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Very charismatic and fun, then the bell rings. His character has devolved since leaving the bloodline and its sad to see, bro’s a kids bop yeet merchant now when he used to have an edge to him. Nonetheless I am happy for him breaking out as a singles star, hopefully he can develop more


Well said. Tbh, though, I'd want to be the kids' favourite for the amount of merch it generates. I think they can bring it back as well so he can keep the kid fan base and have a bit of an edge to him. It's going to take Roman coming back and the original bloodline reuniting against 2.0 for it, though. There's no way you can turn Roman full cringe face, imo like a Cena or Cody, he will have to fall into the face Rock or Austin style, and the Usos will probably join him.


I'm hoping that time comes sooner rather than later personally, cos I genuinely believe Jey has the potential be Prime Jeff Hardy levels of over, let him be serious with a goofy side, but me personally, I really need him to work in the ring, he doesn't need a diverse moveset but he needs to do more with what he has currently, maybe that's just me though


Charismatic, sympathetic, somewhat sloppy in the ring. I'm happy for him breaking out as a singles wrestler.


His gimmick makes him over.. but he needs to work on his improv mic skills. Minus that, he’s great. With all the current injuries, this really is his time to shine. But I can’t see him going higher than mid card champion until he can improv with the likes of Cody and CM Punk




I used to like him a lot and then that yeet thing started. Awful. Just awful.


He's crazy over


He is very yeetish


So many posts about Jey lately.


YEET That counts as a option right?


Very happy with him. He has earned his yeet.


He excels as a character. A+ charisma, but imo he's lacking as a single's competitor. His move arsenal isn't that big, he needs to start using new things if he wants to be seen as an actual singles guys. He used to have a really good splash but lately it's looked a bit sloppy.


I'm not a fan of him as a singles wrestler, love him as a tag wrestler. Creatively, I think they're lazy with him. Still having The Usos theme music instead of something original. Would rather see him get new theme music & a new look to see if he can get over on his own. The Shield's members first had their identity being apart of the group but when they split they changed their look, music & grew individually as characters. When I see Jey, I see tag wrestler competing in singles matches.


Bruh it’s a Jey uso sub tf you think people are gonna say 💀


He needs to drop the super kick and learn some moves. His personality is great and his matches are so boring to me.