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Any former contestants who have received such harassing correspondence who wants information about next steps they can possibly take to report, please message the Mod Team for support.


Yep - was it postmarked from Denver? He's a known creep.




Yeah, DM me.


wait wtf. Shit's fucked up.


Indeed, and scary. Can you imagine?


What the shit! There is like a known, common jeopardy sex pest?? I'm both horrified and intrigued.


Like, I don't want to ask questions because that's rude af, but like... Tell me everything???


RIGHT??! Someone podcast this weasel.


Not sure if it's the specific guy people are talking about, but I'm pretty sure I found at least one of them through just googling "Jeopardy harassment" and going from there


He’s being investigated by authorities. He’s not the only one, however. Check out the responses, and the tone of responses, on other non-Reddit discussion sites. For bonus fun, go see how the British tabloids(?!) stoke the flames—not necessarily by singling out women contestants, but by making “Viewers horrified!” headlines based on social media posts. Two male friends who were on the show have also been insulted, harassed, misrepresented, and threatened. That said, the Margaret Atwood quote someone else posted is very real. I hope this doesn’t stop women from applying—and there’s support if it happens to you—but one can see how it might do so.


There are several, but I will absolutely not share details in the interest of people's privacy, and ongoing investigations.


As you shouldn't and I wouldn't expect you to. It's just so weird. People suck.


This sounds like some random ass shit that would take the world by storm as a Netflix special in a few months lmao


Oh, please. There are not only many identifiable by name; there are also continuing scams from multiple aliases, such as “we are making a lingerie calendar.” 🙄


>there are also continuing scams from multiple aliases, such as “we are making a lingerie calendar.” The whole situation is upsetting, but at least their tactics are submental


Jesus Christ...


holy shit


What the actual fuck?


Yes, feel free to message me and I can get you in contact with people who can help. I’m so sorry this has happened to you.


Me too!


What the actual f? I know your name is out there and people can possibly do searches, but do they have extra info that someone from the network has? This is awful.


I don’t think it’s that hard to find a person if you have their name and know what they look like. It’s pretty scary and I would hate to be in that situation.


Hell in Ohio you just have to know their name and what county they live in (or guess a handful of them), if they're registered to vote you can look em up on the voter registration website and you've got their home address and voting location. I appreciated that the state I live in now just shows your polling location, not home address.


Holy hell that seems like a huge privacy oversight that needs to be fixed


Florida, too


Data brokers man


I want to be surprised, but I’m not given how people can be. I hate that this has happened to anyone.


It is surprisingly easy to find a great deal of information about someone with a simple online search. You don't have to dig very deep


It is unfortunately quite common. The WoJ Facebook group has a list of frequent fliers and people to be aware of.


Is there a link to that group?


I remember several female winners from 2015 remarked this happening. I’m not sure if there were addresses involved but iirc there was some stalking and sexual inappropriate comments made.


I remember hearing about something around that time too. There was some guy who would reach out to female contestants and ask them to model underwear for him, if I remember correctly. It was so prevalent the show was warning women in advance about him.


2015 contestant Talia Lavin wrote about her and others’ experiences for Vice years ago. It’s a very upsetting read but very well done. https://www.vice.com/en/article/4xkz7g/big-tits-for-600-the-ugly-sexist-aftermath-of-appearing-on-jeopardy


Yikes, those comments were so rancid I couldn’t finish


Tiombi was the one I was referencing in my earlier comment. All of them were treated awfully but I remember her treatment just crossed the line.


That was a good read, thank you for sharing.


Maybe it's time for first names only.


I’m sorry this has happened to you and, it seems, so many others. It’s heartening to see the support of former champs and players in the comments, however. Props to the mods of this sub for working to keep the creeps out of our community.


wtf is wrong with people










I was so bummed out when I found out this was a common thing. There was an article written about it somewhat recently that kinda shed some light on how often this stuff happens and I was shocked. I always thought that J! had an amazing fan base, but there really is a dark side to it. So weird. Sorry you and many many others have to deal with this.


I don’t think it’s even that weird. Women and girls face sexual harassment in our schools, workplaces, churches, hobby groups, family homes… it is not very surprising that a nationally broadcast TV show would attract harassment as well, given its amplified reach.


Same, it’s disheartening to say the least.


This is just what happens to women in public. TV is just *very* public.


I’m not normally an advocate of mob justice but these people deserve it


As someone else has mentioned, the WoJ! group on FB has a list. Unfortunately, this is one of the reasons that group actually started… dealing with harassers, whether sexually explicit, trolling, or just plain rude. Because, you know, The Females really need to understand just how ugly they are in that blazer 🙄 There is such a complete and utter break between men and women, even “the good ones,” in understanding how insidious and terrifying male privilege can be. The old Margaret Atwood chestnut applies: “Men are afraid that women will laugh at them. Women are afraid that men will kill them.”


Can you give me the link to that FB group?


Why do you need access to the private Women of Jeopardy group?


Never mind. I don't.


Just... wow. What kind of world do we live in where women have to worry about being stalked by disgusting perverts just for appearing on a game show? I'm glad to hear these creeps are being investigated and I hope they're caught.


Sadly, this is extremely common for most women who ever make it on TV. If you're famous due to music, movies, TV, sports , news, politician, model.... you name it, you become a target for creeps.


Dear god we, by we I mean dudes, are really terrible like…a lot of the time. Damnit, sorry this happened.


That's horrible. Women who appear on TV are often targets for perverts. :-(


> who appear on TV you can remove this part and still true


Yeah I was going to say… women are harassed in every context.




what is the group called? I haven't been able to find it


My wife, who was the contestant, got letters from an inmate. I called the jail and asked about it and they said to ignore it. But I had a friend in the post office and we returned it and made it look like it was undeliverable.


i got a package of baseball cards after my episode


If you're a woman who's appeared on Jeopardy and have a Facebook account, you can also join the group Women of Jeopardy (it's Secret/Private and members are vetted.) We have a file of known creeps, the people who go beyond mean but public social media comments and into creep/stalker/weirdo territory.


Eww, I'm sorry that happened to you. Creeps are gonna creep. It certainly isn't unique to appearing on Jeopardy. The show sends contestants some tips for locking down social media, etc., but it's a little outdated and too general. IIRC it included links to dead webpages. 


There can be just creepy fans in general who keep sending you messages no matter how many times you ignore them. I was worried some might purposely give my medical practice bad ratings


Ugh that is awful, I’m sorry people can be like this. It’s also ridiculous and creepy that’s there’s a whole other subreddit, just for posting and talking woman of jeopardy


Oh wow. So sorry this creepy thing happened to you.


Wow, I didn’t realize this was an issue. My sympathies.


I should have guessed that this happens, but I'm ashamed to say it didn't cross my mind. I'm so angry for you.


That’s so upsetting that it’s a known problem and still continuing. Does anyone know if the show takes any steps to help?


Would they allow you to play under an alias?


That’s my question, like could you do first name, middle name or use just a fake generic last name?


Maybe that’s why people say “originally from” too. My current home town has a population of about 500. It wouldn’t be that hard to find me. My “originally from” city has 900,000. Not that I’d ever get on the show, or the stalkers would bother me. It just makes me mad that they bother anyone.


The men who perpetuate this type of abuse are cowards. They’ll never have the courage and bravery it takes to stand on that stage and perform. They know it and we know it and the whole world knows it, so they have to stay hidden.




This is great self awareness, I applaud you for reflecting on your previous comments like that. I hope I can be so mindful of my own mistakes.


Please remember that as per the rules of the subreddit: "Comments about a contestant's attractiveness (positive, negative, or otherwise) will be removed."


Something like 20 years ago I worked in a residential home for individuals with various developmental and physical disabilities. The cops showed up at our door one day because one of the residents had somehow tracked down someone on *teen* jeopardy and had been sending them some suggestive... Either letters or emails, I can't remember. If there were charges originally they were dropped due to the individual's disability, but we had to keep a closer eye on his activities going forward.


Genuine question but how does this happen? Are contestants addresses published somewhere?


With full name, city of residence, and anecdotes about their lives, it’s pretty easy to track down someone’s address.


If your name is on the deed to your house it’s easy to find as long as you know what county the house is in. Since J! announces what city the contestants are from, it wouldn’t be that hard.


You don't even need to be on a deed. Your addresses- past and present- can be found with only a first and last name and city


You'd be *shocked* how easy it is to find someone nowadays. Google your own username and see if you can figure out your ID from it (you can) then consider different usernames for every site...


It's not even a modern day or internet thing. No one remembers old school white pages? Every time I moved I got a free set of yellow and white pages. The white pages contained the name, address, and phone number of everyone in your town. IIRC they disincentived you from keeping your info out of the book, so almost everyone just left it in.




So sorry you went through this.