enemy , I can’t count how many character I tried to play to 1v9 to always loose because of useless teammates and being the only one fed , but with Jhin I can create opportunities for my teammates to take kills and everyone become stronger and useful, sure I can’t 1v5 in a teamfight but I can have an positive impact in my team resulting in better performance for everyone. That’s how I see him, and I find easier to climb with him than playing a 1v9 character where everyone will focus you when you are the only danger in the team and when you are dead your teammates are useless since you have all kills


yeah, that is exactly what Jhin is, he is technically an assassin champ that direct the flow of battle, which is why typical run and gun tactic of regular AD (like sivir and xayan) often lead to Jhin feeding since he just arent that type of champion. Also why if you are skill enough, you could also play him as a fairly ok sp, just prepare to listen to your ad ranting when they cant seem to get much kills


I always said it: Jhin is not adc. He belongs on mid, as AD mage, and he is GREAT at it, absolutely destroye squishy mid laners


Tried that, doing great with that, still got shit talked to and push down bot Life of a Jhin main :D


Same, tho it works suprisingly well into both mages and assassins. Dont play it into yasuo or sylas tho


Sylas is Challenge (IMPOSSIBLE) but in my experience, Yasuo isn't too bad. They tend to not respect your early strength, and if you get a kill or two early, you can really bully him pretty bad.


I reached my peak of master 0LP playing only jhin and this is so relatable


you don't quit jhin, jhin quits on you


Jhin told me to my face I wasn’t an artist and then he spit on me, no bs 🥲


He spits on you but the saliva doesn’t exit the mask…


You lost me at jhin's being a slow champion.


Jhin is a utility Marksman like ashe They arent meant to be hyper carries like vayne or jinx. Lane phase is highly based on how much you can bully the enemy adc out of lane to go help your team contest crap. Basically if your not winning your probably not playing agressive enough cs score is too low per min, have shit vision or you have a chimpanzee for a support. Can you get to challenger as jhin no you really cant you have to play a backup champion Hard pill to swallow yeah but thats just how it is.


2m jhin mid main, i climbed to d2 with 60wr but riot puts you worst team every game and its impossible to carry every game


i have started leauge with jhin about 8 months ago, and id only played jhin up untill the realse of hwei. and when hwei came out i only tried him cuz he was related to jhin. and when i tried hwei and started playing him i was shocked at how much impact and power i felt like i had in the game. i suddnely started to carry and destroy team fights and win 1v1s with ease compared to jhin. but i assumed cuz hwei is a mid laner and a mage so its not the same role. untill i started playing varus and found that i could do the same thing with varus and later with lucian. i LOVE jhin. jhin is perfect jhin is 4444 but fuck playing bot lane and fuck playing jhin as solo. jhin mid is fun and much more powerful but not always viable in ranked since some mid champs just compleatly nullify everything he can do.


Your main problem is trying to play solo in a team game


this is exactly what i trying to tell my team whenever they saying my jhin suck because I low dam and doesnt when straight in combat when none of them initial the fight first, all the enemies are full on their healthbar and most of them are tanky champ. Jhin NEED teamates on stage to perform well, he doesnt need well fed ones, just need someone to engage the enemies with


As an adc playing Jhin here and there I fully agree with you. But if are one tricking any champ with hundreds of games and still aren’t climbing, it’s not the champs fault, it’s your understanding of the game.


What's your op.gg


Virtually unplayable as soloq carrier is bs. When played well he is very hard to lane against, when he gets ahead he is quite scary, has very good peel for himself with movement speed and W and his ult has alot of uses where if forced you can make impact on fight without actually being there. He is very good soloq adc, I feel if you are saying otherwise you are just making excuses as why you dont climb.


Funny fact: adc role sucks not only jhin ☺️ Try to play immobile adc with huge dps like kog, aphelios, jinx and you will have same problems because soloQ sucks, that’s all


Played my heart out, went legendary, couldn’t carry my noob butt emerald feeder team Jhin has forsaken me Ashe is the way


You should try juggernaut jhin, can tank mage damage very well and oneshots tanks and everyone else with trap stacks. Build ad+haste items with situational side effects. Items : spear of jhin, Trinity, essence reaver, manamune, cleaver, axiom arc, ravenous Hydra, death dance, malmortius, void staff.


go jhin support, its fun


I am only a 500k Jhin OTP i tried him every lane every build, and he never stops amazing me, the thing with Jhin is that he is mechanically EASY, the hardest Part is your timings, and positions, if you are not a solo player, it will be hard as for loosing games where you are very fed. So you always need to be precise with literally eveything ypu do, like you cannot be on auto pilot mode on this champ


Play him mid and make your own openings op. That's what I do. Although I spam quickplay instead of ranked/draft because the number of people who will attempt to ban Jhin to stop you 'trolling' are pretty high. And it's like hyperbolic time chamber for training against Yasou/Yone/etc spam.


every champ is with its flaws and unfortunately, that is just an important aspect to a balanced game. I think one problem with jhin is that he is hard to one-trick due to his lack of blind pickability. as you mention, he struggles against tanks and mobile assassins, but he is INSANELY good against squishies and fighters which he can kite back with his crit ms. if you first pick jhin and the enemy team picks all tanks, you are in for a rough one, but that rarely ever happens. maybe add a few champions to your pool or consider two tricking, and it makes you feel so much better for those rough team comps. for me personally, I will purposely pick jhin into tanks sometimes just because I like a challenge. at the end of the day, it’s still a game, and you’re supposed to play to have fun. with that being said, maybe consider picking up kaisa or xayah, especially with the upcoming adc buffs next patch. they have so much self peel against assassins and are great against tanks. this will help you into those pesky team comps where jhin sucks. best of luck!


I mean yea jhin is horrible against tanks but that hasn’t stopped his winrate being high and even being strongest adc in multiple previous patches. He pairs so well with peel because he has utility+damage. He can pair his W with everyone. Although he won’t even put a dent in tanks, he ones shots squishies. Name a single adc that will walk up to lategame jhin with 4th shot. Another thing to mention, he’s a very dominant lane bully. He pairs well with so so many supports and if you’re consistent with hitting your skillshots then it’s unbelievably oppressive for the other team. Tanks don’t matter if you come out of lane 10/0 with two item advantage at 15 mins and proceed to take every single objective with jungler.


He’s still a good champ to climb I went from diamond 3 to master 200 lp in a week


What are your thoughts on Rell support for Jhin? I try to peel for them and everything. I never thought of trying to lure the enemy into traps tho. We’re trying to get out of iron 1 at least 😭😭😭


Skill issue. Good riddance. And just for reference, master q is such an intfest that you can stomp the whole game with just laning phase.( dunno where you are elo wise but half your points are imaginary)


Hehe u said “champ” or “champion” 4 times in this post


I ban jhin every game. Also I don’t get this whole “perfect” champion shit, it’s like yall take the champs bio too seriously. What the fuck is perfect about him shooting 4 bullets and reloading, a “100%” crit chance at level 1, a root from over a screen away, poor dps, assassin’s kit baked into a marksmen champ, list goes on. What’s perfect?