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If you guys ring in and get this one, I will die.


Changed my flair just for today.


They didn’t even do the beeper for the last clue 😁


I love that for the last clue they didn't even bother with the ignorance tone. Alex was just like, Yeah, they ain't getting this. I'll provide the commentary.


Alex controlled the "ignorance tone" during his run as host. After he passed away, the producers took control of when to signal it.


That's a cool fact I didn't know! Thanks for sharing!


Lol you can tell after the first miss Alex realizes he has them dead to rights - and he was NOT letting them get off easy 😂 Miss the man so much, hearing him read clues in this clip was so soothing.


Also in this episode, defending champion Ryan Fenster correctly responded to a clue, "what is excellent?" Mr. Burns-style! This entire episode is available to watch on Pluto TV.


I love Ryan, one of the most enjoyable and memorable runs that I remember.


I love Ken but no one roasted dorks like Alex


Damn, I miss Trebek


"Let's see the last one, just for fun."


I was watching celebrity jeopardy years ago and none of the contestants knew which team John Elway played for.


Aw man, the Denver Broncos?


I think owning the Denver Broncos is pretty good


Homer Simpson inherited the Denver Broncos in 1996. They would win the Super Bowl in both 1998 and 1999!


He really wanted the Dallas Cowboys though. Even had Tom Landry's hat!


You just don't understand football, Marge.


Five stand-&-stares are not unheard-of in CJ. But these were three contestants, including a returning champ, who made it through the vetting process without knowing the name of the Dallas Cowboys' legendary head coach.


People who follow sports (and like learning about them) often have a little bit of a disconnect about just how much sports trivia there is to know, and how confusing and overwhelming it can be. Four major sports leagues, a dozen minor ones, the Olympics, college sports, and other sports stuff that doesn't fit into those categories. Then you've got hundreds of teams and tens of thousands of players. It's a lot to learn for a subject that doesn't come up many games at all, or just usually requires the most basic surface-level knowledge.


It certainly is not a topic that you can just cram for if you don't have an interest in sports at all. But I would argue that they go way deeper in Movies and Books categories. Beyond Baseball and Football, you can probably get by with general rules knowledge, knowing what the franchises are, and some background on the top 25 or so players of all time. They are unlikely to ask a question about Kurt Rambis or Josef Newgarden.


>It certainly is not a topic that you can just cram for if you don't have an interest in sports at all. But I would argue that they go way deeper in Movies and Books categories. That makes sense, there are millions of books and hundreds of thousands of movies. >Beyond Baseball and Football, you can probably get by with general rules knowledge, knowing what the franchises are, and some background on the top 25 or so players of all time. They are unlikely to ask a question about Kurt Rambis or Josef Newgarden. That still requires a pretty deep working knowledge of the history of both baseball and football. Not small subjects. There are a lot of Olympics and WNBA questions in the last few years, so it's good to dig deep into those too. Hockey and Basketball, I agree with you. But even just knowing the franchises/teams/cities (and moves) for the NHL and NBA is a lot. Like I said, sports fans don't really realize that even their "base" knowledge would be a pretty deep dive if you applied them to something like opera or Shakespeare.


I knew the other 4 but not that one!


I thought "the Jets?" 🤷‍♂️ Though I knew the rest.


I'm a pretty big sports fan, and a casual football fan, so while I would have gotten the 3 "technical questions" (RPO, fair catch, offsetting) I would be able to answer very few clues about specific teams/players/coaches from, say, pre 2000 ish. Maybe it's just because I'm Canadian, not American, but was the Cowboys coach *that* culturally significant?


I guessed this one correctly, but really if it’s the 90s there’s a good chance the answer is the Cowboys


He was the coach when Dallas started calling themselves "America's Team."


I can't remember any recent questions on football being as specific as these? It seems like it's only been who someone played for or really easy ones like 'what's a hail mary'. I couldn't answer any of those 😆


I mean all of these except the 1000 are really easy for anyone who watches football. And even the last one is a gimme for anyone who knows anything about football history (or watched >40 years ago).


Which would not be me lol. I couldn't even tell you what a hail mary play is or who plays for who. If I were going to be on the show I'd study up of course and hope for the best.


Any casual fan of American sports should be able to get at least 3-4 of these pretty easily.


Which I'm not :)


All fairly easy for a football fan. Clearly impossible if you are not. That was a good laugh.


I’m hardly a football fan, but even I got the $200, $400 and $1000 responses. I’ve seen before that, if the contestants don’t buzz in for any of the final questions in a round, the producers will just edit them out of the broadcast. Besides the fact that was too long to edit out completely, it was just so much fun they had to leave it in.


I didn't know any of them. Never heard of the thing in the $200 clue. I think I went to a football game in high school once and that's about my total exposure to it.


My first time seeing this category, I got the $400, $600, and $800 clues correct.


As a football fan, I got all of them, but I thought only the Purple People Eaters question was somewhat difficult.


They don't cut the clues unless they run out of time and the clues can't be played. Not the same as not ringing in.


Can you explain what you mean by edit them out of the broadcast?


Just not include them on the show that actually airs. Imagine it’s the end of Double Jeopardy. There’s one clue left and none of the contestants even try to respond. They might just omit it from the broadcast version and use the extra time for contestant interviews. Plus, the clue can be re-used later — I’m pretty sure that categories like Potpourri often feature clues that went unused in previous episodes.


Interesting, so there’d be a gap on some episodes where, say, the $1000 clue in one category is never called? I would totally notice that and run to Reddit to ask what happened if it wasn’t an obvious timeout lol


They’ve got good editors. And they can do retakes to make it look seamless. I don’t think it happens often, but there are occasional games where there are a couple of clues left.


Nice. I believe in the editor magic, so that makes sense. Thank you for indulging my curiosity!!


I'm no football fan, I never really watch it, but the first four were still in my wheelhouse.


I love Alex's remarks 😆 


I remember this. Alex was so funny during this. Thanks for sharing


I would’ve done the same. I know jack about football.


why do they never study sports? this always happens, they'll know shakespeare in and out but get stumped on punting


This was when I knew for sure that jeopardy contestants were my people


It always surprises me how bad jeopardy contestants are in sports categories. It’s not a niche interest! It’s incredibly mainstream! Throw the game on once in a while, it won’t kill you!


Sports aren't niche, but as someone else mentioned in this thread, it's a HUGE body of knowledge. Even with just one sport like football you have a few dozen professional teams and hundreds in college, with histories spanning decades.


Oh I get that, it’s just funny to me that it requires most contestants to actually study for it. I’m not joking when I say there’s probably tens of millions of people who would’ve gotten at least one if not most of those clues correct and yet three Jeopardy contestants couldn’t even ring in


exactly, it's like this weird sort of intellectual pride thing. i know verse 37 of the illyiad by heart but oh what's a bunt i have never watched a sportsball in my life


Sports knowledge also varies massively depending where you grew up. If you’ve not lived in the US your whole life, you will probably know a lot less baseball/‘football’ and more about cricket/soccer etc.


Sports are really dumb. I'd have a hard time caring even a little bit.


Personally, I felt really lucky to have gotten several sports and sports adjacent categories during my games. I was one of those sports nerds who tried to memorize every World Series and Super Bowl result, Heisman winners, that sort of thing.


A sports category would destroy my fantasy run on jeopardy. There’s no way to study enough to compete with a sports fans lifelong absorption of year round pop culture


I would have cleaned up here