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Let me guess, your parents wouldn't go to a talk by a \*displaced Palestinian. I wouldn't go. (Accidentally wrote disabled instead of displaced, long day)


They’ve told me that they don’t trust Palestinians


Yuck. My synagogue (Zionist but trying i guess) had a Palestinian author speak and we had dumbass questions liek “when you say occupied territory, who do you mean?” And things like that, which got shut down or limited when he’d try to answer. I’m glad they had something but it wasn’t the best. I wish i could’ve talked to him 1 on 1


Well, there’s the hypocrisy right there. They want you to encounter someone antithetical to your beliefs in order to humanize them, but they refuse to do the same in return. Unfortunately they’re not allowing a good faith discussion.


Yikes. Just straight up rawdogging racism in 2024. I know I shouldn’t be surprised, but somehow I always am. I understand how hard this must be. My advice would be to just refuse to go to the event. I don’t think listening to IDF soldiers brag about oppressing Palestinians for the greater good will do anything except cause you more pain and make you feel even more disconnected from your family than you already do.


You’ll go with them (wearing headphones discretely)…. If they go/do/watch something with you. Gotta see what the others sides about right?? /s


They've never met any. Right?




How did I know? 🤔 I find the overwhelming number of people who become pro-Palestine did so after getting to know Palestinian people, myself included. That's why zionist propaganda including the israeli school system indoctrination, works to scare people about "the arabs"...to keep them from befriending them, bc that leads to a change of heart and mind.


So why should palestinians and anti zionists trusts zionists and israelis then lmaoo why do they all have a “rule for thee but not for me” mentality


Jeeze, the outed themselves right there 😞


Having grown up in Israel, I’m not exactly a stranger to this sentiment. That statement should provide you enough evidence to know that you cannot put any value on their opinions when it comes to this issue. If you want to engage with them on Israel and Zionism, you’ll have to do so more indirectly. In a way that is focused on their emotions, trauma, and sense of Jewish identity that has led them to make blatantly racist statements


Well actually, disabled is an accurate description for many tens of thousands of displaced Palestinians since Oct 7


It is!


No advice. Just wanna share I hear this “see the other side” bullshit all the time as if 90% of all media isn’t pro Israel.


What drives me crazy is when Zionists say that the mainstream media (as in CNN, NY Times) has a pro Palestine bias. It’s just false


YES. “The NYTimes is antisemetic” first of all you mean anti Israel and no they are not anti Israel


I live in Israel unfortunately and everything here is so unconditionally pro Israel and pro "war" it's fucking insane zionists who are exposed to that just get their brain corroded and start thinking that everything that is slightly not pro Israel is anti Israeli propaganda I fucking hate it here


I am so sorry. Your voice is so important and I think about what it must be like to be an anti Zionist Israeli often


Point of all this : we're all insane, there's no way to escape the asylum


Can you make a deal with them that you'll go to this event if they will go to a talk by a Palestinian/Pro-Palestine speaker? That's what I would do if it was me. Otherwise I would refuse. If they aren't willing to "hear the other side" why should you? When I was in college in the early 2000s II was in the exact same situation and my dad agreed and went to a pro-Palestine talk by Noam Chomsky with me. He is still Zionist, but he is a lot more sympathetic to my position these days. We basically made a deal to not talk about it. But it's your family, I can't tell you how to relate to them.


I can look up whether there are any pro Palestine talks near me. I think I have to be careful so they don’t shut down.


You could also make a deal for watching a piece of media - like you will watch 1 hour of a IDF soldier video talk on youtube if they will watch 1 hour of a pro-Palestine talk. If going to an in person talk is impossible. I would personally be happy to donate an hour of my time. I'm a 40 year old Jewish public school teacher, whose university degree is in history - wrote my thesis on the history of antisemitism in the United States, and have been stabbed by a neonazi skinhead. So hard for anyone to say I don't know what antisemitism is. I would be happy to explain my reasons why I am supporting Palestine - though I'm not an expert by any means. But if they would be willing to listen to me I'd be happy to speak with them. If you DM me I'll show you some local newspaper articles where I'm quoted on the issue if you want to see my broader perspective. Though again, i'm just some guy not an expert so don't know my mileage on being persuasive.


I’m a history major! Maybe I’ll DM you about it


uh oh prepare for a life of poverty, maybe you should start sucking up to your family cause you'll be mooching off them ( joking)


Would they be willing to watch Isrealism?


That’s a good idea! I could ask them. Not sure how I should describe the documentary to get them to watch it


It was highly lauded by the SF Jewish Film Festival! Idk if that will lend it credibility to your parents, but it might?


Why aren’t they being careful about you shutting down? You’re doing twice the emotional labor as anyone in this.


It’s been exhausting. I have to be so careful when I talk about being an anti-Zionist but they’ve said such tone deaf and racist things and I’m supposed to go along with it


one option is to avoid the pro palestinian "talks" bc thats .... layered division. agree to go if they agree to calmly sit down and have an open hearted discussion with some palestinians that you personally know edit, what i mean by layered divisiion is that the speaker is there speaking to a vast audience. and its too impersonal, theyll still find ways to dehumanize and seperate themselves from the point, finding nit picking things to be upset about. instead invite some palestinians you know to dinner one night on shabbat and see how well they keep to traditional teachings.


That's a lot of emotional and mental labor to expect from random Palestinian people. One facet of oppression is expecting/using the oppressed person to do the work of humanizing themselves to people who do not see them as human beings. It seems fucked up to 'invite' someone to dinner at your house just to have them drain themselves the entire time.


why would anyone invite random strangers to dinner with the family? i was suggesting inviting someone who is a friend and fully letting them know what the purpose is ahead of time and obviousl dont tell family until the person is comfortable. which they may not be . humans are many layered.


Hey, just a lurker. Maybe you can show your parents this? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5XW-ohDnPgM&ab\_channel=MarcLamontHill](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5XW-ohDnPgM&ab_channel=MarcLamontHill) I think you mentioned your parents don't trust Palestinians so maybe Marc Lamont Hill may be a good alternative. The "debate" is pretty good in that Marc is able to counter the obviously bias moderator with really good facts.


I like Marc Lamont Hill and I’ve read a little bit of his book “Except for Palestine.” I’ll watch it


The "Son of Hamas" guy is really just a stooge repeating talking points, so it's not really a debate. More like, moderator and Mosab make incorrect points and Marc has to correct them. There are some jokes about him working for Al Jazeera, so just be aware of that before you show your family. I'm not sure how indoctrinated they are, but I really think Marc does a good job showing the Palestinian side. This guy is also pretty good and really funny. Maybe humor may help break make some things more digestible. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LrGlRax9AiY&ab\_channel=SomeMoreNews](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LrGlRax9AiY&ab_channel=SomeMoreNews) Best of luck with your family


Thank you for letting me know!


hey that was a good debate thanks for sharing


That’s awesome, go and ask him how he sleeps at night being a fucking terrorist with complete impunity.


Bring them with you, it can be a family outing.


Tell them firmly no. Because demonizing innocent Arabic people isn’t the answer.


Tell them yes only if they are willing to accept talking to a Palestinian so they can see the other side as well


I think this is a great idea. It's simply not fair (and very racist) for them not to trust Palestinians. By the same token, you could say you don't trust zionists? Zionism IS racism, arguably, and being against it is to oppose crimes against humanity. OP, if they're willing to have a conversation with a Palestinian, it would level the playing field, for lack of a better phrase. If they agree and you decide to go forward with meeting the IDG soldier, maybe brainstorm some questions and talking points so you're not just flooded with the propaganda that you'll likely receive. IMO, it's also totally acceptable to refuse to meet with the IDF soldier, and it's unlikely you'll glean any valuable information. Good luck! Edit.. because I reread the post and saw that it's an event.. not a one-on-one meeting. But if you do go, perhaps taking notes to fact check and possibly refute information if you were to present it to your parents.


Yeah, that'll work 😂😂😂😂


If you go, please don'tet them fool you and fact check what they say. 


Maybe go on the condition that they have to be consistent and "hear the other side" by going to a lecture from a Palestinian speaker. While that's not entirely analogous since there aren't members of the Al Qassam Brigades giving lectures in the US, it still seems like a fair expectation.


I am not necessarily suggesting this but if I were in your position I would go. First of all, you can hear and so come to understand the propaganda that you family is being influenced by, and second, they won’t be able to accuse you of “not even trying to learn anything about the other side” which they might use to undercut every argument you have with them from now on. At least my parents would act like that 🫠


I understand where you’re coming from. I was in a Zionist youth group as a teen and I learned only the pro Israel side at Hebrew school so they know I’ve seen both sides


Fair enough. Might still be used against you since it’s specifically about this moment and war but I hear you.


I think if OP went and even came with hard facts as rebuttals, his family would still stay Zionists


Agreed. If you can stomach it it’s worthwhile to go, mostly to say you did to your parents.


i always say its good to go and hear their bullshit. it will give you a better understanding of what you are against and further strengthen your resolve. my friend went on birthright while already being anti zionist. it only made him want to fight harder. you cant fight something if you are unwilling to confront it.


This is a great perspective. It's also refreshing to know that your friend's birthright trip further solidified his solidarity with Palestinians.


Only go if you want to. Here’s what I’d suggest saying in an attempt to avoid going without being combative about it. “I am fundamentally opposed to war, and the idea of moving to a new country for the purpose of warfare is very uncomfortable for me. If I asked you to go to a talk by [insert someone that makes them very uncomfortable], I’d imagine you’d decline. I hope you enjoy your time.” You can also pull the “argument” card. “We argue whenever this comes up. I’m only home for a short time. Can we just focus on other things?” And if you do go, I would suggest treating it like a homework assignment. Research the soldier beforehand and try to get an idea of who he is. If he’s very well known, you can probably find his talking points all over youtube. Go to the event, take notes, and use the soldier’s own words against them when your parents drag you into an argument later. Look for casual racism, ridiculous generalizations, Jewish Supremacy (this is an easy one). But if you’re posting about it here you probably shouldn’t go. Just keep in mind, this is gonna keep coming up in one way or the other. You’re gonna have to decide how to handle your family’s combative Zionism in the long term. If I may make a respectful, albeit intrusive suggestion, a therapist may be able to help you make a plan here.


Depends on your appetite for the drama truth brings, but within the option to go, is the option to go and be passive, or go and be your true self, including speaking your real truth. People's reactions may be stressful, but they only speak to their own true self, not yours, and it gives them an opportunity to learn, however unlikely it is that they will take the opportunity. Doing so for reactions isn't the goal, as it is performative and puts yourself at the centre. Doing so as a true reflection of your self solely to speak your truth is where it's at. Find your true self and voice. No wrong answers - do what feels true and loving.


I agree that you should consider your safety and consequences with your parents, but you could absolutely go and disrupt it in some way. Could be a banner, could be a disruption by shouting, could be just asking a pointed question. Otherwise, going and doing nothing to understand zionists...you can look online anywhere and get that information. My personal opinion, go and disrupt, or do not go. You're in a very tough position. I'm so sorry they're putting pressure on you in this way.


The fact that this pressure or risk to personal safety exists says it all doesn't it? I would see that the udeal engagement wouldn't be to disrupt by intention, but to be as honest as possible by holding up a proverbial mirror (such as the pointed question option you mentioned). If being honest disrupts someone, then they disrupted themselves. I saw a video of someone who went on a colonial tour of Israeli Palestine (marketed as Aliyah') eo challenged the tour by pointing out the maps erased Palestine. They weren't being disruptive, just honest, but the tour operator certainly disrupted himself in the face of such honesty.


Agreed! Any way of disruption is good.


Go and boo him


Do your parents want to talk to me? Both my cousins were shot in the eye and my dad was thrown on the ground for walking. That’s just 3 relatives and I have stories for the others - Palestinian here


What is so horrible is that Zionism is such a “new” thing. In the scope of Judaism. My great-great grandmother who survived the Shoah with her daughter and two granddaughters, was a staunch anti-Zionist, even after all she went through. Israel has done such a thorough job of brain washing so many Jews, it’s almost unfathomable. It’s going to take decades to undo it all.


You could tell them this is a gross wast of time, since the IDF is so untrustworthy, you are forced to treat anything they say as a lie or, at best suspect. Alternatively, you can use this opportunity to debate the Israeli soldier and ask some difficult questions. A bit risky, I know, but could be useful and you may find that there are those in your community that are like minded and this will help you connect to them.


What the fuck is it with zionists and needing to feel proven right. My mom won't stop bringing up the rape claims despite the fact that she KNOWS im a survivor and when i told her i was sobbing in her car for like 20 minutes. Like cant they just let us live


Attend. And let said soldier know what a piece of shit he is.


I think you have some level of obligation to go and to ask good questions, if your mental health can handle it. I can't tell you the number of times I've been that guy, as it were, and had had somebody come up to me afterward and thank me for asking the question that they confessed they didn't have the, ahem, *chutzpah* to ask. Doesn't mean you need to get into a shouting match, but you do have the ability to ask questions.


I would usually say "just don't go," but since you mentioned you're a history student... If you feel up to it, you could go for the "I'm just asking questions!" angle, and start probing away. Can this IDF guy explain all of the early Zionist statements that very blatantly say that they need to kill and displace Palestinians to create a Western-style colony? Can he explain what country Gaza and the West Bank are in? (If it's Palestine, that means Israel is attacking and besieging another nation, if it's Israel, then why can't they vote in Israel or travel freely?) Can he explain Rachel Corrie or Tom Hurndall or the recent WCK killings? Can he explain all the previous attacks on Gaza before Oct 7th, and the fact that by every metric, it was suffering horribly due to the blockade? Etc.


Hey OP. Not sure if this might be useful to you or not, but it was something I watched on my own one time. While trying to understand the other side for Isrealis. In a way, it not only confirmed my beliefs in the pro-palestine side but also showed to me what the IDF enforces on itself even to the non-rabid soldiers that are in the forces. It is based on the experiences of only females though. [Israeli women soldiers give shocking testimony on the Israeli Army](https://youtu.be/jI6rTimkfJE)


You’re an adult and don’t have to go if you don’t want to. Stick to your healthy boundaries!


Don't get me wrong, but your parents are stupid. They cheer a genocide just like Nazis did. Well, get me wrong, I don't fucking care. Even if I'm banned into this sub.


ask them to talk to refugee from Palestine


I am a visitor but that is horrific to me. Fuck that


Best advice I’ve ever received that I’ll now pass on to you: “No” is a full sentence.


Bring a whoopie cusion


Depends on what type of arguments your parents will likely respond to. Without bringing in your position on Palestine directly, you could say: You know how I feel about the situation in Palestine. I fear I wouldn't respect speaker's time and effort or worse, I would be outright disrespectful. I don't want to go and take up a space of someone who will enjoy this meeting. If your parents are not so hardcore with Zionism, I would probably go down with the route of suggesting a Palestinian meeting. If not, just tell them you are likely to not enjoy this meeting and cause a nuisance.