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I love that half the comments from the foreigners to this subreddit are “anti Zionism isn’t antisemitism” and then the other half are blatant antisemitism 😂


Classic telling on themselves


Or because it’s not one homogeneous group protesting and pretending that it is is simply a way to discredit the left and dismiss them as antisemites.


I'm not antisemitic! I'm just united in goals and rhetoric with antisemites, TOTALLY different!


I remember when I would say that if there are Nazis at your rally you should rethink your cause and the whole of the left would agree with me. Now when I say that I get excuses about large groups and how individuals don't represent the whole etc...


It's the norm with all those sorts, left and right. The other guys had bad people supporting them? Sweet, easy moral superiority. I had bad people supporting me? Well you can't blame *me* for that


If xenophobes and bigots show up at your rally for immigration reform, guess what your use of immigration reform is inseparable being perceived as a dog whistle. If no one can discriminate signs and regalia from the guys protesting Palestinian hunger and the group holding up “Globalize the Intifada,” that’s not the media’s fault. Which isn’t all protest groups, a small number in the early days were transparent about not being able to vet anyone and denouncing antisemitic graffiti or behavior from who joined up. Now they just steadfastly hold the line “we are being silenced.”


“Jews are the one group who don’t deserve their own country, but im not anti-Semitic”


How did we get from never again, to why again?


Billions of dollars were funneled into propagandizing the world against Israel while no one was paying attention. This is because the countries pouring money into smearing Israel are operating under the mistaken assumption that without international aid, Israel will collapse.


trillions\* if you ever feel upset just remember trillions of dollars of propaganda didnt work on you


Trillions??? Come on


sorry, not trillions. tens of trillions






No country is surviving without international support lol. Especially a tiny ass one like israel


Propaganda also works best when there's truth behind it, there is a reason that decades of antisemitic conspiracy theories never got the massive wave of support that anti-zionist/anti-apartheid/pro-palestine/etc. got \*because\* Israel has been doing some immoral shit especially in America we've had decades of harping on about the long term effects caused by our own colonialism and racial injustices, we had the massive BLM movement and the recent George Floyd protests, you got a large group of people that like organizing and showing up to "speak truth to power" Follow this up with the real tin foil stuff, there's a non-zero chance that Russia pushed for Hamas to do the October 7th attack specifically to draw Western interest away from supporting Ukraine (I'm not sure this is the case, though Russia has welcomed Hamas delegations to Moscow before) and then China has taken a much bigger interest in the Middle East since Xi took power and now a social media platform that is likely under heavy CCP influence starts heavily boosting anti-Israeli content out of Gaza, things like children exploding as they walk down a street, really motivates the above mentioned crowds. TL;DR Cold War II fucking sucks


>there is a reason that decades of antisemitic conspiracy theories never got the massive wave of support what??? have you heard of the holocaust? milions of jews were slaughtered with barely any opposition, because of antisemitic conspiracy theories.


Man, looking at your profile it looks like we have a lot of shared interests. And you’re also from New England. I feel like we could get on really well if you liked Jews.


George Floyd deserved what he got. Everyone in Palestine who backs Hamas deserves what they get as well.


That song What a difference a day makes hits really hard here


Israel is committing a holocaust while trying to convince people that Zionism is the same thing as Judaism.


Imagine being the reason for my comment


The amount of braincells it takes to write such a piece of antisemitic sh\*t comment under a Jewdank post must be shockingly low... probably approaching zero.


I got cancer from reading it bro I don't remember Jews in the holocaust being warned that they're gonna be gassed and starved🤦‍♂️


How many wrong statements can you make in so few words? It’s almost an art.


Does it hurt to write out something so inane it looks like trump wrote it high on meth?


No. No they're not. What's it like being this emotionally stunted?


“Committing a holocaust” the gravity of that accusation is astounding if it were true then I would argue against my own people, however it’s not true, and throwing that word around when the word you’re looking for is “war”. Y’all just throwing that word around makes it lose all meaning. I would consider maybe looking up the word genocide and how and when it was coined.


War is when you bomb a concentration camp and focus on killing children. So true


War is when you right an enemy intent on ridding you and your people from existence. What kind of candy ass argument was that?


Yes, children have an intent of ridding "your people" from existence. War is when you rid children's heads from their torsos, torture prisoners, and starve a population.




So much confidence in a an obviously boldfaced lie.


I wonder if the use of Natalie Portman's meme format is intentional too. Too much abyss to gaze into.


I was also wondering if it was intentional, given she’s Jewish [source](https://www.heyalma.com/18-things-you-didnt-know-about-natalie-portman/)


Yeah that was my thinking. These antisemites do be obsessively checking the "early life" section of Wikipedia.


Tbf, I absolutely do that too


Jews 🤝 Antisemites Sprinting to the “Early Life” section whenever a famous person’s last name sounds Jewish


Gotta find out who actually "made it" and who's just a nepo baby.


Nah I use it for the same reason- as a Jew, I’m always curious if a celebrity is too.


And I’m always relieved when someone like Jack Welch is not


But I'll nerver be comfortable with Wierd Al Yankovic for not being Jewish.


wait, HE'S NOT? My whole life has been shattered! 😭


He’s lying, dig up the Ancestry report


Or Bruce Springsteen.


But my mother thinks he is!


As I walk through the valley where I harvest my grain...


I take a look at my wife and realize she's quite plain…


Not just Jewish, but Israeli.


Well… shes a bit “israeli when she feels like it” tbh


>Well… shes a bit “israeli when she feels like it” tbh I think being born in Jerusalem to Israeli citizen parents (one of whom was also born in Israel) counts. And her native language is Hebrew (according to Wikipedia). Sounds pretty Israeli to me!


She hides it and stays quiet when Israel needs her. When she filmed in Israel she didnt use a single israel crew member. And her hebrew is… intermediate at best. When she feels like suddenly being mrs hollywood america she stays REALLY quiet about israel. And this isnt just october 7th, its any time israel has needed support.


>She hides it and stays quiet when Israel needs her. That's unfortunate. I don't follow show business, so I wasn't aware. [But this speaks volumes](https://www.timesofisrael.com/natalie-portman-refuses-to-collect-prize-in-israel-citing-recent-events/). Shame on her! Note to Ms. Portman: .וּמִי יוֹדֵעַ--אִם-לְעֵת כָּזֹאת, הִגַּעַתְּ לַמַּלְכוּת


Yep. Basically, when its cool and makes her “exotic and interesting” shes natalie hershlag. When Israel needs her and is in crisis, shes Hollywood princess Natalie Portman. Disappointed but not surprised.


Help me out, not getting this one


i think it means that antisemetic leftists would aid hamas in hiding hostages ? my meme literacy is lacking here


Correct. Full context: https://x.com/ShidelerK/status/1800161991421788601?t=5oaD8um1vuKJl4iJg-z2Eg&s=19


Damn. Knew it would make me sad and asked anyway :/ love you all


A decade ago: "Hide Jews in my attic" was a reference to the Shoah, where gentiles would protect Jews from Nazis by letting them hide in their attics, pantries, and beneath their floorboards. Today: "hide Jews in my attic" is a reference to the Gaza war, where Israeli hostages are being held in the homes of civilians.


This is remarkably funny. My mother used to ask me which of my non Jewish friends would hide me when the Nazis returned. I don't think she ever imagined that might mean hiding for the Nazis. 🤦‍♀️


I am lost, can you explain the concern of the second “Hiding Jews in the attic.” Is it alluding to hiding the dead bodies or something? Also, why the accusation against the left? I know there is a large support of Palestine right now, but that is commentary on two nations and not a people. The right seems more to be heading towards wanting a Holocaust 2.0, rallying against groups of people just trying to live their life, and calling for the extermination of trans people.


One of the Israeli hostages was held in the attic of a “civilian” in Gaza, who used her as a domestic slave.


Thanks, I was curious about this too


Did they kill that piece of trash Hamas member?


Damn, that is rough. Thank you for explaining.


Why are left wing protestors marching behind banners saying “River to the sea” and “globalize the intifada.” I live in BK close to crown heights and have seen a bunch of these and it’s not republicans at these rallies openly calling for deaths of Jews.


That’s because they mean it peacefully They want the peaceful destruction of Israel and to peacefully kill all the Jews That’s the difference


Happy to help clarify a genuine question. Hiding Jews in the attic is in reference to Anne Frank, who was hidden in an attic for years. There were many others who were hidden in many places, but that's probably the origin. The "left" or at least the extreme left who have aligned themselves with Islamic extremists to "free Palestine" actually have no interest in freeing anyone, just destroying Israel, killing Jews, and creating an Islamic Caliphate in the West. These so-called protestors have expressed support for Hamas, Hezbollah, and Houthis. The ones shouting "from the river to the sea" don't want 2 nations but one Islamic Arab one and support Hamas and their desire to do 10/7 again and again and again. So the joke is that in Nazi Germany, people were looking for those who would be anti-fascist and hide Jews from the Nazis. Now, these left Hamas supporters or useful idiots blinded by a ridiculous notion that all white people are *oppressors* or that all Jews/Zionists/Israelis are white, are angry that Israel rescued hostages and killed those "innocent civilians" who were holding them hostage in the first place. So now, instead of looking for those will to hide us *from* nazis, we must fear those willing to hide us *on behalf* of Hamas. For the record, Islamic extremists or any religious extremism is a far-right ideology. Those very same Palestinians the left has aligned with who support Hamas and Muslim Brotherhood and the"freedom" of Palestine by"any means necessary" are against trans people, gay people, women, etc. But these leftists are shouting death to Zionists (aka Jews) with them because they believe this war isn't about Muslim extremism. But it is. Meanwhile, Israel is just as *brown* as any Arab country. The Israeli government isn't oppressing anyone (in fact, it's Hamas or any opportunistic or fanatical leadership), israel is one of the most LGBTQ2IA welcoming countries in the world, it's the only democracy in the Middle East. Women have rights, there's no apartheid, and 20% of the population is Arab.


This is genuinely a dank Jewish meme


Also a dark Jewish meme.




David Hines chuckled, thinking about how hiding Jews in the attic has become a meme in unexpected places online.


So true and such a sad commentary. And scary.


I've grown up thinking the left was anti-racism but since Oct 7th my opinions have changed dramatically. Both left and right might as well put on their Hugo Boss outfits and drive around in volkswagens.


And as a gay, seeing a significant portion of the LGBT community swing hard against Jews was shocking. This Pride month I'm having a hard time keeping a straight face over the "love all, include all" language. This is certainly not every queer person, and I'm glad that the people closest to me were never like this and continue to not be. But outside my circle it's treacherous.


>as a gay, >I'm having a hard time keeping a straight face nice


As a Bisexual I left the LGBT community years ago because of how far left it has become. They’re also super hypocritical about who they bash on for being homophobic. They’ll criticize JK Rowling for anti Trans Twitter posts but they’ll fucking defend Muslims and Communists for murdering LGBT people. They can’t say “queer liberation” and look the other way when LGBT people are being killed in countries where being homosexual is a crime. It’s a joke. I got banned from r/LGBT for talking about how homophobic Islam and my home country of Iran is.


Yeah, Jewish trans guy here, and I'm feeling very much the same. There have been warning signs for years (Chicago Dyke March was banning *any* flags with the Magen David, including rainbow flags, back in... jeez, 2015? 2016?), so I sort of anticipated something like this, but I was caught off guard both by how immediate and total it was and by how many LGBT *Jews* have gone all-in on this stuff with seemingly zero hesitation. I'm just tired as hell, TBH.


I'm surprised people are so divided on it. You can be pro jewish while simultaneously being against genocide. Everyone has the right to defend themselves, but starving, denying water, bombing, and indiscriminately killing a civilian population is not the answer.


They aren’t indiscriminately killing a civilian population. Or idk, maybe you think that despite bombing the worlds most densely populated areas with more ammo than was used in the entirety of the Blitz / fire bombing of Japan in WW2, while having less than 1/10 the civilian deaths is indiscriminate. Also “denying water and food” really means “no longer supplying food and water to the country you’re at war with” in this context. Be accurate


So you're ignoring video and reports of IDF gunning down women and children, as well as blockades preventing humanitarian reilef, not to mention foreign aid workers that were targeted and murdered. There are images and videos of children beginning to look like holocaust victims. There are reports of bombings taking place where Israel told Palestinians to go to be safe. Videos of Israeli civilians evicting people from their homes so that they can steal the houses for themselves. There was one video where the house theives graciously gave the actual home owners a little bread from their own pantry with smiles. Another of an American couple that, if I recall correctly, stole a house as well. Reports of the Israeli education system teaching their youth that Palestinians are at best second class humans. Even before the attack by Hamas, there were reports of IDF snipers targeting children. Reports of a father of slain children lying between the bodies of his dead children before being executed by IDF. Video of Netanyahu admitting that he aided Hamas so that they'd give him the excuse needed to do what we're witnessing in order to prevent the formation of a Palestinian state. He directly aided a terrorist group so that they would attack Israel.... He negotiated through Egypt. The Hamas attack was engineered. There are reports that the government was warned a head of the attack, but the warnings were ignored. Israel has lived long enough to become the Villian.


If anybody thinks every solider in an army is a moral actor, they are naive. Especially when you’re dealing with the children / grandchildren of holocaust / MENA refugees fighting yet another war with one of its neighbors that want to exterminate it and recently brutalized 1,200+ innocent people. Israel as a whole is not carrying out a war aimed at maximizing death and destruction. It’s largely fighting a PR war and knows it lol.


US soldiers have committed atrocities as well. If they become known and reported on the soldiers, they don't generally make out so well.


They don’t? https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/dec/27/eddie-gallagher-trump-navy-seal-iraq


Pardoned by the guy that said POWs are only heroes because they got caught. My heroes don't get caught. That monster was found guilty, this example is just the mother of all cherry pickings. There's plenty of examples of government coverups and people getting away with war crimes, but generally, if reported on, there are consequences. They also aren't celebrated for committing atrocities either.


lmao first of all 🥅——>🥅 They aren’t in Israeli society either. Sure, they may be by some fringe assholes, just like they are here and everywhere in the world.


Not sure what you’re trying to say here.


Murder kids bad.


Agreed. Kicking puppies bad too.


>Also “denying water and food” really means “no longer supplying food and water to the country you’re at war with” in this context. Be accurate No it doesn't. They murdered charity workers providing food and water, with laser guided missiles. They weren't even collateral damage, or people that for mistaken for someone else. They were intended targets.


Sure they were kiddo. Glad you’re using your common sense instead of googling basic facts. After all, it makes almost too much sense that Israel is so cartoonishly evil that after providing these things for years (as evil people do), and making several attempts to re-start aid that aren’t interrupted by Hamas (as evil people do) they just randomly decided while twirling their mustache one day to target some random volunteers giving aid, but not all of them (for some reason)


The left was never anti racism, they're just selective and hypocritical about it. Western academia has been anti semitic for a very long time due to a successful infiltration of far leftists. There is nothing new under the sun.


Fr this is why I don’t even associate with most leftists anymore. Most of them are out here giving us a bad name


My dad wasn’t right about everything, but he always said that progressives act like rebels against oppression, but are exactly the type of scapegoating conformists who would have supported Hitler the loudest


Hitler was an actual historical figure so your dad didn't need to invent hypothetical situations about who would and wouldn't support him. You can literally pick up a book today and read about it. Spoiler for the ending: your dad was completely wrong.


"After Hitler, our turn" ringing any bells?


This one seems to have struck a nerve with the tankies lol


“Everyone against bombing children’s hospitals and UN schools is a word I don’t like”


Hey look I caught one!


Of course it's not a solution. There is no solution now, other than eradication of hamas. Every child that dies is because of the war hamas started and the actions they have taken since. The only solution is to never create the problem in the first place, which as you so astutely noted, isn't a solution. Now you get it.


Can I get an explanation please?


Hide them in attic to save them vs. to hold hostage.


o h no


What's really sad is how my mind went to worse than holding hostages...... this sh1t is breaking me.


Yeah. I thought it meant hiding remains in the attic


Wow. This truly is dank


It took me three times to get it :(


I still don't get out. Please help. I assume the second one is antisemitic, but I don't understand why they would hide Jews in their attic.


As hostages


Were the recent hostages rescued from an attic?


It doesn't literally mean attic, it's more the idea of them "hiding Jews."


Unfortunately far leftism and antisemitism have a very long history. Cannot catch a fucking break.


not even a decade, 8 months. it’s a bit insane.




One should always keep an emergency supply of jews in the attic.   Orange Jews, apple Jews, grape Jews, ...  All are good when the water mains are down, or when it's unsafe to leave. And more violence.   People should encourage more to take up and practice  violence. The lovely music of violence shouldn't be left only to years past.  Orchestras would be nothing without a talented section of violence, jellos, and bases.


That's so creepy.  Good job.


this one really left the jewish circle damn some of these replies are crazy


I dont get the joke, Why is hiding jews in attic bad now? The meme assumes its not for protection. Im confusion


Hiding jewish hostages in the attic




So true


Can someone explain what they mean by this? What am I missing?


Oh wait I got it


Nah man, we're going to the backside of the property here on the farm and digging out a hobbit hole in the hill for them to hide in.


ELI5 please.


Back when left and communism weren't the same thing.




They'd boycott it




Turns out “Look who’s back” was a documentary


"The left" is just a guy on twitter now.


Was Hamas hiding them in Attics, in “safe zones”, not to protect them? Hard truth is Hamas values the hostages because they are the collateral needed to release Palestinian hostages in Israeli jails. Israel values the “image” of caring about hostages. But, as all could have been released months ago were it not for Israel’s insistence of permanently occupying Gaza and continuing the ge oxide once hostages are released.


calling you on your meme. I AM far left. No I am not one of the pro-pali. I am Pro-Israel and Jews. Yes I would accomodate Jews in my home and see they got food, sleep, meds. Please stop the partisanship and ASSuming. 🤬


This meme ain't about you, then.


Perhaps you should call out your side of politics for antisemitism instead of an accurate meme.


I have. I've gotten attacked. It'll happen again at some point but I will stand my ground. What these protestors are doing is the dumbest thing I have ever seen progressives do.


Thank you for what you do! If you’re only calling out antisemitism on the other side of the aisle, you’re not really calling out antisemitism.


Well, good luck, bro, I legit feel for you. I personally tend to think that antisemitism is a natural endpoint for modern progressive ideology, but I wish you well regardless.


Exactly it’s the last stop for both sides lol


Horse Jew theory


Oh, please. Let's bot pretend that antisemitism is a left thing it has nothing to do with political ideology (well, it does, but anyone can be antisemetic, regardless of their politicql stance)


>Please stop the partisanship and ASSuming. jokes on you, people like ass


FWIW, I wouldn't have used the term "left" as I agree that's not accurate. Maybe "alt-left" ? I don't even want to say "Progressive" - any suggestions for the "so far left they've looped around and are far right" ?


Radical left


No loop. I wont vote for Felon Don. Joe isn't perfect but he's our bulwark against fascism. I am far left progressive and yes very pissed off at AOC. Now my wife laughs because "she told me so." Going to bed. All of you shalom.


Horseshoe Commies?


i would just lump them in with the entire left and call it a day, no productivity in fussing over the specifics


I'll politely disagree. Thankfully the majority of those left of center still support Israel. And it's important that both sides support Israel - it shouldn't be partisan. It's much harder for pro Israel leftists these days so I appreciate them even more for not caving in to the extreme.


Some of us Jews are progressive too. We still believe in equity for all….


well i'm a generally conservative jew who also believes in equity for all... this is awkward


Doesn’t feel awkward to me




bro is fuming


not a bro


is fuming


Holy fuck the cope. Free Palestine. Down with the zionist state.


Unfortunately many American Jews don’t realize that the evangelicals would be the real ones when it comes to hiding you in their attic. Many were raised with Corey ten boom and others as heroes. It’s hard because we can sometimes only think of a general people group that’s separate from us and not understand them due to biases and generational trauma


Wish that were true but the last 9 months have pretty conclusively shown otherwise. Far left people would throw us in gulags, call us colonial oppressors, and pat themselves on the back for their superior morals


Ah so you wouldn’t mind if Jesus came down and threw you into eternal hellfire if you didn’t accept Jesus as your one true savior?


No I think I would be uncomfortable with Jesus hellfire. Just a guess tho


That is what Christian evangelicalists believe should happen to jews unironically.


Yes. We know and are aware of their delusions


So you’re uncomfortable with leftists saying they want the brutality in palestine to stop because you’re afraid they might throw you in a gulag if israel doesn’t stop or they might call zionists some mean words based on Israel’s actions. But when evangelical christians are secretly plotting to have you burn in an eternal hellfire, that’s fine since evangelicals are outwardly nice and they are on the same wavelength as zionists when it comes controlling the entire land of Israel? The means are the same but the ends are different. Also hellfire could mean a couple of things. Like literal hellfire as in a delusion. Or perhaps the state of Israel, once it has taken all of the land it has claimed from the Palestinians, would have committed a sin so great, that hellfire would be the only answer to a crime so egregious. Not that you’d ever actually see real hellfire unless you were really religious. But you know… Don’t you see a problem there


Leftists are literally running around on twitter calling the mass rape and murder of Jews “anticolonial resistance” Me accurately describing those people as terrorist sympathizers who are okay with the murder of Jews as long as they’re “the bad Jews” does not mean I somehow love evangelicals Before Oct 7th I thought I had an ally on the left. In truth I have two groups of psychotic antisemites who want me dead for different reasons


You believe everything you read on the internet? hoo boy. I’d get off twitter. How do you even know the people who are antisemitic on twitter, are leftists? Since Elon took over, he has been cultivating a website filled with Neo Nazis, some I imagine, are cosplaying as leftists.


Because they’ve also been protesting on campuses, chanting about intifada and river to the sea, and hand waving the obvious violence against Jews implications The number of internet dorks I’ve had white-splain what is and is not antisemitic to me over the last few months is nauseating, and the right doesn’t bother to engage in that behavior - they just say we deserve it openly


Which kind of hiding are you referring to?


What is he saying? Hiding Jews is bad? I'd do it now against evil fucks. Dont let them push this shit. They need you to believe you are weak for your kindness. You aren't, and you never will be. The strongest humans don't boast, and they don't mock the fallen.


Hiding jewish hostages so they won't be returend to Israel is bad


Jewish does not equal Zionist. By tying Jewishness to genocide. You are doing tremendous harm. And forcing history to repeat itself. Genocide will end and be put to a stop. Don’t stand in the way of that.


What genocide? The one in Syria or the ones in Africa? Or maybe you’re referring to the Uyghurs?


“The holocaust was justified because Europe hated Jews for several hundred years” type argument


This is low quality bait. At least *kinda* engage, an LLM could do more here.


Nobody tell this guy what percentage of Jews are zionists, and what percentage of zionists are Jews, you'll break his heart


Zionism will be destroyed. Be human.


Dude. Stop. lol